
295 lines
13 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
from tools import flatten, reverse_enumerate
class expression(object):
parse a domain expression
use a real polish notation
leafs are still in a ('foo', '=', 'bar') format
For more info: http://christophe-simonis-at-tiny.blogspot.com/2008/08/new-new-domain-notation.html
def _is_operator(self, element):
return isinstance(element, str) \
and element in ['&', '|', '!']
def _is_leaf(self, element, internal=False):
return (isinstance(element, tuple) or isinstance(element, list)) \
and len(element) == 3 \
and element[1] in ('=', '!=', '<>', '<=', '<', '>', '>=', '=like', 'like', 'not like', 'ilike', 'not ilike', 'in', 'not in', 'child_of') \
and ((not internal) or element[1] in ('inselect',))
def __execute_recursive_in(self, cr, s, f, w, ids):
res = []
for i in range(0, len(ids), cr.IN_MAX):
subids = ids[i:i+cr.IN_MAX]
cr.execute('SELECT "%s"' \
' FROM "%s"' \
' WHERE "%s" in (%s)' % (s, f, w, ','.join(['%d']*len(subids))),
res.extend([r[0] for r in cr.fetchall()])
return res
def __init__(self, exp):
# check if the expression is valid
if not reduce(lambda acc, val: acc and (self._is_operator(val) or self._is_leaf(val)), exp, True):
raise ValueError('Bad domain expression: %r' % (exp,))
self.__exp = exp
self.__tables = {} # used to store the table to use for the sql generation. key = index of the leaf
self.__joins = []
self.__main_table = None # 'root' table. set by parse()
self.__DUMMY_LEAF = (1, '=', 1) # a dummy leaf that must not be parsed or sql generated
def parse(self, cr, uid, table, context):
""" transform the leafs of the expression """
if not self.__exp:
return self
def _rec_get(ids, table, parent, left='id', prefix=''):
if table._parent_store and (not table.pool._init):
# TODO: Improve where joins are implemented for many with '.', replace by:
# doms += ['&',(prefix+'.parent_left','<',o.parent_right),(prefix+'.parent_left','>=',o.parent_left)]
doms = []
for o in table.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
if doms:
doms += ['&',('parent_left','<',o.parent_right),('parent_left','>=',o.parent_left)]
if prefix:
return [(left, 'in', table.search(cr, uid, doms, context=context))]
return doms
if not ids:
return []
ids2 = table.search(cr, uid, [(parent, 'in', ids)], context=context)
return [(prefix+left, 'in', ids2+ids)]
self.__main_table = table
i = -1
while i+1<len(self.__exp):
e = self.__exp[i]
if self._is_operator(e) or e == self.__DUMMY_LEAF:
left, operator, right = e
working_table = table
if left in table._inherit_fields:
working_table = table.pool.get(table._inherit_fields[left][0])
if working_table not in self.__tables.values():
self.__joins.append('%s.%s' % (table._table, table._inherits[working_table._name]))
self.__tables[i] = working_table
fargs = left.split('.', 1)
field = working_table._columns.get(fargs[0], False)
if not field:
if left == 'id' and operator == 'child_of':
dom = _rec_get(right, working_table, working_table._parent_name)
self.__exp = self.__exp[:i] + dom + self.__exp[i+1:]
field_obj = table.pool.get(field._obj)
if len(fargs) > 1:
if field._type == 'many2one':
right = field_obj.search(cr, uid, [(fargs[1], operator, right)], context=context)
self.__exp[i] = (fargs[0], 'in', right)
if field._properties:
# this is a function field
if not field.store:
if not field._fnct_search:
# the function field doesn't provide a search function and doesn't store
# values in the database, so we must ignore it : we generate a dummy leaf
self.__exp[i] = self.__DUMMY_LEAF
subexp = field.search(cr, uid, table, left, [self.__exp[i]])
# we assume that the expression is valid
# we create a dummy leaf for forcing the parsing of the resulting expression
self.__exp[i] = '&'
self.__exp.insert(i + 1, self.__DUMMY_LEAF)
for j, se in enumerate(subexp):
self.__exp.insert(i + 2 + j, se)
# else, the value of the field is store in the database, so we search on it
elif field._type == 'one2many':
if isinstance(right, basestring):
ids2 = [x[0] for x in field_obj.name_search(cr, uid, right, [], operator)]
ids2 = list(right)
if not ids2:
self.__exp[i] = ('id', '=', '0')
self.__exp[i] = ('id', 'in', self.__execute_recursive_in(cr, field._fields_id, field_obj._table, 'id', ids2))
elif field._type == 'many2many':
if operator == 'child_of':
if isinstance(right, basestring):
ids2 = [x[0] for x in field_obj.name_search(cr, uid, right, [], 'like')]
ids2 = list(right)
def _rec_convert(ids):
if field_obj == table:
return ids
return self.__execute_recursive_in(cr, field._id1, field._rel, field._id2, ids)
self.__exp[i] = ('id', 'in', _rec_convert(ids2 + _rec_get(ids2, field_obj, working_table._parent_name)))
if isinstance(right, basestring):
res_ids = [x[0] for x in field_obj.name_search(cr, uid, right, [], operator)]
res_ids = list(right)
self.__exp[i] = ('id', 'in', self.__execute_recursive_in(cr, field._id1, field._rel, field._id2, res_ids) or [0])
elif field._type == 'many2one':
if operator == 'child_of':
if isinstance(right, basestring):
ids2 = [x[0] for x in field_obj.search_name(cr, uid, right, [], 'like')]
ids2 = list(right)
self.__operator = 'in'
if field._obj != working_table._name:
dom = _rec_get(ids2, field_obj, working_table._parent_name, left=left, prefix=left+'.')
dom = _rec_get(ids2, working_table, left)
self.__exp = self.__exp[:i] + dom + self.__exp[i+1:]
if isinstance(right, basestring):
res_ids = field_obj.name_search(cr, uid, right, [], operator)
right = map(lambda x: x[0], res_ids)
self.__exp[i] = (left, 'in', right)
# other field type
if field.translate:
if operator in ('like', 'ilike', 'not like', 'not ilike'):
right = '%%%s%%' % right
query1 = '( SELECT res_id' \
' FROM ir_translation' \
' WHERE name = %s' \
' AND lang = %s' \
' AND type = %s' \
' AND value ' + operator + ' %s' \
') UNION (' \
' SELECT id' \
' FROM "' + working_table._table + '"' \
' WHERE "' + left + '" ' + operator + ' %s' \
query2 = [working_table._name + ',' + left,
context.get('lang', False) or 'en_US',
self.__exp[i] = ('id', 'inselect', (query1, query2))
return self
def __leaf_to_sql(self, leaf, table):
left, operator, right = leaf
if operator == 'inselect':
query = '(%s.%s in (%s))' % (table._table, left, right[0])
params = right[1]
elif operator in ['in', 'not in']:
params = right[:]
len_before = len(params)
for i in range(len_before)[::-1]:
if params[i] == False:
del params[i]
len_after = len(params)
check_nulls = len_after != len_before
query = '(1=0)'
if len_after:
if left == 'id':
instr = ','.join(['%d'] * len_after)
instr = ','.join([table._columns[left]._symbol_set[0]] * len_after)
query = '(%s.%s %s (%s))' % (table._table, left, operator, instr)
if check_nulls:
query = '(%s OR %s IS NULL)' % (query, left)
params = []
if right is False and operator == '=':
query = '%s IS NULL' % left
elif right is False and operator in ['<>', '!=']:
query = '%s IS NOT NULL' % left
if left == 'id':
query = '%s.id %s %%s' % (table._table, operator)
params = right
like = operator in ('like', 'ilike', 'not like', 'not ilike')
op = operator == '=like' and 'like' or operator
if left in table._columns:
format = like and '%s' or table._columns[left]._symbol_set[0]
query = '(%s.%s %s %s)' % (table._table, left, op, format)
query = "(%s.%s %s '%s')" % (table._table, left, op, right)
add_null = False
if like:
if isinstance(right, str):
str_utf8 = right
elif isinstance(right, unicode):
str_utf8 = right.encode('utf-8')
str_utf8 = str(right)
params = '%%%s%%' % str_utf8
add_null = not str_utf8
elif left in table._columns:
params = table._columns[left]._symbol_set[1](right)
if add_null:
query = '(%s OR %s IS NULL)' % (query, left)
if isinstance(params, basestring):
params = [params]
return (query, params)
def to_sql(self):
stack = []
params = []
for i, e in reverse_enumerate(self.__exp):
if self._is_leaf(e, internal=True):
table = self.__tables.has_key(i) and self.__tables[i] or self.__main_table
q, p = self.__leaf_to_sql(e, table)
params.insert(0, p)
if e == '!':
stack.append('(NOT (%s))' % (stack.pop(),))
ops = {'&': ' AND ', '|': ' OR '}
q1 = stack.pop()
q2 = stack.pop()
stack.append('(%s %s %s)' % (q1, ops[e], q2,))
query = ' AND '.join(reversed(stack))
joins = ' AND '.join(map(lambda j: '%s.id = %s' % (self.__main_table._table, j), self.__joins))
if joins:
query = '(%s AND (%s))' % (joins, query)
return (query, flatten(params))
def get_tables(self):
return ['"%s"' % t._table for t in set(self.__tables.values())]
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