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basic interface class
use this for subclassing when writing your own interface
from errors import *
import time
from string import lower
class dav_interface:
""" interface class for implementing DAV servers """
### defined properties (modify this but let the DAV stuff there!)
### the format is namespace: [list of properties]
PROPS={"DAV:" : ('creationdate',
"NS2" : ("p1","p2")
# here we define which methods handle which namespace
# the first item is the namespace URI and the second one
# the method prefix
# e.g. for DAV:getcontenttype we call dav_getcontenttype()
M_NS = {"DAV:" : "_get_dav",
"NS2" : "ns2" }
def get_propnames(self, uri):
""" return the property names allowed for the given URI
In this method we simply return the above defined properties
assuming that they are valid for any resource.
You can override this in order to return a different set
of property names for each resource.
return self.PROPS
def get_prop2(self, uri, ns, pname):
""" return the value of a property
if lower(ns)=="dav:": return self.get_dav(uri,pname)
raise DAV_NotFound
def get_prop(self, uri, ns, propname):
""" return the value of a given property
uri -- uri of the object to get the property of
ns -- namespace of the property
pname -- name of the property
if self.M_NS.has_key(ns):
prefix = self.M_NS[ns]
print "No namespace:",ns, "( for prop:", propname,")"
raise DAV_NotFound
mname = prefix+"_"+propname
if not hasattr(self,mname):
raise DAV_NotFound
m = getattr(self,mname)
r = m(uri)
return r
except AttributeError, e:
print 'Property %s not supported' % propname
print "Exception:", e
raise DAV_NotFound
### DATA methods (for GET and PUT)
def get_data(self, uri):
""" return the content of an object
return data or raise an exception
raise DAV_NotFound
def put(self, uri, data):
""" write an object to the repository
return a result code or raise an exception
raise DAV_Forbidden
### Methods for DAV properties
def _get_dav_creationdate(self, uri):
""" return the creationdate of a resource """
d = self.get_creationdate(uri)
# format it
if isinstance(d, int) or isinstance(d, float):
d = time.localtimetime(d)
return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Z",d)
def _get_dav_getlastmodified(self, uri):
""" return the last modified date of a resource """
d = self.get_lastmodified(uri)
if isinstance(d, int) or isinstance(d, float):
d = time.localtime(d)
# format it
return time.asctime(d)
def get_creationdate(self, uri):
""" return the creationdate of the resource """
return time.time()
def get_lastmodified(self, uri):
""" return the last modification date of the resource """
return time.time()
### methods for deleting a resource
def rmcol(self, uri):
""" delete a collection
This should not delete any children! This is automatically done
before by the DELETE class in DAV/delete.py
return a success code or raise an exception
raise DAV_NotFound
def rm(self, uri):
""" delete a single resource
return a success code or raise an exception
raise DAV_NotFound
These handler are called when a COPY or MOVE method is invoked by
a client. In the default implementation it works as follows:
- the davserver receives a COPY/MOVE method
- the davcopy or davmove module will be loaded and the corresponding
class will be initialized
- this class parses the query and decides which method of the interface class
to call:
copyone for a single resource to copy
copytree for a tree to copy (collection)
(the same goes for move of course).
- the interface class has now two options:
1. to handle the action directly (e.g. cp or mv on filesystems)
2. to let it handle via the copy/move methods in davcmd.
ad 1) The first approach can be used when we know that no error can
happen inside a tree or when the action can exactly tell which
element made which error. We have to collect these and return
it in a dict of the form {uri: error_code, ...}
ad 2) The copytree/movetree/... methods of davcmd.py will do the recursion
themselves and call for each resource the copy/move method of the
interface class. Thus method will then only act on a single resource.
(Thus a copycol on a normal unix filesystem actually only needs to do
an mkdir as the content will be copied by the davcmd.py function.
The davcmd.py method will also automatically collect all errors and
return the dictionary described above.
When you use 2) you also have to implement the copy() and copycol()
methods in your interface class. See the example for details.
To decide which approach is the best you have to decide if your application
is able to generate errors inside a tree. E.g. a function which completely
fails on a tree if one of the tree's childs fail is not what we need. Then
2) would be your way of doing it.
Actually usually 2) is the better solution and should only be replaced by
1) if you really need it.
The remaining question is if we should do the same for the DELETE method.
### MOVE handlers
def moveone(self, src, dst, overwrite):
""" move one resource with Depth=0 """
return moveone(self, src, dst, overwrite)
def movetree(self, src, dst, overwrite):
""" move a collection with Depth=infinity """
return movetree(self, src, dst, overwrite)
### COPY handlers
def copyone(self, src, dst, overwrite):
""" copy one resource with Depth=0 """
return copyone(self, src, dst, overwrite)
def copytree(self, src, dst, overwrite):
""" copy a collection with Depth=infinity """
return copytree(self, src, dst, overwrite)
### low level copy methods (you only need these for method 2)
def copy(self, src, dst):
""" copy a resource with depth==0
You don't need to bother about overwrite or not.
This has been done already.
return a success code or raise an exception if something fails
return 201
def copycol(self, src, dst):
""" copy a resource with depth==infinity
You don't need to bother about overwrite or not.
This has been done already.
return a success code or raise an exception if something fails
return 201
### some utility functions you need to implement
def exists(self, uri):
""" return 1 or None depending on if a resource exists """
return None # no
def is_collection(self, uri):
""" return 1 or None depending on if a resource is a collection """
return None # no
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