
1403 lines
58 KiB

function openerp_pos_models(instance, module){ //module is instance.point_of_sale
var QWeb = instance.web.qweb;
var _t = instance.web._t;
var round_di = instance.web.round_decimals;
var round_pr = instance.web.round_precision
// The PosModel contains the Point Of Sale's representation of the backend.
// Since the PoS must work in standalone ( Without connection to the server )
// it must contains a representation of the server's PoS backend.
// (taxes, product list, configuration options, etc.) this representation
// is fetched and stored by the PosModel at the initialisation.
// this is done asynchronously, a ready deferred alows the GUI to wait interactively
// for the loading to be completed
// There is a single instance of the PosModel for each Front-End instance, it is usually called
// 'pos' and is available to all widgets extending PosWidget.
module.PosModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize: function(session, attributes) {
Backbone.Model.prototype.initialize.call(this, attributes);
var self = this;
this.session = session;
this.flush_mutex = new $.Mutex(); // used to make sure the orders are sent to the server once at time
this.pos_widget = attributes.pos_widget;
this.proxy = new module.ProxyDevice(this); // used to communicate to the hardware devices via a local proxy
this.barcode_reader = new module.BarcodeReader({'pos': this, proxy:this.proxy, patterns: {}}); // used to read barcodes
this.proxy_queue = new module.JobQueue(); // used to prevent parallels communications to the proxy
this.db = new module.PosDB(); // a local database used to search trough products and categories & store pending orders
this.debug = jQuery.deparam(jQuery.param.querystring()).debug !== undefined; //debug mode
// Business data; loaded from the server at launch
this.accounting_precision = 2; //TODO
this.company_logo = null;
this.company_logo_base64 = '';
this.currency = null;
this.shop = null;
this.company = null;
this.user = null;
this.users = [];
this.partners = [];
this.cashier = null;
this.cashregisters = [];
this.bankstatements = [];
this.taxes = [];
this.pos_session = null;
this.config = null;
this.units = [];
this.units_by_id = {};
this.pricelist = null;
this.order_sequence = 1;
window.posmodel = this;
// these dynamic attributes can be watched for change by other models or widgets
'synch': { state:'connected', pending:0 },
'orders': new module.OrderCollection(),
'selectedOrder': null,
self.synch_timeout = setTimeout(function(){
if(synch.state !== 'disconnected' && synch.pending > 0){
self.set('synch',{state:'disconnected', pending:synch.pending});
this.get('orders').bind('remove', function(order,_unused_,options){
// We fetch the backend data on the server asynchronously. this is done only when the pos user interface is launched,
// Any change on this data made on the server is thus not reflected on the point of sale until it is relaunched.
// when all the data has loaded, we compute some stuff, and declare the Pos ready to be used.
this.ready = this.load_server_data()
return self.connect_to_proxy();
// releases ressources holds by the model at the end of life of the posmodel
destroy: function(){
// FIXME, should wait for flushing, return a deferred to indicate successfull destruction
// this.flush();
connect_to_proxy: function(){
var self = this;
var done = new $.Deferred();
this.pos_widget.loading_message(_t('Connecting to the PosBox'),0);
force_ip: self.config.proxy_ip || undefined,
progress: function(prog){
return done;
// helper function to load data from the server. Obsolete use the models loader below.
fetch: function(model, fields, domain, ctx){
this._load_progress = (this._load_progress || 0) + 0.05;
this.pos_widget.loading_message(_t('Loading')+' '+model,this._load_progress);
return new instance.web.Model(model).query(fields).filter(domain).context(ctx).all()
// Server side model loaders. This is the list of the models that need to be loaded from
// the server. The models are loaded one by one by this list's order. The 'loaded' callback
// is used to store the data in the appropriate place once it has been loaded. This callback
// can return a deferred that will pause the loading of the next module.
// a shared temporary dictionary is available for loaders to communicate private variables
// used during loading such as object ids, etc.
models: [
model: 'res.users',
fields: ['name','company_id'],
ids: function(self){ return [self.session.uid]; },
loaded: function(self,users){ self.user = users[0]; },
model: 'res.company',
fields: [ 'currency_id', 'email', 'website', 'company_registry', 'vat', 'name', 'phone', 'partner_id' , 'country_id'],
ids: function(self){ return [self.user.company_id[0]] },
loaded: function(self,companies){ self.company = companies[0]; },
model: 'decimal.precision',
fields: ['name','digits'],
loaded: function(self,dps){
self.dp = {};
for (var i = 0; i < dps.length; i++) {
self.dp[dps[i].name] = dps[i].digits;
model: 'product.uom',
fields: [],
domain: null,
loaded: function(self,units){
self.units = units;
var units_by_id = {};
for(var i = 0, len = units.length; i < len; i++){
units_by_id[units[i].id] = units[i];
units[i].groupable = ( units[i].category_id[0] === 1 );
units[i].is_unit = ( units[i].id === 1 );
self.units_by_id = units_by_id;
model: 'res.users',
fields: ['name','ean13'],
domain: null,
loaded: function(self,users){ self.users = users; },
model: 'res.partner',
fields: ['name','street','city','state_id','country_id','vat','phone','zip','mobile','email','ean13','write_date'],
domain: [['customer','=',true]],
loaded: function(self,partners){
self.partners = partners;
model: 'res.country',
fields: ['name'],
loaded: function(self,countries){
self.countries = countries;
self.company.country = null;
for (var i = 0; i < countries.length; i++) {
if (countries[i].id === self.company.country_id[0]){
self.company.country = countries[i];
model: 'account.tax',
fields: ['name','amount', 'price_include', 'include_base_amount', 'type', 'child_ids', 'child_depend', 'include_base_amount'],
domain: null,
loaded: function(self, taxes){
self.taxes = taxes;
self.taxes_by_id = {};
_.each(taxes, function(tax){
self.taxes_by_id[tax.id] = tax;
_.each(self.taxes_by_id, function(tax) {
tax.child_taxes = {};
_.each(tax.child_ids, function(child_tax_id) {
tax.child_taxes[child_tax_id] = self.taxes_by_id[child_tax_id];
model: 'pos.session',
fields: ['id', 'journal_ids','name','user_id','config_id','start_at','stop_at','sequence_number','login_number'],
domain: function(self){ return [['state','=','opened'],['user_id','=',self.session.uid]]; },
loaded: function(self,pos_sessions){
self.pos_session = pos_sessions[0];
var orders = self.db.get_orders();
for (var i = 0; i < orders.length; i++) {
self.pos_session.sequence_number = Math.max(self.pos_session.sequence_number, orders[i].data.sequence_number+1);
model: 'pos.config',
fields: [],
domain: function(self){ return [['id','=', self.pos_session.config_id[0]]]; },
loaded: function(self,configs){
self.config = configs[0];
self.config.use_proxy = self.config.iface_payment_terminal ||
self.config.iface_electronic_scale ||
self.config.iface_print_via_proxy ||
self.config.iface_scan_via_proxy ||
'product': self.config.barcode_product,
'cashier': self.config.barcode_cashier,
'client': self.config.barcode_customer,
'weight': self.config.barcode_weight,
'discount': self.config.barcode_discount,
'price': self.config.barcode_price,
if (self.config.company_id[0] !== self.user.company_id[0]) {
throw new Error(_t("Error: The Point of Sale User must belong to the same company as the Point of Sale. You are probably trying to load the point of sale as an administrator in a multi-company setup, with the administrator account set to the wrong company."));
model: 'stock.location',
fields: [],
ids: function(self){ return [self.config.stock_location_id[0]]; },
loaded: function(self, locations){ self.shop = locations[0]; },
model: 'product.pricelist',
fields: ['currency_id'],
ids: function(self){ return [self.config.pricelist_id[0]]; },
loaded: function(self, pricelists){ self.pricelist = pricelists[0]; },
model: 'res.currency',
fields: ['symbol','position','rounding','accuracy'],
ids: function(self){ return [self.pricelist.currency_id[0]]; },
loaded: function(self, currencies){
self.currency = currencies[0];
if (self.currency.rounding > 0) {
self.currency.decimals = Math.ceil(Math.log(1.0 / self.currency.rounding) / Math.log(10));
} else {
self.currency.decimals = 0;
model: 'product.packaging',
fields: ['ean','product_tmpl_id'],
domain: null,
loaded: function(self, packagings){
model: 'pos.category',
fields: ['id','name','parent_id','child_id','image'],
domain: null,
loaded: function(self, categories){
model: 'product.product',
fields: ['display_name', 'list_price','price','pos_categ_id', 'taxes_id', 'ean13', 'default_code',
'to_weight', 'uom_id', 'uos_id', 'uos_coeff', 'mes_type', 'description_sale', 'description',
domain: [['sale_ok','=',true],['available_in_pos','=',true]],
context: function(self){ return { pricelist: self.pricelist.id, display_default_code: false }; },
loaded: function(self, products){
model: 'account.bank.statement',
fields: ['account_id','currency','journal_id','state','name','user_id','pos_session_id'],
domain: function(self){ return [['state', '=', 'open'],['pos_session_id', '=', self.pos_session.id]]; },
loaded: function(self, bankstatements, tmp){
self.bankstatements = bankstatements;
tmp.journals = [];
model: 'account.journal',
fields: [],
domain: function(self,tmp){ return [['id','in',tmp.journals]]; },
loaded: function(self, journals){
self.journals = journals;
// associate the bank statements with their journals.
var bankstatements = self.bankstatements;
for(var i = 0, ilen = bankstatements.length; i < ilen; i++){
for(var j = 0, jlen = journals.length; j < jlen; j++){
if(bankstatements[i].journal_id[0] === journals[j].id){
bankstatements[i].journal = journals[j];
self.cashregisters = bankstatements;
label: 'fonts',
loaded: function(self){
var fonts_loaded = new $.Deferred();
// Waiting for fonts to be loaded to prevent receipt printing
// from printing empty receipt while loading Inconsolata
// ( The font used for the receipt )
waitForWebfonts(['Lato','Inconsolata'], function(){
// The JS used to detect font loading is not 100% robust, so
// do not wait more than 5sec
return fonts_loaded;
label: 'pictures',
loaded: function(self){
self.company_logo = new Image();
var logo_loaded = new $.Deferred();
self.company_logo.onload = function(){
var img = self.company_logo;
var ratio = 1;
var targetwidth = 300;
var maxheight = 150;
if( img.width !== targetwidth ){
ratio = targetwidth / img.width;
if( img.height * ratio > maxheight ){
ratio = maxheight / img.height;
var width = Math.floor(img.width * ratio);
var height = Math.floor(img.height * ratio);
var c = document.createElement('canvas');
c.width = width;
c.height = height
var ctx = c.getContext('2d');
ctx.drawImage(self.company_logo,0,0, width, height);
self.company_logo_base64 = c.toDataURL();
self.company_logo.onerror = function(){
self.company_logo.crossOrigin = "anonymous";
self.company_logo.src = '/web/binary/company_logo' +'?_'+Math.random();
return logo_loaded;
// loads all the needed data on the sever. returns a deferred indicating when all the data has loaded.
load_server_data: function(){
var self = this;
var loaded = new $.Deferred();
var progress = 0;
var progress_step = 1.0 / self.models.length;
var tmp = {}; // this is used to share a temporary state between models loaders
function load_model(index){
if(index >= self.models.length){
var model = self.models[index];
self.pos_widget.loading_message(_t('Loading')+' '+(model.label || model.model || ''), progress);
var fields = typeof model.fields === 'function' ? model.fields(self,tmp) : model.fields;
var domain = typeof model.domain === 'function' ? model.domain(self,tmp) : model.domain;
var context = typeof model.context === 'function' ? model.context(self,tmp) : model.context;
var ids = typeof model.ids === 'function' ? model.ids(self,tmp) : model.ids;
progress += progress_step;
if( model.model ){
if (model.ids) {
var records = new instance.web.Model(model.model).call('read',[ids,fields],context);
} else {
var records = new instance.web.Model(model.model).query(fields).filter(domain).context(context).all()
try{ // catching exceptions in model.loaded(...)
.then(function(){ load_model(index + 1); },
function(err){ loaded.reject(err); });
}else if( model.loaded ){
try{ // catching exceptions in model.loaded(...)
.then( function(){ load_model(index +1); },
function(err){ loaded.reject(err); });
load_model(index + 1);
return loaded;
// reload the list of partner, returns as a deferred that resolves if there were
// updated partners, and fails if not
load_new_partners: function(){
var self = this;
var def = new $.Deferred();
var fields = _.find(this.models,function(model){ return model.model === 'res.partner'; }).fields;
new instance.web.Model('res.partner')
.all({'timeout':3000, 'shadow': true})
if (self.db.add_partners(partners)) { // check if the partners we got were real updates
} else {
}, function(err,event){ event.preventDefault(); def.reject(); });
return def;
// this is called when an order is removed from the order collection. It ensures that there is always an existing
// order and a valid selected order
on_removed_order: function(removed_order,index,reason){
if( (reason === 'abandon' || removed_order.temporary) && this.get('orders').size() > 0){
// when we intentionally remove an unfinished order, and there is another existing one
this.set({'selectedOrder' : this.get('orders').at(index) || this.get('orders').last()});
// when the order was automatically removed after completion,
// or when we intentionally delete the only concurrent order
//creates a new empty order and sets it as the current order
add_new_order: function(){
var order = new module.Order({pos:this});
this.set('selectedOrder', order);
get_order: function(){
return this.get('selectedOrder');
//removes the current order
delete_current_order: function(){
// saves the order locally and try to send it to the backend.
// it returns a deferred that succeeds after having tried to send the order and all the other pending orders.
push_order: function(order) {
var self = this;
var pushed = new $.Deferred();
var flushed = self._flush_orders(self.db.get_orders());
return pushed;
// saves the order locally and try to send it to the backend and make an invoice
// returns a deferred that succeeds when the order has been posted and successfully generated
// an invoice. This method can fail in various ways:
// error-no-client: the order must have an associated partner_id. You can retry to make an invoice once
// this error is solved
// error-transfer: there was a connection error during the transfer. You can retry to make the invoice once
// the network connection is up
push_and_invoice_order: function(order){
var self = this;
var invoiced = new $.Deferred();
return invoiced;
var order_id = this.db.add_order(order.export_as_JSON());
var done = new $.Deferred(); // holds the mutex
// send the order to the server
// we have a 30 seconds timeout on this push.
// FIXME: if the server takes more than 30 seconds to accept the order,
// the client will believe it wasn't successfully sent, and very bad
// things will happen as a duplicate will be sent next time
// so we must make sure the server detects and ignores duplicated orders
var transfer = self._flush_orders([self.db.get_order(order_id)], {timeout:30000, to_invoice:true});
// on success, get the order id generated by the server
// generate the pdf and download it
return done;
return invoiced;
// wrapper around the _save_to_server that updates the synch status widget
_flush_orders: function(orders, options) {
var self = this;
this.set('synch',{ state: 'connecting', pending: orders.length});
return self._save_to_server(orders, options).done(function (server_ids) {
var pending = self.db.get_orders().length;
self.set('synch', {
state: pending ? 'connecting' : 'connected',
pending: pending
return server_ids;
// send an array of orders to the server
// available options:
// - timeout: timeout for the rpc call in ms
// returns a deferred that resolves with the list of
// server generated ids for the sent orders
_save_to_server: function (orders, options) {
if (!orders || !orders.length) {
var result = $.Deferred();
return result;
options = options || {};
var self = this;
var timeout = typeof options.timeout === 'number' ? options.timeout : 7500 * orders.length;
// we try to send the order. shadow prevents a spinner if it takes too long. (unless we are sending an invoice,
// then we want to notify the user that we are waiting on something )
var posOrderModel = new instance.web.Model('pos.order');
return posOrderModel.call('create_from_ui',
[_.map(orders, function (order) {
order.to_invoice = options.to_invoice || false;
return order;
shadow: !options.to_invoice,
timeout: timeout
).then(function (server_ids) {
_.each(orders, function (order) {
return server_ids;
}).fail(function (error, event){
if(error.code === 200 ){ // Business Logic Error, not a connection problem
message: error.data.message,
comment: error.data.debug
// prevent an error popup creation by the rpc failure
// we want the failure to be silent as we send the orders in the background
console.error('Failed to send orders:', orders);
scan_product: function(parsed_code){
var self = this;
var selectedOrder = this.get('selectedOrder');
if(parsed_code.encoding === 'ean13'){
var product = this.db.get_product_by_ean13(parsed_code.base_code);
}else if(parsed_code.encoding === 'reference'){
var product = this.db.get_product_by_reference(parsed_code.code);
return false;
if(parsed_code.type === 'price'){
selectedOrder.addProduct(product, {price:parsed_code.value});
}else if(parsed_code.type === 'weight'){
selectedOrder.addProduct(product, {quantity:parsed_code.value, merge:false});
}else if(parsed_code.type === 'discount'){
selectedOrder.addProduct(product, {discount:parsed_code.value, merge:false});
return true;
var orderline_id = 1;
// An orderline represent one element of the content of a client's shopping cart.
// An orderline contains a product, its quantity, its price, discount. etc.
// An Order contains zero or more Orderlines.
module.Orderline = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize: function(attr,options){
this.pos = options.pos;
this.order = options.order;
this.product = options.product;
this.price = options.product.price;
this.quantity = 1;
this.quantityStr = '1';
this.discount = 0;
this.discountStr = '0';
this.type = 'unit';
this.selected = false;
this.id = orderline_id++;
clone: function(){
var orderline = new module.Orderline({},{
pos: this.pos,
order: null,
product: this.product,
price: this.price,
orderline.quantity = this.quantity;
orderline.quantityStr = this.quantityStr;
orderline.discount = this.discount;
orderline.type = this.type;
orderline.selected = false;
return orderline;
// sets a discount [0,100]%
set_discount: function(discount){
var disc = Math.min(Math.max(parseFloat(discount) || 0, 0),100);
this.discount = disc;
this.discountStr = '' + disc;
// returns the discount [0,100]%
get_discount: function(){
return this.discount;
get_discount_str: function(){
return this.discountStr;
get_product_type: function(){
return this.type;
// sets the quantity of the product. The quantity will be rounded according to the
// product's unity of measure properties. Quantities greater than zero will not get
// rounded to zero
set_quantity: function(quantity){
if(quantity === 'remove'){
var quant = parseFloat(quantity) || 0;
var unit = this.get_unit();
if (unit.rounding) {
this.quantity = round_pr(quant, unit.rounding);
this.quantityStr = this.quantity.toFixed(Math.ceil(Math.log(1.0 / unit.rounding) / Math.log(10)));
} else {
this.quantity = round_pr(quant, 1);
this.quantityStr = this.quantity.toFixed(0);
this.quantity = quant;
this.quantityStr = '' + this.quantity;
// return the quantity of product
get_quantity: function(){
return this.quantity;
get_quantity_str: function(){
return this.quantityStr;
get_quantity_str_with_unit: function(){
var unit = this.get_unit();
if(unit && !unit.is_unit){
return this.quantityStr + ' ' + unit.name;
return this.quantityStr;
// return the unit of measure of the product
get_unit: function(){
var unit_id = this.product.uom_id;
return undefined;
unit_id = unit_id[0];
return undefined;
return this.pos.units_by_id[unit_id];
// return the product of this orderline
get_product: function(){
return this.product;
// selects or deselects this orderline
set_selected: function(selected){
this.selected = selected;
// returns true if this orderline is selected
is_selected: function(){
return this.selected;
// when we add an new orderline we want to merge it with the last line to see reduce the number of items
// in the orderline. This returns true if it makes sense to merge the two
can_be_merged_with: function(orderline){
if( this.get_product().id !== orderline.get_product().id){ //only orderline of the same product can be merged
return false;
}else if(!this.get_unit() || !this.get_unit().groupable){
return false;
}else if(this.get_product_type() !== orderline.get_product_type()){
return false;
}else if(this.get_discount() > 0){ // we don't merge discounted orderlines
return false;
}else if(this.price !== orderline.price){
return false;
return true;
merge: function(orderline){
this.set_quantity(this.get_quantity() + orderline.get_quantity());
export_as_JSON: function() {
return {
qty: this.get_quantity(),
price_unit: this.get_unit_price(),
discount: this.get_discount(),
product_id: this.get_product().id,
//used to create a json of the ticket, to be sent to the printer
export_for_printing: function(){
return {
quantity: this.get_quantity(),
unit_name: this.get_unit().name,
price: this.get_unit_price(),
discount: this.get_discount(),
product_name: this.get_product().display_name,
price_display : this.get_display_price(),
price_with_tax : this.get_price_with_tax(),
price_without_tax: this.get_price_without_tax(),
tax: this.get_tax(),
product_description: this.get_product().description,
product_description_sale: this.get_product().description_sale,
// changes the base price of the product for this orderline
set_unit_price: function(price){
this.price = round_di(parseFloat(price) || 0, this.pos.dp['Product Price']);
get_unit_price: function(){
return this.price;
get_base_price: function(){
var rounding = this.pos.currency.rounding;
return round_pr(this.get_unit_price() * this.get_quantity() * (1 - this.get_discount()/100), rounding);
get_display_price: function(){
return this.get_base_price();
get_price_without_tax: function(){
return this.get_all_prices().priceWithoutTax;
get_price_with_tax: function(){
return this.get_all_prices().priceWithTax;
get_tax: function(){
return this.get_all_prices().tax;
get_applicable_taxes: function(){
// Shenaningans because we need
// to keep the taxes ordering.
var ptaxes_ids = this.get_product().taxes_id;
var ptaxes_set = {};
for (var i = 0; i < ptaxes_ids.length; i++) {
ptaxes_set[ptaxes_ids[i]] = true;
var taxes = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.pos.taxes.length; i++) {
if (ptaxes_set[this.pos.taxes[i].id]) {
return taxes;
get_tax_details: function(){
return this.get_all_prices().taxDetails;
compute_all: function(taxes, price_unit) {
var self = this;
var res = [];
var currency_rounding = this.pos.currency.rounding;
var base = price_unit;
_(taxes).each(function(tax) {
if (tax.price_include) {
if (tax.type === "percent") {
tmp = round_pr(base - round_pr(base / (1 + tax.amount),currency_rounding),currency_rounding);
data = {amount:tmp, price_include:true, id: tax.id};
} else if (tax.type === "fixed") {
tmp = round_pr(tax.amount * self.get_quantity(),currency_rounding);
data = {amount:tmp, price_include:true, id: tax.id};
} else {
throw "This type of tax is not supported by the point of sale: " + tax.type;
} else {
if (tax.type === "percent") {
tmp = round_pr(tax.amount * base, currency_rounding);
data = {amount:tmp, price_include:false, id: tax.id};
} else if (tax.type === "fixed") {
tmp = round_pr(tax.amount * self.get_quantity(), currency_rounding);
data = {amount:tmp, price_include:false, id: tax.id};
} else {
throw "This type of tax is not supported by the point of sale: " + tax.type;
var base_amount = data.amount;
var child_amount = 0.0;
if (tax.child_depend) {
res.pop(); // do not use parent tax
child_tax = self.compute_all(tax.child_taxes, base_amount);
_(child_tax).each(function(child) {
child_amount += child.amount;
if (tax.include_base_amount) {
base += base_amount + child_amount;
return res;
get_all_prices: function(){
var base = round_pr(this.get_quantity() * this.get_unit_price() * (1.0 - (this.get_discount() / 100.0)), this.pos.currency.rounding);
var totalTax = base;
var totalNoTax = base;
var taxtotal = 0;
var product = this.get_product();
var taxes_ids = product.taxes_id;
var taxes = this.pos.taxes;
var taxdetail = {};
var product_taxes = [];
product_taxes.push(_.detect(taxes, function(t){
return t.id === el;
var all_taxes = _(this.compute_all(product_taxes, base)).flatten();
_(all_taxes).each(function(tax) {
if (tax.price_include) {
totalNoTax -= tax.amount;
} else {
totalTax += tax.amount;
taxtotal += tax.amount;
taxdetail[tax.id] = tax.amount;
return {
"priceWithTax": totalTax,
"priceWithoutTax": totalNoTax,
"tax": taxtotal,
"taxDetails": taxdetail,
module.OrderlineCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: module.Orderline,
// Every Paymentline contains a cashregister and an amount of money.
module.Paymentline = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize: function(attributes, options) {
this.amount = 0;
this.cashregister = options.cashregister;
this.name = this.cashregister.journal_id[1];
this.selected = false;
this.pos = options.pos;
//sets the amount of money on this payment line
set_amount: function(value){
this.amount = round_di(parseFloat(value) || 0, this.pos.currency.decimals);
// returns the amount of money on this paymentline
get_amount: function(){
return this.amount;
get_amount_str: function(){
return this.amount.toFixed(this.pos.currency.decimals);
set_selected: function(selected){
if(this.selected !== selected){
this.selected = selected;
// returns the payment type: 'cash' | 'bank'
get_type: function(){
return this.cashregister.journal.type
// returns the associated cashregister
//exports as JSON for server communication
export_as_JSON: function(){
return {
name: instance.web.datetime_to_str(new Date()),
statement_id: this.cashregister.id,
account_id: this.cashregister.account_id[0],
journal_id: this.cashregister.journal_id[0],
amount: this.get_amount()
//exports as JSON for receipt printing
export_for_printing: function(){
return {
amount: this.get_amount(),
journal: this.cashregister.journal_id[1],
module.PaymentlineCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: module.Paymentline,
// An order more or less represents the content of a client's shopping cart (the OrderLines)
// plus the associated payment information (the Paymentlines)
// there is always an active ('selected') order in the Pos, a new one is created
// automaticaly once an order is completed and sent to the server.
module.Order = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize: function(attributes){
Backbone.Model.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
this.pos = attributes.pos;
this.sequence_number = this.pos.pos_session.sequence_number++;
this.uid = this.generateUniqueId();
creationDate: new Date(),
orderLines: new module.OrderlineCollection(),
paymentLines: new module.PaymentlineCollection(),
name: _t("Order ") + this.uid,
client: null,
this.selected_orderline = undefined;
this.selected_paymentline = undefined;
this.screen_data = {}; // see ScreenSelector
this.receipt_type = 'receipt'; // 'receipt' || 'invoice'
this.temporary = attributes.temporary || false;
return this;
is_empty: function(){
return (this.get('orderLines').models.length === 0);
// Generates a public identification number for the order.
// The generated number must be unique and sequential. They are made 12 digit long
// to fit into EAN-13 barcodes, should it be needed
generateUniqueId: function() {
function zero_pad(num,size){
var s = ""+num;
while (s.length < size) {
s = "0" + s;
return s;
return zero_pad(this.pos.pos_session.id,5) +'-'+
zero_pad(this.pos.pos_session.login_number,3) +'-'+
addOrderline: function(line){
line.order = this;
addProduct: function(product, options){
options = options || {};
var attr = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(product));
attr.pos = this.pos;
attr.order = this;
var line = new module.Orderline({}, {pos: this.pos, order: this, product: product});
if(options.quantity !== undefined){
if(options.price !== undefined){
if(options.discount !== undefined){
var last_orderline = this.getLastOrderline();
if( last_orderline && last_orderline.can_be_merged_with(line) && options.merge !== false){
removeOrderline: function( line ){
getOrderline: function(id){
var orderlines = this.get('orderLines').models;
for(var i = 0; i < orderlines.length; i++){
if(orderlines[i].id === id){
return orderlines[i];
return null;
getLastOrderline: function(){
return this.get('orderLines').at(this.get('orderLines').length -1);
addPaymentline: function(cashregister) {
var paymentLines = this.get('paymentLines');
var newPaymentline = new module.Paymentline({},{cashregister:cashregister, pos:this.pos});
if(cashregister.journal.type !== 'cash'){
newPaymentline.set_amount( Math.max(this.getDueLeft(),0) );
removePaymentline: function(line){
if(this.selected_paymentline === line){
getName: function() {
return this.get('name');
getSubtotal : function(){
return (this.get('orderLines')).reduce((function(sum, orderLine){
return sum + orderLine.get_display_price();
}), 0);
getTotalTaxIncluded: function() {
return (this.get('orderLines')).reduce((function(sum, orderLine) {
return sum + orderLine.get_price_with_tax();
}), 0);
getDiscountTotal: function() {
return (this.get('orderLines')).reduce((function(sum, orderLine) {
return sum + (orderLine.get_unit_price() * (orderLine.get_discount()/100) * orderLine.get_quantity());
}), 0);
getTotalTaxExcluded: function() {
return (this.get('orderLines')).reduce((function(sum, orderLine) {
return sum + orderLine.get_price_without_tax();
}), 0);
getTax: function() {
return (this.get('orderLines')).reduce((function(sum, orderLine) {
return sum + orderLine.get_tax();
}), 0);
getTaxDetails: function(){
var details = {};
var fulldetails = [];
var ldetails = line.get_tax_details();
for(var id in ldetails){
details[id] = (details[id] || 0) + ldetails[id];
for(var id in details){
fulldetails.push({amount: details[id], tax: this.pos.taxes_by_id[id], name: this.pos.taxes_by_id[id].name});
return fulldetails;
getPaidTotal: function() {
return (this.get('paymentLines')).reduce((function(sum, paymentLine) {
return sum + paymentLine.get_amount();
}), 0);
getChange: function() {
return this.getPaidTotal() - this.getTotalTaxIncluded();
getDueLeft: function() {
return this.getTotalTaxIncluded() - this.getPaidTotal();
// sets the type of receipt 'receipt'(default) or 'invoice'
set_receipt_type: function(type){
this.receipt_type = type;
get_receipt_type: function(){
return this.receipt_type;
// the client related to the current order.
set_client: function(client){
get_client: function(){
return this.get('client');
get_client_name: function(){
var client = this.get('client');
return client ? client.name : "";
// the order also stores the screen status, as the PoS supports
// different active screens per order. This method is used to
// store the screen status.
set_screen_data: function(key,value){
if(arguments.length === 2){
this.screen_data[key] = value;
}else if(arguments.length === 1){
for(key in arguments[0]){
this.screen_data[key] = arguments[0][key];
//see set_screen_data
get_screen_data: function(key){
return this.screen_data[key];
// exports a JSON for receipt printing
export_for_printing: function(){
var orderlines = [];
var paymentlines = [];
var client = this.get('client');
var cashier = this.pos.cashier || this.pos.user;
var company = this.pos.company;
var shop = this.pos.shop;
var date = new Date();
return {
orderlines: orderlines,
paymentlines: paymentlines,
subtotal: this.getSubtotal(),
total_with_tax: this.getTotalTaxIncluded(),
total_without_tax: this.getTotalTaxExcluded(),
total_tax: this.getTax(),
total_paid: this.getPaidTotal(),
total_discount: this.getDiscountTotal(),
tax_details: this.getTaxDetails(),
change: this.getChange(),
name : this.getName(),
client: client ? client.name : null ,
invoice_id: null, //TODO
cashier: cashier ? cashier.name : null,
header: this.pos.config.receipt_header || '',
footer: this.pos.config.receipt_footer || '',
precision: {
price: 2,
money: 2,
quantity: 3,
date: {
year: date.getFullYear(),
month: date.getMonth(),
date: date.getDate(), // day of the month
day: date.getDay(), // day of the week
hour: date.getHours(),
minute: date.getMinutes() ,
isostring: date.toISOString(),
localestring: date.toLocaleString(),
email: company.email,
website: company.website,
company_registry: company.company_registry,
contact_address: company.partner_id[1],
vat: company.vat,
name: company.name,
phone: company.phone,
logo: this.pos.company_logo_base64,
name: shop.name,
currency: this.pos.currency,
export_as_JSON: function() {
var orderLines, paymentLines;
orderLines = [];
(this.get('orderLines')).each(_.bind( function(item) {
return orderLines.push([0, 0, item.export_as_JSON()]);
}, this));
paymentLines = [];
(this.get('paymentLines')).each(_.bind( function(item) {
return paymentLines.push([0, 0, item.export_as_JSON()]);
}, this));
return {
name: this.getName(),
amount_paid: this.getPaidTotal(),
amount_total: this.getTotalTaxIncluded(),
amount_tax: this.getTax(),
amount_return: this.getChange(),
lines: orderLines,
statement_ids: paymentLines,
pos_session_id: this.pos.pos_session.id,
partner_id: this.get_client() ? this.get_client().id : false,
user_id: this.pos.cashier ? this.pos.cashier.id : this.pos.user.id,
uid: this.uid,
sequence_number: this.sequence_number,
getSelectedLine: function(){
return this.selected_orderline;
selectLine: function(line){
if(line !== this.selected_orderline){
this.selected_orderline = line;
this.selected_orderline = undefined;
deselectLine: function(){
this.selected_orderline = undefined;
selectPaymentline: function(line){
if(line !== this.selected_paymentline){
this.selected_paymentline = line;
module.OrderCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: module.Order,
The numpad handles both the choice of the property currently being modified
(quantity, price or discount) and the edition of the corresponding numeric value.
module.NumpadState = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
buffer: "0",
mode: "quantity"
appendNewChar: function(newChar) {
var oldBuffer;
oldBuffer = this.get('buffer');
if (oldBuffer === '0') {
buffer: newChar
} else if (oldBuffer === '-0') {
buffer: "-" + newChar
} else {
buffer: (this.get('buffer')) + newChar
deleteLastChar: function() {
if(this.get('buffer') === ""){
if(this.get('mode') === 'quantity'){
var newBuffer = this.get('buffer').slice(0,-1) || "";
this.set({ buffer: newBuffer });
switchSign: function() {
var oldBuffer;
oldBuffer = this.get('buffer');
buffer: oldBuffer[0] === '-' ? oldBuffer.substr(1) : "-" + oldBuffer
changeMode: function(newMode) {
buffer: "0",
mode: newMode
reset: function() {
buffer: "0",
mode: "quantity"
resetValue: function(){