
128 lines
5.6 KiB

(function () {
'use strict';
var website = openerp.website;
var _t = openerp._t;
start: function () {
this.registerTour(new website.Tour.Banner(this));
return this._super();
website.Tour.Banner = website.Tour.extend({
id: 'banner',
name: "Insert a banner",
path: '/',
init: function () {
var self = this;
self.steps = [
title: _t("Welcome to your website!"),
content: _t("This tutorial will guide you to build your home page. We will start by adding a banner."),
popover: { next: _t("Start Tutorial"), end: _t("Skip It") },
waitNot: '.popover.tour',
element: 'button[data-action=edit]',
placement: 'bottom',
title: _t("Edit this page"),
content: _t("Every page of your website can be modified through the <i>Edit</i> button."),
popover: { fixed: true },
element: 'button[data-action=snippet]',
placement: 'bottom',
title: _t("Insert building blocks"),
content: _t("To add content in a page, you can insert building blocks."),
popover: { fixed: true },
snippet: 'carousel',
placement: 'bottom',
title: _t("Drag & Drop a Banner"),
content: _t("Drag the Banner block and drop it in your page."),
popover: { fixed: true },
waitFor: '.oe_overlay_options .oe_options:visible',
element: '#wrap [data-snippet-id=carousel]:first .carousel-caption > div',
placement: 'top',
title: _t("Customize banner's text"),
content: _t("Click in the text and start editing it. Click continue once it's done."),
popover: { next: _t("Continue") },
element: '.oe_overlay_options .oe_options',
placement: 'left',
title: _t("Customize the banner"),
content: _t("Customize any block through this menu. Try to change the background of the banner."),
popover: { next: _t("Continue") },
waitNot: '.popover.tour',
element: 'button[data-action=snippet]',
placement: 'bottom',
title: _t("Add Another Block"),
content: _t("Let's add another building block to your page."),
popover: { fixed: true },
element: 'a[href="#snippet_feature"]',
placement: 'bottom',
title: _t("Feature blocks list"),
content: _t("Click on 'Features' to see the feature blocks list."),
popover: { fixed: true },
snippet: 'features',
placement: 'bottom',
title: _t("Drag & Drop This Block"),
content: _t("Drag the <em>'Features'</em> block and drop it below the banner."),
popover: { fixed: true },
waitFor: '.oe_overlay_options .oe_options:visible',
element: 'button[data-action=save]',
placement: 'right',
title: _t("Save your modifications"),
content: _t("Publish your page by clicking on the <em>'Save'</em> button."),
popover: { fixed: true },
waitFor: 'button[data-action=edit]:visible',
title: _t("Congratulation!"),
content: _t("Your homepage has been updated."),
popover: { next: _t("Continue") },
waitNot: '.popover.tour',
element: 'a[data-action=show-mobile-preview]',
placement: 'bottom',
title: _t("Test Your Mobile Version"),
content: _t("Let's check how your homepage looks like on mobile devices."),
popover: { fixed: true },
element: '.modal:has(#mobile-viewport) button[data-dismiss=modal]',
placement: 'right',
title: _t("Check Mobile Preview"),
content: _t("Scroll in the mobile preview to test the rendering. Once it's ok, close this dialog."),
popover: { next: _t("Continue") },
waitNot: '.modal',
element: '#content-menu-button',
placement: 'bottom',
title: _t("Add new pages and menus"),
content: _t("The 'Content' menu allows you to add pages or add the top menu."),
popover: { next: _t("Close Tutorial") },
return this._super();