
1814 lines
66 KiB

# -*- coding: latin1 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2004-2006 TINY SPRL. (http://tiny.be) All Rights Reserved.
# $Id: orm.py 1008 2005-07-25 14:03:55Z pinky $
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# Object relationnal mapping to postgresql module
# . Hierarchical structure
# . Constraints consistency, validations
# . Object meta Data depends on its status
# . Optimised processing by complex query (multiple actions at once)
# . Default fields value
# . Permissions optimisation
# . Multi-company features
# . Persistant object: DB postgresql
# . Datas conversions
# . Multi-level caching system
# . 2 different inheritancies
# . Fields:
# - classicals (varchar, integer, boolean, ...)
# - relations (one2many, many2one, many2many)
# - functions
from xml import dom
from xml.parsers import expat
import string
import pooler
import psycopg
import netsvc
import re
import fields
import ir
import tools
prof = 0
def intersect(la, lb):
return filter(lambda x: x in lb, la)
class except_orm(Exception):
def __init__(self, name, value):
self.name = name
self.value = value
self.args = (name, value)
#class find_fields(object):
# def _start_el(self,name, attrs):
# if name == 'field' and attrs.get('name', False):
# self.datas[str(attrs['name'])] = attrs.get('preload','')
# def __init__(self):
# self.datas = {}
# def parse(self, datas):
# p = expat.ParserCreate()
# p.StartElementHandler = self._start_el
# p.Parse(datas, 1)
# return self.datas
# TODO: trigger pour chaque action
# Readonly python database object browser
class browse_null(object):
def __init__(self):
def __getitem__(self, name):
return False
def __int__(self):
return False
def __str__(self):
return ''
def __nonzero__(self):
return False
# TODO: execute an object method on browse_record_list
class browse_record_list(list):
def __init__(self, lst, context=None):
if not context:
context = {}
super(browse_record_list, self).__init__(lst)
self.context = context
class browse_record(object):
def __init__(self, cr, uid, id, table, cache, context=None, list_class = None):
table : the object (inherited from orm)
context : a dictionnary with an optionnal context
if not context:
context = {}
assert id, 'Wrong ID for the browse record, got '+str(id)+ ', expected an integer.'
self._list_class = list_class or browse_record_list
self._cr = cr
self._uid = uid
self._id = id
self._table = table
self._table_name = self._table._name
self._context = context
cache.setdefault(table._name, {})
self._data = cache[table._name]
if not id in self._data:
self._data[id] = {'id':id}
self._cache = cache
def __getitem__(self, name):
if name == 'id':
return self._id
if not self._data[self._id].has_key(name):
# build the list of fields we will fetch
# fetch the definition of the field which was asked for
if name in self._table._columns:
col = self._table._columns[name]
elif name in self._table._inherit_fields:
col = self._table._inherit_fields[name][2]
elif hasattr(self._table, name):
return getattr(self._table, name)
logger = netsvc.Logger()
logger.notifyChannel('orm', netsvc.LOG_ERROR, "Programming error: field '%s' does not exist in object '%s' !" % (name, self._table._name))
return False
# if the field is a classic one or a many2one, we'll fetch all classic and many2one fields
if col._classic_write:
# gen the list of "local" (ie not inherited) fields which are classic or many2one
ffields = filter(lambda x: x[1]._classic_write, self._table._columns.items())
# gen the list of inherited fields
inherits = map(lambda x: (x[0], x[1][2]), self._table._inherit_fields.items())
# complete the field list with the inherited fields which are classic or many2one
ffields += filter(lambda x: x[1]._classic_write, inherits)
# otherwise we fetch only that field
ffields = [(name,col)]
ids = filter(lambda id: not self._data[id].has_key(name), self._data.keys())
# read the data
datas = self._table.read(self._cr, self._uid, ids, map(lambda x: x[0], ffields), context=self._context, load="_classic_write")
# create browse records for 'remote' objects
for data in datas:
for n,f in ffields:
if f._type in ('many2one', 'one2one'):
if data[n]:
obj = self._table.pool.get(f._obj)
# Removed for performance sake. (Bug may arise) [20070516]
# if 'company_id' in obj._columns :
# compids = tools.get_user_companies(self._cr, self._uid)
# if compids:
# self._cr.execute('SELECT id FROM '+obj._table+' where id = %d AND (company_id in ('+','.join(map(str,compids))+') or company_id is null)', (data[n],))
# if not self._cr.fetchall():
# raise except_orm('BrowseError', 'Object %s (id:%d) is linked to the object %s (id:%d) which is not in your company' %(self._table._description, self._id, obj._description, data[n]))
if not f._classic_write:
ids2 = data[n][0]
ids2 = data[n]
data[n] = browse_record(self._cr, self._uid, ids2, obj, self._cache, context=self._context, list_class=self._list_class)
data[n] = browse_null()
elif f._type in ('one2many', 'many2many') and len(data[n]):
data[n] = self._list_class([browse_record(self._cr,self._uid,id,self._table.pool.get(f._obj),self._cache, context=self._context, list_class=self._list_class) for id in data[n]], self._context)
return self._data[self._id][name]
def __getattr__(self, name):
# raise an AttributeError exception.
return self[name]
def __int__(self):
return self._id
def __str__(self):
return "browse_record(%s, %d)" % (self._table_name, self._id)
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self._table_name, self._id) == (other._table_name, other._id)
def __ne__(self, other):
return (self._table_name, self._id) != (other._table_name, other._id)
# we need to define __unicode__ even though we've already defined __str__
# because we have overridden __getattr__
def __unicode__(self):
return unicode(str(self))
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self._table_name, self._id))
__repr__ = __str__
# returns a tuple (type returned by postgres when the column was created, type expression to create the column)
def get_pg_type(f):
type_dict = {fields.boolean:'bool', fields.integer:'int4', fields.text:'text', fields.date:'date', fields.time:'time', fields.datetime:'timestamp', fields.binary:'bytea', fields.many2one:'int4'}
if type_dict.has_key(type(f)):
f_type = (type_dict[type(f)], type_dict[type(f)])
elif isinstance(f, fields.float):
if f.digits:
f_type = ('numeric', 'NUMERIC(%d,%d)' % (f.digits[0],f.digits[1]))
f_type = ('float8', 'DOUBLE PRECISION')
elif isinstance(f, (fields.char, fields.reference)):
f_type = ('varchar', 'VARCHAR(%d)' % (f.size,))
elif isinstance(f, fields.selection):
if isinstance(f.selection, list) and isinstance(f.selection[0][0], (str, unicode)):
f_size = reduce(lambda x,y: max(x,len(y[0])), f.selection, f.size or 16)
elif isinstance(f.selection, list) and isinstance(f.selection[0][0], int):
f_size = -1
f_size = (hasattr(f,'size') and f.size) or 16
if f_size == -1:
f_type = ('int4', 'INTEGER')
f_type = ('varchar', 'VARCHAR(%d)' % f_size)
elif isinstance(f, fields.function) and type_dict.has_key(type(locals().get('fields.'+(f._type)))):
f_type = (type_dict[t], type_dict[t])
elif isinstance(f, fields.function) and f._type == 'float':
f_type = ('float8', 'DOUBLE PRECISION')
logger = netsvc.Logger()
logger.notifyChannel("init", netsvc.LOG_WARNING, '%s type not supported!' % (f_type))
f_type = None
return f_type
class orm(object):
_columns = {}
_sql_constraints = []
_constraints = []
_defaults = {}
_log_access = True
_table = None
_name = None
_rec_name = 'name'
_parent_name = 'parent_id'
_date_name = 'date'
_order = 'id'
_inherits = {}
_sequence = None
_description = None
_protected = ['read','write','create','default_get','perm_read','perm_write','unlink','fields_get','fields_view_get','search','name_get','distinct_field_get','name_search','copy','import_data','search_count']
def _field_create(self, cr):
cr.execute("SELECT id FROM ir_model WHERE model='%s'" % self._name)
if not cr.rowcount:
# reference model in order to have a description of its fonctionnality in custom_report
cr.execute("INSERT INTO ir_model (model, name, info) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)", (self._name, self._description, self.__doc__))
for k in self._columns:
f = self._columns[k]
cr.execute("select id, relate from ir_model_fields where model=%s and name=%s", (self._name,k))
if not cr.rowcount:
cr.execute("select id from ir_model where model='%s'" % self._name)
model_id = cr.fetchone()[0]
cr.execute("INSERT INTO ir_model_fields (model_id, model, name, field_description, ttype, relate,relation,group_name,view_load) VALUES (%d,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", (model_id, self._name, k, f.string.replace("'", " "), f._type, (f.relate and 'True') or 'False', f._obj or 'NULL', f.group_name or '', (f.view_load and 'True') or 'False'))
id, relate = cr.fetchone()
if relate != f.relate:
cr.execute("UPDATE ir_model_fields SET relate=%s WHERE id=%d", ((f.relate and 'True') or 'False', id))
def _auto_init(self, cr):
logger = netsvc.Logger()
create = False
if not hasattr(self, "_auto") or self._auto:
cr.execute("SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE relkind in ('r','v') AND relname='%s'" % self._table)
if not cr.rowcount:
cr.execute("CREATE TABLE \"%s\" (id SERIAL NOT NULL, perm_id INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(id)) WITH OIDS" % self._table)
create = True
if self._log_access:
logs = {
'create_uid': 'INTEGER REFERENCES res_users ON DELETE SET NULL',
'create_date': 'TIMESTAMP',
'write_date': 'TIMESTAMP'
for k in logs:
SELECT c.relname
FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a
WHERE c.relname='%s' AND a.attname='%s' AND c.oid=a.attrelid
""" % (self._table, k))
if not cr.rowcount:
cr.execute("ALTER TABLE \"%s\" ADD COLUMN \"%s\" %s" %
(self._table, k, logs[k]))
# iterate on the database columns to drop the NOT NULL constraints
# of fields which were required but have been removed
"SELECT a.attname, a.attnotnull "\
"FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a "\
"WHERE c.oid=a.attrelid AND c.relname='%s'" % self._table)
db_columns = cr.dictfetchall()
for column in db_columns:
if column['attname'] not in ('id', 'oid', 'tableoid', 'ctid', 'xmin', 'xmax', 'cmin', 'cmax'):
if column['attnotnull'] and column['attname'] not in self._columns:
cr.execute("ALTER TABLE \"%s\" ALTER COLUMN \"%s\" DROP NOT NULL" % (self._table, column['attname']))
# iterate on the "object columns"
for k in self._columns:
if k in ('id','perm_id','write_uid','write_date','create_uid','create_date'):
#raise 'Can not define a column %s. Reserved keyword !' % (k,)
f = self._columns[k]
if isinstance(f, fields.one2many):
cr.execute("SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE relkind='r' AND relname=%s", (f._obj,))
if cr.fetchone():
cr.execute("SELECT count(*) as c FROM pg_class c,pg_attribute a WHERE c.relname=%s AND a.attname=%s AND c.oid=a.attrelid", (f._obj,f._fields_id))
res = cr.fetchone()[0]
if not res:
cr.execute("ALTER TABLE \"%s\" ADD FOREIGN KEY (%s) REFERENCES \"%s\" ON DELETE SET NULL" % (self._obj, f._fields_id, f._table))
elif isinstance(f, fields.many2many):
cr.execute("SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE relkind='r' AND relname=%s", (f._rel,))
if not cr.dictfetchall():
#FIXME: Remove this try/except
ref = self.pool.get(f._obj)._table
except AttributeError:
ref = f._obj.replace('.','_')
cr.execute("CREATE TABLE \"%s\" (\"%s\" INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES \"%s\" ON DELETE CASCADE, \"%s\" INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES \"%s\" ON DELETE CASCADE) WITH OIDS"%(f._rel,f._id1,self._table,f._id2,ref))
cr.execute("CREATE INDEX \"%s_%s_index\" ON \"%s\" (\"%s\")" % (f._rel,f._id1,f._rel,f._id1))
cr.execute("CREATE INDEX \"%s_%s_index\" ON \"%s\" (\"%s\")" % (f._rel,f._id2,f._rel,f._id2))
cr.execute("SELECT c.relname,a.attname,a.attlen,a.atttypmod,a.attnotnull,a.atthasdef,t.typname,CASE WHEN a.attlen=-1 THEN a.atttypmod-4 ELSE a.attlen END as size FROM pg_class c,pg_attribute a,pg_type t WHERE c.relname=%s AND a.attname=%s AND c.oid=a.attrelid AND a.atttypid=t.oid", (self._table, k.lower()))
res = cr.dictfetchall()
if not res:
if not isinstance(f,fields.function) or f.store:
# add the missing field
cr.execute("ALTER TABLE \"%s\" ADD COLUMN \"%s\" %s" % (self._table, k, get_pg_type(f)[1]))
# initialize it
if not create and k in self._defaults:
default = self._defaults[k](self, cr, 1, {})
if not default:
cr.execute("UPDATE \"%s\" SET \"%s\"=NULL" % (self._table, k))
cr.execute("UPDATE \"%s\" SET \"%s\"='%s'" % (self._table, k, default))
# and add constraints if needed
if isinstance(f, fields.many2one):
#FIXME: Remove this try/except
ref = self.pool.get(f._obj)._table
except AttributeError:
ref = f._obj.replace('.','_')
# ir_actions is inherited so foreign key doesn't work on it
if ref <> 'ir_actions':
cr.execute("ALTER TABLE \"%s\" ADD FOREIGN KEY (\"%s\") REFERENCES \"%s\" ON DELETE %s" % (self._table, k, ref, f.ondelete))
if f.select:
cr.execute("CREATE INDEX \"%s_%s_index\" ON \"%s\" (\"%s\")" % (self._table, k, self._table, k))
if f.required:
cr.execute("ALTER TABLE \"%s\" ALTER COLUMN \"%s\" SET NOT NULL" % (self._table, k))
logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_WARNING, 'WARNING: unable to set column %s of table %s not null !\nTry to re-run: tinyerp-server.py --update=module\nIf it doesn\'t work, update records and execute manually:\nALTER TABLE %s ALTER COLUMN %s SET NOT NULL' % (k, self._table, self._table, k))
elif len(res)==1:
f_pg_def = res[0]
f_pg_type = f_pg_def['typname']
f_pg_size = f_pg_def['size']
f_pg_notnull = f_pg_def['attnotnull']
if isinstance(f, fields.function) and not f.store:
logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_WARNING, 'column %s (%s) in table %s was converted to a function !\nYou should remove this column from your database.' % (k, f.string, self._table))
f_obj_type = None
f_obj_type = get_pg_type(f) and get_pg_type(f)[0]
if f_obj_type:
if f_pg_type != f_obj_type:
logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_WARNING, "column '%s' in table '%s' has changed type (DB = %s, def = %s) !" % (k, self._table, f_pg_type, f._type))
if f_pg_type == 'varchar' and f._type == 'char' and f_pg_size != f.size:
# columns with the name 'type' cannot be changed for an unknown reason?!
if k != 'type':
if f_pg_size > f.size:
logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_WARNING, "column '%s' in table '%s' has changed size (DB = %d, def = %d), strings will be truncated !" % (k, self._table, f_pg_size, f.size))
#TODO: check si y a des donnees qui vont poser probleme (select char_length(...))
#TODO: issue a log message even if f_pg_size < f.size
cr.execute("ALTER TABLE \"%s\" RENAME COLUMN \"%s\" TO temp_change_size" % (self._table,k))
cr.execute("ALTER TABLE \"%s\" ADD COLUMN \"%s\" VARCHAR(%d)" % (self._table,k,f.size))
cr.execute("UPDATE \"%s\" SET \"%s\"=temp_change_size::VARCHAR(%d)" % (self._table,k,f.size))
cr.execute("ALTER TABLE \"%s\" DROP COLUMN temp_change_size" % (self._table,))
# if the field is required and hasn't got a NOT NULL constraint
if f.required and f_pg_notnull == 0:
# set the field to the default value if any
if self._defaults.has_key(k):
default = self._defaults[k](self, cr, 1, {})
if not (default is False):
cr.execute("UPDATE \"%s\" SET \"%s\"='%s' WHERE %s is NULL" % (self._table, k, default, k))
# add the NOT NULL constraint
cr.execute("ALTER TABLE \"%s\" ALTER COLUMN \"%s\" SET NOT NULL" % (self._table, k))
logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_WARNING, 'unable to set a NOT NULL constraint on column %s of the %s table !\nIf you want to have it, you should update the records and execute manually:\nALTER TABLE %s ALTER COLUMN %s SET NOT NULL' % (k, self._table, self._table, k))
elif not f.required and f_pg_notnull == 1:
cr.execute("ALTER TABLE \"%s\" ALTER COLUMN \"%s\" DROP NOT NULL" % (self._table,k))
cr.execute("SELECT indexname FROM pg_indexes WHERE indexname = '%s_%s_index' and tablename = '%s'" % (self._table, k, self._table))
res = cr.dictfetchall()
if not res and f.select:
cr.execute("CREATE INDEX \"%s_%s_index\" ON \"%s\" (\"%s\")" % (self._table, k, self._table, k))
if res and not f.select:
cr.execute("DROP INDEX \"%s_%s_index\"" % (self._table, k))
print "ERROR"
cr.execute("SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE relkind in ('r','v') AND relname='%s'" % self._table)
create = not bool(cr.fetchone())
for (key,con,_) in self._sql_constraints:
cr.execute("SELECT conname FROM pg_constraint where conname='%s_%s'" % (self._table, key))
if not cr.dictfetchall():
cr.execute('alter table \"%s\" add constraint \"%s_%s\" %s' % (self._table,self._table,key, con,))
logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_WARNING, 'unable to add \'%s\' constraint on table %s !\n If you want to have it, you should update the records and execute manually:\nALTER table %s ADD CONSTRAINT %s_%s %s' % (con, self._table, self._table,self._table,key, con,))
if create:
if hasattr(self,"_sql"):
for line in self._sql.split(';'):
line2 = line.replace('\n','').strip()
if line2:
def __init__(self):
if not self._table:
if not self._description:
self._description = self._name
for (key,_,msg) in self._sql_constraints:
self.pool._sql_error[self._table+'_'+key] = msg
# if self.__class__.__name__ != 'fake_class':
if not self._sequence:
self._sequence = self._table+'_id_seq'
for k in self._defaults:
assert (k in self._columns) or (k in self._inherit_fields), 'Default function defined in %s but field %s does not exist !' % (self._name, k,)
# FIXME: does not work at all
# if self._log_access:
# self._columns.update({
# 'create_uid': fields.many2one('res.users','Creation user',required=True, readonly=True),
# 'create_date': fields.datetime('Creation date',required=True, readonly=True),
# 'write_uid': fields.many2one('res.users','Last modification by', readonly=True),
# 'write_date': fields.datetime('Last modification date', readonly=True),
# })
# self._defaults.update({
# 'create_uid': lambda self,cr,uid,context : uid,
# 'create_date': lambda *a : time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
# })
# Update objects that uses this one to update their _inherits fields
def _inherits_reload_src(self):
for obj in self.pool.obj_pool.values():
if self._name in obj._inherits:
def _inherits_reload(self):
res = {}
for table in self._inherits:
for col in self.pool.get(table)._columns.keys():
res[col]=(table, self._inherits[table], self.pool.get(table)._columns[col])
for col in self.pool.get(table)._inherit_fields.keys():
res[col]=(table, self._inherits[table], self.pool.get(table)._inherit_fields[col][2])
def browse(self, cr, uid, select, context=None, list_class=None):
if not context:
self._list_class = list_class or browse_record_list
cache = {}
# need to accepts ints and longs because ids coming from a method
# launched by button in the interface have a type long...
if isinstance(select, (int, long)):
return browse_record(cr,uid,select,self,cache, context=context, list_class=self._list_class)
elif isinstance(select,list):
return self._list_class([browse_record(cr,uid,id,self,cache, context=context, list_class=self._list_class) for id in select], context)
return []
# TODO: implement this
def __export_row(self, cr, uid, row, fields, prefix, context=None):
if not context:
lines = []
data = map(lambda x: '', range(len(fields)))
done = []
for fpos in range(len(fields)):
f = fields[fpos]
if f and f[:len(prefix)] == prefix:
r = row
i = 0
while i<len(f):
r = r[f[i]]
if not r:
if isinstance(r, (browse_record_list, list)):
first = True
fields2 = map(lambda x: (x[:i+1]==f[:i+1] and x[i+1:]) or [], fields)
if fields2 in done:
for row2 in r:
lines2 = self.__export_row(cr, uid, row2, fields2, f[i+2:], context)
if first:
for fpos2 in range(len(fields)):
if lines2 and lines2[0][fpos2]:
data[fpos2] = lines2[0][fpos2]
lines+= lines2[1:]
first = False
lines+= lines2
if i==len(f):
data[fpos] = str(r or '')
return [data] + lines
def export_data(self, cr, uid, ids, fields, context=None):
if not context:
fields = map(lambda x: x.split('/'), fields)
datas = []
for row in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context):
datas += self.__export_row(cr, uid, row, fields, [], context)
return datas
def import_data(self, cr, uid, fields, datas, mode='init', current_module=None, noupdate=False, context=None):
if not context:
fields = map(lambda x: x.split('/'), fields)
logger = netsvc.Logger()
def process_liness(self, datas, prefix, fields_def, position=0):
line = datas[position]
row = {}
translate = {}
todo = []
warning = ''
data_id= False
# Import normal fields
for i in range(len(fields)):
if i>=len(line):
raise Exception, 'Please check that all your lines have %d cols.' % (len(fields),)
field = fields[i]
if field == ["id"]:
data_id= line[i]
if (len(field)==len(prefix)+1) and field[len(prefix)].endswith(':id'):
res_id = False
if line[i]:
if fields_def[field[len(prefix)][:-3]]['type']=='many2many':
res_id = []
for word in line[i].split(','):
if '.' in word:
module, xml_id = word.rsplit('.', 1)
module, xml_id = current_module, word
ir_model_data_obj = self.pool.get('ir.model.data')
id=ir_model_data_obj._get_id(cr, uid, module, xml_id)
res_id2=ir_model_data_obj.read(cr, uid, [id], ['res_id'])[0]['res_id']
if res_id2:
if len(res_id):
if '.' in line[i]:
module, xml_id = line[i].rsplit('.', 1)
module, xml_id = current_module, line[i]
ir_model_data_obj = self.pool.get('ir.model.data')
id=ir_model_data_obj._get_id(cr, uid, module, xml_id)
res_id=ir_model_data_obj.read(cr, uid, [id], ['res_id'])[0]['res_id']
row[field[0][:-3]] = res_id or False
if (len(field)==len(prefix)+1) and len(field[len(prefix)].split(':lang=')) == 2:
f, lang = field[len(prefix)].split(':lang=')
translate.setdefault(lang, {})[f]=line[i] or False
if (len(field)==len(prefix)+1) and (prefix==field[0:len(prefix)]):
if fields_def[field[len(prefix)]]['type']=='integer':
res =line[i] and int(line[i])
elif fields_def[field[len(prefix)]]['type']=='float':
res =line[i] and float(line[i])
elif fields_def[field[len(prefix)]]['type']=='selection':
res = False
for key,val in fields_def[field[len(prefix)]]['selection']:
if key==line[i]: #val==line[i] if from the client !
res = key
if line[i] and not res:
logger.notifyChannel("import", netsvc.LOG_WARNING, "key '%s' not found in selection field '%s'" %(line[i], field[len(prefix)]))
elif fields_def[field[len(prefix)]]['type']=='many2one':
res = False
if line[i]:
relation = fields_def[field[len(prefix)]]['relation']
res2 = self.pool.get(relation).name_search(cr, uid, line[i], [],operator='=')
res = (res2 and res2[0][0]) or False
if not res and line[i]:
warning += ('Relation not found: '+line[i]+' on '+relation + ' !\n')
if not res:
logger.notifyChannel("import",netsvc.LOG_WARNING,'Relation not found: '+line[i]+' on '+relation + ' !\n')
elif fields_def[field[len(prefix)]]['type']=='many2many':
res = []
if line[i]:
relation = fields_def[field[len(prefix)]]['relation']
for word in line[i].split(','):
res2 = self.pool.get(relation).name_search(cr, uid, word, [],operator='=')
res3 = (res2 and res2[0][0]) or False
if res3:
if len(res):
res= [(6,0,res)]
res = line[i] or False
row[field[len(prefix)]] = res
elif (prefix==field[0:len(prefix)]):
if field[0] not in todo:
# Import one2many fields
nbrmax = 1
for field in todo:
newfd = self.pool.get(fields_def[field]['relation']).fields_get(cr, uid, context=context)
res = process_liness(self, datas, prefix+[field], newfd, position)
(newrow,max2,w2, translate2,data_id) = res
nbrmax = max(nbrmax, max2)
warning = warning+w2
reduce(lambda x,y: x and y, newrow)
row[field] = (reduce(lambda x,y: x or y, newrow.values()) and [(0,0,newrow)]) or []
i = max2
while (position+i)<len(datas):
ok = True
for j in range(len(fields)):
field2 = fields[j]
if (len(field2)<=(len(prefix)+1)) and datas[position+i][j]:
ok = False
if not ok:
(newrow,max2,w2, translate2,data_id) = process_liness(self, datas, prefix+[field], newfd, position+i)
warning = warning+w2
if reduce(lambda x,y: x or y, newrow.values()):
nbrmax = max(nbrmax, i)
if len(prefix)==0:
for i in range(max(nbrmax,1)):
#if datas:
result = (row, nbrmax, warning, translate, data_id)
return result
fields_def = self.fields_get(cr, uid, context=context)
done = 0
while len(datas):
(res,other,warning,translate,data_id) = process_liness(self, datas, [], fields_def)
id= self.pool.get('ir.model.data')._update(cr,uid,self._name, current_module, res, xml_id=data_id, mode=mode, noupdate=noupdate)
for lang in translate:
self.write(cr, uid, [id], translate[lang], context2)
except Exception, e:
logger.notifyChannel("import",netsvc.LOG_ERROR, e)
return (-1, res, e[0], warning)
done += 1
# TODO: Send a request with the result and multi-thread !
return (done, 0, 0, 0)
def read(self, cr, user, ids, fields=None, context=None, load='_classic_read'):
if not context:
self.pool.get('ir.model.access').check(cr, user, self._name, 'read')
if not fields:
fields = self._columns.keys() + self._inherit_fields.keys()
select = ids
if isinstance(ids, (int, long)):
select = [ids]
result = self._read_flat(cr, user, select, fields, context, load)
for r in result:
for key,v in r.items():
if v == None:
if isinstance(ids, (int, long)):
return result[0]
return result
def _read_flat(self, cr, user, ids, fields, context=None, load='_classic_read'):
if not context:
if not ids:
return []
if fields==None:
fields = self._columns.keys()
# construct a clause for the rules :
d1, d2 = self.pool.get('ir.rule').domain_get(cr, user, self._name)
# all inherited fields + all non inherited fields for which the attribute whose name is in load is True
fields_pre = filter(lambda x: x in self._columns and getattr(self._columns[x],'_classic_write'), fields) + self._inherits.values()
if len(fields_pre) :
fields_pre2 = map(lambda x: (x in ('create_date', 'write_date')) and ('date_trunc(\'second\', '+x+') as '+x) or '"'+x+'"', fields_pre)
if d1:
cr.execute('select %s from \"%s\" where id in (%s) and %s order by %s' % (','.join(fields_pre2 + ['id']), self._table, ','.join([str(x) for x in ids]), d1, self._order),d2)
if not cr.rowcount == len({}.fromkeys(ids)):
raise except_orm('AccessError', 'You try to bypass an access rule (Document type: %s).' % self._description)
cr.execute('select %s from \"%s\" where id in (%s) order by %s' % (','.join(fields_pre2 + ['id']), self._table, ','.join([str(x) for x in ids]), self._order))
res = cr.dictfetchall()
res = map(lambda x: {'id':x}, ids)
if context.get('lang', False) and context['lang'] != 'en_US':
for f in fields_pre:
if self._columns[f].translate:
ids = map(lambda x: x['id'], res)
res_trans = self.pool.get('ir.translation')._get_ids(cr, user, self._name+','+f, 'model', context['lang'], ids)
for r in res:
r[f] = res_trans.get(r['id'], r[f])
for table in self._inherits:
col = self._inherits[table]
cols = intersect(self._inherit_fields.keys(), fields)
res2 = self.pool.get(table).read(cr, user, [x[col] for x in res], cols, context, load)
res3 = {}
for r in res2:
res3[r['id']] = r
del r['id']
for record in res:
if col not in fields:
del record[col]
# all fields which need to be post-processed by a simple function (symbol_get)
fields_post = filter(lambda x: x in self._columns and self._columns[x]._symbol_get, fields)
if fields_post:
# maybe it would be faster to iterate on the fields then on res, so that we wouldn't need
# to get the _symbol_get in each occurence
for r in res:
for f in fields_post:
r[f] = self.columns[f]._symbol_get(r[f])
ids = map(lambda x: x['id'], res)
# all non inherited fields for which the attribute whose name is in load is False
fields_post = filter(lambda x: x in self._columns and not getattr(self._columns[x], load), fields)
for f in fields_post:
# get the value of that field for all records/ids
res2 = self._columns[f].get(cr, self, ids, f, user, context=context, values=res)
for record in res:
record[f] = res2[record['id']]
return res
def _validate(self, cr, uid, ids):
field_error = []
field_err_str = []
for field in self._constraints:
if not field[0](self, cr, uid, ids):
if len(field)>1:
if len(field_err_str):
raise except_orm('ValidateError', ('\n'.join(field_err_str), ','.join(field_error)))
def default_get(self, cr, uid, fields, context=None):
if not context:
value = {}
# get the default values for the inherited fields
for t in self._inherits.keys():
value.update(self.pool.get(t).default_get(cr, uid, fields, context))
# get the default values defined in the object
for f in fields:
if f in self._defaults:
value[f] = self._defaults[f](self, cr, uid, context)
# get the default values set by the user and override the default
# values defined in the object
res = ir.ir_get(cr, uid, 'default', False, [self._name])
for id, field, field_value in res:
if field in fields:
value[field] = field_value
return value
def perm_read(self, cr, user, ids, context=None, details=True):
if not context:
if not ids:
return []
fields = ', p.level, p.uid, p.gid'
if self._log_access:
fields +=', u.create_uid, u.create_date, u.write_uid, u.write_date'
if isinstance(ids, (int, long)):
ids_str = str(ids)
ids_str = string.join(map(lambda x:str(x), ids),',')
cr.execute('select u.id'+fields+' from perm p right join "'+self._table+'" u on u.perm_id=p.id where u.id in ('+ids_str+')')
res = cr.dictfetchall()
# for record in res:
# for f in ('ox','ux','gx','uid','gid'):
# if record[f]==None:
# record[f]=False
for r in res:
for key in r:
r[key] = r[key] or False
if key in ('write_uid','create_uid','uid') and details:
if r[key]:
r[key] = self.pool.get('res.users').name_get(cr, user, [r[key]])[0]
if isinstance(ids, (int, long)):
return res[ids]
return res
def unlink(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
if not context:
if not ids:
return True
if isinstance(ids, (int, long)):
ids = [ids]
delta= context.get('read_delta',False)
if delta and self._log_access:
cr.execute("select (now() - min(write_date)) <= '%s'::interval from \"%s\" where id in (%s)"% (delta,self._table,",".join(map(str, ids))) )
res= cr.fetchone()
if res and res[0]:
raise except_orm('ConcurrencyException', 'This record was modified in the meanwhile')
self.pool.get('ir.model.access').check(cr, uid, self._name, 'unlink')
wf_service = netsvc.LocalService("workflow")
for id in ids:
wf_service.trg_delete(uid, self._name, id, cr)
str_d = string.join(('%d',)*len(ids),',')
#cr.execute('select * from '+self._table+' where id in ('+str_d+')', ids)
#res = cr.dictfetchall()
#for key in self._inherits:
# ids2 = [x[self._inherits[key]] for x in res]
# self.pool.get(key).unlink(cr, uid, ids2)
d1, d2 = self.pool.get('ir.rule').domain_get(cr, uid, self._name)
if d1:
d1 = ' AND '+d1
cr.execute('SELECT id FROM "'+self._table+'" WHERE id IN ('+str_d+')'+d1, ids+d2)
if not cr.rowcount == len({}.fromkeys(ids)):
raise except_orm('AccessError', 'You try to bypass an access rule (Document type: %s).'%self._description)
cr.execute('delete from inherit where (obj_type=%s and obj_id in ('+str_d+')) or (inst_type=%s and inst_id in ('+str_d+'))', (self._name,)+tuple(ids)+(self._name,)+tuple(ids))
cr.execute('delete from "'+self._table+'" where id in ('+str_d+')'+d1, ids+d2)
return True
# TODO: Validate
def write(self, cr, user, ids, vals, context=None):
if not context:
if not ids:
return True
if isinstance(ids, (int, long)):
ids = [ids]
delta= context.get('read_delta',False)
if delta and self._log_access:
cr.execute("select (now() - min(write_date)) <= '%s'::interval from %s where id in (%s)"% (delta,self._table,",".join(map(str, ids))) )
res= cr.fetchone()
if res and res[0]:
for field in vals:
if field in self._columns and self._columns[field]._classic_write:
raise except_orm('ConcurrencyException', 'This record was modified in the meanwhile')
self.pool.get('ir.model.access').check(cr, user, self._name, 'write')
#for v in self._inherits.values():
# assert v not in vals, (v, vals)
ids_str = string.join(map(str, ids),',')
direct = []
totranslate = context.get('lang', False) and (context['lang'] != 'en_US')
for field in vals:
if field in self._columns:
if self._columns[field]._classic_write:
if (not totranslate) or not self._columns[field].translate:
if self._log_access:
if len(upd0):
d1, d2 = self.pool.get('ir.rule').domain_get(cr, user, self._name)
if d1:
d1 = ' and '+d1
cr.execute('SELECT id FROM "'+self._table+'" WHERE id IN ('+ids_str+')'+d1, d2)
if not cr.rowcount == len({}.fromkeys(ids)):
raise except_orm('AccessError', 'You try to bypass an access rule (Document type: %s).'%self._description)
cr.execute('SELECT id FROM "'+self._table+'" WHERE id IN ('+ids_str+')')
if not cr.rowcount == len({}.fromkeys(ids)):
raise except_orm('AccessError', 'You try to write on an record that doesn\'t exist (Document type: %s).'%self._description)
cr.execute('update "'+self._table+'" set '+string.join(upd0,',')+' where id in ('+ids_str+')'+d1, upd1+ d2)
if totranslate:
for f in direct:
if self._columns[f].translate:
self.pool.get('ir.translation')._set_ids(cr, user, self._name+','+f,'model', context['lang'], ids,vals[f])
# call the 'set' method of fields which are not classic_write
upd_todo.sort(lambda x,y: self._columns[x].priority-self._columns[y].priority)
for field in upd_todo:
for id in ids:
self._columns[field].set(cr, self, id, field, vals[field], user, context=context)
for table in self._inherits:
col = self._inherits[table]
cr.execute('select distinct "'+col+'" from "'+self._table+'" where id in ('+ids_str+')', upd1)
nids = [x[0] for x in cr.fetchall()]
v = {}
for val in updend:
if self._inherit_fields[val][0]==table:
self.pool.get(table).write(cr, user, nids, v, context)
self._validate(cr, user, ids)
if context.has_key('read_delta'):
del context['read_delta']
wf_service = netsvc.LocalService("workflow")
for id in ids:
wf_service.trg_write(user, self._name, id, cr)
self._update_function_stored(cr, user, ids, context=context)
return True
# TODO: Should set perm to user.xxx
def create(self, cr, user, vals, context=None):
""" create(cr, user, vals, context) -> int
cr = database cursor
user = user id
vals = dictionary of the form {'field_name':field_value, ...}
if not context:
self.pool.get('ir.model.access').check(cr, user, self._name, 'create')
default = []
avoid_table = []
for (t,c) in self._inherits.items():
if c in vals:
for f in self._columns.keys(): # + self._inherit_fields.keys():
if not f in vals:
for f in self._inherit_fields.keys():
if (not f in vals) and (not self._inherit_fields[f][0] in avoid_table):
if len(default):
vals.update(self.default_get(cr, user, default, context))
tocreate = {}
for v in self._inherits:
if self._inherits[v] not in vals:
tocreate[v] = {}
#cr.execute('select perm_id from res_users where id=%d', (user,))
perm = False #cr.fetchone()[0]
(upd0, upd1, upd2) = ('', '', [])
upd_todo = []
for v in vals.keys():
if v in self._inherit_fields:
(table,col,col_detail) = self._inherit_fields[v]
tocreate[table][v] = vals[v]
del vals[v]
cr.execute("select nextval('"+self._sequence+"')")
id_new = cr.fetchone()[0]
for table in tocreate:
id = self.pool.get(table).create(cr, user, tocreate[table])
upd0 += ','+self._inherits[table]
upd1 += ',%d'
cr.execute('insert into inherit (obj_type,obj_id,inst_type,inst_id) values (%s,%d,%s,%d)', (table,id,self._name,id_new))
for field in vals:
if self._columns[field]._classic_write:
if self._log_access:
upd0 += ',create_uid,create_date'
upd1 += ',%d,now()'
cr.execute('insert into "'+self._table+'" (id,perm_id'+upd0+") values ("+str(id_new)+',NULL'+upd1+')', tuple(upd2))
upd_todo.sort(lambda x,y: self._columns[x].priority-self._columns[y].priority)
for field in upd_todo:
self._columns[field].set(cr, self, id_new, field, vals[field], user, context)
self._validate(cr, user, [id_new])
wf_service = netsvc.LocalService("workflow")
wf_service.trg_create(user, self._name, id_new, cr)
self._update_function_stored(cr, user, [id_new], context=context)
return id_new
def _update_function_stored(self, cr, user, ids, context=None):
if not context:
f=filter(lambda a: isinstance(self._columns[a], fields.function) and self._columns[a].store, self._columns)
if f:
result=self.read(cr, user, ids, fields=f, context=context)
for res in result:
for field in res:
if field not in f:
cr.execute('update "'+self._table+'" set '+string.join(upd0,',')+ ' where id = %d', upd1)
return True
# TODO: Validate
def perm_write(self, cr, user, ids, fields, context=None):
if not context:
if not ids:
return True
if isinstance(ids, (int, long)):
ids = [ids]
query = []
vals = []
keys = []
for x in fields.keys():
cr.execute('select id from perm where ' + ' and '.join(query) + ' limit 1', vals)
res = cr.fetchone()
if res:
id = res[0]
cr.execute("select nextval('perm_id_seq')")
id = cr.fetchone()[0]
cr.execute('insert into perm (id,' + ','.join(keys) + ') values (' + str(id) + ',' + ('%d,'*(len(keys)-1)+'%d')+')', vals)
ids_str = ','.join(map(str, ids))
cr.execute('update '+self._table+' set perm_id=%d where id in ('+ids_str+')', (id,))
return True
# returns the definition of each field in the object
# the optional fields parameter can limit the result to some fields
def fields_get(self, cr, user, fields=None, context=None):
if not context:
res = {}
for parent in self._inherits:
res.update(self.pool.get(parent).fields_get(cr, user, fields, context))
read_access= self.pool.get('ir.model.access').check(cr, user, self._name,'write',raise_exception=False)
for f in self._columns.keys():
res[f] = {'type': self._columns[f]._type}
for arg in ('string','readonly','states','size','required','change_default','translate', 'help', 'select'):
if getattr(self._columns[f], arg):
res[f][arg] = getattr(self._columns[f], arg)
if not read_access:
res[f]['readonly']= True
for arg in ('digits', 'invisible'):
if hasattr(self._columns[f], arg) and getattr(self._columns[f], arg):
res[f][arg] = getattr(self._columns[f], arg)
# translate the field label
if context.get('lang', False) and context['lang'] != 'en_US':
res_trans = self.pool.get('ir.translation')._get_source(cr, user, self._name+','+f, 'field', context['lang'])
if res_trans:
res[f]['string'] = res_trans
if hasattr(self._columns[f], 'selection'):
if isinstance(self._columns[f].selection, (tuple, list)):
sel = self._columns[f].selection
# translate each selection option
if context.get('lang', False) and context['lang'] != 'en_US':
sel2 = []
for (key,val) in sel:
val2 = self.pool.get('ir.translation')._get_source(cr, user, self._name+','+f, 'selection', context['lang'], val)
sel2.append((key, val2 or val))
sel = sel2
res[f]['selection'] = sel
# call the 'dynamic selection' function
res[f]['selection'] = self._columns[f].selection(self, cr, user, context)
if res[f]['type'] in ('one2many', 'many2many', 'many2one', 'one2one'):
res[f]['relation'] = self._columns[f]._obj
res[f]['domain'] = self._columns[f]._domain
res[f]['context'] = self._columns[f]._context
if fields:
# filter out fields which aren't in the fields list
for r in res.keys():
if r not in fields:
del res[r]
return res
# Overload this method if you need a window title which depends on the context
def view_header_get(self, cr, user, view_id=None, view_type='form', context=None):
return False
def __view_look_dom(self, cr, user, node, context=None):
if not context:
result = False
fields = {}
childs = True
if node.nodeType==node.ELEMENT_NODE and node.localName=='field':
if node.hasAttribute('name'):
attrs = {}
if node.getAttribute('name') in self._columns:
relation = self._columns[node.getAttribute('name')]._obj
relation = self._inherit_fields[node.getAttribute('name')][2]._obj
relation = False
if relation:
childs = False
views = {}
for f in node.childNodes:
if f.nodeType==f.ELEMENT_NODE and f.localName in ('form','tree'):
xarch,xfields = self.pool.get(relation).__view_look_dom_arch(cr, user, f, context)
views[str(f.localName)] = {
'arch': xarch,
'fields': xfields
attrs = {'views': views}
fields[node.getAttribute('name')] = attrs
elif node.nodeType==node.ELEMENT_NODE and node.localName in ('form','tree'):
result = self.view_header_get(cr, user, False, node.localName, context)
if result:
node.setAttribute('string', result)
if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE:
# translate view
if ('lang' in context) and not result:
if node.hasAttribute('string') and node.getAttribute('string'):
trans = tools.translate(cr, user, self._name, 'view', context['lang'], node.getAttribute('string').encode('utf8'))
if trans:
node.setAttribute('string', trans.decode('utf8'))
if node.hasAttribute('sum') and node.getAttribute('sum'):
trans = tools.translate(cr, user, self._name, 'view', context['lang'], node.getAttribute('sum').encode('utf8'))
if trans:
node.setAttribute('sum', trans.decode('utf8'))
# Add view for properties !
if node.localName=='properties':
parent = node.parentNode
doc = node.ownerDocument
models = map(lambda x: "'"+x+"'", [self._name] + self._inherits.keys())
cr.execute('select id,name,group_name from ir_model_fields where model in ('+','.join(models)+') and view_load order by group_name, id')
oldgroup = None
res = cr.fetchall()
for id, fname, gname in res:
if oldgroup != gname:
child = doc.createElement('separator')
child.setAttribute('string', gname)
child.setAttribute('colspan', "4")
oldgroup = gname
parent.insertBefore(child, node)
child = doc.createElement('field')
child.setAttribute('name', fname)
parent.insertBefore(child, node)
if childs:
for f in node.childNodes:
fields.update(self.__view_look_dom(cr, user, f,context))
return fields
def __view_look_dom_arch(self, cr, user, node, context=None):
if not context:
fields_def = self.__view_look_dom(cr, user, node, context=context)
arch = node.toxml()
fields = self.fields_get(cr, user, fields_def.keys(), context)
for field in fields_def:
return arch,fields
# if view_id, view_type is not required
def fields_view_get(self, cr, user, view_id=None, view_type='form', context=None, toolbar=False):
if not context:
def _inherit_apply(src, inherit):
def _find(node, node2):
if node.nodeType==node.ELEMENT_NODE and node.localName==node2.localName:
res = True
for attr in node2.attributes.keys():
if attr=='position':
if node.hasAttribute(attr):
if node.getAttribute(attr)==node2.getAttribute(attr):
res = False
if res:
return node
for child in node.childNodes:
res = _find(child, node2)
if res: return res
return None
doc_src = dom.minidom.parseString(src)
doc_dest = dom.minidom.parseString(inherit)
for node2 in doc_dest.childNodes:
if not node2.nodeType==node2.ELEMENT_NODE:
node = _find(doc_src, node2)
if node:
pos = 'inside'
if node2.hasAttribute('position'):
pos = node2.getAttribute('position')
if pos=='replace':
parent = node.parentNode
for child in node2.childNodes:
if child.nodeType==child.ELEMENT_NODE:
parent.insertBefore(child, node)
for child in node2.childNodes:
if child.nodeType==child.ELEMENT_NODE:
if pos=='inside':
elif pos=='after':
sib = node.nextSibling
if sib:
node.parentNode.insertBefore(child, sib)
elif pos=='before':
node.parentNode.insertBefore(child, node)
raise AttributeError, 'Unknown position in inherited view %s !' % pos
attrs = ''.join([
' %s="%s"' % (attr, node2.getAttribute(attr))
for attr in node2.attributes.keys()
if attr != 'position'
tag = "<%s%s>" % (node2.localName, attrs)
raise AttributeError, "Couldn't find tag '%s' in parent view !" % tag
return doc_src.toxml()
result = {'type':view_type, 'model':self._name}
ok = True
model = True
while ok:
if view_id:
where = (model and (" and model='%s'" % (self._name,))) or ''
cr.execute('select arch,name,field_parent,id,type,inherit_id from ir_ui_view where id=%d'+where, (view_id,))
cr.execute('select arch,name,field_parent,id,type,inherit_id from ir_ui_view where model=%s and type=%s order by priority', (self._name,view_type))
sql_res = cr.fetchone()
if not sql_res:
ok = sql_res[5]
view_id = ok or sql_res[3]
model = False
# if a view was found
if sql_res:
result['type'] = sql_res[4]
result['view_id'] = sql_res[3]
result['arch'] = sql_res[0]
def _inherit_apply_rec(result, inherit_id):
# get all views which inherit from (ie modify) this view
cr.execute('select arch,id from ir_ui_view where inherit_id=%d and model=%s order by priority', (inherit_id, self._name))
sql_inherit = cr.fetchall()
for (inherit,id) in sql_inherit:
result = _inherit_apply(result, inherit)
result = _inherit_apply_rec(result,id)
return result
result['arch'] = _inherit_apply_rec(result['arch'], sql_res[3])
result['name'] = sql_res[1]
result['field_parent'] = sql_res[2] or False
# otherwise, build some kind of default view
if view_type == 'form':
res = self.fields_get(cr, user, context=context)
xml = '''<?xml version="1.0"?>\n<form string="%s">\n''' % (self._description,)
for x in res:
if res[x]['type'] not in ('one2many', 'many2many'):
xml += '\t<field name="%s"/>\n' % (x,)
if res[x]['type'] == 'text':
xml += "<newline/>"
xml += "</form>"
elif view_type == 'tree':
xml = '''<?xml version="1.0"?>\n<tree string="%s">\n\t<field name="%s"/>\n</tree>''' % (self._description,self._rec_name)
elif view_type == 'calendar':
xml = '''<?xml version="1.0"?>\n<calendar string="%s" date_start="%s">\n\t<field name="%s"/>\n</calendar>''' % (self._description,self._date_name,self._rec_name)
xml = ''
result['arch'] = xml
result['name'] = 'default'
result['field_parent'] = False
result['view_id'] = 0
doc = dom.minidom.parseString(result['arch'])
xarch, xfields = self.__view_look_dom_arch(cr, user, doc, context=context)
result['arch'] = xarch
result['fields'] = xfields
if toolbar:
def clean(x):
x = x[2]
for key in ('report_sxw_content','report_rml_content','report_sxw','report_rml'):
if key in x:
del x[key]
return x
resprint = self.pool.get('ir.values').get(cr, user, 'action', 'client_print_multi', [(self._name, False)], False, context)
resaction = self.pool.get('ir.values').get(cr, user, 'action', 'client_action_multi', [(self._name, False)], False, context)
resrelate = self.pool.get('ir.values').get(cr, user, 'action', 'client_action_relate', [(self._name, False)], False, context)
resprint = map(clean, resprint)
resaction = map(clean, resaction)
resaction = filter(lambda x: not x.get('multi',False), resaction)
resprint = filter(lambda x: not x.get('multi',False), resprint)
resrelate = map(lambda x:x[2], resrelate)
for x in resprint+resaction+resrelate:
x['string'] = x['name']
result['toolbar'] = {
'print': resprint,
'action': resaction,
'relate': resrelate
return result
# TODO: ameliorer avec NULL
def _where_calc(self, cr, user, args, active_test=True, context=None):
if not context:
args = args[:]
# if the object has a field named 'active', filter out all inactive
# records unless they were explicitely asked for
if 'active' in self._columns and (active_test and context.get('active_test', True)):
i = 0
active_found = False
while i<len(args):
if args[i][0]=='active':
active_found = True
i += 1
if not active_found:
args.append(('active', '=', 1))
i = 0
while i<len(args):
if args[i][0] in self._inherit_fields:
if ('"'+table._table+'"' not in tables):
joins.append(('id', 'join', '%s.%s' % (self._table, self._inherits[table._name]), table))
fargs = args[i][0].split('.', 1)
field = table._columns.get(fargs[0],False)
if not field:
if len(fargs) > 1:
if field._type == 'many2one':
args[i] = (fargs[0], 'in', self.pool.get(field._obj).search(cr, user, [(fargs[1], args[i][1], args[i][2])], context=context))
if field._properties:
arg = [args.pop(i)]
j = i
while j<len(args):
if args[j][0]==arg[0][0]:
if field._fnct_search:
args.extend(field.search(cr, user, self, arg[0][0], arg))
elif field._type=='one2many':
field_obj = self.pool.get(field._obj)
# get the ids of the records of the "distant" resource
ids2 = [x[0] for x in field_obj.name_search(cr, user, args[i][2], [], args[i][1])]
if not ids2:
args[i] = ('id','=','0')
cr.execute('select "'+field._fields_id+'" from "'+field_obj._table+'" where id in ('+','.join(map(str,ids2))+')')
ids3 = [x[0] for x in cr.fetchall()]
args[i] = ('id', 'in', ids3)
elif field._type=='many2many':
if args[i][1]=='child_of':
if isinstance(args[i][2], basestring):
ids2 = [x[0] for x in self.pool.get(field._obj).name_search(cr, user, args[i][2], [], 'like')]
ids2 = args[i][2]
def _rec_get(ids, table, parent):
if not ids:
return []
ids2 = table.search(cr, user, [(parent, 'in', ids)], context=context)
return ids + _rec_get(ids2, table, parent)
def _rec_convert(ids):
if self.pool.get(field._obj)==self:
return ids
if not len(ids): return []
cr.execute('select "'+field._id1+'" from "'+field._rel+'" where "'+field._id2+'" in ('+','.join(map(str,ids))+')')
ids = [x[0] for x in cr.fetchall()]
return ids
args[i] = ('id','in',_rec_convert(ids2+_rec_get(ids2, self.pool.get(field._obj), table._parent_name)))
if isinstance(args[i][2], basestring):
res_ids = [x[0] for x in self.pool.get(field._obj).name_search(cr, user, args[i][2], [], args[i][1])]
res_ids = args[i][2]
if not len(res_ids):
return []
cr.execute('select "'+field._id1+'" from "'+field._rel+'" where "'+field._id2+'" in ('+','.join(map(str, res_ids))+')')
args[i] = ('id', 'in', map(lambda x: x[0], cr.fetchall()))
elif field._type=='many2one':
if args[i][1]=='child_of':
if isinstance(args[i][2], basestring):
ids2 = [x[0] for x in self.pool.get(field._obj).name_search(cr, user, args[i][2], [], 'like')]
ids2 = args[i][2]
def _rec_get(ids, table, parent):
if not ids:
return []
ids2 = table.search(cr, user, [(parent, 'in', ids)], context=context)
return ids + _rec_get(ids2, table, parent)
if field._obj <> table._name:
args[i] = (args[i][0],'in',ids2+_rec_get(ids2, self.pool.get(field._obj), table._parent_name), table)
args[i] = ('id','in',ids2+_rec_get(ids2, table, args[i][0]), table)
if isinstance(args[i][2], basestring):
res_ids = self.pool.get(field._obj).name_search(cr, user, args[i][2], [], args[i][1])
args[i] = (args[i][0],'in',map(lambda x: x[0], res_ids), table)
args[i] += (table,)
if field.translate and context.get('lang', False) and context['lang'] != 'en_US':
if args[i][1] in ('like', 'ilike'):
args[i] = (args[i][0], args[i][1], '%%%s%%' % args[i][2])
cr.execute('select res_id from ir_translation where name = %s and lang = %s and type = %s and value '+args[i][1]+' %s', (table._name+','+args[i][0], context['lang'], 'model', args[i][2]))
ids = map(lambda x: x[0], cr.fetchall())
cr.execute('select id from "'+table._table+'" where "'+args[i][0]+'" '+args[i][1]+' %s', (args[i][2],))
ids += map(lambda x: x[0], cr.fetchall())
args[i] = ('id', 'in', ids, table)
args[i] += (table,)
qu1, qu2 = [], []
for x in args:
if len(x) > 3:
if x[1] != 'in':
#FIXME: this replace all (..., '=', False) values with 'is null' and this is
# not what we want for real boolean fields. The problem is, we can't change it
# easily because we use False everywhere instead of None
# NOTE FAB: we can't use None because it is not accepted by XML-RPC, that's why
# boolean (0-1), None -> False
# Ged> boolean fields are not always = 0 or 1
if (x[2] is False) and (x[1]=='='):
qu1.append(x[0]+' is null')
elif (x[2] is False) and (x[1]=='<>' or x[1]=='!='):
qu1.append(x[0]+' is not null')
if x[0]=='id':
if x[1]=='join':
qu1.append('(%s.%s = %s)' % (table._table, x[0], x[2]))
qu1.append('(%s.%s %s %%s)' % (table._table, x[0], x[1]))
add_null = False
if x[1] in ('like', 'ilike'):
if isinstance(x[2], str):
str_utf8 = x[2]
elif isinstance(x[2], unicode):
str_utf8 = x[2].encode('utf-8')
str_utf8 = str(x[2])
qu2.append('%%%s%%' % str_utf8)
if not str_utf8:
add_null = True
if x[0] in table._columns:
if x[1]=='=like':
x1 = 'like'
x1 = x[1]
if x[0] in table._columns:
qu1.append('(%s.%s %s %s)' % (table._table, x[0], x1, table._columns[x[0]]._symbol_set[0]))
qu1.append('(%s.%s %s \'%s\')' % (table._table, x[0], x1, x[2]))
if add_null:
qu1[-1] = '('+qu1[-1]+' or '+x[0]+' is null)'
elif x[1]=='in':
if len(x[2])>0:
todel = []
for xitem in range(len(x[2])):
if x[2][xitem]==False and isinstance(x[2][xitem],bool):
for xitem in todel[::-1]:
del x[2][xitem]
if x[0]=='id':
qu1.append('(%s.id in (%s))' % (table._table, ','.join(['%d'] * len(x[2])),))
qu1.append('(%s.%s in (%s))' % (table._table, x[0], ','.join([table._columns[x[0]]._symbol_set[0]]*len(x[2]))))
if todel:
qu1[-1] = '('+qu1[-1]+' or '+x[0]+' is null)'
qu1.append(' (1=0)')
return (qu1,qu2,tables)
def search_count(self, cr, user, args, context=None):
if not context:
# compute the count of records
(qu1,qu2,tables) = self._where_calc(cr, user, args, context=context)
if len(qu1):
qu1 = ' where '+string.join(qu1,' and ')
qu1 = ''
# construct a clause for the rules :
d1, d2 = self.pool.get('ir.rule').domain_get(cr, user, self._name)
if d1:
qu1 = qu1 and qu1+' and '+d1 or ' where '+d1
qu2 += d2
# execute the "main" query to fetch the count of ids
cr.execute('select count(%s.id) from ' % self._table + ','.join(tables) +qu1, qu2)
res = cr.fetchall()
return res[0][0]
def search(self, cr, user, args, offset=0, limit=None, order=None, context=None):
if not context:
# compute the where, order by, limit and offset clauses
(qu1,qu2,tables) = self._where_calc(cr, user, args, context=context)
if len(qu1):
qu1 = ' where '+string.join(qu1,' and ')
qu1 = ''
order_by = order or self._order
limit_str = limit and ' limit %d' % limit or ''
offset_str = offset and ' offset %d' % offset or ''
# construct a clause for the rules :
d1, d2 = self.pool.get('ir.rule').domain_get(cr, user, self._name)
if d1:
qu1 = qu1 and qu1+' and '+d1 or ' where '+d1
qu2 += d2
# execute the "main" query to fetch the ids we were searching for
cr.execute('select %s.id from ' % self._table + ','.join(tables) +qu1+' order by '+order_by+limit_str+offset_str, qu2)
res = cr.fetchall()
return [x[0] for x in res]
# returns the different values ever entered for one field
# this is used, for example, in the client when the user hits enter on
# a char field
def distinct_field_get(self, cr, uid, field, value, args=None, offset=0, limit=None):
if not args:
if field in self._inherit_fields:
return self.pool.get(self._inherit_fields[field][0]).distinct_field_get(cr, uid,field,value,args,offset,limit)
return self._columns[field].search(cr, self, args, field, value, offset, limit, uid)
def name_get(self, cr, user, ids, context=None):
if not context:
if not ids:
return []
if isinstance(ids, (int, long)):
ids = [ids]
return [(r['id'], r[self._rec_name]) for r in self.read(cr, user, ids, [self._rec_name], context, load='_classic_write')]
def name_search(self, cr, user, name='', args=None, operator='ilike', context=None, limit=80):
if not args:
if not context:
if name:
args += [(self._rec_name,operator,name)]
ids = self.search(cr, user, args, limit=limit, context=context)
res = self.name_get(cr, user, ids, context)
return res
def copy(self, cr, uid, id, default=None, context=None):
if not context:
if not default:
default = {}
if 'state' not in default:
if 'state' in self._defaults:
default['state'] = self._defaults['state'](self, cr, uid, context)
data = self.read(cr, uid, [id], context=context)[0]
fields = self.fields_get(cr, uid)
for f in fields:
ftype = fields[f]['type']
if self._log_access and f in ('create_date', 'create_uid', 'write_date', 'write_uid'):
del data[f]
if f in default:
data[f] = default[f]
elif ftype == 'function':
del data[f]
elif ftype == 'many2one':
data[f] = data[f] and data[f][0]
elif ftype in ('one2many', 'one2one'):
res = []
rel = self.pool.get(fields[f]['relation'])
for rel_id in data[f]:
# the lines are first duplicated using the wrong (old)
# parent but then are reassigned to the correct one thanks
# to the (4, ...)
res.append((4, rel.copy(cr, uid, rel_id, context=context)))
data[f] = res
elif ftype == 'many2many':
data[f] = [(6, 0, data[f])]
del data['id']
for v in self._inherits:
del data[self._inherits[v]]
return self.create(cr, uid, data)
def read_string(self, cr, uid, id, langs, fields=None, context=None):
if not context:
res = {}
res2 = {}
self.pool.get('ir.model.access').check(cr, uid, 'ir.translation', 'read')
if not fields:
fields = self._columns.keys() + self._inherit_fields.keys()
for lang in langs:
res[lang] = {'code': lang}
for f in fields:
if f in self._columns:
res_trans = self.pool.get('ir.translation')._get_source(cr, uid, self._name+','+f, 'field', lang)
if res_trans:
for table in self._inherits:
cols = intersect(self._inherit_fields.keys(), fields)
res2 = self.pool.get(table).read_string(cr, uid, id, langs, cols, context)
for lang in res2:
if lang in res:
res[lang]={'code': lang}
for f in res2[lang]:
return res
def write_string(self, cr, uid, id, langs, vals, context=None):
if not context:
self.pool.get('ir.model.access').check(cr, uid, 'ir.translation', 'write')
for lang in langs:
for field in vals:
if field in self._columns:
self.pool.get('ir.translation')._set_ids(cr, uid, self._name+','+field, 'field', lang, [0], vals[field])
for table in self._inherits:
cols = intersect(self._inherit_fields.keys(), vals)
if cols:
self.pool.get(table).write_string(cr, uid, id, langs, vals, context)
return True
def check_recursion(self, cr, uid, ids, parent=None):
if not parent:
parent = self._parent_name
ids_parent = ids[:]
while len(ids_parent):
cr.execute('SELECT distinct "'+self._parent_name+'"'+
' FROM "'+self._table+'" WHERE id in ('+','.join(map(str, ids_parent))+')')
ids_parent = filter(None, map(lambda x: x[0], cr.fetchall()))
for i in ids_parent:
if i in ids:
return False
return True
# vim:noexpandtab:ts=4