
1258 lines
49 KiB

# Translation of Odoo Server.
# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
# * account_followup
# Translators:
# RGB Consulting <odoo@rgbconsulting.com>, 2016
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Odoo 8.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-01-21 14:07+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-08-23 06:18+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: RGB Consulting <odoo@rgbconsulting.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Catalan (http://www.transifex.com/odoo/odoo-8/language/ca/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
"Language: ca\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. module: account_followup
#: model:email.template,body_html:account_followup.email_template_account_followup_level0
msgid ""
"<div style=\"font-family: 'Lucica Grande', Ubuntu, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); \">\n"
" <p>Dear ${object.name},</p>\n"
" <p>\n"
" Exception made if there was a mistake of ours, it seems that the following amount stays unpaid. Please, take\n"
"appropriate measures in order to carry out this payment in the next 8 days.\n"
"Would your payment have been carried out after this mail was sent, please ignore this message. Do not hesitate to\n"
"contact our accounting department. \n"
" </p>\n"
"Best Regards,\n"
" <br/>\n"
"${object.get_followup_table_html() | safe}\n"
" <br/>\n"
" "
msgstr "\n<div style=\"font-family: 'Lucica Grande', Ubuntu, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); \">\n\n <p>Estimat/da ${object.name},</p>\n <p>\nSi no hi ha hagut cap equivocació de part nostra, sembla que l'import continua sense pagar. Si us plau, prengui les mesures apropiades per realitzar aquest pagament en els pròxims 8 dies.\n\nSi ha realitzat el pagament després que s'hagi enviat aquest correu, si us plau, ignori aquest missatge. No dubti en contactar amb el nostre departament de comptabilitat.\n\n </p>\n<br/>\nSalutacions cordials,\n<br/>\n <br/>\n${user.name}\n\n<br/>\n<br/>\n\n\n${object.get_followup_table_html() | safe}\n\n <br/>\n\n</div>\n "
#. module: account_followup
#: model:email.template,body_html:account_followup.email_template_account_followup_level2
msgid ""
"<div style=\"font-family: 'Lucica Grande', Ubuntu, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); \">\n"
" \n"
" <p>Dear ${object.name},</p>\n"
" <p>\n"
" Despite several reminders, your account is still not settled.\n"
"Unless full payment is made in next 8 days, legal action for the recovery of the debt will be taken without\n"
"further notice.\n"
"I trust that this action will prove unnecessary and details of due payments is printed below.\n"
"In case of any queries concerning this matter, do not hesitate to contact our accounting department.\n"
"Best Regards,\n"
"${object.get_followup_table_html() | safe}\n"
" <br/>\n"
" "
msgstr "\n<div style=\"font-family: 'Lucica Grande', Ubuntu, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); \">\n \n <p>Estimat/da ${object.name},</p>\n <p>\n Tot i els diversos recordatoris, el seu compte encara no està arreglat.\nA menys que faci el pagament complet en els pròxims 8 dies, podran prendre's accions legals per la recuperació del deute sense més notificacions.\nConfiem que aquesta acció no serà necessària i els detalls dels pagaments vençuts es mostren a continuació. En cas que tingui alguna consulta respecte a aquest assumpte, no dubti en contactar amb el nostre departament de comptabilitat.\n</p>\n<br/>\nSalutacions cordials,\n<br/>\n<br/>\n${user.name}\n<br/>\n<br/>\n\n\n${object.get_followup_table_html() | safe}\n\n <br/>\n\n</div>\n "
#. module: account_followup
#: model:email.template,body_html:account_followup.email_template_account_followup_default
msgid ""
"<div style=\"font-family: 'Lucica Grande', Ubuntu, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); \">\n"
" \n"
" <p>Dear ${object.name},</p>\n"
" <p>\n"
" Exception made if there was a mistake of ours, it seems that the following amount stays unpaid. Please, take\n"
"appropriate measures in order to carry out this payment in the next 8 days.\n"
"Would your payment have been carried out after this mail was sent, please ignore this message. Do not hesitate to\n"
"contact our accounting department.\n"
" </p>\n"
"Best Regards,\n"
"${object.get_followup_table_html() | safe}\n"
" "
msgstr "\n<div style=\"font-family: 'Lucica Grande', Ubuntu, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); \">\n\n <p>Estimat/da ${object.name},</p>\n <p>\nSi no hi ha hagut cap equivocació de part nostra, sembla que l'import continua sense pagar. Si us plau, prengui les mesures apropiades per realitzar aquest pagament en els pròxims 8 dies.\n\nSi ha realitzat el pagament després que s'hagi enviat aquest correu, si us plau, ignori aquest missatge. No dubti en contactar amb el nostre departament de comptabilitat.\n\n </p>\n<br/>\nSalutacions cordials,\n<br/>\n <br/>\n${user.name}\n\n<br/>\n<br/>\n\n\n${object.get_followup_table_html() | safe}\n\n <br/>\n\n</div>\n "
#. module: account_followup
#: model:email.template,body_html:account_followup.email_template_account_followup_level1
msgid ""
"<div style=\"font-family: 'Lucica Grande', Ubuntu, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); \">\n"
" \n"
" <p>Dear ${object.name},</p>\n"
" <p>\n"
" We are disappointed to see that despite sending a reminder, that your account is now seriously overdue.\n"
"It is essential that immediate payment is made, otherwise we will have to consider placing a stop on your account\n"
"which means that we will no longer be able to supply your company with (goods/services).\n"
"Please, take appropriate measures in order to carry out this payment in the next 8 days.\n"
"If there is a problem with paying invoice that we are not aware of, do not hesitate to contact our accounting\n"
"department. so that we can resolve the matter quickly.\n"
"Details of due payments is printed below.\n"
" </p>\n"
"Best Regards,\n"
" \n"
" \n"
"${object.get_followup_table_html() | safe}\n"
" <br/>\n"
" "
msgstr "\n<div style=\"font-family: 'Lucica Grande', Ubuntu, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); \">\n \n <p>Estimat/da ${object.name},</p>\n <p>\n Estem decebuts de veure que tot i que li hem enviat un recordatori, el seu compte està ara seriosament endarrerit.\n\n És essencial que realitzi el pagament immediatament, o del contrari haurem de considerar parar el seu compte, el que significa que no podrem subministrar més béns/serveis a la seva empresa. \n\nSi us plau, prengui les mesures adequades per realitzar el pagament en els pròxims 8 dies. \n\nSi hi ha algun problema amb el pagament de la factura del que no tenim coneixement, no dubti en contactar amb el nostre departament de comptabilitat, perquè puguem resoldre l'assumpte rapidament.\n\nS'acompanyen els detalls dels pagaments vençuts a continuació. \n </p>\n<br/>\nSalutacions cordials, \n<br/>\n<br/>\n${user.name}\n \n<br/>\n<br/>\n\n${object.get_followup_table_html() | safe}\n\n <br/>\n\n</div>\n "
#. module: account_followup
#: model:account_followup.followup.line,description:account_followup.demo_followup_line3
msgid ""
"Dear %(partner_name)s,\n"
"Despite several reminders, your account is still not settled.\n"
"Unless full payment is made in next 8 days, then legal action for the recovery of the debt will be taken without further notice.\n"
"I trust that this action will prove unnecessary and details of due payments is printed below.\n"
"In case of any queries concerning this matter, do not hesitate to contact our accounting department.\n"
"Best Regards,\n"
msgstr "\nEstimat/da %(partner_name)s,\n\nTot i els diversos recordatoris, el seu compte encara no està arreglat.\n\nA menys que faci el pagament complet en els pròxims 8 dies, podran prendre's accions legals per la recuperació del deute sense més notificacions.\n\nConfiem que aquesta acció no serà necessària i els detalls dels pagaments vençuts es mostren a continuació.\n\nEn cas que tingui alguna consulta respecte a aquest assumpte, no dubti en contactar amb el nostre departament de comptabilitat.\n\nSalutacions cordials,\n"
#. module: account_followup
#: model:account_followup.followup.line,description:account_followup.demo_followup_line4
#: model:account_followup.followup.line,description:account_followup.demo_followup_line5
msgid ""
"Dear %(partner_name)s,\n"
"Despite several reminders, your account is still not settled.\n"
"Unless full payment is made in next 8 days, then legal action for the recovery of the debt will be taken without further notice.\n"
"I trust that this action will prove unnecessary and details of due payments is printed below.\n"
"In case of any queries concerning this matter, do not hesitate to contact our accounting department.\n"
"Best Regards,\n"
" "
msgstr "\nEstimat/da %(partner_name)s,\n\nTot i els diversos recordatoris, el seu compte encara no està arreglat.\n\nA menys que faci el pagament complet en els pròxims 8 dies, podran prendre's accions legals per la recuperació del deute sense més notificacions.\n\nConfiem que aquesta acció no serà necessària i els detalls dels pagaments vençuts es mostren a continuació.\n\nEn cas que tingui alguna consulta respecte a aquest assumpte, no dubti en contactar amb el nostre departament de comptabilitat.\n\nSalutacions cordials,"
#. module: account_followup
#: model:account_followup.followup.line,description:account_followup.demo_followup_line1
msgid ""
"Dear %(partner_name)s,\n"
"Exception made if there was a mistake of ours, it seems that the following amount stays unpaid. Please, take appropriate measures in order to carry out this payment in the next 8 days.\n"
"Would your payment have been carried out after this mail was sent, please ignore this message. Do not hesitate to contact our accounting department. \n"
"Best Regards,\n"
msgstr "\nEstimat/da %(partner_name)s,\n\nSi no hi ha hagut cap equivocació per part nostra, sembla que el següent import segueix sense pagar. Si us plau, prengui les mesures apropiades per realitzar aquest pagament en els pròxims 8 dies.\n\nSi ha realitzat el pagament després que s'enviï aquest correu, si us plau, ignori aquest missatge. No dubti en contactar amb el nostre departament de comptabilitat.\n\nSalutacions cordials,\n"
#. module: account_followup
#: model:account_followup.followup.line,description:account_followup.demo_followup_line2
msgid ""
"Dear %(partner_name)s,\n"
"We are disappointed to see that despite sending a reminder, that your account is now seriously overdue.\n"
"It is essential that immediate payment is made, otherwise we will have to consider placing a stop on your account which means that we will no longer be able to supply your company with (goods/services).\n"
"Please, take appropriate measures in order to carry out this payment in the next 8 days.\n"
"If there is a problem with paying invoice that we are not aware of, do not hesitate to contact our accounting department, so that we can resolve the matter quickly.\n"
"Details of due payments is printed below.\n"
"Best Regards,\n"
msgstr "\nEstimat %(partner_name)s,\n\n\nEstem decebuts de veure que tot i que li hem enviat un recordatori, el seu compte està ara seriosament endarrerit.\n\nÉs essencial que realitzi el pagament immediatament, o del contrari haurem de considerar parar el seu compte, el que significa que no podrem subministrar més béns/serveis a la seva empresa.\n\nSi us plau, prengui les mesures adequades per realitzar el pagament en els pròxims 8 dies.\n\nSi hi ha algun problema amb el pagament de la factura del que no tenim coneixement, no dubti en contactar amb el nostre departament de comptabilitat, perquè puguem resoldre l'assumpte rapidament.\n\nS'acompanyen els detalls dels pagaments vençuts a continuació.\n\nSalutacions cordials,\n"
#. module: account_followup
#: code:addons/account_followup/wizard/account_followup_print.py:174
#, python-format
msgid " email(s) sent"
msgstr "e-mail(s) enviats"
#. module: account_followup
#: code:addons/account_followup/wizard/account_followup_print.py:176
#, python-format
msgid " email(s) should have been sent, but "
msgstr "e-mail(s) poden haver set enviats, però"
#. module: account_followup
#: code:addons/account_followup/wizard/account_followup_print.py:176
#, python-format
msgid " had unknown email address(es)"
msgstr "te direcció(ns) de correu desconeguda(des)"
#. module: account_followup
#: code:addons/account_followup/wizard/account_followup_print.py:177
#, python-format
msgid " letter(s) in report"
msgstr "carta(es) a l'informe"
#. module: account_followup
#: code:addons/account_followup/wizard/account_followup_print.py:177
#, python-format
msgid " manual action(s) assigned:"
msgstr "acció(ns) manual(s) assignada(des):"
#. module: account_followup
#: code:addons/account_followup/wizard/account_followup_print.py:171
#, python-format
msgid " will be sent"
msgstr "serà enviat"
#. module: account_followup
#: model:email.template,subject:account_followup.email_template_account_followup_default
#: model:email.template,subject:account_followup.email_template_account_followup_level0
#: model:email.template,subject:account_followup.email_template_account_followup_level1
#: model:email.template,subject:account_followup.email_template_account_followup_level2
msgid "${user.company_id.name} Payment Reminder"
msgstr "${user.company_id.name} Recordatori de pagament"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:account_followup.followup.line:account_followup.view_account_followup_followup_line_form
msgid "%(company_name)s"
msgstr "%(company_name)s"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:account_followup.followup.line:account_followup.view_account_followup_followup_line_form
msgid "%(date)s"
msgstr "%(date)s"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:account_followup.followup.line:account_followup.view_account_followup_followup_line_form
msgid "%(partner_name)s"
msgstr "%(partner_name)s"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:account_followup.followup.line:account_followup.view_account_followup_followup_line_form
msgid "%(user_signature)s"
msgstr "%(user_signature)s"
#. module: account_followup
#: code:addons/account_followup/wizard/account_followup_print.py:234
#, python-format
msgid "%s partners have no credits and as such the action is cleared"
msgstr "%s empreses no tenen crèdit i per això l'acció s'ha netejat"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:res.partner:account_followup.view_partner_inherit_followup_form
msgid ""
", the latest payment follow-up\n"
" was:"
msgstr ", l'últim seguiment era:"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:account_followup.followup.line:account_followup.view_account_followup_followup_line_form
msgid ": Current Date"
msgstr ": Data actual"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:account_followup.followup.line:account_followup.view_account_followup_followup_line_form
msgid ": Partner Name"
msgstr ": Nom de l'empresa"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:account_followup.followup.line:account_followup.view_account_followup_followup_line_form
msgid ": User Name"
msgstr ": Nom de l'usuari"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:account_followup.followup.line:account_followup.view_account_followup_followup_line_form
msgid ": User's Company Name"
msgstr ": Nom de la companyia de l'usuari"
#. module: account_followup
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account_followup.action_account_followup_definition_form
msgid ""
"<p class=\"oe_view_nocontent_create\">\n"
" Click to define follow-up levels and their related actions.\n"
" </p><p>\n"
" For each step, specify the actions to be taken and delay in days. It is\n"
" possible to use print and e-mail templates to send specific messages to\n"
" the customer.\n"
" </p>\n"
" "
msgstr "<p class=\"oe_view_nocontent_create\">\nPremi per definir els nivells de seguiment i les seves accions relacionades.\n</p><p>\nPer cada pas, especifiqui les accions a realitzar-se i l'endarreriment en dies. És possible utilitzar plantilles d'impressió i de correu electrònic per enviar missatges específics al client.\n</p>\n "
#. module: account_followup
#: model:ir.model,name:account_followup.model_account_followup_followup
msgid "Account Follow-up"
msgstr "Seguiment del compte"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:res.partner:account_followup.view_partner_inherit_followup_form
msgid "Account Move line"
msgstr "Apunt comptable"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:res.partner:account_followup.view_partner_inherit_followup_form
msgid "Accounting"
msgstr "Comptabilitat"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:account_followup.followup.line,manual_action_note:0
msgid "Action To Do"
msgstr "Per fer"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:res.partner:account_followup.view_partner_inherit_followup_form
msgid "Action to be taken e.g. Give a phonecall, Check if it's paid, ..."
msgstr "Acció a ser realitzada. Per exemple, realitzar una trucada, comprovar si està pagat, etc."
#. module: account_followup
#: view:account_followup.followup.line:account_followup.view_account_followup_followup_line_form
msgid "After"
msgstr "Després"
#. module: account_followup
#: code:addons/account_followup/account_followup.py:260
#: view:website:account_followup.report_followup
#, python-format
msgid "Amount"
msgstr "Import"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:res.partner,payment_amount_due:0
msgid "Amount Due"
msgstr "Import del deute"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:res.partner,payment_amount_overdue:0
msgid "Amount Overdue"
msgstr "Import endarrerit"
#. module: account_followup
#: code:addons/account_followup/account_followup.py:281
#, python-format
msgid "Amount due"
msgstr "Import del deute"
#. module: account_followup
#: code:addons/account_followup/wizard/account_followup_print.py:160
#, python-format
msgid "Anybody"
msgstr "Qualsevol"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:account_followup.followup.line,manual_action_responsible_id:0
msgid "Assign a Responsible"
msgstr "Assignar un responsable"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:account.move.line,result:0 field:account_followup.stat,balance:0
#: field:account_followup.stat.by.partner,balance:0
msgid "Balance"
msgstr "Saldo pendent"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:account_followup.stat.by.partner:account_followup.account_followup_stat_by_partner_search
msgid "Balance > 0"
msgstr "Balanç > 0"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:res.partner:account_followup.view_partner_inherit_followup_form
msgid ""
"Below is the history of the transactions of this\n"
" customer. You can check \"No Follow-up\" in\n"
" order to exclude it from the next follow-up actions."
msgstr "A continuació està l'historial de les transaccions d'aquest client. Pot marcar \"No seguir\" per excloure'l de les següents accions de seguiment."
#. module: account_followup
#: field:account_followup.stat,blocked:0
msgid "Blocked"
msgstr "Bloquejat"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:account_followup.print:account_followup.view_account_followup_print
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Cancel·la"
#. module: account_followup
#: help:account_followup.print,test_print:0
msgid ""
"Check if you want to print follow-ups without changing follow-up level."
msgstr "Comprovi si vol imprimir els seguiments sense canviar el nivell de seguiment."
#. module: account_followup
#: view:res.partner:account_followup.view_partner_inherit_followup_form
msgid "Click to mark the action as done."
msgstr "Faci clic per establir l'acció com a realitzada."
#. module: account_followup
#: view:account_followup.sending.results:account_followup.view_account_followup_sending_results
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Tanca"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:account_followup.followup,company_id:0
#: view:account_followup.stat:account_followup.view_account_followup_stat_search
#: field:account_followup.stat,company_id:0
#: field:account_followup.stat.by.partner,company_id:0
msgid "Company"
msgstr "Companyia"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:account.config.settings:account_followup.view_account_config_settings_inherit
msgid "Configure your follow-up levels"
msgstr "Configuri els nivells de seguiment"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:account_followup.followup,create_uid:0
#: field:account_followup.followup.line,create_uid:0
#: field:account_followup.print,create_uid:0
#: field:account_followup.sending.results,create_uid:0
msgid "Created by"
msgstr "Creat per"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:account_followup.followup,create_date:0
#: field:account_followup.followup.line,create_date:0
#: field:account_followup.print,create_date:0
#: field:account_followup.sending.results,create_date:0
msgid "Created on"
msgstr "Creat el"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:account_followup.stat,credit:0
msgid "Credit"
msgstr "Haver"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:res.partner:account_followup.customer_followup_tree
msgid "Customer Followup"
msgstr "Seguiment del client"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:res.partner,payment_note:0
msgid "Customer Payment Promise"
msgstr "Promesa de pagament del client"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:website:account_followup.report_followup
msgid "Customer ref:"
msgstr "Ref. client:"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:website:account_followup.report_followup
msgid "Date:"
msgstr "Data:"
#. module: account_followup
#: sql_constraint:account_followup.followup.line:0
msgid "Days of the follow-up levels must be different"
msgstr "Els dies de nivells de seguiment han de ser diferents"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:account_followup.stat,debit:0
msgid "Debit"
msgstr "Deure"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:account_followup.sending.results,description:0
#: code:addons/account_followup/account_followup.py:257
#: view:website:account_followup.report_followup
#, python-format
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Descripció"
#. module: account_followup
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account_followup.account_followup_s
msgid "Do Manual Follow-Ups"
msgstr "Fer seguiments manuals"
#. module: account_followup
#: help:account_followup.print,partner_lang:0
msgid ""
"Do not change message text, if you want to send email in partner language, "
"or configure from company"
msgstr "No canvieu el text del missatge, si voleu enviar un correu electrònic en el llenguatge associat o configurar-ho des de la companyia"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:website:account_followup.report_followup
msgid "Document: Customer account statement"
msgstr "Document: Estat comptable del client"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:account_followup.sending.results:account_followup.view_account_followup_sending_results
msgid "Download Letters"
msgstr "Descarregar cartes"
#. module: account_followup
#: code:addons/account_followup/account_followup.py:259
#, python-format
msgid "Due Date"
msgstr "Data venciment"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:account_followup.followup.line,delay:0
msgid "Due Days"
msgstr "Dies de venciment"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:account_followup.print,email_body:0
msgid "Email Body"
msgstr "Cos del missatge"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:account_followup.print,email_subject:0
msgid "Email Subject"
msgstr "Assumpte correu electrònic"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:account_followup.followup.line,email_template_id:0
msgid "Email Template"
msgstr "Plantilla email"
#. module: account_followup
#: code:addons/account_followup/account_followup.py:216
#, python-format
msgid "Email not sent because of email address of partner not filled in"
msgstr "Correu no enviat perquè no s'ha emplenat el camp e-mail en la fitxa de l'empresa"
#. module: account_followup
#: code:addons/account_followup/account_followup.py:313
#: code:addons/account_followup/account_followup.py:319
#: code:addons/account_followup/report/account_followup_print.py:82
#, python-format
msgid "Error!"
msgstr "Error!"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:account_followup.stat,date_move:0
#: field:account_followup.stat.by.partner,date_move:0
msgid "First move"
msgstr "Primer moviment"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:account_followup.followup.line,followup_id:0
#: field:account_followup.stat,followup_id:0
msgid "Follow Ups"
msgstr "Seguiments"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:account_followup.print,followup_id:0
msgid "Follow-Up"
msgstr "Seguiment"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:account_followup.followup.line,name:0
msgid "Follow-Up Action"
msgstr "Accions de seguiment"
#. module: account_followup
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account_followup.menu_action_followup_stat_follow
msgid "Follow-Ups Analysis"
msgstr "Anàlisis de seguiments"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:account_followup.followup:account_followup.view_account_followup_followup_form
#: view:account_followup.followup:account_followup.view_account_followup_followup_tree
#: field:account_followup.followup,followup_line:0
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account_followup.account_followup_main_menu
#: view:res.partner:account_followup.customer_followup_search_view
msgid "Follow-up"
msgstr "Seguiment"
#. module: account_followup
#: model:ir.model,name:account_followup.model_account_followup_followup_line
msgid "Follow-up Criteria"
msgstr "Criteri de seguiment"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:account_followup.stat:account_followup.view_account_followup_stat_search
msgid "Follow-up Entries with period in current year"
msgstr "Realitzar seguiment a assentaments amb període de l'any actual"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:account.move.line,followup_line_id:0
#: view:account_followup.stat:account_followup.view_account_followup_stat_search
msgid "Follow-up Level"
msgstr "Nivell seguiment"
#. module: account_followup
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account_followup.account_followup_menu
msgid "Follow-up Levels"
msgstr "Nivells de seguiment"
#. module: account_followup
#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account_followup.action_report_followup
msgid "Follow-up Report"
msgstr "Informe de seguiment"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:res.partner:account_followup.customer_followup_search_view
#: field:res.partner,payment_responsible_id:0
msgid "Follow-up Responsible"
msgstr "Responsable del seguiment"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:account_followup.print,date:0
msgid "Follow-up Sending Date"
msgstr "Data enviament del seguiment"
#. module: account_followup
#: model:ir.model,name:account_followup.model_account_followup_stat
msgid "Follow-up Statistics"
msgstr "Seguir estadístiques"
#. module: account_followup
#: model:ir.model,name:account_followup.model_account_followup_stat_by_partner
msgid "Follow-up Statistics by Partner"
msgstr "Estadístiques de seguiment per empresa"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:account_followup.followup.line:account_followup.view_account_followup_followup_line_form
#: view:account_followup.followup.line:account_followup.view_account_followup_followup_line_tree
msgid "Follow-up Steps"
msgstr "Passos del seguiment"
#. module: account_followup
#: code:addons/account_followup/wizard/account_followup_print.py:171
#, python-format
msgid "Follow-up letter of "
msgstr "Carta de seguiment de"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:account_followup.stat:account_followup.view_account_followup_stat_graph
msgid "Follow-up lines"
msgstr "Línies de seguiment"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:account_followup.stat:account_followup.view_account_followup_stat_search
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account_followup.action_followup_stat
msgid "Follow-ups Sent"
msgstr "Seguiments enviats"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:res.partner:account_followup.customer_followup_search_view
msgid "Follow-ups To Do"
msgstr "Seguiments a realitzar"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:res.partner:account_followup.customer_followup_search_view
msgid "Followup Level"
msgstr "Nivell de seguiment"
#. module: account_followup
#: help:account_followup.followup.line,sequence:0
msgid "Gives the sequence order when displaying a list of follow-up lines."
msgstr "Indica l'ordre de seqüència quan es mostra una llista de seguiment de les línies."
#. module: account_followup
#: view:account_followup.stat:account_followup.view_account_followup_stat_search
#: view:res.partner:account_followup.customer_followup_search_view
msgid "Group By"
msgstr "Agrupa per"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:res.partner:account_followup.view_partner_inherit_followup_form
msgid ""
"He said the problem was temporary and promised to pay 50% before 15th of "
"May, balance before 1st of July."
msgstr "L'empresa va dir que el problema era temporal i va prometre pagar un 50% després del 15 de maig i la resta abans de l'1 de juliol."
#. module: account_followup
#: field:account_followup.followup,id:0
#: field:account_followup.followup.line,id:0 field:account_followup.print,id:0
#: field:account_followup.sending.results,id:0
#: field:account_followup.stat,id:0
#: field:account_followup.stat.by.partner,id:0
#: field:report.account_followup.report_followup,id:0
msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:res.partner:account_followup.view_partner_inherit_followup_form
msgid ""
"If not specified by the latest follow-up level, it will send from the "
"default email template"
msgstr "Si no s'especifica al pròxim nivell de seguiment, s'enviarà amb la plantilla de correu electrònic per defecte"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:account_followup.stat:account_followup.view_account_followup_stat_search
msgid "Including journal entries marked as a litigation"
msgstr "Inclou assentaments al diari marcats com a licitació"
#. module: account_followup
#: code:addons/account_followup/account_followup.py:256
#: view:website:account_followup.report_followup
#, python-format
msgid "Invoice Date"
msgstr "Data factura"
#. module: account_followup
#: code:addons/account_followup/wizard/account_followup_print.py:258
#, python-format
msgid "Invoices Reminder"
msgstr "Recordatori de factures"
#. module: account_followup
#: model:ir.model,name:account_followup.model_account_move_line
msgid "Journal Items"
msgstr "Apunts comptables"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:account_followup.followup,write_uid:0
#: field:account_followup.followup.line,write_uid:0
#: field:account_followup.print,write_uid:0
#: field:account_followup.sending.results,write_uid:0
msgid "Last Updated by"
msgstr "Actualitzat per última vegada per"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:account_followup.followup,write_date:0
#: field:account_followup.followup.line,write_date:0
#: field:account_followup.print,write_date:0
#: field:account_followup.sending.results,write_date:0
msgid "Last Updated on"
msgstr "Actualitzat per última vegada el dia"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:account_followup.stat,date_move_last:0
#: field:account_followup.stat.by.partner,date_move_last:0
msgid "Last move"
msgstr "Últim moviment"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:account.move.line,followup_date:0
msgid "Latest Follow-up"
msgstr "Últim seguiment"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:res.partner,latest_followup_date:0
msgid "Latest Follow-up Date"
msgstr "Última data de seguiment"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:res.partner,latest_followup_level_id:0
msgid "Latest Follow-up Level"
msgstr "Últim nivell de seguiment"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:res.partner,latest_followup_level_id_without_lit:0
msgid "Latest Follow-up Level without litigation"
msgstr "Últim nivell de seguiment sense litigi"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:account_followup.stat:account_followup.view_account_followup_stat_search
msgid "Latest Follow-up Month"
msgstr "Mes de l'últim seguiment"
#. module: account_followup
#: help:res.partner,latest_followup_date:0
msgid "Latest date that the follow-up level of the partner was changed"
msgstr "Última data en la qual el nivell de seguiment de l'empresa va ser canviada"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:account_followup.stat.by.partner,date_followup:0
msgid "Latest follow-up"
msgstr "Últim seguiment"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:account_followup.stat,date_followup:0
msgid "Latest followup"
msgstr "Últim seguiment"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:website:account_followup.report_followup
msgid "Li."
msgstr "Li."
#. module: account_followup
#: code:addons/account_followup/account_followup.py:261
#, python-format
msgid "Lit."
msgstr "Litigi"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:account_followup.stat:account_followup.view_account_followup_stat_search
msgid "Litigation"
msgstr "Litigi"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:account_followup.followup.line:account_followup.view_account_followup_followup_line_form
#: field:account_followup.followup.line,manual_action:0
msgid "Manual Action"
msgstr "Acció manual"
#. module: account_followup
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account_followup.action_customer_followup
msgid "Manual Follow-Ups"
msgstr "Seguiments manuals"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:website:account_followup.report_followup
msgid "Maturity Date"
msgstr "Data venciment"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:account_followup.stat.by.partner,max_followup_id:0
msgid "Max Follow Up Level"
msgstr "Nivell màxim de seguiment"
#. module: account_followup
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account_followup.action_customer_my_followup
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account_followup.menu_sale_followup
msgid "My Follow-Ups"
msgstr "Els meus seguiments"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:res.partner:account_followup.customer_followup_search_view
msgid "My Follow-ups"
msgstr "Els meus seguiments"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:account_followup.followup,name:0
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nom"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:account_followup.sending.results,needprinting:0
msgid "Needs Printing"
msgstr "Requereix impressió"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:res.partner,payment_next_action:0
msgid "Next Action"
msgstr "Acció següent"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:res.partner,payment_next_action_date:0
msgid "Next Action Date"
msgstr "Data de la següent acció"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:res.partner:account_followup.customer_followup_search_view
msgid "No Responsible"
msgstr "Sense responsable"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:account_followup.stat:account_followup.view_account_followup_stat_search
msgid "Not Litigation"
msgstr "Sense litigi"
#. module: account_followup
#: sql_constraint:account_followup.followup:0
msgid "Only one follow-up per company is allowed"
msgstr "Només es permet un seguiment per companyia"
#. module: account_followup
#: help:res.partner,payment_responsible_id:0
msgid ""
"Optionally you can assign a user to this field, which will make him "
"responsible for the action."
msgstr "Pot asignar un usuari a aquest camp de manera opcional, que el farà responsable per a l'acció."
#. module: account_followup
#: view:account_followup.stat:account_followup.view_account_followup_stat_search
#: field:account_followup.stat,partner_id:0
#: field:account_followup.stat.by.partner,partner_id:0
#: model:ir.model,name:account_followup.model_res_partner
msgid "Partner"
msgstr "Empresa"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:account.move.line:account_followup.account_move_line_partner_tree
msgid "Partner entries"
msgstr "Assentaments d'empresa"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:account_followup.stat.by.partner:account_followup.account_followup_stat_by_partner_search
#: view:account_followup.stat.by.partner:account_followup.account_followup_stat_by_partner_tree
msgid "Partner to Remind"
msgstr "Empresa per recordar"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:account_followup.print,partner_ids:0
msgid "Partners"
msgstr "Empreses"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:res.partner:account_followup.customer_followup_search_view
msgid "Partners with Overdue Credits"
msgstr "Empreses amb crèdits vençuts"
#. module: account_followup
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account_followup.menu_finance_followup
#: view:res.partner:account_followup.view_partner_inherit_followup_form
msgid "Payment Follow-up"
msgstr "Seguiment de pagament"
#. module: account_followup
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account_followup.action_account_followup_definition_form
msgid "Payment Follow-ups"
msgstr "Seguiment de pagaments"
#. module: account_followup
#: help:res.partner,payment_note:0
msgid "Payment Note"
msgstr "Nota de pagament"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:account_followup.stat,period_id:0
msgid "Period"
msgstr "Període"
#. module: account_followup
#: model:ir.model,name:account_followup.model_account_followup_print
msgid "Print Follow-up & Send Mail to Customers"
msgstr "Imprimir seguiment i enviar e-mail al client"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:res.partner:account_followup.view_partner_inherit_followup_form
msgid "Print Overdue Payments"
msgstr "Imprimir pagaments pendents"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:res.partner:account_followup.view_partner_inherit_followup_form
msgid "Print overdue payments report independent of follow-up line"
msgstr "Imprimir informe de pagaments vençuts independentment de la línia de seguiment"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:account_followup.followup.line,description:0
msgid "Printed Message"
msgstr "Missatge imprès"
#. module: account_followup
#: code:addons/account_followup/account_followup.py:314
#, python-format
msgid "Printed overdue payments report"
msgstr "Impressió del informe de pagaments vençuts"
#. module: account_followup
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account_followup.menu_manual_reconcile_followup
msgid "Reconcile Invoices & Payments"
msgstr "Reconciliar factures i pagaments"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:website:account_followup.report_followup
msgid "Ref"
msgstr "Ref."
#. module: account_followup
#: code:addons/account_followup/account_followup.py:258
#, python-format
msgid "Reference"
msgstr "Referència"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:res.partner:account_followup.view_partner_inherit_followup_form
msgid "Responsible of credit collection"
msgstr "Responsable de la gestió del cobrament"
#. module: account_followup
#: model:ir.model,name:account_followup.model_account_followup_sending_results
msgid "Results from the sending of the different letters and emails"
msgstr "Resultats d'enviar diferents cartes i correus"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:account_followup.followup:account_followup.view_account_followup_filter
msgid "Search Follow-up"
msgstr "Buscar seguiment"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:res.partner:account_followup.customer_followup_search_view
msgid "Search Partner"
msgstr "Busca empresa"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:account_followup.print,email_conf:0
msgid "Send Email Confirmation"
msgstr "Enviar confirmació de correu electrònic"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:account_followup.print,partner_lang:0
msgid "Send Email in Partner Language"
msgstr "Envia correu en l'idioma de l'empresa"
#. module: account_followup
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account_followup.action_account_followup_print
msgid "Send Follow-Ups"
msgstr "Enviar seguiments"
#. module: account_followup
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account_followup.account_followup_print_menu
msgid "Send Letters and Emails"
msgstr "Enviar cartes i correus"
#. module: account_followup
#: code:addons/account_followup/wizard/account_followup_print.py:241
#, python-format
msgid "Send Letters and Emails: Actions Summary"
msgstr "Enviar correus i e-mails: Resum d'accions"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:res.partner:account_followup.view_partner_inherit_followup_form
msgid "Send Overdue Email"
msgstr "Enviar correu de venciment"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:account_followup.followup.line:account_followup.view_account_followup_followup_line_form
#: field:account_followup.followup.line,send_letter:0
msgid "Send a Letter"
msgstr "Enviar una carta"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:account_followup.followup.line:account_followup.view_account_followup_followup_line_form
#: field:account_followup.followup.line,send_email:0
msgid "Send an Email"
msgstr "Enviar un correu"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:account_followup.print:account_followup.view_account_followup_print
msgid "Send emails and generate letters"
msgstr "Enviar correus electrònics i generar cartes"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:account_followup.print:account_followup.view_account_followup_print
msgid "Send follow-ups"
msgstr "Enviar seguiments"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:account_followup.followup.line,sequence:0
msgid "Sequence"
msgstr "Seqüència"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:account_followup.print,summary:0
msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Resum"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:account_followup.sending.results:account_followup.view_account_followup_sending_results
msgid "Summary of actions"
msgstr "Resum d'accions"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:account_followup.print,test_print:0
msgid "Test Print"
msgstr "Imprimir prova"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:res.partner:account_followup.view_partner_inherit_followup_form
msgid "The"
msgstr "El/La"
#. module: account_followup
#: code:addons/account_followup/report/account_followup_print.py:82
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The followup plan defined for the current company does not have any followup"
" action."
msgstr "El pla de seguiment definit per la companyia actual no té cap acció de seguiment."
#. module: account_followup
#: help:res.partner,latest_followup_level_id:0
msgid "The maximum follow-up level"
msgstr "Nivell màxim de seguiment"
#. module: account_followup
#: help:res.partner,latest_followup_level_id_without_lit:0
msgid ""
"The maximum follow-up level without taking into account the account move "
"lines with litigation"
msgstr "El màxim nivell de seguiment sense tenir en compte els apunts comptables amb litigi"
#. module: account_followup
#: help:account_followup.followup.line,delay:0
msgid ""
"The number of days after the due date of the invoice to wait before sending "
"the reminder. Could be negative if you want to send a polite alert "
msgstr "El nombre de dies després de la data de venciment a esperar abans d'enviar el recordatori. Pot ser negatiu si desitja enviar una alerta educada prèviament."
#. module: account_followup
#: code:addons/account_followup/account_followup.py:313
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The partner does not have any accounting entries to print in the overdue "
"report for the current company."
msgstr "L'empresa no té assentaments comptables a imprimir en l'informe de pagaments vençuts per la companyia actual."
#. module: account_followup
#: code:addons/account_followup/account_followup.py:319
#, python-format
msgid "There is no followup plan defined for the current company."
msgstr "No hi ha pla de seguiment definit per la companyia actual."
#. module: account_followup
#: view:account_followup.stat:account_followup.view_account_followup_stat_search
msgid "This Fiscal year"
msgstr "Aquest exercici fiscal"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:account_followup.print:account_followup.view_account_followup_print
msgid ""
"This action will send follow-up emails, print the letters and\n"
" set the manual actions per customer, according to the follow-up levels defined."
msgstr "Aquesta acció enviarà correus electrònics de seguiment, imprimirà les cartes i establirà les accions manuals per client, d'acord amb els nivells de seguiment definits."
#. module: account_followup
#: help:account_followup.print,date:0
msgid "This field allow you to select a forecast date to plan your follow-ups"
msgstr "Aquest camp permet seleccionar una data de previsió per a planificar les seves seguiments"
#. module: account_followup
#: help:res.partner,payment_next_action:0
msgid ""
"This is the next action to be taken. It will automatically be set when the "
"partner gets a follow-up level that requires a manual action. "
msgstr "Aquesta és la pròxima acció a realitzar. S'establirà automàticament quan l'empresa arribi a un nivell de seguiment que requereixi una acció manual."
#. module: account_followup
#: help:res.partner,payment_next_action_date:0
msgid ""
"This is when the manual follow-up is needed. The date will be set to the "
"current date when the partner gets a follow-up level that requires a manual "
"action. Can be practical to set manually e.g. to see if he keeps his "
msgstr "Aquesta és la data en la qual es necessita un seguiment manual. La data es restablirà a l'actual quan l'empresa arribi a un nivell que requereixi una acció manual. Pot ser pràctic establir-la manualment, per exemple, per veure si es compleix el promès."
#. module: account_followup
#: view:account_followup.followup:account_followup.view_account_followup_followup_form
msgid ""
"To remind customers of paying their invoices, you can\n"
" define different actions depending on how severely\n"
" overdue the customer is. These actions are bundled\n"
" into follow-up levels that are triggered when the due\n"
" date of an invoice has passed a certain\n"
" number of days. If there are other overdue invoices for the \n"
" same customer, the actions of the most \n"
" overdue invoice will be executed."
msgstr "Per recordar als clients el pagament de les seves factures, pot definir diverses accions depenent de l'endarrerit que sigui el deute. Aquestes accions s'empaqueten en nivells de seguiment que són llençades quan la data de venciment d'una factura sobrepassa cert nombre de dies. Si hi ha altres factures vençudes pel mateix client, s'executaran les accions per la factura més endarrerida."
#. module: account_followup
#: view:account.move.line:account_followup.account_move_line_partner_tree
msgid "Total credit"
msgstr "Total haver"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:account.move.line:account_followup.account_move_line_partner_tree
msgid "Total debit"
msgstr "Total deure"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:website:account_followup.report_followup
msgid "Total:"
msgstr "Total:"
#. module: account_followup
#: help:account_followup.followup.line,send_letter:0
msgid "When processing, it will print a letter"
msgstr "Al ser processat, imprimirà una carta"
#. module: account_followup
#: help:account_followup.followup.line,send_email:0
msgid "When processing, it will send an email"
msgstr "Al processar, s'enviarà un correu"
#. module: account_followup
#: help:account_followup.followup.line,manual_action:0
msgid ""
"When processing, it will set the manual action to be taken for that "
"customer. "
msgstr "En processar, s'establirà l'acció manual que haurà de fer-se per aquest client."
#. module: account_followup
#: field:res.partner,payment_earliest_due_date:0
msgid "Worst Due Date"
msgstr "Pitjor data de venciment"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:account_followup.followup.line:account_followup.view_account_followup_followup_line_form
msgid ""
"Write here the introduction in the letter,\n"
" according to the level of the follow-up. You can\n"
" use the following keywords in the text. Don't\n"
" forget to translate in all languages you installed\n"
" using to top right icon."
msgstr "Escrigui aquí la introducció de la carta, d'acord amb el nivell de seguiment. Pot utilitzar paraules clau al text. No s'oblidi de traduir-la en tots els idiomes que té instal·lat utilitzant la icona de la part superior dreta."
#. module: account_followup
#: code:addons/account_followup/account_followup.py:291
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You became responsible to do the next action for the payment follow-up of"
msgstr "Vostè és el responsable de realitzar la pròxima acció al seguiment del pagament de"
#. module: account_followup
#: constraint:account_followup.followup.line:0
msgid ""
"Your description is invalid, use the right legend or %% if you want to use "
"the percent character."
msgstr "La seva descripció no és vàlida, utilitzi la llegenda apropiada o %% si desitja utilitzar el caràcter percentatge."
#. module: account_followup
#: view:account_followup.followup.line:account_followup.view_account_followup_followup_line_form
msgid "days overdue, do the following actions:"
msgstr "dies des de venciment, executi les accions següents:"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:account_followup.followup.line:account_followup.view_account_followup_followup_line_form
msgid "e.g. Call the customer, check if it's paid, ..."
msgstr "p. ex. Trucar al client, comprovar si està pagat, ..."
#. module: account_followup
#: view:account_followup.print:account_followup.view_account_followup_print
msgid "or"
msgstr "o"
#. module: account_followup
#: field:account_followup.print,company_id:0
#: field:res.partner,unreconciled_aml_ids:0
msgid "unknown"
msgstr "desconegut"
#. module: account_followup
#: view:res.partner:account_followup.view_partner_inherit_followup_form
msgid "⇾ Mark as Done"
msgstr "⇾ Marcat com acabat"