
90 lines
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import hashlib
import os
import unittest2
import openerp
import openerp.tests.common
class test_ir_attachment(openerp.tests.common.TransactionCase):
def test_00_attachment_flow(self):
registry, cr, uid = self.registry, self.cr, self.uid
root_path = openerp.tools.config['root_path']
ira = registry('ir.attachment')
# Blob1
blob1 = 'blob1'
blob1_b64 = blob1.encode('base64')
blob1_hash = hashlib.sha1(blob1).hexdigest()
blob1_fname = blob1_hash[:3] + '/' + blob1_hash
# Blob2
blob2 = 'blob2'
blob2_b64 = blob2.encode('base64')
blob2_hash = hashlib.sha1(blob2).hexdigest()
blob2_fname = blob2_hash[:3] + '/' + blob2_hash
# 'ir_attachment.location' is undefined test database storage
a1 = ira.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'a1', 'datas': blob1_b64})
a1_read = ira.read(cr, uid, [a1], ['datas'])
self.assertEqual(a1_read[0]['datas'], blob1_b64)
cr.execute("select id,db_datas from ir_attachment where id = %s", (a1,) )
a1_db_datas = str(cr.fetchall()[0][1])
self.assertEqual(a1_db_datas, blob1_b64)
# define a location for filestore
registry('ir.config_parameter').set_param(cr, uid, 'ir_attachment.location', 'file:///filestore')
# Test file storage
a2 = ira.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'a2', 'datas': blob1_b64})
a2_read = ira.read(cr, uid, [a2], ['datas'])
self.assertEqual(a2_read[0]['datas'], blob1_b64)
cr.execute("select id,store_fname from ir_attachment where id = %s", (a2,) )
a2_store_fname = cr.fetchall()[0][1]
self.assertEqual(a2_store_fname, blob1_fname)
a2_fn = os.path.join(root_path, 'filestore', cr.dbname, blob1_hash[:3], blob1_hash)
fc = file(a2_fn).read()
self.assertEqual(fc, blob1)
# create a3 with same blob
a3 = ira.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'a3', 'datas': blob1_b64})
a3_read = ira.read(cr, uid, [a3], ['datas'])
self.assertEqual(a3_read[0]['datas'], blob1_b64)
cr.execute("select id,store_fname from ir_attachment where id = %s", (a3,) )
a3_store_fname = cr.fetchall()[0][1]
self.assertEqual(a3_store_fname, a2_store_fname)
# create a4 blob2
a4 = ira.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'a4', 'datas': blob2_b64})
a4_read = ira.read(cr, uid, [a4], ['datas'])
self.assertEqual(a4_read[0]['datas'], blob2_b64)
a4_fn = os.path.join(root_path, 'filestore', cr.dbname, blob2_hash[:3], blob2_hash)
# delete a3 but file stays
ira.unlink(cr, uid, [a3])
# delete a2 it is unlinked
ira.unlink(cr, uid, [a2])
# update a4 blob2 by blob1
ira.write(cr, uid, [a4], {'datas': blob1_b64})
a4_read = ira.read(cr, uid, [a4], ['datas'])
self.assertEqual(a4_read[0]['datas'], blob1_b64)
# file of a4 disapear and a2 reappear
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