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Need action mixin class
This revision adds a mixin class for objects using the need action feature. Need action mechanism can be used by objects that have to be able to signal that an action is required on a particular record. If in the business logic an action must be performed by somebody, for instance validation by a manager, this mechanism allows to set a field with the user_id of the user requested to perform the action.
This class wraps a table (base.needaction_users_rel) that behaves like a many2many field. However, no field is added to the model inheriting from base.needaction. The mixin class manages the low-level considerations of updating relationships. Every change made on the record calls a method that updates the relationships.
Objects using the need_action feature should override the ``get_needaction_user_ids`` method. This methods returns a dictionary whose keys are record ids, and values a list of user ids, like in a many2many relationship. Therefore by defining only one method, you can specify if an action is required by defining the users that have to do it, in every possible situation.
This class also offers several global services,:
- ``needaction_get_user_record_references``: for a given uid, get all the records that asks this user to perform an action. Records are given as references, a list of tuples (model_name, record_id).
This mechanism is used for instance to display the number of pending actions in menus, such as Leads (12).
A menu in Settings/Users has been added to allows having a quick look to need_action_user_ids.
Addon implementation example
In your ``foo`` module, you want to specify that when it is in state ``confirmed``, it has to be validated by a manager, given by the field ``manager_id``. After making ``foo`` inheriting from ``base.needaction``, you override the ``get_needaction_user_ids`` method:
_inherit = [base.needaction]
def get_needaction_user_ids(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
# set the list void by default
result = dict.fromkeys(ids, [])
for foo_obj in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
# if foo_obj is confirmed: manager is required to perform an action
if foo_obj.state == 'confirmed':
result[foo_obj.id] = [foo_obj.manager_id]
return result