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# -*- encoding: iso-8859-1 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2004-2006 TINY SPRL. (http://tiny.be) All Rights Reserved.
# $Id$
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# . Fields:
# - simple
# - relations (one2many, many2one, many2many)
# - function
# Fields Attributes:
# _classic_read: is a classic sql fields
# _type : field type
# readonly
# required
# size
import string
import netsvc
import psycopg
import warnings
import tools
def _symbol_set(symb):
if symb==None or symb==False:
return None
elif isinstance(symb, unicode):
return symb.encode('utf-8')
return str(symb)
class _column(object):
_classic_read = True
_classic_write = True
_properties = False
_type = 'unknown'
_obj = None
_symbol_c = '%s'
_symbol_f = _symbol_set
_symbol_set = (_symbol_c, _symbol_f)
_symbol_get = None
def __init__(self, string='unknown', required=False, readonly=False, domain=[], context='', states={}, priority=0, change_default=False, size=None, ondelete="set null", translate=False, select=False, **args):
self.states = states
self.string = string
self.readonly = readonly
self.required = required
self.size = size
self.help = args.get('help', '')
self.priority = priority
self.change_default = change_default
self.ondelete = ondelete
self.translate = translate
self._domain = domain
self.relate =False
self._context = context
self.group_name = False
self.view_load = 0
for a in args:
if args[a]:
setattr(self, a, args[a])
def set(self, cr, obj, id, name, value, user=None, context={}):
cr.execute('update '+obj._table+' set '+name+'='+self._symbol_set[0]+' where id=%d', (self._symbol_set[1](value),id) )
def get(self, cr, obj, ids, name, context={}, values={}):
raise 'undefined get method !'
def search(self, cr, obj, args, name, value, offset=0, limit=None, uid=None):
ids = obj.search(cr, uid, args+self._domain+[(name,'ilike',value)], offset, limit)
res = obj.read(cr, uid, ids, [name])
return [x[name] for x in res]
# ---------------------------------------------------------
# Simple fields
# ---------------------------------------------------------
class boolean(_column):
_type = 'boolean'
_symbol_c = '%s'
_symbol_f = lambda x: x and 'True' or 'False'
_symbol_set = (_symbol_c, _symbol_f)
class integer(_column):
_type = 'integer'
_symbol_c = '%d'
_symbol_f = lambda x: int(x or 0)
_symbol_set = (_symbol_c, _symbol_f)
class reference(_column):
_type = 'reference'
def __init__(self, string, selection, size, **args):
_column.__init__(self, string=string, size=size, selection=selection, **args)
class char(_column):
_type = 'char'
def __init__(self, string, size, **args):
_column.__init__(self, string=string, size=size, **args)
self._symbol_set = (self._symbol_c, self._symbol_set_char)
# takes a string (encoded in utf8) and returns a string (encoded in utf8)
def _symbol_set_char(self, symb):
# * we need to remove the "symb==False" from the next line BUT
# for now too many things rely on this broken behavior
# * the symb==None test should be common to all data types
if symb==None or symb==False:
return None
# we need to convert the string to a unicode object to be able
# to evaluate its length (and possibly truncate it) reliably
if isinstance(symb, str):
u_symb = unicode(symb, 'utf8')
elif isinstance(symb, unicode):
u_symb = symb
u_symb = unicode(symb)
if len(u_symb) > self.size:
return u_symb[:self.size-3].encode('utf8') + '...'
return u_symb.encode('utf8')
class text(_column):
_type = 'text'
import __builtin__
class float(_column):
_type = 'float'
_symbol_c = '%f'
_symbol_f = lambda x: __builtin__.float(x or 0.0)
_symbol_set = (_symbol_c, _symbol_f)
def __init__(self, string='unknown', digits=None, **args):
_column.__init__(self, string=string, **args)
self.digits = digits
# We'll need to use decimal one day or another
# import decimal
#except ImportError:
# from tools import decimal
#class float(_column):
# _type = 'float'
# _symbol_c = '%f'
# def __init__(self, string='unknown', digits=None, **args):
# _column.__init__(self, string=string, **args)
# self._symbol_set = (self._symbol_c, self._symbol_set_decimal)
# self.digits = digits
# if not digits:
# scale = 4
# else:
# scale = digits[1]
# self._scale = decimal.Decimal(str(10**-scale))
# self._context = decimal.Context(prec=scale, rounding=decimal.ROUND_HALF_UP)
# def _symbol_set_decimal(self, symb):
# if isinstance(symb, __builtin__.float):
# return decimal.Decimal('%f' % symb)
# return decimal.Decimal(symb)
class date(_column):
_type = 'date'
class datetime(_column):
_type = 'datetime'
class time(_column):
_type = 'time'
class binary(_column):
_type = 'binary'
_symbol_c = '%s'
_symbol_f = lambda symb: symb and psycopg.Binary(symb) or None
_symbol_set = (_symbol_c, _symbol_f)
class selection(_column):
_type = 'selection'
def __init__(self, selection, string='unknown', **args):
_column.__init__(self, string=string, **args)
self.selection = selection
def set(self, cr, obj, id, name, value, user=None, context={}):
#CHECKME: a priori, ceci n'est jamais appel<65> puisque le test ci-dessous est mauvais
# la raison est que selection n'est pas en classic_write = false
# a noter qu'on pourrait fournir un _symbol_set specifique, et ca suffirait
if value in self.selection:
raise 'BAD VALUE'
_column.set(self, cr, obj, id, name, value, user=None, context=context)
# ---------------------------------------------------------
# Relationals fields
# ---------------------------------------------------------
# Values: (0, 0, { fields }) create
# (1, ID, { fields }) modification
# (2, ID) remove (delete)
# (3, ID) unlink one (target id or target of relation)
# (4, ID) link
# (5) unlink all (only valid for one2many)
#CHECKME: dans la pratique c'est quoi la syntaxe utilisee pour le 5? (5) ou (5, 0)?
class one2one(_column):
_classic_read = False
_classic_write = True
_type = 'one2one'
def __init__(self, obj, string='unknown', **args):
warnings.warn("The one2one field doesn't work anymore", DeprecationWarning)
_column.__init__(self, string=string, **args)
self._obj = obj
def set(self, cr, obj_src, id, field, act, user=None, context={}):
obj = obj_src.pool.get(self._obj)
self._table = obj_src.pool.get(self._obj)._table
if act[0]==0:
id_new = obj.create(cr, user, act[1])
cr.execute('update '+obj_src._table+' set '+field+'=%d where id=%d', (id_new,id))
cr.execute('select '+field+' from '+obj_src._table+' where id=%d', (act[0],))
id =cr.fetchone()[0]
obj.write(cr, user, [id] , act[1], context=context)
def search(self, cr, obj, args, name, value, offset=0, limit=None, uid=None):
return obj.pool.get(self._obj).search(cr, uid, args+self._domain+[('name','like',value)], offset, limit)
class many2one(_column):
_classic_read = False
_classic_write = True
_type = 'many2one'
def __init__(self, obj, string='unknown', **args):
_column.__init__(self, string=string, **args)
self._obj = obj
# TODO: speed improvement
# name is the name of the relation field
def get(self, cr, obj, ids, name, user=None, context={}, values={}):
res = {}
for r in values:
res[r['id']] = r[name]
for id in ids:
res.setdefault(id, '')
obj = obj.pool.get(self._obj)
# build a dictionary of the form {'id_of_distant_resource': name_of_distant_resource}
from orm import except_orm
names = dict(obj.name_get(cr, user, filter(None, res.values()), context))
except except_orm:
for id in filter(None, res.values()):
names[id] = dict(obj.name_get(cr, user, [id], context))[id]
except except_orm:
names[id] = "===Access error==="
for r in res.keys():
if res[r] and res[r] in names:
res[r] = (res[r], names[res[r]])
res[r] = False
return res
def set(self, cr, obj_src, id, field, values, user=None, context={}):
obj = obj_src.pool.get(self._obj)
self._table = obj_src.pool.get(self._obj)._table
if type(values)==type([]):
for act in values:
if act[0]==0:
id_new = obj.create(cr, act[2])
cr.execute('update '+obj_src._table+' set '+field+'=%d where id=%d', (id_new,id))
elif act[0]==1:
obj.write(cr, [act[1]], act[2], context=context)
elif act[0]==2:
cr.execute('delete from '+self._table+' where id=%d', (act[1],))
elif act[0]==3 or act[0]==5:
cr.execute('update '+obj_src._table+' set '+field+'=null where id=%d', (id,))
elif act[0]==4:
cr.execute('update '+obj_src._table+' set '+field+'=%d where id=%d', (act[1],id))
if values:
cr.execute('update '+obj_src._table+' set '+field+'=%d where id=%d', (values,id))
cr.execute('update '+obj_src._table+' set '+field+'=null where id=%d', (id,))
def search(self, cr, obj, args, name, value, offset=0, limit=None, uid=None):
return obj.pool.get(self._obj).search(cr, uid, args+self._domain+[('name','like',value)], offset, limit)
class one2many(_column):
_classic_read = False
_classic_write = False
_type = 'one2many'
def __init__(self, obj, fields_id, string='unknown', limit=None, **args):
_column.__init__(self, string=string, **args)
self._obj = obj
self._fields_id = fields_id
self._limit = limit
#one2many can't be used as condition for defaults
assert(self.change_default != True)
def get(self, cr, obj, ids, name, user=None, offset=0, context={}, values={}):
res = {}
for id in ids:
res[id] = []
ids2 = obj.pool.get(self._obj).search(cr, user, [(self._fields_id,'in',ids)], limit=self._limit)
for r in obj.pool.get(self._obj)._read_flat(cr, user, ids2, [self._fields_id], context=context, load='_classic_write'):
res[r[self._fields_id]].append( r['id'] )
return res
def set(self, cr, obj, id, field, values, user=None, context={}):
if not values:
_table = obj.pool.get(self._obj)._table
obj = obj.pool.get(self._obj)
for act in values:
if act[0]==0:
act[2][self._fields_id] = id
obj.create(cr, user, act[2], context=context)
elif act[0]==1:
obj.write(cr, user, [act[1]] , act[2], context=context)
elif act[0]==2:
obj.unlink(cr, user, [act[1]], context=context)
elif act[0]==3:
cr.execute('update '+_table+' set '+self._fields_id+'=null where id=%d', (act[1],))
elif act[0]==4:
cr.execute('update '+_table+' set '+self._fields_id+'=%d where id=%d', (id,act[1]))
elif act[0]==5:
cr.execute('update '+_table+' set '+self._fields_id+'=null where '+self._fields_id+'=%d', (id,))
elif act[0]==6:
if len(act[2]):
cr.execute('update '+_table+' set '+self._fields_id+'=%d where id in ('+','.join(map(str, act[2]))+')', (id,))
def search(self, cr, obj, args, name, value, offset=0, limit=None, uid=None, operator='like'):
return obj.pool.get(self._obj).name_search(cr, uid, value, self._domain, offset, limit)
# Values: (0, 0, { fields }) create
# (1, ID, { fields }) modification
# (2, ID) remove
# (3, ID) unlink
# (4, ID) link
# (5, ID) unlink all
# (6, ?, ids) set a list of links
class many2many(_column):
_classic_read = False
_classic_write = False
_type = 'many2many'
def __init__(self, obj, rel, id1, id2, string='unknown', limit=None, **args):
_column.__init__(self, string=string, **args)
self._obj = obj
self._rel = rel
self._id1 = id1
self._id2 = id2
self._limit = limit
def get(self, cr, obj, ids, name, user=None, offset=0, context={}, values={}):
res = {}
if not ids:
return res
for id in ids:
res[id] = []
ids_s = ','.join(map(str,ids))
limit_str = self._limit is not None and ' limit %d' % self._limit or ''
obj = obj.pool.get(self._obj)
if 'company_id' in obj._columns:
compids = tools.get_user_companies(cr, user)
cr.execute('SELECT r.'+self._id2+', r.'+self._id1+' FROM '+self._rel+' AS r, '+obj._table+' AS o WHERE r.'+self._id1+' in ('+ids_s+') AND r.'+self._id2+' = o.id AND (o.company_id IN ('+','.join(map(str,compids))+') OR o.company_id IS NULL)'+limit_str+' OFFSET %d', (offset,))
cr.execute('select '+self._id2+','+self._id1+' from '+self._rel+' where '+self._id1+' in ('+ids_s+')'+limit_str+' offset %d', (offset,))
for r in cr.fetchall():
return res
def set(self, cr, obj, id, name, values, user=None, context={}):
if not values:
obj = obj.pool.get(self._obj)
for act in values:
if act[0]==0:
idnew = obj.create(cr, user, act[2])
cr.execute('insert into '+self._rel+' ('+self._id1+','+self._id2+') values (%d,%d)', (id,idnew))
elif act[0]==1:
obj.write(cr, user, [act[1]] , act[2], context=context)
elif act[0]==2:
obj.unlink(cr, user, [act[1]], context=context)
elif act[0]==3:
cr.execute('update '+self._rel+' set '+self._id2+'=null where ' + self._id1 + '=%d', (act[1],))
elif act[0]==4:
cr.execute('update '+self._rel+' set '+self._id2+'=%d where ' + self._id1 + '=%d and ' + self._id2 + '=%d', (act[1], id, act[1]))
elif act[0]==5:
cr.execute('update '+self._rel+' set '+self._id2+'=null where '+self._id2+'=%d', (id,))
elif act[0]==6:
if 'company_id' in obj._columns and not user == 1:
compids = tools.get_user_companies(cr, user)
cr.execute('delete from '+self._rel+' where '+self._id1+'=%d AND '+self._id2+' IN (SELECT r.'+self._id2+' FROM '+self._rel+' AS r, '+obj._table+' AS o WHERE r.'+self._id1+'=%d AND r.'+self._id2+' = o.id AND (o.company_id IN ('+','.join(map(str,compids))+') OR o.company_id IS NULL))', (id, id, ))
cr.execute('delete from '+self._rel+' where '+self._id1+'=%d', (id, ))
for act_nbr in act[2]:
cr.execute('insert into '+self._rel+' ('+self._id1+','+self._id2+') values (%d, %d)', (id, act_nbr))
# TODO: use a name_search
def search(self, cr, obj, args, name, value, offset=0, limit=None, uid=None, operator='like'):
return obj.pool.get(self._obj).search(cr, uid, args+self._domain+[('name',operator,value)], offset, limit)
# ---------------------------------------------------------
# Function fields
# ---------------------------------------------------------
class function(_column):
_classic_read = False
_classic_write = False
_type = 'function'
_properties = True
def __init__(self, fnct, arg=None, fnct_inv=None, fnct_inv_arg=None, type='float', fnct_search=None, obj=None, method=False, store=False, **args):
_column.__init__(self, **args)
self._obj = obj
self._method = method
self._fnct = fnct
self._fnct_inv = fnct_inv
self._arg = arg
if 'relation' in args:
self._obj = args['relation']
self._fnct_inv_arg = fnct_inv_arg
if not fnct_inv:
self.readonly = 1
self._type = type
self._fnct_search = fnct_search
self.store = store
if type == 'float':
self._symbol_c = '%f'
self._symbol_f = lambda x: __builtin__.float(x or 0.0)
self._symbol_set = (self._symbol_c, self._symbol_f)
def search(self, cr, uid, obj, name, args):
if not self._fnct_search:
#CHECKME: should raise an exception
return []
return self._fnct_search(obj, cr, uid, obj, name, args)
def get(self, cr, obj, ids, name, user=None, context={}, values={}):
res = {}
table = obj._table
if self._method:
# TODO get HAS to receive uid for permissions !
return self._fnct(obj, cr, user, ids, name, self._arg, context)
return self._fnct(cr, table, ids, name, self._arg, context)
def set(self, cr, obj, id, name, value, user=None, context={}):
if self._fnct_inv:
self._fnct_inv(obj, cr, user, id, name, value, self._fnct_inv_arg, context)
# ---------------------------------------------------------
# Serialized fields
# ---------------------------------------------------------
class serialized(_column):
def __init__(self, string='unknown', serialize_func=repr, deserialize_func=eval, type='text', **args):
self._serialize_func = serialize_func
self._deserialize_func = deserialize_func
self._type = type
self._symbol_set = (self._symbol_c, self._serialize_func)
self._symbol_get = self._deserialize_func
super(serialized, self).__init__(string=string, **args)
class property(function):
def _fnct_write(self2, self, cr, uid, id, prop, id_val, val, context={}):
(obj_dest,) = val
definition_id = self2._field_get(self, cr, uid, prop)
property = self.pool.get('ir.property')
nid = property.search(cr, uid, [('fields_id','=',definition_id),('res_id','=',self._name+','+str(id))])
while len(nid):
cr.execute('delete from ir_property where id=%d', (nid.pop(),))
nid = property.search(cr, uid, [('fields_id','=',definition_id),('res_id','=',False)])
default_val = False
if nid:
default_val = property.browse(cr, uid, nid[0], context).value
company_id = self.pool.get('res.users').company_get(cr, uid, uid)
res = False
newval = (id_val and obj_dest+','+str(id_val)) or False
if (newval != default_val) and newval:
propdef = self.pool.get('ir.model.fields').browse(cr, uid, definition_id, context=context)
res = property.create(cr, uid, {
'name': propdef.name,
'value': newval,
'res_id': self._name+','+str(id),
'company_id': company_id,
'fields_id': definition_id
}, context=context)
return res
def _fnct_read(self2, self, cr, uid, ids, prop, val, context={}):
property = self.pool.get('ir.property')
definition_id = self2._field_get(self, cr, uid, prop)
nid = property.search(cr, uid, [('fields_id','=',definition_id),('res_id','=',False)])
default_val = False
if nid:
d = property.browse(cr, uid, nid[0], context).value
default_val = (d and int(d.split(',')[1])) or False
vids = map(lambda id: self._name+','+str(id), ids)
nids = property.search(cr, uid, [('fields_id','=',definition_id),('res_id','in', vids)])
res = {}
for id in ids:
res[id]= default_val
for prop in property.browse(cr, uid, nids):
res[int(prop.res_id.split(',')[1])] = (prop.value and int(prop.value.split(',')[1])) or False
obj = self.pool.get(self2._obj)
names = dict(obj.name_get(cr, uid, filter(None, res.values()), context))
for r in res.keys():
if res[r] and res[r] in names:
res[r] = (res[r], names[res[r]])
res[r] = False
return res
def _field_get(self, self2, cr, uid, prop):
if not self.field_id.get(cr.dbname):
cr.execute('select id from ir_model_fields where name=%s and model=%s', (prop, self2._name))
res = cr.fetchone()
self.field_id[cr.dbname] = res and res[0]
return self.field_id[cr.dbname]
def __init__(self, obj_prop, **args):
self.field_id = {}
self._fnct_read, False,
self._fnct_write, (obj_prop, ),