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Purchase User confirm the order and create invoice based on purchase order line.
uid: 'res_users_purchase_user'
I confirm purchase order which has invoicing control method "Based on Purchase Order Lines".
!workflow {model: purchase.order, action: purchase_confirm, ref: purchase_order_6}
In order to test create invoice for purchase order line.
!python {model: purchase.order}: |
invoice_line_obj = self.pool.get('purchase.order.line_invoice')
purchase_order = self.browse(cr, uid, ref("purchase_order_6"))
context.update({'active_model': 'purchase.order', 'active_ids': [ref("purchase_order_6")]})
for purchase_line in purchase_order.order_line:
invoice_line_obj.makeInvoices(cr, uid, purchase_line.id, context=context)
I check the invoice of order.
!python {model: purchase.order}: |
purchase_order = self.browse(cr, uid, ref("purchase_order_6"))
for purchase_line in purchase_order.order_line:
assert len(purchase_order.invoice_ids) == 1, "Invoice should be generated."