
188 lines
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* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
* For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license
* @fileOverview AutoGrow plugin.
(function() {
// Actual content height, figured out by appending check the last element's document position.
function contentHeight( scrollable ) {
var overflowY = scrollable.getStyle( 'overflow-y' );
var doc = scrollable.getDocument();
// Create a temporary marker element.
var marker = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<span style="margin:0;padding:0;border:0;clear:both;width:1px;height:1px;display:block;">' + ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit ? '&nbsp;' : '' ) + '</span>', doc );
doc[ CKEDITOR.env.ie ? 'getBody' : 'getDocumentElement' ]().append( marker );
var height = marker.getDocumentPosition( doc ).y + marker.$.offsetHeight;
scrollable.setStyle( 'overflow-y', overflowY );
return height;
function getScrollable( editor ) {
var doc = editor.document,
body = doc.getBody(),
htmlElement = doc.getDocumentElement();
// Quirks mode overflows body, standards overflows document element
return doc.$.compatMode == 'BackCompat' ? body : htmlElement;
// @param editor
// @param {Number} lastHeight The last height set by autogrow.
// @returns {Number} New height if has been changed, or the passed `lastHeight`.
var resizeEditor = function( editor, lastHeight ) {
if ( !editor.window )
return null;
var maximize = editor.getCommand( 'maximize' );
// Disable autogrow when the editor is maximized .(#6339)
if( maximize && maximize.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON )
return null;
var scrollable = getScrollable( editor ),
currentHeight = editor.window.getViewPaneSize().height,
newHeight = contentHeight( scrollable );
// Additional space specified by user.
newHeight += ( editor.config.autoGrow_bottomSpace || 0 );
var min = editor.config.autoGrow_minHeight != undefined ? editor.config.autoGrow_minHeight : 200,
max = editor.config.autoGrow_maxHeight || Infinity;
newHeight = Math.max( newHeight, min );
newHeight = Math.min( newHeight, max );
// #10196 Do not resize editor if new height is equal
// to the one set by previous resizeEditor() call.
if ( newHeight != currentHeight && lastHeight != newHeight ) {
newHeight = editor.fire( 'autoGrow', { currentHeight: currentHeight, newHeight: newHeight } ).newHeight;
editor.resize( editor.container.getStyle( 'width' ), newHeight, true );
lastHeight = newHeight;
if ( scrollable.$.scrollHeight > scrollable.$.clientHeight && newHeight < max )
scrollable.setStyle( 'overflow-y', 'hidden' );
scrollable.removeStyle( 'overflow-y' );
return lastHeight;
CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'autogrow', {
init: function( editor ) {
// This feature is available only for themed ui instance.
if ( editor.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE )
editor.on( 'instanceReady', function() {
var editable = editor.editable(),
// Simply set auto height with div wysiwyg.
if ( editable.isInline() )
editor.ui.space( 'contents' ).setStyle( 'height', 'auto' );
// For framed wysiwyg we need to resize the editor.
editor.addCommand( 'autogrow', {
exec: function( editor ) {
lastHeight = resizeEditor( editor, lastHeight );
modes:{ wysiwyg:1 },
readOnly: 1,
canUndo: false,
editorFocus: false
} );
var eventsList = { contentDom:1,key:1,selectionChange:1,insertElement:1,mode:1 };
for ( var eventName in eventsList ) {
editor.on( eventName, function( evt ) {
// Some time is required for insertHtml, and it gives other events better performance as well.
if ( evt.editor.mode == 'wysiwyg' ) {
setTimeout( function() {
lastHeight = resizeEditor( evt.editor, lastHeight );
// Second pass to make correction upon
// the first resize, e.g. scrollbar.
lastHeight = resizeEditor( evt.editor, lastHeight );
}, 100 );
// Coordinate with the "maximize" plugin. (#9311)
editor.on( 'afterCommandExec', function( evt ) {
if ( evt.data.name == 'maximize' && evt.editor.mode == 'wysiwyg' ) {
if ( evt.data.command.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON ) {
var scrollable = getScrollable( editor );
scrollable.removeStyle( 'overflow' );
lastHeight = resizeEditor( editor, lastHeight );
editor.config.autoGrow_onStartup && editor.execCommand( 'autogrow' );
* The minimum height that the editor can reach using the AutoGrow feature.
* config.autoGrow_minHeight = 300;
* @since 3.4
* @cfg {Number} [autoGrow_minHeight=200]
* @member CKEDITOR.config
* The maximum height that the editor can reach using the AutoGrow feature. Zero means unlimited.
* config.autoGrow_maxHeight = 400;
* @since 3.4
* @cfg {Number} [autoGrow_maxHeight=0]
* @member CKEDITOR.config
* Whether to have the auto grow happen on editor creation.
* config.autoGrow_onStartup = true;
* @since 3.6.2
* @cfg {Boolean} [autoGrow_onStartup=false]
* @member CKEDITOR.config
* Extra height in pixel to leave between the bottom boundary of content with document size when auto resizing.
* @since 3.6.2
* @cfg {Number} [autoGrow_bottomSpace=0]
* @member CKEDITOR.config
* Fired when the AutoGrow plugin is about to change the size of the editor.
* @event autogrow
* @member CKEDITOR.editor
* @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
* @param data
* @param {Number} data.currentHeight The current height of the editor (before resizing).
* @param {Number} data.newHeight The new height of the editor (after resizing). It can be changed
* to determine a different height value to be used instead.