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* OpenERP base library
openerp.base.chrome = function(openerp) {
openerp.base.callback = function(obj, method) {
var callback = function() {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
var r;
for(var i = 0; i < callback.callback_chain.length; i++) {
var c = callback.callback_chain[i];
if(c.unique) {
// al: obscure but shortening C-style hack, sorry
r = c.callback.apply(c.self, c.args.concat(args));
// TODO special value to stop the chain
// openerp.base.callback_stop
return r;
callback.callback_chain = [];
callback.add = function(f) {
if(typeof(f) == 'function') {
f = { callback: f, args: Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1) };
f.self = f.self || null;
f.args = f.args || [];
f.unique = !!f.unique;
if(f.position == 'last') {
} else {
return callback;
callback.add_first = function(f) {
return callback.add.apply(null,arguments);
callback.add_last = function(f) {
return callback.add({
callback: f,
args: Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1),
position: "last"
return callback.add({
callback: method,
args:Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)
* Base error for lookup failure
* @class
openerp.base.NotFound = Class.extend( /** @lends openerp.base.NotFound# */ {
openerp.base.KeyNotFound = openerp.base.NotFound.extend( /** @lends openerp.base.KeyNotFound# */ {
* Thrown when a key could not be found in a mapping
* @constructs
* @extends openerp.base.NotFound
* @param {String} key the key which could not be found
init: function (key) {
this.key = key;
toString: function () {
return "The key " + this.key + " was not found";
openerp.base.ObjectNotFound = openerp.base.NotFound.extend( /** @lends openerp.base.ObjectNotFound# */ {
* Thrown when an object path does not designate a valid class or object
* in the openerp hierarchy.
* @constructs
* @extends openerp.base.NotFound
* @param {String} path the invalid object path
init: function (path) {
this.path = path;
toString: function () {
return "Could not find any object of path " + this.path;
openerp.base.Registry = Class.extend( /** @lends openerp.base.Registry# */ {
* Stores a mapping of arbitrary key (strings) to object paths (as strings
* as well).
* Resolves those paths at query time in order to always fetch the correct
* object, even if those objects have been overloaded/replaced after the
* registry was created.
* An object path is simply a dotted name from the openerp root to the
* object pointed to (e.g. ``"openerp.base.Session"`` for an OpenERP
* session object).
* @constructs
* @param {Object} mapping a mapping of keys to object-paths
init: function (mapping) {
this.map = mapping || {};
* Retrieves the object matching the provided key string.
* @param {String} key the key to fetch the object for
* @returns {Class} the stored class, to initialize
* @throws {openerp.base.KeyNotFound} if the object was not in the mapping
* @throws {openerp.base.ObjectNotFound} if the object path was invalid
get_object: function (key) {
var path_string = this.map[key];
if (path_string === undefined) {
throw new openerp.base.KeyNotFound(key);
var object_match = openerp;
var path = path_string.split('.');
// ignore first section
for(var i=1; i<path.length; ++i) {
object_match = object_match[path[i]];
if (object_match === undefined) {
throw new openerp.base.ObjectNotFound(path_string);
return object_match;
* Adds a new key and value to the registry.
* This method can be chained.
* @param {String} key
* @param {String} object_path fully qualified dotted object path
* @returns {openerp.base.Registry} itself
add: function (key, object_path) {
this.map[key] = object_path;
return this;
openerp.base.BasicController = Class.extend( /** @lends openerp.base.BasicController# */{
* rpc operations, event binding and callback calling should be done in
* start() instead of init so that event can be hooked in between.
* @constructs
init: function(element_id) {
this.element_id = element_id;
this.$element = $('#' + element_id);
openerp.screen[element_id] = this;
// Transform on_* method into openerp.base.callbacks
for (var name in this) {
if(typeof(this[name]) == "function") {
this[name].debug_name = name;
// bind ALL function to this not only on_and _do ?
if((/^on_|^do_/).test(name)) {
this[name] = openerp.base.callback(this, this[name]);
* Controller start
* event binding, rpc and callback calling required to initialize the
* object can happen here
* Returns a promise object letting callers (subclasses and direct callers)
* know when this component is done starting
* @returns {jQuery.Deferred}
start: function() {
// returns an already fulfilled promise. Maybe we could return nothing?
// $.when can take non-deferred and in that case it simply considers
// them all as fulfilled promises.
// But in thise case we *have* to ensure callers use $.when and don't
// try to call deferred methods on this return value.
return $.Deferred().done().promise();
on_ready: function() {
stop: function() {
log: function() {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
var caller = arguments.callee.caller;
// TODO add support for line number using
// https://github.com/emwendelin/javascript-stacktrace/blob/master/stacktrace.js
// args.unshift("" + caller.debug_name);
on_log: function() {
if(true || window.openerp.debug || (window.location.search.indexOf('?debug') !== -1)) {
if(window.console) {
} else {
$.each(arguments, function(i,v) {
v = v==null ? "null" : v;
openerp.base.Session = openerp.base.BasicController.extend( /** @lends openerp.base.Session# */{
* @constructs
* @extends openerp.base.BasicController
* @param element_id to use for exception reporting
* @param server
* @param port
init: function(element_id, server, port) {
this.server = (server == undefined) ? location.hostname : server;
this.port = (port == undefined) ? location.port : port;
this.rpc_mode = (server == location.hostname) ? "ajax" : "jsonp";
this.debug = true;
this.db = "";
this.login = "";
this.password = "";
this.uid = false;
this.session_id = false;
this.module_list = [];
this.module_loaded = {"base": true};
this.context = {};
start: function() {
* Executes an RPC call, registering the provided callbacks.
* Registers a default error callback if none is provided, and handles
* setting the correct session id and session context in the parameter
* objects
* @param {String} url RPC endpoint
* @param {Object} params call parameters
* @param {Function} success_callback function to execute on RPC call success
* @param {Function} error_callback function to execute on RPC call failure
* @returns {jQuery.Deferred} jquery-provided ajax deferred
rpc: function(url, params, success_callback, error_callback) {
// Construct a JSON-RPC2 request, method is currently unused
params.session_id = this.session_id;
params.context = typeof(params.context) != "undefined" ? params.context : this.context;
// Use a default error handler unless defined
error_callback = typeof(error_callback) != "undefined" ? error_callback : this.on_rpc_error;
// Call using the rpc_mode
return this.rpc_ajax(url, {
jsonrpc: "2.0",
method: "call",
params: params,
}, success_callback, error_callback);
* Raw JSON-RPC call
* @returns {jQuery.Deferred} ajax-based deferred object
rpc_ajax: function(url, payload, success_callback, error_callback) {
var self = this;
return $.ajax({
type: "POST",
url: url,
dataType: 'json',
contentType: 'application/json',
data: JSON.stringify(payload),
processData: false,
success: function(response, textStatus, jqXHR) {
if (response.error) {
if (response.error.data.type == "session_invalid") {
self.uid = false;
self.on_session_invalid(function() {
self.rpc(url, payload.params, success_callback, error_callback);
} else {
} else {
success_callback(response["result"], textStatus, jqXHR);
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
var error = {
code: -32098,
message: "XmlHttpRequestError " + errorThrown,
data: {type: "xhr"+textStatus, debug: jqXHR.responseText, objects: [jqXHR, errorThrown] }
on_rpc_request: function() {
on_rpc_response: function() {
on_rpc_error: function(error) {
this.on_log(error.message, error.data.debug);
* The session is validated either by login or by restoration of a previous session
on_session_valid: function() {
on_session_invalid: function(contination) {
session_is_valid: function() {
return this.uid;
session_login: function(db, login, password, success_callback) {
var self = this;
this.db = db;
this.login = login;
this.password = password;
var params = { db: this.db, login: this.login, password: this.password };
this.rpc("/base/session/login", params, function(result) {
self.session_id = result.session_id;
self.uid = result.uid;
if (success_callback)
session_logout: function() {
this.uid = false;
* Reloads uid and session_id from local storage, if they exist
session_restore: function () {
this.uid = this.get_cookie('uid');
this.session_id = this.get_cookie('session_id');
// we should do an rpc to confirm that this session_id is valid and if it is retrieve the information about db and login
// then call on_session_valid
* Saves the session id and uid locally
session_save: function () {
this.set_cookie('uid', this.uid);
this.set_cookie('session_id', this.session_id);
* Fetches a cookie stored by an openerp session
* @private
* @param name the cookie's name
get_cookie: function (name) {
var nameEQ = this.element_id + '|' + name + '=';
var cookies = document.cookie.split(';');
for(var i=0; i<cookies.length; ++i) {
var cookie = cookies[i].replace(/^\s*/, '');
if(cookie.indexOf(nameEQ) === 0) {
return decodeURIComponent(cookie.substring(nameEQ.length));
return null;
* Create a new cookie with the provided name and value
* @private
* @param name the cookie's name
* @param value the cookie's value
* @param ttl the cookie's time to live, 1 year by default, set to -1 to delete
set_cookie: function (name, value, ttl) {
ttl = ttl || 24*60*60*365;
document.cookie = [
this.element_id + '|' + name + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value),
'max-age=' + ttl,
'expires=' + new Date(new Date().getTime() + ttl*1000).toGMTString()
* Load additional web addons of that instance and init them
load_modules: function() {
var self = this;
this.rpc('/base/session/modules', {}, function(result) {
self.module_list = result['modules'];
self.rpc('/base/session/jslist', {"mods": self.module_list.join(',')}, self.debug ? self.do_load_modules_debug : self.do_load_modules_prod);
openerp._modules_loaded = true;
do_load_modules_debug: function(result) {
$LAB.setOptions({AlwaysPreserveOrder: true})
do_load_modules_prod: function() {
// load merged ones
// /base/session/css?mod=mod1,mod2,mod3
// /base/session/js?mod=mod1,mod2,mod3
// use $.getScript(your_3rd_party-script.js); ? i want to keep lineno !
on_modules_loaded: function() {
var self = this;
for(var j=0; j<self.module_list.length; j++) {
var mod = self.module_list[j];
openerp[mod] = {};
// init module mod
self.module_loaded[mod] = true;
openerp.base.Controller = openerp.base.BasicController.extend( /** @lends openerp.base.Controller# */{
* @constructs
* @extends openerp.base.BasicController
init: function(session, element_id) {
this.session = session;
on_log: function() {
* Performs a JSON-RPC call
* @param {String} url endpoint url
* @param {Object} data RPC parameters
* @param {Function} success RPC call success callback
* @param {Function} error RPC call error callback
* @returns {jQuery.Deferred} deferred object for the RPC call
rpc: function(url, data, success, error) {
// TODO: support additional arguments ?
return this.session.rpc(url, data, success, error);
openerp.base.CrashManager = openerp.base.Controller.extend({
init: function(session, element_id) {
this._super(session, element_id);
on_rpc_error: function(error) {
var msg = error.message + "\n" + error.data.debug;
display_error: function(message) {
modal: true,
buttons: {
OK: function() {
openerp.base.Database = openerp.base.Controller.extend({
// Non Session Controller to manage databases
openerp.base.Loading = openerp.base.Controller.extend({
init: function(session, element_id) {
this._super(session, element_id);
this.count = 0;
this.session.on_rpc_request.add_first(this.on_rpc_event, 1);
this.session.on_rpc_response.add_last(this.on_rpc_event, -1);
on_rpc_event : function(increment) {
this.count += increment;
if (this.count) {
//this.$element.html(QWeb.render("Loading", {}));
this.$element.html("Loading ("+this.count+")");
} else {
openerp.base.Notification = openerp.base.Controller.extend({
init: function(session, element_id) {
this._super(session, element_id);
speed: 500
'default': function(title, text) {
this.$element.notify('create', {
title: title,
text: text
alert: function(title, text) {
this.$element.notify('create', 'oe_notification_alert', {
title: title,
text: text
openerp.base.Login = openerp.base.Controller.extend({
init: function(session, element_id) {
this._super(session, element_id);
start: function() {
this.$element.html(QWeb.render("Login", {}));
on_login_invalid: function() {
on_login_valid: function() {
on_submit: function(ev) {
var self = this;
var $e = this.$element;
var db = $e.find("form input[name=db]").val();
var login = $e.find("form input[name=login]").val();
var password = $e.find("form input[name=password]").val();
// Should hide then call callback
this.session.session_login(db, login, password, function() {
if(self.session.session_is_valid()) {
} else {
do_ask_login: function(continuation) {
position: "last",
unique: true,
callback: continuation
openerp.base.Header = openerp.base.Controller.extend({
init: function(session, element_id) {
this._super(session, element_id);
start: function() {
do_update: function() {
this.$element.html(QWeb.render("Header", this));
openerp.base.Menu = openerp.base.Controller.extend({
init: function(session, element_id, secondary_menu_id) {
this._super(session, element_id);
this.secondary_menu_id = secondary_menu_id;
this.$secondary_menu = $("#" + secondary_menu_id);
this.menu = false;
start: function() {
this.rpc("/base/menu/load", {}, this.on_loaded);
on_loaded: function(data) {
this.data = data;
this.$element.html(QWeb.render("Menu", this.data));
for (var i = 0; i < this.data.data.children.length; i++) {
var v = { menu : this.data.data.children[i] };
this.$secondary_menu.append(QWeb.render("Menu.secondary", v));
animated : false,
autoHeight : false,
icons : false
animated : false,
autoHeight : false,
active: false,
collapsible: true,
header: 'h4'
on_menu_click: function(ev, id) {
id = id || 0;
var $menu, $parent, $secondary;
if (id) {
// We can manually activate a menu with it's id (for hash url mapping)
$menu = this.$element.find('a[data-menu=' + id + ']');
if (!$menu.length) {
$menu = this.$secondary_menu.find('a[data-menu=' + id + ']');
} else {
$menu = $(ev.currentTarget);
id = $menu.data('menu');
if (this.$secondary_menu.has($menu).length) {
$secondary = $menu.parents('.menu_accordion');
$parent = this.$element.find('a[data-menu=' + $secondary.data('menu-parent') + ']');
} else {
$parent = $menu;
$secondary = this.$secondary_menu.find('.menu_accordion[data-menu-parent=' + $menu.attr('data-menu') + ']');
// TODO: ui-accordion : collapse submenus and expand the good one
if (id) {
this.rpc('/base/menu/action', {'menu_id': id},
$('.active', this.$element.add(this.$secondary_menu)).removeClass('active');
return !$menu.is(".leaf");
on_menu_action_loaded: function(data) {
var self = this;
if (data.action.length) {
var action = data.action[0][2];
on_action: function(action) {
openerp.base.Homepage = openerp.base.Controller.extend({
openerp.base.Preferences = openerp.base.Controller.extend({
openerp.base.ImportExport = openerp.base.Controller.extend({
openerp.base.WebClient = openerp.base.Controller.extend({
init: function(element_id) {
var self = this;
this._super(null, element_id);
this.$element.html(QWeb.render("Interface", {}));
this.session = new openerp.base.Session("oe_errors");
this.loading = new openerp.base.Loading(this.session, "oe_loading");
this.crashmanager = new openerp.base.CrashManager(this.session);
// Do you autorize this ?
openerp.base.Controller.prototype.notification = new openerp.base.Notification(this.session, "oe_notification");
this.header = new openerp.base.Header(this.session, "oe_header");
this.login = new openerp.base.Login(this.session, "oe_login");
this.menu = new openerp.base.Menu(this.session, "oe_menu", "oe_secondary_menu");
start: function() {
this.notification['default']("OpenERP Client", "The openerp client has been initialized.");
on_logged: function() {
this.action = new openerp.base.ActionManager(this.session, "oe_app");
on_menu_action: function(action) {
do_about: function() {
openerp.base.webclient = function(element_id) {
// TODO Helper to start webclient rename it openerp.base.webclient
var client = new openerp.base.WebClient(element_id);
return client;
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