
286 lines
8.7 KiB

* OpenERP web_graph
openerp.web_graph = function (instance) {
var QWeb = instance.web.qweb,
_lt = instance.web._lt;
instance.web.views.add('graph', 'instance.web_graph.GraphView');
instance.web_graph.GraphView = instance.web.View.extend({
display_name: _lt('Graph'),
view_type: "graph",
init: function(parent, dataset, view_id, options) {
this.dataset = dataset;
this.view_id = view_id;
this.mode="pie"; // line, bar, area, pie, radar
this.orientation=true; // true: horizontal, false: vertical
this.spreadsheet=false; // Display data gris, allows copy to CSV
this.legend="top"; // top, inside, no
this.is_loaded = $.Deferred();
this.renderer = null;
destroy: function () {
if (this.renderer) {
on_loaded: function(fields_view_get) {
this.$element.html(QWeb.render("GraphView", {}));
// Should I add this, in every $(...) call ?
container = $("#editor-render-body");
{mode: 'bar', stacked: true, legend: 'top'}, graph_render)
{mode: 'bar', stacked: false, legend: 'top'}, graph_render)
{mode: "area", stacked: true, legend: "top"}, graph_render);
{mode: "area", stacked: false, legend: "top"}, graph_render);
{orientation: 0, mode: "radar", legend: "inside"}, graph_render);
{mode: "pie", legend: "inside"}, graph_render);
{legend: "top"}, graph_render);
{legend: "inside"}, graph_render);
{legend: "no"}, graph_render);
{mode: "line"}, graph_render);
function() {
spreadsheet = ! spreadsheet;
function() {
orientation = ! orientation;
function() {
var graph;
if (Flotr.isIE && Flotr.isIE < 9) {
"Your browser doesn't allow you to get a bitmap image from the plot, " +
"you can only get a VML image that you can use in Microsoft Office."
if (legend=="top") legend="inside";
forcehtml = true;
graph = graph_render();
forcehtml = false;
get_format: function get_format(options) {
var result = {
show: this.legend!='no',
if (legend=="top") {
result.noColumns = 4;
// todo: I guess I should add something like this.renderer ?
result.container = $("div .graph_header_legend", this)[0];
} else if (legend=="inside") {
result.position = 'nw';
result.backgroundColor = '#D2E8FF';
return $.extend({
legend: result,
mouse: {
track: true,
relative: true
spreadsheet : {
show: this.spreadsheet,
initialTab: "data"
HtmlText : (options && options.labelsAngle)?false:!this.forcehtml,
}, options)
graph_get_data: function (options) {
var i,
d1 = [],
d2 = [],
d3 = [];
for (i = -3; i < 3; i++) {
if (this.orientation % 2) {
d1.push([Math.random(), i]);
d2.push([Math.random(), i]);
d3.push([Math.random(), i]);
} else {
d1.push([i, Math.random()]);
d2.push([i, Math.random()]);
d3.push([i, Math.random()]);
return [
$.extend({ data : d2, label : 'Serie 2'}, options),
$.extend({ data : d3, label : 'Serie 3'}, options),
$.extend({ data : d1, label : 'Serie 1'}, options),
graph_bar: function (container, data) {
return Flotr.draw(container, data, get_format({
bars : {
show : true,
stacked : this.stacked,
horizontal : this.orientation,
barWidth : 0.7,
lineWidth : 1
grid : {
verticalLines : this.orientation,
horizontalLines : !this.orientation,
outline : "sw",
labelsAngle: 45
graph_pie: function (container, data) {
return Flotr.draw(container, data, get_format({
pie : {
show: true
grid : {
verticalLines : false,
horizontalLines : false,
outline : "",
xaxis : {showLabels: false},
yaxis : {showLabels: false},
graph_radar: function (container, data) {
return Flotr.draw(container, data, get_format({
radar : {
show : true,
stacked : this.stacked
grid : {
circular : true,
minorHorizontalLines : true
graph_line: function (container, data) {
return Flotr.draw(container, data, get_format({
lines : {
show : true,
stacked : this.stacked
grid : {
verticalLines : this.orientation,
horizontalLines : !this.orientation,
outline : "sw",
labelsAngle : 45
// Render the graph and update menu styles
graph_render: function (options) {
var graph, data, mode_options, i;
if (options)
for (i in options.data)
this[i] = options.data[i];
mode_options = (this.mode=='area')?{lines: {fill: true}}:{}
// Render the graph
data = this.get_data(mode_options);
graph = {
radar: graph_radar,
pie: graph_pie,
bar: graph_bar,
area: graph_line,
line: graph_line
}[this.mode](container, data)
// Update styles of menus
if (this.legend=='inside')
else if (this.legend=='top')
if (this.spreadsheet)
return graph;
schedule_chart: function(results) {
// render the graph using the domain, context and group_by
// calls the 'graph_data_get' python controller to process all data
do_search: function(domain, context, group_by) {
var self = this;
return $.when(this.is_loaded).pipe(function() {
// todo: find the right syntax to perform an Ajax call
// return self.rpc.graph_get_data(self.view_id, domain, context, group_by).then($.proxy(self, 'schedule_chart'));
$.proxy(self, "schedule_chart");
do_show: function() {
return this._super();