
1987 lines
62 KiB

# Translation of Odoo Server.
# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
# * gamification
# Translators:
# Dorin Hongu <dhongu@gmail.com>, 2015
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Odoo 8.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-05-25 12:58+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-02-05 09:12+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Martin Trigaux\n"
"Language-Team: Romanian (http://www.transifex.com/odoo/odoo-8/language/ro/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
"Language: ro\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1?0:(((n%100>19)||((n%100==0)&&(n!=0)))?2:1));\n"
#. module: gamification
#: model:email.template,body_html:gamification.email_template_badge_received
msgid ""
" <p>Congratulation, you have received the badge <strong>${object.badge_id.name}</strong> !\n"
" % if object.sender_id\n"
" This badge was granted by <strong>${object.sender_id.name}</strong>.\n"
" % endif\n"
" </p>\n"
" % if object.comment\n"
" <p><em>${object.comment}</em></p>\n"
" % endif\n"
" "
msgstr "\n <p>Felicitări, ai primit insigna <strong>${object.badge_id.name}</strong> !\n % if object.sender_id\n Această insignă a fost acordată de <strong>${object.sender_id.name}</strong>.\n % endif\n </p>\n\n % if object.comment\n <p><em>${object.comment}</em></p>\n % endif\n "
#. module: gamification
#: model:email.template,body_html:gamification.email_template_goal_reminder
msgid ""
" <header>\n"
" <strong>Reminder ${object.name}</strong>\n"
" </header>\n"
" \n"
" <p>You have not updated your progress for the goal ${object.definition_id.name} (currently reached at ${object.completeness}%) for at least ${object.remind_update_delay} days. Do not forget to do it.</p>\n"
" "
msgstr "\n <header>\n <strong>Reamintire${object.name}</strong>\n </header>\n \n <p>Nu ați actualizat progresul pentru obiectivul ${object.definition_id.name} (currently reached at ${object.completeness}%) timp de cel puțin ${object.remind_update_delay} zile. Să nu uitați să-l faceți.</p>\n "
#. module: gamification
#: model:email.template,body_html:gamification.simple_report_template
msgid ""
" <strong>${object.name}</strong>\n"
"<p class=\"oe_grey\">The following message contains the current progress for the challenge ${object.name}</p>\n"
"% if object.visibility_mode == 'personal':\n"
" <table width=\"100%\" border=\"1\">\n"
" <tr>\n"
" <th>Goal</th>\n"
" <th>Target</th>\n"
" <th>Current</th>\n"
" <th>Completeness</th>\n"
" </tr>\n"
" % for line in ctx[\"challenge_lines\"]:\n"
" <tr\n"
" % if line['completeness'] >= 100:\n"
" style=\"font-weight:bold;\"\n"
" % endif\n"
" >\n"
" <td>${line['name']}</td>\n"
" <td>${line['target']}\n"
" % if line['suffix']:\n"
" ${line['suffix']}\n"
" % endif\n"
" </td>\n"
" <td>${line['current']}\n"
" % if line['suffix']:\n"
" ${line['suffix']}\n"
" % endif\n"
" </td>\n"
" <td>${line['completeness']} %</td>\n"
" </tr>\n"
" % endfor\n"
" </table>\n"
"% else:\n"
" % for line in ctx[\"challenge_lines\"]:\n"
" <table width=\"100%\" border=\"1\">\n"
" <tr>\n"
" <th colspan=\"4\">${line['name']}</th>\n"
" </tr>\n"
" <tr>\n"
" <th>#</th>\n"
" <th>Person</th>\n"
" <th>Completeness</th>\n"
" <th>Current</th>\n"
" </tr>\n"
" % for goal in line['goals']:\n"
" <tr\n"
" % if goal.completeness >= 100:\n"
" style=\"font-weight:bold;\"\n"
" % endif\n"
" >\n"
" <td>${goal['rank']}</td>\n"
" <td>${goal['name']}</td>\n"
" <td>${goal['completeness']}%</td>\n"
" <td>${goal['current']}/${line['target']}\n"
" % if line['suffix']:\n"
" ${line['suffix']}\n"
" % endif\n"
" </td>\n"
" </tr>\n"
" % endfor\n"
" </table>\n"
" <br/><br/>\n"
" % endfor\n"
"% endif\n"
" "
msgstr "\n<header>\n <strong>${object.name}</strong>\n</header>\n<p class=\"oe_grey\">The following message contains the current progress for the challenge ${object.name}</p>\n\n% if object.visibility_mode == 'personal':\n <table width=\"100%\" border=\"1\">\n <tr>\n <th>Obiectiv</th>\n <th>Ținta</th>\n <th>Curent</th>\n <th>Îndeplinire</th>\n </tr>\n % for line in ctx[\"challenge_lines\"]:\n <tr\n % if line['completeness'] >= 100:\n style=\"font-weight:bold;\"\n % endif\n >\n <td>${line['name']}</td>\n <td>${line['target']}\n % if line['suffix']:\n ${line['suffix']}\n % endif\n </td>\n <td>${line['current']}\n % if line['suffix']:\n ${line['suffix']}\n % endif\n </td>\n <td>${line['completeness']} %</td>\n </tr>\n % endfor\n </table>\n% else:\n % for line in ctx[\"challenge_lines\"]:\n <table width=\"100%\" border=\"1\">\n <tr>\n <th colspan=\"4\">${line['name']}</th>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <th>#</th>\n <th>Persoana</th>\n <th>Îndeplinire</th>\n <th>Curent</th>\n </tr>\n % for goal in line['goals']:\n <tr\n % if goal.completeness >= 100:\n style=\"font-weight:bold;\"\n % endif\n >\n <td>${goal['rank']}</td>\n <td>${goal['name']}</td>\n <td>${goal['completeness']}%</td>\n <td>${goal['current']}/${line['target']}\n % if line['suffix']:\n ${line['suffix']}\n % endif\n </td>\n </tr>\n % endfor\n </table>\n\n <br/><br/>\n\n % endfor\n% endif\n "
#. module: gamification
#: selection:gamification.challenge.line,condition:0
msgid "<="
msgstr "<="
#. module: gamification
#: code:addons/gamification/models/challenge.py:756
#, python-format
msgid ""
"<br/>Nobody has succeeded to reach every goal, no badge is rewared for this "
msgstr "<br/>Nimeni nu a reușit să atingă fiecare obiectiv, nicio insignă acordată pentru această provocare."
#. module: gamification
#: code:addons/gamification/models/challenge.py:754
#, python-format
msgid "<br/>Reward (badge %s) for every succeeding user was sent to %s."
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: code:addons/gamification/models/challenge.py:763
#, python-format
msgid ""
"<br/>Special rewards were sent to the top competing users. The ranking for "
"this challenge is :"
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:gamification.badge_list_action
msgid ""
"<p class=\"oe_view_nocontent_create\">\n"
" Click to create a badge. \n"
" </p>\n"
" <p>\n"
" A badge is a symbolic token granted to a user as a sign of reward.\n"
" It can be deserved automatically when some conditions are met or manually by users.\n"
" Some badges are harder than others to get with specific conditions.\n"
" </p>\n"
" "
msgstr "<p class=\"oe_view_nocontent_create\">\n Cilck pentru a crea o insignă.\n</p>\n<p>\n O insignă este un simbol acordat unui utilizator în semn de recompensă.\nPot fi acordate automat în când sunt îndeplinite anumite condiții sau manual de utilizatori.\nAnumite insigne sunt mai greu de obținut față de altele. </p>\n "
#. module: gamification
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:gamification.challenge_list_action
msgid ""
"<p class=\"oe_view_nocontent_create\">\n"
" Click to create a challenge. \n"
" </p>\n"
" <p>\n"
" Assign a list of goals to chosen users to evaluate them.\n"
" The challenge can use a period (weekly, monthly...) for automatic creation of goals.\n"
" The goals are created for the specified users or member of the group.\n"
" </p>\n"
" "
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:gamification.goal_definition_list_action
msgid ""
"<p class=\"oe_view_nocontent_create\">\n"
" Click to create a goal definition. \n"
" </p>\n"
" <p>\n"
" A goal definition is a technical model of goal defining a condition to reach.\n"
" The dates, values to reach or users are defined in goal instance.\n"
" </p>\n"
" "
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:gamification.goal_list_action
msgid ""
"<p class=\"oe_view_nocontent_create\">\n"
" Click to create a goal. \n"
" </p>\n"
" <p>\n"
" A goal is defined by a user and a goal definition.\n"
" Goals can be created automatically by using challenges.\n"
" </p>\n"
" "
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:gamification.goals_from_challenge_act
msgid ""
" There is no goals associated to this challenge matching your search.\n"
" Make sure that your challenge is active and assigned to at least one user.\n"
" </p>\n"
" "
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: selection:gamification.challenge.line,condition:0
msgid ">="
msgstr ">="
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.goal.definition,condition:0
msgid ""
"A goal is considered as completed when the current value is compared to the "
"value to reach"
msgstr "Un obiectiv este considerat ca fiind terminat când valoarea curentă este comparată cu valoarea dorită"
#. module: gamification
#: selection:gamification.badge,rule_auth:0
msgid "A selected list of users"
msgstr "O listă selectată de utilizatori"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.challenge:gamification.view_challenge_wizard
msgid "Accept"
msgstr "Acceptă"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.goal.definition,action_id:0
msgid "Action"
msgstr "Acțiune"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.badge,active:0
msgid "Active"
msgstr "Activ(ă)"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.challenge:gamification.challenge_form_view
msgid "Advanced Options"
msgstr "Opțiuni avansate"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.badge,rule_auth:0
msgid "Allowance to Grant"
msgstr "Permisie de acordare"
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.challenge,user_domain:0
msgid "Alternative to a list of users"
msgstr "Alternativa la o listă de utilizatori"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.challenge,category:0
msgid "Appears in"
msgstr "Apare în"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.challenge:gamification.challenge_form_view
msgid "Assign Challenge To"
msgstr "Atribuire provocare lui"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.badge,rule_auth_user_ids:0
msgid "Authorized Users"
msgstr "Utilizatori autorizați"
#. module: gamification
#: selection:gamification.goal.definition,computation_mode:0
msgid "Automatic: execute a specific Python code"
msgstr "Automat: execută un cod Python"
#. module: gamification
#: selection:gamification.goal.definition,computation_mode:0
msgid "Automatic: number of records"
msgstr "Automat: număr de înregistrări"
#. module: gamification
#: selection:gamification.goal.definition,computation_mode:0
msgid "Automatic: sum on a field"
msgstr "Automat: suma unui câmp"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.badge:gamification.badge_form_view
#: field:gamification.badge,name:0 field:gamification.badge.user,badge_id:0
#: field:gamification.badge.user.wizard,badge_id:0
msgid "Badge"
msgstr "Insignă"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.badge:gamification.badge_form_view
msgid "Badge Description"
msgstr "Descriere insignă"
#. module: gamification
#: model:mail.message.subtype,description:gamification.mt_badge_granted
#: model:mail.message.subtype,name:gamification.mt_badge_granted
msgid "Badge Granted"
msgstr "Insignă acordată"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.badge:gamification.badge_list_view
msgid "Badge List"
msgstr "Listă insigne"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.badge.user,badge_name:0
msgid "Badge Name"
msgstr "Nume insignă"
#. module: gamification
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:gamification.badge_list_action
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:gamification.gamification_badge_menu
msgid "Badges"
msgstr "Insigne"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.challenge:gamification.challenge_form_view
msgid ""
"Badges are granted when a challenge is finished. This is either at the end "
"of a running period (eg: end of the month for a monthly challenge), at the "
"end date of a challenge (if no periodicity is set) or when the challenge is "
"manually closed."
msgstr "Insigne se acordă atunci când o provocare este terminată. Acesta este fie la sfârșitul unei perioade de funcționare (de ex: sfârșitul lunii pentru o provocare lunară), la data de încheiere a unui provocări (dacă nu este setată o periodicitate) sau când provocarea este închisă manual."
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.goal.definition,batch_mode:0
msgid "Batch Mode"
msgstr "Mod în masă"
#. module: gamification
#: model:gamification.badge,name:gamification.badge_idea
msgid "Brilliant"
msgstr "Genial"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.badge:gamification.badge_kanban_view
msgid "Can not grant"
msgstr "Nu se poate acorda"
#. module: gamification
#: code:addons/gamification/models/goal.py:457
#, python-format
msgid "Can not modify the configuration of a started goal"
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.badge.user.wizard:gamification.view_badge_wizard_grant
#: view:gamification.goal.wizard:gamification.view_goal_wizard_update_current
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Renunță"
#. module: gamification
#: selection:gamification.goal,state:0
msgid "Canceled"
msgstr "Anulată"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.challenge:gamification.challenge_form_view
msgid "Category"
msgstr "Categorie"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.challenge:gamification.view_challenge_wizard
#: field:gamification.challenge.line,challenge_id:0
#: field:gamification.goal,challenge_id:0
msgid "Challenge"
msgstr "Provocare"
#. module: gamification
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:gamification.challenge_wizard
msgid "Challenge Description"
msgstr "Descriere provocare"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.goal,line_id:0
msgid "Challenge Line"
msgstr "Listă provocări"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.challenge:gamification.view_challenge_wizard
#: view:gamification.challenge.line:gamification.challenge_line_list_view
msgid "Challenge Lines"
msgstr "Liste provocări"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.challenge,name:0
msgid "Challenge Name"
msgstr "Nume provocare"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.badge.user,challenge_id:0
msgid "Challenge originating"
msgstr "Provocare inițiată"
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.goal,challenge_id:0
msgid ""
"Challenge that generated the goal, assign challenge to users to generate "
"goals with a value in this field."
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.challenge:gamification.view_challenge_kanban
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:gamification.challenge_list_action
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:gamification.gamification_challenge_menu
msgid "Challenges"
msgstr "Provocări"
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.badge,rule_max:0
msgid "Check to set a monthly limit per person of sending this badge"
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.goal.definition:gamification.goal_definition_form_view
msgid "Clickable Goals"
msgstr "Obiective clicabile"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.goal,closed:0
msgid "Closed goal"
msgstr "Obiectiv atins"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.badge.user,comment:0
#: field:gamification.badge.user.wizard,comment:0
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Comentariu"
#. module: gamification
#: model:gamification.challenge,name:gamification.challenge_base_discover
msgid "Complete your Profile"
msgstr "Completați profilul dvs."
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.goal,completeness:0
msgid "Completeness"
msgstr "Realizare"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.goal.definition:gamification.goal_definition_search_view
#: field:gamification.goal.definition,computation_mode:0
msgid "Computation Mode"
msgstr "Mod calcul"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.goal,computation_mode:0
msgid "Computation mode"
msgstr "Mod calcul"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.challenge.line,condition:0
msgid "Condition"
msgstr "Condiție"
#. module: gamification
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:gamification.action_new_simplified_res_users
msgid "Create User"
msgstr "Creați utilizator"
#. module: gamification
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:gamification.action_new_simplified_res_users
msgid ""
"Create and manage users that will connect to the system. Users can be "
"deactivated should there be a period of time during which they will/should "
"not connect to the system. You can assign them groups in order to give them "
"specific access to the applications they need to use in the system."
msgstr "Creați și gestionați utilizatori care se vor conecta la sistem. Utilizatorii pot fi dezactivați în caz că există o perioada de timp în care ei nu se conectează la sistem. Le puteți atribui grupuri pentru a le da acces specific la aplicațiile de care ei au nevoie în sistem."
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.badge.user,create_date:0
msgid "Created"
msgstr "Creat"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.badge,create_uid:0
#: field:gamification.badge.user.wizard,create_uid:0
#: field:gamification.challenge,create_uid:0
#: field:gamification.challenge.line,create_uid:0
#: field:gamification.goal,create_uid:0
#: field:gamification.goal.definition,create_uid:0
#: field:gamification.goal.wizard,create_uid:0
msgid "Created by"
msgstr "Creat de"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.badge,create_date:0
#: field:gamification.badge.user.wizard,create_date:0
#: field:gamification.challenge,create_date:0
#: field:gamification.challenge.line,create_date:0
#: field:gamification.goal,create_date:0
#: field:gamification.goal.definition,create_date:0
#: field:gamification.goal.wizard,create_date:0
msgid "Created on"
msgstr "Creat la"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.badge.user,create_uid:0
msgid "Creator"
msgstr "Autor"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.goal.wizard,current:0
msgid "Current"
msgstr "Curent(ă)"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.goal,current:0
msgid "Current Value"
msgstr "Valoare curentă"
#. module: gamification
#: selection:gamification.challenge,period:0
#: selection:gamification.challenge,report_message_frequency:0
msgid "Daily"
msgstr "Zilnic"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.goal:gamification.goal_form_view
msgid "Data"
msgstr "Data"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.goal.definition,field_date_id:0
msgid "Date Field"
msgstr "Câmp de dată"
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.badge,message_last_post:0
#: help:gamification.challenge,message_last_post:0
msgid "Date of the last message posted on the record."
msgstr "Data ultimului mesaj postat pe înregistrare."
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.challenge,category:0
msgid "Define the visibility of the challenge through menus"
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.goal.definition,computation_mode:0
msgid ""
"Defined how will be computed the goals. The result of the operation will be "
"stored in the field 'Current'."
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.goal,definition_condition:0
msgid "Definition Condition"
msgstr "Definiție condiție"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.goal,definition_description:0
msgid "Definition Description"
msgstr "Descrierea definiției"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.challenge:gamification.challenge_form_view
msgid "Depending on the Display mode, reports will be individual or shared."
msgstr "În funcție de modul de afișare, rapoartele vor fi individuale sau comune."
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.challenge:gamification.challenge_form_view
msgid ""
"Describe the challenge: what is does, who it targets, why it matters..."
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.badge.user.wizard:gamification.view_badge_wizard_grant
msgid "Describe what they did and why it matters (will be public)"
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.badge,description:0
#: field:gamification.challenge,description:0
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Descriere"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.challenge,visibility_mode:0
#: field:gamification.goal,definition_display:0
msgid "Display Mode"
msgstr "Mod afișare"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.badge,display_name:0
#: field:gamification.badge.user,display_name:0
#: field:gamification.badge.user.wizard,display_name:0
#: field:gamification.challenge,display_name:0
#: field:gamification.challenge.line,display_name:0
#: field:gamification.goal,display_name:0
#: field:gamification.goal.definition,display_name:0
#: field:gamification.goal.wizard,display_name:0
msgid "Display Name"
msgstr "Afiseaza nume"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.goal.definition,display_mode:0
msgid "Displayed as"
msgstr "Afișat ca"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.goal.definition,batch_distinctive_field:0
msgid "Distinctive field for batch user"
msgstr "Câmp distinctiv pentru lot utilizator"
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.goal.definition,domain:0
msgid ""
"Domain for filtering records. General rule, not user depending, e.g. "
"[('state', '=', 'done')]. The expression can contain reference to 'user' "
"which is a browse record of the current user if not in batch mode."
msgstr "Domeniu pentru filtrarea înregistrărilor. Regulă generală nu depinde de utilizator, ex: [('state', '=', 'done')]. Expresia poate conține referința la 'user', care este o înregistrare a utilizatorului curent, dacă nu este utilizat modul în masă."
#. module: gamification
#: selection:gamification.challenge,state:0
#: view:gamification.goal:gamification.goal_search_view
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Efectuat"
#. module: gamification
#: selection:gamification.challenge,state:0
#: view:gamification.goal:gamification.goal_search_view
#: selection:gamification.goal,state:0
msgid "Draft"
msgstr "Ciornă"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.challenge,end_date:0
#: view:gamification.goal:gamification.goal_search_view
#: field:gamification.goal,end_date:0
msgid "End Date"
msgstr "Dată de sfârșit"
#. module: gamification
#: code:addons/gamification/models/challenge.py:561
#: code:addons/gamification/models/goal.py:148
#: code:addons/gamification/models/goal.py:457
#, python-format
msgid "Error!"
msgstr "Eroare!"
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.goal.definition,batch_mode:0
msgid "Evaluate the expression in batch instead of once for each user"
msgstr "Evaluare expresie în masă nu pentru fiecare utilizator"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.goal.definition,batch_user_expression:0
msgid "Evaluted expression for batch mode"
msgstr "Expresie evaluată pentru modul în masă"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.challenge:gamification.view_challenge_wizard
msgid "Even if the challenge is failed, best challengers will be rewarded"
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: selection:gamification.badge,rule_auth:0
msgid "Everyone"
msgstr "Toți"
#. module: gamification
#: selection:gamification.goal.definition,display_mode:0
msgid "Exclusive (done or not-done)"
msgstr "Exclusiv (realizat sau nerealizat)"
#. module: gamification
#: selection:gamification.goal,state:0
msgid "Failed"
msgstr "Eșuat"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.goal.definition,field_id:0
msgid "Field to Sum"
msgstr "Câmp de însumat"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.goal.definition,domain:0
msgid "Filter Domain"
msgstr "Domeniu filtru"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.badge,message_follower_ids:0
#: field:gamification.challenge,message_follower_ids:0
msgid "Followers"
msgstr "Urmări"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.challenge,reward_first_id:0
msgid "For 1st user"
msgstr "Pentru primul utilizator"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.challenge,reward_second_id:0
msgid "For 2nd user"
msgstr "Pentru al doilea utilizator"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.challenge,reward_third_id:0
msgid "For 3rd user"
msgstr "Pentru al treilea utilizator"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.challenge,reward_id:0
msgid "For Every Succeding User"
msgstr "Pentru reușita fiecărui utilizator"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.goal.definition:gamification.goal_definition_form_view
msgid "Formating Options"
msgstr "Opțiuni formatare"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.goal:gamification.goal_kanban_view
msgid "From"
msgstr "De la"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.goal.definition,full_suffix:0
msgid "Full Suffix"
msgstr "Sufix întreg"
#. module: gamification
#: model:ir.module.category,name:gamification.module_goal_category
msgid "Gamification"
msgstr "Competiție"
#. module: gamification
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:gamification.gamification_menu
msgid "Gamification Tools"
msgstr "Unelte competiție"
#. module: gamification
#: model:ir.model,name:gamification.model_gamification_badge
msgid "Gamification badge"
msgstr "Insignă competiție"
#. module: gamification
#: model:ir.model,name:gamification.model_gamification_challenge
msgid "Gamification challenge"
msgstr "Provocare competiție"
#. module: gamification
#: model:ir.model,name:gamification.model_gamification_challenge_line
msgid "Gamification generic goal for challenge"
msgstr "Obiectiv generic pentru provocare"
#. module: gamification
#: model:ir.model,name:gamification.model_gamification_goal_definition
msgid "Gamification goal definition"
msgstr "Definiție obiectiv competiție"
#. module: gamification
#: model:ir.model,name:gamification.model_gamification_goal
msgid "Gamification goal instance"
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: model:ir.model,name:gamification.model_gamification_badge_user
msgid "Gamification user badge"
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.challenge:gamification.view_challenge_kanban
#: view:gamification.goal:gamification.goal_form_view
#: field:gamification.goal.wizard,goal_id:0
msgid "Goal"
msgstr "Obiectiv"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.challenge.line,definition_id:0
#: view:gamification.goal:gamification.goal_search_view
#: field:gamification.goal,definition_id:0
#: field:gamification.goal.definition,name:0
msgid "Goal Definition"
msgstr "Definiție obiectiv"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.goal.definition:gamification.goal_definition_list_view
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:gamification.goal_definition_list_action
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:gamification.gamification_definition_menu
msgid "Goal Definitions"
msgstr "Definiții obiectiv"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.goal.definition,description:0
msgid "Goal Description"
msgstr "Descriere obiectiv"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.goal:gamification.goal_form_view
msgid "Goal Failed"
msgstr "Obiectiv ratat"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.goal:gamification.goal_list_view
msgid "Goal List"
msgstr "Listă obiective"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.goal.definition,condition:0
msgid "Goal Performance"
msgstr "Performanță obiectiv"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.goal:gamification.goal_form_view
msgid "Goal Reached"
msgstr "Obiectiv atins"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.challenge:gamification.challenge_form_view
#: view:gamification.challenge:gamification.challenge_list_view
#: view:gamification.goal.definition:gamification.goal_definition_form_view
msgid "Goal definitions"
msgstr "Definiții obiectiv"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.challenge:gamification.challenge_form_view
#: view:gamification.challenge:gamification.view_challenge_kanban
#: view:gamification.challenge:gamification.view_challenge_wizard
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:gamification.goal_list_action
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:gamification.gamification_goal_menu
msgid "Goals"
msgstr "Obiective"
#. module: gamification
#: model:gamification.badge,name:gamification.badge_good_job
msgid "Good Job"
msgstr "Bună treabă"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.badge:gamification.badge_kanban_view
msgid "Grant"
msgstr "Acordă"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.badge.user.wizard:gamification.view_badge_wizard_grant
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:gamification.action_grant_wizard
msgid "Grant Badge"
msgstr "Insignă acordată"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.badge.user.wizard:gamification.view_badge_wizard_grant
#: view:gamification.goal.wizard:gamification.view_goal_wizard_update_current
msgid "Grant Badge To"
msgstr "Insignă acordată lui"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.badge:gamification.badge_form_view
msgid "Grant this Badge"
msgstr "Acordă această insignă"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.badge.user:gamification.badge_user_kanban_view
msgid "Granted by"
msgstr "Generat de"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.badge:gamification.badge_form_view
msgid "Granting"
msgstr "Acordarea"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.challenge:gamification.challenge_search_view
#: view:gamification.goal:gamification.goal_search_view
#: view:gamification.goal.definition:gamification.goal_definition_search_view
msgid "Group By"
msgstr "Grupează după"
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.challenge,report_message_group_id:0
msgid "Group that will receive a copy of the report in addition to the user"
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.challenge:gamification.challenge_search_view
msgid "HR Challenges"
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: model:gamification.badge,name:gamification.badge_hidden
msgid "Hidden"
msgstr "Ascuns"
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.badge,message_summary:0
#: help:gamification.challenge,message_summary:0
msgid ""
"Holds the Chatter summary (number of messages, ...). This summary is "
"directly in html format in order to be inserted in kanban views."
msgstr "Conține rezumatul Chatter (număr de mesaje, ...). Acest rezumat este direct în format HTML, cu scopul de a se introduce în vizualizări kanban."
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.goal.definition:gamification.goal_definition_form_view
msgid "How to compute the goal?"
msgstr "Cum se calculează obiectivul?"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.badge,id:0 field:gamification.badge.user,id:0
#: field:gamification.badge.user.wizard,id:0 field:gamification.challenge,id:0
#: field:gamification.challenge.line,id:0 field:gamification.goal,id:0
#: field:gamification.goal.definition,id:0 field:gamification.goal.wizard,id:0
msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.goal.definition,res_id_field:0
msgid "ID Field of user"
msgstr "Câmp pt. ID utilizator"
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.badge,remaining_sending:0
msgid "If a maxium is set"
msgstr "Dacă un maxim este setat"
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.badge,message_unread:0
#: help:gamification.challenge,message_unread:0
msgid "If checked new messages require your attention."
msgstr "Dacă este selectat, mesajele noi necesită atenția dumneavoastră."
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.badge.user,challenge_id:0
msgid "If this badge was rewarded through a challenge"
msgstr "Dacă această insignă a fost răsplata unei provocare"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.badge,image:0
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Imagine"
#. module: gamification
#: selection:gamification.challenge,state:0
msgid "In Progress"
msgstr "În progres"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.goal.definition:gamification.goal_definition_form_view
msgid ""
"In batch mode, the domain is evaluated globally. If enabled, do not use "
"keyword 'user' in above filter domain."
msgstr "În mod în masă, domeniul este evaluat global. Dacă este activat nu utilizați cuvântul cheie 'user' în domeniul filtrului."
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.goal.definition,batch_distinctive_field:0
msgid ""
"In batch mode, this indicates which field distinct one user form the other, "
"e.g. user_id, partner_id..."
msgstr "În modul în masă, acesta indică care câmp e distinct de la un utilizator la altul, ex: user_id, partner_id"
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.goal,last_update:0
msgid ""
"In case of manual goal, reminders are sent if the goal as not been updated "
"for a while (defined in challenge). Ignored in case of non-manual goal or "
"goal not linked to a challenge."
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: selection:gamification.goal,state:0
msgid "In progress"
msgstr "În progres"
#. module: gamification
#: selection:gamification.challenge,visibility_mode:0
msgid "Individual Goals"
msgstr "Obiective individuale"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.goal.definition,model_inherited_model_ids:0
msgid "Inherited models"
msgstr "Modele moștenite"
#. module: gamification
#: code:addons/gamification/models/goal.py:334
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid return content from the evaluation of code for definition %s"
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: model:gamification.goal.definition,name:gamification.definition_base_invite
msgid "Invite new Users"
msgstr "Ivita noi utilizatori"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.challenge:gamification.view_challenge_wizard
msgid "Invited"
msgstr "Invitat"
#. module: gamification
#. openerp-web
#: code:addons/gamification/static/src/xml/gamification.xml:105
#, python-format
msgid "Invited Challenges"
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.badge,message_is_follower:0
#: field:gamification.challenge,message_is_follower:0
msgid "Is a Follower"
msgstr "Este o persoană interesată"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.badge,message_last_post:0
#: field:gamification.challenge,message_last_post:0
msgid "Last Message Date"
msgstr "Data ultimului mesaj"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.badge,__last_update:0
#: field:gamification.badge.user,__last_update:0
#: field:gamification.badge.user.wizard,__last_update:0
#: field:gamification.challenge,__last_update:0
#: field:gamification.challenge.line,__last_update:0
#: field:gamification.goal,__last_update:0
#: field:gamification.goal.definition,__last_update:0
#: field:gamification.goal.wizard,__last_update:0
msgid "Last Modified on"
msgstr "Ultima modificare la"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.challenge,last_report_date:0
msgid "Last Report Date"
msgstr "Data ultimului raport"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.goal,last_update:0
msgid "Last Update"
msgstr "Ultima actualizare"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.badge,write_uid:0
#: field:gamification.badge.user,write_uid:0
#: field:gamification.badge.user.wizard,write_uid:0
#: field:gamification.challenge,write_uid:0
#: field:gamification.challenge.line,write_uid:0
#: field:gamification.goal,write_uid:0
#: field:gamification.goal.definition,write_uid:0
#: field:gamification.goal.wizard,write_uid:0
msgid "Last Updated by"
msgstr "Ultima actualizare făcută de"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.badge,write_date:0
#: field:gamification.badge.user,write_date:0
#: field:gamification.badge.user.wizard,write_date:0
#: field:gamification.challenge,write_date:0
#: field:gamification.challenge.line,write_date:0
#: field:gamification.goal,write_date:0
#: field:gamification.goal.definition,write_date:0
#: field:gamification.goal.wizard,write_date:0
msgid "Last Updated on"
msgstr "Ultima actualizare la"
#. module: gamification
#: selection:gamification.challenge,visibility_mode:0
msgid "Leader Board (Group Ranking)"
msgstr "Clasament (Grup rang)"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.badge,rule_max_number:0
msgid "Limitation Number"
msgstr "Limitare la numărul"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.challenge:gamification.challenge_form_view
msgid "Line List"
msgstr "Linie listă"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.challenge,line_ids:0
msgid "Lines"
msgstr "Linii"
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.challenge,line_ids:0
msgid "List of goals that will be set"
msgstr "Lista obiectivelor ce vor fi setate"
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.challenge,user_ids:0
msgid "List of users participating to the challenge"
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: model:gamification.goal.definition,name:gamification.definition_nbr_following
msgid "Mail Group Following"
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: model:res.groups,name:gamification.group_goal_manager
msgid "Manager"
msgstr "Manager"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.badge,message_ids:0
#: field:gamification.challenge,message_ids:0
msgid "Messages"
msgstr "Mesaje"
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.badge,message_ids:0
#: help:gamification.challenge,message_ids:0
msgid "Messages and communication history"
msgstr "Istoric mesaje și conversații"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.goal.definition:gamification.goal_definition_search_view
#: field:gamification.goal.definition,model_id:0
msgid "Model"
msgstr "Model"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.challenge.line,definition_monetary:0
msgid "Monetary"
msgstr "Monetar"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.goal.definition,monetary:0
msgid "Monetary Value"
msgstr "Valoare monetar"
#. module: gamification
#: selection:gamification.challenge,period:0
#: selection:gamification.challenge,report_message_frequency:0
msgid "Monthly"
msgstr "Lunar"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.badge,rule_max:0
msgid "Monthly Limited Sending"
msgstr "Trimitere limită lunară"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.badge,stat_this_month:0
msgid "Monthly total"
msgstr "Total lunar"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.goal:gamification.goal_search_view
msgid "My Goals"
msgstr "Obiectivele mele"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.badge,stat_my_monthly_sending:0
msgid "My Monthly Sending Total"
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.badge,stat_my_this_month:0
msgid "My Monthly Total"
msgstr "Totalul meu lunar"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.badge,stat_my:0
msgid "My Total"
msgstr "Totalul meu"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.challenge.line,name:0
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nume"
#. module: gamification
#: selection:gamification.challenge,report_message_frequency:0
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Niciodată"
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.challenge,remind_update_delay:0
msgid "Never reminded if no value or zero is specified."
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.challenge,next_report_date:0
msgid "Next Report Date"
msgstr "Data următorului raport"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.badge:gamification.badge_form_view
msgid "No monthly sending limit"
msgstr "Fără trimitere limită lunară"
#. module: gamification
#: selection:gamification.badge,rule_auth:0
msgid "No one, assigned through challenges"
msgstr "Nimănui, alocată prin provocări"
#. module: gamification
#: code:addons/gamification/models/challenge.py:766
#, python-format
msgid "Nobody reached the required conditions to receive special badges."
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: selection:gamification.challenge,period:0
msgid "Non recurring"
msgstr "Nerecursiv"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.challenge,remind_update_delay:0
msgid "Non-updated manual goals will be reminded after"
msgstr "Obiectivele neactualizate manual vă vor fi reamintite după"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.challenge:gamification.challenge_form_view
msgid "Notification Messages"
msgstr "Mesaje de notificare"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.badge,stat_count_distinct:0
msgid "Number of users"
msgstr "Numar utilizatori"
#. module: gamification
#: selection:gamification.challenge,report_message_frequency:0
msgid "On change"
msgstr "La modificare"
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.badge,rule_auth_badge_ids:0
msgid "Only the people having these badges can give this badge"
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.badge,rule_auth_user_ids:0
msgid "Only these people can give this badge"
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.goal.definition:gamification.goal_definition_form_view
msgid "Optimisation"
msgstr "Optimizare"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.badge,owner_ids:0
msgid "Owners"
msgstr "Proprietarii"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.challenge:gamification.view_challenge_wizard
msgid "Participating"
msgstr "participanți"
#. module: gamification
#: selection:gamification.badge,rule_auth:0
msgid "People having some badges"
msgstr "Persoane având o anumită insignă"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.challenge:gamification.challenge_search_view
msgid "Period"
msgstr "Perioadă"
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.challenge,period:0
msgid ""
"Period of automatic goal assigment. If none is selected, should be launched "
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.challenge,period:0
msgid "Periodicity"
msgstr "Periodicitate"
#. module: gamification
#: model:gamification.badge,name:gamification.badge_problem_solver
msgid "Problem Solver"
msgstr "Problemă rezolvată"
#. module: gamification
#: selection:gamification.goal.definition,display_mode:0
msgid "Progressive (using numerical values)"
msgstr "Progresiv (utilizând valoare numerică)"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.goal.definition,compute_code:0
msgid "Python Code"
msgstr "Cod Python"
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.goal.definition,compute_code:0
msgid ""
"Python code to be executed for each user. 'result' should contains the new "
"current value. Evaluated user can be access through object.user_id."
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: selection:gamification.goal,state:0
msgid "Reached"
msgstr "Atins"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.goal:gamification.goal_form_view
msgid "Reached when current value is"
msgstr "Atins atunci când valoarea curentă este"
#. module: gamification
#: selection:gamification.goal.definition,computation_mode:0
msgid "Recorded manually"
msgstr "Înregistrat manual"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.goal:gamification.goal_form_view
msgid "Reference"
msgstr "Referință"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.challenge:gamification.challenge_form_view
msgid "Refresh Challenge"
msgstr "Actualizează Provocarea"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.challenge:gamification.view_challenge_wizard
msgid "Reject"
msgstr "Respinge"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.challenge:gamification.challenge_form_view
msgid "Related"
msgstr "Asociat"
#. module: gamification
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:gamification.goals_from_challenge_act
msgid "Related Goals"
msgstr "Obiective asociate"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.badge,remaining_sending:0
msgid "Remaining Sending Allowed"
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.goal,remind_update_delay:0
msgid "Remind delay"
msgstr "Zile rămase"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.challenge:gamification.challenge_form_view
msgid "Reminders for Manual Goals"
msgstr "Memento-uri pentru obiective actualizate manual"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.challenge,report_message_frequency:0
msgid "Report Frequency"
msgstr "Frecvență raport"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.challenge,report_template_id:0
msgid "Report Template"
msgstr "Șablon raport"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.badge,rule_auth_badge_ids:0
msgid "Required Badges"
msgstr "Insigne obligatorii"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.goal:gamification.goal_form_view
msgid "Reset Completion"
msgstr "Resetare completitudine"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.challenge,manager_id:0
msgid "Responsible"
msgstr "Responsabil"
#. module: gamification
#: code:addons/gamification/models/challenge.py:561
#, python-format
msgid "Retrieving progress for personal challenge without user information"
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.challenge:gamification.challenge_form_view
#: view:gamification.challenge:gamification.view_challenge_wizard
msgid "Reward"
msgstr "Recompensă"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.challenge,reward_failure:0
msgid "Reward Bests if not Succeeded?"
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.challenge,reward_realtime:0
msgid "Reward as soon as every goal is reached"
msgstr "Recompensă de îndată ce se ajunge la fiecare obiectiv"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.badge,challenge_ids:0
msgid "Reward of Challenges"
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.badge,goal_definition_ids:0
msgid "Rewarded by"
msgstr "Recompensat de"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.badge:gamification.badge_form_view
msgid "Rewards for challenges"
msgstr "Recompense pentru provocări"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.goal:gamification.goal_search_view
msgid "Running"
msgstr "În execuție"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.challenge:gamification.challenge_search_view
msgid "Running Challenges"
msgstr "Provocări în desfășurare "
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.goal:gamification.goal_form_view
msgid "Schedule"
msgstr "Programare"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.challenge:gamification.challenge_search_view
msgid "Search Challenges"
msgstr "Caută provocări"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.goal.definition:gamification.goal_definition_search_view
msgid "Search Goal Definitions"
msgstr "Caută definiții obiective"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.goal:gamification.goal_search_view
msgid "Search Goals"
msgstr "Caută obiective"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.badge:gamification.badge_form_view
msgid ""
"Security rules to define who is allowed to manually grant badges. Not "
"enforced for administrator."
msgstr "Reguli de securitate pentru a defini cui îi sunt permise să acordare manual insigne. Nu sunt aplicate pentru administrator."
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.challenge:gamification.challenge_form_view
msgid "Send Report"
msgstr "Trimite raport"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.challenge,report_message_group_id:0
msgid "Send a copy to"
msgstr "Trimite o copie la"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.badge.user,sender_id:0
msgid "Sender"
msgstr "Expeditor"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.challenge.line,sequence:0
msgid "Sequence"
msgstr "Secvență"
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.challenge.line,sequence:0
msgid "Sequence number for ordering"
msgstr "Număr secvențial pentru ordonare"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.goal.wizard:gamification.view_goal_wizard_update_current
msgid "Set the current value you have reached for this goal"
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: model:gamification.goal.definition,name:gamification.definition_base_company_data
msgid "Set your Company Data"
msgstr "Setează datele companiei tale"
#. module: gamification
#: model:gamification.goal.definition,name:gamification.definition_base_company_logo
msgid "Set your Company Logo"
msgstr "Setează Logo companiei tale"
#. module: gamification
#: model:gamification.goal.definition,name:gamification.definition_base_timezone
msgid "Set your Timezone"
msgstr "Setare fus orar"
#. module: gamification
#: model:gamification.challenge,name:gamification.challenge_base_configure
msgid "Setup your Company"
msgstr "Setați compania"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.challenge:gamification.challenge_form_view
msgid "Start Challenge"
msgstr "Start provocare"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.challenge,start_date:0
#: field:gamification.goal,start_date:0
msgid "Start Date"
msgstr "Dată de început"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.goal:gamification.goal_form_view
msgid "Start goal"
msgstr "Start obiectiv"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.challenge:gamification.challenge_search_view
#: field:gamification.challenge,state:0
#: view:gamification.goal:gamification.goal_search_view
#: field:gamification.goal,state:0
msgid "State"
msgstr "Stadiu"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.badge:gamification.badge_form_view
msgid "Statistics"
msgstr "Statistici"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.challenge:gamification.challenge_form_view
msgid "Subscriptions"
msgstr "Abonamente"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.challenge.line,definition_full_suffix:0
#: field:gamification.goal,definition_suffix:0
#: field:gamification.goal.definition,suffix:0
msgid "Suffix"
msgstr "Sufix"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.challenge,invited_user_ids:0
msgid "Suggest to users"
msgstr "Sugerează utilizatorilor"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.badge,message_summary:0
#: field:gamification.challenge,message_summary:0
msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Rezumat"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.challenge.line,target_goal:0
msgid "Target Value to Reach"
msgstr "Valoare țintă de atins"
#. module: gamification
#. openerp-web
#: code:addons/gamification/static/src/xml/gamification.xml:32
#: code:addons/gamification/static/src/xml/gamification.xml:54
#, python-format
msgid "Target:"
msgstr "Țintă:"
#. module: gamification
#. openerp-web
#: code:addons/gamification/static/src/xml/gamification.xml:35
#: code:addons/gamification/static/src/xml/gamification.xml:57
#, python-format
msgid "Target: <="
msgstr "Ținta: <="
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.goal:gamification.goal_kanban_view
msgid "Target: less than"
msgstr "Ținta: mai mică de"
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.goal.definition,action_id:0
msgid "The action that will be called to update the goal value."
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: code:addons/gamification/models/challenge.py:750
#, python-format
msgid "The challenge %s is finished."
msgstr "Provocarea este %s finalizată."
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.goal.definition,full_suffix:0
msgid "The currency and suffix field"
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.goal.definition,field_date_id:0
msgid "The date to use for the time period evaluated"
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.challenge,end_date:0
msgid ""
"The day a new challenge will be automatically closed. If no periodicity is "
"set, will use this date as the goal end date."
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.challenge,start_date:0
msgid ""
"The day a new challenge will be automatically started. If no periodicity is "
"set, will use this date as the goal start date."
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: code:addons/gamification/models/goal.py:148
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The domain for the definition %s seems incorrect, please check it.\n"
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.goal.definition,field_id:0
msgid "The field containing the value to evaluate"
msgstr "Câmpul conținând valoarea de evaluat"
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.goal.definition,res_id_field:0
msgid ""
"The field name on the user profile (res.users) containing the value for "
"res_id for action."
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: selection:gamification.goal.definition,condition:0
msgid "The higher the better"
msgstr "Mai mare e mai bine"
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.badge,owner_ids:0
msgid "The list of instances of this badge granted to users"
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.badge,unique_owner_ids:0
msgid "The list of unique users having received this badge."
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: selection:gamification.goal.definition,condition:0
msgid "The lower the better"
msgstr "Mai mic e mai bine"
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.badge,rule_max_number:0
msgid ""
"The maximum number of time this badge can be sent per month per person."
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: code:addons/gamification/models/goal.py:160
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The model configuration for the definition %s seems incorrect, please check it.\n"
"%s not found"
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: code:addons/gamification/models/goal.py:158
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The model configuration for the definition %s seems incorrect, please check it.\n"
"%s not stored"
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.goal.definition,model_id:0
msgid "The model object for the field to evaluate"
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.goal,remind_update_delay:0
msgid ""
"The number of days after which the user assigned to a manual goal will be "
"reminded. Never reminded if no value is specified."
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.badge,stat_my_this_month:0
msgid ""
"The number of time the current user has received this badge this month."
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.badge,stat_my:0
msgid "The number of time the current user has received this badge."
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.badge,stat_my_monthly_sending:0
msgid "The number of time the current user has sent this badge this month."
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.badge,stat_count_distinct:0
msgid "The number of time this badge has been received by unique users."
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.badge,stat_this_month:0
msgid "The number of time this badge has been received this month."
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.badge,stat_count:0
msgid "The number of time this badge has been received."
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.goal.definition,monetary:0
msgid "The target and current value are defined in the company currency."
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.goal.definition,suffix:0
msgid "The unit of the target and current values"
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.challenge,manager_id:0
msgid "The user responsible for the challenge."
msgstr "Utilizatorul responsabil pentru provocare."
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.badge.user,sender_id:0
msgid "The user who has send the badge"
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.badge,goal_definition_ids:0
msgid ""
"The users that have succeeded theses goals will receive automatically the "
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.goal.definition,batch_user_expression:0
msgid ""
"The value to compare with the distinctive field. The expression can contain "
"reference to 'user' which is a browse record of the current user, e.g. "
"user.id, user.partner_id.id..."
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.challenge:gamification.view_challenge_wizard
msgid "There is no reward upon completion of this challenge."
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.goal,closed:0
msgid "These goals will not be recomputed."
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: code:addons/gamification/models/badge.py:238
#, python-format
msgid "This badge can not be sent by users."
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.badge,image:0
msgid "This field holds the image used for the badge, limited to 256x256"
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.goal,target_goal:0
msgid "To Reach"
msgstr "De atins"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.goal,to_update:0
msgid "To update"
msgstr "De actualizat"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.badge,stat_count:0
msgid "Total"
msgstr "Total"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.badge,unique_owner_ids:0
msgid "Unique Owners"
msgstr "Proprietari unici"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.challenge.line,definition_suffix:0
msgid "Unit"
msgstr "Unitate"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.badge,message_unread:0
#: field:gamification.challenge,message_unread:0
msgid "Unread Messages"
msgstr "Mesaje necitite"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.goal.wizard:gamification.view_goal_wizard_update_current
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Actualizează"
#. module: gamification
#: code:addons/gamification/models/goal.py:491
#, python-format
msgid "Update %s"
msgstr "Actualizare %s"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.badge.user,user_id:0
#: field:gamification.badge.user.wizard,user_id:0
#: view:gamification.goal:gamification.goal_search_view
#: field:gamification.goal,user_id:0
msgid "User"
msgstr "Utilizator"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.challenge,user_domain:0
msgid "User domain"
msgstr "Domeniu utilizator"
#. module: gamification
#: field:gamification.challenge,user_ids:0
#: model:ir.model,name:gamification.model_res_users
msgid "Users"
msgstr "Utilizatori"
#. module: gamification
#: code:addons/gamification/models/badge.py:238
#: code:addons/gamification/models/badge.py:240
#: code:addons/gamification/models/badge.py:242
#: code:addons/gamification/models/badge.py:244
#: code:addons/gamification/wizard/grant_badge.py:43
#, python-format
msgid "Warning!"
msgstr "Avertizare!"
#. module: gamification
#: selection:gamification.challenge,period:0
#: selection:gamification.challenge,report_message_frequency:0
msgid "Weekly"
msgstr "Săptămânal"
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.badge,rule_auth:0
msgid "Who can grant this badge"
msgstr "Cine poate acorda această insignă"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.badge.user.wizard:gamification.view_badge_wizard_grant
msgid "Who would you like to reward?"
msgstr "Pe cine dorești să recompensezi?"
#. module: gamification
#: help:gamification.challenge,reward_realtime:0
msgid ""
"With this option enabled, a user can receive a badge only once. The top 3 "
"badges are still rewarded only at the end of the challenge."
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: selection:gamification.challenge,period:0
#: selection:gamification.challenge,report_message_frequency:0
msgid "Yearly"
msgstr "Anual"
#. module: gamification
#: code:addons/gamification/models/badge.py:240
#, python-format
msgid "You are not in the user allowed list."
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: code:addons/gamification/wizard/grant_badge.py:43
#, python-format
msgid "You can not grant a badge to yourself"
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.badge:gamification.badge_form_view
msgid "You can still grant"
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: code:addons/gamification/models/badge.py:242
#, python-format
msgid "You do not have the required badges."
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: code:addons/gamification/models/badge.py:244
#, python-format
msgid "You have already sent this badge too many time this month."
msgstr ""
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.badge:gamification.badge_form_view
msgid "badges this month"
msgstr "insignele acestei luni"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.challenge:gamification.challenge_form_view
#: view:gamification.goal:gamification.goal_form_view
msgid "days"
msgstr "zile"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.challenge:gamification.challenge_form_view
msgid "e.g. Monthly Sales Objectives"
msgstr "ex: Obiective vânzări lunare"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.goal.definition:gamification.goal_definition_form_view
msgid "e.g. days"
msgstr "ex. zile"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.goal.definition:gamification.goal_definition_form_view
msgid ""
"e.g. result = pool.get('mail.followers').search(cr, uid, [('res_model', '=',"
" 'mail.group'), ('partner_id', '=', object.user_id.partner_id.id)], "
"count=True, context=context)"
msgstr "ex. result = pool.get('mail.followers').search(cr, uid, [('res_model', '=', 'mail.group'), ('partner_id', '=', object.user_id.partner_id.id)], count=True, context=context)"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.goal.definition:gamification.goal_definition_form_view
msgid "e.g. user.partner_id.id"
msgstr "ex. user.partner_id.id"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.badge:gamification.badge_kanban_view
msgid "granted,"
msgstr "acordat,"
#. module: gamification
#. openerp-web
#: code:addons/gamification/static/src/xml/gamification.xml:108
#, python-format
msgid "more details..."
msgstr "detalii suplimentare..."
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.badge.user.wizard:gamification.view_badge_wizard_grant
#: view:gamification.challenge:gamification.view_challenge_wizard
#: view:gamification.goal.wizard:gamification.view_goal_wizard_update_current
msgid "or"
msgstr "sau"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.goal:gamification.goal_form_view
msgid "refresh"
msgstr "actualizează"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.challenge:gamification.view_challenge_wizard
msgid "reply later"
msgstr "răspunde mai târziu"
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.goal:gamification.goal_form_view
msgid "than the target."
msgstr "decât ținta."
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.badge.user:gamification.badge_user_kanban_view
msgid "the"
msgstr " "
#. module: gamification
#: view:gamification.badge:gamification.badge_kanban_view
msgid "this month"
msgstr "luna aceasta"