
359 lines
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// A Javascript 2D vector library
// conventions :
// method that returns a float value do not modify the vector
// method that implement operators return a new vector with the modifications without
// modifying the calling vector or the parameters.
// v3 = v1.add(v2); // v3 is set to v1 + v2, v1, v2 are not modified
// methods that take a single vector as a parameter are usually also available with
// q '_xy' suffix. Those method takes two floats representing the x,y coordinates of
// the vector parameter and allow you to avoid to needlessly create a vector object :
// v2 = v1.add(new Vec2(3,4));
// v2 = v1.add_xy(3,4); //equivalent to previous line
// angles are in radians by default but method that takes angle as parameters
// or return angle values usually have a variant with a '_deg' suffix that works in degrees
// The 2D vector object
function Vec2(x,y){
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
window.Vec2 = Vec2;
// Multiply a number expressed in radiant by rad2deg to convert it in degrees
var rad2deg = 57.29577951308232;
// Multiply a number expressed in degrees by deg2rad to convert it to radiant
var deg2rad = 0.017453292519943295;
// The numerical precision used to compare vector equality
var epsilon = 0.0000001;
// This static method creates a new vector from polar coordinates with the angle expressed
// in degrees
Vec2.new_polar_deg = function(len,angle){
var v = new Vec2(len,0);
return v.rotate_deg(angle);
// This static method creates a new vector from polar coordinates with the angle expressed in
// radians
Vec2.new_polar = function(len,angle){
var v = new Vec2(len,0);
return v;
// returns the length or modulus or magnitude of the vector
Vec2.prototype.len = function(){
return Math.sqrt(this.x*this.x + this.y*this.y);
// returns the squared length of the vector, this method is much faster than len()
Vec2.prototype.len_sq = function(){
return this.x*this.x + this.y*this.y;
// return the distance between this vector and the vector v
Vec2.prototype.dist = function(v){
var dx = this.x - v.x;
var dy = this.y - v.y;
return Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
// return the distance between this vector and the vector of coordinates (x,y)
Vec2.prototype.dist_xy = function(x,y){
var dx = this.x - x;
var dy = this.y - y;
return Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
// return the squared distance between this vector and the vector and the vector v
Vec2.prototype.dist_sq = function(v){
var dx = this.x - v.x;
var dy = this.y - v.y;
return dx*dx + dy*dy;
// return the squared distance between this vector and the vector of coordinates (x,y)
Vec2.prototype.dist_sq_xy = function(x,y){
var dx = this.x - x;
var dy = this.y - y;
return dx*dx + dy*dy;
// return the dot product between this vector and the vector v
Vec2.prototype.dot = function(v){
return this.x*v.x + this.y*v.y;
// return the dot product between this vector and the vector of coordinate (x,y)
Vec2.prototype.dot_xy = function(x,y){
return this.x*x + this.y*y;
// return a new vector with the same coordinates as this
Vec2.prototype.clone = function(){
return new Vec2(this.x,this.y);
// return the sum of this and vector v as a new vector
Vec2.prototype.add = function(v){
return new Vec2(this.x+v.x,this.y+v.y);
// return the sum of this and vector (x,y) as a new vector
Vec2.prototype.add_xy = function(x,y){
return new Vec2(this.x+x,this.y+y);
// returns (this - v) as a new vector where v is a vector and - is the vector substraction
Vec2.prototype.sub = function(v){
return new Vec2(this.x-v.x,this.y-v.y);
// returns (this - (x,y)) as a new vector where - is vector substraction
Vec2.prototype.sub_xy = function(x,y){
return new Vec2(this.x-x,this.y-y);
// return (this * v) as a new vector where v is a vector and * is the by component product
Vec2.prototype.mult = function(v){
return new Vec2(this.x*v.x,this.y*v.y);
// return (this * (x,y)) as a new vector where * is the by component product
Vec2.prototype.mult_xy = function(x,y){
return new Vec2(this.x*x,this.y*y);
// return this scaled by float f as a new fector
Vec2.prototype.scale = function(f){
return new Vec2(this.x*f, this.y*f);
// return the negation of this vector
Vec2.prototype.neg = function(f){
return new Vec2(-this.x,-this.y);
// return this vector normalized as a new vector
Vec2.prototype.normalize = function(){
var len = this.len();
if(len == 0){
return new Vec2(0,1);
}else if(len != 1){
return this.scale(1.0/len);
return new Vec2(this.x,this.y);
// return a new vector with the same direction as this vector of length float l. (negative values of l will invert direction)
Vec2.prototype.set_len = function(l){
return this.normalize().scale(l);
// return the projection of this onto the vector v as a new vector
Vec2.prototype.project = function(v){
return v.set_len(this.dot(v));
// return a string representation of this vector
Vec2.prototype.toString = function(){
var str = "";
str += "[";
str += this.x;
str += ",";
str += this.y;
str += "]";
return str;
//return this vector counterclockwise rotated by rad radians as a new vector
Vec2.prototype.rotate = function(rad){
var c = Math.cos(rad);
var s = Math.sin(rad);
var px = this.x * c - this.y *s;
var py = this.x * s + this.y *c;
return new Vec2(px,py);
//return this vector counterclockwise rotated by deg degrees as a new vector
Vec2.prototype.rotate_deg = function(deg){
return this.rotate(deg * deg2rad);
//linearly interpolate this vector towards the vector v by float factor alpha.
// alpha == 0 : does nothing
// alpha == 1 : sets this to v
Vec2.prototype.lerp = function(v,alpha){
var inv_alpha = 1 - alpha;
return new Vec2( this.x * inv_alpha + v.x * alpha,
this.y * inv_alpha + v.y * alpha );
// returns the angle between this vector and the vector (1,0) in radians
Vec2.prototype.angle = function(){
return Math.atan2(this.y,this.x);
// returns the angle between this vector and the vector (1,0) in degrees
Vec2.prototype.angle_deg = function(){
return Math.atan2(this.y,this.x) * rad2deg;
// returns true if this vector is equal to the vector v, with a tolerance defined by the epsilon module constant
Vec2.prototype.equals = function(v){
if(Math.abs(this.x-v.x) > epsilon){
return false;
}else if(Math.abs(this.y-v.y) > epsilon){
return false;
return true;
// returns true if this vector is equal to the vector (x,y) with a tolerance defined by the epsilon module constant
Vec2.prototype.equals_xy = function(x,y){
if(Math.abs(this.x-x) > epsilon){
return false;
}else if(Math.abs(this.y-y) > epsilon){
return false;
return true;
// A Bounding Shapes Library
// A Bounding Ellipse
// cx,cy : center of the ellipse
// rx,ry : radius of the ellipse
function BEllipse(cx,cy,rx,ry){
this.type = 'ellipse';
this.x = cx-rx; // minimum x coordinate contained in the ellipse
this.y = cy-ry; // minimum y coordinate contained in the ellipse
this.sx = 2*rx; // width of the ellipse on the x axis
this.sy = 2*ry; // width of the ellipse on the y axis
this.hx = rx; // half of the ellipse width on the x axis
this.hy = ry; // half of the ellipse width on the y axis
this.cx = cx; // x coordinate of the ellipse center
this.cy = cy; // y coordinate of the ellipse center
this.mx = cx + rx; // maximum x coordinate contained in the ellipse
this.my = cy + ry; // maximum x coordinate contained in the ellipse
window.BEllipse = BEllipse;
// returns an unordered list of vector defining the positions of the intersections between the ellipse's
// boundary and a line segment defined by the start and end vectors a,b
BEllipse.prototype.collide_segment = function(a,b){
// http://paulbourke.net/geometry/sphereline/
var collisions = [];
if(a.equals(b)){ //we do not compute the intersection in this case. TODO ?
return collisions;
// make all computations in a space where the ellipse is a circle
// centered on zero
var c = new Vec2(this.cx,this.cy);
a = a.sub(c).mult_xy(1/this.hx,1/this.hy);
b = b.sub(c).mult_xy(1/this.hx,1/this.hy);
if(a.len_sq() < 1 && b.len_sq() < 1){ //both points inside the ellipse
return collisions;
// compute the roots of the intersection
var ab = b.sub(a);
var A = (ab.x*ab.x + ab.y*ab.y);
var B = 2*( ab.x*a.x + ab.y*a.y);
var C = a.x*a.x + a.y*a.y - 1;
var u = B * B - 4*A*C;
if(u < 0){
return collisions;
u = Math.sqrt(u);
var u1 = (-B + u) / (2*A);
var u2 = (-B - u) / (2*A);
if(u1 >= 0 && u1 <= 1){
var pos = a.add(ab.scale(u1));
if(u1 != u2 && u2 >= 0 && u2 <= 1){
var pos = a.add(ab.scale(u2));
for(var i = 0; i < collisions.length; i++){
collisions[i] = collisions[i].mult_xy(this.hx,this.hy);
collisions[i] = collisions[i].add_xy(this.cx,this.cy);
return collisions;
// A bounding rectangle
// x,y the minimum coordinate contained in the rectangle
// sx,sy the size of the rectangle along the x,y axis
function BRect(x,y,sx,sy){
this.type = 'rect';
this.x = x; // minimum x coordinate contained in the rectangle
this.y = y; // minimum y coordinate contained in the rectangle
this.sx = sx; // width of the rectangle on the x axis
this.sy = sy; // width of the rectangle on the y axis
this.hx = sx/2; // half of the rectangle width on the x axis
this.hy = sy/2; // half of the rectangle width on the y axis
this.cx = x + this.hx; // x coordinate of the rectangle center
this.cy = y + this.hy; // y coordinate of the rectangle center
this.mx = x + sx; // maximum x coordinate contained in the rectangle
this.my = y + sy; // maximum x coordinate contained in the rectangle
window.BRect = BRect;
// Static method creating a new bounding rectangle of size (sx,sy) centered on (cx,cy)
BRect.new_centered = function(cx,cy,sx,sy){
return new BRect(cx-sx/2,cy-sy/2,sx,sy);
//intersect line a,b with line c,d, returns null if no intersection
function line_intersect(a,b,c,d){
// http://paulbourke.net/geometry/lineline2d/
var f = ((d.y - c.y)*(b.x - a.x) - (d.x - c.x)*(b.y - a.y));
if(f == 0){
return null;
f = 1 / f;
var fab = ((d.x - c.x)*(a.y - c.y) - (d.y - c.y)*(a.x - c.x)) * f ;
if(fab < 0 || fab > 1){
return null;
var fcd = ((b.x - a.x)*(a.y - c.y) - (b.y - a.y)*(a.x - c.x)) * f ;
if(fcd < 0 || fcd > 1){
return null;
return new Vec2(a.x + fab * (b.x-a.x), a.y + fab * (b.y - a.y) );
// returns an unordered list of vector defining the positions of the intersections between the ellipse's
// boundary and a line segment defined by the start and end vectors a,b
BRect.prototype.collide_segment = function(a,b){
var collisions = [];
var corners = [ new Vec2(this.x,this.y), new Vec2(this.x,this.my),
new Vec2(this.mx,this.my), new Vec2(this.mx,this.y) ];
var pos = line_intersect(a,b,corners[0],corners[1]);
if(pos) collisions.push(pos);
pos = line_intersect(a,b,corners[1],corners[2]);
if(pos) collisions.push(pos);
pos = line_intersect(a,b,corners[2],corners[3]);
if(pos) collisions.push(pos);
pos = line_intersect(a,b,corners[3],corners[0]);
if(pos) collisions.push(pos);
return collisions;
// returns true if the rectangle contains the position defined by the vector 'vec'
BRect.prototype.contains_vec = function(vec){
return ( vec.x >= this.x && vec.x <= this.mx &&
vec.y >= this.y && vec.y <= this.my );
// returns true if the rectangle contains the position (x,y)
BRect.prototype.contains_xy = function(x,y){
return ( x >= this.x && x <= this.mx &&
y >= this.y && y <= this.my );
// returns true if the ellipse contains the position defined by the vector 'vec'
BEllipse.prototype.contains_vec = function(v){
v = v.mult_xy(this.hx,this.hy);
return v.len_sq() <= 1;
// returns true if the ellipse contains the position (x,y)
BEllipse.prototype.contains_xy = function(x,y){
return this.contains(new Vec2(x,y));