Quentin (OpenERP) 70eb74a260 [MERGE] merged with trunk up to revision 9425. Needs to find another icon for Traceability on lot, though
bzr revid: qdp-launchpad@openerp.com-20140507182917-erjammra4okyei1c
2014-05-07 20:29:17 +02:00
controllers [REM] removed details_summary, sales_user, sales_user_today, payment_user reports, wizards and rml 2014-04-14 12:49:54 +02:00
data [FIX] report: set a default paperformat for companies, based on rml paperformat 2014-04-23 15:21:00 +02:00
models [MERGE] merged with trunk up to revision 9425. Needs to find another icon for Traceability on lot, though 2014-05-07 20:29:17 +02:00
security [FIX] renamed ir.actions.report.paperformat model to report.paperformat, renamed html_skeleton to html_container in report layouts and renamed paperformat.py file to report_paperformat.py 2014-02-18 16:53:47 +01:00
static/src [REM] removed details_summary, sales_user, sales_user_today, payment_user reports, wizards and rml 2014-04-14 12:49:54 +02:00
tests [FIX] report explicitly import tests 2014-04-22 14:21:55 +02:00
views [MERGE] saas-4 report_webkit missing dependency on report 2014-05-01 18:11:56 +02:00
__init__.py [IMP] report form view move inherited view, restore and refactor test case (kept commented atm) from non merged branch qweb-report 2014-03-07 01:06:20 +01:00
__openerp__.py [IMP] bundlify addons (except website) 2014-04-24 19:21:29 +02:00