
325 lines
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#Copyright ReportLab Europe Ltd. 2000-2004
#see license.txt for license details
#history http://www.reportlab.co.uk/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/public/reportlab/trunk/reportlab/lib/validators.py
__version__=''' $Id: validators.py 2875 2006-05-18 07:00:16Z andy $ '''
This module contains some standard verifying functions which can be
used in an attribute map.
import string, sys, codecs
from types import *
_SequenceTypes = (ListType,TupleType)
_NumberTypes = (FloatType,IntType)
from reportlab.lib import colors
if sys.hexversion<0x2030000:
True = 1
False = 0
class Validator:
"base validator class"
def __call__(self,x):
return self.test(x)
def __str__(self):
return getattr(self,'_str',self.__class__.__name__)
def normalize(self,x):
return x
def normalizeTest(self,x):
return True
return False
class _isAnything(Validator):
def test(self,x):
return True
class _isNothing(Validator):
def test(self,x):
return False
class _isBoolean(Validator):
if sys.hexversion>=0x2030000:
def test(self,x):
if type(x) in (IntType,BooleanType): return x in (0,1)
return self.normalizeTest(x)
def test(self,x):
if type(x) is IntType: return x in (0,1)
return self.normalizeTest(x)
def normalize(self,x):
if x in (0,1): return x
S = string.upper(x)
raise ValueError, 'Must be boolean'
if S in ('YES','TRUE'): return True
if S in ('NO','FALSE',None): return False
raise ValueError, 'Must be boolean'
class _isString(Validator):
def test(self,x):
return type(x) in (StringType, UnicodeType)
class _isCodec(Validator):
def test(self,x):
if type(x) not in (StringType, UnicodeType):
return False
a,b,c,d = codecs.lookup(x)
return True
except LookupError:
return False
class _isNumber(Validator):
def test(self,x):
if type(x) in _NumberTypes: return True
return self.normalizeTest(x)
def normalize(self,x):
return float(x)
return int(x)
class _isInt(Validator):
def test(self,x):
if type(x) not in (IntType,StringType): return False
return self.normalizeTest(x)
def normalize(self,x):
return int(x)
class _isNumberOrNone(_isNumber):
def test(self,x):
return x is None or isNumber(x)
def normalize(self,x):
if x is None: return x
return _isNumber.normalize(x)
class _isListOfNumbersOrNone(Validator):
"ListOfNumbersOrNone validator class."
def test(self, x):
if x is None: return True
return isListOfNumbers(x)
class _isListOfShapes(Validator):
"ListOfShapes validator class."
def test(self, x):
from reportlab.graphics.shapes import Shape
if type(x) in _SequenceTypes:
answer = 1
for element in x:
if not isinstance(x, Shape):
answer = 0
return answer
return False
class _isListOfStringsOrNone(Validator):
"ListOfStringsOrNone validator class."
def test(self, x):
if x is None: return True
return isListOfStrings(x)
class _isTransform(Validator):
"Transform validator class."
def test(self, x):
if type(x) in _SequenceTypes:
if len(x) == 6:
for element in x:
if not isNumber(element):
return False
return True
return False
return False
class _isColor(Validator):
"Color validator class."
def test(self, x):
return isinstance(x, colors.Color)
class _isColorOrNone(Validator):
"ColorOrNone validator class."
def test(self, x):
if x is None: return True
return isColor(x)
class _isValidChild(Validator):
"ValidChild validator class."
def test(self, x):
"""Is this child allowed in a drawing or group?
I.e. does it descend from Shape or UserNode?
from reportlab.graphics.shapes import UserNode, Shape
return isinstance(x, UserNode) or isinstance(x, Shape)
class _isValidChildOrNone(_isValidChild):
def test(self,x):
return _isValidChild.test(self,x) or x is None
class _isCallable(Validator):
def test(self, x):
return callable(x)
class OneOf(Validator):
"""Make validator functions for list of choices.
f = reportlab.lib.validators.OneOf('happy','sad')
f = reportlab.lib.validators.OneOf(('happy','sad'))
f('sad'),f('happy'), f('grumpy')
def __init__(self, enum,*args):
if type(enum) in [ListType,TupleType]:
if args!=():
raise ValueError, "Either all singleton args or a single sequence argument"
self._enum = tuple(enum)+args
self._enum = (enum,)+args
def test(self, x):
return x in self._enum
class SequenceOf(Validator):
def __init__(self,elemTest,name=None,emptyOK=1, NoneOK=0, lo=0,hi=0x7fffffff):
self._elemTest = elemTest
self._emptyOK = emptyOK
self._NoneOK = NoneOK
self._lo, self._hi = lo, hi
if name: self._str = name
def test(self, x):
if type(x) not in _SequenceTypes:
if x is None: return self._NoneOK
return False
if x==[] or x==():
return self._emptyOK
elif not self._lo<=len(x)<=self._hi: return False
for e in x:
if not self._elemTest(e): return False
return True
class EitherOr(Validator):
def __init__(self,tests,name=None):
if type(tests) not in _SequenceTypes: tests = (tests,)
self._tests = tests
if name: self._str = name
def test(self, x):
for t in self._tests:
if t(x): return True
return False
class NoneOr(Validator):
def __init__(self,elemTest,name=None):
self._elemTest = elemTest
if name: self._str = name
def test(self, x):
if x is None: return True
return self._elemTest(x)
class Auto(Validator):
def __init__(self,**kw):
def test(self,x):
return x is self.__class__ or isinstance(x,self.__class__)
class AutoOr(NoneOr):
def test(self,x):
return isAuto(x) or self._elemTest(x)
class isInstanceOf(Validator):
def __init__(self,klass=None):
self._klass = klass
def test(self,x):
return isinstance(x,self._klass)
class matchesPattern(Validator):
"""Matches value, or its string representation, against regex"""
def __init__(self, pattern):
self._pattern = re.compile(pattern)
def test(self,x):
print 'testing %s against %s' % (x, self._pattern)
if type(x) is StringType:
text = x
text = str(x)
return (self._pattern.match(text) <> None)
class DerivedValue:
"""This is used for magic values which work themselves out.
An example would be an "inherit" property, so that one can have
drawing.chart.categoryAxis.labels.fontName = inherit
and pick up the value from the top of the drawing.
Validators will permit this provided that a value can be pulled
in which satisfies it. And the renderer will have special
knowledge of these so they can evaluate themselves.
def getValue(self, renderer, attr):
"""Override this. The renderers will pass the renderer,
and the attribute name. Algorithms can then backtrack up
through all the stuff the renderer provides, including
a correct stack of parent nodes."""
return None
class Inherit(DerivedValue):
def __repr__(self):
return "inherit"
def getValue(self, renderer, attr):
return renderer.getStateValue(attr)
inherit = Inherit()
isAuto = Auto()
isBoolean = _isBoolean()
isString = _isString()
isCodec = _isCodec()
isNumber = _isNumber()
isInt = _isInt()
isNoneOrInt = NoneOr(isInt,'isNoneOrInt')
isNumberOrNone = _isNumberOrNone()
isTextAnchor = OneOf('start','middle','end','boxauto')
isListOfNumbers = SequenceOf(isNumber,'isListOfNumbers')
isListOfNumbersOrNone = _isListOfNumbersOrNone()
isListOfShapes = _isListOfShapes()
isListOfStrings = SequenceOf(isString,'isListOfStrings')
isListOfStringsOrNone = _isListOfStringsOrNone()
isTransform = _isTransform()
isColor = _isColor()
isListOfColors = SequenceOf(isColor,'isListOfColors')
isColorOrNone = _isColorOrNone()
isShape = isValidChild = _isValidChild()
isNoneOrShape = isValidChildOrNone = _isValidChildOrNone()
isAnything = _isAnything()
isNothing = _isNothing()
isXYCoord = SequenceOf(isNumber,lo=2,hi=2,emptyOK=0)
isBoxAnchor = OneOf('nw','n','ne','w','c','e','sw','s','se', 'autox', 'autoy')
isNoneOrString = NoneOr(isString,'NoneOrString')
isCallable = _isCallable()