
274 lines
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openerp.web.formats = function(openerp) {
var _t = openerp.web._t;
* Intersperses ``separator`` in ``str`` at the positions indicated by
* ``indices``.
* ``indices`` is an array of relative offsets (from the previous insertion
* position, starting from the end of the string) at which to insert
* ``separator``.
* There are two special values:
* ``-1``
* indicates the insertion should end now
* ``0``
* indicates that the previous section pattern should be repeated (until all
* of ``str`` is consumed)
* @param {String} str
* @param {Array<Number>} indices
* @param {String} separator
* @returns {String}
openerp.web.intersperse = function (str, indices, separator) {
separator = separator || '';
var result = [], last = str.length;
for(var i=0; i<indices.length; ++i) {
var section = indices[i];
if (section === -1 || last <= 0) {
// Done with string, or -1 (stops formatting string)
} else if(section === 0 && i === 0) {
// repeats previous section, which there is none => stop
} else if (section === 0) {
// repeat previous section forever
//noinspection AssignmentToForLoopParameterJS
section = indices[--i];
result.push(str.substring(last-section, last));
last -= section;
var s = str.substring(0, last);
if (s) { result.push(s); }
return result.reverse().join(separator);
* Insert "thousands" separators in the provided number (which is actually
* a string)
* @param {String} num
* @returns {String}
openerp.web.insert_thousand_seps = function (num) {
var negative = num[0] === '-';
num = (negative ? num.slice(1) : num);
return (negative ? '-' : '') + openerp.web.intersperse(
num, _t.database.parameters.grouping, _t.database.parameters.thousands_sep);
* Formats a single atomic value based on a field descriptor
* @param {Object} value read from OpenERP
* @param {Object} descriptor union of orm field and view field
* @param {Object} [descriptor.widget] widget to use to display the value
* @param {Object} descriptor.type fallback if no widget is provided, or if the provided widget is unknown
* @param {Object} [descriptor.digits] used for the formatting of floats
* @param {String} [value_if_empty=''] returned if the ``value`` argument is considered empty
openerp.web.format_value = function (value, descriptor, value_if_empty) {
// If NaN value, display as with a `false` (empty cell)
if (typeof value === 'number' && isNaN(value)) {
value = false;
//noinspection FallthroughInSwitchStatementJS
switch (value) {
case '':
if (descriptor.type === 'char') {
return '';
console.warn('Field', descriptor, 'had an empty string as value, treating as false...');
case false:
case Infinity:
case -Infinity:
return value_if_empty === undefined ? '' : value_if_empty;
var l10n = _t.database.parameters;
switch (descriptor.widget || descriptor.type) {
case 'integer':
return openerp.web.insert_thousand_seps(
_.str.sprintf('%d', value));
case 'float':
var precision = descriptor.digits ? descriptor.digits[1] : 2;
var formatted = _.str.sprintf('%.' + precision + 'f', value).split('.');
formatted[0] = openerp.web.insert_thousand_seps(formatted[0]);
return formatted.join(l10n.decimal_point);
case 'float_time':
return _.str.sprintf("%02d:%02d",
Math.round((value % 1) * 60));
case 'progressbar':
return _.str.sprintf(
'<progress value="%.2f" max="100.0">%.2f%%</progress>',
value, value);
case 'many2one':
// name_get value format
return value[1];
case 'datetime':
if (typeof(value) == "string")
value = openerp.web.auto_str_to_date(value);
return value.format(l10n.date_format
+ ' ' + l10n.time_format);
case 'date':
if (typeof(value) == "string")
value = openerp.web.auto_str_to_date(value);
return value.format(l10n.date_format);
case 'time':
if (typeof(value) == "string")
value = openerp.web.auto_str_to_date(value);
return value.format(l10n.time_format);
case 'selection':
// Each choice is [value, label]
var result = _(descriptor.selection).detect(function (choice) {
return choice[0] === value;
if (result) { return result[1]; }
return value;
openerp.web.parse_value = function (value, descriptor, value_if_empty) {
var date_pattern = Date.normalizeFormat(_t.database.parameters.date_format),
time_pattern = Date.normalizeFormat(_t.database.parameters.time_format);
switch (value) {
case false:
case "":
return value_if_empty === undefined ? false : value_if_empty;
switch (descriptor.widget || descriptor.type) {
case 'integer':
var tmp;
do {
tmp = value;
value = value.replace(openerp.web._t.database.parameters.thousands_sep, "");
} while(tmp !== value);
tmp = Number(value);
if (isNaN(tmp))
throw new Error(value + " is not a correct integer");
return tmp;
case 'float':
var tmp = Number(value);
if (!isNaN(tmp))
return tmp;
var tmp2 = value;
do {
tmp = tmp2;
tmp2 = tmp.replace(openerp.web._t.database.parameters.thousands_sep, "");
} while(tmp !== tmp2);
var reformatted_value = tmp.replace(openerp.web._t.database.parameters.decimal_point, ".");
var parsed = Number(reformatted_value);
if (isNaN(parsed))
throw new Error(value + " is not a correct float");
return parsed;
case 'float_time':
var float_time_pair = value.split(":");
if (float_time_pair.length != 2)
return openerp.web.parse_value(value, {type: "float"});
var hours = openerp.web.parse_value(float_time_pair[0], {type: "integer"});
var minutes = openerp.web.parse_value(float_time_pair[1], {type: "integer"});
return hours + (minutes / 60);
case 'progressbar':
return openerp.web.parse_value(value, {type: "float"});
case 'datetime':
var datetime = Date.parseExact(
value, (date_pattern + ' ' + time_pattern));
if (datetime !== null)
return openerp.web.datetime_to_str(datetime);
datetime = Date.parse(value);
if (datetime !== null)
return openerp.web.datetime_to_str(datetime);
throw new Error(value + " is not a valid datetime");
case 'date':
var date = Date.parseExact(value, date_pattern);
if (date !== null)
return openerp.web.date_to_str(date);
date = Date.parse(value);
if (date !== null)
return openerp.web.date_to_str(date);
throw new Error(value + " is not a valid date");
case 'time':
var time = Date.parseExact(value, time_pattern);
if (time !== null)
return openerp.web.time_to_str(time);
time = Date.parse(value);
if (time !== null)
return openerp.web.time_to_str(time);
throw new Error(value + " is not a valid time");
return value;
openerp.web.auto_str_to_date = function(value, type) {
try {
return openerp.web.str_to_datetime(value);
} catch(e) {}
try {
return openerp.web.str_to_date(value);
} catch(e) {}
try {
return openerp.web.str_to_time(value);
} catch(e) {}
throw new Error("'" + value + "' is not a valid date, datetime nor time");
openerp.web.auto_date_to_str = function(value, type) {
switch(type) {
case 'datetime':
return openerp.web.datetime_to_str(value);
case 'date':
return openerp.web.date_to_str(value);
case 'time':
return openerp.web.time_to_str(value);
throw new Error(type + " is not convertible to date, datetime nor time");
* Formats a provided cell based on its field type
* @param {Object} row_data record whose values should be displayed in the cell
* @param {Object} column column descriptor
* @param {"button"|"field"} column.tag base control type
* @param {String} column.type widget type for a field control
* @param {String} [column.string] button label
* @param {String} [column.icon] button icon
* @param {String} [value_if_empty=''] what to display if the field's value is ``false``
* @param {Boolean} [process_modifiers=true] should the modifiers be computed ?
openerp.web.format_cell = function (row_data, column, value_if_empty, process_modifiers) {
var attrs = {};
if (process_modifiers !== false) {
attrs = column.modifiers_for(row_data);
if (attrs.invisible) { return ''; }
if (column.tag === 'button') {
return _.template('<button type="button" title="<%-title%>" <%=additional_attributes%> >' +
'<img src="<%-prefix%>/web/static/src/img/icons/<%-icon%>.png" alt="<%-alt%>"/>' +
'</button>', {
title: column.string || '',
additional_attributes: isNaN(row_data["id"].value) && openerp.web.BufferedDataSet.virtual_id_regex.test(row_data["id"].value) ?
'disabled="disabled" class="oe-listview-button-disabled"' : '',
prefix: openerp.connection.prefix,
icon: column.icon,
alt: column.string || '',
if (!row_data[column.id]) {
return value_if_empty === undefined ? '' : value_if_empty;
return openerp.web.format_value(
row_data[column.id].value, column, value_if_empty);