
311 lines
13 KiB

(function () {
'use strict';
var website = openerp.website;
start: function () {
this.registerTour(new website.EditorShopTour(this));
this.registerTour(new website.EditorShopTest(this));
return this._super();
website.EditorShopTour = website.Tour.extend({
id: 'shop',
name: "Create a product",
init: function (editor) {
var self = this;
self.steps = [
stepId: 'welcome-shop',
title: "Welcome to your shop",
content: "You successfully installed the e-commerce. This guide will help you to create your product and promote your sales.",
template: self.popover({ next: "Start Tutorial", end: "Skip It" }),
backdrop: true,
stepId: 'content-menu',
element: '#content-menu-button',
placement: 'left',
title: "Create your first product",
content: "Click here to add a new product.",
template: self.popover({ fixed: true }),
trigger: 'click',
stepId: 'edit-entry',
element: '#create-new-product',
placement: 'left',
title: "Create a new product",
content: "Select 'New Product' to create it and manage its properties to boost your sales.",
template: self.popover({ fixed: true }),
trigger: {
modal: {
stopOnClose: true,
afterSubmit: 'product-page',
stepId: 'enter-name',
element: '.modal input[type=text]',
placement: 'right',
title: "Choose name",
content: "Enter a name for your new product then click 'Continue'.",
stepId: 'product-page',
title: "New product created",
content: "This page contains all the information related to the new product.",
template: self.popover({ next: "OK" }),
backdrop: true,
stepId: 'edit-price',
element: '.product_price',
placement: 'left',
title: "Change the public price",
content: "Edit the sale price of this product by clicking on the amount. The price is the sale price used in all sale orders when selling this product.",
template: self.popover({ next: "OK" }),
stepId: 'update-image',
element: '#wrap img.img:first',
placement: 'top',
title: "Update image",
content: "Click here to set an image describing your product.",
triggers: function () {
function registerClick () {
$('button.hover-edition-button').one('click', function () {
$('#wrap img.img:first').off('hover', registerClick);
$('#wrap img.img:first').on('hover', registerClick);
stepId: 'upload-image',
element: 'button.filepicker',
placement: 'left',
title: "Upload image",
content: "Click on 'Upload an image from your computer' to pick an image describing your product.",
template: self.popover({ next: "OK" }),
triggers: function () {
$(document).on('hide.bs.modal', function () {
stepId: 'save-image',
element: 'button.save',
placement: 'right',
title: "Save the image",
content: "Click 'Save Changes' to add the image to the product decsription.",
stepId: 'add-block',
element: 'button[data-action=snippet]',
placement: 'bottom',
title: "Describe the product for your audience",
content: "Insert blocks like text-image, or gallery to fully describe the product and make your visitors want to buy this product.",
template: self.popover({ fixed: true }),
trigger: 'click',
stepId: 'drag-big-picture',
snippet: 'big-picture',
placement: 'bottom',
title: "Drag & Drop a block",
content: "Drag the 'Big Picture' block and drop it in your page.",
template: self.popover({ fixed: true }),
trigger: 'drag',
stepId: 'save-changes',
element: 'button[data-action=save]',
placement: 'right',
title: "Save your modifications",
content: "Once you click on save, your product is updated.",
template: self.popover({ fixed: true }),
trigger: 'click',
stepId: 'publish-product',
element: '.js_publish_management button.js_publish_btn.btn-danger',
placement: 'top',
title: "Publish your product",
content: "Click to publish your product so your customers can see it.",
trigger: 'click',
stepId: 'congratulations',
title: "Congratulations",
content: "Congratulations! You just created and published your first product.",
template: self.popover({ end: "Close Tutorial" }),
backdrop: true,
return this._super();
trigger: function () {
return (this.resume() && this.testUrl(/^\/shop\/product\/[0-9]+\//)) || this._super();
website.Test = website.Tour.extend({
registerStep: function (step) {
var self = this;
var step = this._super(step);
if (step.beforeTrigger || step.afterTrigger) {
var fn = step.triggers;
step.triggers = function (callback) {
if (step.beforeTrigger) step.beforeTrigger();
if (!step.afterTrigger) {
fn.call(step, callback);
} else {
fn.call(step, function () {
(callback || self.moveToNextStep).apply(self);
return step;
website.EditorShopTest = website.Test.extend({
id: 'shoptest',
name: "Try to by 3 products",
path: '/shop',
init: function (editor) {
var self = this;
self.steps = [
stepId: 'begin-test',
title: 'begin-test',
template: self.popover({ next: "Start Test"}),
backdrop: true,
stepId: 'display-ipod',
element: '.oe_product_cart a:contains("iPod")',
trigger: 'click',
stepId: 'display-wait-ipod',
trigger: 'reload',
stepId: 'choose-ipod',
element: 'input[name="product_id"]:not([checked])',
trigger: {
id: 'mouseup',
stepId: 'add-ipod',
element: 'form[action="/shop/add_cart/"] button',
trigger: {
url: '/shop/mycart/',
stepId: 'add-suggested-product',
element: 'form[action="/shop/add_cart/"] button:contains("Add to Cart")',
trigger: 'reload',
stepId: 'more-product',
element: '.oe_mycart a.js_add_cart_json:eq(1)',
trigger: 'click',
stepId: 'less-product',
element: '.oe_mycart a.js_add_cart_json:eq(2)',
trigger: 'reload',
stepId: 'number-product',
element: '.oe_mycart input.js_quantity',
trigger: 'reload',
beforeTrigger: function (tour, callback) {
if (parseInt($(".oe_mycart input.js_quantity").val(),10) !== 1)
$(".oe_mycart input.js_quantity").val("1").change();
afterTrigger: function (tour, callback) {
if ($(".oe_mycart input.js_quantity").size() !== 1)
throw "Can't remove suggested item from my cart";
if (parseInt($(".oe_mycart input.js_quantity").val(),10) !== 1)
throw "Can't defined number of items in my cart";
stepId: 'go-checkout-product',
element: 'a[href="/shop/checkout/"]',
trigger: {
url: '/shop/checkout/',
stepId: 'confirm-false-checkout-product',
element: 'form[action="/shop/confirm_order/"] button',
trigger: {
url: '/shop/confirm_order/',
beforeTrigger: function (tour, callback) {
stepId: 'confirm-checkout-product',
element: 'form[action="/shop/confirm_order/"] button',
trigger: {
url: '/shop/payment/',
beforeTrigger: function (tour, callback) {
stepId: 'delivery-checkout-product',
element: 'input[name="delivery_type"]:eq(1)',
trigger: 'reload',
stepId: 'acquirer-checkout-product',
element: 'input[name="acquirer"]',
trigger: 'mouseup',
stepId: 'pay-checkout-product',
element: 'button:contains("Pay Now")',
trigger: 'click',
stepId: 'end-test',
title: "end-test",
backdrop: true,
return this._super();
trigger: function () {
return (this.resume() && this.testUrl(/^\/shop\//)) || this._super();