
489 lines
26 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
# Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Tiny SPRL (<http://tiny.be>).
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import logging
import random
import time
from osv import osv, fields
from osv.expression import expression
from tools.translate import _
from tools.safe_eval import safe_eval
FULL_ACCESS = ('perm_read', 'perm_write', 'perm_create', 'perm_unlink')
READ_ONLY_ACCESS = ('perm_read',)
RANDOM_PASS_CHARACTERS = [chr(x) for x in range(48, 58) + range(97, 123) + range(65, 91)]
RANDOM_PASS_CHARACTERS.remove('l') #lowercase l, easily mistaken as one or capital i
RANDOM_PASS_CHARACTERS.remove('I') #uppercase i, easily mistaken as one or lowercase L
RANDOM_PASS_CHARACTERS.remove('O') #uppercase o, mistaken with zero
RANDOM_PASS_CHARACTERS.remove('o') #lowercase o, mistaken with zero
RANDOM_PASS_CHARACTERS.remove('0') #zero, mistaken with o-letter
RANDOM_PASS_CHARACTERS.remove('1') #one, mistaken with lowercase-L or capital i
def generate_random_pass():
return ''.join(pass_chars[0:10])
class share_create(osv.osv_memory):
__logger = logging.getLogger('share.wizard')
_name = 'share.wizard'
_description = 'Share Wizard'
_columns = {
'action_id': fields.many2one('ir.actions.act_window', 'Action to share', required=True,
help="The action that opens the screen containing the data you wish to share."),
'domain': fields.char('Domain', size=256, help="Optional domain for further data filtering"),
'user_type': fields.selection([('existing','Existing external users'),('new','New users (emails required)')],'Users to share with',
help="Select the type of user(s) you would like to share data with."),
'user_ids': fields.many2many('res.users', 'share_wizard_res_user_rel', 'share_id', 'user_id', 'Existing users', domain=[('share', '=', True)]),
'new_users': fields.text("New users"),
'access_mode': fields.selection([('readwrite','Read & Write'),('readonly','Read-only')],'Access Mode'),
'result_line_ids': fields.one2many('share.wizard.result.line', 'share_wizard_id', 'Summary', readonly=True),
'share_root_url': fields.char('Generic Share Access URL', size=512, readonly=True, tooltip='Main access page for users that are granted shared access')
_defaults = {
'user_type' : lambda self, cr, uid, *a: 'existing' if self.pool.get('res.users').search(cr, uid, [('share', '=', True)]) else 'new',
'domain': lambda self, cr, uid, context, *a: context.get('domain', '[]'),
'share_root_url': lambda self, cr, uid, context, *a: context.get('share_root_url') or _('Please specify "share_root_url" in context'),
'action_id': lambda self, cr, uid, context, *a: context.get('action_id'),
'access_mode': 'readonly'
def go_step_1(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
dummy, step1_form_view_id = self.pool.get('ir.model.data').get_object_reference(cr, uid, 'share', 'share_step1_form')
return {
'name': _('Sharing Wizard - Step 1'),
'view_type': 'form',
'view_mode': 'form',
'res_model': 'share.wizard',
'view_id': False,
'res_id': ids[0],
'views': [(step1_form_view_id, 'form'), (False, 'tree'), (False, 'calendar'), (False, 'graph')],
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'target': 'new'
def _create_share_group(self, cr, uid, wizard_data, context=None):
group_obj = self.pool.get('res.groups')
share_group_name = '%s: %s (%d-%s)' %('Sharing', wizard_data.action_id.res_model, uid, time.time())
# create share group without putting admin in it
return group_obj.create(cr, 1, {'name': share_group_name, 'share': True}, {'noadmin': True})
def _create_new_share_users(self, cr, uid, wizard_data, group_id, context=None):
user_obj = self.pool.get('res.users')
current_user = user_obj.browse(cr, uid, uid, context=context)
user_ids = []
if wizard_data.user_type == 'new':
for new_user in wizard_data.new_users.split('\n'):
# attempt to show more user-friendly msg than default constraint error
existing = user_obj.search(cr, 1, [('login', '=', new_user)])
if existing:
raise osv.except_osv(_('User already exists'),
_('This username (%s) already exists, perhaps data has already been shared with this person.\nYou may want to try selecting existing shared users instead.') % new_user)
user_id = user_obj.create(cr, 1, {
'login': new_user,
'password': generate_random_pass(),
'name': new_user,
'user_email': new_user,
'groups_id': [(6,0,[group_id])],
'share': True,
'company_id': current_user.company_id and current_user.company_id.id
return user_ids
def _create_shortcut(self, cr, uid, values, context=None):
if context is None:
context = {}
new_context = context.copy()
for key in context:
if key.startswith('default_'):
del new_context[key]
dataobj = self.pool.get('ir.model.data')
menu_id = dataobj._get_id(cr, uid, 'base', 'menu_administration_shortcut', new_context)
shortcut_menu_id = int(dataobj.read(cr, uid, menu_id, ['res_id'], new_context)['res_id'])
action_id = self.pool.get('ir.actions.act_window').create(cr, 1, values, new_context)
menu_data = {'name': values['name'],
'sequence': 10,
'action': 'ir.actions.act_window,'+str(action_id),
'parent_id': shortcut_menu_id,
menu_obj = self.pool.get('ir.ui.menu')
menu_id = menu_obj.create(cr, 1, menu_data)
sc_data= {'name': values['name'], 'sequence': 1,'res_id': menu_id }
sc_menu_id = self.pool.get('ir.ui.view_sc').create(cr, uid, sc_data, new_context)
# update menu cache
user_groups = set(self.pool.get('res.users').read(cr, 1, uid, ['groups_id'])['groups_id'])
key = (cr.dbname, shortcut_menu_id, tuple(user_groups))
menu_obj._cache[key] = True
return action_id
def _setup_action_and_shortcut(self, cr, uid, wizard_data, user_ids, new_users, context=None):
user_obj = self.pool.get('res.users')
menu_action_id = user_obj._get_menu(cr, uid, context=context)
values = {
'name': (_('%s (Shared)') % wizard_data.action_id.name)[:64],
'domain': wizard_data.domain,
'context': wizard_data.action_id.context,
'res_model': wizard_data.action_id.res_model,
'view_mode': wizard_data.action_id.view_mode,
'view_type': wizard_data.action_id.view_type,
'search_view_id': wizard_data.action_id.search_view_id.id,
for user_id in user_ids:
action_id = self._create_shortcut(cr, user_id, values)
if new_users:
user_obj.write(cr, 1, [user_id], {'action_id': action_id})
user_obj.write(cr, 1, [user_id], {'action_id': menu_action_id})
def _get_recursive_relations(self, cr, uid, model, ttypes, relation_fields=None, suffix=None, context=None):
"""Returns list of tuples representing recursive relationships of type ``ttypes`` starting from
model with ID ``model_id``.
@param model: browsable model to start loading relationships from
@param ttypes: list of relationship types to follow (e.g: ['one2many','many2many'])
@param relation_fields: list of previously followed relationship tuples - to avoid duplicates
during recursion
@param suffix: optional suffix to append to the field path to reach the main object
if relation_fields is None:
relation_fields = []
local_rel_fields = []
models = [x[1].model for x in relation_fields]
model_obj = self.pool.get('ir.model')
model_osv = self.pool.get(model.model)
for field in model_osv._columns.values() + [x[2] for x in model_osv._inherit_fields.itervalues()]:
if field._type in ttypes and field._obj not in models:
relation_model_id = model_obj.search(cr, uid, [('model','=',field._obj)])[0]
if field._type == 'one2many':
relation_field = '%s.%s'%(field._fields_id, suffix) if suffix else field._fields_id
relation_field = None # TODO: add some filtering for m2m and m2o - not always possible...
model_browse = model_obj.browse(cr, uid, relation_model_id, context=context)
local_rel_fields.append((relation_field, model_browse))
if relation_model_id != model.id and field._type in ['one2many', 'many2many']:
local_rel_fields += self._get_recursive_relations(cr, uid, model_browse,
[field._type], relation_fields + local_rel_fields, suffix=relation_field, context=context)
return local_rel_fields
def _get_relationship_classes(self, cr, uid, model, context=None):
obj0 = [(None, model)]
obj1 = self._get_recursive_relations(cr, uid, model, ['one2many'], context=context)
obj2 = self._get_recursive_relations(cr, uid, model, ['one2many', 'many2many'], context=context)
obj3 = self._get_recursive_relations(cr, uid, model, ['many2one'], context=context)
for dummy, model in obj1:
obj3 += self._get_recursive_relations(cr, uid, model, ['many2one'], context=context)
return obj0, obj1, obj2, obj3
def _get_access_map_for_groups_and_models(self, cr, uid, group_ids, model_ids, context=None):
model_access_obj = self.pool.get('ir.model.access')
user_right_ids = model_access_obj.search(cr, uid,
[('group_id', 'in', group_ids), ('model_id', 'in', model_ids)],
user_access_matrix = {}
if user_right_ids:
for access_right in model_access_obj.browse(cr, uid, user_right_ids, context=context):
access_line = user_access_matrix.setdefault(access_right.model_id.model, set())
for perm in FULL_ACCESS:
if getattr(access_right, perm, 0):
return user_access_matrix
def _add_access_rights_for_share_group(self, cr, uid, group_id, mode,
fields_relations, context=None):
"""Adds access rights to group_id on object models referenced in ``fields_relations``,
intersecting with access rights of current user to avoid granting too much rights
model_access_obj = self.pool.get('ir.model.access')
user_obj = self.pool.get('res.users')
target_model_ids = [x[1].id for x in fields_relations]
perms_to_add = (mode == 'readonly') and READ_ONLY_ACCESS or FULL_ACCESS
current_user = user_obj.browse(cr, uid, uid, context=context)
current_user_access_map = self._get_access_map_for_groups_and_models(cr, uid,
[x.id for x in current_user.groups_id], target_model_ids, context=context)
group_access_map = self._get_access_map_for_groups_and_models(cr, uid,
[group_id], target_model_ids, context=context)
self.__logger.debug("Current user access matrix: %r", current_user_access_map)
self.__logger.debug("New group current access matrix: %r", group_access_map)
# Create required rights if allowed by current user rights and not
# already granted
for dummy, model in fields_relations:
values = {
'name': _('Copied access for sharing'),
'group_id': group_id,
'model_id': model.id,
current_user_access_line = current_user_access_map.get(model.model,set())
existing_group_access_line = group_access_map.get(model.model,set())
need_creation = False
for perm in perms_to_add:
if perm in current_user_access_line \
and perm not in existing_group_access_line:
group_access_map.setdefault(model.model, set()).add(perm)
need_creation = True
if need_creation:
model_access_obj.create(cr, 1, values)
self.__logger.debug("Creating access right for model %s with values: %r", model.model, values)
def _link_or_copy_current_user_rules(self, cr, uid, group_id, fields_relations, context=None):
user_obj = self.pool.get('res.users')
rule_obj = self.pool.get('ir.rule')
current_user = user_obj.browse(cr, uid, uid, context=context)
completed_models = set()
for group in current_user.groups_id:
for dummy, model in fields_relations:
if model.id in completed_models:
for rule in group.rule_groups:
if rule.model_id == model.id:
if 'user.' in rule.domain_force:
# Above pattern means there is likely a condition
# specific to current user, so we must copy the rule using
# the evaluated version of the domain.
# And it's better to copy one time too much than too few
rule_obj.copy(cr, 1, rule.id, default={
'name': '%s (%s)' %(rule.name, _('(Copy for sharing)')),
'groups': [(6,0,[group_id])],
'domain_force': rule.domain, # evaluated version!
self.__logger.debug("Copying rule %s (%s) on model %s with domain: %s", rule.name, rule.id, model.model, rule.domain_force)
# otherwise we can simply link the rule to keep it dynamic
rule_obj.write(cr, 1, [rule.id], {
'groups': [(4,group_id)]
self.__logger.debug("Linking rule %s (%s) on model %s with domain: %s", rule.name, rule.id, model.model, rule.domain_force)
def _create_indirect_sharing_rules(self, cr, uid, wizard_data, group_id, fields_relations, context=None):
user_obj = self.pool.get('res.users')
current_user = user_obj.browse(cr, uid, uid, context=context)
rule_obj = self.pool.get('ir.rule')
domain = safe_eval(wizard_data.domain)
if domain:
domain_expr = expression(domain)
for rel_field, model in fields_relations:
related_domain = []
for element in domain:
if domain_expr._is_leaf(element):
left, operator, right = element
left = '%s.%s'%(rel_field, left)
element = left, operator, right
rule_obj.create(cr, 1, {
'name': _('Indirect sharing filter created by user %s (%s) for group %s') % \
(current_user.name, current_user.login, group_id),
'model_id': model.id,
'domain_force': str(related_domain),
'groups': [(4,group_id)]
self.__logger.debug("Created indirect rule on model %s with domain: %s", model.model, repr(related_domain))
except Exception:
self.__logger.exception('Failed to create share access')
raise osv.except_osv(_('Sharing access could not be setup'),
_('Sorry, the current screen and filter you are trying to share are not supported at the moment.\nYou may want to try a simpler filter.'))
def _create_result_lines(self, cr, uid, wizard_data, context=None):
user_obj = self.pool.get('res.users')
result_obj = self.pool.get('share.wizard.result.line')
share_root_url = wizard_data.share_root_url
format_url = '%(login)s' in share_root_url\
and '%(password)s' in share_root_url\
and '%(dbname)s' in share_root_url
existing_passwd_str = _('*usual password*')
if wizard_data.user_type == 'new':
for email in wizard_data.new_users.split('\n'):
user_id = user_obj.search(cr, 1, [('login', '=', email)], context=context)
password = user_obj.read(cr, 1, user_id[0], ['password'])['password']
share_url = share_root_url % \
{'login': email,
'password': password,
'dbname': cr.dbname} if format_url else share_root_url
result_obj.create(cr, uid, {
'share_wizard_id': wizard_data.id,
'login': email,
'password': password,
'share_url': share_url,
}, context=context)
# existing users
for user in wizard_data.user_ids:
share_url = share_root_url % \
{'login': user.login,
'password': '',
'dbname': cr.dbname} if format_url else share_root_url
result_obj.create(cr, uid, {
'share_wizard_id': wizard_data.id,
'login': user.login,
'password': existing_passwd_str,
'share_url': share_url,
'newly_created': False,
}, context=context)
def go_step_2(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
wizard_data = self.browse(cr, uid, ids and ids[0], context=context)
assert wizard_data.action_id and wizard_data.access_mode and \
((wizard_data.user_type == 'new' and wizard_data.new_users) or \
(wizard_data.user_type == 'existing' and wizard_data.user_ids))
# Create shared group and users
group_id = self._create_share_group(cr, uid, wizard_data, context=context)
user_obj = self.pool.get('res.users')
current_user = user_obj.browse(cr, uid, uid, context=context)
if wizard_data.user_type == 'new':
user_ids = self._create_new_share_users(cr, uid, wizard_data, group_id, context=context)
user_ids = [x.id for x in wizard_data.user_ids]
# reset home action to regular menu as user needs access to multiple items
user_obj.write(cr, 1, user_ids, {
'groups_id': [(4,group_id)],
self._setup_action_and_shortcut(cr, uid, wizard_data, user_ids,
(wizard_data.user_type == 'new'), context=context)
model_obj = self.pool.get('ir.model')
model_id = model_obj.search(cr, uid, [('model','=', wizard_data.action_id.res_model)])[0]
model = model_obj.browse(cr, uid, model_id, context=context)
# We have several classes of objects that should receive different access rights:
# Let:
# - [obj0] be the target model itself
# - [obj1] be the target model and all other models recursively accessible from
# obj0 via one2many relationships
# - [obj2] be the target model and all other models recursively accessible from
# obj0 via one2many and many2many relationships
# - [obj3] be all models recursively accessible from obj1 via many2one relationships
obj0, obj1, obj2, obj3 = self._get_relationship_classes(cr, uid, model, context=context)
mode = wizard_data.access_mode
# Add access to [obj0] and [obj1] according to chosen mode
self._add_access_rights_for_share_group(cr, uid, group_id, mode, obj0, context=context)
self._add_access_rights_for_share_group(cr, uid, group_id, mode, obj1, context=context)
# Add read-only access (always) to [obj2] and [obj3]
self._add_access_rights_for_share_group(cr, uid, group_id, 'readonly', obj2, context=context)
self._add_access_rights_for_share_group(cr, uid, group_id, 'readonly', obj3, context=context)
# A. On [obj0]: 1 rule with domain of shared action
# B. For each model in [obj1]: 1 rule in the form:
# many2one_rel.domain_of_obj0
# where many2one_rel is the many2one used in the definition of the
# one2many, and domain_of_obj0 is the sharing domain
# For example if [obj0] is project.project with a domain of
# ['id', 'in', [1,2]]
# then we will have project.task in [obj1] and we need to create this
# ir.rule on project.task:
# ['project_id.id', 'in', [1,2]]
# C. And on [obj0], [obj1], [obj2], [obj3]: add all rules from all groups of
# the user that is sharing
# (Warning: rules must be copied instead of linked if they contain a reference
# to uid, and it must be replaced correctly)
rule_obj = self.pool.get('ir.rule')
# A.
rule_obj.create(cr, 1, {
'name': _('Sharing filter created by user %s (%s) for group %s') % \
(current_user.name, current_user.login, group_id),
'model_id': model.id,
'domain_force': wizard_data.domain,
'groups': [(4,group_id)]
# B.
self._create_indirect_sharing_rules(cr, uid, wizard_data, group_id, obj1, context=context)
# C.
all_relations = obj0 + obj1 + obj2 + obj3
self._link_or_copy_current_user_rules(cr, uid, group_id, all_relations, context=context)
# so far, so good -> populate summary results and return them
self._create_result_lines(cr, uid, wizard_data, context=context)
dummy, step2_form_view_id = self.pool.get('ir.model.data').get_object_reference(cr, uid, 'share', 'share_step2_form')
return {
'name': _('Sharing Wizard - Step 2'),
'view_type': 'form',
'view_mode': 'form',
'res_model': 'share.wizard',
'view_id': False,
'res_id': ids[0],
'views': [(step2_form_view_id, 'form'), (False, 'tree'), (False, 'calendar'), (False, 'graph')],
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'target': 'new'
def send_emails(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
email_message_obj = self.pool.get('email.message')
user = self.pool.get('res.users').browse(cr, uid, uid, context=context)
if not user.user_email:
raise osv.except_osv(_('Email required'), _('The current user must have an email address configured in User Preferences to be able to send outgoing emails.'))
for wizard_data in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
for result_line in wizard_data.result_line_ids:
email_to = result_line.login
subject = _('%s has shared OpenERP %s information with you') % (user.name, wizard_data.action_id.name)
body = _("Dear,\n\n") + subject + "\n\n"
body += _("To access it, you can go to the following URL:\n %s") % result_line.share_url
body += "\n\n"
if result_line.newly_created:
body += _("You may use the following login and password to get access to this protected area:") + "\n"
body += "%s: %s" % (_("Username"), result_line.login) + "\n"
body += "%s: %s" % (_("Password"), result_line.password) + "\n"
body += "%s: %s" % (_("Database"), cr.dbname) + "\n"
body += _("This additional data has been automatically added to your current access.\n")
body += _("You may use your existing login and password to view it. As a reminder, your login is %s.\n") % result_line.login
if not email_message_obj.email_send(cr, uid,
self.__logger.warning('Failed to send sharing email from %s to %s', user.user_email, email_to)
return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'}
class share_result_line(osv.osv_memory):
_name = 'share.wizard.result.line'
_rec_name = 'login'
_columns = {
'login': fields.char('Username', size=64, required=True, readonly=True),
'password': fields.char('Password', size=64, readonly=True),
'share_url': fields.char('Share URL', size=512, required=True),
'share_wizard_id': fields.many2one('share.wizard', 'Share Wizard', required=True),
'newly_created': fields.boolean('Newly created', readonly=True),
_defaults = {
'newly_created': True,