
45 lines
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In order to check if the last tracking is set on moves, I create a picking
!record {model: stock.picking, id: shipment_tracking}:
type: out
location_dest_id: stock_location_output
!record {model: stock.move, id: shipment_tracking_move1}:
picking_id: shipment_tracking
product_id: product_product_6
product_uom: product.product_uom_unit
product_qty: 10.0
location_id: location_monitor
location_dest_id: stock_location_output
!record {model: stock.move, id: shipment_tracking_move2}:
picking_id: shipment_tracking
product_id: product_product_6
product_uom: product.product_uom_unit
product_qty: 10.0
location_id: location_monitor
location_dest_id: stock_location_output
Then I call setlast_tracking on the moves and check if the tracking is correct
!python {model: stock.move}: |
move_id = ref('shipment_tracking_move1')
move = self.browse(cr, uid, move_id)
assert not move.tracking_id, "Move1 must not have a tracking at this point"
tracking_ids = self.pool['stock.tracking'].search(cr, uid, [])
self.setlast_tracking(cr, uid, [move_id])
tracking_id = move.tracking_id.id
assert tracking_id, "The move must have a tracking_id"
assert tracking_id not in tracking_ids, "The tracking must be a new one"
move2_id = ref('shipment_tracking_move2')
move2 = self.browse(cr, uid, move2_id)
assert not move2.tracking_id, "Move2 must not have a tracking at this point"
self.setlast_tracking(cr, uid, [move2_id])
tracking2_id = move2.tracking_id.id
assert tracking2_id, "Move2 must have a tracking_id"
assert tracking2_id == tracking_id, "The second move must have the same tracking than the previous one"