Denis Ledoux cd69dee3f2 [FIX] web: inhibit on change flag when validating editable list
To valid all editable list line, we iterate on the lines and set the editor form with the line value, using set_value.
The _inhibit_on_change_flag should be set to True to avoid triggering on changes events

2014-11-05 13:38:49 +01:00
lib [FIX] web: more backports for cleditor 2014-11-03 17:47:03 +01:00
src [FIX] web: inhibit on change flag when validating editable list 2014-11-05 13:38:49 +01:00
test [FIX]web: test testing the customer filter save was wrong, was using wrong method text() instead of val() to set the filter name 2013-10-22 18:53:18 +02:00