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server.environment = "development"
# Some server parameters that you may want to tweak
server.socket_host = ""
#server.socket_port = 8080
server.socket_port = 8001
# Sets the number of threads the server uses
server.thread_pool = 10
tools.sessions.on = True
tools.sessions.persistent = False
# Simple code profiling
server.profile_on = False
server.profile_dir = "profile"
# if this is part of a larger site, you can set the path
# to the TurboGears instance here
#server.webpath = ""
# Set to True if you are deploying your App behind a proxy
# e.g. Apache using mod_proxy
#tools.proxy.on = True
# If your proxy does not add the X-Forwarded-Host header, set
# the following to the *public* host url.
#tools.proxy.base = 'http://mydomain.com'
# logging
#log.access_file = "/var/log/openerp-web/access.log"
#log.error_file = "/var/log/openerp-web/error.log"
log.access_level = "INFO"
log.error_level = "INFO"
# OpenERP tools
tools.nestedvars.on = True
# Set to false to disable CSRF checks
tools.csrf.on = True
# OpenERP Server
openerp.server.host = 'localhost'
openerp.server.port = '8070'
openerp.server.protocol = 'socket'
openerp.server.timeout = 450
# Web client settings
# filter dblists based on url pattern?
# NONE: No Filter
# EXACT: Exact Hostname
# UNDERSCORE: Hostname_
# BOTH: Exact Hostname or Hostname_
dblist.filter = 'NONE'
# whether to show Databases button on Login screen or not
dbbutton.visible = True
# will be applied on company logo
company.url = ''