
31 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from openerp.addons.web.http import request
from openerp.osv import fields, osv
class actions_server(osv.Model):
""" Add website option in server actions. """
_name = 'ir.actions.server'
_inherit = ['ir.actions.server']
_columns = {
'website_published': fields.boolean(
'Available on the Website',
help='A Code server action can be run using a dedicated controller. Set'
'this field as True to allow users to run this action. If it is False'
'the action cannot be run through the dedicated controller.'),
def _get_eval_context(self, cr, uid, action, context=None):
eval_context = super(actions_server, self)._get_eval_context(cr, uid, action, context=context)
if action.state == 'code':
eval_context['request'] = request
return eval_context
def run_action_code_multi(self, cr, uid, action, eval_context=None, context=None):
res = super(actions_server, self).run_action_code_multi(cr, uid, action, eval_context, context)
if 'template' in eval_context:
return eval_context['template']
return res