
679 lines
24 KiB

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import time
from tarfile import filemode
import StringIO
import base64
import logging
import errno
import glob
import fnmatch
import pooler
import netsvc
import os
from service import security
from osv import osv
#from document.nodes import node_res_dir, node_res_obj
from document.nodes import get_node_context
import stat
def _get_month_name(month):
if month==1:return 'Jan'
elif month==2:return 'Feb'
elif month==3:return 'Mar'
elif month==4:return 'Apr'
elif month==5:return 'May'
elif month==6:return 'Jun'
elif month==7:return 'Jul'
elif month==8:return 'Aug'
elif month==9:return 'Sep'
elif month==10:return 'Oct'
elif month==11:return 'Nov'
elif month==12:return 'Dec'
def _to_unicode(s):
return s.decode('utf-8')
except UnicodeError:
return s.decode('latin')
except UnicodeError:
return s.encode('ascii')
except UnicodeError:
return s
def _to_decode(s):
return s.encode('utf-8')
except UnicodeError:
return s.encode('latin')
except UnicodeError:
return s.decode('ascii')
except UnicodeError:
return s
class abstracted_fs(object):
"""A class used to interact with the file system, providing a high
level, cross-platform interface compatible with both Windows and
UNIX style filesystems.
It provides some utility methods and some wraps around operations
involved in file creation and file system operations like moving
files or removing directories.
Instance attributes:
- (str) root: the user home directory.
- (str) cwd: the current working directory.
- (str) rnfr: source file to be renamed.
def __init__(self):
self.root = None
self.cwd = '/'
self.cwd_node = None
self.rnfr = None
self._log = logging.getLogger('FTP.fs')
# Ok
def db_list(self):
"""Get the list of available databases, with FTPd support
s = netsvc.ExportService.getService('db')
result = s.exp_list(document=True)
self.db_name_list = []
for db_name in result:
db, cr = None, None
db = pooler.get_db_only(db_name)
cr = db.cursor()
cr.execute("SELECT 1 FROM pg_class WHERE relkind = 'r' AND relname = 'ir_module_module'")
if not cr.fetchone():
cr.execute("SELECT id FROM ir_module_module WHERE name = 'document_ftp' AND state='installed' ")
res = cr.fetchone()
if res and len(res):
except Exception:
self._log.warning('Cannot use db "%s"', db_name)
if cr is not None:
#if db is not None:
# pooler.close_db(db_name)
return self.db_name_list
def ftpnorm(self, ftppath):
"""Normalize a "virtual" ftp pathname (tipically the raw string
coming from client).
Pathname returned is relative!.
p = os.path.normpath(ftppath)
# normalize string in a standard web-path notation having '/'
# as separator. xrg: is that really in the spec?
p = p.replace("\\", "/")
# os.path.normpath supports UNC paths (e.g. "//a/b/c") but we
# don't need them. In case we get an UNC path we collapse
# redundant separators appearing at the beginning of the string
while p[:2] == '//':
p = p[1:]
if p == '.':
return ''
return p
def get_cwd(self):
""" return the cwd, decoded in utf"""
return _to_decode(self.cwd)
def ftp2fs(self, path_orig, data):
raise DeprecationWarning()
def fs2ftp(self, node):
""" Return the string path of a node, in ftp form
if node:
paths = node.full_path()
res = '/' + node.context.dbname + '/' + \
return res
def validpath(self, path):
"""Check whether the path belongs to user's home directory.
Expected argument is a datacr tuple
# TODO: are we called for "/" ?
return isinstance(path, tuple) and path[1] and True or False
# --- Wrapper methods around open() and tempfile.mkstemp
def create(self, datacr, objname, mode):
""" Create a children file-node under node, open it
@return open node_descriptor of the created node
objname = _to_unicode(objname)
cr , node, rem = datacr
child = node.child(cr, objname)
if child:
if child.type not in ('file','content'):
raise OSError(1, 'Operation not permited.')
ret = child.open_data(cr, mode)
return ret
except EnvironmentError:
except Exception,e:
self._log.exception('Cannot locate item %s at node %s', objname, repr(node))
child = node.create_child(cr, objname, data=None)
return child.open_data(cr, mode)
except Exception,e:
self._log.exception('Cannot create item %s at node %s', objname, repr(node))
raise OSError(1, 'Operation not permited.')
def open(self, datacr, mode):
if not (datacr and datacr[1]):
raise OSError(1, 'Operation not permited.')
# Reading operation
cr, node, rem = datacr
res = node.open_data(cr, mode)
return res
# ok, but need test more
def mkstemp(self, suffix='', prefix='', dir=None, mode='wb'):
"""A wrap around tempfile.mkstemp creating a file with a unique
name. Unlike mkstemp it returns an object with a file-like
raise NotImplementedError
text = not 'b' in mode
# for unique file , maintain version if duplicate file
if dir:
cr = dir.cr
uid = dir.uid
pool = pooler.get_pool(node.context.dbname)
object=dir and dir.object or False
object2=dir and dir.object2 or False
res=pool.get('ir.attachment').search(cr,uid,[('name','like',prefix),('parent_id','=',object and object.type in ('directory','ressource') and object.id or False),('res_id','=',object2 and object2.id or False),('res_model','=',object2 and object2._name or False)])
if len(res):
pre = prefix.split('.')
prefix=pre[0] + '.v'+str(len(res))+'.'+pre[1]
#prefix = prefix + '.'
return self.create(dir,suffix+prefix,text)
# Ok
def chdir(self, datacr):
if (not datacr) or datacr == (None, None, None):
self.cwd = '/'
self.cwd_node = None
return None
if not datacr[1]:
raise OSError(1, 'Operation not permitted')
if datacr[1].type not in ('collection','database'):
raise OSError(2, 'Path is not a directory')
self.cwd = '/'+datacr[1].context.dbname + '/'
self.cwd += '/'.join(datacr[1].full_path())
self.cwd_node = datacr[1]
# Ok
def mkdir(self, datacr, basename):
"""Create the specified directory."""
cr, node, rem = datacr or (None, None, None)
if not node:
raise OSError(1, 'Operation not permited.')
basename =_to_unicode(basename)
cdir = node.create_child_collection(cr, basename)
self._log.debug("Created child dir: %r", cdir)
except Exception,e:
self._log.exception('Cannot create dir "%s" at node %s', basename, repr(node))
raise OSError(1, 'Operation not permited.')
def close_cr(self, data):
if data and data[0]:
return True
def get_cr(self, pathname):
raise DeprecationWarning()
def get_crdata(self, line, mode='file'):
""" Get database cursor, node and remainder data, for commands
This is the helper function that will prepare the arguments for
any of the subsequent commands.
It returns a tuple in the form of:
@code ( cr, node, rem_path=None )
@param line An absolute or relative ftp path, as passed to the cmd.
@param mode A word describing the mode of operation, so that this
function behaves properly in the different commands.
path = self.ftpnorm(line)
if self.cwd_node is None:
if not os.path.isabs(path):
path = os.path.join(self.root, path)
if path == '/' and mode in ('list', 'cwd'):
return (None, None, None )
path = os.path.normpath(path) # again, for '/db/../ss'
if path == '.': path = ''
if os.path.isabs(path) and self.cwd_node is not None \
and path.startswith(self.cwd):
# make relative, so that cwd_node is used again
path = path[len(self.cwd):]
if path.startswith('/'):
path = path[1:]
p_parts = path.split('/') # hard-code the unix sep here, by spec.
assert '..' not in p_parts
rem_path = None
if mode in ('create',):
rem_path = p_parts[-1]
p_parts = p_parts[:-1]
if os.path.isabs(path):
# we have to start from root, again
p_parts = p_parts[1:]
if not p_parts:
raise IOError(errno.EPERM, 'Cannot perform operation at root dir')
dbname = p_parts[0]
if dbname not in self.db_list():
return IOError(errno.ENOENT,'Invalid database path')
db = pooler.get_db(dbname)
except Exception:
raise OSError(1, 'Database cannot be used.')
cr = db.cursor()
uid = security.login(dbname, self.username, self.password)
except Exception:
if not uid:
raise OSError(2, 'Authentification Required.')
n = get_node_context(cr, uid, {})
node = n.get_uri(cr, p_parts[1:])
return (cr, node, rem_path)
# we never reach here if cwd_node is not set
if p_parts and p_parts[-1] == '':
p_parts = p_parts[:-1]
cr, uid = self.get_node_cr_uid(self.cwd_node)
if p_parts:
node = self.cwd_node.get_uri(cr, p_parts)
node = self.cwd_node
if node is False and mode not in ('???'):
raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, 'Path does not exist')
return (cr, node, rem_path)
def get_node_cr_uid(self, node):
""" Get cr, uid, pool from a node
assert node
db = pooler.get_db(node.context.dbname)
return db.cursor(), node.context.uid
def get_node_cr(self, node):
""" Get the cursor for the database of a node
The cursor is the only thing that a node will not store
persistenly, so we have to obtain a new one for each call.
return self.get_node_cr_uid(node)[0]
def listdir(self, datacr):
"""List the content of a directory."""
class false_node(object):
write_date = 0.0
create_date = 0.0
unixperms = 040550
content_length = 0L
uuser = 'root'
ugroup = 'root'
type = 'database'
def __init__(self, db):
self.path = db
if datacr[1] is None:
result = []
for db in self.db_list():
except osv.except_osv:
return result
cr, node, rem = datacr
res = node.children(cr)
return res
def rmdir(self, datacr):
"""Remove the specified directory."""
cr, node, rem = datacr
assert node
cr = self.get_node_cr(node)
def remove(self, datacr):
assert datacr[1]
if datacr[1].type == 'collection':
return self.rmdir(datacr)
elif datacr[1].type == 'file':
return self.rmfile(datacr)
raise OSError(1, 'Operation not permited.')
def rmfile(self, datacr):
"""Remove the specified file."""
assert datacr[1]
cr = datacr[0]
def rename(self, src, datacr):
""" Renaming operation, the effect depends on the src:
* A file: read, create and remove
* A directory: change the parent and reassign childs to ressource
cr = datacr[0]
nname = _to_unicode(datacr[2])
ret = src.move_to(cr, datacr[1], new_name=nname)
# API shouldn't wait for us to write the object
assert (ret is True) or (ret is False)
except Exception,err:
self._log.exception('Cannot rename "%s" to "%s" at "%s"', src, dst_basename, dst_basedir)
raise OSError(1,'Operation not permited.')
def stat(self, node):
raise NotImplementedError()
# --- Wrapper methods around os.path.*
# Ok
def isfile(self, node):
if node and (node.type in ('file','content')):
return True
return False
# Ok
def islink(self, path):
"""Return True if path is a symbolic link."""
return False
def isdir(self, node):
"""Return True if path is a directory."""
if node is None:
return True
if node and (node.type in ('collection','database')):
return True
return False
def getsize(self, datacr):
"""Return the size of the specified file in bytes."""
if not (datacr and datacr[1]):
return 0L
if datacr[1].type in ('file', 'content'):
return datacr[1].content_length or 0L
return 0L
# Ok
def getmtime(self, datacr):
"""Return the last modified time as a number of seconds since
the epoch."""
node = datacr[1]
if node.write_date or node.create_date:
dt = (node.write_date or node.create_date)[:19]
result = time.mktime(time.strptime(dt, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
result = time.mktime(time.localtime())
return result
# Ok
def realpath(self, path):
"""Return the canonical version of path eliminating any
symbolic links encountered in the path (if they are
supported by the operating system).
return path
# Ok
def lexists(self, path):
"""Return True if path refers to an existing path, including
a broken or circular symbolic link.
raise DeprecationWarning()
return path and True or False
exists = lexists
# Ok, can be improved
def glob1(self, dirname, pattern):
"""Return a list of files matching a dirname pattern
Unlike glob.glob1 raises exception if os.listdir() fails.
names = self.listdir(dirname)
if pattern[0] != '.':
names = filter(lambda x: x.path[0] != '.', names)
return fnmatch.filter(names, pattern)
# --- Listing utilities
# note: the following operations are no more blocking
def get_list_dir(self, datacr):
""""Return an iterator object that yields a directory listing
in a form suitable for LIST command.
if not datacr:
return None
elif self.isdir(datacr[1]):
listing = self.listdir(datacr)
return self.format_list(datacr[0], datacr[1], listing)
# if path is a file or a symlink we return information about it
elif self.isfile(datacr[1]):
par = datacr[1].parent
return self.format_list(datacr[0], par, [datacr[1]])
def get_stat_dir(self, rawline, datacr):
"""Return an iterator object that yields a list of files
matching a dirname pattern non-recursively in a form
suitable for STAT command.
- (str) rawline: the raw string passed by client as command
ftppath = self.ftpnorm(rawline)
if not glob.has_magic(ftppath):
return self.get_list_dir(self.ftp2fs(rawline, datacr))
basedir, basename = os.path.split(ftppath)
if glob.has_magic(basedir):
return iter(['Directory recursion not supported.\r\n'])
basedir = self.ftp2fs(basedir, datacr)
listing = self.glob1(basedir, basename)
if listing:
return self.format_list(basedir, listing)
def format_list(self, cr, parent_node, listing, ignore_err=True):
"""Return an iterator object that yields the entries of given
directory emulating the "/bin/ls -lA" UNIX command output.
- (str) basedir: the parent directory node. Can be None
- (list) listing: a list of nodes
- (bool) ignore_err: when False raise exception if os.lstat()
call fails.
On platforms which do not support the pwd and grp modules (such
as Windows), ownership is printed as "owner" and "group" as a
default, and number of hard links is always "1". On UNIX
systems, the actual owner, group, and number of links are
This is how output appears to client:
-rw-rw-rw- 1 owner group 7045120 Sep 02 3:47 music.mp3
drwxrwxrwx 1 owner group 0 Aug 31 18:50 e-books
-rw-rw-rw- 1 owner group 380 Sep 02 3:40 module.py
for node in listing:
perms = filemode(node.unixperms) # permissions
nlinks = 1
size = node.content_length or 0L
uname = node.uuser
gname = node.ugroup
# stat.st_mtime could fail (-1) if last mtime is too old
# in which case we return the local time as last mtime
st_mtime = node.write_date or 0.0
if isinstance(st_mtime, basestring):
st_mtime = time.strptime(st_mtime, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
elif isinstance(st_mtime, float):
st_mtime = time.localtime(st_mtime)
mname=_get_month_name(time.strftime("%m", st_mtime ))
mtime = mname+' '+time.strftime("%d %H:%M", st_mtime)
except ValueError:
mtime = mname+' '+time.strftime("%d %H:%M")
fpath = node.path
if isinstance(fpath, (list, tuple)):
fpath = fpath[-1]
# formatting is matched with proftpd ls output
yield "%s %3s %-8s %-8s %8s %s %s\r\n" %(perms, nlinks, uname, gname,
size, mtime, path)
# Ok
def format_mlsx(self, cr, basedir, listing, perms, facts, ignore_err=True):
"""Return an iterator object that yields the entries of a given
directory or of a single file in a form suitable with MLSD and
MLST commands.
Every entry includes a list of "facts" referring the listed
element. See RFC-3659, chapter 7, to see what every single
fact stands for.
- (str) basedir: the absolute dirname.
- (list) listing: the names of the entries in basedir
- (str) perms: the string referencing the user permissions.
- (str) facts: the list of "facts" to be returned.
- (bool) ignore_err: when False raise exception if os.stat()
call fails.
Note that "facts" returned may change depending on the platform
and on what user specified by using the OPTS command.
This is how output could appear to the client issuing
a MLSD request:
type=file;size=156;perm=r;modify=20071029155301;unique=801cd2; music.mp3
type=dir;size=0;perm=el;modify=20071127230206;unique=801e33; ebooks
type=file;size=211;perm=r;modify=20071103093626;unique=801e32; module.py
permdir = ''.join([x for x in perms if x not in 'arw'])
permfile = ''.join([x for x in perms if x not in 'celmp'])
if ('w' in perms) or ('a' in perms) or ('f' in perms):
permdir += 'c'
if 'd' in perms:
permdir += 'p'
type = size = perm = modify = create = unique = mode = uid = gid = ""
for node in listing:
# type + perm
if self.isdir(node):
if 'type' in facts:
type = 'type=dir;'
if 'perm' in facts:
perm = 'perm=%s;' %permdir
if 'type' in facts:
type = 'type=file;'
if 'perm' in facts:
perm = 'perm=%s;' %permfile
if 'size' in facts:
size = 'size=%s;' % (node.content_length or 0L)
# last modification time
if 'modify' in facts:
st_mtime = node.write_date or 0.0
if isinstance(st_mtime, basestring):
st_mtime = time.strptime(st_mtime, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
elif isinstance(st_mtime, float):
st_mtime = time.localtime(st_mtime)
modify = 'modify=%s;' %time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", st_mtime)
except ValueError:
# stat.st_mtime could fail (-1) if last mtime is too old
modify = ""
if 'create' in facts:
# on Windows we can provide also the creation time
st_ctime = node.create_date or 0.0
if isinstance(st_ctime, basestring):
st_ctime = time.strptime(st_ctime, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
elif isinstance(st_mtime, float):
st_ctime = time.localtime(st_ctime)
create = 'create=%s;' %time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S",st_ctime)
except ValueError:
create = ""
# UNIX only
if 'unix.mode' in facts:
mode = 'unix.mode=%s;' %oct(node.unixperms & 0777)
if 'unix.uid' in facts:
uid = 'unix.uid=%s;' % node.uuser
if 'unix.gid' in facts:
gid = 'unix.gid=%s;' % node.ugroup
# We provide unique fact (see RFC-3659, chapter 7.5.2) on
# posix platforms only; we get it by mixing st_dev and
# st_ino values which should be enough for granting an
# uniqueness for the file listed.
# The same approach is used by pure-ftpd.
# Implementors who want to provide unique fact on other
# platforms should use some platform-specific method (e.g.
# on Windows NTFS filesystems MTF records could be used).
# if 'unique' in facts: todo
# unique = "unique=%x%x;" %(st.st_dev, st.st_ino)
path = node.path
if isinstance (path, (list, tuple)):
path = path[-1]
yield "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s %s\r\n" %(type, size, perm, modify, create,
mode, uid, gid, unique, path)
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