
187 lines
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#Copyright ReportLab Europe Ltd. 2000-2004
#see license.txt for license details
#history http://www.reportlab.co.uk/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/public/reportlab/trunk/reportlab/pdfgen/pdfimages.py
__version__=''' $Id$ '''
Image functionality sliced out of canvas.py for generalization
import os
import string
from types import StringType
import reportlab
from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfutils
from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfdoc
from reportlab.lib.utils import fp_str, getStringIO
from reportlab.lib.utils import import_zlib, haveImages
class PDFImage:
"""Wrapper around different "image sources". You can make images
from a PIL Image object, a filename (in which case it uses PIL),
an image we previously cached (optimisation, hardly used these
days) or a JPEG (which PDF supports natively)."""
def __init__(self, image, x,y, width=None, height=None, caching=0):
self.image = image
self.point = (x,y)
self.dimensions = (width, height)
self.filename = None
self.imageCaching = caching
# the following facts need to be determined,
# whatever the source. Declare what they are
# here for clarity.
self.colorSpace = 'DeviceRGB'
self.bitsPerComponent = 8
self.filters = []
self.source = None # JPEG or PIL, set later
def jpg_imagedata(self):
#directly process JPEG files
#open file, needs some error handling!!
fp = open(self.image, 'rb')
result = self._jpg_imagedata(fp)
return result
def _jpg_imagedata(self,imageFile):
self.source = 'JPEG'
info = pdfutils.readJPEGInfo(imageFile)
imgwidth, imgheight = info[0], info[1]
if info[2] == 1:
colorSpace = 'DeviceGray'
elif info[2] == 3:
colorSpace = 'DeviceRGB'
else: #maybe should generate an error, is this right for CMYK?
colorSpace = 'DeviceCMYK'
imageFile.seek(0) #reset file pointer
imagedata = []
#imagedata.append('BI /Width %d /Height /BitsPerComponent 8 /ColorSpace /%s /Filter [/Filter [ /ASCII85Decode /DCTDecode] ID' % (info[0], info[1], colorSpace))
imagedata.append('BI /W %d /H %d /BPC 8 /CS /%s /F [/A85 /DCT] ID' % (imgwidth, imgheight, colorSpace))
#write in blocks of (??) 60 characters per line to a list
compressed = imageFile.read()
encoded = pdfutils._AsciiBase85Encode(compressed)
return (imagedata, imgwidth, imgheight)
def cache_imagedata(self):
image = self.image
if not pdfutils.cachedImageExists(image):
zlib = import_zlib()
if not zlib: return
if not haveImages: return
#now we have one cached, slurp it in
cachedname = os.path.splitext(image)[0] + '.a85'
imagedata = open(cachedname,'rb').readlines()
#trim off newlines...
imagedata = map(string.strip, imagedata)
return imagedata
def PIL_imagedata(self):
image = self.image
if image.format=='JPEG':
return self._jpg_imagedata(fp)
self.source = 'PIL'
zlib = import_zlib()
if not zlib: return
myimage = image.convert('RGB')
imgwidth, imgheight = myimage.size
# this describes what is in the image itself
# *NB* according to the spec you can only use the short form in inline images
#imagedata=['BI /Width %d /Height /BitsPerComponent 8 /ColorSpace /%s /Filter [/Filter [ /ASCII85Decode /FlateDecode] ID]' % (imgwidth, imgheight,'RGB')]
imagedata=['BI /W %d /H %d /BPC 8 /CS /RGB /F [/A85 /Fl] ID' % (imgwidth, imgheight)]
#use a flate filter and Ascii Base 85 to compress
raw = myimage.tostring()
assert(len(raw) == imgwidth * imgheight, "Wrong amount of data for image")
compressed = zlib.compress(raw) #this bit is very fast...
encoded = pdfutils._AsciiBase85Encode(compressed) #...sadly this may not be
#append in blocks of 60 characters
return (imagedata, imgwidth, imgheight)
def getImageData(self):
"Gets data, height, width - whatever type of image"
image = self.image
(width, height) = self.dimensions
if type(image) == StringType:
self.filename = image
if os.path.splitext(image)[1] in ['.jpg', '.JPG', '.jpeg', '.JPEG']:
(imagedata, imgwidth, imgheight) = self.jpg_imagedata()
if not self.imageCaching:
imagedata = pdfutils.cacheImageFile(image,returnInMemory=1)
imagedata = self.cache_imagedata()
#parse line two for width, height
words = string.split(imagedata[1])
imgwidth = string.atoi(words[1])
imgheight = string.atoi(words[3])
import sys
if sys.platform[0:4] == 'java':
#jython, PIL not available
(imagedata, imgwidth, imgheight) = self.JAVA_imagedata()
(imagedata, imgwidth, imgheight) = self.PIL_imagedata()
#now build the PDF for the image.
if not width:
width = imgwidth
if not height:
height = imgheight
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.imageData = imagedata
def drawInlineImage(self, canvas): #, image, x,y, width=None,height=None):
"""Draw an Image into the specified rectangle. If width and
height are omitted, they are calculated from the image size.
Also allow file names as well as images. This allows a
caching mechanism"""
(x,y) = self.point
# this says where and how big to draw it
if not canvas.bottomup: y = y+self.height
canvas._code.append('q %s 0 0 %s cm' % (fp_str(self.width), fp_str(self.height, x, y)))
# self._code.extend(imagedata) if >=python-1.5.2
for line in self.imageData:
def format(self, document):
"""Allow it to be used within pdfdoc framework. This only
defines how it is stored, not how it is drawn later."""
dict = pdfdoc.PDFDictionary()
dict['Type'] = '/XObject'
dict['Subtype'] = '/Image'
dict['Width'] = self.width
dict['Height'] = self.height
dict['BitsPerComponent'] = 8
dict['ColorSpace'] = pdfdoc.PDFName(self.colorSpace)
content = string.join(self.imageData[3:-1], '\n') + '\n'
strm = pdfdoc.PDFStream(dictionary=dict, content=content)
return strm.format(document)
if __name__=='__main__':
srcfile = os.path.join(
assert os.path.isfile(srcfile), 'image not found'
pdfdoc.LongFormat = 1
img = PDFImage(srcfile, 100, 100)
import pprint
doc = pdfdoc.PDFDocument()
print 'source=',img.source
print img.format(doc)