
224 lines
8.9 KiB

(function () {
'use strict';
var website = openerp.website;
function render (template, dict) {
return openerp.qweb.render(template, dict);
website.EditorTour = openerp.Class.extend({
tour: undefined,
steps: [],
tourStorage: window.localStorage,
init: function () {
this.tour = new Tour({
name: this.id,
storage: this.tourStorage,
keyboard: false,
this.tour.addSteps(_.map(this.steps, function (step) {
step.title = render('website.tour_title', { title: step.title });
return step;
reset: function () {
start: function () {
if (this.canResume()) {
canResume: function () {
return this.currentStepIndex() === 0 && !this.tour.ended();
currentStepIndex: function () {
var index = this.tourStorage.getItem(this.id+'_current_step') || 0;
return parseInt(index, 10);
indexOfStep: function (stepId) {
var index = -1;
_.each(this.steps, function (step, i) {
if (step.stepId === stepId) {
index = i;
return index;
movetoStep: function (stepId) {
var index = this.indexOfStep(stepId);
if (index > -1) {
saveStep: function (stepId) {
var index = this.indexOfStep(stepId);
this.tourStorage.setItem(this.id+'_current_step', index);
stop: function () {
website.EditorBasicTour = website.EditorTour.extend({
id: 'add_banner_tour',
name: "How to add a banner",
init: function () {
var self = this;
self.steps = [
stepId: 'welcome',
orphan: true,
backdrop: true,
title: "Welcome to your website!",
content: "This tutorial will guide you through the firsts steps to build your enterprise class website.",
template: render('website.tour_full', { next: "OK", end: "Close" }),
stepId: 'edit-page',
element: 'button[data-action=edit]',
placement: 'right',
reflex: true,
title: "Edit this page",
content: "Every page of your website can be edited. Click the <b>Edit</b> button to modify your homepage.",
template: render('website.tour_simple'),
stepId: 'show-bar',
element: '#website-top-navbar',
placement: 'bottom',
title: "Editor bar",
content: "This is the <b>Editor Bar</b>, use it to modify your website's pages.",
template: render('website.tour_confirm', { next: "OK" }),
stepId: 'add-block',
element: 'button[data-action=snippet]',
placement: 'right',
reflex: true,
title: "Add a block to your page",
content: "Click on the <b>Insert Blocks</b> button to open the block collection.",
template: render('website.tour_simple'),
stepId: 'drag-banner',
element: '#website-top-navbar [data-snippet-id=carousel]',
placement: 'bottom',
title: "Add a banner to your page",
content: "Drag the <b>Banner</b> block to the body of the page and drop it on a purple zone.",
template: render('website.tour_simple'),
onShown: function () {
function beginDrag () {
$('body').off('mousedown', beginDrag);
function goToNextStep () {
$('body').off('mouseup', goToNextStep);
$('body').on('mouseup', goToNextStep);
$('body').on('mousedown', beginDrag);
stepId: 'edit-title',
element: '#wrap [data-snippet-id=carousel]:first .carousel-caption',
placement: 'top',
title: "Change the title",
content: "Click on the title and modify it to fit your needs then click <b>Done</b>.",
template: render('website.tour_confirm', { next: "Done" }),
onHide: function () {
var $banner = $("#wrap [data-snippet-id=carousel]:first");
if ($banner.length) {
stepId: 'customize-banner',
element: '.oe_overlay_options .oe_options',
placement: 'left',
title: "Customize the banner",
content: "Click on <b>Customize</b> and change the background of your banner.",
template: render('website.tour_confirm', { next: "Not now" }),
onShow: function () {
$('.dropdown-menu [name=carousel-background]').click(function () {
stepId: 'save-changes',
element: 'button[data-action=save]',
placement: 'right',
reflex: true,
title: "Save your modifications",
content: "Click the <b>Save</b> button to apply modifications on your website.",
template: render('website.tour_simple'),
onHide: function () {
stepId: 'part-2',
orphan: true,
title: "Congratutaltions!",
content: "Congratulations on your first modifications.",
template: render('website.tour_confirm', { next: "OK" }),
stepId: 'show-tutorials',
element: '#help-menu-button',
placement: 'left',
title: "Help is always available",
content: "You can find more tutorials in the <b>Help</b> menu.",
template: render('website.tour_end', { end: "Close" }),
return this._super();
startOfPart2: function () {
var currentStepIndex = this.currentStepIndex();
var secondPartIndex = this.indexOfStep('part-2');
return currentStepIndex === secondPartIndex && !this.tour.ended();
canResume: function () {
return this.startOfPart2() || this._super();
function refererPath () {
var anchor = document.createElement('a');
anchor.href = document.referrer;
return anchor.pathname;
start: function () {
website.tutorials = {
basic: new website.EditorBasicTour(),
var menu = $('#help-menu');
_.each(website.tutorials, function (tutorial) {
var $menuItem = $($.parseHTML('<li><a href="#">'+tutorial.name+'</a></li>'));
$menuItem.click(function () {
if (refererPath() === '/web' || website.tutorials.basic.startOfPart2()) {
return this._super();