
433 lines
22 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
# Copyright (C) 2013-Today OpenERP SA (<http://www.openerp.com>).
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import json
import logging
import werkzeug
from collections import Counter
from datetime import datetime
from itertools import product
from math import ceil
from openerp import SUPERUSER_ID
from openerp.addons.web import http
from openerp.addons.web.http import request
from openerp.tools.misc import DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT as DTF
from openerp.tools.safe_eval import safe_eval
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class WebsiteSurvey(http.Controller):
def _check_bad_cases(self, cr, uid, request, survey_obj, survey, user_input_obj, context=None):
# In case of bad survey, redirect to surveys list
if survey_obj.exists(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, survey.id, context=context) == []:
return werkzeug.utils.redirect("/survey/")
# In case of auth required, block public user
if survey.auth_required and uid == request.registry['website'].get_public_user(cr, uid, context):
return request.website.render("website.401")
# In case of non open surveys
if survey.state != 'open':
return request.website.render("survey.notopen")
# If enough surveys completed
if survey.user_input_limit > 0:
completed = user_input_obj.search(cr, uid, [('state', '=', 'done')], count=True)
if completed >= survey.user_input_limit:
return request.website.render("survey.notopen")
# Everything seems to be ok
return None
def _check_deadline(self, cr, uid, user_input, context=None):
'''Prevent opening of the survey if the deadline has turned out
! This will NOT disallow access to users who have already partially filled the survey !'''
if user_input.deadline:
dt_deadline = datetime.strptime(user_input.deadline, DTF)
dt_now = datetime.now()
if dt_now > dt_deadline: # survey is not open anymore
return request.website.render("survey.notopen")
return None
# Survey start
type='http', auth='public', multilang=True, website=True)
def start_survey(self, survey, token=None, **post):
cr, uid, context = request.cr, request.uid, request.context
survey_obj = request.registry['survey.survey']
user_input_obj = request.registry['survey.user_input']
# Test mode
if token and token == "phantom":
_logger.error("[survey] Phantom mode")
user_input_id = user_input_obj.create(cr, uid, {'survey_id': survey.id, 'test_entry': True}, context=context)
user_input = user_input_obj.browse(cr, uid, [user_input_id], context=context)[0]
data = {'survey': survey, 'page': None, 'token': user_input.token}
return request.website.render('survey.survey_init', data)
# END Test mode
# Controls if the survey can be displayed
errpage = self._check_bad_cases(cr, uid, request, survey_obj, survey, user_input_obj, context=context)
if errpage:
return errpage
# Manual surveying
if not token:
if survey.visible_to_user:
user_input_id = user_input_obj.create(cr, uid, {'survey_id': survey.id}, context=context)
user_input = user_input_obj.browse(cr, uid, [user_input_id], context=context)[0]
else: # An user cannot open hidden surveys without token
return request.website.render("website.403")
user_input_id = user_input_obj.search(cr, uid, [('token', '=', token)], context=context)[0]
except IndexError: # Invalid token
return request.website.render("website.403")
user_input = user_input_obj.browse(cr, uid, [user_input_id], context=context)[0]
# Do not open expired survey
errpage = self._check_deadline(cr, uid, user_input, context=context)
if errpage:
return errpage
# Select the right page
if user_input.state == 'new': # Intro page
data = {'survey': survey, 'page': None, 'token': user_input.token}
return request.website.render('survey.survey_init', data)
return request.redirect('/survey/fill/%s/%s' % (survey.id, user_input.token))
# Survey displaying
type='http', auth='public', multilang=True, website=True)
def fill_survey(self, survey, token, prev=None, **post):
'''Display and validates a survey'''
cr, uid, context = request.cr, request.uid, request.context
survey_obj = request.registry['survey.survey']
user_input_obj = request.registry['survey.user_input']
# Controls if the survey can be displayed
errpage = self._check_bad_cases(cr, uid, request, survey_obj, survey, user_input_obj, context=context)
if errpage:
return errpage
# Load the user_input
user_input_id = user_input_obj.search(cr, uid, [('token', '=', token)])[0]
except IndexError: # Invalid token
return request.website.render("website.403")
user_input = user_input_obj.browse(cr, uid, [user_input_id], context=context)[0]
# Do not display expired survey (even if some pages have already been
# displayed -- There's a time for everything!)
errpage = self._check_deadline(cr, uid, user_input, context=context)
if errpage:
return errpage
# Select the right page
if user_input.state == 'new': # First page
page, page_nr, last = survey_obj.next_page(cr, uid, user_input, 0, go_back=False, context=context)
data = {'survey': survey, 'page': page, 'page_nr': page_nr, 'token': user_input.token}
if last:
data.update({'last': True})
return request.website.render('survey.survey', data)
elif user_input.state == 'done': # Display success message
return request.website.render('survey.sfinished', {'survey': survey,
'token': token,
'user_input': user_input})
elif user_input.state == 'skip':
flag = (True if prev and prev == 'prev' else False)
page, page_nr, last = survey_obj.next_page(cr, uid, user_input, user_input.last_displayed_page_id.id, go_back=flag, context=context)
data = {'survey': survey, 'page': page, 'page_nr': page_nr, 'token': user_input.token}
if last:
data.update({'last': True})
return request.website.render('survey.survey', data)
return request.website.render("website.403")
# AJAX prefilling of a survey
type='http', auth='public', multilang=True, website=True)
def prefill(self, survey, token, page=None, **post):
cr, uid, context = request.cr, request.uid, request.context
user_input_line_obj = request.registry['survey.user_input_line']
ret = {}
# Fetch previous answers
if page:
ids = user_input_line_obj.search(cr, uid, [('user_input_id.token', '=', token), ('page_id', '=', page.id)], context=context)
ids = user_input_line_obj.search(cr, uid, [('user_input_id.token', '=', token)], context=context)
previous_answers = user_input_line_obj.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context)
# Return non empty answers in a JSON compatible format
for answer in previous_answers:
if not answer.skipped:
answer_tag = '%s_%s_%s' % (answer.survey_id.id, answer.page_id.id, answer.question_id.id)
answer_value = None
if answer.answer_type == 'free_text':
answer_value = answer.value_free_text
elif answer.answer_type == 'text':
answer_value = answer.value_text
elif answer.answer_type == 'number':
answer_value = answer.value_number.__str__()
elif answer.answer_type == 'date':
answer_value = answer.value_date
elif answer.answer_type == 'suggestion' and not answer.value_suggested_row:
answer_value = answer.value_suggested.id
elif answer.answer_type == 'suggestion' and answer.value_suggested_row:
answer_tag = "%s_%s" % (answer_tag, answer.value_suggested_row.id)
answer_value = answer.value_suggested.id
if answer_value:
dict_soft_update(ret, answer_tag, answer_value)
_logger.warning("[survey] No answer has been found for question %s marked as non skipped" % answer_tag)
return json.dumps(ret)
# AJAX validation of some questions
# @http.route(['/survey/validate/<model("survey.survey"):survey>'],
# type='http', auth='public', multilang=True)
# def validate(self, survey, **post):
# AJAX submission of a page
type='http', auth='public', multilang=True, website=True)
def submit(self, survey, **post):
_logger.debug('Incoming data: %s', post)
page_id = int(post['page_id'])
cr, uid, context = request.cr, request.uid, request.context
survey_obj = request.registry['survey.survey']
questions_obj = request.registry['survey.question']
questions_ids = questions_obj.search(cr, uid, [('page_id', '=', page_id)], context=context)
questions = questions_obj.browse(cr, uid, questions_ids, context=context)
# Answer validation
errors = {}
for question in questions:
answer_tag = "%s_%s_%s" % (survey.id, page_id, question.id)
errors.update(questions_obj.validate_question(cr, uid, question, post, answer_tag, context=context))
ret = {}
if (len(errors) != 0):
# Return errors messages to webpage
ret['errors'] = errors
# Store answers into database
user_input_obj = request.registry['survey.user_input']
user_input_line_obj = request.registry['survey.user_input_line']
user_input_id = user_input_obj.search(cr, uid, [('token', '=', post['token'])], context=context)[0]
except KeyError: # Invalid token
return request.website.render("website.403")
for question in questions:
answer_tag = "%s_%s_%s" % (survey.id, page_id, question.id)
user_input_line_obj.save_lines(cr, uid, user_input_id, question, post, answer_tag, context=context)
user_input = user_input_obj.browse(cr, uid, user_input_id, context=context)
go_back = post['button_submit'] == 'previous'
next_page, _, last = survey_obj.next_page(cr, uid, user_input, page_id, go_back=go_back, context=context)
vals = {'last_displayed_page_id': page_id}
if next_page is None and not go_back:
vals.update({'state': 'done'})
vals.update({'state': 'skip'})
user_input_obj.write(cr, uid, user_input_id, vals, context=context)
ret['redirect'] = '/survey/fill/%s/%s' % (survey.id, post['token'])
if go_back:
ret['redirect'] += '/prev'
return json.dumps(ret)
# Printing routes
type='http', auth='user', multilang=True, website=True)
def print_survey(self, survey, token=None, **post):
'''Display an survey in printable view; if <token> is set, it will
grab the answers of the user_input_id that has <token>.'''
return request.website.render('survey.survey_print',
{'survey': survey,
'token': token,
'page_nr': 0})
type='http', auth='user', multilang=True, website=True)
def survey_reporting(self, survey, token=None, **post):
'''Display survey Results & Statistics for given survey.'''
result_template, current_filters, filter_display_data = 'survey.result', [], []
if not survey.user_input_ids or not [input_id.id for input_id in survey.user_input_ids if input_id.state != 'new']:
result_template = 'survey.no_result'
if post:
current_filters, filter_display_data = self.filter_input_ids(post)
return request.website.render(result_template,
{'survey': survey,
'prepare_result': self.prepare_result,
'get_input_summary': self.get_input_summary,
'get_graph_data': self.get_graph_data,
'page_range': self.page_range,
'current_filters': current_filters,
'filter_display_data': filter_display_data
def filter_input_ids(self, filters):
'''If user applies any filters, then this function returns list of
filtered user_input_id and label's strings for display data in web'''
cr, uid, context = request.cr, request.uid, request.context
question_obj = request.registry['survey.question']
input_obj = request.registry['survey.user_input_line']
input_line_obj = request.registry['survey.user_input_line']
label_obj = request.registry['survey.label']
domain_filter, choice, filter_display_data = [], [], []
#if user add some random data in query URI
for ids in filters:
row_id, answer_id = ids.split(',')
question_id = filters[ids]
question = question_obj.browse(cr, uid, int(question_id), context=context)
if row_id == '0':
labels = label_obj.browse(cr, uid, [int(answer_id)], context=context)
domain_filter.extend(['|', ('value_suggested_row.id', '=', int(row_id)), ('value_suggested.id', '=', int(answer_id))])
labels = label_obj.browse(cr, uid, [int(row_id), int(answer_id)], context=context)
filter_display_data.append({'question_text': question.question, 'labels': [label.value for label in labels]})
if choice:
domain_filter.insert(0, ('value_suggested.id', 'in', choice))
domain_filter = domain_filter[1:]
#if user add some random data in query URI
return([], [])
line_ids = input_line_obj.search(cr, uid, domain_filter, context=context)
filtered_input_ids = [input.user_input_id.id for input in input_obj.browse(cr, uid, line_ids, context=context)]
return (filtered_input_ids, filter_display_data)
def page_range(self, total_record, limit):
'''Returns number of pages required for pagination'''
total = ceil(total_record / float(limit))
return range(1, int(total + 1))
def prepare_result(self, question, current_filters=[]):
'''Prepare statistical data for questions by counting number of vote per choice on basis of filter'''
#Calculate and return statistics for choice
if question.type in ['simple_choice', 'multiple_choice']:
result_summary = {}
[result_summary.update({label.id: {'text': label.value, 'count': 0, 'answer_id': label.id}}) for label in question.labels_ids]
for input_line in question.user_input_line_ids:
if result_summary.get(input_line.value_suggested.id) and (not(current_filters) or input_line.user_input_id.id in current_filters):
result_summary[input_line.value_suggested.id]['count'] += 1
result_summary = result_summary.values()
#Calculate and return statistics for matrix
if question.type == 'matrix':
rows, answers, res = {}, {}, {}
[rows.update({label.id: label.value}) for label in question.labels_ids_2]
[answers.update({label.id: label.value}) for label in question.labels_ids]
for cell in product(rows.keys(), answers.keys()):
res[cell] = 0
for input_line in question.user_input_line_ids:
if not(current_filters) or input_line.user_input_id.id in current_filters:
res[(input_line.value_suggested_row.id, input_line.value_suggested.id)] += 1
result_summary = {'answers': answers, 'rows': rows, 'result': res}
#Calculate and return statistics for free_text, textbox, datetime
if question.type in ['free_text', 'textbox', 'datetime']:
result_summary = []
for input_line in question.user_input_line_ids:
if not(current_filters) or input_line.user_input_id.id in current_filters:
#Calculate and return statistics for numerical_box
if question.type == 'numerical_box':
result_summary = {'input_lines': []}
all_inputs = []
for input_line in question.user_input_line_ids:
if not(current_filters) or input_line.user_input_id.id in current_filters:
result_summary.update({'average': round(sum(all_inputs) / len(all_inputs), 2),
'max': round(max(all_inputs), 2),
'min': round(min(all_inputs), 2),
'most_comman': Counter(all_inputs).most_common(5)})
return result_summary
type='http', auth='user', multilang=True, website=True)
def get_graph_data(self, question, **post):
'''Returns appropriate formated data required by graph library on basis of filter'''
current_filters = safe_eval(post.get('current_filters', '[]'))
result = []
if question.type in ['simple_choice', 'multiple_choice']:
result.append({'key': str(question.question),
'values': self.prepare_result(question, current_filters)})
if question.type == 'matrix':
data = self.prepare_result(question, current_filters)
for answer in data['answers']:
values = []
for res in data['result']:
if res[1] == answer:
values.append({'text': data['rows'][res[0]], 'count': data['result'][res]})
result.append({'key': data['answers'].get(answer), 'values': values})
return json.dumps(result)
def get_input_summary(self, question, current_filters=[]):
'''Returns overall summary of question e.g. answered, skipped, total_inputs on basis of filter'''
result = {}
if question.survey_id.user_input_ids:
total_input_ids = current_filters or [input_id.id for input_id in question.survey_id.user_input_ids if input_id.state != 'new']
result['total_inputs'] = len(total_input_ids)
question_input_ids = []
for user_input in question.user_input_line_ids:
if not user_input.skipped:
result['answered'] = len(set(question_input_ids) & set(total_input_ids))
result['skipped'] = result['total_inputs'] - result['answered']
return result
def dict_soft_update(dictionary, key, value):
''' Insert the pair <key>: <value> into the <dictionary>. If <key> is
already present, this function will append <value> to the list of
existing data (instead of erasing it) '''
if key in dictionary:
dictionary.update({key: [value]})