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In order to test the document_page in OpenERP, I create a new page to category blog_category_1
!record {model: blog.post, id: test_page0}:
name: Test Page0
category_id: blog_category_1
content: 'Test content
The Open ERP wiki allows you to manage your enterprise contents using wiki
restructured texts. This module provides a collaborative way to manage internal
FAQs, quality manuals, technical references, etc.'
# -
# I check the category index contains my page.
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# !python {model: blog.post}: |
# res = self.read(cr, uid, [ref('blog_category_1')], ['display_content'])
# assert res[0]['display_content'].find('Test Page') > 1
!record {model: blog.post, id: test_page0}:
content: 'Test updated content
The Open ERP wiki allows you to manage your enterprise contents using wiki
restructured texts. This module provides a collaborative way to manage internal
FAQs, quality manuals, technical references, etc.
Wiki text can easily be edited
I check the page history for the current page by clicking on "Page History".After that find difference between history.
!python {model: blog.post.history.show_diff}: |
hist_obj = model.pool.get('blog.post.history')
ids = hist_obj.search(cr, uid, [('post_id', '=', ref("test_page0"))])
model.get_diff(cr, uid, {'active_ids': ids[:] })
# -
# I click the "create menu" link and i fill the form.
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# !record {model: document.page.create.menu, id: test_create_menu0}:
# menu_name: Wiki Test menu
# menu_parent_id: base.menu_base_partner
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# I create a Menu by clicking on "create menu"
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# !python {model: document.page.create.menu}: |
# ids = [ref("test_create_menu0")]
# context['active_id'] = ref('test_page0')
# self.document_page_menu_create(cr, uid, ids, context)