
222 lines
11 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
# Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Tiny SPRL (<http://tiny.be>).
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import time
import pooler
from report.interface import report_rml
from tools import to_xml
from report import report_sxw
from datetime import datetime
from tools.translate import _
class report_custom(report_rml):
def create_xml(self, cr, uid, ids, datas, context=None):
number = (datas.get('form', False) and datas['form']['number']) or 1
pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname)
product_pool = pool.get('product.product')
product_uom_pool = pool.get('product.uom')
supplier_info_pool = pool.get('product.supplierinfo')
workcenter_pool = pool.get('mrp.workcenter')
user_pool = pool.get('res.users')
bom_pool = pool.get('mrp.bom')
pricelist_pool = pool.get('product.pricelist')
rml_obj=report_sxw.rml_parse(cr, uid, product_pool._name,context)
company_currency = user_pool.browse(cr, uid, uid).company_id.currency_id
def process_bom(bom, currency_id, factor=1):
xml = '<row>'
sum = 0
sum_strd = 0
prod = product_pool.browse(cr, uid, bom['product_id'])
prod_name = to_xml(bom['name'])
prod_qtty = factor * bom['product_qty']
product_uom = product_uom_pool.browse(cr, uid, bom['product_uom'], context=context)
product_uom_name = to_xml(product_uom.name)
main_sp_price, main_sp_name , main_strd_price = '','',''
sellers, sellers_price = '',''
if prod.seller_id:
main_sp_name = '- <b>'+ to_xml(prod.seller_id.name) +'</b>\r\n'
pricelist = prod.seller_id.property_product_pricelist_purchase
price = pricelist_pool.price_get(cr,uid,[pricelist.id],
prod.id, number*prod_qtty or 1.0, prod.seller_id.id, {
'uom': prod.uom_po_id.id,
'date': time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
main_sp_price = """<b>"""+rml_obj.formatLang(price)+' '+ company_currency.symbol+"""</b>\r\n"""
sum += prod_qtty*price
std_price = product_uom_pool._compute_price(cr, uid, prod.uom_id.id, prod.standard_price, to_uom_id=product_uom.id)
main_strd_price = str(std_price) + '\r\n'
sum_strd = prod_qtty*std_price
for seller_id in prod.seller_ids:
sellers += '- <i>'+ to_xml(seller_id.name.name) +'</i>\r\n'
pricelist = seller_id.name.property_product_pricelist_purchase
price = pricelist_pool.price_get(cr,uid,[pricelist.id],
prod.id, number*prod_qtty or 1.0, seller_id.name.id, {
'uom': prod.uom_po_id.id,
'date': time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
sellers_price += """<i>"""+rml_obj.formatLang(price) +' '+ company_currency.symbol +"""</i>\r\n"""
xml += """<col para='yes'> """+ prod_name +""" </col>
<col para='yes'> """+ main_sp_name + sellers + """ </col>
<col f='yes'>"""+ rml_obj.formatLang(prod_qtty) +' '+ product_uom_name +"""</col>
<col f='yes'>"""+ rml_obj.formatLang(float(main_strd_price)) +' '+ company_currency.symbol +"""</col>
<col f='yes'>""" + main_sp_price + sellers_price + """</col>'"""
xml += '</row>'
return xml, sum, sum_strd
def process_workcenter(wrk):
workcenter = workcenter_pool.browse(cr, uid, wrk['workcenter_id'])
cost_cycle = wrk['cycle']*workcenter.costs_cycle
cost_hour = wrk['hour']*workcenter.costs_hour
total = cost_cycle + cost_hour
xml = '<row>'
xml += "<col para='yes'>" + to_xml(workcenter.name) + '</col>'
xml += "<col/>"
xml += """<col f='yes'>"""+rml_obj.formatLang(cost_cycle)+' '+ company_currency.symbol + """</col>"""
xml += """<col f='yes'>"""+rml_obj.formatLang(cost_hour)+' '+ company_currency.symbol + """</col>"""
xml += """<col f='yes'>"""+rml_obj.formatLang(cost_hour + cost_cycle)+' '+ company_currency.symbol + """</col>"""
xml += '</row>'
return xml, total
xml = ''
config_start = """
<date>""" + to_xml(rml_obj.formatLang(datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),date_time=True)) + """</date>
""" % (user_pool.browse(cr, uid, uid).company_id.name)
config_stop = """
<report-footer>Generated by OpenERP</report-footer>
workcenter_header = """
<lines style='header'>
<col t='yes'/>
<col t='yes'>%s</col>
<col t='yes'>%s</col>
<col t='yes'>%s</col>
""" % (_('Work Center name'), _('Cycles Cost'), _('Hourly Cost'),_('Work Cost'))
prod_header = """
<col t='yes'>%s</col>
<col t='yes'>%s</col>
<col t='yes'>%s</col>
""" % (_('Components'), _('Components suppliers'), _('Quantity'),_('Cost Price per Uom'), _('Supplier Price per Uom'))
purchase_price_digits = rml_obj.get_digits(dp='Purchase Price')
for product in product_pool.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
product_uom_name = to_xml(product.uom_id.name)
bom_id = bom_pool._bom_find(cr, uid, product.id, product.uom_id.id)
title = "<title>%s</title>" %(_("Cost Structure"))
title += "<title>%s</title>" % (to_xml(product.name))
xml += "<lines style='header'>" + title + prod_header + "</lines>"
if not bom_id:
total_strd = number * product.standard_price
total = number * product_pool.price_get(cr, uid, [product.id], 'standard_price')[product.id]
xml += """<lines style='lines'><row>
<col para='yes'>-</col>
<col para='yes'>-</col>
<col para='yes'>-</col>
<col para='yes'>-</col>
<col para='yes'>-</col>
xml += """<lines style='total'> <row>
<col> """ + _('Total Cost of %s %s') % (str(number), product_uom_name) + """: </col>
<col f='yes'/>
<col t='yes'>"""+ rml_obj.formatLang(total_strd, digits=purchase_price_digits) +' '+ company_currency.symbol + """</col>
<col t='yes'>"""+ rml_obj.formatLang(total, digits=purchase_price_digits) +' '+ company_currency.symbol + """</col>
bom = bom_pool.browse(cr, uid, bom_id, context=context)
factor = number * product.uom_id.factor / bom.product_uom.factor
sub_boms = bom_pool._bom_explode(cr, uid, bom, factor / bom.product_qty)
total = 0
total_strd = 0
parent_bom = {
'product_qty': bom.product_qty,
'name': bom.product_id.name,
'product_uom': bom.product_uom.id,
'product_id': bom.product_id.id
xml_tmp = ''
for sub_bom in (sub_boms and sub_boms[0]) or [parent_bom]:
txt, sum, sum_strd = process_bom(sub_bom, company_currency.id)
xml_tmp += txt
total += sum
total_strd += sum_strd
xml += "<lines style='lines'>" + xml_tmp + '</lines>'
xml += """<lines style='sub_total'> <row>
<col> """ + _('Components Cost of %s %s') % (str(number), product_uom_name) + """: </col>
<col t='yes'/>
<col t='yes'>"""+ rml_obj.formatLang(total_strd, digits=purchase_price_digits) +' '+ company_currency.symbol + """</col>
<col t='yes'></col>
total2 = 0
xml_tmp = ''
for wrk in (sub_boms and sub_boms[1]):
txt, sum = process_workcenter(wrk)
xml_tmp += txt
total2 += sum
if xml_tmp:
xml += workcenter_header
xml += "<lines style='lines'>" + xml_tmp + '</lines>'
xml += """<lines style='sub_total'> <row>
<col> """ + _('Work Cost of %s %s') % (str(number), product_uom_name) +""": </col>
<col t='yes'>"""+ rml_obj.formatLang(total2, digits=purchase_price_digits) +' '+ company_currency.symbol +"""</col>
xml += """<lines style='total'> <row>
<col> """ + _('Total Cost of %s %s') % (str(number), product_uom_name) + """: </col>
<col t='yes'/>
<col t='yes'>"""+ rml_obj.formatLang(total_strd+total2, digits=purchase_price_digits) +' '+ company_currency.symbol + """</col>
<col t='yes'></col>
xml = '<?xml version="1.0" ?><report>' + config_start + config_stop + xml + '</report>'
return xml
report_custom('report.product.price', 'product.product', '', 'addons/mrp/report/price.xsl')