
91 lines
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- The plugin support percentages as target ('50%' or {top:'50%', left:'45%'})
- Exposed the max() calculation as $.scrollTo.max
- Renamed $.fn.scrollable to $.fn._scrollable to avoid conflicts with other plugins
- Fixing max calculations for regular DOM elements
- The target can be 'max' to scroll to the end while keeping it elegant.
- Default duration is 0 for jquery +1.3. Means sync animation
- The plugin works on all major browsers, on compat & quirks modes, including iframes.
- In addition to window/document, if html or body are received, the plugin will choose the right one.
- The plugin accepts floating numbers, Thanks Ramin
- Using jQuery.nodeName where neccessary so that this works on xml+xhtml
- The max() internal function wasn't completely accurrate, now it is 98% (except for IE on quirks mode and it's not too noticeable).
- Fixed the problem when scrolling the window to absolute positioned elements on Safari.
- Fixed the problem on Opera 9.5 when scrolling the window. That it always scrolls to 0.
- Added the settings object as 2nd argument to the onAfter callback.
- The 3rd argument of scrollTo can be just a function and it's used as the onAfter.
- Added full support for iframes (even max scroll calculation).
- Instead of $.scrollTo, $(window).scrollTo() and $(document).scrollTo() can be used.
- Added $().scrollable() that returns the real element to scroll, f.e: $(window).scrollable() == [body|html], works for iframes.
- Cleaned the code a bit, specially the comments
- Changed the licensing from GPL to GPL+MIT.
- Small improvements to make the code shorter.
- Removed the last argument received by onAfter as it was the same as the 'this' but jqueryfied.
- Exposed $.scrollTo.window() to get the element that needs to be animated, to scroll the window.
- Added option 'over'.
- Made the code as short as possible.
- Changed the arguments received by onAfter
- Added semicolon to the start, for safe file concatenation
- Added a limit check, values below 0 or over the maximum are fixed.
- Now it should work faster, only one of html or body go through all the processing, instead of both for all browsers.
- Fixed the behavior for Opera, which seemed to react to both changes on <html> and <body>.
- The border is also reduced, when 'margin' is set to true.
- The option speed has been renamed to duration.
- The duration can be specified with a number as 2nd argument, and the rest of the settings as the third ( like $().animate )
- Remade the demo
- The target can be in the form of { top:x, left:y } allowing different position for each axis.
- The option 'offset' has been added, to scroll behind or past the target. Can be a number(both axes) or { top:x, left:y }.
- Exposed the defaults.
- Made the callback functions receive more parameters.
- Fixed a bug, I didn't have to add the scrolled amount if it was body or html.
- The option 'onafter' is now called 'onAfter'.
- Two axes can be scrolled together, this is set with the option 'axis'.
- In case 2 axes are chosen, the scrolling can be queued: one scrolls, and then the other.
- There's an intermediary event, 'onAfterFirst' called in case the axes are queued, after the first ends.
- If the option 'margin' is set to true, the plugin will take in account, the margin of the target(no use if target is a value).