
592 lines
28 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
# Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Tiny SPRL (<http://tiny.be>).
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from openerp.tools import flatten, reverse_enumerate
import fields
#.apidoc title: Domain Expressions
TRUE_LEAF = (1, '=', 1)
FALSE_LEAF = (0, '=', 1)
def normalize(domain):
"""Returns a normalized version of ``domain_expr``, where all implicit '&' operators
have been made explicit. One property of normalized domain expressions is that they
can be easily combined together as if they were single domain components.
assert isinstance(domain, (list, tuple)), "Domains to normalize must have a 'domain' form: a list or tuple of domain components"
if not domain:
result = []
expected = 1 # expected number of expressions
for token in domain:
if expected == 0: # more than expected, like in [A, B]
result[0:0] = ['&'] # put an extra '&' in front
expected = 1
if isinstance(token, (list, tuple)): # domain term
expected -= 1
expected += op_arity.get(token, 0) - 1
assert expected == 0
return result
def combine(operator, unit, zero, domains):
"""Returns a new domain expression where all domain components from ``domains``
have been added together using the binary operator ``operator``.
:param unit: the identity element of the domains "set" with regard to the operation
performed by ``operator``, i.e the domain component ``i`` which, when
combined with any domain ``x`` via ``operator``, yields ``x``.
E.g. [(1,'=',1)] is the typical unit for AND_OPERATOR: adding it
to any domain component gives the same domain.
:param zero: the absorbing element of the domains "set" with regard to the operation
performed by ``operator``, i.e the domain component ``z`` which, when
combined with any domain ``x`` via ``operator``, yields ``z``.
E.g. [(1,'=',1)] is the typical zero for OR_OPERATOR: as soon as
you see it in a domain component the resulting domain is the zero.
result = []
count = 0
for domain in domains:
if domain == unit:
if domain == zero:
return zero
if domain:
result += domain
count += 1
result = [operator] * (count - 1) + result
return result
def AND(domains):
""" AND([D1,D2,...]) returns a domain representing D1 and D2 and ... """
return combine(AND_OPERATOR, TRUE_DOMAIN, FALSE_DOMAIN, domains)
def OR(domains):
""" OR([D1,D2,...]) returns a domain representing D1 or D2 or ... """
return combine(OR_OPERATOR, FALSE_DOMAIN, TRUE_DOMAIN, domains)
def is_operator(element):
return isinstance(element, (str, unicode)) and element in [AND_OPERATOR, OR_OPERATOR, NOT_OPERATOR]
# TODO change the share wizard to use this function.
def is_leaf(element, internal=False):
OPS = ('=', '!=', '<>', '<=', '<', '>', '>=', '=?', '=like', '=ilike', 'like', 'not like', 'ilike', 'not ilike', 'in', 'not in', 'child_of')
INTERNAL_OPS = OPS + ('inselect',)
return (isinstance(element, tuple) or isinstance(element, list)) \
and len(element) == 3 \
and (((not internal) and element[1] in OPS) \
or (internal and element[1] in INTERNAL_OPS))
def select_from_where(cr, s, f, w, ids, op):
# todo: merge into parent query as sub-query
res = []
if ids:
if op in ['<','>','>=','<=']:
cr.execute('SELECT "%s" FROM "%s" WHERE "%s" %s %%s' % \
(s, f, w, op), (ids[0],)) # TODO shouldn't this be min/max(ids) ?
res = [r[0] for r in cr.fetchall()]
else: # TODO op is supposed to be 'in'? It is called with child_of...
for i in range(0, len(ids), cr.IN_MAX):
subids = ids[i:i+cr.IN_MAX]
cr.execute('SELECT "%s" FROM "%s" WHERE "%s" IN %%s' % \
(s, f, w), (tuple(subids),))
res.extend([r[0] for r in cr.fetchall()])
return res
def select_distinct_from_where_not_null(cr, s, f):
cr.execute('SELECT distinct("%s") FROM "%s" where "%s" is not null' % (s, f, s))
return [r[0] for r in cr.fetchall()]
class expression(object):
parse a domain expression
use a real polish notation
leafs are still in a ('foo', '=', 'bar') format
For more info: http://christophe-simonis-at-tiny.blogspot.com/2008/08/new-new-domain-notation.html
def __init__(self, cr, uid, exp, table, context):
# check if the expression is valid
for x in exp:
if not (is_operator(x) or is_leaf(x)):
raise ValueError('Bad domain expression: %r, %r is not a valid operator or a valid term.' % (exp, x))
self.__field_tables = {} # used to store the table to use for the sql generation. key = index of the leaf
self.__all_tables = set()
self.__joins = []
self.__main_table = None # 'root' table. set by parse()
# assign self.__exp with the normalized, parsed domain.
self.parse(cr, uid, normalize(exp), table, context)
# TODO used only for osv_memory
def exp(self):
return self.__exp[:]
def parse(self, cr, uid, exp, table, context):
""" transform the leafs of the expression """
self.__exp = exp
def child_of_domain(left, right, table, parent=None, prefix=''):
ids = right
if table._parent_store and (not table.pool._init):
# TODO: Improve where joins are implemented for many with '.', replace by:
# doms += ['&',(prefix+'.parent_left','<',o.parent_right),(prefix+'.parent_left','>=',o.parent_left)]
doms = []
for o in table.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
if doms:
doms.insert(0, OR_OPERATOR)
doms += [AND_OPERATOR, ('parent_left', '<', o.parent_right), ('parent_left', '>=', o.parent_left)]
if prefix:
return [(left, 'in', table.search(cr, uid, doms, context=context))]
return doms
def rg(ids, table, parent):
if not ids:
return []
ids2 = table.search(cr, uid, [(parent, 'in', ids)], context=context)
return ids + rg(ids2, table, parent)
return [(left, 'in', rg(ids, table, parent or table._parent_name))]
# TODO rename this function as it is not strictly for 'child_of', but also for 'in'...
def child_of_right_to_ids(value, operator, field_obj):
""" Normalize a single id, or a string, or a list of ids to a list of ids.
if isinstance(value, basestring):
return [x[0] for x in field_obj.name_search(cr, uid, value, [], operator, context=context, limit=None)]
elif isinstance(value, (int, long)):
return [value]
return list(value)
self.__main_table = table
i = -1
while i + 1<len(self.__exp):
i += 1
e = self.__exp[i]
if is_operator(e) or e == TRUE_LEAF or e == FALSE_LEAF:
left, operator, right = e
operator = operator.lower()
working_table = table # The table containing the field (the name provided in the left operand)
fargs = left.split('.', 1)
# If the field is _inherits'd, search for the working_table,
# and extract the field.
if fargs[0] in table._inherit_fields:
while True:
field = working_table._columns.get(fargs[0])
if field:
self.__field_tables[i] = working_table
next_table = working_table.pool.get(working_table._inherit_fields[fargs[0]][0])
if next_table not in self.__all_tables:
self.__joins.append('%s.%s=%s.%s' % (next_table._table, 'id', working_table._table, working_table._inherits[next_table._name]))
working_table = next_table
# Or (try to) directly extract the field.
field = working_table._columns.get(fargs[0])
if not field:
if left == 'id' and operator == 'child_of':
ids2 = child_of_right_to_ids(right, 'ilike', table)
dom = child_of_domain(left, ids2, working_table)
self.__exp = self.__exp[:i] + dom + self.__exp[i+1:]
field_obj = table.pool.get(field._obj)
if len(fargs) > 1:
if field._type == 'many2one':
right = field_obj.search(cr, uid, [(fargs[1], operator, right)], context=context)
if right == []:
self.__exp[i] = FALSE_LEAF
self.__exp[i] = (fargs[0], 'in', right)
# Making search easier when there is a left operand as field.o2m or field.m2m
if field._type in ['many2many', 'one2many']:
right = field_obj.search(cr, uid, [(fargs[1], operator, right)], context=context)
right1 = table.search(cr, uid, [(fargs[0], 'in', right)], context=context)
if right1 == []:
self.__exp[i] = FALSE_LEAF
self.__exp[i] = ('id', 'in', right1)
if not isinstance(field, fields.property):
if field._properties and not field.store:
# this is a function field that is not stored
if not field._fnct_search:
# the function field doesn't provide a search function and doesn't store
# values in the database, so we must ignore it : we generate a dummy leaf
self.__exp[i] = TRUE_LEAF
subexp = field.search(cr, uid, table, left, [self.__exp[i]], context=context)
if not subexp:
self.__exp[i] = TRUE_LEAF
# we assume that the expression is valid
# we create a dummy leaf for forcing the parsing of the resulting expression
self.__exp[i] = AND_OPERATOR
self.__exp.insert(i + 1, TRUE_LEAF)
for j, se in enumerate(subexp):
self.__exp.insert(i + 2 + j, se)
# else, the value of the field is store in the database, so we search on it
elif field._type == 'one2many':
# Applying recursivity on field(one2many)
if operator == 'child_of':
if field._obj != working_table._name:
ids2 = child_of_right_to_ids(right, 'ilike', field_obj)
dom = child_of_domain(left, ids2, field_obj, prefix=field._obj)
ids2 = child_of_right_to_ids(right, 'ilike', field_obj)
dom = child_of_domain('id', ids2, working_table, parent=left)
self.__exp = self.__exp[:i] + dom + self.__exp[i+1:]
call_null = True
if right is not False:
if isinstance(right, basestring):
ids2 = [x[0] for x in field_obj.name_search(cr, uid, right, [], operator, context=context, limit=None)]
if ids2:
operator = 'in'
if not isinstance(right, list):
ids2 = [right]
ids2 = right
if not ids2:
if operator in ['like','ilike','in','=']:
#no result found with given search criteria
call_null = False
self.__exp[i] = FALSE_LEAF
call_null = False
o2m_op = 'in'
if operator in ['not like','not ilike','not in','<>','!=']:
o2m_op = 'not in'
self.__exp[i] = ('id', o2m_op, select_from_where(cr, field._fields_id, field_obj._table, 'id', ids2, operator))
if call_null:
o2m_op = 'not in'
if operator in ['not like','not ilike','not in','<>','!=']:
o2m_op = 'in'
self.__exp[i] = ('id', o2m_op, select_distinct_from_where_not_null(cr, field._fields_id, field_obj._table) or [0])
elif field._type == 'many2many':
if operator == 'child_of':
def _rec_convert(ids):
if field_obj == table:
return ids
return select_from_where(cr, field._id1, field._rel, field._id2, ids, operator)
ids2 = child_of_right_to_ids(right, 'ilike', field_obj)
dom = child_of_domain('id', ids2, field_obj)
ids2 = field_obj.search(cr, uid, dom, context=context)
self.__exp[i] = ('id', 'in', _rec_convert(ids2))
call_null_m2m = True
if right is not False:
if isinstance(right, basestring):
res_ids = [x[0] for x in field_obj.name_search(cr, uid, right, [], operator, context=context)]
if res_ids:
operator = 'in'
if not isinstance(right, list):
res_ids = [right]
res_ids = right
if not res_ids:
if operator in ['like','ilike','in','=']:
#no result found with given search criteria
call_null_m2m = False
self.__exp[i] = FALSE_LEAF
operator = 'in' # operator changed because ids are directly related to main object
call_null_m2m = False
m2m_op = 'in'
if operator in ['not like','not ilike','not in','<>','!=']:
m2m_op = 'not in'
self.__exp[i] = ('id', m2m_op, select_from_where(cr, field._id1, field._rel, field._id2, res_ids, operator) or [0])
if call_null_m2m:
m2m_op = 'not in'
if operator in ['not like','not ilike','not in','<>','!=']:
m2m_op = 'in'
self.__exp[i] = ('id', m2m_op, select_distinct_from_where_not_null(cr, field._id1, field._rel) or [0])
elif field._type == 'many2one':
if operator == 'child_of':
if field._obj != working_table._name:
ids2 = child_of_right_to_ids(right, 'ilike', field_obj)
dom = child_of_domain(left, ids2, field_obj, prefix=field._obj)
ids2 = child_of_right_to_ids(right, 'ilike', field_obj)
dom = child_of_domain('id', ids2, working_table, parent=left)
self.__exp = self.__exp[:i] + dom + self.__exp[i+1:]
def _get_expression(field_obj, cr, uid, left, right, operator, context=None):
if context is None:
context = {}
c = context.copy()
c['active_test'] = False
#Special treatment to ill-formed domains
operator = ( operator in ['<','>','<=','>='] ) and 'in' or operator
dict_op = {'not in':'!=','in':'=','=':'in','!=':'not in','<>':'not in'}
if isinstance(right, tuple):
right = list(right)
if (not isinstance(right, list)) and operator in ['not in','in']:
operator = dict_op[operator]
elif isinstance(right, list) and operator in ['<>','!=','=']: #for domain (FIELD,'=',['value1','value2'])
operator = dict_op[operator]
res_ids = [x[0] for x in field_obj.name_search(cr, uid, right, [], operator, limit=None, context=c)]
if not res_ids:
return (left, 'in', res_ids)
m2o_str = False
if right:
if isinstance(right, basestring): # and not isinstance(field, fields.related):
m2o_str = True
elif isinstance(right, (list, tuple)):
m2o_str = True
for ele in right:
if not isinstance(ele, basestring):
m2o_str = False
elif right == []:
m2o_str = False
if operator in ('not in', '!=', '<>'):
# (many2one not in []) should return all records
self.__exp[i] = TRUE_LEAF
self.__exp[i] = FALSE_LEAF
new_op = '='
if operator in ['not like','not ilike','not in','<>','!=']:
new_op = '!='
#Is it ok to put 'left' and not 'id' ?
self.__exp[i] = (left, new_op, False)
if m2o_str:
self.__exp[i] = _get_expression(field_obj, cr, uid, left, right, operator, context=context)
# other field type
# add the time part to datetime field when it's not there:
if field._type == 'datetime' and self.__exp[i][2] and len(self.__exp[i][2]) == 10:
self.__exp[i] = list(self.__exp[i])
if operator in ('>', '>='):
self.__exp[i][2] += ' 00:00:00'
elif operator in ('<', '<='):
self.__exp[i][2] += ' 23:59:59'
self.__exp[i] = tuple(self.__exp[i])
if field.translate:
if operator in ('like', 'ilike', 'not like', 'not ilike'):
right = '%%%s%%' % right
operator = operator == '=like' and 'like' or operator
query1 = '( SELECT res_id' \
' FROM ir_translation' \
' WHERE name = %s' \
' AND lang = %s' \
' AND type = %s'
instr = ' %s'
#Covering in,not in operators with operands (%s,%s) ,etc.
if operator in ['in','not in']:
instr = ','.join(['%s'] * len(right))
query1 += ' AND value ' + operator + ' ' +" (" + instr + ")" \
') UNION (' \
' SELECT id' \
' FROM "' + working_table._table + '"' \
' WHERE "' + left + '" ' + operator + ' ' +" (" + instr + "))"
query1 += ' AND value ' + operator + instr + \
') UNION (' \
' SELECT id' \
' FROM "' + working_table._table + '"' \
' WHERE "' + left + '" ' + operator + instr + ")"
query2 = [working_table._name + ',' + left,
context.get('lang', False) or 'en_US',
self.__exp[i] = ('id', 'inselect', (query1, query2))
def __leaf_to_sql(self, leaf, table):
left, operator, right = leaf
if leaf == TRUE_LEAF:
query = 'TRUE'
params = []
elif leaf == FALSE_LEAF:
query = 'FALSE'
params = []
elif operator == 'inselect':
query = '(%s.%s in (%s))' % (table._table, left, right[0])
params = right[1]
elif operator in ['in', 'not in']:
params = right and right[:] or []
len_before = len(params)
for i in range(len_before)[::-1]:
if params[i] == False:
del params[i]
len_after = len(params)
check_nulls = len_after != len_before
query = 'FALSE'
# TODO this code seems broken: 'not in [False]' will become 'true',
# i.e. 'not null or null', while I expect it to be 'not null'.
if len_after:
if left == 'id':
instr = ','.join(['%s'] * len_after)
instr = ','.join([table._columns[left]._symbol_set[0]] * len_after)
query = '(%s.%s %s (%s))' % (table._table, left, operator, instr)
# the case for [field, 'in', []] or [left, 'not in', []]
if operator == 'in':
query = '(%s.%s IS NULL)' % (table._table, left)
query = '(%s.%s IS NOT NULL)' % (table._table, left)
if check_nulls:
query = '(%s OR %s.%s IS NULL)' % (query, table._table, left)
params = []
if right == False and (left in table._columns) and table._columns[left]._type=="boolean" and (operator == '='):
query = '(%s.%s IS NULL or %s.%s = false )' % (table._table, left, table._table, left)
elif (((right == False) and (type(right)==bool)) or (right is None)) and (operator == '='):
query = '%s.%s IS NULL ' % (table._table, left)
elif right == False and (left in table._columns) and table._columns[left]._type=="boolean" and (operator in ['<>', '!=']):
query = '(%s.%s IS NOT NULL and %s.%s != false)' % (table._table, left, table._table, left)
elif (((right == False) and (type(right)==bool)) or right is None) and (operator in ['<>', '!=']):
query = '%s.%s IS NOT NULL' % (table._table, left)
elif (operator == '=?'):
op = '='
if (right is False or right is None):
return ('TRUE', [])
if left in table._columns:
format = table._columns[left]._symbol_set[0]
query = '(%s.%s %s %s)' % (table._table, left, op, format)
params = table._columns[left]._symbol_set[1](right)
query = "(%s.%s %s '%%s')" % (table._table, left, op)
params = right
if left == 'id':
query = '%s.id %s %%s' % (table._table, operator)
params = right
like = operator in ('like', 'ilike', 'not like', 'not ilike')
op = {'=like':'like','=ilike':'ilike'}.get(operator, operator)
if left in table._columns:
format = like and '%s' or table._columns[left]._symbol_set[0]
query = '(%s.%s %s %s)' % (table._table, left, op, format)
query = "(%s.%s %s '%s')" % (table._table, left, op, right)
add_null = False
if like:
if isinstance(right, str):
str_utf8 = right
elif isinstance(right, unicode):
str_utf8 = right.encode('utf-8')
str_utf8 = str(right)
params = '%%%s%%' % str_utf8
add_null = not str_utf8
elif left in table._columns:
params = table._columns[left]._symbol_set[1](right)
if add_null:
query = '(%s OR %s.%s IS NULL)' % (query, table._table, left)
if isinstance(params, basestring):
params = [params]
return (query, params)
def to_sql(self):
stack = []
params = []
# Process the domain from right to left, using a stack, to generate a SQL expression.
for i, e in reverse_enumerate(self.__exp):
if is_leaf(e, internal=True):
table = self.__field_tables.get(i, self.__main_table)
q, p = self.__leaf_to_sql(e, table)
params.insert(0, p)
stack.append('(NOT (%s))' % (stack.pop(),))
q1 = stack.pop()
q2 = stack.pop()
stack.append('(%s %s %s)' % (q1, ops[e], q2,))
assert len(stack) == 1
query = stack[0]
joins = ' AND '.join(self.__joins)
if joins:
query = '(%s) AND %s' % (joins, query)
return (query, flatten(params))
def get_tables(self):
return ['"%s"' % t._table for t in self.__all_tables]
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