
1385 lines
56 KiB
Executable File

#Copyright ReportLab Europe Ltd. 2000-2004
#see license.txt for license details
#history http://www.reportlab.co.uk/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/public/reportlab/trunk/reportlab/platypus/tables.py
__version__=''' $Id: tables.py 2849 2006-05-06 08:25:23Z andy $ '''
Tables are created by passing the constructor a tuple of column widths, a tuple of row heights and the data in
row order. Drawing of the table can be controlled by using a TableStyle instance. This allows control of the
color and weight of the lines (if any), and the font, alignment and padding of the text.
None values in the sequence of row heights or column widths, mean that the corresponding rows
or columns should be automatically sized.
All the cell values should be convertible to strings; embedded newline '\\n' characters
cause the value to wrap (ie are like a traditional linefeed).
See the test output from running this module as a script for a discussion of the method for constructing
tables and table styles.
from reportlab.platypus.flowables import Flowable, Preformatted
from reportlab import rl_config
from reportlab.lib.styles import PropertySet, ParagraphStyle
from reportlab.lib import colors
from reportlab.lib.utils import fp_str
from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfmetrics
import operator, string
from types import TupleType, ListType, StringType, FloatType, IntType
class CellStyle(PropertySet):
defaults = {
'alignment': 'LEFT',
'background': (1,1,1),
'valign': 'BOTTOM',
'href': None,
LINECAPS={None: None, 'butt':0,'round':1,'projecting':2,'squared':2}
LINEJOINS={None: None, 'miter':0, 'mitre':0, 'round':1,'bevel':2}
# experimental replacement
class CellStyle1(PropertySet):
fontname = "Times-Roman"
fontsize = 10
leading = 12
leftPadding = 6
rightPadding = 6
topPadding = 3
bottomPadding = 3
firstLineIndent = 0
color = colors.black
alignment = 'LEFT'
background = (1,1,1)
valign = "BOTTOM"
href = None
destination = None
def __init__(self, name, parent=None):
self.name = name
if parent is not None:
def copy(self, result=None):
if result is None:
result = CellStyle1()
for name in dir(self):
setattr(result, name, gettattr(self, name))
return result
CellStyle = CellStyle1
class TableStyle:
def __init__(self, cmds=None, parent=None, **kw):
#handle inheritance from parent first.
commands = []
if parent:
# copy the parents list at construction time
commands = commands + parent.getCommands()
self._opts = parent._opts
for a in ('spaceBefore','spaceAfter'):
if hasattr(parent,a):
if cmds:
commands = commands + list(cmds)
self._cmds = commands
def add(self, *cmd):
def __repr__(self):
L = map(repr, self._cmds)
import string
L = string.join(L, " \n")
return "TableStyle(\n%s\n) # end TableStyle" % L
def getCommands(self):
return self._cmds
TableStyleType = type(TableStyle())
_SeqTypes = (TupleType, ListType)
def _rowLen(x):
return type(x) not in _SeqTypes and 1 or len(x)
def _calc_pc(V,avail):
'''check list V for percentage or * values
1) absolute values go through unchanged
2) percentages are used as weights for unconsumed space
3) if no None values were seen '*' weights are
set equally with unclaimed space
otherwise * weights are assigned as None'''
R = []
r = R.append
I = []
i = I.append
J = []
j = J.append
s = avail
w = n = 0.
for v in V:
if type(v) is type(""):
v = v.strip()
if not v:
v = None
n += 1
elif v.endswith('%'):
v = float(v[:-1])
w += v
elif v=='*':
v = float(v)
s -= v
elif v is None:
n += 1
s -= v
s = max(0.,s)
f = s/max(100.,w)
for i in I:
R[i] *= f
s -= R[i]
s = max(0.,s)
m = len(J)
if m:
v = n==0 and s/m or None
for j in J:
R[j] = v
return R
def _hLine(canvLine, scp, ecp, y, hBlocks, FUZZ=rl_config._FUZZ):
Draw horizontal lines; do not draw through regions specified in hBlocks
This also serves for vertical lines with a suitable canvLine
if hBlocks: hBlocks = hBlocks.get(y,None)
if not hBlocks or scp>=hBlocks[-1][1]-FUZZ or ecp<=hBlocks[0][0]+FUZZ:
i = 0
n = len(hBlocks)
while scp<ecp-FUZZ and i<n:
x0, x1 = hBlocks[i]
if x1<=scp+FUZZ or x0>=ecp-FUZZ:
i += 1
i0 = max(scp,x0)
i1 = min(ecp,x1)
if i0>scp: canvLine(scp,y,i0,y)
scp = i1
if scp<ecp-FUZZ: canvLine(scp,y,ecp,y)
def _multiLine(scp,ecp,y,canvLine,ws,count):
offset = 0.5*(count-1)*ws
y += offset
for idx in xrange(count):
canvLine(scp, y, ecp, y)
y -= ws
def _convert2int(value, map, low, high, name, cmd):
'''private converter tries map(value) low<=int(value)<=high or finally an error'''
return map[value]
except KeyError:
ivalue = int(value)
if low<=ivalue<=high: return ivalue
raise ValueError('Bad %s value %s in %s'%(name,value,str(cmd)))
def _endswith(obj,s):
return obj.endswith(s)
return 0
class Table(Flowable):
def __init__(self, data, colWidths=None, rowHeights=None, style=None,
repeatRows=0, repeatCols=0, splitByRow=1, emptyTableAction=None, ident=None,
self.ident = ident
self.hAlign = hAlign or 'CENTER'
self.vAlign = vAlign or 'MIDDLE'
if type(data) not in _SeqTypes:
raise ValueError, "%s invalid data type" % self.identity()
self._nrows = nrows = len(data)
self._cellvalues = []
_seqCW = type(colWidths) in _SeqTypes
_seqRH = type(rowHeights) in _SeqTypes
if nrows: self._ncols = ncols = max(map(_rowLen,data))
elif colWidths and _seqCW: ncols = len(colWidths)
else: ncols = 0
if not emptyTableAction: emptyTableAction = rl_config.emptyTableAction
if not (nrows and ncols):
if emptyTableAction=='error':
raise ValueError, "%s must have at least a row and column" % self.identity()
elif emptyTableAction=='indicate':
self.__class__ = Preformatted
global _emptyTableStyle
if '_emptyTableStyle' not in globals().keys():
_emptyTableStyle = ParagraphStyle('_emptyTableStyle')
_emptyTableStyle.textColor = colors.red
_emptyTableStyle.backColor = colors.yellow
Preformatted.__init__(self,'%s(%d,%d)' % (self.__class__.__name__,nrows,ncols), _emptyTableStyle)
elif emptyTableAction=='ignore':
self.__class__ = Spacer
raise ValueError, '%s bad emptyTableAction: "%s"' % (self.identity(),emptyTableAction)
# we need a cleanup pass to ensure data is strings - non-unicode and non-null
self._cellvalues = self.normalizeData(data)
if not _seqCW: colWidths = ncols*[colWidths]
elif len(colWidths) != ncols:
raise ValueError, "%s data error - %d columns in data but %d in grid" % (self.identity(),ncols, len(colWidths))
if not _seqRH: rowHeights = nrows*[rowHeights]
elif len(rowHeights) != nrows:
raise ValueError, "%s data error - %d rows in data but %d in grid" % (self.identity(),nrows, len(rowHeights))
for i in range(nrows):
if len(data[i]) != ncols:
raise ValueError, "%s not enough data points in row %d!" % (self.identity(),i)
self._rowHeights = self._argH = rowHeights
self._colWidths = self._argW = colWidths
cellrows = []
for i in range(nrows):
cellcols = []
for j in range(ncols):
self._cellStyles = cellrows
self._bkgrndcmds = []
self._linecmds = []
self._spanCmds = []
self.repeatRows = repeatRows
self.repeatCols = repeatCols
self.splitByRow = splitByRow
if style:
def __repr__(self):
"incomplete, but better than nothing"
r = getattr(self,'_rowHeights','[unknown]')
c = getattr(self,'_colWidths','[unknown]')
cv = getattr(self,'_cellvalues','[unknown]')
import pprint, string
cv = pprint.pformat(cv)
cv = string.replace(cv, "\n", "\n ")
return "%s(\n rowHeights=%s,\n colWidths=%s,\n%s\n) # end table" % (self.__class__.__name__,r,c,cv)
def normalizeData(self, data):
"""Takes a block of input data (list of lists etc.) and
- coerces unicode strings to non-unicode UTF8
- coerces nulls to ''
def normCell(stuff):
if stuff is None:
return ''
elif type(stuff) == type(u''):
return stuff.encode('utf8')
return stuff
outData = []
for row in data:
outRow = [normCell(cell) for cell in row]
from pprint import pprint as pp
return outData
def identity(self, maxLen=30):
'''Identify our selves as well as possible'''
if self.ident: return self.ident
vx = None
nr = getattr(self,'_nrows','unknown')
nc = getattr(self,'_ncols','unknown')
cv = getattr(self,'_cellvalues',None)
if cv and 'unknown' not in (nr,nc):
b = 0
for i in xrange(nr):
for j in xrange(nc):
v = cv[i][j]
t = type(v)
if t in _SeqTypes or isinstance(v,Flowable):
if not t in _SeqTypes: v = (v,)
r = ''
for vij in v:
r = vij.identity(maxLen)
if r and r[-4:]!='>...':
if r and r[-4:]!='>...':
ix, jx, vx, b = i, j, r, 1
v = v is None and '' or str(v)
ix, jx, vx = i, j, v
b = (vx and t is StringType) and 1 or 0
if maxLen: vx = vx[:maxLen]
if b: break
if b: break
if vx:
vx = ' with cell(%d,%d) containing\n%s' % (ix,jx,repr(vx))
vx = '...'
return "<%s at %d %d rows x %s cols>%s" % (self.__class__.__name__, id(self), nr, nc, vx)
def _listCellGeom(self, V,w,s,W=None,H=None,aH=72000):
if not V: return 0,0
aW = w-s.leftPadding-s.rightPadding
aH = aH - s.topPadding - s.bottomPadding
t = 0
w = 0
canv = getattr(self,'canv',None)
for v in V:
vw, vh = v.wrapOn(canv,aW, aH)
if W is not None: W.append(vw)
if H is not None: H.append(vh)
w = max(w,vw)
t = t + vh + v.getSpaceBefore()+v.getSpaceAfter()
return w, t - V[0].getSpaceBefore()-V[-1].getSpaceAfter()
def _calc_width(self,availWidth,W=None):
if getattr(self,'_width_calculated_once',None): return
#comments added by Andy to Robin's slightly terse variable names
if not W: W = _calc_pc(self._argW,availWidth) #widths array
if None in W: #some column widths are not given
canv = getattr(self,'canv',None)
saved = None
colSpanCells = self._spanCmds and self._colSpanCells or ()
if W is self._argW: W = W[:]
while None in W:
j = W.index(None) #find first unspecified column
f = lambda x,j=j: operator.getitem(x,j)
V = map(f,self._cellvalues) #values for this column
S = map(f,self._cellStyles) #styles for this column
w = 0
i = 0
for v, s in map(None, V, S):
#if the current cell is part of a spanned region,
#assume a zero size.
if (j, i) in colSpanCells:
t = 0.0
else:#work out size
t = self._elementWidth(v,s)
if t is None:
raise ValueError, "Flowable %s in cell(%d,%d) can't have auto width\n%s" % (v.identity(30),i,j,self.identity(30))
t = t + s.leftPadding+s.rightPadding
if t>w: w = t #record a new maximum
i = i + 1
W[j] = w
self._colWidths = W
width = 0
self._colpositions = [0] #index -1 is right side boundary; we skip when processing cells
for w in W:
width = width + w
self._width = width
self._width_calculated_once = 1
def _elementWidth(self,v,s):
t = type(v)
if t in _SeqTypes:
w = 0
for e in v:
ew = self._elementWidth(e,s)
if ew is None: return None
w = max(w,ew)
return w
elif isinstance(v,Flowable) and v._fixedWidth:
if hasattr(v, 'width') and type(v.width) in (IntType,FloatType): return v.width
if hasattr(v, 'drawWidth') and type(v.drawWidth) in (IntType,FloatType): return v.drawWidth
# Even if something is fixedWidth, the attribute to check is not
# necessarily consistent (cf. Image.drawWidth). Therefore, we'll
# be extra-careful and fall through to this code if necessary.
if hasattr(v, 'minWidth'):
w = v.minWidth() # should be all flowables
if type(w) in (FloatType,IntType): return w
except AttributeError:
v = string.split(v is not None and str(v) or '', "\n")
return max(map(lambda a, b=s.fontname, c=s.fontsize,d=pdfmetrics.stringWidth: d(a,b,c), v))
def _calc_height(self, availHeight, availWidth, H=None, W=None):
H = self._argH
if not W: W = _calc_pc(self._argW,availWidth) #widths array
hmax = lim = len(H)
longTable = getattr(self,'_longTableOptimize',rl_config.longTableOptimize)
if None in H:
canv = getattr(self,'canv',None)
saved = None
#get a handy list of any cells which span rows. should be ignored for sizing
if self._spanCmds:
rowSpanCells = self._rowSpanCells
colSpanCells = self._colSpanCells
spanRanges = self._spanRanges
colpositions = self._colpositions
rowSpanCells = colSpanCells = ()
if canv: saved = canv._fontname, canv._fontsize, canv._leading
H = H[:] #make a copy as we'll change it
self._rowHeights = H
while None in H:
i = H.index(None)
if longTable:
hmax = i
height = reduce(operator.add, H[:i], 0)
# we can stop if we have filled up all available room
if height > availHeight: break
V = self._cellvalues[i] # values for row i
S = self._cellStyles[i] # styles for row i
h = 0
j = 0
for v, s, w in map(None, V, S, W): # value, style, width (lengths must match)
ji = j,i
if ji in rowSpanCells:
t = 0.0 # don't count it, it's either occluded or unreliable
t = type(v)
if t in _SeqTypes or isinstance(v,Flowable):
if not t in _SeqTypes: v = (v,)
if w is None:
raise ValueError, "Flowable %s in cell(%d,%d) can't have auto width in\n%s" % (v[0].identity(30),i,j,self.identity(30))
if canv: canv._fontname, canv._fontsize, canv._leading = s.fontname, s.fontsize, s.leading or 1.2*s.fontsize
if ji in colSpanCells:
t = spanRanges[ji]
w = max(colpositions[t[2]+1]-colpositions[t[0]],w)
dW,t = self._listCellGeom(v,w,s)
if canv: canv._fontname, canv._fontsize, canv._leading = saved
dW = dW + s.leftPadding + s.rightPadding
if not rl_config.allowTableBoundsErrors and dW>w:
raise "LayoutError", "Flowable %s (%sx%s points) too wide for cell(%d,%d) (%sx* points) in\n%s" % (v[0].identity(30),fp_str(dW),fp_str(t),i,j, fp_str(w), self.identity(30))
v = string.split(v is not None and str(v) or '', "\n")
t = s.leading*len(v)
t = t+s.bottomPadding+s.topPadding
if t>h: h = t #record a new maximum
j = j + 1
H[i] = h
if None not in H: hmax = lim
height = self._height = reduce(operator.add, H[:hmax], 0)
self._rowpositions = [height] # index 0 is actually topline; we skip when processing cells
for h in H[:hmax]:
height = height - h
assert abs(height)<1e-8, 'Internal height error'
self._hmax = hmax
def _calc(self, availWidth, availHeight):
#if hasattr(self,'_width'): return
#in some cases there are unsizable things in
#cells. If so, apply a different algorithm
#and assign some withs in a less (thanks to Gary Poster) dumb way.
#this CHANGES the widths array.
if (None in self._colWidths or '*' in self._colWidths) and self._hasVariWidthElements():
W = self._calcPreliminaryWidths(availWidth) #widths
W = None
# need to know which cells are part of spanned
# ranges, so _calc_height and _calc_width can ignore them
# in sizing
if self._spanCmds:
if None in self._argH:
# calculate the full table height
# calculate the full table width
if self._spanCmds:
#now work out the actual rect for each spanned cell from the underlying grid
def _hasVariWidthElements(self, upToRow=None):
"""Check for flowables in table cells and warn up front.
Allow a couple which we know are fixed size such as
images and graphics."""
bad = 0
if upToRow is None: upToRow = self._nrows
for row in range(min(self._nrows, upToRow)):
for col in range(self._ncols):
value = self._cellvalues[row][col]
if not self._canGetWidth(value):
bad = 1
#raise Exception('Unsizable elements found at row %d column %d in table with content:\n %s' % (row, col, value))
return bad
def _canGetWidth(self, thing):
"Can we work out the width quickly?"
if type(thing) in (ListType, TupleType):
for elem in thing:
if not self._canGetWidth(elem):
return 0
return 1
elif isinstance(thing, Flowable):
return thing._fixedWidth # must loosen this up
else: #string, number, None etc.
#anything else gets passed to str(...)
# so should be sizable
return 1
def _calcPreliminaryWidths(self, availWidth):
"""Fallback algorithm for when main one fails.
Where exact width info not given but things like
paragraphs might be present, do a preliminary scan
and assign some best-guess values."""
W = list(self._argW) # _calc_pc(self._argW,availWidth)
verbose = 0
totalDefined = 0.0
percentDefined = 0
percentTotal = 0
numberUndefined = 0
numberGreedyUndefined = 0
for w in W:
if w is None:
numberUndefined += 1
elif w == '*':
numberUndefined += 1
numberGreedyUndefined += 1
elif _endswith(w,'%'):
percentDefined += 1
percentTotal += float(w[:-1])
assert type(w) in (IntType, FloatType)
totalDefined = totalDefined + w
if verbose: print 'prelim width calculation. %d columns, %d undefined width, %0.2f units remain' % (
self._ncols, numberUndefined, availWidth - totalDefined)
#check columnwise in each None column to see if they are sizable.
given = []
sizeable = []
unsizeable = []
minimums = {}
totalMinimum = 0
elementWidth = self._elementWidth
for colNo in range(self._ncols):
w = W[colNo]
if w is None or w=='*' or _endswith(w,'%'):
siz = 1
current = final = None
for rowNo in range(self._nrows):
value = self._cellvalues[rowNo][colNo]
style = self._cellStyles[rowNo][colNo]
new = elementWidth(value,style)+style.leftPadding+style.rightPadding
final = max(current, new)
current = new
siz = siz and self._canGetWidth(value) # irrelevant now?
if siz:
minimums[colNo] = final
totalMinimum += final
if len(given) == self._ncols:
if verbose: print 'predefined width: ',given
if verbose: print 'uncomputable width: ',unsizeable
if verbose: print 'computable width: ',sizeable
# how much width is left:
remaining = availWidth - (totalMinimum + totalDefined)
if remaining > 0:
# we have some room left; fill it.
definedPercentage = (totalDefined/availWidth)*100
percentTotal += definedPercentage
if numberUndefined and percentTotal < 100:
undefined = numberGreedyUndefined or numberUndefined
defaultWeight = (100-percentTotal)/undefined
percentTotal = 100
defaultDesired = (defaultWeight/percentTotal)*availWidth
defaultWeight = defaultDesired = 1
# we now calculate how wide each column wanted to be, and then
# proportionately shrink that down to fit the remaining available
# space. A column may not shrink less than its minimum width,
# however, which makes this a bit more complicated.
desiredWidths = []
totalDesired = 0
effectiveRemaining = remaining
for colNo, minimum in minimums.items():
w = W[colNo]
if _endswith(w,'%'):
desired = (float(w[:-1])/percentTotal)*availWidth
elif w == '*':
desired = defaultDesired
desired = not numberGreedyUndefined and defaultDesired or 1
if desired <= minimum:
W[colNo] = minimum
(desired-minimum, minimum, desired, colNo))
totalDesired += desired
effectiveRemaining += minimum
if desiredWidths: # else we're done
# let's say we have two variable columns. One wanted
# 88 points, and one wanted 264 points. The first has a
# minWidth of 66, and the second of 55. We have 71 points
# to divide up in addition to the totalMinimum (i.e.,
# remaining==71). Our algorithm tries to keep the proportion
# of these variable columns.
# To do this, we add up the minimum widths of the variable
# columns and the remaining width. That's 192. We add up the
# totalDesired width. That's 352. That means we'll try to
# shrink the widths by a proportion of 192/352--.545454.
# That would make the first column 48 points, and the second
# 144 points--adding up to the desired 192.
# Unfortunately, that's too small for the first column. It
# must be 66 points. Therefore, we go ahead and save that
# column width as 88 points. That leaves (192-88==) 104
# points remaining. The proportion to shrink the remaining
# column is (104/264), which, multiplied by the desired
# width of 264, is 104: the amount assigned to the remaining
# column.
proportion = effectiveRemaining/totalDesired
# we sort the desired widths by difference between desired and
# and minimum values, a value called "disappointment" in the
# code. This means that the columns with a bigger
# disappointment will have a better chance of getting more of
# the available space.
finalSet = []
for disappointment, minimum, desired, colNo in desiredWidths:
adjusted = proportion * desired
if adjusted < minimum:
W[colNo] = minimum
totalDesired -= desired
effectiveRemaining -= minimum
if totalDesired:
proportion = effectiveRemaining/totalDesired
finalSet.append((minimum, desired, colNo))
for minimum, desired, colNo in finalSet:
adjusted = proportion * desired
assert adjusted >= minimum
W[colNo] = adjusted
for colNo, minimum in minimums.items():
W[colNo] = minimum
if verbose: print 'new widths are:', W
self._argW = self._colWidths = W
return W
def minWidth(self):
W = list(self._argW)
width = 0
elementWidth = self._elementWidth
rowNos = xrange(self._nrows)
values = self._cellvalues
styles = self._cellStyles
for colNo in xrange(len(W)):
w = W[colNo]
if w is None or w=='*' or _endswith(w,'%'):
final = 0
for rowNo in rowNos:
value = values[rowNo][colNo]
style = styles[rowNo][colNo]
new = (elementWidth(value,style)+
final = max(final, new)
width += final
width += float(w)
return width # XXX + 1/2*(left and right border widths)
def _calcSpanRanges(self):
"""Work out rects for tables which do row and column spanning.
This creates some mappings to let the later code determine
if a cell is part of a "spanned" range.
self._spanRanges shows the 'coords' in integers of each
'cell range', or None if it was clobbered:
(col, row) -> (col0, row0, col1, row1)
Any cell not in the key is not part of a spanned region
self._spanRanges = spanRanges = {}
for x in xrange(self._ncols):
for y in xrange(self._nrows):
spanRanges[x,y] = (x, y, x, y)
self._colSpanCells = []
self._rowSpanCells = []
csa = self._colSpanCells.append
rsa = self._rowSpanCells.append
for (cmd, start, stop) in self._spanCmds:
x0, y0 = start
x1, y1 = stop
if x0 < 0: x0 = x0 + self._ncols
if x1 < 0: x1 = x1 + self._ncols
if y0 < 0: y0 = y0 + self._nrows
if y1 < 0: y1 = y1 + self._nrows
if x0 > x1: x0, x1 = x1, x0
if y0 > y1: y0, y1 = y1, y0
if x0!=x1 or y0!=y1:
#column span
if x0!=x1:
for y in xrange(y0, y1+1):
for x in xrange(x0,x1+1):
#row span
if y0!=y1:
for y in xrange(y0, y1+1):
for x in xrange(x0,x1+1):
for y in xrange(y0, y1+1):
for x in xrange(x0,x1+1):
spanRanges[x,y] = None
# set the main entry
spanRanges[x0,y0] = (x0, y0, x1, y1)
def _calcSpanRects(self):
"""Work out rects for tables which do row and column spanning.
Based on self._spanRanges, which is already known,
and the widths which were given or previously calculated,
self._spanRects shows the real coords for drawing:
(col, row) -> (x, y, width, height)
for each cell. Any cell which 'does not exist' as another
has spanned over it will get a None entry on the right
if getattr(self,'_spanRects',None): return
colpositions = self._colpositions
rowpositions = self._rowpositions
self._spanRects = spanRects = {}
self._vBlocks = vBlocks = {}
self._hBlocks = hBlocks = {}
for (coord, value) in self._spanRanges.items():
if value is None:
spanRects[coord] = None
col,row = coord
col0, row0, col1, row1 = value
if col1-col0>0:
for _ in xrange(col0+1,col1+1):
if row1-row0>0:
for _ in xrange(row0+1,row1+1):
x = colpositions[col0]
y = rowpositions[row1+1]
width = colpositions[col1+1] - x
height = rowpositions[row0] - y
spanRects[coord] = (x, y, width, height)
for _ in hBlocks, vBlocks:
for value in _.values():
def setStyle(self, tblstyle):
if type(tblstyle) is not TableStyleType:
tblstyle = TableStyle(tblstyle)
for cmd in tblstyle.getCommands():
for k,v in tblstyle._opts.items():
for a in ('spaceBefore','spaceAfter'):
if not hasattr(self,a) and hasattr(tblstyle,a):
def _addCommand(self,cmd):
elif cmd[0] == 'SPAN':
elif _isLineCommand(cmd):
# we expect op, start, stop, weight, colour, cap, dashes, join
cmd = list(cmd)
if len(cmd)<5: raise ValueError('bad line command '+str(cmd))
#determine line cap value at position 5. This can be string or numeric.
if len(cmd)<6:
cap = _convert2int(cmd[5], LINECAPS, 0, 2, 'cap', cmd)
cmd[5] = cap
#dashes at index 6 - this is a dash array:
if len(cmd)<7: cmd.append(None)
#join mode at index 7 - can be string or numeric, look up as for caps
if len(cmd)<8: cmd.append(1)
join = _convert2int(cmd[7], LINEJOINS, 0, 2, 'join', cmd)
cmd[7] = join
#linecount at index 8. Default is 1, set to 2 for double line.
if len(cmd)<9: cmd.append(1)
lineCount = cmd[8]
if lineCount is None:
lineCount = 1
cmd[8] = lineCount
assert lineCount >= 1
#linespacing at index 9. Not applicable unless 2+ lines, defaults to line
#width so you get a visible gap between centres
if len(cmd)<10: cmd.append(cmd[3])
space = cmd[9]
if space is None:
space = cmd[3]
cmd[9] = space
assert len(cmd) == 10
(op, (sc, sr), (ec, er)), values = cmd[:3] , cmd[3:]
if sc < 0: sc = sc + self._ncols
if ec < 0: ec = ec + self._ncols
if sr < 0: sr = sr + self._nrows
if er < 0: er = er + self._nrows
for i in range(sr, er+1):
for j in range(sc, ec+1):
_setCellStyle(self._cellStyles, i, j, op, values)
def _drawLines(self):
ccap, cdash, cjoin = None, None, None
for op, (sc,sr), (ec,er), weight, color, cap, dash, join, count, space in self._linecmds:
if type(sr) is type('') and sr.startswith('split'): continue
if sc < 0: sc = sc + self._ncols
if ec < 0: ec = ec + self._ncols
if sr < 0: sr = sr + self._nrows
if er < 0: er = er + self._nrows
if cap!=None and ccap!=cap:
ccap = cap
if dash is None or dash == []:
if cdash is not None:
cdash = None
elif dash != cdash:
cdash = dash
if join is not None and cjoin!=join:
cjoin = join
getattr(self,_LineOpMap.get(op, '_drawUnknown' ))( (sc, sr), (ec, er), weight, color, count, space)
self._curcolor = None
def _drawUnknown(self, (sc, sr), (ec, er), weight, color, count, space):
raise ValueError, "Unknown line command '%s'" % op
def _drawGrid(self, (sc, sr), (ec, er), weight, color, count, space):
self._drawBox( (sc, sr), (ec, er), weight, color, count, space)
self._drawInnerGrid( (sc, sr), (ec, er), weight, color, count, space)
def _drawBox(self, (sc, sr), (ec, er), weight, color, count, space):
self._drawHLines((sc, sr), (ec, sr), weight, color, count, space)
self._drawHLines((sc, er+1), (ec, er+1), weight, color, count, space)
self._drawVLines((sc, sr), (sc, er), weight, color, count, space)
self._drawVLines((ec+1, sr), (ec+1, er), weight, color, count, space)
def _drawInnerGrid(self, (sc, sr), (ec, er), weight, color, count, space):
self._drawHLines((sc, sr+1), (ec, er), weight, color, count, space)
self._drawVLines((sc+1, sr), (ec, er), weight, color, count, space)
def _prepLine(self, weight, color):
if color != self._curcolor:
self._curcolor = color
if weight != self._curweight:
self._curweight = weight
def _drawHLines(self, (sc, sr), (ec, er), weight, color, count, space):
ecp = self._colpositions[sc:ec+2]
rp = self._rowpositions[sr:er+1]
if len(ecp)<=1 or len(rp)<1: return
self._prepLine(weight, color)
scp = ecp[0]
ecp = ecp[-1]
hBlocks = getattr(self,'_hBlocks',{})
canvLine = self.canv.line
if count == 1:
for y in rp:
_hLine(canvLine, scp, ecp, y, hBlocks)
lf = lambda x0,y0,x1,y1,canvLine=canvLine, ws=weight+space, count=count: _multiLine(x0,x1,y0,canvLine,ws,count)
for y in rp:
_hLine(lf, scp, ecp, y, hBlocks)
def _drawHLinesB(self, (sc, sr), (ec, er), weight, color, count, space):
self._drawHLines((sc, sr+1), (ec, er+1), weight, color, count, space)
def _drawVLines(self, (sc, sr), (ec, er), weight, color, count, space):
erp = self._rowpositions[sr:er+2]
cp = self._colpositions[sc:ec+1]
if len(erp)<=1 or len(cp)<1: return
self._prepLine(weight, color)
srp = erp[0]
erp = erp[-1]
vBlocks = getattr(self,'_vBlocks',{})
canvLine = lambda y0, x0, y1, x1, _line=self.canv.line: _line(x0,y0,x1,y1)
if count == 1:
for x in cp:
_hLine(canvLine, erp, srp, x, vBlocks)
lf = lambda x0,y0,x1,y1,canvLine=canvLine, ws=weight+space, count=count: _multiLine(x0,x1,y0,canvLine,ws,count)
for x in cp:
_hLine(lf, erp, srp, x, vBlocks)
def _drawVLinesA(self, (sc, sr), (ec, er), weight, color, count, space):
self._drawVLines((sc+1, sr), (ec+1, er), weight, color, count, space)
def wrap(self, availWidth, availHeight):
self._calc(availWidth, availHeight)
#nice and easy, since they are predetermined size
self.availWidth = availWidth
return (self._width, self._height)
def onSplit(self,T,byRow=1):
This method will be called when the Table is split.
Special purpose tables can override to do special stuff.
def _cr_0(self,n,cmds):
for c in cmds:
c = tuple(c)
(sc,sr), (ec,er) = c[1:3]
if sr>=n: continue
if er>=n: er = n-1
self._addCommand((c[0],)+((sc, sr), (ec, er))+c[3:])
def _cr_1_1(self,n,repeatRows, cmds):
for c in cmds:
c = tuple(c)
(sc,sr), (ec,er) = c[1:3]
if sr in ('splitfirst','splitlast'): self._addCommand(c)
if sr>=0 and sr>=repeatRows and sr<n and er>=0 and er<n: continue
if sr>=repeatRows and sr<n: sr=repeatRows
elif sr>=repeatRows and sr>=n: sr=sr+repeatRows-n
if er>=repeatRows and er<n: er=repeatRows
elif er>=repeatRows and er>=n: er=er+repeatRows-n
self._addCommand((c[0],)+((sc, sr), (ec, er))+c[3:])
def _cr_1_0(self,n,cmds):
for c in cmds:
c = tuple(c)
(sc,sr), (ec,er) = c[1:3]
if sr in ('splitfirst','splitlast'): self._addCommand(c)
if er>=0 and er<n: continue
if sr>=0 and sr<n: sr=0
if sr>=n: sr = sr-n
if er>=n: er = er-n
self._addCommand((c[0],)+((sc, sr), (ec, er))+c[3:])
def _splitRows(self,availHeight):
if n<=self.repeatRows: return []
lim = len(self._rowHeights)
if n==lim: return [self]
repeatRows = self.repeatRows
repeatCols = self.repeatCols
splitByRow = self.splitByRow
data = self._cellvalues
#we're going to split into two superRows
#R0 = slelf.__class__( data[:n], self._argW, self._argH[:n],
R0 = self.__class__( data[:n], self._colWidths, self._argH[:n],
repeatRows=repeatRows, repeatCols=repeatCols,
#copy the styles and commands
R0._cellStyles = self._cellStyles[:n]
A = []
# hack up the line commands
for op, (sc,sr), (ec,er), weight, color, cap, dash, join, count, space in self._linecmds:
if type(sr)is type('') and sr.startswith('split'):
A.append((op,(sc,sr), (ec,sr), weight, color, cap, dash, join, count, space))
if sr=='splitlast':
sr = er = n-1
elif sr=='splitfirst':
sr = n
er = n
if sc < 0: sc = sc + self._ncols
if ec < 0: ec = ec + self._ncols
if sr < 0: sr = sr + self._nrows
if er < 0: er = er + self._nrows
if op in ('BOX','OUTLINE','GRID'):
if sr<n and er>=n:
# we have to split the BOX
A.append(('LINEABOVE',(sc,sr), (ec,sr), weight, color, cap, dash, join, count, space))
A.append(('LINEBEFORE',(sc,sr), (sc,er), weight, color, cap, dash, join, count, space))
A.append(('LINEAFTER',(ec,sr), (ec,er), weight, color, cap, dash, join, count, space))
A.append(('LINEBELOW',(sc,er), (ec,er), weight, color, cap, dash, join, count, space))
if op=='GRID':
A.append(('LINEBELOW',(sc,n-1), (ec,n-1), weight, color, cap, dash, join, count, space))
A.append(('LINEABOVE',(sc,n), (ec,n), weight, color, cap, dash, join, count, space))
A.append(('INNERGRID',(sc,sr), (ec,er), weight, color, cap, dash, join, count, space))
A.append((op,(sc,sr), (ec,er), weight, color, cap, dash, join, count, space))
elif op in ('INNERGRID','LINEABOVE'):
if sr<n and er>=n:
A.append(('LINEBELOW',(sc,n-1), (ec,n-1), weight, color, cap, dash, join, count, space))
A.append(('LINEABOVE',(sc,n), (ec,n), weight, color, cap, dash, join, count, space))
A.append((op,(sc,sr), (ec,er), weight, color, cap, dash, join, count, space))
elif op == 'LINEBELOW':
if sr<n and er>=(n-1):
A.append(('LINEABOVE',(sc,n), (ec,n), weight, color, cap, dash, join, count, space))
A.append((op,(sc,sr), (ec,er), weight, color))
elif op == 'LINEABOVE':
if sr<=n and er>=n:
A.append(('LINEBELOW',(sc,n-1), (ec,n-1), weight, color, cap, dash, join, count, space))
A.append((op,(sc,sr), (ec,er), weight, color, cap, dash, join, count, space))
A.append((op,(sc,sr), (ec,er), weight, color, cap, dash, join, count, space))
if repeatRows:
#R1 = slelf.__class__(data[:repeatRows]+data[n:],self._argW,
R1 = self.__class__(data[:repeatRows]+data[n:],self._colWidths,
repeatRows=repeatRows, repeatCols=repeatCols,
R1._cellStyles = self._cellStyles[:repeatRows]+self._cellStyles[n:]
#R1 = slelf.__class__(data[n:], self._argW, self._argH[n:],
R1 = self.__class__(data[n:], self._colWidths, self._argH[n:],
repeatRows=repeatRows, repeatCols=repeatCols,
R1._cellStyles = self._cellStyles[n:]
R0.hAlign = R1.hAlign = self.hAlign
R0.vAlign = R1.vAlign = self.vAlign
return [R0,R1]
def _getFirstPossibleSplitRowPosition(self,availHeight):
if self._spanCmds:
for xy in self._rowSpanCells:
if r!=None:
if y1!=y2:
ymin=min(y1,y2) #normalize
ymax=max(y1,y2) #normalize
while 1:
if y>ymax: break
impossible[y]=None #split at position y is impossible because of overlapping rowspan
impossible={} # any split possible because table does *not* have rowspans
h = 0
n = 1
split_at = 0 # from this point of view 0 is the first position where the table may *always* be splitted
for rh in self._rowHeights:
if h+rh>availHeight:
if not impossible.has_key(n):
return split_at
def split(self, availWidth, availHeight):
self._calc(availWidth, availHeight)
if self.splitByRow:
if not rl_config.allowTableBoundsErrors and self._width>availWidth: return []
return self._splitRows(availHeight)
raise NotImplementedError
def draw(self):
self._curweight = self._curcolor = self._curcellstyle = None
if self._spanCmds == []:
# old fashioned case, no spanning, steam on and do each cell
for row, rowstyle, rowpos, rowheight in map(None, self._cellvalues, self._cellStyles, self._rowpositions[1:], self._rowHeights):
for cellval, cellstyle, colpos, colwidth in map(None, row, rowstyle, self._colpositions[:-1], self._colWidths):
self._drawCell(cellval, cellstyle, (colpos, rowpos), (colwidth, rowheight))
# we have some row or col spans, need a more complex algorithm
# to find the rect for each
for rowNo in range(self._nrows):
for colNo in range(self._ncols):
cellRect = self._spanRects[colNo, rowNo]
if cellRect is not None:
(x, y, width, height) = cellRect
cellval = self._cellvalues[rowNo][colNo]
cellstyle = self._cellStyles[rowNo][colNo]
self._drawCell(cellval, cellstyle, (x, y), (width, height))
def _drawBkgrnd(self):
nrows = self._nrows
ncols = self._ncols
for cmd, (sc, sr), (ec, er), arg in self._bkgrndcmds:
if sc < 0: sc = sc + ncols
if ec < 0: ec = ec + ncols
if sr < 0: sr = sr + nrows
if er < 0: er = er + nrows
x0 = self._colpositions[sc]
y0 = self._rowpositions[sr]
x1 = self._colpositions[min(ec+1,ncols)]
y1 = self._rowpositions[min(er+1,nrows)]
w, h = x1-x0, y1-y0
canv = self.canv
if callable(arg):
apply(arg,(self,canv, x0, y0, w, h))
elif cmd == 'ROWBACKGROUNDS':
#Need a list of colors to cycle through. The arguments
#might be already colours, or convertible to colors, or
# None, or the string 'None'.
#It's very common to alternate a pale shade with None.
colorCycle = map(colors.toColorOrNone, arg)
count = len(colorCycle)
rowCount = er - sr + 1
for i in range(rowCount):
color = colorCycle[i%count]
h = self._rowHeights[sr + i]
if color:
canv.rect(x0, y0, w, -h, stroke=0,fill=1)
y0 = y0 - h
elif cmd == 'COLBACKGROUNDS':
#cycle through colours columnwise
colorCycle = map(colors.toColorOrNone, arg)
count = len(colorCycle)
colCount = ec - sc + 1
for i in range(colCount):
color = colorCycle[i%count]
w = self._colWidths[sc + i]
if color:
canv.rect(x0, y0, w, h, stroke=0,fill=1)
x0 = x0 +w
else: #cmd=='BACKGROUND'
canv.rect(x0, y0, w, h, stroke=0,fill=1)
def _drawCell(self, cellval, cellstyle, (colpos, rowpos), (colwidth, rowheight)):
if self._curcellstyle is not cellstyle:
cur = self._curcellstyle
if cur is None or cellstyle.color != cur.color:
if cur is None or cellstyle.leading != cur.leading or cellstyle.fontname != cur.fontname or cellstyle.fontsize != cur.fontsize:
self.canv.setFont(cellstyle.fontname, cellstyle.fontsize, cellstyle.leading)
self._curcellstyle = cellstyle
just = cellstyle.alignment
valign = cellstyle.valign
n = type(cellval)
if n in _SeqTypes or isinstance(cellval,Flowable):
if not n in _SeqTypes: cellval = (cellval,)
# we assume it's a list of Flowables
W = []
H = []
w, h = self._listCellGeom(cellval,colwidth,cellstyle,W=W, H=H,aH=rowheight)
if valign=='TOP':
y = rowpos + rowheight - cellstyle.topPadding
elif valign=='BOTTOM':
y = rowpos+cellstyle.bottomPadding + h
y = rowpos+(rowheight+cellstyle.bottomPadding-cellstyle.topPadding+h)/2.0
if cellval: y += cellval[0].getSpaceBefore()
for v, w, h in map(None,cellval,W,H):
if just=='LEFT': x = colpos+cellstyle.leftPadding
elif just=='RIGHT': x = colpos+colwidth-cellstyle.rightPadding - w
elif just in ('CENTRE', 'CENTER'):
x = colpos+(colwidth+cellstyle.leftPadding-cellstyle.rightPadding-w)/2.0
raise ValueError, 'Invalid justification %s' % just
y -= v.getSpaceBefore()
y -= h
y -= v.getSpaceAfter()
if just == 'LEFT':
draw = self.canv.drawString
x = colpos + cellstyle.leftPadding
elif just in ('CENTRE', 'CENTER'):
draw = self.canv.drawCentredString
x = colpos + colwidth * 0.5
elif just == 'RIGHT':
draw = self.canv.drawRightString
x = colpos + colwidth - cellstyle.rightPadding
elif just == 'DECIMAL':
draw = self.canv.drawAlignedString
x = colpos + colwidth - cellstyle.rightPadding
raise ValueError, 'Invalid justification %s' % just
vals = string.split(str(cellval), "\n")
n = len(vals)
leading = cellstyle.leading
fontsize = cellstyle.fontsize
if valign=='BOTTOM':
y = rowpos + cellstyle.bottomPadding+n*leading-fontsize
elif valign=='TOP':
y = rowpos + rowheight - cellstyle.topPadding - fontsize
elif valign=='MIDDLE':
#tim roberts pointed out missing fontsize correction 2004-10-04
y = rowpos + (cellstyle.bottomPadding + rowheight-cellstyle.topPadding+n*leading)/2.0 - fontsize
raise ValueError, "Bad valign: '%s'" % str(valign)
for v in vals:
draw(x, y, v)
y -= leading
if cellstyle.href:
#external hyperlink
self.canv.linkURL(cellstyle.href, (colpos, rowpos, colpos + colwidth, rowpos + rowheight), relative=1)
if cellstyle.destination:
#external hyperlink
self.canv.linkRect("", cellstyle.destination, Rect=(colpos, rowpos, colpos + colwidth, rowpos + rowheight), relative=1)
_LineOpMap = { 'GRID':'_drawGrid',
'LINEAFTER':'_drawVLinesA', }
class LongTable(Table):
'''Henning von Bargen's changes will be active'''
_longTableOptimize = 1
LINECOMMANDS = _LineOpMap.keys()
def _isLineCommand(cmd):
return cmd[0] in LINECOMMANDS
def _setCellStyle(cellStyles, i, j, op, values):
#new = CellStyle('<%d, %d>' % (i,j), cellStyles[i][j])
#cellStyles[i][j] = new
## modify in place!!!
new = cellStyles[i][j]
if op == 'FONT':
n = len(values)
new.fontname = values[0]
if n>1:
new.fontsize = values[1]
if n>2:
new.leading = values[2]
new.leading = new.fontsize*1.2
elif op in ('FONTNAME', 'FACE'):
new.fontname = values[0]
elif op in ('SIZE', 'FONTSIZE'):
new.fontsize = values[0]
elif op == 'LEADING':
new.leading = values[0]
elif op == 'TEXTCOLOR':
new.color = colors.toColor(values[0], colors.Color(0,0,0))
elif op in ('ALIGN', 'ALIGNMENT'):
new.alignment = values[0]
elif op == 'VALIGN':
new.valign = values[0]
elif op == 'LEFTPADDING':
new.leftPadding = values[0]
elif op == 'RIGHTPADDING':
new.rightPadding = values[0]
elif op == 'TOPPADDING':
new.topPadding = values[0]
elif op == 'BOTTOMPADDING':
new.bottomPadding = values[0]
elif op == 'HREF':
new.href = values[0]
elif op == 'DESTINATION':
new.destination = values[0]
GRID_STYLE = TableStyle(
[('GRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25, colors.black),
('ALIGN', (1,1), (-1,-1), 'RIGHT')]
BOX_STYLE = TableStyle(
[('BOX', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.50, colors.black),
('ALIGN', (1,1), (-1,-1), 'RIGHT')]
[('INNERGRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25, colors.black),
('BOX', (0,0), (-1,-1), 2, colors.black),
('LINEBELOW', (0,0), (-1,0), 2, colors.black),
('LINEAFTER', (0,0), (0,-1), 2, colors.black),
('ALIGN', (1,1), (-1,-1), 'RIGHT')]
[('INNERGRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25, colors.black),
('BOX', (0,0), (-1,-1), 2, colors.red),
('LINEBELOW', (0,0), (-1,0), 2, colors.black),
('LINEAFTER', (0,0), (0,-1), 2, colors.black),
('ALIGN', (1,1), (-1,-1), 'RIGHT')]
LIST_STYLE = TableStyle(
[('LINEABOVE', (0,0), (-1,0), 2, colors.green),
('LINEABOVE', (0,1), (-1,-1), 0.25, colors.black),
('LINEBELOW', (0,-1), (-1,-1), 2, colors.green),
('ALIGN', (1,1), (-1,-1), 'RIGHT')]
# experimental iterator which can apply a sequence
# of colors e.g. Blue, None, Blue, None as you move
# down.
if __name__ == '__main__':
from reportlab.test.test_platypus_tables import old_tables_test