
277 lines
12 KiB
Executable File

# template.py
# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008 Michael Bayer mike_mp@zzzcomputing.com
# This module is part of Mako and is released under
# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
"""provides the Template class, a facade for parsing, generating and executing template strings,
as well as template runtime operations."""
from mako.lexer import Lexer
from mako import codegen
from mako import runtime, util, exceptions
import imp, os, re, shutil, stat, sys, tempfile, time, types, weakref
class Template(object):
"""a compiled template"""
def __init__(self, text=None, filename=None, uri=None, format_exceptions=False, error_handler=None,
lookup=None, output_encoding=None, encoding_errors='strict', module_directory=None, cache_type=None,
cache_dir=None, cache_url=None, module_filename=None, input_encoding=None, disable_unicode=False, default_filters=None,
buffer_filters=[], imports=None, preprocessor=None, cache_enabled=True):
"""construct a new Template instance using either literal template text, or a previously loaded template module
text - textual template source, or None if a module is to be provided
uri - the uri of this template, or some identifying string. defaults to the
full filename given, or "memory:(hex id of this Template)" if no filename
filename - filename of the source template, if any
format_exceptions - catch exceptions and format them into an error display template
if uri:
self.module_id = re.sub(r'\W', "_", uri)
self.uri = uri
elif filename:
self.module_id = re.sub(r'\W', "_", filename)
self.uri = filename
self.module_id = "memory:" + hex(id(self))
self.uri = self.module_id
self.input_encoding = input_encoding
self.output_encoding = output_encoding
self.encoding_errors = encoding_errors
self.disable_unicode = disable_unicode
if default_filters is None:
if self.disable_unicode:
self.default_filters = ['str']
self.default_filters = ['unicode']
self.default_filters = default_filters
self.buffer_filters = buffer_filters
self.imports = imports
self.preprocessor = preprocessor
# if plain text, compile code in memory only
if text is not None:
(code, module) = _compile_text(self, text, filename)
self._code = code
self._source = text
ModuleInfo(module, None, self, filename, code, text)
elif filename is not None:
# if template filename and a module directory, load
# a filesystem-based module file, generating if needed
if module_filename is not None:
path = module_filename
elif module_directory is not None:
u = self.uri
if u[0] == '/':
u = u[1:]
path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(module_directory.replace('/', os.path.sep), u + ".py"))
path = None
if path is not None:
filemtime = os.stat(filename)[stat.ST_MTIME]
if not os.path.exists(path) or os.stat(path)[stat.ST_MTIME] < filemtime:
_compile_module_file(self, file(filename).read(), filename, path)
module = imp.load_source(self.module_id, path, file(path))
del sys.modules[self.module_id]
if module._magic_number != codegen.MAGIC_NUMBER:
_compile_module_file(self, file(filename).read(), filename, path)
module = imp.load_source(self.module_id, path, file(path))
del sys.modules[self.module_id]
ModuleInfo(module, path, self, filename, None, None)
# template filename and no module directory, compile code
# in memory
(code, module) = _compile_text(self, file(filename).read(), filename)
self._source = None
self._code = code
ModuleInfo(module, None, self, filename, code, None)
raise exceptions.RuntimeException("Template requires text or filename")
self.module = module
self.filename = filename
self.callable_ = self.module.render_body
self.format_exceptions = format_exceptions
self.error_handler = error_handler
self.lookup = lookup
self.cache_type = cache_type
self.cache_dir = cache_dir
self.cache_url = cache_url
self.cache_enabled = cache_enabled
def source(self):
"""return the template source code for this Template."""
return _get_module_info_from_callable(self.callable_).source
source = property(source)
def code(self):
"""return the module source code for this Template"""
return _get_module_info_from_callable(self.callable_).code
code = property(code)
def cache(self):
return self.module._template_cache
cache = property(cache)
def render(self, *args, **data):
"""render the output of this template as a string.
if the template specifies an output encoding, the string will be encoded accordingly, else the output
is raw (raw output uses cStringIO and can't handle multibyte characters).
a Context object is created corresponding to the given data. Arguments that are explictly
declared by this template's internal rendering method are also pulled from the given *args, **data
return runtime._render(self, self.callable_, args, data)
def render_unicode(self, *args, **data):
"""render the output of this template as a unicode object."""
return runtime._render(self, self.callable_, args, data, as_unicode=True)
def render_context(self, context, *args, **kwargs):
"""render this Template with the given context.
the data is written to the context's buffer."""
if getattr(context, '_with_template', None) is None:
context._with_template = self
runtime._render_context(self, self.callable_, context, *args, **kwargs)
def has_def(self, name):
return hasattr(self.module, "render_%s" % name)
def get_def(self, name):
"""return a def of this template as an individual Template of its own."""
return DefTemplate(self, getattr(self.module, "render_%s" % name))
class ModuleTemplate(Template):
"""A Template which is constructed given an existing Python module.
t = Template("this is a template")
f = file("mymodule.py", "w")
import mymodule
t = ModuleTemplate(mymodule)
print t.render()
def __init__(self, module,
template=None, template_filename=None,
module_source=None, template_source=None,
output_encoding=None, encoding_errors='strict', disable_unicode=False, format_exceptions=False,
error_handler=None, lookup=None, cache_type=None, cache_dir=None, cache_url=None, cache_enabled=True
self.module_id = re.sub(r'\W', "_", module._template_uri)
self.uri = module._template_uri
self.input_encoding = module._source_encoding
self.output_encoding = output_encoding
self.encoding_errors = encoding_errors
self.disable_unicode = disable_unicode
self.module = module
self.filename = template_filename
ModuleInfo(module, module_filename, self, template_filename, module_source, template_source)
self.callable_ = self.module.render_body
self.format_exceptions = format_exceptions
self.error_handler = error_handler
self.lookup = lookup
self.cache_type = cache_type
self.cache_dir = cache_dir
self.cache_url = cache_url
self.cache_enabled = cache_enabled
class DefTemplate(Template):
"""a Template which represents a callable def in a parent template."""
def __init__(self, parent, callable_):
self.parent = parent
self.callable_ = callable_
self.output_encoding = parent.output_encoding
self.encoding_errors = parent.encoding_errors
self.format_exceptions = parent.format_exceptions
self.error_handler = parent.error_handler
self.lookup = parent.lookup
def get_def(self, name):
return self.parent.get_def(name)
class ModuleInfo(object):
"""stores information about a module currently loaded into memory,
provides reverse lookups of template source, module source code based on
a module's identifier."""
_modules = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
def __init__(self, module, module_filename, template, template_filename, module_source, template_source):
self.module = module
self.module_filename = module_filename
self.template_filename = template_filename
self.module_source = module_source
self.template_source = template_source
self._modules[module.__name__] = template._mmarker = self
if module_filename:
self._modules[module_filename] = self
def _get_code(self):
if self.module_source is not None:
return self.module_source
return file(self.module_filename).read()
code = property(_get_code)
def _get_source(self):
if self.template_source is not None:
if self.module._source_encoding and not isinstance(self.template_source, unicode):
return self.template_source.decode(self.module._source_encoding)
return self.template_source
if self.module._source_encoding:
return file(self.template_filename).read().decode(self.module._source_encoding)
return file(self.template_filename).read()
source = property(_get_source)
def _compile_text(template, text, filename):
identifier = template.module_id
lexer = Lexer(text, filename, disable_unicode=template.disable_unicode, input_encoding=template.input_encoding, preprocessor=template.preprocessor)
node = lexer.parse()
source = codegen.compile(node, template.uri, filename, default_filters=template.default_filters, buffer_filters=template.buffer_filters, imports=template.imports, source_encoding=lexer.encoding, generate_unicode=not template.disable_unicode)
#print source
cid = identifier
if isinstance(cid, unicode):
cid = cid.encode()
module = types.ModuleType(cid)
code = compile(source, cid, 'exec')
exec code in module.__dict__, module.__dict__
return (source, module)
def _compile_module_file(template, text, filename, outputpath):
identifier = template.module_id
lexer = Lexer(text, filename, disable_unicode=template.disable_unicode, input_encoding=template.input_encoding, preprocessor=template.preprocessor)
node = lexer.parse()
source = codegen.compile(node, template.uri, filename, default_filters=template.default_filters, buffer_filters=template.buffer_filters, imports=template.imports, source_encoding=lexer.encoding, generate_unicode=not template.disable_unicode)
(dest, name) = tempfile.mkstemp()
os.write(dest, source)
shutil.move(name, outputpath)
def _get_module_info_from_callable(callable_):
return _get_module_info(callable_.func_globals['__name__'])
def _get_module_info(filename):
return ModuleInfo._modules[filename]