
892 lines
44 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
# Copyright (C) 2009-today OpenERP SA (<http://www.openerp.com>)
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
import base64
import email
import logging
import re
import time
import xmlrpclib
from email.utils import parsedate
from email.message import Message
from osv import osv, fields
from mail_message import decode
import tools
from tools.translate import _
from tools.safe_eval import safe_eval as eval
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def decode_header(message, header, separator=' '):
return separator.join(map(decode,message.get_all(header, [])))
class mail_thread(osv.Model):
'''Mixin model, meant to be inherited by any model that needs to
act as a discussion topic on which messages can be attached.
Public methods are prefixed with ``message_`` in order to avoid
name collisions with methods of the models that will inherit
from this mixin.
``mail.thread`` is designed to work without adding any field
to the extended models. All functionalities and expected behavior
are managed by mail.thread, using model name and record ids.
A widget has been designed for the 6.1 and following version of OpenERP
web-client. However, due to technical limitations, ``mail.thread``
adds a simulated one2many field, to display the web widget by
overriding the default field displayed. Using this field
is not recommanded has it will disappeear in future version
of OpenERP, leading to a pure mixin class.
Inheriting classes are not required to implement any method, as the
default implementation will work for any model. However it is common
to override at least the ``message_new`` and ``message_update``
methods (calling ``super``) to add model-specific behavior at
creation and update of a thread.
_name = 'mail.thread'
_description = 'Email Thread'
# TODO: may be we should make it _inherit ir.needaction
def _get_is_follower(self, cr, uid, ids, name, args, context=None):
subobj = self.pool.get('mail.subscription')
subids = subobj.search(cr, uid, [
('res_id', 'in', ids),
('user_id','=',uid)], context=context)
result = dict.fromkeys(ids, False)
for sub in subobj.browse(cr, uid, subids, context=context):
result[res_id] = True
return result
def _get_message_data(self, cr, uid, ids, name, args, context=None):
res = {}
for id in ids:
res[id] = {
'message_unread': False,
'message_Summary': ''
nobj = self.pool.get('mail.notification')
notifs = nobj.search(cr, uid, [
('message_id.res_id','in', ids),
('message_id.model','=', self._name),
], context=context)
for notif in nobj.browse(cr, uid, nids, context=context):
res[notif.message_id.id]['message_unread'] = True
for thread in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
message_ids = thread.message_ids
follower_ids = thread.message_follower_ids
res[id]['message_summary'] = "<span><span class='oe_e'>9</span> %d</span> <span><span class='oe_e'>+</span> %d</span>" % (len(message_ids), len(follower_ids)),
return res
# FP Note: todo
def _search_unread(self, tobj, cr, uid, obj=None, name=None, domain=None, context=None):
return []
_columns = {
'message_is_follower': fields.function(_get_is_follower,
type='boolean', string='Is a Follower'),
'message_follower_ids': fields.many2many('res.partner', 'mail_subscription', 'res_id', 'partner_id',
domain=lambda self: [('res_model','=',self._name)],
'message_ids': fields.one2many('mail.message', 'res_id',
domain=lambda self: [('model','=',self._name)],
string='Related Messages',
help="All messages related to the current document."),
'message_unread': fields.function(_get_message_data, fnct_search=_search_unread,
string='Has Unread Messages',
help="When checked, new messages require your attention.",
'message_summary': fields.function(_get_message_data, method=True,
type='text', string='Summary', multi="_get_message_data",
help="Holds the Chatter summary (number of messages, ...). "\
"This summary is directly in html format in order to "\
"be inserted in kanban views."),
# Automatic subscription when creating/reading
def create(self, cr, uid, vals, context=None):
""" Override of create to subscribe the current user
thread_id = super(mail_thread, self).create(cr, uid, vals, context=context)
self.message_subscribe_users(cr, uid, [thread_id], [uid], context=context)
return thread_id
def unlink(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
"""Override unlink, to automatically delete messages
that are linked with res_model and res_id, not through
a foreign key with a 'cascade' ondelete attribute.
Notifications will be deleted with messages
msg_obj = self.pool.get('mail.message')
# delete messages and notifications
msg_to_del_ids = msg_obj.search(cr, uid, [('model', '=', self._name), ('res_id', 'in', ids)], context=context)
msg_obj.unlink(cr, uid, msg_to_del_ids, context=context)
return super(mail_thread, self).unlink(cr, uid, ids, context=context)
# mail.message wrappers and tools
def _needaction_domain_get(self, cr, uid, context={}):
if self._needaction:
return [('message_unread','=',True)]
return []
# Message loading
def _message_search_ancestor_ids(self, cr, uid, ids, child_ids, ancestor_ids, context=None):
""" Given message child_ids ids, find their ancestors until ancestor_ids
using their parent_id relationship.
:param child_ids: the first nodes of the search
:param ancestor_ids: list of ancestors. When the search reach an
ancestor, it stops.
def _get_parent_ids(message_list, ancestor_ids, child_ids):
""" Tool function: return the list of parent_ids of messages
contained in message_list. Parents that are in ancestor_ids
or in child_ids are not returned. """
return [message['parent_id'][0] for message in message_list
if message['parent_id']
and message['parent_id'][0] not in ancestor_ids
and message['parent_id'][0] not in child_ids
message_obj = self.pool.get('mail.message')
messages_temp = message_obj.read(cr, uid, child_ids, ['id', 'parent_id'], context=context)
parent_ids = _get_parent_ids(messages_temp, ancestor_ids, child_ids)
child_ids += parent_ids
cur_iter = 0; max_iter = 100; # avoid infinite loop
while (parent_ids and (cur_iter < max_iter)):
cur_iter += 1
messages_temp = message_obj.read(cr, uid, parent_ids, ['id', 'parent_id'], context=context)
parent_ids = _get_parent_ids(messages_temp, ancestor_ids, child_ids)
child_ids += parent_ids
if (cur_iter > max_iter):
_logger.warning("Possible infinite loop in _message_search_ancestor_ids. "\
"Note that this algorithm is intended to check for cycle in "\
"message graph, leading to a curious error. Have fun.")
return child_ids
def message_search_get_domain(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
""" OpenChatter feature: get the domain to search the messages related
to a document. mail.thread defines the default behavior as
being messages with model = self._name, id in ids.
This method should be overridden if a model has to implement a
particular behavior.
return ['&', ('res_id', 'in', ids), ('model', '=', self._name)]
def message_search(self, cr, uid, ids, fetch_ancestors=False, ancestor_ids=None,
limit=100, offset=0, domain=None, count=False, context=None):
""" OpenChatter feature: return thread messages ids according to the
search domain given by ``message_search_get_domain``.
It is possible to add in the search the parent of messages by
setting the fetch_ancestors flag to True. In that case, using
the parent_id relationship, the method returns the id list according
to the search domain, but then calls ``_message_search_ancestor_ids``
that will add to the list the ancestors ids. The search is limited
to parent messages having an id in ancestor_ids or having
parent_id set to False.
If ``count==True``, the number of ids is returned instead of the
id list. The count is done by hand instead of passing it as an
argument to the search call because we might want to perform
a research including parent messages until some ancestor_ids.
:param fetch_ancestors: performs an ascended search; will add
to fetched msgs all their parents until
:param ancestor_ids: used when fetching ancestors
:param domain: domain to add to the search; especially child_of
is interesting when dealing with threaded display.
Note that the added domain is anded with the
default domain.
:param limit, offset, count, context: as usual
search_domain = self.message_search_get_domain(cr, uid, ids, context=context)
if domain:
search_domain += domain
message_obj = self.pool.get('mail.message')
message_res = message_obj.search(cr, uid, search_domain, limit=limit, offset=offset, count=count, context=context)
if not count and fetch_ancestors:
message_res += self._message_search_ancestor_ids(cr, uid, ids, message_res, ancestor_ids, context=context)
return message_res
def message_read(self, cr, uid, ids, fetch_ancestors=False, ancestor_ids=None,
limit=100, offset=0, domain=None, context=None):
""" OpenChatter feature: read the messages related to some threads.
This method is used mainly the Chatter widget, to directly have
read result instead of searching then reading.
Please see message_search for more information about the parameters.
message_ids = self.message_search(cr, uid, ids, fetch_ancestors, ancestor_ids,
limit, offset, domain, context=context)
messages = self.pool.get('mail.message').read(cr, uid, message_ids, context=context)
""" Retrieve all attachments names """
map_id_to_name = dict((attachment_id, '') for message in messages for attachment_id in message['attachment_ids'])
ids = map_id_to_name.keys()
names = self.pool.get('ir.attachment').name_get(cr, uid, ids, context=context)
# convert the list of tuples into a dictionnary
for name in names:
map_id_to_name[name[0]] = name[1]
# give corresponding ids and names to each message
for msg in messages:
msg["attachments"] = []
for attach_id in msg["attachment_ids"]:
msg["attachments"].append({'id': attach_id, 'name': map_id_to_name[attach_id]})
# Set the threads as read
self.message_mark_as_read(cr, uid, ids, context=context)
# Sort and return the messages
messages = sorted(messages, key=lambda d: (-d['id']))
return messages
def message_get_pushed_messages(self, cr, uid, ids, fetch_ancestors=False, ancestor_ids=None,
limit=100, offset=0, msg_search_domain=[], context=None):
""" OpenChatter: wall: get the pushed notifications and used them
to fetch messages to display on the wall.
:param fetch_ancestors: performs an ascended search; will add
to fetched msgs all their parents until
:param ancestor_ids: used when fetching ancestors
:param domain: domain to add to the search; especially child_of
is interesting when dealing with threaded display
:param ascent: performs an ascended search; will add to fetched msgs
all their parents until root_ids
:param root_ids: for ascent search
:return: list of mail.messages sorted by date
notification_obj = self.pool.get('mail.notification')
msg_obj = self.pool.get('mail.message')
# update message search
for arg in msg_search_domain:
if isinstance(arg, (tuple, list)):
arg[0] = 'message_id.' + arg[0]
# compose final domain
domain = [('user_id', '=', uid)] + msg_search_domain
# get notifications
notification_ids = notification_obj.search(cr, uid, domain, limit=limit, offset=offset, context=context)
notifications = notification_obj.browse(cr, uid, notification_ids, context=context)
msg_ids = [notification.message_id.id for notification in notifications]
# get messages
msg_ids = msg_obj.search(cr, uid, [('id', 'in', msg_ids)], context=context)
if (fetch_ancestors): msg_ids = self._message_search_ancestor_ids(cr, uid, ids, msg_ids, ancestor_ids, context=context)
msgs = msg_obj.read(cr, uid, msg_ids, context=context)
return msgs
def _message_find_partners(self, cr, uid, message, headers=['From'], context=None):
s = ', '.join([decode(message.get(h)) for h in headers])
mails = tools.email_split(s)
result = []
for m in mails:
result += self.pool.get('res.partner').search(cr, uid, [('email','ilike',m)], context=context)
return result
def _message_find_user_id(self, cr, uid, message, context=None):
from_local_part = tools.email_split(decode(message.get('From')))[0]
user_ids = self.pool.get('res.users').search(cr, uid, [('login', '=', from_local_part)], context=context)
return user_ids[0] if user_ids else uid
# Mail gateway
# message_process will call either message_new or message_update.
def message_route(self, cr, uid, message, model=None, thread_id=None,
custom_values=None, context=None):
"""Attempt to figure out the correct target model, thread_id,
custom_values and user_id to use for an incoming message.
Multiple values may be returned, if a message had multiple
recipients matching existing mail.aliases, for example.
The following heuristics are used, in this order:
1. If the message replies to an existing thread_id, and
properly contains the thread model in the 'In-Reply-To'
header, use this model/thread_id pair, and ignore
custom_value (not needed as no creation will take place)
2. Look for a mail.alias entry matching the message
recipient, and use the corresponding model, thread_id,
custom_values and user_id.
3. Fallback to the ``model``, ``thread_id`` and ``custom_values``
4. If all the above fails, raise an exception.
:param string message: an email.message instance
:param string model: the fallback model to use if the message
does not match any of the currently configured mail aliases
(may be None if a matching alias is supposed to be present)
:type dict custom_values: optional dictionary of default field values
to pass to ``message_new`` if a new record needs to be created.
Ignored if the thread record already exists, and also if a
matching mail.alias was found (aliases define their own defaults)
:param int thread_id: optional ID of the record/thread from ``model``
to which this mail should be attached. Only used if the message
does not reply to an existing thread and does not match any mail alias.
:return: list of [model, thread_id, custom_values, user_id]
assert isinstance(message, Message), 'message must be an email.message.Message at this point'
message_id = message.get('Message-Id')
# 1. Verify if this is a reply to an existing thread
references = decode_header(message, 'References') or decode_header(message, 'In-Reply-To')
ref_match = references and tools.reference_re.search(references)
if ref_match:
thread_id = int(ref_match.group(1))
model = ref_match.group(2) or model
model_pool = self.pool.get(model)
if thread_id and model and model_pool and model_pool.exists(cr, uid, thread_id) \
and hasattr(model_pool, 'message_update'):
_logger.debug('Routing mail with Message-Id %s: direct reply to model: %s, thread_id: %s, custom_values: %s, uid: %s',
message_id, model, thread_id, custom_values, uid)
return [(model, thread_id, custom_values, uid)]
# 2. Look for a matching mail.alias entry
# Delivered-To is a safe bet in most modern MTAs, but we have to fallback on To + Cc values
# for all the odd MTAs out there, as there is no standard header for the envelope's `rcpt_to` value.
rcpt_tos = decode_header(message, 'Delivered-To') or \
','.join([decode_header(message, 'To'),
decode_header(message, 'Cc'),
decode_header(message, 'Resent-To'),
decode_header(message, 'Resent-Cc')])
local_parts = [e.split('@')[0] for e in tools.email_split(rcpt_tos)]
if local_parts:
mail_alias = self.pool.get('mail.alias')
alias_ids = mail_alias.search(cr, uid, [('alias_name', 'in', local_parts)])
if alias_ids:
routes = []
for alias in mail_alias.browse(cr, uid, alias_ids, context=context):
user_id = alias.alias_user_id.id
if not user_id:
user_id = self._message_find_user_id(cr, uid, message, context=context)
routes.append((alias.alias_model_id.model, alias.alias_force_thread_id, \
eval(alias.alias_defaults), user_id))
_logger.debug('Routing mail with Message-Id %s: direct alias match: %r', message_id, routes)
return routes
# 3. Fallback to the provided parameters, if they work
model_pool = self.pool.get(model)
if not thread_id:
# Legacy: fallback to matching [ID] in the Subject
match = tools.res_re.search(decode_header(message, 'Subject'))
thread_id = match and match.group(1)
assert thread_id and hasattr(model_pool, 'message_update') or hasattr(model_pool, 'message_new'), \
"No possible route found for incoming message with Message-Id %s. " \
"Create an appropriate mail.alias or force the destination model." % message_id
if thread_id and not model_pool.exists(cr, uid, thread_id):
_logger.warning('Received mail reply to missing document %s! Ignoring and creating new document instead for Message-Id %s',
thread_id, message_id)
thread_id = None
_logger.debug('Routing mail with Message-Id %s: fallback to model:%s, thread_id:%s, custom_values:%s, uid:%s',
message_id, model, thread_id, custom_values, uid)
return [(model, thread_id, custom_values, uid)]
def message_process(self, cr, uid, model, message, custom_values=None,
save_original=False, strip_attachments=False,
thread_id=None, context=None):
"""Process an incoming RFC2822 email message, relying on
``mail.message.parse()`` for the parsing operation,
and ``message_route()`` to figure out the target model.
Once the target model is known, its ``message_new`` method
is called with the new message (if the thread record did not exist)
or its ``message_update`` method (if it did). Finally,
``message_forward`` is called to automatically notify other
people that should receive this message.
:param string model: the fallback model to use if the message
does not match any of the currently configured mail aliases
(may be None if a matching alias is supposed to be present)
:param message: source of the RFC2822 message
:type message: string or xmlrpclib.Binary
:type dict custom_values: optional dictionary of field values
to pass to ``message_new`` if a new record needs to be created.
Ignored if the thread record already exists, and also if a
matching mail.alias was found (aliases define their own defaults)
:param bool save_original: whether to keep a copy of the original
email source attached to the message after it is imported.
:param bool strip_attachments: whether to strip all attachments
before processing the message, in order to save some space.
:param int thread_id: optional ID of the record/thread from ``model``
to which this mail should be attached. When provided, this
overrides the automatic detection based on the message
if context is None: context = {}
# extract message bytes - we are forced to pass the message as binary because
# we don't know its encoding until we parse its headers and hence can't
# convert it to utf-8 for transport between the mailgate script and here.
if isinstance(message, xmlrpclib.Binary):
message = str(message.data)
# Warning: message_from_string doesn't always work correctly on unicode,
# we must use utf-8 strings here :-(
if isinstance(message, unicode):
message = message.encode('utf-8')
msg_txt = email.message_from_string(message)
routes = self.message_route(cr, uid, msg_txt, model,
thread_id, custom_values,
msg = self.pool.get('mail.message').parse_message(msg_txt, save_original=save_original, context=context)
msg['state'] = 'received'
if strip_attachments and 'attachments' in msg:
del msg['attachments']
for model, thread_id, custom_values, user_id in routes:
if self._name != model:
context.update({'thread_model': model})
model_pool = self.pool.get(model)
assert thread_id and hasattr(model_pool, 'message_update') or hasattr(model_pool, 'message_new'), \
"Undeliverable mail with Message-Id %s, model %s does not accept incoming emails" % \
(msg['message-id'], model)
if thread_id and hasattr(model_pool, 'message_update'):
model_pool.message_update(cr, user_id, [thread_id], msg, context=context)
thread_id = model_pool.message_new(cr, user_id, msg, custom_values, context=context)
self.message_post(cr, uid, thread_id, context=context, **msg)
return True
def message_new(self, cr, uid, msg_dict, custom_values=None, context=None):
"""Called by ``message_process`` when a new message is received
for a given thread model, if the message did not belong to
an existing thread.
The default behavior is to create a new record of the corresponding
model (based on some very basic info extracted from the message),
then attach the message to the newly created record
(by calling ``message_append_dict``).
Additional behavior may be implemented by overriding this method.
:param dict msg_dict: a map containing the email details and
attachments. See ``message_process`` and
``mail.message.parse`` for details.
:param dict custom_values: optional dictionary of additional
field values to pass to create()
when creating the new thread record.
Be careful, these values may override
any other values coming from the message.
:param dict context: if a ``thread_model`` value is present
in the context, its value will be used
to determine the model of the record
to create (instead of the current model).
:rtype: int
:return: the id of the newly created thread object
if context is None:
context = {}
model = context.get('thread_model') or self._name
model_pool = self.pool.get(model)
fields = model_pool.fields_get(cr, uid, context=context)
data = model_pool.default_get(cr, uid, fields, context=context)
if 'name' in fields and not data.get('name'):
data['name'] = msg_dict.get('subject', '')
if custom_values and isinstance(custom_values, dict):
res_id = model_pool.create(cr, uid, data, context=context)
return res_id
def message_update(self, cr, uid, ids, msg_dict, update_vals=None, context=None):
"""Called by ``message_process`` when a new message is received
for an existing thread. The default behavior is to create a
new mail.message in the given thread (by calling
Additional behavior may be implemented by overriding this
:param dict msg_dict: a map containing the email details and
attachments. See ``message_process`` and
``mail.message.parse()`` for details.
:param dict update_vals: a dict containing values to update records
given their ids; if the dict is None or is
void, no write operation is performed.
if update_vals:
self.write(cr, uid, ids, update_vals, context=context)
return True
def message_thread_followers(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
""" Returns a list of email addresses of the people following
this thread, including the sender of each mail, and the
people who were in CC of the messages, if any.
res = {}
if isinstance(ids, (str, int, long)):
ids = [long(ids)]
for thread in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
l = set()
for message in thread.message_ids:
l.add((message.user_id and message.user_id.email) or '')
l.add(message.email_from or '')
l.add(message.email_cc or '')
res[thread.id] = filter(None, l)
return res
def message_forward(self, cr, uid, model, thread_ids, msg, email_error=False, context=None):
"""Sends an email to all people following the given threads.
The emails are forwarded immediately, not queued for sending,
and not archived.
:param str model: thread model
:param list thread_ids: ids of the thread records
:param msg: email.message.Message object to forward
:param email_error: optional email address to notify in case
of any delivery error during the forward.
:return: True
model_pool = self.pool.get(model)
smtp_server_obj = self.pool.get('ir.mail_server')
for res in model_pool.browse(cr, uid, thread_ids, context=context):
if hasattr(model_pool, 'message_thread_followers'):
followers = model_pool.message_thread_followers(cr, uid, [res.id])[res.id]
followers = self.message_thread_followers(cr, uid, [res.id])[res.id]
message_followers_emails = tools.email_split(','.join(filter(None, followers)))
message_recipients = tools.email_split(','.join(filter(None,
forward_to = [i for i in message_followers_emails if (i and (i not in message_recipients))]
if forward_to:
# TODO: we need an interface for this for all types of objects, not just leads
if model_pool._columns.get('section_id'):
del msg['reply-to']
msg['reply-to'] = res.section_id.reply_to
smtp_from, = tools.email_split(msg['from'])
msg['from'] = smtp_from
msg['to'] = ", ".join(forward_to)
msg['message-id'] = tools.generate_tracking_message_id(res.id)
if not smtp_server_obj.send_email(cr, uid, msg) and email_error:
subj = msg['subject']
del msg['subject'], msg['to'], msg['cc'], msg['bcc']
msg['subject'] = _('[OpenERP-Forward-Failed] %s') % subj
msg['to'] = email_error
smtp_server_obj.send_email(cr, uid, msg)
return True
def parse_message(self, message, save_original=False, context=None):
"""Parses a string or email.message.Message representing an
RFC-2822 email, and returns a generic dict holding the
message details.
:param message: the message to parse
:type message: email.message.Message | string | unicode
:param bool save_original: whether the returned dict
should include an ``original`` entry with the base64
encoded source of the message.
:rtype: dict
:return: A dict with the following structure, where each
field may not be present if missing in original
{ 'message-id': msg_id,
'subject': subject,
'from': from, --> author_id
'to': to, --> partner_ids
'cc': cc, --> partner_ids
'headers' : { 'X-Mailer': mailer, --> to remove
#.. all X- headers...
'content_subtype': msg_mime_subtype, --> to remove
'body_text': plaintext_body --> keep body
'body_html': html_body, --> to remove
'attachments': [('file1', 'bytes'),
('file2', 'bytes') }
# ...
'original': source_of_email, --> attachment document
msg_txt = message
attachments = []
if isinstance(message, str):
msg_txt = email.message_from_string(message)
# Warning: message_from_string doesn't always work correctly on unicode,
# we must use utf-8 strings here :-(
if isinstance(message, unicode):
message = message.encode('utf-8')
msg_txt = email.message_from_string(message)
message_id = msg_txt.get('message-id', False)
msg = {}
if save_original:
msg_original = message.as_string() if isinstance(message, Message) \
else message
attachments.append(('email.eml', msg_original))
if not message_id:
# Very unusual situation, be we should be fault-tolerant here
message_id = time.time()
msg_txt['message-id'] = message_id
_logger.info('Parsing Message without message-id, generating a random one: %s', message_id)
msg_fields = msg_txt.keys()
msg['message_id'] = message_id
if 'Subject' in msg_fields:
msg['subject'] = decode(msg_txt.get('Subject'))
#if 'Content-Type' in msg_fields:
# msg['content-type'] = msg_txt.get('Content-Type')
# find author_id
if 'From' in msg_fields:
author_ids = self._message_find_partners(cr, uid, msg_text, ['From'], context=context)
#decode(msg_txt.get('From') or msg_txt.get_unixfrom()) )
if author_ids:
msg['author_id'] = author_ids[0]
partner_ids = self._message_find_partners(cr, uid, msg_text, ['From','To','Delivered-To','CC','Cc'], context=context)
msg['partner_ids'] = partner_ids
#if 'To' in msg_fields:
# msg['to'] = decode(msg_txt.get('To'))
#if 'Delivered-To' in msg_fields:
# msg['to'] = decode(msg_txt.get('Delivered-To'))
#if 'CC' in msg_fields:
# msg['cc'] = decode(msg_txt.get('CC'))
#if 'Cc' in msg_fields:
# msg['cc'] = decode(msg_txt.get('Cc'))
#if 'Reply-To' in msg_fields:
# msg['reply'] = decode(msg_txt.get('Reply-To'))
# FP Note: I propose to store the current datetime rather than the email date
#if 'Date' in msg_fields:
# date_hdr = decode(msg_txt.get('Date'))
# # convert from email timezone to server timezone
# date_server_datetime = dateutil.parser.parse(date_hdr).astimezone(pytz.timezone(tools.get_server_timezone()))
# date_server_datetime_str = date_server_datetime.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT)
# msg['date'] = date_server_datetime_str
#if 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' in msg_fields:
# msg['encoding'] = msg_txt.get('Content-Transfer-Encoding')
#if 'References' in msg_fields:
# msg['references'] = msg_txt.get('References')
# FP Note: todo - find parent_id
if 'In-Reply-To' in msg_fields:
if not msg_txt.is_multipart() or 'text/plain' in msg.get('content-type', ''):
encoding = msg_txt.get_content_charset()
body = msg_txt.get_payload(decode=True)
if 'text/html' in msg.get('content-type', ''):
msg['body'] = body
if msg_txt.is_multipart() or 'multipart/alternative' in msg.get('content-type', ''):
body = ""
for part in msg_txt.walk():
if part.get_content_maintype() == 'multipart':
encoding = part.get_content_charset()
filename = part.get_filename()
if part.get_content_maintype()=='text':
content = part.get_payload(decode=True)
if filename:
attachments.append(( filename, msg_original))
content = tools.ustr(content, encoding)
msg['body'] = content
elif part.get_content_maintype() in ('application', 'image'):
if filename:
attachments.append(( filename, part.get_payload(decode=True)))
res = part.get_payload(decode=True)
msg['body'] += tools.ustr(res, encoding)
msg['attachments'] = attachments
return msg
# Note specific
def log(self, cr, uid, id, message, secondary=False, context=None):
_logger.warning("log() is deprecated. As this module inherit from \
mail.thread, the message will be managed by this \
module instead of by the res.log mechanism. Please \
use the mail.thread OpenChatter API instead of the \
now deprecated res.log.")
self.message_post(cr, uid, id, message, context=context)
def message_post(self, cr, uid, res_id, body, subject=False,
mtype='notification', attachments=None, context=None, **kwargs):
context = context or {}
attachments = attachments or {}
if type(res_id) in (list, tuple):
res_id = res_id[0]
to_attach = []
for fname, fcontent in attachments:
if isinstance(fcontent, unicode):
fcontent = fcontent.encode('utf-8')
data_attach = {
'name': fname,
'datas': base64.b64encode(str(fcontent)),
'datas_fname': fname,
'description': _('email attachment'),
to_attach.append((0,0, data_attach))
value = kwargs
value.update( {
'model': self._name,
'res_id': res_id,
'body': body,
'subject': subject,
'type': mtype,
'attachment_ids': to_attach
return self.pool.get('mail.message').create(cr, uid, value, context=context)
# Subscription mechanism
# FP Note: replaced by message_follower_ids
# def message_get_followers(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
def message_read_followers(self, cr, uid, ids, fields=['id', 'name', 'image_small'], context=None):
""" Returns the current document followers as a read result. Used
mainly for Chatter having only one method to call to have
details about users.
user_ids = self.message_get_followers(cr, uid, ids, context=context)
return self.pool.get('res.users').read(cr, uid, user_ids, fields=fields, context=context)
def message_is_follower(self, cr, uid, ids, user_id = None, context=None):
""" Check if uid or user_id (if set) is a follower to the current
:param user_id: if set, check is done on user_id; if not set
check is done on uid
sub_user_id = uid if user_id is None else user_id
if sub_user_id in self.message_get_followers(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
return True
return False
def message_subscribe_users(self, cr, uid, ids, user_ids=None, context=None):
if not user_ids: user_ids = [uid]
partners = {}
for user in self.pool.get('res.users').browse(cr, uid, user_ids, context=context):
partners[user.partner_id.id] = True
return self.message_subscribe(cr, uid, ids, partners.keys(), context=context)
def message_subscribe(self, cr, uid, ids, partner_ids, context=None):
:param partner_ids: a list of user_ids; if not set, subscribe
uid instead
:param return: new value of followers, for Chatter
obj = self.pool.get('mail.followers')
objids = obj.search(cr, uid, [
('res_id', 'in', ids),
('res_model', '=', self._name),
('partner_id', 'in', partner_ids),
], context=context)
followers = {}
for follow in obj.browse(cr, uid, objids, context=context):
followers.setdefault(follow.partner_id.id, {})[follow.res_id] = True
create_ids = []
for res_id in ids:
for partner_id in partner_ids:
if followers.get(partner_id, {}).get(res_id, False):
create_ids.append(obj.create(cr, uid, {
'res_model': self._name,
'res_id': res_id, 'partner_id': partner_id
}, context=context))
return create_ids
def message_unsubscribe(self, cr, uid, ids, user_ids = None, context=None):
""" Unsubscribe the user (or user_ids) from the current document.
:param user_ids: a list of user_ids; if not set, subscribe
uid instead
:param return: new value of followers, for Chatter
to_unsubscribe_uids = [uid] if user_ids is None else user_ids
write_res = self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'message_follower_ids': self.message_unsubscribe_get_command(cr, uid, to_unsubscribe_uids, context)}, context=context)
return [follower.id for thread in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context) for follower in thread.message_follower_ids]
def message_unsubscribe_get_command(self, cr, uid, follower_ids, context=None):
""" Generate the many2many command to remove followers. """
return [(3, id) for id in follower_ids]
# Notification API
def message_remove_pushed_notifications(self, cr, uid, ids, msg_ids, remove_childs=True, context=None):
notif_obj = self.pool.get('mail.notification')
msg_obj = self.pool.get('mail.message')
if remove_childs:
notif_msg_ids = msg_obj.search(cr, uid, [('id', 'child_of', msg_ids)], context=context)
notif_msg_ids = msg_ids
to_del_notif_ids = notif_obj.search(cr, uid, ['&', ('user_id', '=', uid), ('message_id', 'in', notif_msg_ids)], context=context)
return notif_obj.unlink(cr, uid, to_del_notif_ids, context=context)
# Thread_state
# FP Note: this should be a invert function on message_unread field
def message_mark_as_read(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
""" Set as read. """
notobj = self.pool.get('mail.notification')
update mail_notification set
message_id in (select id from mail_message where res_id in %s and model=%s)
user_id = %s
''', (ids, self._name, uid))
return True