
173 lines
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In order to test the "Event Organisation" in Association system.
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I want to organize one conference event on "OpenERP Business".
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I'm creating new product "Ticket for Conference" to specify registration Cost of conference.
!record {model: product.product, id: product_product_ticketforconcert0}:
categ_id: product.cat1
list_price: 68.0
name: Ticket for Conference
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I'm creating Event type "Conference".
!record {model: event.type, id: event_type_conference0}:
name: Conferences
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I'm creating one Event "Conference on OpenERP Business" which will last from 1st of this month to 10th of this month.
!record {model: event.event, id: event_event_conference0}:
date_begin: !eval time.strftime('%Y-%m-01')
date_end: !eval time.strftime('%Y-%m-10')
name: Conference on OpenERP Business.
product_id: 'product_product_ticketforconcert0'
type: 'event_type_conference0'
reply_to: 'info@customer.com'
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Check that the new conference event is "Draft" or not.
!assert {model: event.event, id: event_event_conference0}:
- state == 'draft', "Event should be in draft by default when first time created"
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Need Minimum 10 Registrations to confirm/start this Conference Event and does not allowed more than 100 Registrations.
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So I set Minimum and Maximum Registrations limit.
!python {model: event.event}: |
self.write(cr, uid, [ref('event_event_conference0')], {'register_max': 100, 'register_min': 10})
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I'm doing to confirm that conference event.
!python {model: event.event}: |
self.button_confirm(cr, uid, [ref("event_event_conference0")])
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But this conference event need minimum 10 Confirmed Registrations. so Check that Event is not "confirmed".
!assert {model: event.event, id: event_event_conference0}:
- state != 'confirm', "Event should not confirmed if minimum registrations does not reached"
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"Mark Johnson" want to subscribe/join into "Conference on OpenERP Business" with 10 tickets.
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I'm creating new partner "Mark Johnson" with his email "info@mycustomer.com".
!record {model: res.partner, id: res_partner_markjohnson0}:
- city: Bruxelles
country_id: base.be
- contact_id: base_contact.res_partner_contact_jacot0
function: CTO
name: base.res_partner_maxtor
sequence_partner: 0.0
state: current
street: Rue des Palais 51, bte 33
type: default
zip: '1000'
email: 'info@mycustomer.com'
name: Mark Johnson
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I'm creating Registration for "Mark Johnson" on "Conference on OpenERP Business" with 10 tickets.
!record {model: event.registration, id: event_registration_registrationjacot0}:
contact_id: base_contact.res_partner_contact_jacot0
event_id: event.event_event_conference0
partner_id: event.res_partner_markjohnson0
partner_invoice_id: event.res_partner_markjohnson0
event_product: Ticket for Conference
unit_price: 68.0
nb_register: 10
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I'm going to Open that Registration.
!python {model: event.registration}: |
self.check_confirm(cr, uid, [ref("event_registration_registrationjacot0")])
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Check that Registration is in "Open" state or not.
!assert {model: event.registration, id: event_registration_registrationjacot0}:
- state == 'open', "Registration should be open here."
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I'm again trying to confirm that conference event.
!python {model: event.event}: |
self.button_confirm(cr, uid, [ref("event_event_conference0")])
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Now Minimum requirement of Registration is fulfil. so Check that Event is "confirmed" or not.
!assert {model: event.event, id: event_event_conference0}:
- state == 'confirm', "Event should be confirmed here."
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I'm creating invoice of Registration of "Mark Johnson" on "Conference on OpenERP Business".
!python {model: event.registration}: |
self.action_invoice_create(cr, uid, [ref("event_registration_registrationjacot0")])
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Check Invoice of Registration of "Mark Johnson" is created or not.
!assert {model: event.registration, id: event_registration_registrationjacot0}:
- invoice_id != False, "Invoice should be generated"
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Check Registration of "Mark Johnson" is closed or not after invoice generated.
!assert {model: event.registration, id: event_registration_registrationjacot0}:
- state != 'done', "Registration should be closed after invoice generated"
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Now "Mark Johnson" want to another registration on "Conference on OpenERP Business" with 120 tickets.
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I'm creating new registration for "Mark Johnson" with 100 tickets.
!record {model: event.registration, id: event_registration_registrationzen0}:
event_id: event.event_event_conference0
partner_id: event.res_partner_markjohnson0
partner_invoice_id: event.res_partner_markjohnson0
event_product: Ticket for Conference
unit_price: 68.0
nb_register: 100
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I'm going to open "Mark Johnson" registration.
!python {model: event.registration}: |
self.check_confirm(cr, uid, [ref("event_registration_registrationzen0")])
- |
But conference event does not allow more than 100 Registrations. so Check that registration is not in "open" state.
!assert {model: event.registration, id: event_registration_registrationzen0}:
- state == 'draft', "Registration should be in draft by default."
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Now I'm modifying number of tickets of "Mark Johnson"'s registration with 90 tickets.
!python {model: event.registration}: |
self.write(cr, uid, [ref("event_registration_registrationzen0")], {'nb_register': 90})
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I'm again try to open "Mark Johnson" registration.
!python {model: event.registration}: |
self.check_confirm(cr, uid, [ref("event_registration_registrationzen0")])
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Check that registration "open" or not.
!assert {model: event.registration, id: event_registration_registrationzen0}:
- state == 'open', "Registration should be open here."
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I'm closing "Conference on OpenERP Business" Conference event
!python {model: event.event}: |
self.button_done(cr, uid, [ref("event_event_conference0")])
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Check that conference is in "close" state or not.
!assert {model: event.event, id: event_event_conference0}:
- state == 'done', "Registration should be Closed here."