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In order to test process of the Sale Order with access rights of saleman,
uid: 'res_sale_stock_salesman'
Create a new SO to be sure we don't have one with product that can explode in mrp
!record {model: sale.order, id: sale_order_service}:
partner_id: base.res_partner_18
partner_invoice_id: base.res_partner_18
partner_shipping_id: base.res_partner_18
user_id: base.user_root
pricelist_id: product.list0
warehouse_id: stock.warehouse0
order_policy: picking
Add SO line with service type product in SO to check flow which contain service type product in SO(BUG#1167330).
!record {model: sale.order.line, id: sale_order_1}:
name: 'On Site Assistance'
product_id: product.product_product_2
product_uom_qty: 1.0
product_uom: 1
price_unit: 150.0
order_id: sale_order_service
Add a second SO line with a normal product
!record {model: sale.order.line, id: sale_order_2}:
name: 'Mouse Optical'
product_id: product.product_product_10
product_uom_qty: 1.0
product_uom: 1
price_unit: 150.0
order_id: sale_order_service
First I check the total amount of the Quotation before Approved.
!assert {model: sale.order, id: sale_order_service, string: The amount of the Quotation is not correctly computed}:
- sum([l.price_subtotal for l in order_line]) == amount_untaxed
I set an explicit invoicing partner that is different from the main SO Customer
!python {model: sale.order, id: sale_order_service}: |
order = self.browse(cr, uid, ref("sale_order_service"))
order.write({'partner_invoice_id': ref('base.res_partner_address_29')})
I confirm the quotation with Invoice based on deliveries policy.
!workflow {model: sale.order, action: order_confirm, ref: sale_order_service}
I check that invoice should not created before dispatch delivery.
!python {model: sale.order}: |
order = self.pool.get('sale.order').browse(cr, uid, ref("sale_order_service"))
assert order.state == 'progress', 'Order should be in inprogress.'
assert len(order.invoice_ids) == False, "Invoice should not created."
I check the details of procurement after confirmed quotation.
!python {model: sale.order}: |
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
order = self.browse(cr, uid, ref("sale_order_service"))
for order_line in order.order_line:
if order_line.product_id.type == 'product':
procurement = order_line.procurement_ids[0]
date_planned = datetime.strptime(order.date_order, DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) + relativedelta(days=order_line.delay or 0.0)
date_planned = (date_planned - timedelta(days=order.company_id.security_lead)).strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT)
assert procurement.date_planned == date_planned, "Scheduled date is not correspond."
assert procurement.product_id.id == order_line.product_id.id, "Product is not correspond."
assert procurement.product_qty == order_line.product_uom_qty, "Qty is not correspond."
assert procurement.product_uom.id == order_line.product_uom.id, "UOM is not correspond."
Only stock user can change data related warehouse therefore test with that user which have stock user rights,
uid: 'res_stock_user'
I run the scheduler.
!python {model: procurement.order}: |
self.run_scheduler(cr, uid)
Salesman can also check order therefore test with that user which have salesman rights,
uid: 'res_sale_stock_salesman'
I check the details of delivery order after confirmed quotation.
!python {model: sale.order}: |
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
sale_order = self.browse(cr, uid, ref("sale_order_service"))
assert sale_order.picking_ids, "Delivery order is not created."
for picking in sale_order.picking_ids:
assert picking.state == "auto" or "confirmed", "Delivery order should be in 'Waitting Availability' state."
assert picking.origin == sale_order.name,"Origin of Delivery order is not correspond with sequence number of sale order."
assert picking.picking_type_id == self.pool.get('ir.model.data').get_object(cr, uid, 'stock', 'picking_type_out', context=context),"Shipment should be Outgoing."
assert picking.move_type == sale_order.picking_policy,"Delivery Method is not corresponding with delivery method of sale order."
assert picking.partner_id.id == sale_order.partner_shipping_id.id,"Shipping Address is not correspond with sale order."
assert picking.note == sale_order.note,"Note is not correspond with sale order."
assert picking.invoice_state == (sale_order.order_policy=='picking' and '2binvoiced') or 'none',"Invoice policy is not correspond with sale order."
assert len(picking.move_lines) == len(sale_order.order_line) - 1, "Total move of delivery order are not corresposning with total sale order lines."
location_id = sale_order.warehouse_id.lot_stock_id.id
for move in picking.move_lines:
order_line = move.procurement_id.sale_line_id
date_planned = datetime.strptime(sale_order.date_order, DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) + relativedelta(days=order_line.delay or 0.0)
date_planned = (date_planned - timedelta(days=sale_order.company_id.security_lead)).strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT)
assert datetime.strptime(move.date_expected, DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) == datetime.strptime(date_planned, DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT), "Excepted Date is not correspond with Planned Date."
assert move.product_id.id == order_line.product_id.id,"Product is not correspond."
assert move.product_qty == order_line.product_uom_qty,"Product Quantity is not correspond."
assert move.product_uom.id == order_line.product_uom.id,"Product UOM is not correspond."
assert move.product_uos_qty == (order_line.product_uos and order_line.product_uos_qty) or order_line.product_uom_qty,"Product UOS Quantity is not correspond."
assert move.product_uos == (order_line.product_uos and order_line.product_uos.id) or order_line.product_uom.id,"Product UOS is not correspond"
assert move.product_packaging.id == order_line.product_packaging.id,"Product packaging is not correspond."
assert move.partner_id.id == order_line.address_allotment_id.id or sale_order.partner_shipping_id.id,"Address is not correspond"
#assert move.location_id.id == location_id,"Source Location is not correspond."
Now, I dispatch delivery order.
!python {model: stock.picking}: |
order = self.pool.get('sale.order').browse(cr, uid, ref("sale_order_service"))
for pick in order.picking_ids:
data = pick.force_assign()
if data == True:
I run the scheduler.
!python {model: procurement.order}: |
self.run_scheduler(cr, uid)
I check sale order to verify shipment.
!python {model: sale.order}: |
order = self.pool.get('sale.order').browse(cr, uid, ref("sale_order_service"))
assert order.shipped == True, "Sale order is not Delivered."
#assert order.state == 'progress', 'Order should be in inprogress.'
assert len(order.invoice_ids) == False, "Invoice should not created on dispatch delivery order."
I create Invoice from Delivery Order.
!python {model: stock.invoice.onshipping}: |
sale = self.pool.get('sale.order')
sale_order = sale.browse(cr, uid, ref("sale_order_service"))
ship_ids = [x.id for x in sale_order.picking_ids]
wiz_id = self.create(cr, uid, {'journal_id': ref('account.sales_journal')},
{'active_ids': ship_ids, 'active_model': 'stock.picking'})
self.create_invoice(cr, uid, [wiz_id], {"active_ids": ship_ids, "active_id": ship_ids[0]})
I check the invoice details after dispatched delivery.
!python {model: sale.order}: |
order = self.browse(cr, uid, ref("sale_order_service"))
assert order.invoice_ids, "Invoice is not created."
ac = order.partner_invoice_id.property_account_receivable.id
journal_ids = self.pool.get('account.journal').search(cr, uid, [('type', '=', 'sale'), ('company_id', '=', order.company_id.id)])
for invoice in order.invoice_ids:
assert invoice.type == 'out_invoice',"Invoice should be Customer Invoice."
assert invoice.account_id.id == ac,"Invoice account is not correspond."
assert invoice.reference == order.client_order_ref or order.name,"Reference is not correspond."
assert invoice.partner_id.id == order.partner_invoice_id.id,"Customer does not correspond."
assert invoice.currency_id.id == order.pricelist_id.currency_id.id, "Currency is not correspond."
assert (invoice.comment or '') == (order.note or ''),"Note is not correspond."
assert invoice.journal_id.id in journal_ids,"Sales Journal is not link on Invoice."
assert invoice.payment_term.id == order.payment_term.id, "Payment term is not correspond."
for so_line in order.order_line:
inv_line = so_line.invoice_lines[0]
ac = so_line.product_id.property_account_income.id or so_line.product_id.categ_id.property_account_income_categ.id
assert inv_line.product_id.id == so_line.product_id.id or False,"Product is not correspond"
assert inv_line.account_id.id == ac,"Account of Invoice line is not corresponding."
assert inv_line.uos_id.id == (so_line.product_uos and so_line.product_uos.id) or so_line.product_uom.id, "Product UOS is not correspond."
assert inv_line.price_unit == so_line.price_unit , "Price Unit is not correspond."
assert inv_line.quantity == (so_line.product_uos and so_line.product_uos_qty) or so_line.product_uom_qty , "Product qty is not correspond."
assert inv_line.price_subtotal == so_line.price_subtotal, "Price sub total is not correspond."
Only Stock manager can open the Invoice therefore test with that user which have stock manager rights,
uid: 'res_stock_manager'
I open the Invoice.
!python {model: sale.order}: |
so = self.browse(cr, uid, ref("sale_order_service"))
account_invoice_obj = self.pool.get('account.invoice')
for invoice in so.invoice_ids:
account_invoice_obj.signal_invoice_open(cr, uid, [invoice.id])
I pay the invoice
!python {model: account.invoice}: |
sale_order = self.pool.get('sale.order')
order = sale_order.browse(cr, uid, ref("sale_order_service"))
journal_ids = self.pool.get('account.journal').search(cr, uid, [('type', '=', 'cash'), ('company_id', '=', order.company_id.id)], limit=1)
for invoice in order.invoice_ids:
invoice.amount_total, ref('account.cash'), ref('account.period_8'),
journal_ids[0], ref('account.cash'),
ref('account.period_8'), journal_ids[0],
To test process of the Sale Order with access rights of saleman,
uid: 'res_sale_stock_salesman'
I check the order after paid invoice.
!python {model: sale.order}: |
order = self.browse(cr, uid, ref("sale_order_service"))
assert order.invoiced == True, "Sale order is not invoiced."
assert order.invoiced_rate == 100, "Invoiced progress is not 100%."
assert order.state == 'done', 'Order should be in closed.'