
54 lines
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import simplejson
import urllib
import openerp
import openerp.addons.web.http as http
from openerp.addons.web.http import request
import openerp.addons.web.controllers.main as webmain
from openerp.addons.web.http import SessionExpiredException
from werkzeug.exceptions import BadRequest
import werkzeug.utils
class google_calendar_controller(http.Controller):
@http.route('/google_calendar/sync_data', type='json', auth='user')
def sync_data(self, arch, fields, model,**kw):
This route/function is called when we want to synchronize openERP calendar with Google Calendar
Function return a dictionary with the status : NeedConfigFromAdmin, NeedAuth, NeedRefresh, NoNewEventFromGoogle, SUCCESS if not crm meeting
The dictionary may contains an url, to allow OpenERP Client to redirect user on this URL for authorization for example
if model == 'crm.meeting':
gs_obj = request.registry.get('google.service')
gc_obj = request.registry.get('google.calendar')
# Checking that admin have already configured Google API for google synchronization !
client_id = gs_obj.get_client_id(request.cr, request.uid,'calendar',context=kw.get('LocalContext'))
if not client_id or client_id == '':
action = ''
if gc_obj.can_authorize_google(request.cr,request.uid):
dummy, action = request.registry.get('ir.model.data').get_object_reference(request.cr, request.uid, 'google_calendar', 'action_config_settings_google_calendar')
return {
"status" : "NeedConfigFromAdmin",
"url" : '',
"action" : action
# Checking that user have already accepted OpenERP to access his calendar !
if gc_obj.need_authorize(request.cr, request.uid,context=kw.get('LocalContext')):
url = gc_obj.authorize_google_uri(request.cr, request.uid, from_url=kw.get('fromurl'), context=kw.get('LocalContext'))
return {
"status" : "NeedAuth",
"url" : url
# If App authorized, and user access accepted, We launch the synchronization
return gc_obj.synchronize_events(request.cr, request.uid, [], kw.get('LocalContext'))
return { "status" : "Success" }