
1317 lines
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## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
# Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Tiny SPRL (<http://tiny.be>).
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os
import datetime
from lxml import etree
from time import strftime
import tools
import netsvc
from osv import osv
from osv import fields
from tools import to_xml
from tools.translate import _
import addons
class survey_question_wiz(osv.osv_memory):
_name = 'survey.question.wiz'
_columns = {
'name': fields.integer('Number'),
def fields_view_get(self, cr, uid, view_id=None, view_type='form', context=None, toolbar=False, submenu=False):
Fields View Get method :- generate the new view and display the survey pages of selected survey.
@param self: The object pointer
@param cr: the current row, from the database cursor,
@param uid: the current users ID for security checks,
@param view_id : view id of the current object.
@param view_type : which type of view is create. like :- form, tree ,search etc...
@param context: A standard dictionary for contextual values
@return : Dictionary value for created view of particular survey pages.
result = super(survey_question_wiz, self).fields_view_get(cr, uid, view_id, \
view_type, context, toolbar,submenu)
surv_name_wiz = self.pool.get('survey.name.wiz')
survey_obj = self.pool.get('survey')
page_obj = self.pool.get('survey.page')
que_obj = self.pool.get('survey.question')
ans_obj = self.pool.get('survey.answer')
sur_response_obj = self.pool.get('survey.response')
que_col_head = self.pool.get('survey.question.column.heading')
user_obj = self.pool.get('res.users')
if context is None:
context = {}
if view_type in ['form']:
wiz_id = 0
sur_name_rec = None
if 'sur_name_id' in context:
sur_name_rec = surv_name_wiz.browse(cr, uid, context['sur_name_id'], context=context)
elif 'survey_id' in context:
res_data = {
'survey_id': context.get('survey_id', False),
'page_no': -1,
'page': 'next',
'transfer': 1,
'response': 0
wiz_id = surv_name_wiz.create(cr, uid, res_data)
sur_name_rec = surv_name_wiz.browse(cr, uid, wiz_id, context=context)
context.update({'sur_name_id' :wiz_id})
if context.has_key('active_id'):
survey_id = context.get('survey_id', False)
if not survey_id:
# Try one more time to find it
if sur_name_rec and sur_name_rec.survey_id:
survey_id = sur_name_rec.survey_id[0]
# raise osv.except_osv(_('Error!'), _("Cannot locate survey for the question wizard!"))
# If this function is called without a survey_id in
# its context, it makes no sense to return any view.
# Just return the default, empty view for this object,
# in order to please random calls to this fn().
return super(survey_question_wiz, self).\
fields_view_get(cr, uid, view_id=view_id, view_type=view_type, context=context,
toolbar=toolbar, submenu=submenu)
sur_rec = survey_obj.browse(cr, uid, survey_id, context=context)
p_id = map(lambda x:x.id, sur_rec.page_ids)
total_pages = len(p_id)
pre_button = False
readonly = 0
if context.get('response_id', False) \
and int(context['response_id'][0]) > 0:
readonly = 1
if not sur_name_rec.page_no + 1 :
surv_name_wiz.write(cr, uid, [context['sur_name_id'],], {'store_ans':{}})
sur_name_read = surv_name_wiz.browse(cr, uid, context['sur_name_id'], context=context)
page_number = int(sur_name_rec.page_no)
if sur_name_read.transfer or not sur_name_rec.page_no + 1:
surv_name_wiz.write(cr, uid, [context['sur_name_id']], {'transfer':False})
flag = False
fields = {}
if sur_name_read.page == "next" or sur_name_rec.page_no == -1:
if total_pages > sur_name_rec.page_no + 1:
if ((context.has_key('active') and not context.get('active', False)) \
or not context.has_key('active')) and not sur_name_rec.page_no + 1:
if sur_rec.state != "open" :
raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning !'),_("You can not answer because the survey is not open"))
cr.execute('select count(id) from survey_history where user_id=%s\
and survey_id=%s', (uid,survey_id))
res = cr.fetchone()[0]
user_limit = survey_obj.browse(cr, uid, survey_id)
user_limit = user_limit.response_user
if user_limit and res >= user_limit:
raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning !'),_("You can not answer this survey more than %s times") % (user_limit))
if sur_rec.max_response_limit and sur_rec.max_response_limit <= sur_rec.tot_start_survey and not sur_name_rec.page_no + 1:
survey_obj.write(cr, uid, survey_id, {'state':'close', 'date_close':strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")})
p_id = p_id[sur_name_rec.page_no + 1]
surv_name_wiz.write(cr, uid, [context['sur_name_id'],], {'page_no' : sur_name_rec.page_no + 1})
flag = True
page_number += 1
if sur_name_rec.page_no > - 1:
pre_button = True
if sur_name_rec.page_no != 0:
p_id = p_id[sur_name_rec.page_no - 1]
surv_name_wiz.write(cr, uid, [context['sur_name_id'],],\
{'page_no' : sur_name_rec.page_no - 1})
flag = True
page_number -= 1
if sur_name_rec.page_no > 1:
pre_button = True
if flag:
pag_rec = page_obj.browse(cr, uid, p_id, context=context)
xml_form = etree.Element('form', {'string': tools.ustr(pag_rec.title)})
xml_group = etree.SubElement(xml_form, 'group', {'col': '1', 'colspan': '4'})
if context.has_key('response_id') and context.get('response_id', False) \
and int(context.get('response_id',0)[0]) > 0:
# TODO: l10n, cleanup this code to make it readable. Or template?
xml_group = etree.SubElement(xml_form, 'group', {'col': '40', 'colspan': '4'})
record = sur_response_obj.browse(cr, uid, context['response_id'][context['response_no']])
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'label', {'string': to_xml(tools.ustr('Answer Of :- ' + record.user_id.name + ', Date :- ' + record.date_create.split('.')[0] )), 'align':"0.0"})
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'label', {'string': to_xml(tools.ustr(" Answer :- " + str(context.get('response_no',0) + 1) +"/" + str(len(context.get('response_id',0))) )), 'align':"0.0"})
if context.get('response_no',0) > 0:
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'button', {'colspan':"1",'icon':"gtk-go-back",'name':"action_forward_previous",'string': tools.ustr("Previous Answer"),'type':"object"})
if context.get('response_no',0) + 1 < len(context.get('response_id',0)):
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'button', {'colspan':"1",'icon': "gtk-go-forward", 'name':"action_forward_next",'string': tools.ustr("Next Answer") ,'type':"object",'context' : tools.ustr(context)})
if wiz_id:
fields["wizardid_" + str(wiz_id)] = {'type':'char', 'size' : 255, 'string':"", 'views':{}}
etree.SubElement(xml_form, 'field', {'invisible':'1','name': "wizardid_" + str(wiz_id),'default':str(lambda *a: 0)})
if pag_rec.note:
xml_group = etree.SubElement(xml_form, 'group', {'col': '1', 'colspan': '4'})
for que_test in pag_rec.note.split('\n'):
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'label', {'string': to_xml(tools.ustr(que_test)), 'align':"0.0"})
que_ids = pag_rec.question_ids
qu_no = 0
for que in que_ids:
qu_no += 1
que_rec = que_obj.browse(cr, uid, que.id, context=context)
descriptive_text = ""
separator_string = tools.ustr(qu_no) + "." + tools.ustr(que_rec.question)
if ((context.has_key('active') and not context.get('active',False)) or not context.has_key('active')) and que_rec.is_require_answer:
star = '*'
star = ''
xml_group = etree.SubElement(xml_form, 'group', {'col': '2', 'colspan': '4'})
if context.has_key('active') and context.get('active',False) and \
xml_group = etree.SubElement(xml_form, 'group', {'col': '1', 'colspan': '2'})
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'separator', {'string': star+to_xml(separator_string), 'colspan': '3'})
xml_group1 = etree.SubElement(xml_form, 'group', {'col': '2', 'colspan': '2'})
context.update({'question_id' : tools.ustr(que.id),'page_number': sur_name_rec.page_no , 'transfer' : sur_name_read.transfer, 'page_id' : p_id})
etree.SubElement(xml_group1, 'button', {'string':'','icon': "gtk-edit", 'type' :'object', 'name':"action_edit_question", 'context' : tools.ustr(context)})
etree.SubElement(xml_group1, 'button', {'string':'','icon': "gtk-delete", 'type' :'object','name':"action_delete_question", 'context' : tools.ustr(context)})
xml_group = etree.SubElement(xml_form, 'group', {'col': '1', 'colspan': '4'})
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'separator', {'string': star+to_xml(separator_string), 'colspan': '4'})
ans_ids = que_rec.answer_choice_ids
xml_group = etree.SubElement(xml_form, 'group', {'col': '1', 'colspan': '4'})
if que_rec.type == 'multiple_choice_only_one_ans':
selection = []
for ans in ans_ids:
selection.append((tools.ustr(ans.id), ans.answer))
xml_group = etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'group', {'col': '2', 'colspan': '2'})
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'field', {'readonly':str(readonly), 'name': tools.ustr(que.id) + "_selection"})
fields[tools.ustr(que.id) + "_selection"] = {'type':'selection', 'selection' :selection, 'string':"Answer"}
elif que_rec.type == 'multiple_choice_multiple_ans':
xml_group = etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'group', {'col': '4', 'colspan': '4'})
for ans in ans_ids:
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'field', {'readonly':str(readonly), 'name': tools.ustr(que.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(ans.id)})
fields[tools.ustr(que.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(ans.id)] = {'type':'boolean', 'string':ans.answer}
elif que_rec.type in ['matrix_of_choices_only_one_ans', 'rating_scale']:
if que_rec.comment_column:
col = "4"
colspan = "4"
col = "2"
colspan = "2"
xml_group = etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'group', {'col': tools.ustr(col), 'colspan': tools.ustr(colspan)})
for row in ans_ids:
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'newline')
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'field', {'readonly': str(readonly), 'name': tools.ustr(que.id) + "_selection_" + tools.ustr(row.id),'string':to_xml(tools.ustr(row.answer))})
selection = [('','')]
for col in que_rec.column_heading_ids:
selection.append((str(col.id), col.title))
fields[tools.ustr(que.id) + "_selection_" + tools.ustr(row.id)] = {'type':'selection', 'selection' : selection, 'string': "Answer"}
if que_rec.comment_column:
fields[tools.ustr(que.id) + "_commentcolumn_"+tools.ustr(row.id) + "_field"] = {'type':'char', 'size' : 255, 'string':tools.ustr(que_rec.column_name), 'views':{}}
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'field', {'readonly' :str(readonly), 'name': tools.ustr(que.id) + "_commentcolumn_"+tools.ustr(row.id)+ "_field"})
elif que_rec.type == 'matrix_of_choices_only_multi_ans':
xml_group = etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'group', {'col': str(len(que_rec.column_heading_ids) + 1), 'colspan': '4'})
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'separator', {'string': '.','colspan': '1'})
for col in que_rec.column_heading_ids:
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'separator', {'string': tools.ustr(col.title),'colspan': '1'})
for row in ans_ids:
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'label', {'string': to_xml(tools.ustr(row.answer)) +' :-', 'align': '0.0'})
for col in que_col_head.read(cr, uid, que_rec.column_heading_ids):
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'field', {'readonly' :str(readonly), 'name': tools.ustr(que.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(row.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(col.id), 'nolabel':"1"})
fields[tools.ustr(que.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(row.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(col.id)] = {'type':'boolean', 'string': col.title}
elif que_rec.type == 'matrix_of_drop_down_menus':
xml_group = etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'group', {'col': str(len(que_rec.column_heading_ids) + 1), 'colspan': '4'})
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'separator', {'string': '.','colspan': '1'})
for col in que_rec.column_heading_ids:
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'separator', {'string': tools.ustr(col.title),'colspan': '1'})
for row in ans_ids:
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'label', {'string': to_xml(tools.ustr(row.answer))+' :-', 'align': '0.0'})
for col in que_rec.column_heading_ids:
selection = []
if col.menu_choice:
for item in col.menu_choice.split('\n'):
if item and not item.strip() == '': selection.append((item ,item))
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'field', {'readonly' :str(readonly), 'name': tools.ustr(que.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(row.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(col.id),'nolabel':'1'})
fields[tools.ustr(que.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(row.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(col.id)] = {'type':'selection', 'string': col.title, 'selection':selection}
elif que_rec.type == 'multiple_textboxes':
xml_group = etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'group', {'col': '4', 'colspan': '4'})
type = "char"
if que_rec.is_validation_require:
if que_rec.validation_type in ['must_be_whole_number']:
type = "integer"
elif que_rec.validation_type in ['must_be_decimal_number']:
type = "float"
elif que_rec.validation_type in ['must_be_date']:
type = "date"
for ans in ans_ids:
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'field', {'readonly': str(readonly), 'width':"300",'colspan': '1','name': tools.ustr(que.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(ans.id) + "_multi"})
if type == "char" :
fields[tools.ustr(que.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(ans.id) + "_multi"] = {'type':'char', 'size':255, 'string':ans.answer}
fields[tools.ustr(que.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(ans.id) + "_multi"] = {'type': str(type), 'string':ans.answer}
elif que_rec.type == 'numerical_textboxes':
xml_group = etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'group', {'col': '4', 'colspan': '4'})
for ans in ans_ids:
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'field', {'readonly': str(readonly), 'width':"300",'colspan': '1','name': tools.ustr(que.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(ans.id) + "_numeric"})
fields[tools.ustr(que.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(ans.id) + "_numeric"] = {'type':'integer', 'string':ans.answer}
elif que_rec.type == 'date':
xml_group = etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'group', {'col': '4', 'colspan': '4'})
for ans in ans_ids:
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'field', {'readonly': str(readonly), 'width':"300",'colspan': '1','name': tools.ustr(que.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(ans.id)})
fields[tools.ustr(que.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(ans.id)] = {'type':'date', 'string':ans.answer}
elif que_rec.type == 'date_and_time':
xml_group = etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'group', {'col': '4', 'colspan': '4'})
for ans in ans_ids:
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'field', {'readonly': str(readonly), 'width':"300",'colspan': '1','name': tools.ustr(que.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(ans.id)})
fields[tools.ustr(que.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(ans.id)] = {'type':'datetime', 'string':ans.answer}
elif que_rec.type == 'descriptive_text':
if que_rec.descriptive_text:
for que_test in que_rec.descriptive_text.split('\n'):
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'label', {'string': to_xml(tools.ustr(que_test)), 'align':"0.0"})
elif que_rec.type == 'single_textbox':
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'field', {'readonly' :str(readonly), 'name': tools.ustr(que.id) + "_single", 'nolabel':"1" ,'colspan':"4"})
fields[tools.ustr(que.id) + "_single"] = {'type':'char', 'size': 255, 'string':"single_textbox", 'views':{}}
elif que_rec.type == 'comment':
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'field', {'readonly' :str(readonly), 'name': tools.ustr(que.id) + "_comment", 'nolabel':"1" ,'colspan':"4"})
fields[tools.ustr(que.id) + "_comment"] = {'type':'text', 'string':"Comment/Eassy Box", 'views':{}}
elif que_rec.type == 'table':
xml_group = etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'group', {'col': str(len(que_rec.column_heading_ids)), 'colspan': '4'})
for col in que_rec.column_heading_ids:
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'separator', {'string': tools.ustr(col.title),'colspan': '1'})
for row in range(0,que_rec.no_of_rows):
for col in que_rec.column_heading_ids:
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'field', {'readonly' :str(readonly), 'name': tools.ustr(que.id) + "_table_" + tools.ustr(col.id) +"_"+ tools.ustr(row), 'nolabel':"1"})
fields[tools.ustr(que.id) + "_table_" + tools.ustr(col.id) +"_"+ tools.ustr(row)] = {'type':'char','size':255,'views':{}}
elif que_rec.type == 'multiple_textboxes_diff_type':
xml_group = etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'group', {'col': '4', 'colspan': '4'})
for ans in ans_ids:
if ans.type == "email" :
fields[tools.ustr(que.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(ans.id) + "_multi"] = {'type':'char', 'size':255, 'string':ans.answer}
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'field', {'readonly': str(readonly), 'widget':'email','width':"300",'colspan': '1','name': tools.ustr(que.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(ans.id) + "_multi"})
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'field', {'readonly': str(readonly), 'width':"300",'colspan': '1','name': tools.ustr(que.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(ans.id) + "_multi"})
if ans.type == "char" :
fields[tools.ustr(que.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(ans.id) + "_multi"] = {'type':'char', 'size':255, 'string':ans.answer}
elif ans.type in ['integer','float','date','datetime']:
fields[tools.ustr(que.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(ans.id) + "_multi"] = {'type': str(ans.type), 'string':ans.answer}
selection = []
if ans.menu_choice:
for item in ans.menu_choice.split('\n'):
if item and not item.strip() == '': selection.append((item ,item))
fields[tools.ustr(que.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(ans.id) + "_multi"] = {'type':'selection', 'selection' : selection, 'string':ans.answer}
if que_rec.type in ['multiple_choice_only_one_ans', 'multiple_choice_multiple_ans', 'matrix_of_choices_only_one_ans', 'matrix_of_choices_only_multi_ans', 'matrix_of_drop_down_menus', 'rating_scale'] and que_rec.is_comment_require:
if que_rec.type in ['multiple_choice_only_one_ans', 'multiple_choice_multiple_ans'] and que_rec.comment_field_type in ['char','text'] and que_rec.make_comment_field:
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'field', {'readonly' :str(readonly), 'name': tools.ustr(que.id) + "_otherfield", 'colspan':"4"})
fields[tools.ustr(que.id) + "_otherfield"] = {'type':'boolean', 'string':que_rec.comment_label, 'views':{}}
if que_rec.comment_field_type == 'char':
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'field', {'readonly' :str(readonly), 'name': tools.ustr(que.id) + "_other", 'nolabel':"1" ,'colspan':"4"})
fields[tools.ustr(que.id) + "_other"] = {'type': 'char', 'string': '', 'size':255, 'views':{}}
elif que_rec.comment_field_type == 'text':
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'field', {'readonly' :str(readonly), 'name': tools.ustr(que.id) + "_other", 'nolabel':"1" ,'colspan':"4"})
fields[tools.ustr(que.id) + "_other"] = {'type': 'text', 'string': '', 'views':{}}
if que_rec.comment_field_type == 'char':
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'label', {'string': to_xml(tools.ustr(que_rec.comment_label)),'colspan':"4"})
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'field', {'readonly' :str(readonly), 'name': tools.ustr(que.id) + "_other", 'nolabel':"1" ,'colspan':"4"})
fields[tools.ustr(que.id) + "_other"] = {'type': 'char', 'string': '', 'size':255, 'views':{}}
elif que_rec.comment_field_type == 'text':
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'label', {'string': to_xml(tools.ustr(que_rec.comment_label)),'colspan':"4"})
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'field', {'readonly' :str(readonly), 'name': tools.ustr(que.id) + "_other", 'nolabel':"1" ,'colspan':"4"})
fields[tools.ustr(que.id) + "_other"] = {'type': 'text', 'string': '', 'views':{}}
etree.SubElement(xml_form, 'separator', {'colspan': '4'})
xml_group = etree.SubElement(xml_form, 'group', {'col': '6', 'colspan': '4'})
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'field', {'name': 'progress_bar_' + tools.ustr(page_number) , 'widget':'progressbar'})
fields['progress_bar_' + tools.ustr(page_number)] = {'type':'float', 'string':"Progress", 'views':{}}
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'label', {'string': tools.ustr(page_number+ 1) + "/" + tools.ustr(total_pages)})
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'button', {'icon': "gtk-cancel", 'special': "cancel",'string':"Cancel"})
if pre_button:
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'button', {'colspan':"1",'icon':"gtk-go-back",'name':"action_previous",'string':"Previous",'type':"object"})
but_string = "Next"
if int(page_number) + 1 == total_pages:
but_string = "Done"
if context.has_key('active') and context.get('active',False) and int(page_number) + 1 == total_pages and context.has_key('response_id') and context.has_key('response_no') and context.get('response_no',0) + 1 == len(context.get('response_id',0)):
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'button', {'icon': "gtk-go-forward", 'special' : 'cancel','string': tools.ustr("Done") ,'context' : tools.ustr(context)})
elif context.has_key('active') and context.get('active', False) and int(page_number) + 1 == total_pages and context.has_key('response_id'):
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'button', {'icon': "gtk-go-forward", 'name':"action_forward_next",'string': tools.ustr("Next Answer") ,'type':"object",'context' : tools.ustr(context)})
elif context.has_key('active') and context.get('active',False) and int(page_number) + 1 == total_pages:
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'button', {'icon': "gtk-go-forward", 'special': "cancel", 'string' : 'Done', 'context' : tools.ustr(context)})
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'button', {'icon': "gtk-go-forward", 'name':"action_next",'string': tools.ustr(but_string) ,'type':"object",'context' : tools.ustr(context)})
if context.has_key('active') and context.get('active',False) and context.has_key('edit'):
etree.SubElement(xml_form, 'separator', {'string' : '','colspan': '4'})
context.update({'page_id' : tools.ustr(p_id),'page_number' : sur_name_rec.page_no , 'transfer' : sur_name_read.transfer})
xml_group3 = etree.SubElement(xml_form, 'group', {'col': '4', 'colspan': '4'})
etree.SubElement(xml_group3, 'button', {'string' :'Add Page','icon': "gtk-new", 'type' :'object','name':"action_new_page", 'context' : tools.ustr(context)})
etree.SubElement(xml_group3, 'button', {'string' :'Edit Page','icon': "gtk-edit", 'type' :'object','name':"action_edit_page", 'context' : tools.ustr(context)})
etree.SubElement(xml_group3, 'button', {'string' :'Delete Page','icon': "gtk-delete", 'type' :'object','name':"action_delete_page", 'context' : tools.ustr(context)})
etree.SubElement(xml_group3, 'button', {'string' :'Add Question','icon': "gtk-new", 'type' :'object','name':"action_new_question", 'context' : tools.ustr(context)})
root = xml_form.getroottree()
result['arch'] = etree.tostring(root)
result['fields'] = fields
result['context'] = context
survey_obj.write(cr, uid, survey_id, {'tot_comp_survey' : sur_rec.tot_comp_survey + 1})
sur_response_obj.write(cr, uid, [sur_name_read.response], {'state' : 'done'})
if sur_rec.send_response:
survey_data = survey_obj.browse(cr, uid, int(survey_id))
response_id = surv_name_wiz.read(cr, uid, context.get('sur_name_id',False))['response']
report = self.create_report(cr, uid, [int(survey_id)], 'report.survey.browse.response', survey_data.title,context)
attachments = []
file = open(addons.get_module_resource('survey', 'report') + survey_data.title + ".pdf")
file_data = ""
while 1:
line = file.readline()
file_data += line
if not line:
attachments.append((survey_data.title + ".pdf",file_data))
os.remove(addons.get_module_resource('survey', 'report') + survey_data.title + ".pdf")
user_email = False
resp_email = False
address_id = user_obj.browse(cr, uid, uid).address_id.id
if address_id:
cr.execute("select email from res_partner_address where id =%s", (address_id,))
user_email = cr.fetchone()[0]
resp_id = survey_data.responsible_id.address_id
if resp_id:
cr.execute("select email from res_partner_address where id =%s", (resp_id.id,))
resp_email = cr.fetchone()[0]
if user_email and resp_email:
user_name = user_obj.browse(cr, uid, uid, context=context).name
mail = "Hello " + survey_data.responsible_id.name + ",\n\n " + str(user_name) + " Give Response Of " + survey_data.title + " Survey.\n\n Thanks,"
tools.email_send(user_email, [resp_email], "Survey Answer Of " + str(user_name) , mail, attach = attachments)
xml_form = etree.Element('form', {'string': _('Complete Survey Answer')})
etree.SubElement(xml_form, 'separator', {'string': 'Complete Survey', 'colspan': "4"})
etree.SubElement(xml_form, 'label', {'string': 'Thanks for your Answer'})
etree.SubElement(xml_form, 'newline')
etree.SubElement(xml_form, 'button', {'icon': "gtk-go-forward", 'special':"cancel",'string':"OK",'colspan':"2"})
root = xml_form.getroottree()
result['arch'] = etree.tostring(root)
result['fields'] = {}
result['context'] = context
return result
def create_report(self, cr, uid, res_ids, report_name=False, file_name=False, context=None):
If any user give answer of survey then last create report of this answer and if 'E-mail Notification on Answer' set True in survey then send mail on responsible person of this survey and attach survey answer report in pdf format.
@param self: The object pointer
@param cr: the current row, from the database cursor,
@param uid: the current users ID for security checks,
@param res_ids: List of survey answer IDs,
@param report_name: name of the report,
@param file_name: To give file name of the report,
@param context: A standard dictionary for contextual values,
@return : Dictionary value for created report with file nameself.
if not report_name or not res_ids:
return (False, Exception('Report name and Resources ids are required !!!'))
service = netsvc.LocalService(report_name);
(result, format) = service.create(cr, uid, res_ids, {}, context)
ret_file_name = addons.get_module_resource('survey', 'report') + file_name + '.pdf'
fp = open(ret_file_name, 'wb+');
except Exception,e:
return (False, str(e))
return (True, ret_file_name)
def default_get(self, cr, uid, fields_list, context=None):
Assign Default value in particular field. If Browse Answers wizard run then read the value into database and Assigne to a particular fields.
@param self: The object pointer
@param cr: the current row, from the database cursor,
@param uid: the current users ID for security checks,
@param fields_list: List of fields of current view,
@param context: A standard dictionary for contextual values,
@return : Dictionary value for fields list with value.
value = {}
if context is None:
context = {}
for field in fields_list:
if field.split('_')[0] == 'progress':
tot_page_id = self.pool.get('survey').browse(cr, uid, context.get('survey_id',False))
tot_per = (float(100) * (int(field.split('_')[2]) + 1) / len(tot_page_id.page_ids))
value[field] = tot_per
response_obj = self.pool.get('survey.response')
surv_name_wiz = self.pool.get('survey.name.wiz')
if context.has_key('response_id') and context.get('response_id') and int(context['response_id'][0]) > 0:
data = super(survey_question_wiz, self).default_get(cr, uid, fields_list, context)
response_ans = response_obj.browse(cr, uid, context['response_id'][context['response_no']])
for que in response_ans.question_ids:
for field in fields_list:
if field.split('_')[0] != "progress" and field.split('_')[0] == str(que.question_id.id):
if que.response_answer_ids and len(field.split('_')) == 4 and field.split('_')[1] == "commentcolumn" and field.split('_')[3] == "field":
for ans in que.response_answer_ids:
if str(field.split('_')[2]) == str(ans.answer_id.id):
value[field] = ans.comment_field
if que.response_table_ids and len(field.split('_')) == 4 and field.split('_')[1] == "table":
for ans in que.response_table_ids:
if str(field.split('_')[2]) == str(ans.column_id.id) and str(field.split('_')[3]) == str(ans.name):
value[field] = ans.value
if que.comment and (field.split('_')[1] == "comment" or field.split('_')[1] == "other"):
value[field] = str(que.comment)
elif que.single_text and field.split('_')[1] == "single":
value[field] = str(que.single_text)
elif que.response_answer_ids and len(field.split('_')) == 3 and field.split('_')[1] == "selection":
for ans in que.response_answer_ids:
if str(field.split('_')[2]) == str( ans.answer_id.id):
value[field] = str(ans.column_id.id)
elif que.response_answer_ids and len(field.split('_')) == 2 and field.split('_')[1] == "selection":
value[field] = str(que.response_answer_ids[0].answer_id.id)
elif que.response_answer_ids and len(field.split('_')) == 3 and field.split('_')[2] != "multi" and field.split('_')[2] != "numeric":
for ans in que.response_answer_ids:
if str(field.split('_')[1]) == str( ans.answer_id.id) and str(field.split('_')[2]) == str(ans.column_id.id):
if ans.value_choice:
value[field] = ans.value_choice
value[field] = True
for ans in que.response_answer_ids:
if str(field.split('_')[1]) == str( ans.answer_id.id):
value[field] = ans.answer
if not context.has_key('sur_name_id'):
return value
if context.has_key('active') and context.get('active',False):
return value
sur_name_read = surv_name_wiz.read(cr, uid, context.get('sur_name_id',False))
ans_list = []
for key,val in sur_name_read['store_ans'].items():
for field in fields_list:
if field in list(val):
value[field] = val[field]
return value
def create(self, cr, uid, vals, context=None):
Create the Answer of survey and store in survey.response object, and if set validation of question then check the value of question if value is wrong then raise the exception.
@param self: The object pointer
@param cr: the current row, from the database cursor,
@param uid: the current users ID for security checks,
@param vals: Values,
@param context: A standard dictionary for contextual values
@return : True.
if context is None: context = {}
if context.has_key('active') and context.get('active',False):
return True
for key,val in vals.items():
if key.split('_')[0] == "progress":
if not context.has_key('sur_name_id') and key.split('_')[0] == "wizardid":
context.update({'sur_name_id': int(key.split('_')[1])})
click_state = True
click_update = []
surv_name_wiz = self.pool.get('survey.name.wiz')
surv_all_resp_obj = self.pool.get('survey.response')
surv_tbl_column_obj = self.pool.get('survey.tbl.column.heading')
survey_obj = self.pool.get('survey')
resp_obj = self.pool.get('survey.response.line')
res_ans_obj = self.pool.get('survey.response.answer')
que_obj = self.pool.get('survey.question')
sur_name_read = surv_name_wiz.read(cr, uid, context.get('sur_name_id',False), [])
response_id = 0
if not sur_name_read['response']:
response_id = surv_all_resp_obj.create(cr, uid, {'response_type':'link', 'user_id':uid, 'date_create':datetime.datetime.now(), 'survey_id' : context['survey_id']})
surv_name_wiz.write(cr, uid, [context.get('sur_name_id', False)], {'response' : tools.ustr(response_id)})
response_id = int(sur_name_read['response'])
if response_id not in surv_all_resp_obj.search(cr, uid, []):
response_id = surv_all_resp_obj.create(cr, uid, {'response_type':'link', 'user_id':uid, 'date_create':datetime.datetime.now(), 'survey_id' : context.get('survey_id',False)})
surv_name_wiz.write(cr, uid, [context.get('sur_name_id',False)], {'response' : tools.ustr(response_id)})
#click first time on next button then increemnet on total start suvey
if not sur_name_read['store_ans']:
his_id = self.pool.get('survey.history').create(cr, uid, {'user_id': uid, \
'date': strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'survey_id': sur_name_read['survey_id']})
sur_rec = survey_obj.read(cr, uid, sur_name_read['survey_id'])
survey_obj.write(cr, uid, sur_name_read['survey_id'], {'tot_start_survey' : sur_rec['tot_start_survey'] + 1})
if context.has_key('cur_id'):
if context.has_key('request') and context.get('request',False):
self.pool.get(context.get('object',False)).write(cr, uid, [int(context.get('cur_id',False))], {'response' : response_id})
self.pool.get(context.get('object',False)).survey_req_done(cr, uid, [int(context.get('cur_id'))], context)
self.pool.get(context.get('object',False)).write(cr, uid, [int(context.get('cur_id',False))], {'response' : response_id})
if sur_name_read['store_ans'] and type(sur_name_read['store_ans']) == dict:
for key,val in sur_name_read['store_ans'].items():
for field in vals:
if field.split('_')[0] == val['question_id']:
click_state = False
sur_name_read['store_ans'] = {}
if click_state:
que_li = []
resp_id_list = []
for key, val in vals.items():
que_id = key.split('_')[0]
if que_id not in que_li:
que_rec = que_obj.read(cr, uid, [int(que_id)], [])[0]
res_data = {
'question_id': que_id,
'date_create': datetime.datetime.now(),
'state': 'done',
'response_id': response_id
resp_id = resp_obj.create(cr, uid, res_data)
surv_name_wiz.write(cr, uid, [context.get('sur_name_id',False)], {'store_ans':sur_name_read['store_ans']})
select_count = 0
numeric_sum = 0
selected_value = []
matrix_list = []
comment_field = False
comment_value = False
response_list = []
for key1, val1 in vals.items():
if val1 and key1.split('_')[1] == "table" and key1.split('_')[0] == que_id:
surv_tbl_column_obj.create(cr, uid, {'response_table_id' : resp_id,'column_id':key1.split('_')[2], 'name':key1.split('_')[3], 'value' : val1})
select_count += 1
elif val1 and key1.split('_')[1] == "otherfield" and key1.split('_')[0] == que_id:
comment_field = True
select_count += 1
surv_name_wiz.write(cr, uid, [context.get('sur_name_id',False)], {'store_ans':sur_name_read['store_ans']})
elif val1 and key1.split('_')[1] == "selection" and key1.split('_')[0] == que_id:
if len(key1.split('_')) > 2:
ans_create_id = res_ans_obj.create(cr, uid, {'response_id':resp_id, 'answer_id':key1.split('_')[-1], 'column_id' : val1})
response_list.append(str(ans_create_id) + "_" + str(key1.split('_')[-1]))
ans_create_id = res_ans_obj.create(cr, uid, {'response_id':resp_id, 'answer_id':val1})
select_count += 1
elif key1.split('_')[1] == "other" and key1.split('_')[0] == que_id:
if not val1:
comment_value = True
error = False
if que_rec['is_comment_require'] and que_rec['comment_valid_type'] == 'must_be_specific_length':
if (not val1 and que_rec['comment_minimum_no']) or len(val1) < que_rec['comment_minimum_no'] or len(val1) > que_rec['comment_maximum_no']:
error = True
elif que_rec['is_comment_require'] and que_rec['comment_valid_type'] in ['must_be_whole_number', 'must_be_decimal_number', 'must_be_date']:
error = False
if que_rec['comment_valid_type'] == 'must_be_whole_number':
value = int(val1)
if value < que_rec['comment_minimum_no'] or value > que_rec['comment_maximum_no']:
error = True
elif que_rec['comment_valid_type'] == 'must_be_decimal_number':
value = float(val1)
if value < que_rec['comment_minimum_float'] or value > que_rec['comment_maximum_float']:
error = True
elif que_rec['comment_valid_type'] == 'must_be_date':
value = datetime.datetime.strptime(val1, "%Y-%m-%d")
if value < datetime.datetime.strptime(que_rec['comment_minimum_date'], "%Y-%m-%d") or value > datetime.datetime.strptime(que_rec['comment_maximum_date'], "%Y-%m-%d"):
error = True
error = True
elif que_rec['is_comment_require'] and que_rec['comment_valid_type'] == 'must_be_email_address':
import re
if re.match("^[a-zA-Z0-9._%-+]+@[a-zA-Z0-9._%-]+.[a-zA-Z]{2,6}$", val1) == None:
error = True
if error:
for res in resp_id_list:
raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning !'), "'" + que_rec['question'] + "' \n" + tools.ustr(que_rec['comment_valid_err_msg']))
resp_obj.write(cr, uid, resp_id, {'comment':val1})
elif val1 and key1.split('_')[1] == "comment" and key1.split('_')[0] == que_id:
resp_obj.write(cr, uid, resp_id, {'comment':val1})
select_count += 1
elif val1 and key1.split('_')[0] == que_id and (key1.split('_')[1] == "single" or (len(key1.split('_')) > 2 and key1.split('_')[2] == 'multi')):
error = False
if que_rec['is_validation_require'] and que_rec['validation_type'] == 'must_be_specific_length':
if (not val1 and que_rec['validation_minimum_no']) or len(val1) < que_rec['validation_minimum_no'] or len(val1) > que_rec['validation_maximum_no']:
error = True
elif que_rec['is_validation_require'] and que_rec['validation_type'] in ['must_be_whole_number', 'must_be_decimal_number', 'must_be_date']:
error = False
if que_rec['validation_type'] == 'must_be_whole_number':
value = int(val1)
if value < que_rec['validation_minimum_no'] or value > que_rec['validation_maximum_no']:
error = True
elif que_rec['validation_type'] == 'must_be_decimal_number':
value = float(val1)
if value < que_rec['validation_minimum_float'] or value > que_rec['validation_maximum_float']:
error = True
elif que_rec['validation_type'] == 'must_be_date':
value = datetime.datetime.strptime(val1, "%Y-%m-%d")
if value < datetime.datetime.strptime(que_rec['validation_minimum_date'], "%Y-%m-%d") or value > datetime.datetime.strptime(que_rec['validation_maximum_date'], "%Y-%m-%d"):
error = True
error = True
elif que_rec['is_validation_require'] and que_rec['validation_type'] == 'must_be_email_address':
import re
if re.match("^[a-zA-Z0-9._%-+]+@[a-zA-Z0-9._%-]+.[a-zA-Z]{2,6}$", val1) == None:
error = True
if error:
for res in resp_id_list:
raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning !'), "'" + que_rec['question'] + "' \n" + tools.ustr(que_rec['validation_valid_err_msg']))
if key1.split('_')[1] == "single" :
resp_obj.write(cr, uid, resp_id, {'single_text':val1})
ans_create_id = res_ans_obj.create(cr, uid, {'response_id':resp_id, 'answer_id':key1.split('_')[1], 'answer' : val1})
select_count += 1
elif val1 and que_id == key1.split('_')[0] and len(key1.split('_')) > 2 and key1.split('_')[2] == 'numeric':
if not val1=="0":
numeric_sum += int(val1)
ans_create_id = res_ans_obj.create(cr, uid, {'response_id':resp_id, 'answer_id':key1.split('_')[1], 'answer' : val1})
select_count += 1
for res in resp_id_list:
raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning !'), "'" + que_rec['question'] + "' \n" + _("Please enter an integer value"))
elif val1 and que_id == key1.split('_')[0] and len(key1.split('_')) == 3:
if type(val1) == type('') or type(val1) == type(u''):
ans_create_id = res_ans_obj.create(cr, uid, {'response_id':resp_id, 'answer_id':key1.split('_')[1], 'column_id' : key1.split('_')[2], 'value_choice' : val1})
ans_create_id = res_ans_obj.create(cr, uid, {'response_id':resp_id, 'answer_id':key1.split('_')[1], 'column_id' : key1.split('_')[2]})
matrix_list.append(key1.split('_')[0] + '_' + key1.split('_')[1])
select_count += 1
elif val1 and que_id == key1.split('_')[0] and len(key1.split('_')) == 2:
ans_create_id = res_ans_obj.create(cr, uid, {'response_id':resp_id, 'answer_id':key1.split('_')[-1], 'answer' : val1})
select_count += 1
surv_name_wiz.write(cr, uid, [context.get('sur_name_id',False)], {'store_ans':sur_name_read['store_ans']})
for key,val in vals.items():
if val and key.split('_')[1] == "commentcolumn" and key.split('_')[0] == que_id:
for res_id in response_list:
if key.split('_')[2] in res_id.split('_')[1]:
a = res_ans_obj.write(cr, uid, [res_id.split('_')[0]], {'comment_field':val})
if comment_field and comment_value:
for res in resp_id_list:
raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning !'), "'" + que_rec['question'] + "' " + tools.ustr(que_rec['make_comment_field_err_msg']))
if que_rec['type'] == "rating_scale" and que_rec['rating_allow_one_column_require'] and len(selected_value) > len(list(set(selected_value))):
for res in resp_id_list:
raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning !'), "'" + que_rec['question'] + "'\n" + _("You cannot select the same answer more than one time"))
if not select_count:
resp_obj.write(cr, uid, resp_id, {'state':'skip'})
if que_rec['numeric_required_sum'] and numeric_sum > que_rec['numeric_required_sum']:
for res in resp_id_list:
raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning !'), "'" + que_rec['question'] + "' " + tools.ustr(que_rec['numeric_required_sum_err_msg']))
if que_rec['type'] in ['multiple_textboxes_diff_type', 'multiple_choice_multiple_ans','matrix_of_choices_only_one_ans','matrix_of_choices_only_multi_ans','matrix_of_drop_down_menus','rating_scale','multiple_textboxes','numerical_textboxes','date','date_and_time'] and que_rec['is_require_answer']:
if matrix_list:
if (que_rec['required_type'] == 'all' and len(list(set(matrix_list))) < len(que_rec['answer_choice_ids'])) or \
(que_rec['required_type'] == 'at least' and len(list(set(matrix_list))) < que_rec['req_ans']) or \
(que_rec['required_type'] == 'at most' and len(list(set(matrix_list))) > que_rec['req_ans']) or \
(que_rec['required_type'] == 'exactly' and len(list(set(matrix_list))) != que_rec['req_ans']) or \
(que_rec['required_type'] == 'a range' and (len(list(set(matrix_list))) < que_rec['minimum_req_ans'] or len(list(set(matrix_list))) > que_rec['maximum_req_ans'])):
for res in resp_id_list:
raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning !'), "'" + que_rec['question'] + "' " + tools.ustr(que_rec['req_error_msg']))
elif (que_rec['required_type'] == 'all' and select_count < len(que_rec['answer_choice_ids'])) or \
(que_rec['required_type'] == 'at least' and select_count < que_rec['req_ans']) or \
(que_rec['required_type'] == 'at most' and select_count > que_rec['req_ans']) or \
(que_rec['required_type'] == 'exactly' and select_count != que_rec['req_ans']) or \
(que_rec['required_type'] == 'a range' and (select_count < que_rec['minimum_req_ans'] or select_count > que_rec['maximum_req_ans'])):
for res in resp_id_list:
raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning !'), "'" + que_rec['question'] + "' " + tools.ustr(que_rec['req_error_msg']))
if que_rec['type'] in ['multiple_choice_only_one_ans','single_textbox','comment'] and que_rec['is_require_answer'] and select_count <= 0:
for res in resp_id_list:
raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning !'), "'" + que_rec['question'] + "' " + tools.ustr(que_rec['req_error_msg']))
resp_id_list = []
for update in click_update:
que_rec = que_obj.read(cr, uid , [int(sur_name_read['store_ans'][update]['question_id'])], [])[0]
res_ans_obj.unlink(cr, uid,res_ans_obj.search(cr, uid, [('response_id', '=', update)]))
surv_tbl_column_obj.unlink(cr, uid,surv_tbl_column_obj.search(cr, uid, [('response_table_id', '=', update)]))
surv_name_wiz.write(cr, uid, [context.get('sur_name_id',False)], {'store_ans':sur_name_read['store_ans']})
select_count = 0
numeric_sum = 0
selected_value = []
matrix_list = []
comment_field = False
comment_value = False
response_list = []
for key, val in vals.items():
ans_id_len = key.split('_')
if ans_id_len[0] == sur_name_read['store_ans'][update]['question_id']:
if val and key.split('_')[1] == "table":
surv_tbl_column_obj.create(cr, uid, {'response_table_id' : update,'column_id':key.split('_')[2], 'name':key.split('_')[3], 'value' : val})
resp_obj.write(cr, uid, update, {'state': 'done'})
elif val and key.split('_')[1] == "otherfield" :
comment_field = True
select_count += 1
surv_name_wiz.write(cr, uid, [context.get('sur_name_id',False)], {'store_ans':sur_name_read['store_ans']})
elif val and key.split('_')[1] == "selection":
if len(key.split('_')) > 2:
ans_create_id = res_ans_obj.create(cr, uid, {'response_id':update, 'answer_id':key.split('_')[-1], 'column_id' : val})
response_list.append(str(ans_create_id) + "_" + str(key.split('_')[-1]))
ans_create_id = res_ans_obj.create(cr, uid, {'response_id':update, 'answer_id': val})
resp_obj.write(cr, uid, update, {'state': 'done'})
select_count += 1
elif key.split('_')[1] == "other":
if not val:
comment_value = True
error = False
if que_rec['is_comment_require'] and que_rec['comment_valid_type'] == 'must_be_specific_length':
if (not val and que_rec['comment_minimum_no']) or len(val) < que_rec['comment_minimum_no'] or len(val) > que_rec['comment_maximum_no']:
error = True
elif que_rec['is_comment_require'] and que_rec['comment_valid_type'] in ['must_be_whole_number', 'must_be_decimal_number', 'must_be_date']:
if que_rec['comment_valid_type'] == 'must_be_whole_number':
value = int(val)
if value < que_rec['comment_minimum_no'] or value > que_rec['comment_maximum_no']:
error = True
elif que_rec['comment_valid_type'] == 'must_be_decimal_number':
value = float(val)
if value < que_rec['comment_minimum_float'] or value > que_rec['comment_maximum_float']:
error = True
elif que_rec['comment_valid_type'] == 'must_be_date':
value = datetime.datetime.strptime(val, "%Y-%m-%d")
if value < datetime.datetime.strptime(que_rec['comment_minimum_date'], "%Y-%m-%d") or value > datetime.datetime.strptime(que_rec['comment_maximum_date'], "%Y-%m-%d"):
error = True
error = True
elif que_rec['is_comment_require'] and que_rec['comment_valid_type'] == 'must_be_email_address':
import re
if re.match("^[a-zA-Z0-9._%-+]+@[a-zA-Z0-9._%-]+.[a-zA-Z]{2,6}$", val) == None:
error = True
if error:
raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning !'), "'" + que_rec['question'] + "' \n" + tools.ustr(que_rec['comment_valid_err_msg']))
resp_obj.write(cr, uid, update, {'comment':val,'state': 'done'})
elif val and key.split('_')[1] == "comment":
resp_obj.write(cr, uid, update, {'comment':val,'state': 'done'})
select_count += 1
elif val and (key.split('_')[1] == "single" or (len(key.split('_')) > 2 and key.split('_')[2] == 'multi')):
error = False
if que_rec['is_validation_require'] and que_rec['validation_type'] == 'must_be_specific_length':
if (not val and que_rec['validation_minimum_no']) or len(val) < que_rec['validation_minimum_no'] or len(val) > que_rec['validation_maximum_no']:
error = True
elif que_rec['is_validation_require'] and que_rec['validation_type'] in ['must_be_whole_number', 'must_be_decimal_number', 'must_be_date']:
error = False
if que_rec['validation_type'] == 'must_be_whole_number':
value = int(val)
if value < que_rec['validation_minimum_no'] or value > que_rec['validation_maximum_no']:
error = True
elif que_rec['validation_type'] == 'must_be_decimal_number':
value = float(val)
if value < que_rec['validation_minimum_float'] or value > que_rec['validation_maximum_float']:
error = True
elif que_rec['validation_type'] == 'must_be_date':
value = datetime.datetime.strptime(val, "%Y-%m-%d")
if value < datetime.datetime.strptime(que_rec['validation_minimum_date'], "%Y-%m-%d") or value > datetime.datetime.strptime(que_rec['validation_maximum_date'], "%Y-%m-%d"):
error = True
except Exception ,e:
error = True
elif que_rec['is_validation_require'] and que_rec['validation_type'] == 'must_be_email_address':
import re
if re.match("^[a-zA-Z0-9._%-+]+@[a-zA-Z0-9._%-]+.[a-zA-Z]{2,6}$", val) == None:
error = True
if error:
raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning !'), "'" + que_rec['question'] + "' \n" + tools.ustr(que_rec['validation_valid_err_msg']))
if key.split('_')[1] == "single" :
resp_obj.write(cr, uid, update, {'single_text':val,'state': 'done'})
resp_obj.write(cr, uid, update, {'state': 'done'})
ans_create_id = res_ans_obj.create(cr, uid, {'response_id':update, 'answer_id':ans_id_len[1], 'answer' : val})
select_count += 1
elif val and len(key.split('_')) > 2 and key.split('_')[2] == 'numeric':
if not val=="0":
numeric_sum += int(val)
resp_obj.write(cr, uid, update, {'state': 'done'})
ans_create_id = res_ans_obj.create(cr, uid, {'response_id': update, 'answer_id':ans_id_len[1], 'answer' : val})
select_count += 1
raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning !'), "'" + que_rec['question'] + "'\n" + _("Please enter an integer value"))
elif val and len(key.split('_')) == 3:
resp_obj.write(cr, uid, update, {'state': 'done'})
if type(val) == type('') or type(val) == type(u''):
ans_create_id = res_ans_obj.create(cr, uid, {'response_id': update, 'answer_id':ans_id_len[1], 'column_id' : ans_id_len[2], 'value_choice' : val})
ans_create_id = res_ans_obj.create(cr, uid, {'response_id': update, 'answer_id':ans_id_len[1], 'column_id' : ans_id_len[2]})
matrix_list.append(key.split('_')[0] + '_' + key.split('_')[1])
select_count += 1
elif val and len(key.split('_')) == 2:
resp_obj.write(cr, uid, update, {'state': 'done'})
ans_create_id = res_ans_obj.create(cr, uid, {'response_id': update, 'answer_id':ans_id_len[-1], 'answer' : val})
select_count += 1
surv_name_wiz.write(cr, uid, [context.get('sur_name_id',False)], {'store_ans': sur_name_read['store_ans']})
for key,val in vals.items():
if val and key.split('_')[1] == "commentcolumn" and key.split('_')[0] == sur_name_read['store_ans'][update]['question_id']:
for res_id in response_list:
if key.split('_')[2] in res_id.split('_')[1]:
a = res_ans_obj.write(cr, uid, [res_id.split('_')[0]], {'comment_field':val})
if comment_field and comment_value:
raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning !'), "'" + que_rec['question'] + "' " + tools.ustr(que_rec['make_comment_field_err_msg']))
if que_rec['type'] == "rating_scale" and que_rec['rating_allow_one_column_require'] and len(selected_value) > len(list(set(selected_value))):
raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning !'), "'" + que_rec['question'] + "\n" + _("You cannot select same answer more than one time'"))
if que_rec['numeric_required_sum'] and numeric_sum > que_rec['numeric_required_sum']:
raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning !'), "'" + que_rec['question'] + "' " + tools.ustr(que_rec['numeric_required_sum_err_msg']))
if not select_count:
resp_obj.write(cr, uid, update, {'state': 'skip'})
if que_rec['type'] in ['multiple_textboxes_diff_type','multiple_choice_multiple_ans','matrix_of_choices_only_one_ans','matrix_of_choices_only_multi_ans','matrix_of_drop_down_menus','rating_scale','multiple_textboxes','numerical_textboxes','date','date_and_time'] and que_rec['is_require_answer']:
if matrix_list:
if (que_rec['required_type'] == 'all' and len(list(set(matrix_list))) < len(que_rec['answer_choice_ids'])) or \
(que_rec['required_type'] == 'at least' and len(list(set(matrix_list))) < que_rec['req_ans']) or \
(que_rec['required_type'] == 'at most' and len(list(set(matrix_list))) > que_rec['req_ans']) or \
(que_rec['required_type'] == 'exactly' and len(list(set(matrix_list))) != que_rec['req_ans']) or \
(que_rec['required_type'] == 'a range' and (len(list(set(matrix_list))) < que_rec['minimum_req_ans'] or len(list(set(matrix_list))) > que_rec['maximum_req_ans'])):
raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning !'), "'" + que_rec['question'] + "' " + tools.ustr(que_rec['req_error_msg']))
elif (que_rec['required_type'] == 'all' and select_count < len(que_rec['answer_choice_ids'])) or \
(que_rec['required_type'] == 'at least' and select_count < que_rec['req_ans']) or \
(que_rec['required_type'] == 'at most' and select_count > que_rec['req_ans']) or \
(que_rec['required_type'] == 'exactly' and select_count != que_rec['req_ans']) or \
(que_rec['required_type'] == 'a range' and (select_count < que_rec['minimum_req_ans'] or select_count > que_rec['maximum_req_ans'])):
raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning !'), "'" + que_rec['question'] + "' " + tools.ustr(que_rec['req_error_msg']))
if que_rec['type'] in ['multiple_choice_only_one_ans','single_textbox','comment'] and que_rec['is_require_answer'] and select_count <= 0:
raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning !'), "'" + que_rec['question'] + "' " + tools.ustr(que_rec['req_error_msg']))
return True
def action_new_question(self,cr, uid, ids, context=None):
New survey.Question form.
@param self: The object pointer
@param cr: the current row, from the database cursor,
@param uid: the current users ID for security checks,
@param ids: List of survey.question.wiz IDs
@param context: A standard dictionary for contextual values
@return : Dictionary value for Open new survey.Qestion form.
if context is None:
context = {}
for key,val in context.items():
if type(key) == type(True):
view_id = self.pool.get('ir.ui.view').search(cr,uid,[('model','=','survey.question'),\
return {
'view_type': 'form',
"view_mode": 'form',
'res_model': 'survey.question',
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'target': 'new',
'view_id': view_id,
'context': context
def action_new_page(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
New survey.Page form.
@param self: The object pointer
@param cr: the current row, from the database cursor,
@param uid: the current users ID for security checks,
@param ids: List of survey.question.wiz IDs
@param context: A standard dictionary for contextual values
@return : Dictionary value for Open new survey.page form.
if context is None:
context = {}
for key,val in context.items():
if type(key) == type(True):
view_id = self.pool.get('ir.ui.view').search(cr,uid,[('model','=','survey.page'),\
return {
'view_type': 'form',
"view_mode": 'form',
'res_model': 'survey.page',
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'target': 'new',
'view_id': view_id,
'context': context
def action_edit_page(self,cr, uid, ids, context=None):
Edit survey.page.
@param self: The object pointer
@param cr: the current row, from the database cursor,
@param uid: the current users ID for security checks,
@param ids: List of survey.question.wiz IDs
@param context: A standard dictionary for contextual values
@return : Dictionary value for Open Edit survey.page form.
if context is None:
context = {}
for key,val in context.items():
if type(key) == type(True):
view_id = self.pool.get('ir.ui.view').search(cr,uid,[('model','=','survey.page'),\
return {
'view_type': 'form',
"view_mode": 'form',
'res_model': 'survey.page',
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'target': 'new',
'res_id': int(context.get('page_id',0)),
'view_id': view_id,
'context': context
def action_delete_page(self,cr, uid, ids, context=None):
Delete survey.page.
@param self: The object pointer
@param cr: the current row, from the database cursor,
@param uid: the current users ID for security checks,
@param ids: List of survey.question.wiz IDs
@param context: A standard dictionary for contextual values
@return : Dictionary value for Open next survey.page form, but delete the selected page.
if context is None:
context = {}
for key,val in context.items():
if type(key) == type(True):
self.pool.get('survey.page').unlink(cr, uid, [context.get('page_id',False)])
search_id = self.pool.get('ir.ui.view').search(cr,uid,[('model','=','survey.question.wiz'),\
('name','=','Survey Search')])
surv_name_wiz = self.pool.get('survey.name.wiz')
surv_name_wiz.write(cr, uid, [context.get('sur_name_id',False)], \
{'transfer':True, 'page_no' : context.get('page_number',False) })
return {
'view_type': 'form',
"view_mode": 'form',
'res_model': 'survey.question.wiz',
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'target': 'new',
'context': context
def action_edit_question(self,cr, uid, ids, context=None):
Edit survey.question.
@param self: The object pointer
@param cr: the current row, from the database cursor,
@param uid: the current users ID for security checks,
@param ids: List of survey.question.wiz IDs
@param context: A standard dictionary for contextual values
@return : Dictionary value for Open Edit survey.question form.
if context is None:
context = {}
for key,val in context.items():
if type(key) == type(True):
view_id = self.pool.get('ir.ui.view').search(cr,uid,[('model','=','survey.question'),\
return {
'view_type': 'form',
"view_mode": 'form',
'res_model': 'survey.question',
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'target': 'new',
'res_id' : int(context.get('question_id',0)),
'view_id': view_id,
'context': context
def action_delete_question(self,cr, uid, ids, context=None):
Delete survey.question.
@param self: The object pointer
@param cr: the current row, from the database cursor,
@param uid: the current users ID for security checks,
@param ids: List of survey.question.wiz IDs
@param context: A standard dictionary for contextual values
@return : Dictionary value for Open same survey.page form, but delete the selected survey.question in current survey.page.
if context is None:
context = {}
for key,val in context.items():
if type(key) == type(True):
que_obj = self.pool.get('survey.question')
que_obj.unlink(cr, uid, [context.get('question_id',False)])
search_id = self.pool.get('ir.ui.view').search(cr,uid,[('model','=','survey.question.wiz'),\
('name','=','Survey Search')])
surv_name_wiz = self.pool.get('survey.name.wiz')
surv_name_wiz.write(cr, uid, [context.get('sur_name_id',False)],\
{'transfer':True, 'page_no' : context.get('page_number',0) })
return {
'view_type': 'form',
"view_mode": 'form',
'res_model': 'survey.question.wiz',
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'target': 'new',
'search_view_id': search_id[0],
'context': context
def action_forward_previous(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
Goes to previous Survey Answer.
@param self: The object pointer
@param cr: the current row, from the database cursor,
@param uid: the current users ID for security checks,
@param ids: List of survey.question.wiz IDs
@param context: A standard dictionary for contextual values
@return : Dictionary value for Open Previous Answer form.
if context is None:
context = {}
search_obj = self.pool.get('ir.ui.view')
surv_name_wiz = self.pool.get('survey.name.wiz')
search_id = search_obj.search(cr,uid,[('model','=','survey.question.wiz'),\
('name','=','Survey Search')])
wiz_id = surv_name_wiz.create(cr,uid, {'survey_id': context.get('survey_id',False),'page_no' :-1,'page':'next','transfer' :1,'response':0})
context.update({'sur_name_id' :wiz_id, 'response_no': context.get('response_no',0) - 1})
if context.get('response_no',0) + 1 > len(context.get('response_id',0)):
return {}
return {
'view_type': 'form',
"view_mode": 'form',
'res_model': 'survey.question.wiz',
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'target': 'new',
'search_view_id': search_id[0],
'context': context
def action_forward_next(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
Goes to Next Survey Answer.
@param self: The object pointer
@param cr: the current row, from the database cursor,
@param uid: the current users ID for security checks,
@param ids: List of survey.question.wiz IDs
@param context: A standard dictionary for contextual values
@return : Dictionary value for Open Next Answer form.
if context is None:
context = {}
search_obj = self.pool.get('ir.ui.view')
surv_name_wiz = self.pool.get('survey.name.wiz')
search_id = search_obj.search(cr,uid,[('model','=','survey.question.wiz'),\
('name','=','Survey Search')])
wiz_id = surv_name_wiz.create(cr,uid, {'survey_id' : context.get('survey_id',False),'page_no' :-1,'page':'next','transfer' :1,'response':0})
context.update({'sur_name_id' :wiz_id, 'response_no' : context.get('response_no',0) + 1})
if context.get('response_no',0) + 1 > len(context.get('response_id',0)):
return {}
return {
'view_type': 'form',
"view_mode": 'form',
'res_model': 'survey.question.wiz',
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'target': 'new',
'search_view_id': search_id[0],
'context': context
def action_next(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
Goes to Next page.
@param self: The object pointer
@param cr: the current row, from the database cursor,
@param uid: the current users ID for security checks,
@param ids: List of survey.question.wiz IDs
@param context: A standard dictionary for contextual values
@return : Dictionary value for Open Next survey.page form.
if context is None:
context = {}
surv_name_wiz = self.pool.get('survey.name.wiz')
search_obj = self.pool.get('ir.ui.view')
search_id = search_obj.search(cr,uid,[('model','=','survey.question.wiz'),('name','=','Survey Search')])
surv_name_wiz.write(cr, uid, [context.get('sur_name_id',False)], {'transfer':True, 'page':'next'})
return {
'view_type': 'form',
"view_mode": 'form',
'res_model': 'survey.question.wiz',
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'target': 'new',
'search_view_id': search_id[0],
'context': context
def action_previous(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
Goes to previous page.
@param self: The object pointer
@param cr: the current row, from the database cursor,
@param uid: the current users ID for security checks,
@param ids: List of survey.question.wiz IDs
@param context: A standard dictionary for contextual values
@return : Dictionary value for Open Previous survey.page form.
if context is None:
context = {}
surv_name_wiz = self.pool.get('survey.name.wiz')
search_obj = self.pool.get('ir.ui.view')
search_id = search_obj.search(cr,uid,[('model','=','survey.question.wiz'),\
('name','=','Survey Search')])
surv_name_wiz.write(cr, uid, [context.get('sur_name_id',False)], {'transfer':True, 'page':'previous'})
return {
'view_type': 'form',
"view_mode": 'form',
'res_model': 'survey.question.wiz',
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'target': 'new',
'search_view_id': search_id[0],
'context': context
# vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4: