
901 lines
39 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
# Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Tiny SPRL (<http://tiny.be>).
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import cStringIO
import csv
import logging
import os.path
import pickle
import re
# for eval context:
import time
import release
import pytz
logging.getLogger("init").warning('could not find pytz library, please install it')
class pytzclass(object):
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from lxml import etree
import misc
import netsvc
import osv
import pooler
from config import config
from yaml_import import convert_yaml_import
# Import of XML records requires the unsafe eval as well,
# almost everywhere, which is ok because it supposedly comes
# from trusted data, but at least we make it obvious now.
unsafe_eval = eval
from tools.safe_eval import safe_eval as eval
class ConvertError(Exception):
def __init__(self, doc, orig_excpt):
self.d = doc
self.orig = orig_excpt
def __str__(self):
return 'Exception:\n\t%s\nUsing file:\n%s' % (self.orig, self.d)
def _ref(self, cr):
return lambda x: self.id_get(cr, False, x)
def _obj(pool, cr, uid, model_str, context=None):
model = pool.get(model_str)
return lambda x: model.browse(cr, uid, x, context=context)
def _eval_xml(self, node, pool, cr, uid, idref, context=None):
if context is None:
context = {}
if node.tag in ('field','value'):
t = node.get('type','char')
f_model = node.get('model', '').encode('utf-8')
if node.get('search'):
f_search = node.get("search",'').encode('utf-8')
f_use = node.get("use",'id').encode('utf-8')
f_name = node.get("name",'').encode('utf-8')
q = unsafe_eval(f_search, idref)
ids = pool.get(f_model).search(cr, uid, q)
if f_use != 'id':
ids = map(lambda x: x[f_use], pool.get(f_model).read(cr, uid, ids, [f_use]))
_cols = pool.get(f_model)._columns
if (f_name in _cols) and _cols[f_name]._type=='many2many':
return ids
f_val = False
if len(ids):
f_val = ids[0]
if isinstance(f_val, tuple):
f_val = f_val[0]
return f_val
a_eval = node.get('eval','')
if a_eval:
idref2 = dict(idref,
ref=lambda x: self.id_get(cr, False, x),
if len(f_model):
idref2['obj'] = _obj(self.pool, cr, uid, f_model, context=context)
return unsafe_eval(a_eval, idref2)
except Exception:
logger = logging.getLogger('init')
logger.warning('could not eval(%s) for %s in %s' % (a_eval, node.get('name'), context), exc_info=True)
return ""
if t == 'xml':
def _process(s, idref):
m = re.findall('[^%]%\((.*?)\)[ds]', s)
for id in m:
if not id in idref:
idref[id]=self.id_get(cr, False, id)
return s % idref
return '<?xml version="1.0"?>\n'\
+_process("".join([etree.tostring(n, encoding='utf-8')
for n in node]),
if t in ('char', 'int', 'float'):
d = node.text
if t == 'int':
d = d.strip()
if d == 'None':
return None
return int(d.strip())
elif t == 'float':
return float(d.strip())
return d
elif t in ('list','tuple'):
for n in node.findall('./value'):
if t=='tuple':
return tuple(res)
return res
elif node.tag == "getitem":
for n in node:
if not res:
raise LookupError
elif node.get('type') in ("int", "list"):
return res[int(node.get('index'))]
return res[node.get('index','').encode("utf8")]
elif node.tag == "function":
args = []
a_eval = node.get('eval','')
if a_eval:
idref['ref'] = lambda x: self.id_get(cr, False, x)
args = unsafe_eval(a_eval, idref)
for n in node:
return_val = _eval_xml(self,n, pool, cr, uid, idref, context)
if return_val is not None:
model = pool.get(node.get('model',''))
method = node.get('name','')
res = getattr(model, method)(cr, uid, *args)
return res
elif node.tag == "test":
return node.text
escape_re = re.compile(r'(?<!\\)/')
def escape(x):
return x.replace('\\/', '/')
class assertion_report(object):
def __init__(self):
self._report = {}
def record_assertion(self, success, severity):
Records the result of an assertion for the failed/success count
returns success
if severity in self._report:
self._report[severity][success] += 1
self._report[severity] = {success:1, not success: 0}
return success
def get_report(self):
return self._report
def __str__(self):
res = '\nAssertions report:\nLevel\tsuccess\tfailed\n'
success = failed = 0
for sev in self._report:
res += sev + '\t' + str(self._report[sev][True]) + '\t' + str(self._report[sev][False]) + '\n'
success += self._report[sev][True]
failed += self._report[sev][False]
res += 'total\t' + str(success) + '\t' + str(failed) + '\n'
res += 'end of report (' + str(success + failed) + ' assertion(s) checked)'
return res
class xml_import(object):
def nodeattr2bool(node, attr, default=False):
if not node.get(attr):
return default
val = node.get(attr).strip()
if not val:
return default
return val.lower() not in ('0', 'false', 'off')
def isnoupdate(self, data_node=None):
return self.noupdate or (len(data_node) and self.nodeattr2bool(data_node, 'noupdate', False))
def get_context(self, data_node, node, eval_dict):
data_node_context = (len(data_node) and data_node.get('context','').encode('utf8'))
if data_node_context:
context = unsafe_eval(data_node_context, eval_dict)
context = {}
node_context = node.get("context",'').encode('utf8')
if node_context:
context.update(unsafe_eval(node_context, eval_dict))
return context
def get_uid(self, cr, uid, data_node, node):
node_uid = node.get('uid','') or (len(data_node) and data_node.get('uid',''))
if node_uid:
return self.id_get(cr, None, node_uid)
return uid
def _test_xml_id(self, xml_id):
id = xml_id
if '.' in xml_id:
module, id = xml_id.split('.', 1)
assert '.' not in id, """The ID reference "%s" must contain
maximum one dot. They are used to refer to other modules ID, in the
form: module.record_id""" % (xml_id,)
if module != self.module:
modcnt = self.pool.get('ir.module.module').search_count(self.cr, self.uid, ['&', ('name', '=', module), ('state', 'in', ['installed'])])
assert modcnt == 1, """The ID "%s" refers to an uninstalled module""" % (xml_id,)
if len(id) > 64:
self.logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_ERROR, 'id: %s is to long (max: 64)'% (id,))
def _tag_delete(self, cr, rec, data_node=None):
d_model = rec.get("model",'')
d_search = rec.get("search",'')
d_id = rec.get("id",'')
ids = []
if d_search:
ids = self.pool.get(d_model).search(cr, self.uid, unsafe_eval(d_search))
if d_id:
ids.append(self.id_get(cr, d_model, d_id))
# d_id cannot be found. doesn't matter in this case
if ids:
self.pool.get(d_model).unlink(cr, self.uid, ids)
self.pool.get('ir.model.data')._unlink(cr, self.uid, d_model, ids)
def _remove_ir_values(self, cr, name, value, model):
ir_value_ids = self.pool.get('ir.values').search(cr, self.uid, [('name','=',name),('value','=',value),('model','=',model)])
if ir_value_ids:
self.pool.get('ir.values').unlink(cr, self.uid, ir_value_ids)
self.pool.get('ir.model.data')._unlink(cr, self.uid, 'ir.values', ir_value_ids)
return True
def _tag_report(self, cr, rec, data_node=None):
res = {}
for dest,f in (('name','string'),('model','model'),('report_name','name')):
res[dest] = rec.get(f,'').encode('utf8')
assert res[dest], "Attribute %s of report is empty !" % (f,)
for field,dest in (('rml','report_rml'),('xml','report_xml'),('xsl','report_xsl'),('attachment','attachment'),('attachment_use','attachment_use')):
if rec.get(field):
res[dest] = rec.get(field).encode('utf8')
if rec.get('auto'):
res['auto'] = eval(rec.get('auto','False'))
if rec.get('sxw'):
sxw_content = misc.file_open(rec.get('sxw')).read()
res['report_sxw_content'] = sxw_content
if rec.get('header'):
res['header'] = eval(rec.get('header','False'))
if rec.get('report_type'):
res['report_type'] = rec.get('report_type')
res['multi'] = rec.get('multi') and eval(rec.get('multi','False'))
xml_id = rec.get('id','').encode('utf8')
if rec.get('groups'):
g_names = rec.get('groups','').split(',')
groups_value = []
for group in g_names:
if group.startswith('-'):
group_id = self.id_get(cr, 'res.groups', group[1:])
groups_value.append((3, group_id))
group_id = self.id_get(cr, 'res.groups', group)
groups_value.append((4, group_id))
res['groups_id'] = groups_value
id = self.pool.get('ir.model.data')._update(cr, self.uid, "ir.actions.report.xml", self.module, res, xml_id, noupdate=self.isnoupdate(data_node), mode=self.mode)
self.idref[xml_id] = int(id)
if not rec.get('menu') or eval(rec.get('menu','False')):
keyword = str(rec.get('keyword', 'client_print_multi'))
value = 'ir.actions.report.xml,'+str(id)
replace = rec.get('replace', True)
self.pool.get('ir.model.data').ir_set(cr, self.uid, 'action', keyword, res['name'], [res['model']], value, replace=replace, isobject=True, xml_id=xml_id)
elif self.mode=='update' and eval(rec.get('menu','False'))==False:
# Special check for report having attribute menu=False on update
value = 'ir.actions.report.xml,'+str(id)
self._remove_ir_values(cr, res['name'], value, res['model'])
return False
def _tag_function(self, cr, rec, data_node=None):
if self.isnoupdate(data_node) and self.mode != 'init':
context = self.get_context(data_node, rec, {'ref': _ref(self, cr)})
uid = self.get_uid(cr, self.uid, data_node, rec)
_eval_xml(self,rec, self.pool, cr, uid, self.idref, context=context)
def _tag_wizard(self, cr, rec, data_node=None):
string = rec.get("string",'').encode('utf8')
model = rec.get("model",'').encode('utf8')
name = rec.get("name",'').encode('utf8')
xml_id = rec.get('id','').encode('utf8')
multi = rec.get('multi','') and eval(rec.get('multi','False'))
res = {'name': string, 'wiz_name': name, 'multi': multi, 'model': model}
if rec.get('groups'):
g_names = rec.get('groups','').split(',')
groups_value = []
for group in g_names:
if group.startswith('-'):
group_id = self.id_get(cr, 'res.groups', group[1:])
groups_value.append((3, group_id))
group_id = self.id_get(cr, 'res.groups', group)
groups_value.append((4, group_id))
res['groups_id'] = groups_value
id = self.pool.get('ir.model.data')._update(cr, self.uid, "ir.actions.wizard", self.module, res, xml_id, noupdate=self.isnoupdate(data_node), mode=self.mode)
self.idref[xml_id] = int(id)
# ir_set
if (not rec.get('menu') or eval(rec.get('menu','False'))) and id:
keyword = str(rec.get('keyword','') or 'client_action_multi')
value = 'ir.actions.wizard,'+str(id)
replace = rec.get("replace",'') or True
self.pool.get('ir.model.data').ir_set(cr, self.uid, 'action', keyword, string, [model], value, replace=replace, isobject=True, xml_id=xml_id)
elif self.mode=='update' and (rec.get('menu') and eval(rec.get('menu','False'))==False):
# Special check for wizard having attribute menu=False on update
value = 'ir.actions.wizard,'+str(id)
self._remove_ir_values(cr, string, value, model)
def _tag_url(self, cr, rec, data_node=None):
url = rec.get("string",'').encode('utf8')
target = rec.get("target",'').encode('utf8')
name = rec.get("name",'').encode('utf8')
xml_id = rec.get('id','').encode('utf8')
res = {'name': name, 'url': url, 'target':target}
id = self.pool.get('ir.model.data')._update(cr, self.uid, "ir.actions.url", self.module, res, xml_id, noupdate=self.isnoupdate(data_node), mode=self.mode)
self.idref[xml_id] = int(id)
# ir_set
if (not rec.get('menu') or eval(rec.get('menu','False'))) and id:
keyword = str(rec.get('keyword','') or 'client_action_multi')
value = 'ir.actions.url,'+str(id)
replace = rec.get("replace",'') or True
self.pool.get('ir.model.data').ir_set(cr, self.uid, 'action', keyword, url, ["ir.actions.url"], value, replace=replace, isobject=True, xml_id=xml_id)
elif self.mode=='update' and (rec.get('menu') and eval(rec.get('menu','False'))==False):
# Special check for URL having attribute menu=False on update
value = 'ir.actions.url,'+str(id)
self._remove_ir_values(cr, url, value, "ir.actions.url")
def _tag_act_window(self, cr, rec, data_node=None):
name = rec.get('name','').encode('utf-8')
xml_id = rec.get('id','').encode('utf8')
type = rec.get('type','').encode('utf-8') or 'ir.actions.act_window'
view_id = False
if rec.get('view'):
view_id = self.id_get(cr, 'ir.actions.act_window', rec.get('view','').encode('utf-8'))
domain = rec.get('domain','').encode('utf-8') or '{}'
context = rec.get('context','').encode('utf-8') or '{}'
res_model = rec.get('res_model','').encode('utf-8')
src_model = rec.get('src_model','').encode('utf-8')
view_type = rec.get('view_type','').encode('utf-8') or 'form'
view_mode = rec.get('view_mode','').encode('utf-8') or 'tree,form'
usage = rec.get('usage','').encode('utf-8')
limit = rec.get('limit','').encode('utf-8')
auto_refresh = rec.get('auto_refresh','').encode('utf-8')
# WARNING: don't remove the unused variables and functions below as they are
# used by the unsafe_eval() call.
# TODO: change this into an eval call with locals and globals parameters
uid = self.uid
active_id = str("active_id") # for further reference in client/bin/tools/__init__.py
def ref(str_id):
return self.id_get(cr, None, str_id)
context = unsafe_eval(context)
# domain = eval(domain) # XXX need to test this line -> uid, active_id, active_ids, ...
res = {
'name': name,
'type': type,
'view_id': view_id,
'domain': domain,
'context': context,
'res_model': res_model,
'src_model': src_model,
'view_type': view_type,
'view_mode': view_mode,
'usage': usage,
'limit': limit,
'auto_refresh': auto_refresh,
if rec.get('groups'):
g_names = rec.get('groups','').split(',')
groups_value = []
for group in g_names:
if group.startswith('-'):
group_id = self.id_get(cr, 'res.groups', group[1:])
groups_value.append((3, group_id))
group_id = self.id_get(cr, 'res.groups', group)
groups_value.append((4, group_id))
res['groups_id'] = groups_value
if rec.get('target'):
res['target'] = rec.get('target','')
id = self.pool.get('ir.model.data')._update(cr, self.uid, 'ir.actions.act_window', self.module, res, xml_id, noupdate=self.isnoupdate(data_node), mode=self.mode)
self.idref[xml_id] = int(id)
if src_model:
#keyword = 'client_action_relate'
keyword = rec.get('key2','').encode('utf-8') or 'client_action_relate'
value = 'ir.actions.act_window,'+str(id)
replace = rec.get('replace','') or True
self.pool.get('ir.model.data').ir_set(cr, self.uid, 'action', keyword, xml_id, [src_model], value, replace=replace, isobject=True, xml_id=xml_id)
# TODO add remove ir.model.data
def _tag_ir_set(self, cr, rec, data_node=None):
if self.mode != 'init':
res = {}
for field in rec.findall('./field'):
f_name = field.get("name",'').encode('utf-8')
f_val = _eval_xml(self,field,self.pool, cr, self.uid, self.idref)
res[f_name] = f_val
self.pool.get('ir.model.data').ir_set(cr, self.uid, res['key'], res['key2'], res['name'], res['models'], res['value'], replace=res.get('replace',True), isobject=res.get('isobject', False), meta=res.get('meta',None))
def _tag_workflow(self, cr, rec, data_node=None):
if self.isnoupdate(data_node) and self.mode != 'init':
model = str(rec.get('model',''))
w_ref = rec.get('ref','')
if w_ref:
id = self.id_get(cr, model, w_ref)
number_children = len(rec)
assert number_children > 0,\
'You must define a child node if you dont give a ref'
assert number_children == 1,\
'Only one child node is accepted (%d given)' % number_children
id = _eval_xml(self, rec[0], self.pool, cr, self.uid, self.idref)
uid = self.get_uid(cr, self.uid, data_node, rec)
wf_service = netsvc.LocalService("workflow")
wf_service.trg_validate(uid, model,
str(rec.get('action','')), cr)
# Support two types of notation:
# name="Inventory Control/Sending Goods"
# or
# action="action_id"
# parent="parent_id"
def _tag_menuitem(self, cr, rec, data_node=None):
rec_id = rec.get("id",'').encode('ascii')
m_l = map(escape, escape_re.split(rec.get("name",'').encode('utf8')))
values = {'parent_id': False}
if not rec.get('parent'):
pid = False
for idx, menu_elem in enumerate(m_l):
if pid:
cr.execute('select id from ir_ui_menu where parent_id=%s and name=%s', (pid, menu_elem))
cr.execute('select id from ir_ui_menu where parent_id is null and name=%s', (menu_elem,))
res = cr.fetchone()
if idx==len(m_l)-1:
values = {'parent_id': pid,'name':menu_elem}
elif res:
pid = res[0]
xml_id = idx==len(m_l)-1 and rec.get('id','').encode('utf8')
self.pool.get('ir.model.data')._update_dummy(cr, self.uid, 'ir.ui.menu', self.module, xml_id, idx==len(m_l)-1)
self.logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_ERROR, "module: %s xml_id: %s" % (self.module, xml_id))
# the menuitem does't exist but we are in branch (not a leaf)
self.logger.notifyChannel("init", netsvc.LOG_WARNING, 'Warning no ID for submenu %s of menu %s !' % (menu_elem, str(m_l)))
pid = self.pool.get('ir.ui.menu').create(cr, self.uid, {'parent_id' : pid, 'name' : menu_elem})
menu_parent_id = self.id_get(cr, 'ir.ui.menu', rec.get('parent',''))
values = {'parent_id': menu_parent_id}
if rec.get('name'):
values['name'] = rec.get('name')
res = [ self.id_get(cr, 'ir.ui.menu', rec.get('id','')) ]
res = None
if rec.get('action'):
a_action = rec.get('action','').encode('utf8')
a_type = rec.get('type','').encode('utf8') or 'act_window'
icons = {
"act_window": 'STOCK_NEW',
"report.xml": 'STOCK_PASTE',
"wizard": 'STOCK_EXECUTE',
"url": 'STOCK_JUMP_TO'
values['icon'] = icons.get(a_type,'STOCK_NEW')
if a_type=='act_window':
a_id = self.id_get(cr, 'ir.actions.%s'% a_type, a_action)
cr.execute('select view_type,view_mode,name,view_id,target from ir_act_window where id=%s', (int(a_id),))
rrres = cr.fetchone()
assert rrres, "No window action defined for this id %s !\n" \
"Verify that this is a window action or add a type argument." % (a_action,)
action_type,action_mode,action_name,view_id,target = rrres
if view_id:
cr.execute('SELECT type FROM ir_ui_view WHERE id=%s', (int(view_id),))
action_mode, = cr.fetchone()
cr.execute('SELECT view_mode FROM ir_act_window_view WHERE act_window_id=%s ORDER BY sequence LIMIT 1', (int(a_id),))
if cr.rowcount:
action_mode, = cr.fetchone()
if action_type=='tree':
values['icon'] = 'STOCK_INDENT'
elif action_mode and action_mode.startswith('tree'):
values['icon'] = 'STOCK_JUSTIFY_FILL'
elif action_mode and action_mode.startswith('graph'):
values['icon'] = 'terp-graph'
elif action_mode and action_mode.startswith('calendar'):
values['icon'] = 'terp-calendar'
if target=='new':
values['icon'] = 'STOCK_EXECUTE'
if not values.get('name', False):
values['name'] = action_name
elif a_type=='wizard':
a_id = self.id_get(cr, 'ir.actions.%s'% a_type, a_action)
cr.execute('select name from ir_act_wizard where id=%s', (int(a_id),))
resw = cr.fetchone()
if (not values.get('name', False)) and resw:
values['name'] = resw[0]
if rec.get('sequence'):
values['sequence'] = int(rec.get('sequence'))
if rec.get('icon'):
values['icon'] = str(rec.get('icon'))
if rec.get('groups'):
g_names = rec.get('groups','').split(',')
groups_value = []
for group in g_names:
if group.startswith('-'):
group_id = self.id_get(cr, 'res.groups', group[1:])
groups_value.append((3, group_id))
group_id = self.id_get(cr, 'res.groups', group)
groups_value.append((4, group_id))
values['groups_id'] = groups_value
xml_id = rec.get('id','').encode('utf8')
pid = self.pool.get('ir.model.data')._update(cr, self.uid, 'ir.ui.menu', self.module, values, xml_id, noupdate=self.isnoupdate(data_node), mode=self.mode, res_id=res and res[0] or False)
if rec_id and pid:
self.idref[rec_id] = int(pid)
if rec.get('action') and pid:
a_action = rec.get('action').encode('utf8')
a_type = rec.get('type','').encode('utf8') or 'act_window'
a_id = self.id_get(cr, 'ir.actions.%s' % a_type, a_action)
action = "ir.actions.%s,%d" % (a_type, a_id)
self.pool.get('ir.model.data').ir_set(cr, self.uid, 'action', 'tree_but_open', 'Menuitem', [('ir.ui.menu', int(pid))], action, True, True, xml_id=rec_id)
return ('ir.ui.menu', pid)
def _assert_equals(self, f1, f2, prec = 4):
return not round(f1 - f2, prec)
def _tag_assert(self, cr, rec, data_node=None):
if self.isnoupdate(data_node) and self.mode != 'init':
rec_model = rec.get("model",'').encode('ascii')
model = self.pool.get(rec_model)
assert model, "The model %s does not exist !" % (rec_model,)
rec_id = rec.get("id",'').encode('ascii')
rec_src = rec.get("search",'').encode('utf8')
rec_src_count = rec.get("count")
severity = rec.get("severity",'').encode('ascii') or netsvc.LOG_ERROR
rec_string = rec.get("string",'').encode('utf8') or 'unknown'
ids = None
eval_dict = {'ref': _ref(self, cr)}
context = self.get_context(data_node, rec, eval_dict)
uid = self.get_uid(cr, self.uid, data_node, rec)
if rec_id:
ids = [self.id_get(cr, rec_model, rec_id)]
elif rec_src:
q = unsafe_eval(rec_src, eval_dict)
ids = self.pool.get(rec_model).search(cr, uid, q, context=context)
if rec_src_count:
count = int(rec_src_count)
if len(ids) != count:
self.assert_report.record_assertion(False, severity)
msg = 'assertion "%s" failed!\n' \
' Incorrect search count:\n' \
' expected count: %d\n' \
' obtained count: %d\n' \
% (rec_string, count, len(ids))
self.logger.notifyChannel('init', severity, msg)
sevval = getattr(logging, severity.upper())
if sevval >= config['assert_exit_level']:
# TODO: define a dedicated exception
raise Exception('Severe assertion failure')
assert ids is not None,\
'You must give either an id or a search criteria'
ref = _ref(self, cr)
for id in ids:
brrec = model.browse(cr, uid, id, context)
class d(dict):
def __getitem__(self2, key):
if key in brrec:
return brrec[key]
return dict.__getitem__(self2, key)
globals_dict = d()
globals_dict['floatEqual'] = self._assert_equals
globals_dict['ref'] = ref
globals_dict['_ref'] = ref
for test in rec.findall('./test'):
f_expr = test.get("expr",'').encode('utf-8')
expected_value = _eval_xml(self, test, self.pool, cr, uid, self.idref, context=context) or True
expression_value = unsafe_eval(f_expr, globals_dict)
if expression_value != expected_value: # assertion failed
self.assert_report.record_assertion(False, severity)
msg = 'assertion "%s" failed!\n' \
' xmltag: %s\n' \
' expected value: %r\n' \
' obtained value: %r\n' \
% (rec_string, etree.tostring(test), expected_value, expression_value)
self.logger.notifyChannel('init', severity, msg)
sevval = getattr(logging, severity.upper())
if sevval >= config['assert_exit_level']:
# TODO: define a dedicated exception
raise Exception('Severe assertion failure')
else: # all tests were successful for this assertion tag (no break)
self.assert_report.record_assertion(True, severity)
def _tag_record(self, cr, rec, data_node=None):
rec_model = rec.get("model").encode('ascii')
model = self.pool.get(rec_model)
assert model, "The model %s does not exist !" % (rec_model,)
rec_id = rec.get("id",'').encode('ascii')
rec_context = rec.get("context", None)
if rec_context:
rec_context = unsafe_eval(rec_context)
if self.isnoupdate(data_node) and self.mode != 'init':
# check if the xml record has an id string
if rec_id:
if '.' in rec_id:
module,rec_id2 = rec_id.split('.')
module = self.module
rec_id2 = rec_id
id = self.pool.get('ir.model.data')._update_dummy(cr, self.uid, rec_model, module, rec_id2)
# check if the resource already existed at the last update
if id:
# if it existed, we don't update the data, but we need to
# know the id of the existing record anyway
self.idref[rec_id] = int(id)
return None
# if the resource didn't exist
if not self.nodeattr2bool(rec, 'forcecreate', True):
# we don't want to create it, so we skip it
return None
# else, we let the record to be created
# otherwise it is skipped
return None
res = {}
for field in rec.findall('./field'):
#TODO: most of this code is duplicated above (in _eval_xml)...
f_name = field.get("name",'').encode('utf-8')
f_ref = field.get("ref",'').encode('ascii')
f_search = field.get("search",'').encode('utf-8')
f_model = field.get("model",'').encode('ascii')
if not f_model and model._columns.get(f_name,False):
f_model = model._columns[f_name]._obj
f_use = field.get("use",'').encode('ascii') or 'id'
f_val = False
if f_search:
q = unsafe_eval(f_search, self.idref)
field = []
assert f_model, 'Define an attribute model="..." in your .XML file !'
f_obj = self.pool.get(f_model)
# browse the objects searched
s = f_obj.browse(cr, self.uid, f_obj.search(cr, self.uid, q))
# column definitions of the "local" object
_cols = self.pool.get(rec_model)._columns
# if the current field is many2many
if (f_name in _cols) and _cols[f_name]._type=='many2many':
f_val = [(6, 0, map(lambda x: x[f_use], s))]
elif len(s):
# otherwise (we are probably in a many2one field),
# take the first element of the search
f_val = s[0][f_use]
elif f_ref:
if f_ref=="null":
f_val = False
if f_name in model._columns \
and model._columns[f_name]._type == 'reference':
val = self.model_id_get(cr, f_model, f_ref)
f_val = val[0] + ',' + str(val[1])
f_val = self.id_get(cr, f_model, f_ref)
f_val = _eval_xml(self,field, self.pool, cr, self.uid, self.idref)
if model._columns.has_key(f_name):
if isinstance(model._columns[f_name], osv.fields.integer):
f_val = int(f_val)
res[f_name] = f_val
id = self.pool.get('ir.model.data')._update(cr, self.uid, rec_model, self.module, res, rec_id or False, not self.isnoupdate(data_node), noupdate=self.isnoupdate(data_node), mode=self.mode, context=rec_context )
if rec_id:
self.idref[rec_id] = int(id)
if config.get('import_partial', False):
return rec_model, id
def id_get(self, cr, model, id_str):
if id_str in self.idref:
return self.idref[id_str]
return self.model_id_get(cr, model, id_str)[1]
def model_id_get(self, cr, model, id_str):
model_data_obj = self.pool.get('ir.model.data')
mod = self.module
if '.' in id_str:
mod,id_str = id_str.split('.')
result = model_data_obj._get_id(cr, self.uid, mod, id_str)
res = model_data_obj.read(cr, self.uid, [result], ['model', 'res_id'])
if res and res[0] and res[0]['res_id']:
return res[0]['model'], int(res[0]['res_id'])
return False
def parse(self, de):
if not de.tag in ['terp', 'openerp']:
self.logger.notifyChannel("init", netsvc.LOG_ERROR, "Mismatch xml format" )
raise Exception( "Mismatch xml format: only terp or openerp as root tag" )
if de.tag == 'terp':
self.logger.notifyChannel("init", netsvc.LOG_WARNING, "The tag <terp/> is deprecated, use <openerp/>")
for n in de.findall('./data'):
for rec in n:
if rec.tag in self._tags:
self._tags[rec.tag](self.cr, rec, n)
self.logger.notifyChannel("init", netsvc.LOG_ERROR, '\n'+etree.tostring(rec))
return True
def __init__(self, cr, module, idref, mode, report=None, noupdate=False):
self.logger = netsvc.Logger()
self.mode = mode
self.module = module
self.cr = cr
self.idref = idref
self.pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname)
self.uid = 1
if report is None:
report = assertion_report()
self.assert_report = report
self.noupdate = noupdate
self._tags = {
'menuitem': self._tag_menuitem,
'record': self._tag_record,
'assert': self._tag_assert,
'report': self._tag_report,
'wizard': self._tag_wizard,
'delete': self._tag_delete,
'ir_set': self._tag_ir_set,
'function': self._tag_function,
'workflow': self._tag_workflow,
'act_window': self._tag_act_window,
'url': self._tag_url
def convert_csv_import(cr, module, fname, csvcontent, idref=None, mode='init',
'''Import csv file :
quote: "
delimiter: ,
encoding: utf-8'''
if not idref:
model = ('.'.join(fname.split('.')[:-1]).split('-'))[0]
#remove folder path from model
head, model = os.path.split(model)
pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname)
input = cStringIO.StringIO(csvcontent)
reader = csv.reader(input, quotechar='"', delimiter=',')
fields = reader.next()
fname_partial = ""
if config.get('import_partial'):
fname_partial = module + '/'+ fname
if not os.path.isfile(config.get('import_partial')):
pickle.dump({}, file(config.get('import_partial'),'w+'))
data = pickle.load(file(config.get('import_partial')))
if fname_partial in data:
if not data[fname_partial]:
for i in range(data[fname_partial]):
if not (mode == 'init' or 'id' in fields):
logger = netsvc.Logger()
logger.notifyChannel("init", netsvc.LOG_ERROR,
"Import specification does not contain 'id' and we are in init mode, Cannot continue.")
uid = 1
datas = []
for line in reader:
if (not line) or not reduce(lambda x,y: x or y, line) :
datas.append(map(lambda x: misc.ustr(x), line))
logger = netsvc.Logger()
logger.notifyChannel("init", netsvc.LOG_ERROR, "Cannot import the line: %s" % line)
pool.get(model).import_data(cr, uid, fields, datas,mode, module, noupdate, filename=fname_partial)
if config.get('import_partial'):
data = pickle.load(file(config.get('import_partial')))
data[fname_partial] = 0
pickle.dump(data, file(config.get('import_partial'),'wb'))
# xml import/export
def convert_xml_import(cr, module, xmlfile, idref=None, mode='init', noupdate=False, report=None):
doc = etree.parse(xmlfile)
relaxng = etree.RelaxNG(
etree.parse(os.path.join(config['root_path'],'import_xml.rng' )))
except Exception:
logger = netsvc.Logger()
logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_ERROR, 'The XML file does not fit the required schema !')
logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_ERROR, misc.ustr(relaxng.error_log.last_error))
if idref is None:
obj = xml_import(cr, module, idref, mode, report=report, noupdate=noupdate)
return True