
1138 lines
35 KiB

@preserve CLEditor WYSIWYG HTML Editor v1.3.0
requires jQuery v1.4.2 or later
Copyright 2010, Chris Landowski, Premium Software, LLC
Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
// ==ClosureCompiler==
// @compilation_level SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS
// @output_file_name jquery.cleditor.min.js
// ==/ClosureCompiler==
(function($) {
// jQuery Plugin
$.cleditor = {
// Define the defaults used for all new cleditor instances
defaultOptions: {
width: 500, // width not including margins, borders or padding
height: 250, // height not including margins, borders or padding
controls: // controls to add to the toolbar
"bold italic underline strikethrough subscript superscript | font size " +
"style | color highlight removeformat | bullets numbering | outdent " +
"indent | alignleft center alignright justify | undo redo | " +
"rule image link unlink | cut copy paste pastetext | print source",
colors: // colors in the color popup
"CCC F66 F96 FF6 FF3 6F9 3FF 6FF 99F F9F " +
"BBB F00 F90 FC6 FF0 3F3 6CC 3CF 66C C6C " +
"999 C00 F60 FC3 FC0 3C0 0CC 36F 63F C3C " +
"666 900 C60 C93 990 090 399 33F 60C 939 " +
"333 600 930 963 660 060 366 009 339 636 " +
"000 300 630 633 330 030 033 006 309 303",
fonts: // font names in the font popup
"Arial,Arial Black,Comic Sans MS,Courier New,Narrow,Garamond," +
"Georgia,Impact,Sans Serif,Serif,Tahoma,Trebuchet MS,Verdana",
sizes: // sizes in the font size popup
styles: // styles in the style popup
[["Paragraph", "<p>"], ["Header 1", "<h1>"], ["Header 2", "<h2>"],
["Header 3", "<h3>"], ["Header 4","<h4>"], ["Header 5","<h5>"],
["Header 6","<h6>"]],
useCSS: false, // use CSS to style HTML when possible (not supported in ie)
docType: // Document type contained within the editor
'<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">',
docCSSFile: // CSS file used to style the document contained within the editor
bodyStyle: // style to assign to document body contained within the editor
"margin:4px; color:#4c4c4c; font-size:13px; font-family:\"Lucida Grande\",Helvetica,Verdana,Arial,sans-serif; cursor:text"
// Define all usable toolbar buttons - the init string property is
// expanded during initialization back into the buttons object and
// seperate object properties are created for each button.
// e.g. buttons.size.title = "Font Size"
buttons: {
// name,title,command,popupName (""=use name)
"bold,,|" +
"italic,,|" +
"underline,,|" +
"strikethrough,,|" +
"subscript,,|" +
"superscript,,|" +
"font,,fontname,|" +
"size,Font Size,fontsize,|" +
"style,,formatblock,|" +
"color,Font Color,forecolor,|" +
"highlight,Text Highlight Color,hilitecolor,color|" +
"removeformat,Remove Formatting,|" +
"bullets,,insertunorderedlist|" +
"numbering,,insertorderedlist|" +
"outdent,,|" +
"indent,,|" +
"alignleft,Align Text Left,justifyleft|" +
"center,,justifycenter|" +
"alignright,Align Text Right,justifyright|" +
"justify,,justifyfull|" +
"undo,,|" +
"redo,,|" +
"rule,Insert Horizontal Rule,inserthorizontalrule|" +
"image,Insert Image,insertimage,url|" +
"link,Insert Hyperlink,createlink,url|" +
"unlink,Remove Hyperlink,|" +
"cut,,|" +
"copy,,|" +
"paste,,|" +
"pastetext,Paste as Text,inserthtml,|" +
"print,,|" +
"source,Show Source"
// imagesPath - returns the path to the images folder
imagesPath: function() { return imagesPath(); }
// cleditor - creates a new editor for each of the matched textareas
$.fn.cleditor = function(options) {
// Create a new jQuery object to hold the results
var $result = $([]);
// Loop through all matching textareas and create the editors
this.each(function(idx, elem) {
if (elem.tagName == "TEXTAREA") {
var data = $.data(elem, CLEDITOR);
if (!data) data = new cleditor(elem, options);
$result = $result.add(data);
// return the new jQuery object
return $result;
// Private Variables
// Misc constants
BACKGROUND_COLOR = "backgroundColor",
BUTTON = "button",
BUTTON_NAME = "buttonName",
CHANGE = "change",
CLEDITOR = "cleditor",
CLICK = "click",
DISABLED = "disabled",
DIV_TAG = "<div>",
TRANSPARENT = "transparent",
UNSELECTABLE = "unselectable",
// Class name constants
MAIN_CLASS = "cleditorMain", // main containing div
TOOLBAR_CLASS = "cleditorToolbar", // toolbar div inside main div
GROUP_CLASS = "cleditorGroup", // group divs inside the toolbar div
BUTTON_CLASS = "cleditorButton", // button divs inside group div
DISABLED_CLASS = "cleditorDisabled",// disabled button divs
DIVIDER_CLASS = "cleditorDivider", // divider divs inside group div
POPUP_CLASS = "cleditorPopup", // popup divs inside body
LIST_CLASS = "cleditorList", // list popup divs inside body
COLOR_CLASS = "cleditorColor", // color popup div inside body
PROMPT_CLASS = "cleditorPrompt", // prompt popup divs inside body
MSG_CLASS = "cleditorMsg", // message popup div inside body
// Test for ie
ie = $.browser.msie,
ie6 = /msie\s6/i.test(navigator.userAgent),
// Test for iPhone/iTouch/iPad
iOS = /iphone|ipad|ipod/i.test(navigator.userAgent),
// Popups are created once as needed and shared by all editor instances
popups = {},
// Used to prevent the document click event from being bound more than once
// Local copy of the buttons object
buttons = $.cleditor.buttons;
// Initialization
// Expand the buttons.init string back into the buttons object
// and create seperate object properties for each button.
// e.g. buttons.size.title = "Font Size"
$.each(buttons.init.split("|"), function(idx, button) {
var items = button.split(","), name = items[0];
buttons[name] = {
stripIndex: idx,
name: name,
title: items[1] === "" ? name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.substr(1) : items[1],
command: items[2] === "" ? name : items[2],
popupName: items[3] === "" ? name : items[3]
delete buttons.init;
// Constructor
// cleditor - creates a new editor for the passed in textarea element
cleditor = function(area, options) {
var editor = this;
// Get the defaults and override with options
editor.options = options = $.extend({}, $.cleditor.defaultOptions, options);
// Hide the textarea and associate it with this editor
var $area = editor.$area = $(area)
.data(CLEDITOR, editor)
.blur(function() {
// Update the iframe when the textarea loses focus
updateFrame(editor, true);
// Create the main container and append the textarea
var $main = editor.$main = $(DIV_TAG)
// Create the toolbar
var $toolbar = editor.$toolbar = $(DIV_TAG)
// Add the first group to the toolbar
var $group = $(DIV_TAG)
// Add the buttons to the toolbar
$.each(options.controls.split(" "), function(idx, buttonName) {
if (buttonName === "") return true;
// Divider
if (buttonName == "|") {
// Add a new divider to the group
var $div = $(DIV_TAG)
// Create a new group
$group = $(DIV_TAG)
// Button
else {
// Get the button definition
var button = buttons[buttonName];
// Add a new button to the group
var $buttonDiv = $(DIV_TAG)
.data(BUTTON_NAME, button.name)
.attr("title", button.title)
.bind(CLICK, $.proxy(buttonClick, editor))
.hover(hoverEnter, hoverLeave);
// Prepare the button image
var map = {};
if (button.css) map = button.css;
else if (button.image) map.backgroundImage = imageUrl(button.image);
if (button.stripIndex) map.backgroundPosition = button.stripIndex * -24;
// Add the unselectable attribute for ie
if (ie)
$buttonDiv.attr(UNSELECTABLE, "on");
// Create the popup
if (button.popupName)
createPopup(button.popupName, options, button.popupClass,
button.popupContent, button.popupHover);
// Add the main div to the DOM and append the textarea
// Bind the document click event handler
if (!documentClickAssigned) {
$(document).click(function(e) {
// Dismiss all non-prompt popups
var $target = $(e.target);
if (!$target.add($target.parents()).is("." + PROMPT_CLASS))
documentClickAssigned = true;
// Bind the window resize event when the width or height is auto or %
if (/auto|%/.test("" + options.width + options.height))
$(window).resize(function() {
// CHM Note MonkeyPatch: if the DOM is not remove, refresh the cleditor
if(editor.$main.parent().parent().size()) {
// Create the iframe and resize the controls
// Public Methods
var fn = cleditor.prototype,
// Expose the following private functions as methods on the cleditor object.
// The closure compiler will rename the private functions. However, the
// exposed method names on the cleditor object will remain fixed.
methods = [
["clear", clear],
["disable", disable],
["execCommand", execCommand],
["focus", focus],
["hidePopups", hidePopups],
["sourceMode", sourceMode, true],
["refresh", refresh],
["select", select],
["selectedHTML", selectedHTML, true],
["selectedText", selectedText, true],
["showMessage", showMessage],
["updateFrame", updateFrame],
["updateTextArea", updateTextArea]
$.each(methods, function(idx, method) {
fn[method[0]] = function() {
var editor = this, args = [editor];
// using each here would cast booleans into objects!
for(var x = 0; x < arguments.length; x++) {args.push(arguments[x]);}
var result = method[1].apply(editor, args);
if (method[2]) return result;
return editor;
// change - shortcut for .bind("change", handler) or .trigger("change")
fn.change = function(handler) {
var $this = $(this);
return handler ? $this.bind(CHANGE, handler) : $this.trigger(CHANGE);
// Event Handlers
// buttonClick - click event handler for toolbar buttons
function buttonClick(e) {
var editor = this,
buttonDiv = e.target,
buttonName = $.data(buttonDiv, BUTTON_NAME),
button = buttons[buttonName],
popupName = button.popupName,
popup = popups[popupName];
// Check if disabled
if (editor.disabled || $(buttonDiv).attr(DISABLED) == DISABLED)
// Fire the buttonClick event
var data = {
editor: editor,
button: buttonDiv,
buttonName: buttonName,
popup: popup,
popupName: popupName,
command: button.command,
useCSS: editor.options.useCSS
if (button.buttonClick && button.buttonClick(e, data) === false)
return false;
// Toggle source
if (buttonName == "source") {
// Show the iframe
if (sourceMode(editor)) {
delete editor.range;
buttonDiv.title = button.title;
// Show the textarea
else {
buttonDiv.title = "Show Rich Text";
// Enable or disable the toolbar buttons
// IE requires the timeout
setTimeout(function() {refreshButtons(editor);}, 100);
// Check for rich text mode
else if (!sourceMode(editor)) {
// Handle popups
if (popupName) {
var $popup = $(popup);
// URL
if (popupName == "url") {
// Check for selection before showing the link url popup
if (buttonName == "link" && selectedText(editor) === "") {
showMessage(editor, "A selection is required when inserting a link.", buttonDiv);
return false;
// Wire up the submit button click event handler
.bind(CLICK, function() {
// Insert the image or link if a url was entered
var $text = $popup.find(":text"),
url = $.trim($text.val());
if (url !== "")
execCommand(editor, data.command, url, null, data.button);
// Reset the text, hide the popup and set focus
// Paste as Text
else if (popupName == "pastetext") {
// Wire up the submit button click event handler
.bind(CLICK, function() {
// Insert the unformatted text replacing new lines with break tags
var $textarea = $popup.find("textarea"),
text = $textarea.val().replace(/\n/g, "<br />");
if (text !== "")
execCommand(editor, data.command, text, null, data.button);
// Reset the text, hide the popup and set focus
// Show the popup if not already showing for this button
if (buttonDiv !== $.data(popup, BUTTON)) {
showPopup(editor, popup, buttonDiv);
return false; // stop propagination to document click
// propaginate to documnt click
// Print
else if (buttonName == "print")
// All other buttons
else if (!execCommand(editor, data.command, data.value, data.useCSS, buttonDiv))
return false;
// Focus the editor
// hoverEnter - mouseenter event handler for buttons and popup items
function hoverEnter(e) {
var $div = $(e.target).closest("div");
$div.css(BACKGROUND_COLOR, $div.data(BUTTON_NAME) ? "#FFF" : "#FFC");
// hoverLeave - mouseleave event handler for buttons and popup items
function hoverLeave(e) {
$(e.target).closest("div").css(BACKGROUND_COLOR, "transparent");
// popupClick - click event handler for popup items
function popupClick(e) {
var editor = this,
popup = e.data.popup,
target = e.target;
// Check for message and prompt popups
if (popup === popups.msg || $(popup).hasClass(PROMPT_CLASS))
// Get the button info
var buttonDiv = $.data(popup, BUTTON),
buttonName = $.data(buttonDiv, BUTTON_NAME),
button = buttons[buttonName],
command = button.command,
useCSS = editor.options.useCSS;
// Get the command value
if (buttonName == "font")
// Opera returns the fontfamily wrapped in quotes
value = target.style.fontFamily.replace(/"/g, "");
else if (buttonName == "size") {
if (target.tagName == "DIV")
target = target.children[0];
value = target.innerHTML;
else if (buttonName == "style")
value = "<" + target.tagName + ">";
else if (buttonName == "color")
value = hex(target.style.backgroundColor);
else if (buttonName == "highlight") {
value = hex(target.style.backgroundColor);
if (ie) command = 'backcolor';
else useCSS = true;
// Fire the popupClick event
var data = {
editor: editor,
button: buttonDiv,
buttonName: buttonName,
popup: popup,
popupName: button.popupName,
command: command,
value: value,
useCSS: useCSS
if (button.popupClick && button.popupClick(e, data) === false)
// Execute the command
if (data.command && !execCommand(editor, data.command, data.value, data.useCSS, buttonDiv))
return false;
// Hide the popup and focus the editor
// Private Functions
// checksum - returns a checksum using the Adler-32 method
function checksum(text)
var a = 1, b = 0;
for (var index = 0; index < text.length; ++index) {
a = (a + text.charCodeAt(index)) % 65521;
b = (b + a) % 65521;
return (b << 16) | a;
// clear - clears the contents of the editor
function clear(editor) {
// createPopup - creates a popup and adds it to the body
function createPopup(popupName, options, popupTypeClass, popupContent, popupHover) {
// Check if popup already exists
if (popups[popupName])
return popups[popupName];
// Create the popup
var $popup = $(DIV_TAG)
// Add the content
// Custom popup
if (popupContent)
// Color
else if (popupName == "color") {
var colors = options.colors.split(" ");
if (colors.length < 10)
$.each(colors, function(idx, color) {
.css(BACKGROUND_COLOR, "#" + color);
popupTypeClass = COLOR_CLASS;
// Font
else if (popupName == "font")
$.each(options.fonts.split(","), function(idx, font) {
.css("fontFamily", font)
// Size
else if (popupName == "size")
$.each(options.sizes.split(","), function(idx, size) {
.html("<font size=" + size + ">" + size + "</font>");
// Style
else if (popupName == "style")
$.each(options.styles, function(idx, style) {
.html(style[1] + style[0] + style[1].replace("<", "</"));
// URL
else if (popupName == "url") {
$popup.html('Enter URL:<br><input type=text value="http://" size=35><br><input type=button value="Submit">');
popupTypeClass = PROMPT_CLASS;
// Paste as Text
else if (popupName == "pastetext") {
$popup.html('Paste your content here and click submit.<br /><textarea cols=40 rows=3></textarea><br /><input type=button value=Submit>');
popupTypeClass = PROMPT_CLASS;
// Add the popup type class name
if (!popupTypeClass && !popupContent)
popupTypeClass = LIST_CLASS;
// Add the unselectable attribute to all items
if (ie) {
$popup.attr(UNSELECTABLE, "on")
.attr(UNSELECTABLE, "on");
// Add the hover effect to all items
if ($popup.hasClass(LIST_CLASS) || popupHover === true)
$popup.children().hover(hoverEnter, hoverLeave);
// Add the popup to the array and return it
popups[popupName] = $popup[0];
return $popup[0];
// disable - enables or disables the editor
function disable(editor, disabled) {
// Update the textarea and save the state
if (disabled) {
editor.$area.attr(DISABLED, DISABLED);
editor.disabled = true;
else {
delete editor.disabled;
// Switch the iframe into design mode.
// ie6 does not support designMode.
// ie7 & ie8 do not properly support designMode="off".
try {
if (ie) editor.doc.body.contentEditable = !disabled;
else editor.doc.designMode = !disabled ? "on" : "off";
// Firefox 1.5 throws an exception that can be ignored
// when toggling designMode from off to on.
catch (err) {}
// Enable or disable the toolbar buttons
// execCommand - executes a designMode command
function execCommand(editor, command, value, useCSS, button) {
// Restore the current ie selection
// Set the styling method
if (!ie) {
if (useCSS === undefined || useCSS === null)
useCSS = editor.options.useCSS;
editor.doc.execCommand("styleWithCSS", 0, useCSS.toString());
// Execute the command and check for error
var success = true, description;
if (ie && command.toLowerCase() == "inserthtml")
else {
try { success = editor.doc.execCommand(command, 0, value || null); }
catch (err) { description = err.description; success = false; }
if (!success) {
if ("cutcopypaste".indexOf(command) > -1)
showMessage(editor, "For security reasons, your browser does not support the " +
command + " command. Try using the keyboard shortcut or context menu instead.",
(description ? description : "Error executing the " + command + " command."),
// Enable the buttons
return success;
// focus - sets focus to either the textarea or iframe
function focus(editor) {
setTimeout(function() {
if (sourceMode(editor)) editor.$area.focus();
else editor.$frame[0].contentWindow.focus();
}, 0);
// getRange - gets the current text range object
function getRange(editor) {
if (ie) return getSelection(editor).createRange();
return getSelection(editor).getRangeAt(0);
// getSelection - gets the current text range object
function getSelection(editor) {
if (ie) return editor.doc.selection;
return editor.$frame[0].contentWindow.getSelection();
// Returns the hex value for the passed in string.
// hex("rgb(255, 0, 0)"); // #FF0000
// hex("#FF0000"); // #FF0000
// hex("#F00"); // #FF0000
function hex(s) {
var m = /rgba?\((\d+), (\d+), (\d+)/.exec(s),
c = s.split("");
if (m) {
s = ( m[1] << 16 | m[2] << 8 | m[3] ).toString(16);
while (s.length < 6)
s = "0" + s;
return "#" + (s.length == 6 ? s : c[1] + c[1] + c[2] + c[2] + c[3] + c[3]);
// hidePopups - hides all popups
function hidePopups() {
$.each(popups, function(idx, popup) {
// imagesPath - returns the path to the images folder
function imagesPath() {
var cssFile = "jquery.cleditor.css",
href = $("link[href$='" + cssFile +"']").attr("href");
return href.substr(0, href.length - cssFile.length) + "images/";
// imageUrl - Returns the css url string for a filemane
function imageUrl(filename) {
return "url(" + imagesPath() + filename + ")";
// refresh - creates the iframe and resizes the controls
function refresh(editor) {
var $main = editor.$main,
options = editor.options;
// Remove the old iframe
if (editor.$frame)
// Create a new iframe
var $frame = editor.$frame = $('<iframe frameborder="0" src="javascript:true;">')
// Load the iframe document content
var contentWindow = $frame[0].contentWindow,
doc = editor.doc = contentWindow.document,
$doc = $(doc);
options.docType +
'<html>' +
((options.docCSSFile === '') ? '' : '<head><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' + options.docCSSFile + '" /></head>') +
'<body style="' + options.bodyStyle + '"></body></html>'
// Work around for bug in IE which causes the editor to lose
// focus when clicking below the end of the document.
if (ie)
$doc.click(function() {focus(editor);});
// Load the content
// Bind the ie specific iframe event handlers
if (ie) {
// Save the current user selection. This code is needed since IE will
// reset the selection just after the beforedeactivate event and just
// before the beforeactivate event.
$doc.bind("beforedeactivate beforeactivate selectionchange keypress", function(e) {
// Flag the editor as inactive
if (e.type == "beforedeactivate")
editor.inactive = true;
// Get rid of the bogus selection and flag the editor as active
else if (e.type == "beforeactivate") {
if (!editor.inactive && editor.range && editor.range.length > 1)
delete editor.inactive;
// Save the selection when the editor is active
else if (!editor.inactive) {
if (!editor.range)
editor.range = [];
// We only need the last 2 selections
while (editor.range.length > 2)
// Restore the text range when the iframe gains focus
$frame.focus(function() {
// Update the textarea when the iframe loses focus
($.browser.mozilla ? $doc : $(contentWindow)).blur(function() {
updateTextArea(editor, true);
// Enable the toolbar buttons as the user types or clicks
.bind("keyup mouseup", function() {
// Show the textarea for iPhone/iTouch/iPad or
// the iframe when design mode is supported.
if (iOS) editor.$area.show();
else $frame.show();
// Wait for the layout to finish - shortcut for $(document).ready()
$(function() {
var $toolbar = editor.$toolbar,
$group = $toolbar.children("div:last"),
wid = /%/.test("" + options.width) ? options.width : $main.width();
// Resize the toolbar
var hgt = $group.offset().top + $group.outerHeight() - $toolbar.offset().top + 1;
// Resize the iframe
hgt = (/%/.test("" + options.height) ? $main.height() : parseInt(options.height)) - hgt;
// Resize the textarea. IE6 textareas have a 1px top
// & bottom margin that cannot be removed using css.
editor.$area.width(wid).height(ie6 ? hgt - 2 : hgt);
// Switch the iframe into design mode if enabled
disable(editor, editor.disabled);
// Enable or disable the toolbar buttons
// refreshButtons - enables or disables buttons based on availability
function refreshButtons(editor) {
// Webkit requires focus before queryCommandEnabled will return anything but false
if (!iOS && $.browser.webkit && !editor.focused) {
editor.focused = true;
// Get the object used for checking queryCommandEnabled
var queryObj = editor.doc;
if (ie) queryObj = getRange(editor);
// Loop through each button
var inSourceMode = sourceMode(editor);
$.each(editor.$toolbar.find("." + BUTTON_CLASS), function(idx, elem) {
var $elem = $(elem),
button = $.cleditor.buttons[$.data(elem, BUTTON_NAME)],
command = button.command,
enabled = true;
// Determine the state
if (editor.disabled)
enabled = false;
else if (button.getEnabled) {
var data = {
editor: editor,
button: elem,
buttonName: button.name,
popup: popups[button.popupName],
popupName: button.popupName,
command: button.command,
useCSS: editor.options.useCSS
enabled = button.getEnabled(data);
if (enabled === undefined)
enabled = true;
else if (((inSourceMode || iOS) && button.name != "source") ||
(ie && (command == "undo" || command == "redo")))
enabled = false;
else if (command && command != "print") {
if (ie && command == "hilitecolor")
command = "backcolor";
// IE does not support inserthtml, so it's always enabled
if (!ie || command != "inserthtml") {
try {enabled = queryObj.queryCommandEnabled(command);}
catch (err) {enabled = false;}
// Enable or disable the button
if (enabled) {
else {
// restoreRange - restores the current ie selection
function restoreRange(editor) {
if (ie && editor.range)
// select - selects all the text in either the textarea or iframe
function select(editor) {
setTimeout(function() {
if (sourceMode(editor)) editor.$area.select();
else execCommand(editor, "selectall");
}, 0);
// selectedHTML - returns the current HTML selection or and empty string
function selectedHTML(editor) {
var range = getRange(editor);
if (ie)
return range.htmlText;
var layer = $("<layer>")[0];
var html = layer.innerHTML;
layer = null;
return html;
// selectedText - returns the current text selection or and empty string
function selectedText(editor) {
if (ie) return getRange(editor).text;
return getSelection(editor).toString();
// showMessage - alert replacement
function showMessage(editor, message, button) {
var popup = createPopup("msg", editor.options, MSG_CLASS);
popup.innerHTML = message;
showPopup(editor, popup, button);
// showPopup - shows a popup
function showPopup(editor, popup, button) {
var offset, left, top, $popup = $(popup);
// Determine the popup location
if (button) {
var $button = $(button);
offset = $button.offset();
left = --offset.left;
top = offset.top + $button.height();
else {
var $toolbar = editor.$toolbar;
offset = $toolbar.offset();
left = Math.floor(($toolbar.width() - $popup.width()) / 2) + offset.left;
top = offset.top + $toolbar.height() - 2;
// Position and show the popup
$popup.css({left: left, top: top})
// Assign the popup button and click event handler
if (button) {
$.data(popup, BUTTON, button);
$popup.bind(CLICK, {popup: popup}, $.proxy(popupClick, editor));
// Focus the first input element if any
setTimeout(function() {
}, 100);
// sourceMode - returns true if the textarea is showing
function sourceMode(editor) {
return editor.$area.is(":visible");
// updateFrame - updates the iframe with the textarea contents
function updateFrame(editor, checkForChange) {
var code = editor.$area.val(),
options = editor.options,
updateFrameCallback = options.updateFrame,
$body = $(editor.doc.body);
// Check for textarea change to avoid unnecessary firing
// of potentially heavy updateFrame callbacks.
if (updateFrameCallback) {
var sum = checksum(code);
if (checkForChange && editor.areaChecksum == sum)
editor.areaChecksum = sum;
// Convert the textarea source code into iframe html
var html = updateFrameCallback ? updateFrameCallback(code) : code;
// Prevent script injection attacks by html encoding script tags
html = html.replace(/<(?=\/?script)/ig, "&lt;");
// Update the iframe checksum
if (options.updateTextArea)
editor.frameChecksum = checksum(html);
// Update the iframe and trigger the change event
if (html != $body.html()) {
// updateTextArea - updates the textarea with the iframe contents
function updateTextArea(editor, checkForChange) {
var html = $(editor.doc.body).html(),
options = editor.options,
updateTextAreaCallback = options.updateTextArea,
$area = editor.$area;
// Check for iframe change to avoid unnecessary firing
// of potentially heavy updateTextArea callbacks.
if (updateTextAreaCallback) {
var sum = checksum(html);
if (checkForChange && editor.frameChecksum == sum)
editor.frameChecksum = sum;
// Convert the iframe html into textarea source code
var code = updateTextAreaCallback ? updateTextAreaCallback(html) : html;
// Update the textarea checksum
if (options.updateFrame)
editor.areaChecksum = checksum(code);
// Update the textarea and trigger the change event
if (code != $area.val()) {