
409 lines
14 KiB

// vim:set et fdm=syntax fdl=0 fdc=3 fdn=2:
// QWeb javascript
String parsing
if (window.DOMParser) {
parser=new DOMParser();
} else {
xmlDoc=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.4.0");
xmlDoc=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
Which versions to try, it's confusing...
xmlDoc.loadXML(text); ?
Support space in IE by reparsing the responseText
xmlhttp.responseXML.loadXML(xmlhttp.responseText); ?
Preprocess: (nice optimization)
preprocess by flattening all non t- element to a TEXT_NODE.
count the number of "\n" in text nodes to give an aproximate LINE NUMBER on elements for error reporting
if from IE HTMLDOM use if(a[i].specified) to avoid 88 empty attributes per element during the preprocess,
implement t-trim 'left' 'right' 'both', is it needed ? inner=render_trim(l_inner.join(), t_att)
Ruby/python: to backport from javascript to python/ruby render_node to use regexp, factorize foreach %var, t-att test for tuple(attname,value)
we reintroduced t-att-id, no more t-esc-id because of the new convention t-att="["id","val"]"
var QWeb = {
reg:new RegExp(),
ValueException: function (value, message) {
this.value = value;
this.message = message;
eval_object:function(e, v) {
// TODO: Currently this will also replace and, or, ... in strings. Try
// 'hi boys and girls' != '' and 1 == 1 -- will be replaced to : 'hi boys && girls' != '' && 1 == 1
// try to find a solution without tokenizing
e = '(' + e + ')';
e = e.replace(/\band\b/g, " && ");
e = e.replace(/\bor\b/g, " || ");
e = e.replace(/\bgt\b/g, " > ");
e = e.replace(/\bgte\b/g, " >= ");
e = e.replace(/\blt\b/g, " < ");
e = e.replace(/\blte\b/g, " <= ");
if (v[e] != undefined) {
return v[e];
} else {
with (v) return eval(e);
eval_str:function(e, v) {
var r = this.eval_object(e, v);
r = (typeof(r) == "undefined" || r == null) ? "" : r.toString();
return e == "0" ? v["0"] : r;
eval_format:function(e, v) {
var m, src = e.split(/#/), r = src[0];
for (var i = 1; i < src.length; i++) {
if (m = src[i].match(/^{(.*)}(.*)/)) {
r += this.eval_str(m[1], v) + m[2];
} else {
r += "#" + src[i];
return r;
eval_bool:function(e, v) {
return !!this.eval_object(e, v);
trim : function(v, mode) {
if (!v || !mode) return v;
switch (mode) {
case 'both':
return v.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, "");
case "left":
return v.replace(/^\s*/, "");
case "right":
return v.replace(/\s*$/, "");
throw new QWeb.ValueException(
mode, "unknown trimming mode, trim mode must follow the pattern '[inner] (left|right|both)'");
escape_text:function(s) {
return s.replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;");
escape_att:function(s) {
return s.replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;").replace(/"/g, "&quot;");
render_node : function(e, v, inner_trim) {
if (e.nodeType == 3) {
return inner_trim ? this.trim(e.data, inner_trim) : e.data;
if (e.nodeType == 1) {
var g_att = {};
var t_att = {};
var t_render = null;
var a = e.attributes;
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
var an = a[i].name,av = a[i].value;
var m;
if (m = an.match(this.reg)) {
var n = m[1];
if (n == "eval") {
n = m[2].substring(1);
av = this.eval_str(av, v);
var f;
if (f = this.att[n]) {
this[f](e, t_att, g_att, v, m[2], av);
} else if (f = this.tag[n]) {
t_render = f;
t_att[n] = av;
} else {
g_att[an] = av;
if (inner_trim && !t_att["trim"]) {
t_att["trim"] = "inner " + inner_trim;
if (t_render) {
return this[t_render](e, t_att, g_att, v);
return this.render_element(e, t_att, g_att, v);
return "";
render_element:function(e, t_att, g_att, v) {
var inner = "", ec = e.childNodes, trim = t_att["trim"], inner_trim;
if (trim) {
if (/\binner\b/.test(trim)) {
inner_trim = true;
if (trim == 'inner') {
trim = "both";
var tm = /\b(both|left|right)\b/.exec(trim);
if (tm) trim = tm[1];
for (var i = 0; i < ec.length; i++) {
inner += inner_trim ? this.trim(this.render_node(ec[i], v, inner_trim ? trim : null), trim) : this.render_node(ec[i], v, inner_trim ? trim : null);
if (trim && !inner_trim) {
inner = this.trim(inner, trim);
if (e.tagName == this.prefix) {
return inner;
var att = "";
for (var an in g_att) {
att += " " + an + '="' + this.escape_att(g_att[an]) + '"';
return inner.length ? "<" + e.tagName + att + ">" + inner + "</" + e.tagName + ">" : "<" + e.tagName + att + "/>";
render_att_att:function(e, t_att, g_att, v, ext, av) {
if (ext) {
var attv = this.eval_object(av, v);
if (attv != null) {
g_att[ext.substring(1)] = attv.toString();
} else {
var o = this.eval_object(av, v);
if (o != null) {
// TODO: http://bonsaiden.github.com/JavaScript-Garden/#types.typeof
if (o.constructor == Array && o.length > 1 && o[1] != null) {
g_att[o[0]] = new String(o[1]);
} else if (o.constructor == Object) {
for (var i in o) {
if(o[i]!=null) {
g_att[i] = new String(o[i]);
render_att_attf:function(e, t_att, g_att, v, ext, av) {
g_att[ext.substring(1)] = this.eval_format(av, v);
render_tag_raw:function(e, t_att, g_att, v) {
return this.eval_str(t_att["raw"], v);
render_tag_rawf:function(e, t_att, g_att, v) {
return this.eval_format(t_att["rawf"], v);
* Idea: if the name of the tag != t render the tag around the value <a name="a" t-esc="label"/>
render_tag_esc:function(e, t_att, g_att, v) {
return this.escape_text(this.eval_str(t_att["esc"], v));
render_tag_escf:function(e, t_att, g_att, v) {
return this.escape_text(this.eval_format(t_att["escf"], v));
render_tag_if:function(e, t_att, g_att, v) {
return this.eval_bool(t_att["if"], v) ? this.render_element(e, t_att, g_att, v) : "";
render_tag_set:function(e, t_att, g_att, v) {
var ev = t_att["value"];
if (ev && ev.constructor != Function) {
v[t_att["set"]] = this.eval_object(ev, v);
} else {
v[t_att["set"]] = this.render_element(e, t_att, g_att, v);
return "";
render_tag_call:function(e, t_att, g_att, v) {
var d = v;
if (!t_att["import"]) {
d = {};
for (var i in v) {
d[i] = v[i];
d["0"] = this.render_element(e, t_att, g_att, d);
return this.render(t_att["call"], d);
render_tag_js:function(e, t_att, g_att, v) {
var r = this.eval_str(this.render_element(e, t_att, g_att, v), v);
return t_att["js"] != "quiet" ? r : "";
* Renders a foreach loop (@t-foreach).
* Adds the following elements to its context, where <code>${name}</code>
* is specified via <code>@t-as</code>:
* * <code>${name}</code> The current element itself
* * <code>${name}_value</code> Same as <code>${name}</code>
* * <code>${name}_index</code> The 0-based index of the current element
* * <code>${name}_first</code> Whether the current element is the first one
* * <code>${name}_parity</code> odd|even (as strings)
* * <code>${name}_all</code> The iterated collection itself
* If the collection being iterated is an array, also adds:
* * <code>${name}_last</code> Whether the current element is the last one
* * All members of the current object
* If the collection being iterated is an object, the value is actually the object's key
* @param e ?
* @param t_att attributes of the element being <code>t-foreach</code>'d
* @param g_att ?
* @param old_context the context in which the foreach is evaluated
render_tag_foreach:function(e, t_att, g_att, old_context) {
var expr = t_att["foreach"];
var enu = this.eval_object(expr, old_context);
var ru = [];
if (enu) {
var val = t_att['as'] || expr.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, '_');
var context = {};
for (var i in old_context) {
context[i] = old_context[i];
context[val + "_all"] = enu;
var val_value = val + "_value",
val_index = val + "_index",
val_first = val + "_first",
val_last = val + "_last",
val_parity = val + "_parity";
var size = enu.length;
if (size) {
context[val + "_size"] = size;
for (var j = 0; j < size; j++) {
var cur = enu[j];
context[val_value] = cur;
context[val_index] = j;
context[val_first] = j == 0;
context[val_last] = j + 1 == size;
context[val_parity] = (j % 2 == 1 ? 'odd' : 'even');
if (cur.constructor == Object) {
for (var k in cur) {
context[k] = cur[k];
context[val] = cur;
var r = this.render_element(e, t_att, g_att, context);
} else {
var index = 0;
for (cur in enu) {
context[val_value] = cur;
context[val_index] = index;
context[val_first] = index == 0;
context[val_parity] = (index % 2 == 1 ? 'odd' : 'even');
context[val] = cur;
ru.push(this.render_element(e, t_att, g_att, context));
index += 1;
return ru.join("");
} else {
return "qweb: foreach " + expr + " not found.";
hash:function() {
var l = [], m;
for (var i in this) {
if (m = i.match(/render_tag_(.*)/)) {
this.tag[m[1]] = i;
} else if (m = i.match(/render_att_(.*)/)) {
this.att[m[1]] = i;
l.sort(function(a, b) {
return a.length > b.length ? -1 : 1;
var s = "^" + this.prefix + "-(eval|" + l.join("|") + "|.*)(.*)$";
this.reg = new RegExp(s);
* returns the correct XMLHttpRequest instance for the browser, or null if
* it was not able to build any XHR instance.
* @returns XMLHttpRequest|MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0|null
get_xhr:function () {
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
return new window.XMLHttpRequest();
try {
return new ActiveXObject('MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0');
} catch(e) {
return null;
load_xml:function(s) {
var xml;
if (s[0] == "<") {
manque ca pour sarrisa
var doc = Sarissa.getDomDocument();
return doc;
} else {
var req = this.get_xhr();
if (req) {
req.open("GET", s, false);
//if ie r.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since", "Sat, 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT");
xml = req.responseXML;
if intsernetexploror
getdomimplmentation() for try catch
return xml;
add_template:function(e) {
// TODO: keep sources so we can implement reload()
if (e.constructor == String) {
e = this.load_xml(e);
var ec = e.documentElement ? e.documentElement.childNodes : ( e.childNodes ? e.childNodes : [] );
for (var i = 0; i < ec.length; i++) {
var n = ec[i];
if (n.nodeType == 1) {
var name = n.getAttribute(this.prefix + "-name");
this.templates[name] = n;
render:function(name, v) {
var e;
if (e = this.templates[name]) {
return this.render_node(e, v);
return "template " + name + " not found";