
1578 lines
56 KiB

openerp.web.search = function(openerp) {
var QWeb = openerp.web.qweb,
_t = openerp.web._t,
_lt = openerp.web._lt;
sum: function (obj) { return _.reduce(obj, function (a, b) { return a + b; }, 0); }
// Have SearchBox optionally use callback function to produce inputs and facets
// (views) set on callbacks.make_facet and callbacks.make_input keys when
// initializing VisualSearch
var SearchBox_renderFacet = function (facet, position) {
var view = new (this.app.options.callbacks['make_facet'] || VS.ui.SearchFacet)({
app : this.app,
model : facet,
order : position
// Input first, facet second.
_.defer(_.bind(view.calculateSize, view));
return view;
}; // warning: will not match
// Ensure we're replacing the function we think
if (SearchBox_renderFacet.toString() !== VS.ui.SearchBox.prototype.renderFacet.toString().replace(/(VS\.ui\.SearchFacet)/, "(this.app.options.callbacks['make_facet'] || $1)")) {
throw new Error(
"Trying to replace wrong version of VS.ui.SearchBox#renderFacet. "
+ "Please fix replacement.");
var SearchBox_renderSearchInput = function () {
var input = new (this.app.options.callbacks['make_input'] || VS.ui.SearchInput)({position: this.inputViews.length, app: this.app});
// Ensure we're replacing the function we think
if (SearchBox_renderSearchInput.toString() !== VS.ui.SearchBox.prototype.renderSearchInput.toString().replace(/(VS\.ui\.SearchInput)/, "(this.app.options.callbacks['make_input'] || $1)")) {
throw new Error(
"Trying to replace wrong version of VS.ui.SearchBox#renderSearchInput. "
+ "Please fix replacement.");
var SearchBox_searchEvent = function (e) {
var query = null;
this.app.options.callbacks.search(query, this.app.searchQuery);
if (SearchBox_searchEvent.toString() !== VS.ui.SearchBox.prototype.searchEvent.toString().replace(
/this\.value\(\);\n[ ]{4}this\.focusSearch\(e\);\n[ ]{4}this\.value\(query\)/,
'null;\n this.renderFacets();\n this.focusSearch(e)')) {
throw new Error(
"Trying to replace wrong version of VS.ui.SearchBox#searchEvent. "
+ "Please fix replacement.");
_.extend(VS.ui.SearchBox.prototype, {
renderFacet: SearchBox_renderFacet,
renderSearchInput: SearchBox_renderSearchInput,
searchEvent: SearchBox_searchEvent
_.extend(VS.model.SearchFacet.prototype, {
value: function () {
if (this.has('json')) {
return this.get('json');
return this.get('value');
openerp.web.SearchView = openerp.web.Widget.extend(/** @lends openerp.web.SearchView# */{
template: "SearchView",
* @constructs openerp.web.SearchView
* @extends openerp.web.OldWidget
* @param parent
* @param element_id
* @param dataset
* @param view_id
* @param defaults
init: function(parent, dataset, view_id, defaults, hidden) {
this.dataset = dataset;
this.model = dataset.model;
this.view_id = view_id;
this.defaults = defaults || {};
this.has_defaults = !_.isEmpty(this.defaults);
this.inputs = [];
this.controls = {};
this.hidden = !!hidden;
this.headless = this.hidden && !this.has_defaults;
this.filter_data = {};
this.ready = $.Deferred();
start: function() {
var self = this;
var p = this._super();
this.vs = VS.init({
container: this.$element,
query: '',
callbacks: {
make_facet: this.proxy('make_visualsearch_facet'),
make_input: this.proxy('make_visualsearch_input'),
search: function (query, searchCollection) {
facetMatches: function (callback) {
valueMatches : function(facet, searchTerm, callback) {
var search = function () { self.vs.searchBox.searchEvent({}); };
// searchQuery operations
.off('add').on('add', search)
.off('change').on('change', search)
.off('reset').on('reset', search)
.off('remove').on('remove', function (record, collection, options) {
if (options['trigger_search']) {
if (this.hidden) {
if (this.headless) {
} else {
var load_view = this.rpc("/web/searchview/load", {
model: this.model,
view_id: this.view_id,
context: this.dataset.get_context() });
// FIXME: local eval of domain and context to get rid of special endpoint
var filters = this.rpc('/web/searchview/get_filters', {
model: this.model
}).then(function (filters) { self.custom_filters = filters; });
$.when(load_view, filters)
.pipe(function (load) { return load[0]; })
this.$element.on('click', '.oe_vs_unfold_drawer', function () {
return $.when(p, this.ready);
show: function () {
hide: function () {
* Sets up thingie where all the mess is put?
setup_stuff_drawer: function () {
var self = this;
$('<div class="oe_vs_unfold_drawer">').appendTo(this.$element.find('.VS-search-box'));
var $drawer = $('<div class="oe_searchview_drawer">').appendTo(this.$element);
var $filters = $('<div class="oe_searchview_filters">').appendTo($drawer);
var running_count = 0;
// get total filters count
var is_group = function (i) { return i instanceof openerp.web.search.FilterGroup; };
var filters_count = _(this.controls).chain()
.map(function (i) { return i.filters.length; })
var col1 = [], col2 = _(this.controls).map(function (inputs, group) {
var filters = _(inputs).filter(is_group);
return {
name: group === 'null' ? _t("Filters") : group,
filters: filters,
length: _(filters).chain().map(function (i) {
return i.filters.length; }).sum().value()
while (col2.length) {
// col1 + group should be smaller than col2 + group
if ((running_count + col2[0].length) <= (filters_count - running_count)) {
running_count += col2[0].length;
} else {
// Create a Custom Filter FilterGroup for each custom filter read from
// the db, add all of this as a group in the smallest column
[].push.call(col1.length <= col2.length ? col1 : col2, {
name: _t("Custom Filters"),
filters: _.map(this.custom_filters, function (filter) {
// FIXME: handling of ``disabled`` being set
var f = new openerp.web.search.Filter({attrs: {
string: filter.name,
context: filter.context,
domain: filter.domain
}}, self);
return new openerp.web.search.FilterGroup([f], self);
length: 3
return $.when(
this.render_column(col1, $('<div>').appendTo($filters)),
this.render_column(col2, $('<div>').appendTo($filters)),
(new openerp.web.search.Advanced(this).appendTo($drawer)));
render_column: function (column, $el) {
return $.when.apply(null, _(column).map(function (group) {
return $.when.apply(null,
_(group.filters).invoke('appendTo', $el));
* Sets up search view's view-wide auto-completion widget
setup_global_completion: function () {
// Prevent keydown from within a facet's input from reaching the
// auto-completion widget and opening the completion list
this.$element.on('keydown', '.search_facet input', function (e) {
source: this.proxy('complete_global_search'),
select: this.proxy('select_completion'),
focus: function (e) { e.preventDefault(); },
html: true,
minLength: 0,
delay: 0
}).data('autocomplete')._renderItem = function (ul, item) {
// item of completion list
var $item = $( "<li></li>" )
.data( "item.autocomplete", item )
.appendTo( ul );
if (item.value !== undefined) {
// regular completion item
return $item.append(
? $('<a>').html(item.label)
: $('<a>').text(item.value));
return $item.text(item.category)
borderTop: '1px solid #cccccc',
margin: 0,
padding: 0,
zoom: 1,
'float': 'left',
clear: 'left',
width: '100%'
* Provide auto-completion result for req.term (an array to `resp`)
* @param {Object} req request to complete
* @param {String} req.term searched term to complete
* @param {Function} resp response callback
complete_global_search: function (req, resp) {
$.when.apply(null, _(this.inputs).chain()
.invoke('complete', req.term)
.value()).then(function () {
* Action to perform in case of selection: create a facet (model)
* and add it to the search collection
* @param {Object} e selection event, preventDefault to avoid setting value on object
* @param {Object} ui selection information
* @param {Object} ui.item selected completion item
select_completion: function (e, ui) {
this.vs.searchQuery.add(new VS.model.SearchFacet(_.extend(
{app: this.vs}, ui.item)));
* Builds the right SearchFacet view based on the facet object to render
* (e.g. readonly facets for filters)
* @param {Object} options
* @param {VS.model.SearchFacet} options.model facet object to render
make_visualsearch_facet: function (options) {
return new openerp.web.search.FilterGroupFacet(options);
// if (options.model.get('field') instanceof openerp.web.search.FilterGroup) {
// return new openerp.web.search.FilterGroupFacet(options);
// }
// return new VS.ui.SearchFacet(options);
* Proxies searches on a SearchInput to the search view's global completion
* Also disables SearchInput.autocomplete#_move so search view's
* autocomplete can get the corresponding events, or something.
* @param options
make_visualsearch_input: function (options) {
var self = this, input = new VS.ui.SearchInput(options);
input.setupAutocomplete = function () {
minLength: 1,
delay: 0,
search: function () {
self.$element.autocomplete('search', input.box.val());
return false;
}).data('autocomplete'), {
_move: function () {},
close: function () { self.$element.autocomplete('close'); }
return input;
* Builds a list of widget rows (each row is an array of widgets)
* @param {Array} items a list of nodes to convert to widgets
* @param {Object} fields a mapping of field names to (ORM) field attributes
* @param {String} [group_name] name of the group to put the new controls in
make_widgets: function (items, fields, group_name) {
group_name = group_name || null;
if (!(group_name in this.controls)) {
this.controls[group_name] = [];
var self = this, group = this.controls[group_name];
var filters = [];
_.each(items, function (item) {
if (filters.length && item.tag !== 'filter') {
group.push(new openerp.web.search.FilterGroup(filters, this));
filters = [];
switch (item.tag) {
case 'separator': case 'newline':
case 'filter':
filters.push(new openerp.web.search.Filter(item, this));
case 'group':
self.make_widgets(item.children, fields, item.attrs.string);
case 'field':
group.push(this.make_field(item, fields[item['attrs'].name]));
// filters
self.make_widgets(item.children, fields, group_name);
}, this);
if (filters.length) {
group.push(new openerp.web.search.FilterGroup(filters, this));
* Creates a field for the provided field descriptor item (which comes
* from fields_view_get)
* @param {Object} item fields_view_get node for the field
* @param {Object} field fields_get result for the field
* @returns openerp.web.search.Field
make_field: function (item, field) {
try {
return new (openerp.web.search.fields.get_any(
[item.attrs.widget, field.type]))
(item, field, this);
} catch (e) {
if (! e instanceof openerp.web.KeyNotFound) {
throw e;
// KeyNotFound means unknown field type
console.group('Unknown field type ' + field.type);
console.error('View node', item);
console.info('View field', field);
console.info('In view', this);
return null;
on_loaded: function(data) {
var self = this;
this.fields_view = data.fields_view;
if (data.fields_view.type !== 'search' ||
data.fields_view.arch.tag !== 'search') {
throw new Error(_.str.sprintf(
"Got non-search view after asking for a search view: type %s, arch root %s",
data.fields_view.type, data.fields_view.arch.tag));
// load defaults
return $.when(
$.when.apply(null, _(this.inputs).invoke('facet_for_defaults', this.defaults))
.then(function () { self.vs.searchQuery.reset(_(arguments).compact()); }))
.then(function () { self.ready.resolve(); })
* Handle event when the user make a selection in the filters management select box.
on_filters_management: function(e) {
var self = this;
var select = this.$element.find(".oe_search-view-filters-management");
var val = select.val();
switch(val) {
case 'advanced_filter':
case 'add_to_dashboard':
case 'manage_filters':
res_model: 'ir.filters',
views: [[false, 'list'], [false, 'form']],
type: 'ir.actions.act_window',
context: {"search_default_user_id": this.session.uid,
"search_default_model_id": this.dataset.model},
target: "current",
limit : 80
case 'save_filter':
var data = this.build_search_data();
var context = new openerp.web.CompoundContext();
_.each(data.contexts, function(x) {
var domain = new openerp.web.CompoundDomain();
_.each(data.domains, function(x) {
var groupbys = _.pluck(data.groupbys, "group_by").join();
context.add({"group_by": groupbys});
var dial_html = QWeb.render("SearchView.managed-filters.add");
var $dial = $(dial_html);
openerp.web.dialog($dial, {
modal: true,
title: _t("Filter Entry"),
buttons: [
{text: _t("Cancel"), click: function() {
{text: _t("OK"), click: function() {
var name = $(this).find("input").val();
self.rpc('/web/searchview/save_filter', {
model: self.dataset.model,
context_to_save: context,
domain: domain,
name: name
}).then(function() {
case '':
if (val.slice(0, 4) == "get:") {
val = val.slice(4);
val = parseInt(val, 10);
var filter = this.managed_filters[val];
this.do_clear(false).then(_.bind(function() {
select.val('get:' + val);
var groupbys = [];
var group_by = filter.context.group_by;
if (group_by) {
groupbys = _.map(
group_by instanceof Array ? group_by : group_by.split(','),
function (el) { return { group_by: el }; });
this.filter_data = {
domains: [filter.domain],
contexts: [filter.context],
groupbys: groupbys
}, this));
} else {
on_add_to_dashboard: function() {
this.$element.find(".oe_search-view-filters-management")[0].selectedIndex = 0;
var self = this,
menu = openerp.webclient.menu,
$dialog = $(QWeb.render("SearchView.add_to_dashboard", {
dashboards : menu.data.data.children,
selected_menu_id : menu.$element.find('a.active').data('menu')
openerp.web.dialog($dialog, {
modal: true,
title: _t("Add to Dashboard"),
buttons: [
{text: _t("Cancel"), click: function() {
{text: _t("OK"), click: function() {
var menu_id = $(this).find("select").val(),
title = $(this).find("input").val(),
data = self.build_search_data(),
context = new openerp.web.CompoundContext(),
domain = new openerp.web.CompoundDomain();
_.each(data.contexts, function(x) {
_.each(data.domains, function(x) {
self.rpc('/web/searchview/add_to_dashboard', {
menu_id: menu_id,
action_id: self.getParent().action.id,
context_to_save: context,
domain: domain,
view_mode: self.getParent().active_view,
name: title
}, function(r) {
if (r === false) {
self.do_warn("Could not add filter to dashboard");
} else {
self.do_notify("Filter added to dashboard", '');
* Performs the search view collection of widget data.
* If the collection went well (all fields are valid), then triggers
* :js:func:`openerp.web.SearchView.on_search`.
* If at least one field failed its validation, triggers
* :js:func:`openerp.web.SearchView.on_invalid` instead.
* @param e jQuery event object coming from the "Search" button
do_search: function () {
var domains = [], contexts = [], groupbys = [], errors = [];
this.vs.searchQuery.each(function (facet) {
var field = facet.get('field');
try {
var domain = field.get_domain(facet);
if (domain) {
var context = field.get_context(facet);
if (context) {
var group_by = field.get_groupby(facet);
if (group_by) {
groupbys.push.apply(groupbys, group_by);
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof openerp.web.search.Invalid) {
} else {
throw e;
if (!_.isEmpty(errors)) {
return this.on_search(domains, contexts, groupbys);
* Triggered after the SearchView has collected all relevant domains and
* contexts.
* It is provided with an Array of domains and an Array of contexts, which
* may or may not be evaluated (each item can be either a valid domain or
* context, or a string to evaluate in order in the sequence)
* It is also passed an array of contexts used for group_by (they are in
* the correct order for group_by evaluation, which contexts may not be)
* @event
* @param {Array} domains an array of literal domains or domain references
* @param {Array} contexts an array of literal contexts or context refs
* @param {Array} groupbys ordered contexts which may or may not have group_by keys
on_search: function (domains, contexts, groupbys) {
* Triggered after a validation error in the SearchView fields.
* Error objects have three keys:
* * ``field`` is the name of the invalid field
* * ``value`` is the invalid value
* * ``message`` is the (in)validation message provided by the field
* @event
* @param {Array} errors a never-empty array of error objects
on_invalid: function (errors) {
this.do_notify(_t("Invalid Search"), _t("triggered from search view"));
/** @namespace */
openerp.web.search = {};
openerp.web.search.FilterGroupFacet = VS.ui.SearchFacet.extend({
events: _.extend({
'click': 'selectFacet'
}, VS.ui.SearchFacet.prototype.events),
render: function () {
this.setMode('not', 'editing');
this.setMode('not', 'selected');
var value = this.model.get('value');
this.$el.html(QWeb.render('SearchView.filters.facet', {
facet: this.model
// virtual input so SearchFacet code has something to play with
this.box = $('<input>').val(value);
return this;
enableEdit: function () {
keydown: function (e) {
var key = VS.app.hotkeys.key(e);
if (key !== 'right') {
return VS.ui.SearchFacet.prototype.keydown.call(this, e);
this.options.app.searchBox.focusNextFacet(this, 1);
* Registry of search fields, called by :js:class:`openerp.web.SearchView` to
* find and instantiate its field widgets.
openerp.web.search.fields = new openerp.web.Registry({
'char': 'openerp.web.search.CharField',
'text': 'openerp.web.search.CharField',
'boolean': 'openerp.web.search.BooleanField',
'integer': 'openerp.web.search.IntegerField',
'id': 'openerp.web.search.IntegerField',
'float': 'openerp.web.search.FloatField',
'selection': 'openerp.web.search.SelectionField',
'datetime': 'openerp.web.search.DateTimeField',
'date': 'openerp.web.search.DateField',
'many2one': 'openerp.web.search.ManyToOneField',
'many2many': 'openerp.web.search.CharField',
'one2many': 'openerp.web.search.CharField'
openerp.web.search.Invalid = openerp.web.Class.extend( /** @lends openerp.web.search.Invalid# */{
* Exception thrown by search widgets when they hold invalid values,
* which they can not return when asked.
* @constructs openerp.web.search.Invalid
* @extends openerp.web.Class
* @param field the name of the field holding an invalid value
* @param value the invalid value
* @param message validation failure message
init: function (field, value, message) {
this.field = field;
this.value = value;
this.message = message;
toString: function () {
return _.str.sprintf(
_t("Incorrect value for field %(fieldname)s: [%(value)s] is %(message)s"),
{fieldname: this.field, value: this.value, message: this.message}
openerp.web.search.Widget = openerp.web.OldWidget.extend( /** @lends openerp.web.search.Widget# */{
template: null,
* Root class of all search widgets
* @constructs openerp.web.search.Widget
* @extends openerp.web.OldWidget
* @param view the ancestor view of this widget
init: function (view) {
this.view = view;
openerp.web.search.add_expand_listener = function($root) {
$root.find('a.searchview_group_string').click(function (e) {
$root.toggleClass('folded expanded');
openerp.web.search.Group = openerp.web.search.Widget.extend({
template: 'SearchView.group',
init: function (view_section, view, fields) {
this.attrs = view_section.attrs;
this.lines = view.make_widgets(
view_section.children, fields);
openerp.web.search.Input = openerp.web.search.Widget.extend( /** @lends openerp.web.search.Input# */{
* @constructs openerp.web.search.Input
* @extends openerp.web.search.Widget
* @param view
init: function (view) {
this.style = undefined;
* Fetch auto-completion values for the widget.
* The completion values should be an array of objects with keys category,
* label, value prefixed with an object with keys type=section and label
* @param {String} value value to complete
* @returns {jQuery.Deferred<null|Array>}
complete: function (value) {
return $.when(null)
* Returns a VS.model.SearchFacet instance for the provided defaults if
* they apply to this widget, or null if they don't.
* This default implementation will try calling
* :js:func:`openerp.web.search.Input#facet_for` if the widget's name
* matches the input key
* @param {Object} defaults
* @returns {jQuery.Deferred<null|Object>}
facet_for_defaults: function (defaults) {
if (!this.attrs ||
!(this.attrs.name in defaults && defaults[this.attrs.name])) {
return $.when(null);
return this.facet_for(defaults[this.attrs.name]);
get_context: function () {
throw new Error(
"get_context not implemented for widget " + this.attrs.type);
get_groupby: function () {
throw new Error(
"get_groupby not implemented for widget " + this.attrs.type);
get_domain: function () {
throw new Error(
"get_domain not implemented for widget " + this.attrs.type);
load_attrs: function (attrs) {
if (attrs.modifiers) {
attrs.modifiers = JSON.parse(attrs.modifiers);
attrs.invisible = attrs.modifiers.invisible || false;
if (attrs.invisible) {
this.style = 'display: none;'
this.attrs = attrs;
openerp.web.search.FilterGroup = openerp.web.search.Input.extend(/** @lends openerp.web.search.FilterGroup# */{
template: 'SearchView.filters',
* Inclusive group of filters, creates a continuous "button" with clickable
* sections (the normal display for filters is to be a self-contained button)
* @constructs openerp.web.search.FilterGroup
* @extends openerp.web.search.Input
* @param {Array<openerp.web.search.Filter>} filters elements of the group
* @param {openerp.web.SearchView} view view in which the filters are contained
init: function (filters, view) {
this.filters = filters;
start: function () {
this.$element.on('click', 'li', this.proxy('toggle_filter'));
return $.when(null);
facet_for_defaults: function (defaults) {
var fs = _(this.filters).filter(function (f) {
return f.attrs && f.attrs.name && !!defaults[f.attrs.name];
if (_.isEmpty(fs)) { return $.when(null); }
return $.when(new VS.model.SearchFacet({
category: _t("Filter"),
value: _(fs).map(function (f) {
return f.attrs.string || f.attrs.name }).join(' | '),
json: fs,
field: this,
app: this.view.vs
* Fetches contexts for all enabled filters in the group
* @param {VS.model.SearchFacet} facet
* @return {*} combined contexts of the enabled filters in this group
get_context: function (facet) {
var contexts = _(facet.get('json')).chain()
.map(function (filter) { return filter.attrs.context; })
if (!contexts.length) { return; }
if (contexts.length === 1) { return contexts[0]; }
return _.extend(new openerp.web.CompoundContext, {
__contexts: contexts
* Fetches group_by sequence for all enabled filters in the group
* @param {VS.model.SearchFacet} facet
* @return {Array} enabled filters in this group
get_groupby: function (facet) {
return _(facet.get('json')).chain()
.map(function (filter) { return filter.attrs.context; })
* Handles domains-fetching for all the filters within it: groups them.
* @param {VS.model.SearchFacet} facet
* @return {*} combined domains of the enabled filters in this group
get_domain: function (facet) {
var domains = _(facet.get('json')).chain()
.map(function (filter) { return filter.attrs.domain; })
if (!domains.length) { return; }
if (domains.length === 1) { return domains[0]; }
for (var i=domains.length; --i;) {
return _.extend(new openerp.web.CompoundDomain(), {
__domains: domains
toggle_filter: function (e) {
toggle: function (filter) {
// FIXME: oh god, my eyes, they hurt
var self = this, fs;
var facet = this.view.vs.searchQuery.detect(function (f) {
return f.get('field') === self; });
if (facet) {
fs = facet.get('json');
if (_.include(fs, filter)) {
fs = _.without(fs, filter);
} else {
if (_(fs).isEmpty()) {
this.view.vs.searchQuery.remove(facet, {trigger_search: true});
} else {
json: fs,
value: _(fs).map(function (f) {
return f.attrs.string || f.attrs.name }).join(' | ')
} else {
fs = [filter];
category: _t("Filter"),
value: _(fs).map(function (f) {
return f.attrs.string || f.attrs.name }).join(' | '),
json: fs,
field: this,
app: this.view.vs
openerp.web.search.Filter = openerp.web.search.Input.extend(/** @lends openerp.web.search.Filter# */{
template: 'SearchView.filter',
* Implementation of the OpenERP filters (button with a context and/or
* a domain sent as-is to the search view)
* Filters are only attributes holder, the actual work (compositing
* domains and contexts, converting between facets and filters) is
* performed by the filter group.
* @constructs openerp.web.search.Filter
* @extends openerp.web.search.Input
* @param node
* @param view
init: function (node, view) {
facet_for: function () { return $.when(null); },
get_context: function () { },
get_domain: function () { },
openerp.web.search.Field = openerp.web.search.Input.extend( /** @lends openerp.web.search.Field# */ {
template: 'SearchView.field',
default_operator: '=',
* @constructs openerp.web.search.Field
* @extends openerp.web.search.Input
* @param view_section
* @param field
* @param view
init: function (view_section, field, view) {
this.load_attrs(_.extend({}, field, view_section.attrs));
facet_for: function (value) {
return $.when(new VS.model.SearchFacet({
category: this.attrs.string || this.attrs.name,
value: String(value),
json: value,
field: this,
app: this.view.vs
get_value: function (facet) {
return facet.value();
get_context: function (facet) {
var val = this.get_value(facet);
// A field needs a value to be "active", and a context to send when
// active
var has_value = (val !== null && val !== '');
var context = this.attrs.context;
if (!(has_value && context)) {
return new openerp.web.CompoundContext(context)
.set_eval_context({self: val});
get_groupby: function () { },
* Function creating the returned domain for the field, override this
* methods in children if you only need to customize the field's domain
* without more complex alterations or tests (and without the need to
* change override the handling of filter_domain)
* @param {String} name the field's name
* @param {String} operator the field's operator (either attribute-specified or default operator for the field
* @param {Number|String} value parsed value for the field
* @returns {Array<Array>} domain to include in the resulting search
make_domain: function (name, operator, facet) {
return [[name, operator, this.get_value(facet)]];
get_domain: function (facet) {
var val = this.get_value(facet);
if (val === null || val === '') {
var domain = this.attrs['filter_domain'];
if (!domain) {
return this.make_domain(
this.attrs.operator || this.default_operator,
return new openerp.web.CompoundDomain(domain)
.set_eval_context({self: val});
* Implementation of the ``char`` OpenERP field type:
* * Default operator is ``ilike`` rather than ``=``
* * The Javascript and the HTML values are identical (strings)
* @class
* @extends openerp.web.search.Field
openerp.web.search.CharField = openerp.web.search.Field.extend( /** @lends openerp.web.search.CharField# */ {
default_operator: 'ilike',
complete: function (value) {
if (_.isEmpty(value)) { return $.when(null); }
var label = _.str.sprintf(_.str.escapeHTML(
_t("Search %(field)s for: %(value)s")), {
field: '<em>' + this.attrs.string + '</em>',
value: '<strong>' + _.str.escapeHTML(value) + '</strong>'});
return $.when([{
category: this.attrs.string,
label: label,
value: value,
field: this
openerp.web.search.NumberField = openerp.web.search.Field.extend(/** @lends openerp.web.search.NumberField# */{
get_value: function () {
if (!this.$element.val()) {
return null;
var val = this.parse(this.$element.val()),
check = Number(this.$element.val());
if (isNaN(val) || val !== check) {
throw new openerp.web.search.Invalid(
this.attrs.name, this.$element.val(), this.error_message);
return val;
* @class
* @extends openerp.web.search.NumberField
openerp.web.search.IntegerField = openerp.web.search.NumberField.extend(/** @lends openerp.web.search.IntegerField# */{
error_message: _t("not a valid integer"),
parse: function (value) {
try {
return openerp.web.parse_value(value, {'widget': 'integer'});
} catch (e) {
return NaN;
* @class
* @extends openerp.web.search.NumberField
openerp.web.search.FloatField = openerp.web.search.NumberField.extend(/** @lends openerp.web.search.FloatField# */{
error_message: _t("not a valid number"),
parse: function (value) {
try {
return openerp.web.parse_value(value, {'widget': 'float'});
} catch (e) {
return NaN;
* @class
* @extends openerp.web.search.Field
openerp.web.search.SelectionField = openerp.web.search.Field.extend(/** @lends openerp.web.search.SelectionField# */{
// This implementation is a basic <select> field, but it may have to be
// altered to be more in line with the GTK client, which uses a combo box
// (~ jquery.autocomplete):
// * If an option was selected in the list, behave as currently
// * If something which is not in the list was entered (via the text input),
// the default domain should become (`ilike` string_value) but **any
// ``context`` or ``filter_domain`` becomes falsy, idem if ``@operator``
// is specified. So at least get_domain needs to be quite a bit
// overridden (if there's no @value and there is no filter_domain and
// there is no @operator, return [[name, 'ilike', str_val]]
template: 'SearchView.field.selection',
init: function () {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
// prepend empty option if there is no empty option in the selection list
this.prepend_empty = !_(this.attrs.selection).detect(function (item) {
return !item[1];
complete: function (needle) {
var self = this;
var results = _(this.attrs.selection).chain()
.filter(function (sel) {
var value = sel[0], label = sel[1];
if (!value) { return false; }
return label.toLowerCase().indexOf(needle.toLowerCase()) !== -1;
.map(function (sel) {
return {
category: self.attrs.string,
field: self,
value: sel[1],
json: sel[0]
if (_.isEmpty(results)) { return $.when(null); }
return $.when.apply(null, [{
category: this.attrs.string
facet_for: function (value) {
var match = _(this.attrs.selection).detect(function (sel) {
return sel[0] === value;
if (!match) { return $.when(null); }
return $.when(new VS.model.SearchFacet({
category: this.attrs.string,
value: match[1],
json: match[0],
field: this,
app: this.view.app
get_value: function (facet) {
return facet.get('json');
openerp.web.search.BooleanField = openerp.web.search.SelectionField.extend(/** @lends openerp.web.search.BooleanField# */{
* @constructs openerp.web.search.BooleanField
* @extends openerp.web.search.BooleanField
init: function () {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
this.attrs.selection = [
['true', _t("Yes")],
['false', _t("No")]
get_value: function (facet) {
switch (this._super(facet)) {
case 'false': return false;
case 'true': return true;
default: return null;
* @class
* @extends openerp.web.search.DateField
openerp.web.search.DateField = openerp.web.search.Field.extend(/** @lends openerp.web.search.DateField# */{
get_value: function (facet) {
return openerp.web.date_to_str(facet.get('json'));
complete: function (needle) {
var d = Date.parse(needle);
if (!d) { return $.when(null); }
var value = openerp.web.format_value(d, this.attrs);
var label = _.str.sprintf(_.str.escapeHTML(
_t("Search %(field)s at: %(value)s")), {
field: '<em>' + this.attrs.string + '</em>',
value: '<strong>' + value + '</strong>'});
return $.when([{
category: this.attrs.string,
label: label,
value: value,
json: d,
field: this
* Implementation of the ``datetime`` openerp field type:
* * Uses the same widget as the ``date`` field type (a simple date)
* * Builds a slighly more complex, it's a datetime range (includes time)
* spanning the whole day selected by the date widget
* @class
* @extends openerp.web.DateField
openerp.web.search.DateTimeField = openerp.web.search.DateField.extend(/** @lends openerp.web.search.DateTimeField# */{
get_value: function (facet) {
return openerp.web.datetime_to_str(facet.get('json'));
openerp.web.search.ManyToOneField = openerp.web.search.CharField.extend({
init: function (view_section, field, view) {
this._super(view_section, field, view);
this.model = new openerp.web.Model(this.attrs.relation);
complete: function (needle) {
var self = this;
// TODO: context
// FIXME: "concurrent" searches (multiple requests, mis-ordered responses)
return this.model.call('name_search', [], {
name: needle,
limit: 8,
context: {}
}).pipe(function (results) {
if (_.isEmpty(results)) { return null; }
return [{category: self.attrs.string}].concat(
_(results).map(function (result) {
return {
category: self.attrs.string,
value: result[1],
json: result[0],
field: self
facet_for: function (value) {
var self = this;
if (value instanceof Array) {
return $.when(new VS.model.SearchFacet({
category: this.attrs.string,
value: value[1],
json: value[0],
field: this,
app: this.view.vs
return this.model.call('name_get', [value], {}).pipe(function (names) {
return new VS.model.SearchFacet({
category: self.attrs.string,
value: names[0][1],
json: names[0][0],
field: self,
app: self.view.vs
make_domain: function (name, operator, facet) {
// ``json`` -> actual auto-completed id
if (facet.get('json')) {
return [[name, '=', facet.get('json')]];
return this._super(name, operator, facet);
openerp.web.search.Advanced = openerp.web.search.Input.extend({
template: 'SearchView.advanced',
start: function () {
var self = this;
.on('keypress keydown keyup', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); })
.on('click', 'h4', function () {
}).on('click', 'button.oe_add_condition', function () {
}).on('submit', 'form', function (e) {
return $.when(
this.rpc("/web/searchview/fields_get", {model: this.view.model}, function(data) {
self.fields = _.extend({
id: { string: 'ID', type: 'id' }
}, data.fields);
})).then(function () {
append_proposition: function () {
return (new openerp.web.search.ExtendedSearchProposition(this, this.fields))
commit_search: function () {
var self = this;
// Get domain sections from all propositions
var children = this.getChildren(),
domain = _.invoke(children, 'get_proposition');
var filters = _(domain).map(function (section) {
return new openerp.web.search.Filter({attrs: {
string: _.str.sprintf('%s(%s)%s',
section[0], section[1], section[2]),
domain: [section]
}}, self.view);
// Create Filter (& FilterGroup around it) with that domain
var f = new openerp.web.search.FilterGroup(filters, this.view);
// add group to query
category: 'q',
value: _(filters).map(function (f) {
return f.attrs.string || f.attrs.name }).join(' | '),
json: filters,
field: f,
app: this.view.vs
// remove all propositions
_.invoke(children, 'destroy');
// add new empty proposition
// TODO: API on searchview
openerp.web.search.ExtendedSearchProposition = openerp.web.OldWidget.extend(/** @lends openerp.web.search.ExtendedSearchProposition# */{
template: 'SearchView.extended_search.proposition',
* @constructs openerp.web.search.ExtendedSearchProposition
* @extends openerp.web.OldWidget
* @param parent
* @param fields
init: function (parent, fields) {
this.fields = _(fields).chain()
.map(function(val, key) { return _.extend({}, val, {'name': key}); })
.sortBy(function(field) {return field.string;})
this.attrs = {_: _, fields: this.fields, selected: null};
this.value = null;
start: function () {
this.select_field(this.fields.length > 0 ? this.fields[0] : null);
var _this = this;
this.$element.find(".searchview_extended_prop_field").change(function() {
this.$element.find('.searchview_extended_delete_prop').click(function () {
changed: function() {
var nval = this.$element.find(".searchview_extended_prop_field").val();
if(this.attrs.selected == null || nval != this.attrs.selected.name) {
this.select_field(_.detect(this.fields, function(x) {return x.name == nval;}));
* Selects the provided field object
* @param field a field descriptor object (as returned by fields_get, augmented by the field name)
select_field: function(field) {
var self = this;
if(this.attrs.selected != null) {
this.value = null;
this.attrs.selected = field;
if(field == null) {
var type = field.type;
try {
} catch (e) {
if (! e instanceof openerp.web.KeyNotFound) {
throw e;
type = "char";
console.log('Unknow field type ' + e.key);
this.value = new (openerp.web.search.custom_filters.get_object(type))
if(this.value.set_field) {
_.each(this.value.operators, function(operator) {
$('<option>', {value: operator.value})
get_proposition: function() {
if ( this.attrs.selected == null)
return null;
var field = this.attrs.selected.name;
var op = this.$element.find('.searchview_extended_prop_op').val();
var value = this.value.get_value();
return [field, op, value];
openerp.web.search.ExtendedSearchProposition.Field = openerp.web.OldWidget.extend({
start: function () {
this.$element = $("#" + this.element_id);
openerp.web.search.ExtendedSearchProposition.Char = openerp.web.search.ExtendedSearchProposition.Field.extend({
template: 'SearchView.extended_search.proposition.char',
operators: [
{value: "ilike", text: _lt("contains")},
{value: "not ilike", text: _lt("doesn't contain")},
{value: "=", text: _lt("is equal to")},
{value: "!=", text: _lt("is not equal to")}
get_value: function() {
return this.$element.val();
openerp.web.search.ExtendedSearchProposition.DateTime = openerp.web.search.ExtendedSearchProposition.Field.extend({
template: 'SearchView.extended_search.proposition.empty',
operators: [
{value: "=", text: _lt("is equal to")},
{value: "!=", text: _lt("is not equal to")},
{value: ">", text: _lt("greater than")},
{value: "<", text: _lt("less than")},
{value: ">=", text: _lt("greater or equal than")},
{value: "<=", text: _lt("less or equal than")}
get_value: function() {
return this.datewidget.get_value();
start: function() {
this.datewidget = new openerp.web.DateTimeWidget(this);
openerp.web.search.ExtendedSearchProposition.Date = openerp.web.search.ExtendedSearchProposition.Field.extend({
template: 'SearchView.extended_search.proposition.empty',
operators: [
{value: "=", text: _lt("is equal to")},
{value: "!=", text: _lt("is not equal to")},
{value: ">", text: _lt("greater than")},
{value: "<", text: _lt("less than")},
{value: ">=", text: _lt("greater or equal than")},
{value: "<=", text: _lt("less or equal than")}
get_value: function() {
return this.datewidget.get_value();
start: function() {
this.datewidget = new openerp.web.DateWidget(this);
openerp.web.search.ExtendedSearchProposition.Integer = openerp.web.search.ExtendedSearchProposition.Field.extend({
template: 'SearchView.extended_search.proposition.integer',
operators: [
{value: "=", text: _lt("is equal to")},
{value: "!=", text: _lt("is not equal to")},
{value: ">", text: _lt("greater than")},
{value: "<", text: _lt("less than")},
{value: ">=", text: _lt("greater or equal than")},
{value: "<=", text: _lt("less or equal than")}
get_value: function() {
try {
return openerp.web.parse_value(this.$element.val(), {'widget': 'integer'});
} catch (e) {
return "";
openerp.web.search.ExtendedSearchProposition.Id = openerp.web.search.ExtendedSearchProposition.Integer.extend({
operators: [{value: "=", text: _lt("is")}]
openerp.web.search.ExtendedSearchProposition.Float = openerp.web.search.ExtendedSearchProposition.Field.extend({
template: 'SearchView.extended_search.proposition.float',
operators: [
{value: "=", text: _lt("is equal to")},
{value: "!=", text: _lt("is not equal to")},
{value: ">", text: _lt("greater than")},
{value: "<", text: _lt("less than")},
{value: ">=", text: _lt("greater or equal than")},
{value: "<=", text: _lt("less or equal than")}
get_value: function() {
try {
return openerp.web.parse_value(this.$element.val(), {'widget': 'float'});
} catch (e) {
return "";
openerp.web.search.ExtendedSearchProposition.Selection = openerp.web.search.ExtendedSearchProposition.Field.extend({
template: 'SearchView.extended_search.proposition.selection',
operators: [
{value: "=", text: _lt("is")},
{value: "!=", text: _lt("is not")}
set_field: function(field) {
this.field = field;
get_value: function() {
return this.$element.val();
openerp.web.search.ExtendedSearchProposition.Boolean = openerp.web.search.ExtendedSearchProposition.Field.extend({
template: 'SearchView.extended_search.proposition.boolean',
operators: [
{value: "=", text: _lt("is true")},
{value: "!=", text: _lt("is false")}
get_value: function() {
return true;
openerp.web.search.custom_filters = new openerp.web.Registry({
'char': 'openerp.web.search.ExtendedSearchProposition.Char',
'text': 'openerp.web.search.ExtendedSearchProposition.Char',
'one2many': 'openerp.web.search.ExtendedSearchProposition.Char',
'many2one': 'openerp.web.search.ExtendedSearchProposition.Char',
'many2many': 'openerp.web.search.ExtendedSearchProposition.Char',
'datetime': 'openerp.web.search.ExtendedSearchProposition.DateTime',
'date': 'openerp.web.search.ExtendedSearchProposition.Date',
'integer': 'openerp.web.search.ExtendedSearchProposition.Integer',
'float': 'openerp.web.search.ExtendedSearchProposition.Float',
'boolean': 'openerp.web.search.ExtendedSearchProposition.Boolean',
'selection': 'openerp.web.search.ExtendedSearchProposition.Selection',
'id': 'openerp.web.search.ExtendedSearchProposition.Id'
// vim:et fdc=0 fdl=0 foldnestmax=3 fdm=syntax: