
346 lines
12 KiB

* @function
* Defines a module scope (which lasts until the next call to module).
* This module scopes implies setup and teardown callbacks running for each test.
* @param {String} name the name of the module
* @param {Object} [lifecycle] callbacks to run before and after each test of the module
* @param {Function} lifecycle.setup function running before each test of this module
* @param {Function} lifecycle.teardown function running after each test of this module
var module;
* @function
* Defines a given test to run. Runs all the assertions present in the test
* @param {String} name the name of the test
* @param {Number} [expected] number of assertions expected to run in this test (useful for asynchronous tests)
* @param {Function} test the testing code to run, holding a sequence of assertions (at least one)
var test;
* @function
* Defines an asynchronous test: equivalent to calling stop() at the start of
* a normal test().
* The test code needs to restart the test runner via start()
* @param {String} name the name of the test
* @param {Number} [expected] number of assertions expected to run in this test (useful for asynchronous tests)
* @param {Function} test the testing code to run, holding a sequence of assertions (at least one)
var asyncTest;
* @function
* The most basic boolean assertion (~assertTrue or assert).
* Passes if its argument is truthy
* @param {Boolean} state an arbitrary expression, evaluated in a boolean context
* @param {String} [message] the message to output with the assertion result
var ok;
* @function
* Equality assertion (~assertEqual)
* Passes if both arguments are equal (via <code>==</code>)
* @param {Object} actual the object to check for correctness (processing result)
* @param {Object} expected the object to check against
* @param {String} [message] message output with the assertion result
var equal;
* @function
* Inequality assertion (~assertNotEqual)
* Passes if the arguments are different (via <code>!=</code>)
* @param {Object} actual the object to check for correctness (processing result)
* @param {Object} expected the object to check against
* @param {String} [message] message output with the assertion result
var notEqual;
* @function
* Recursive equality assertion.
* Works on primitive types using <code>===</code> and traversing through
* Objects and Arrays as well checking their components
* @param {Object} actual the object to check for correctness (processing result)
* @param {Object} expected the object to check against
* @param {String} [message] message output with the assertion result
var deepEqual;
* @function
* Recursive inequality assertion.
* Works on primitive types using <code>!==</code> and traversing through
* Objects and Arrays as well checking their components
* @param {Object} actual the object to check for correctness (processing result)
* @param {Object} expected the object to check against
* @param {String} [message] message output with the assertion result
var notDeepEqual;
* @function
* Strict equality assertion (~assertEqual)
* Passes if both arguments are identical (via <code>===</code>)
* @param {Object} actual the object to check for correctness (processing result)
* @param {Object} expected the object to check against
* @param {String} [message] message output with the assertion result
var strictEqual;
* @function
* Strict inequality assertion (~assertNotEqual)
* Passes if both arguments are identical (via <code>!==</code>)
* @param {Object} actual the object to check for correctness (processing result)
* @param {Object} expected the object to check against
* @param {String} [message] message output with the assertion result
var notStrictEqual;
* @function
* Passes if the provided block raised an exception.
* The <code>expect</code> argument can be provided to perform further assertion checks on the exception itself:
* * If it's a <code>RegExp</code> test the exception against the regexp (message?)
* * If it's a constructor, check if the exception is an instance of it
* * If it's an other type of function, call it with the exception as first parameter
* - If the function returns true, the assertion validates
* - Otherwise it fails
* @param {Function} block function which should raise an exception when called
* @param {Object} [expect] a RegExp, a constructor or a Function
* @param {String} [message] message output with the assertion result
var raises;
* @function
* Starts running the test runner again from the point where it was
* <code>stop</code>ped.
* Used to resume testing after a callback.
var start;
* @function
* Stops the test runner in order to wait for an asynchronous test to run
* @param {Number} [timeout] fails the test after the timeout triggers, only for debugging tests
var stop;
var Session = function () {
return {
rpc: function (_url, params, on_success) {
$(document).ready(function () {
var openerp;
module("ids_callback", {
setup: function () {
openerp = window.openerp.init(true);
asyncTest("Baseline event attributes", 6, function () {
var dataset = new openerp.base.DataSet(
new Session());
dataset.on_fetch.add(function (records, event) {
deepEqual(records, [], 'No records returned');
equal(event.offset, 0, 'No offset set in call');
equal(event.limit, null, 'No limit set in call');
deepEqual(event.domain, [], 'No domain on the dataset');
deepEqual(event.context, {}, 'No context on the dataset');
deepEqual(event.sort, [], 'The dataset is not sorted');
asyncTest("Offset and limit", 2, function () {
var dataset = new openerp.base.DataSet(
new Session());
dataset.on_fetch.add(function (records, event) {
equal(event.offset, 20);
equal(event.limit, 42);
name : { type : 'char' }
}, 20, 42);
asyncTest("Domain and context propagation", 3, function () {
var dataset = new openerp.base.DataSet(
new Session());
var domain_value = [['foo', '=', 'bar']];
var context_value= {active_id:3, active_ids:42};
var sort_value = ['foo'];
dataset.on_fetch.add(function (records, event) {
deepEqual(event.domain, domain_value);
deepEqual(event.context, context_value);
deepEqual(event.sort, sort_value);
domain: domain_value,
context: context_value,
sort: sort_value
var dataset;
module("set", {
setup: function () {
var openerp = window.openerp.init(true);
dataset = new openerp.base.DataSet();
test('Basic properties setting', function () {
var domain_value = [['foo', '=', 'bar']];
var result = dataset.set({
domain: domain_value
ok(dataset === result);
deepEqual(domain_value, dataset._domain);
test("Ensure changes don't stick", function () {
var domain = [['foo', '=', 'bar']];
domain: domain
deepEqual([['foo', '=', 'bar']], dataset._domain);
module('ids_activation', {
setup: function () {
var openerp = window.openerp.init(true);
dataset = new openerp.base.DataSet();
test('activate id', function () {
deepEqual(dataset.get_active_ids(), [1]);
equal(dataset.get_active_id(), 1);
test('set active_ids', function () {
dataset.select([1, 2, 3]);
deepEqual(dataset.get_active_ids(), [1, 2, 3],
"selecting an ids range");
equal(dataset.get_active_id(), 1);
test('activate incorrect id', function () {
dataset.select([1, 2, 3]);
raises(function () { dataset.activate(42); },
"Activating an id not present in the selection is an error");
test('reset active id on set active ids', function () {
dataset.select([1, 2, 3]).activate(3).select([1, 2, 3]);
equal(dataset.get_active_id(), 1,
"selecting an ids range resets the active id");
module('active_id_iteration', {
setup: function () {
var openerp = window.openerp.init(true);
dataset = new openerp.base.DataSet();
dataset.select([1, 2, 3]);
test('step forward', function () {
equal(dataset.get_active_id(), 2);
test('wraparound forward', function () {
equal(dataset.get_active_id(), 1);
test('step back', function () {
equal(dataset.get_active_id(), 2);
test('wraparound back', function () {
equal(dataset.get_active_id(), 3);
var ResponseAssertSession = function (response_ids) {
return {
rpc: function (url, params, on_success) {
equal(url, '/base/dataset/get');
deepEqual(params.ids, response_ids);
_.delay(on_success, 0, _.map(
params.ids, function (id) {
return {id: id, sequence: id, name: 'foo'+id};
module('active_ids', {
setup: function () {
openerp = window.openerp.init(true);
asyncTest('Get pre-set active_ids', 6, function () {
var dataset = new openerp.base.DataSet(
new ResponseAssertSession([1, 2, 3]));
dataset.select([1, 2, 3]);
dataset.on_active_ids.add(function (data_records) {
equal(data_records.length, 3);
equal(data_records[0].values.id, 1);
equal(data_records[1].values.id, 2);
equal(data_records[2].values.id, 3);
module('active_id', {
setup: function () {
openerp = window.openerp.init(true);
test('Get pre-set active_id', 3, function () {
var dataset = new openerp.base.DataSet(
new ResponseAssertSession([42]));
dataset.select([1, 2, 3, 42]).activate(42);
dataset.on_active_id.add(function (data_record) {
equal(data_record.values.id, 42);