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# Translation of OpenERP Server.
# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
# * account
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Odoo 7.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-14 00:10+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-11-18 13:38+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Martin Trigaux\n"
"Language-Team: Indonesian (http://www.transifex.com/odoo/odoo-7/language/id/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
"Language: id\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
#. module: account
#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_supplierreconcilepaid0
msgid "System payment"
msgstr "Sistem Pembayaran"
#. module: account
#: sql_constraint:account.fiscal.position.account:0
msgid ""
"An account fiscal position could be defined only once time on same accounts."
msgstr "Posisi Tahun Fiskal didefinisikan sekali saja untuk akun yang sama"
#. module: account
#: help:account.tax.code,sequence:0
msgid ""
"Determine the display order in the report 'Accounting \\ Reporting \\ "
"Generic Reporting \\ Taxes \\ Taxes Report'"
msgstr "Menentukan urutan tampilan dalam laporan 'Accounting \\ Reporting \\ Generic Reporting \\ Taxes \\ Taxes Report'"
#. module: account
#: view:res.partner:0
msgid "the parent company"
msgstr "perusahaan induk"
#. module: account
#: view:account.move.reconcile:0
msgid "Journal Entry Reconcile"
msgstr "Rekonsiliasi Ayat-ayat Jurnal"
#. module: account
#: view:account.account:0 view:account.bank.statement:0
#: view:account.move.line:0
msgid "Account Statistics"
msgstr "Statistik Akun"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice:0
msgid "Proforma/Open/Paid Invoices"
msgstr "Proforma/Terbuka/Terbayar Faktur"
#. module: account
#: field:report.invoice.created,residual:0
msgid "Residual"
msgstr "Sisa"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:369
#, python-format
msgid "Journal item \"%s\" is not valid."
msgstr "Item \"%s\" dalam Jurnal tidak valid"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_report_aged_receivable
msgid "Aged Receivable Till Today"
msgstr "Piutang jatuh tempo hingga hari ini"
#. module: account
#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_invoiceimport0
msgid "Import from invoice or payment"
msgstr "Impor dari tagihan atau pembayaran"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1069
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1154
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1221
#, python-format
msgid "Bad Account!"
msgstr "Akun Salah"
#. module: account
#: view:account.move:0 view:account.move.line:0
msgid "Total Debit"
msgstr "Total Debit"
#. module: account
#: constraint:account.account.template:0
msgid ""
"You cannot create recursive account templates."
msgstr "Kesalahan\nAnda tidak bisa membuat template akun secara rekursif"
#. module: account
#. openerp-web
#: view:account.automatic.reconcile:0 field:account.move.line,reconcile_id:0
#: view:account.move.line.reconcile:0
#: view:account.move.line.reconcile.writeoff:0
#: code:addons/account/static/src/xml/account_move_reconciliation.xml:30
#, python-format
msgid "Reconcile"
msgstr "Rekonsiliasi"
#. module: account
#: field:account.bank.statement,name:0 field:account.bank.statement.line,ref:0
#: field:account.entries.report,ref:0 field:account.move,ref:0
#: field:account.move.line,ref:0 field:account.subscription,ref:0
#: xsl:account.transfer:0 field:cash.box.in,ref:0
msgid "Reference"
msgstr "Referensi"
#. module: account
#: help:account.payment.term,active:0
msgid ""
"If the active field is set to False, it will allow you to hide the payment "
"term without removing it."
msgstr "Jika kolom aktif diubah menjadi 'False', hal tersebut mengizinkan anda untuk menyembunyikan syarat pembayaran tanpa menghapusnya"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:650 code:addons/account/account.py:662
#: code:addons/account/account.py:665 code:addons/account/account.py:695
#: code:addons/account/account.py:790 code:addons/account/account.py:1033
#: code:addons/account/account.py:1052
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:827
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:830
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:833
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1554
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:98
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:777
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:830
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:869
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1033
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_fiscalyear_close.py:62
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_invoice_state.py:44
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_invoice_state.py:68
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_state_open.py:37
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_validate_account_move.py:39
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_validate_account_move.py:61
#, python-format
msgid "Warning!"
msgstr "Perhatian!"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:3205
#, python-format
msgid "Miscellaneous Journal"
msgstr "Jurnal Lain-lain"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_open_closed_fiscalyear.py:39
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You have to set the 'End of Year Entries Journal' for this Fiscal Year "
"which is set after generating opening entries from 'Generate Opening "
msgstr "Anda harus menetapkan 'End of Year Entries Journal' untuk tahun fiskal ini, yang akan ditetapkan setelah menghasilkan entri awal dari 'Generate Opening Entries'"
#. module: account
#: field:account.fiscal.position.account,account_src_id:0
#: field:account.fiscal.position.account.template,account_src_id:0
msgid "Account Source"
msgstr "Sumber Akun"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_period
msgid ""
"<p class=\"oe_view_nocontent_create\">\n"
" Click to add a fiscal period.\n"
" </p><p>\n"
" An accounting period typically is a month or a quarter. It\n"
" usually corresponds to the periods of the tax declaration.\n"
" </p>\n"
" "
msgstr "<p class=\"oe_view_nocontent_create\">\n Klik untuk menambah periode fiskal\n </p><p>\n Satu periode akunting biasanya adalah satu bulan atau satu kuartal. \n Biasanya terkait dengan periode pajak.\n </p>\n "
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_view_created_invoice_dashboard
msgid "Invoices Created Within Past 15 Days"
msgstr "Invoice/Tagihan yang Dibuat dalam 15 Hari Terakhir"
#. module: account
#: field:accounting.report,label_filter:0
msgid "Column Label"
msgstr "Nama Kolom"
#. module: account
#: help:account.config.settings,code_digits:0
msgid "No. of digits to use for account code"
msgstr "Jumlah digit untuk kode akun"
#. module: account
#: help:account.analytic.journal,type:0
msgid ""
"Gives the type of the analytic journal. When it needs for a document (eg: an"
" invoice) to create analytic entries, OpenERP will look for a matching "
"journal of the same type."
msgstr "Tentukan tipe jurnal analitis. Jika dibutuhkan sebuah dokumen (mis. invoice) untuk membuat berbagai entri analitis, OpenERP akan mencari jurnal yang sesuai dari tipe yang sama."
#. module: account
#: help:account.tax,account_analytic_collected_id:0
msgid ""
"Set the analytic account that will be used by default on the invoice tax "
"lines for invoices. Leave empty if you don't want to use an analytic account"
" on the invoice tax lines by default."
msgstr "Set akun analitik yang akan digunakan sebagai default pada baris pajak tagihan dalam invoice. Biarkan kosong jika anda tidak ingin menggunakan akun analitik pada baris pajak tagihan sebagai default."
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_tax_template_form
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_tax_template_form
msgid "Tax Templates"
msgstr "Lembar Contoh Pajak"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_move_line_reconcile_select
msgid "Move line reconcile select"
msgstr "Pindahkan baris rekonsiliasi terpilih"
#. module: account
#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_supplierentriesreconcile0
msgid "Accounting entries are an input of the reconciliation."
msgstr "Entri akunting adalah input rekonsiliasi"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_management_belgian_reports
msgid "Belgian Reports"
msgstr "Laporan menurut standar Belgia"
#. module: account
#: model:mail.message.subtype,name:account.mt_invoice_validated
msgid "Validated"
msgstr "Tervalidasi"
#. module: account
#: model:account.account.type,name:account.account_type_income_view1
msgid "Income View"
msgstr "View Pendapatan"
#. module: account
#: help:account.account,user_type:0
msgid ""
"Account Type is used for information purpose, to generate country-specific "
"legal reports, and set the rules to close a fiscal year and generate opening"
" entries."
msgstr "Tipe Akun berguna sebagai penyedia informasi, membuat report akunting yang spesifik tiap negara, dan menyusun aturan untuk tutup buku tahunan dan membuat saldo awal"
#. module: account
#: field:account.config.settings,sale_refund_sequence_next:0
msgid "Next credit note number"
msgstr "Nomor catatan kredit berikutnya"
#. module: account
#: help:account.config.settings,module_account_voucher:0
msgid ""
"This includes all the basic requirements of voucher entries for bank, cash, sales, purchase, expense, contra, etc.\n"
" This installs the module account_voucher."
msgstr "Ini mencakup seluruh kebutuhan dasar untuk entri voucher bank, kas, penjualan, pembelian, biaya, kontra, dsb.\n Menginstal modul account_voucher."
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_use_model_create_entry
msgid "Manual Recurring"
msgstr "Manual Jurnal Berulang"
#. module: account
#: field:account.automatic.reconcile,allow_write_off:0
msgid "Allow write off"
msgstr "Diperbolehkan untuk dihapus"
#. module: account
#: view:account.analytic.chart:0
msgid "Select the Period for Analysis"
msgstr "Pilih Periode Analisis"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_invoice_tree3
msgid ""
"<p class=\"oe_view_nocontent_create\">\n"
" Click to create a customer refund. \n"
" </p><p>\n"
" A refund is a document that credits an invoice completely or\n"
" partially.\n"
" </p><p>\n"
" Instead of manually creating a customer refund, you\n"
" can generate it directly from the related customer invoice.\n"
" </p>\n"
" "
msgstr "<p class=\"oe_view_nocontent_create\">\n Klik untuk membentuk refund dana pelanggan.\n </p><p>\n Refund adalah dokumen yang meng-kredit tagihan seluruhnya atau \n sebagian.\n </p><p>\n Anda dapat menerbitkan refund langsung dari tagihan pelanggan,\n tidak harus diterbitkan secara manual.\n </p>\n "
#. module: account
#: help:account.installer,charts:0
msgid ""
"Installs localized accounting charts to match as closely as possible the "
"accounting needs of your company based on your country."
msgstr "Memasang bagan akuntansi lokal yang paling cocok dengan kebutuhan akuntansi perusahaan anda berdasarkan negara anda."
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_unreconcile
msgid "Account Unreconcile"
msgstr "Pembatalan Rekonsiliasi Akun"
#. module: account
#: field:account.config.settings,module_account_budget:0
msgid "Budget management"
msgstr "Manajemen anggaran"
#. module: account
#: view:product.template:0
msgid "Purchase Properties"
msgstr "Aturan Pembelian"
#. module: account
#: help:account.financial.report,style_overwrite:0
msgid ""
"You can set up here the format you want this record to be displayed. If you "
"leave the automatic formatting, it will be computed based on the financial "
"reports hierarchy (auto-computed field 'level')."
msgstr "Anda dapat mengatur format yang ingin anda tampilkan. Jika anda menyerahkan pada format otomatis, Hal tersebut akan dihitung berdasarkan hirarki laporan keuangan"
#. module: account
#: field:account.config.settings,group_multi_currency:0
msgid "Allow multi currencies"
msgstr "Izinkan mata uang jamak"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:77
#, python-format
msgid "You must define an analytic journal of type '%s'!"
msgstr "Anda harus mendefinisikan jurnal analitik tipe '%s'!"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.entries.report,month:0
#: selection:account.invoice.report,month:0
#: selection:analytic.entries.report,month:0
#: selection:report.account.sales,month:0
#: selection:report.account_type.sales,month:0
msgid "June"
msgstr "Juni"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_automatic_reconcile.py:148
#, python-format
msgid "You must select accounts to reconcile."
msgstr "Anda harus memilih akun untuk di rekonsiliasi"
#. module: account
#: help:account.config.settings,group_analytic_accounting:0
msgid "Allows you to use the analytic accounting."
msgstr "Mengizinkan anda menggunakan akunting analitik"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice:0 field:account.invoice,user_id:0
#: view:account.invoice.report:0 field:account.invoice.report,user_id:0
msgid "Salesperson"
msgstr "Pramuniaga"
#. module: account
#: view:account.bank.statement:0 view:account.invoice:0
msgid "Responsible"
msgstr "Tanggung-jawab"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_bank_accounts_wizard
msgid "account.bank.accounts.wizard"
msgstr "account.bank.accounts.wizard"
#. module: account
#: field:account.move.line,date_created:0
#: field:account.move.reconcile,create_date:0
msgid "Creation date"
msgstr "Tanggal pembuatan"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice:0
msgid "Cancel Invoice"
msgstr "Batalkan Tagihan"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.journal,type:0
msgid "Purchase Refund"
msgstr "Pengembalian Pembelian"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.journal,type:0
msgid "Opening/Closing Situation"
msgstr "Situasi Pembukaan/ Penutupan"
#. module: account
#: help:account.journal,currency:0
msgid "The currency used to enter statement"
msgstr "Mata uang yang digunakan pada Pernyataan Bank"
#. module: account
#: field:account.journal,default_debit_account_id:0
msgid "Default Debit Account"
msgstr "Default Akun Debit"
#. module: account
#: view:account.move:0 view:account.move.line:0
msgid "Total Credit"
msgstr "Total Kredit"
#. module: account
#: help:account.config.settings,module_account_asset:0
msgid ""
"This allows you to manage the assets owned by a company or a person.\n"
" It keeps track of the depreciation occurred on those assets, and creates account move for those depreciation lines.\n"
" This installs the module account_asset. If you do not check this box, you will be able to do invoicing & payments,\n"
" but not accounting (Journal Items, Chart of Accounts, ...)"
msgstr "Memungkinkan anda mengatur aktiva yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan atau perseorangan.\n Menyimpan depresiasi yang terjadi pada aktiva tersebut , dan membuat akun bergerak untuk baris depresiasinya.\n Menginstal modul account_asset. Jika anda tidak mencentang kotak ini, anda bisa melakukan penagihan dan pembayaran, tetapi tidak bisa melakukan pembukuan (Jurnal Items, Chart of Accounts, ...)"
#. module: account
#: help:account.bank.statement.line,name:0
msgid "Originator to Beneficiary Information"
msgstr "Pembuat Informasi Penerima"
#. module: account
#. openerp-web
#: code:addons/account/static/src/xml/account_move_line_quickadd.xml:8
#, python-format
msgid "Period :"
msgstr "Periode :"
#. module: account
#: field:account.account.template,chart_template_id:0
#: field:account.fiscal.position.template,chart_template_id:0
#: field:account.tax.template,chart_template_id:0
#: field:wizard.multi.charts.accounts,chart_template_id:0
msgid "Chart Template"
msgstr "Template Bagan"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.invoice.refund,filter_refund:0
msgid "Modify: create refund, reconcile and create a new draft invoice"
msgstr "Perubahan: buat pengembalian, rekonsiliasi, dan membuat draft tagihan baru"
#. module: account
#: help:account.config.settings,tax_calculation_rounding_method:0
msgid ""
"If you select 'Round per line' : for each tax, the tax amount will first be "
"computed and rounded for each PO/SO/invoice line and then these rounded "
"amounts will be summed, leading to the total amount for that tax. If you "
"select 'Round globally': for each tax, the tax amount will be computed for "
"each PO/SO/invoice line, then these amounts will be summed and eventually "
"this total tax amount will be rounded. If you sell with tax included, you "
"should choose 'Round per line' because you certainly want the sum of your "
"tax-included line subtotals to be equal to the total amount with taxes."
msgstr "Jika anda memilih 'Round per line' : untuk setiap pajak, nilai pajak awal akan dihitung dan dibulatkan untuk setiap baris PO/SO/Tagihan kemudian hasil pembulatan ini dijumlahkan, hasilnya adalah total pajak. Jika anda memilih 'Round globally': untuk setiap pajak, jumlah pajak akan dihitung untuk setiap baris PO/SO/tagihan, kemudian jumlahnya barulah di bulatkan. Jika anda menjual dengan pajak, anda harusnya memilih 'Round per line' karena tentunya anda menginginkan agar nilai pajak pada subtotal sama dengan jumlah total pajak setiap baris."
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_wizard_multi_charts_accounts
msgid "wizard.multi.charts.accounts"
msgstr "wizard.multi.charts.accounts"
#. module: account
#: help:account.model.line,amount_currency:0
msgid "The amount expressed in an optional other currency."
msgstr "Jumlah yang ditampilkan dalam mata uang pilihan lainnya"
#. module: account
#: view:account.journal:0
msgid "Available Coins"
msgstr "Koin yang tersedia"
#. module: account
#: field:accounting.report,enable_filter:0
msgid "Enable Comparison"
msgstr "Izinkan Perbandingan"
#. module: account
#: view:account.analytic.line:0 field:account.automatic.reconcile,journal_id:0
#: view:account.bank.statement:0 field:account.bank.statement,journal_id:0
#: field:account.bank.statement.line,journal_id:0
#: report:account.central.journal:0 view:account.entries.report:0
#: field:account.entries.report,journal_id:0 view:account.invoice:0
#: field:account.invoice,journal_id:0 view:account.invoice.report:0
#: field:account.invoice.report,journal_id:0 view:account.journal:0
#: field:account.journal.cashbox.line,journal_id:0
#: field:account.journal.period,journal_id:0
#: report:account.journal.period.print:0
#: report:account.journal.period.print.sale.purchase:0 view:account.model:0
#: field:account.model,journal_id:0 view:account.move:0
#: field:account.move,journal_id:0
#: field:account.move.bank.reconcile,journal_id:0 view:account.move.line:0
#: field:account.move.line,journal_id:0 view:analytic.entries.report:0
#: field:analytic.entries.report,journal_id:0
#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_journal
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_journal
#: field:validate.account.move,journal_id:0
msgid "Journal"
msgstr "Jurnal"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_invoice_confirm
msgid "Confirm the selected invoices"
msgstr "Menyetujui tagihan terpilih"
#. module: account
#: field:account.addtmpl.wizard,cparent_id:0
msgid "Parent target"
msgstr "Induk target"
#. module: account
#: help:account.invoice.line,sequence:0
msgid "Gives the sequence of this line when displaying the invoice."
msgstr "Memberikan urutan baris ini saat menampilkan tagihan"
#. module: account
#: field:account.bank.statement,account_id:0
msgid "Account used in this journal"
msgstr "Akun yang digunakan dalam jurnal ini"
#. module: account
#: help:account.aged.trial.balance,chart_account_id:0
#: help:account.balance.report,chart_account_id:0
#: help:account.central.journal,chart_account_id:0
#: help:account.common.account.report,chart_account_id:0
#: help:account.common.journal.report,chart_account_id:0
#: help:account.common.partner.report,chart_account_id:0
#: help:account.common.report,chart_account_id:0
#: help:account.general.journal,chart_account_id:0
#: help:account.partner.balance,chart_account_id:0
#: help:account.partner.ledger,chart_account_id:0
#: help:account.print.journal,chart_account_id:0
#: help:account.report.general.ledger,chart_account_id:0
#: help:account.vat.declaration,chart_account_id:0
#: help:accounting.report,chart_account_id:0
msgid "Select Charts of Accounts"
msgstr "Pilih Bagan Akun"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_invoice_refund
msgid "Invoice Refund"
msgstr "Pengembalian Tagihan"
#. module: account
#: report:account.overdue:0
msgid "Li."
msgstr "Li."
#. module: account
#: field:account.automatic.reconcile,unreconciled:0
msgid "Not reconciled transactions"
msgstr "Bukan transaksi yang dapat direkonsiliasi"
#. module: account
#: report:account.general.ledger:0 report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0
msgid "Counterpart"
msgstr "Counterpart"
#. module: account
#: view:account.fiscal.position:0 field:account.fiscal.position,tax_ids:0
#: field:account.fiscal.position.template,tax_ids:0
msgid "Tax Mapping"
msgstr "Pemetaan Pajak"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_fiscalyear_close_state
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_wizard_fy_close_state
msgid "Close a Fiscal Year"
msgstr "Tutup Tahun Pembukuan"
#. module: account
#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_confirmstatementfromdraft0
msgid "The accountant confirms the statement."
msgstr "Akuntan ini mengukuhkan pernyataan tersebut."
#. module: account
#: report:account.account.balance:0
#: selection:account.balance.report,display_account:0
#: selection:account.common.account.report,display_account:0
#: report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0
#: selection:account.report.general.ledger,display_account:0
#: selection:account.tax,type_tax_use:0
#: selection:account.tax.template,type_tax_use:0
msgid "All"
msgstr "Semua"
#. module: account
#: field:account.config.settings,decimal_precision:0
msgid "Decimal precision on journal entries"
msgstr "Presisi desimal pada entri jurnal"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.config.settings,period:0
#: selection:account.installer,period:0
msgid "3 Monthly"
msgstr "Triwulan"
#. module: account
#: field:ir.sequence,fiscal_ids:0
msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Urutan"
#. module: account
#: field:account.financial.report,account_report_id:0
#: selection:account.financial.report,type:0
msgid "Report Value"
msgstr "Nilai Laporan"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_validate_account_move.py:39
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Specified journal does not have any account move entries in draft state for "
"this period."
msgstr "Jurnal dimaksud tidak memiliki entri akun bergerak pada kondisi draft untuk periode ini."
#. module: account
#: view:account.fiscal.position:0 view:account.fiscal.position.template:0
msgid "Taxes Mapping"
msgstr "Pemetaan Pajak"
#. module: account
#: report:account.central.journal:0
msgid "Centralized Journal"
msgstr "Jurnal Terpusat"
#. module: account
#: sql_constraint:account.sequence.fiscalyear:0
msgid "Main Sequence must be different from current !"
msgstr "Urutan Utama harus berbeda dari yang sekarang !"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_change_currency.py:64
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_change_currency.py:70
#, python-format
msgid "Current currency is not configured properly."
msgstr "Mata uang saat ini tidak terkonfigurasi dengan baik."
#. module: account
#: field:account.journal,profit_account_id:0
msgid "Profit Account"
msgstr "Akun Profit"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1167
#, python-format
msgid "No period found or more than one period found for the given date."
msgstr "Tidak ditemukan period atau lebih dari 1 period ditemukan pada tanggal tersebut"
#. module: account
#: help:res.partner,last_reconciliation_date:0
msgid ""
"Date on which the partner accounting entries were fully reconciled last "
"time. It differs from the last date where a reconciliation has been made for"
" this partner, as here we depict the fact that nothing more was to be "
"reconciled at this date. This can be achieved in 2 different ways: either "
"the last unreconciled debit/credit entry of this partner was reconciled, "
"either the user pressed the button \"Nothing more to reconcile\" during the "
"manual reconciliation process."
msgstr "Tanggal dimana partner entri akunting terakhir kali sepenuhnya ter-rekonsiliasi. Berbeda dengan tanggal terakhir dimana suatu rekonsiliasi dilakukan untuk partner ini, karena disini kita menggambarkan fakta bahwa tidak ada lagi yang perlu di rekonsiliasi pada tanggal ini. Hal ini dapat dicapai dengan 2 cara berbeda: bisa entri debit/kredit terakhir yang belum di rekonsiliasi untuk partner ini di rekonsiliasikan, atau pengguna menggunakan tombol \"Tidak ada lagi yang perlu di rekonsiliasi\" pada proses rekonsiliasi manual."
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_report_account_type_sales
msgid "Report of the Sales by Account Type"
msgstr "Laporan Penjualan Menurut Tipe Akun"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:3209
#, python-format
msgid "SAJ"
msgstr "SAJ"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:1562
#, python-format
msgid "Cannot create move with currency different from .."
msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat gerakan dengan mata uang berbeda dari .."
#. module: account
#: model:email.template,report_name:account.email_template_edi_invoice
msgid ""
"Invoice_${(object.number or '').replace('/','_')}_${object.state == 'draft' "
"and 'draft' or ''}"
msgstr "Invoice_${(object.number or '').replace('/','_')}_${object.state == 'draft' and 'draft' or ''}"
#. module: account
#: view:account.period:0 view:account.period.close:0
msgid "Close Period"
msgstr "Tutup Periode"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_common_partner_report
msgid "Account Common Partner Report"
msgstr "Laporan Akun Umum Mitra"
#. module: account
#: field:account.fiscalyear.close,period_id:0
msgid "Opening Entries Period"
msgstr "Membuka Periode Catatan"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_journal_period
msgid "Journal Period"
msgstr "Periode Jurnal"
#. module: account
#: constraint:account.move.line:0
msgid ""
"The amount expressed in the secondary currency must be positive when the "
"journal item is a debit and negative when if it is a credit."
msgstr "Jumlah pada mata uang sekunder harus positif saat item jurnal adalah debit dan negatif saat kredit."
#. module: account
#: constraint:account.move:0
msgid ""
"You cannot create more than one move per period on a centralized journal."
msgstr "Anda tidak dapat membuat lebih dari satu pergerakan per periode pada jurnal tersentralisasi."
#. module: account
#: help:account.tax,account_analytic_paid_id:0
msgid ""
"Set the analytic account that will be used by default on the invoice tax "
"lines for refunds. Leave empty if you don't want to use an analytic account "
"on the invoice tax lines by default."
msgstr "Set akun analitik yang akan digunakan sebagai default pada baris pajak tagihan untuk pengembalian. Tinggalkan kosong jika sebagai default anda tidak ingin menggunakan akun analitik pada baris pajak tagihan."
#. module: account
#: view:account.account:0
#: selection:account.aged.trial.balance,result_selection:0
#: selection:account.common.partner.report,result_selection:0
#: selection:account.partner.balance,result_selection:0
#: selection:account.partner.ledger,result_selection:0
#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
#: code:addons/account/report/account_partner_balance.py:297
#: code:addons/account/report/account_partner_ledger.py:272
#, python-format
msgid "Receivable Accounts"
msgstr "Akun Piutang"
#. module: account
#: view:account.config.settings:0
msgid "Configure your company bank accounts"
msgstr "Konfigurasi akun bank perusahaan anda."
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice.refund:0
msgid "Create Refund"
msgstr "Buat Pengembalian"
#. module: account
#: constraint:account.move.line:0
msgid ""
"The date of your Journal Entry is not in the defined period! You should "
"change the date or remove this constraint from the journal."
msgstr "Tanggal pada jurnal entri tidak sesuai dengan Periode ! Anda harus merubah tanggal atau menghilangkan batasan ini dari jurnal."
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_report_general_ledger
msgid "General Ledger Report"
msgstr "Laporan Buku Besar"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice:0
msgid "Re-Open"
msgstr "Buka Kembali"
#. module: account
#: view:account.use.model:0
msgid "Are you sure you want to create entries?"
msgstr "Apakah anda yakin untuk membuat catatan baru?"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1368
#, python-format
msgid "Invoice partially paid: %s%s of %s%s (%s%s remaining)."
msgstr "Tagihan dibayar parsial: %s%s dari %s%s (%s%s tersisa)."
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice:0
msgid "Print Invoice"
msgstr "Cetak Tagihan"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_invoice_refund.py:120
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Cannot %s invoice which is already reconciled, invoice should be "
"unreconciled first. You can only refund this invoice."
msgstr "Tidak dapat %s tagihan yang sudah di rekonsiliasi, tagihan seharusnya di-unreconciled terlebih dulu. Anda hanya dapat melakukan pengembalian atas tagihan ini."
#. module: account
#: view:account.account:0
msgid "Account code"
msgstr "Kode akun"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.financial.report,display_detail:0
msgid "Display children with hierarchy"
msgstr "Tampilkan hirarki anak"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.payment.term.line,value:0
#: selection:account.tax.template,type:0
msgid "Percent"
msgstr "Persen"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_charts
msgid "Charts"
msgstr "Bagan"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/project/wizard/project_account_analytic_line.py:47
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_project_account_analytic_line
#, python-format
msgid "Analytic Entries by line"
msgstr "analitik entri berdasarkan baris"
#. module: account
#: field:account.invoice.refund,filter_refund:0
msgid "Refund Method"
msgstr "Metode Pengembalian Uang"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_account_report
msgid "Financial Report"
msgstr "Laporan Keuangan"
#. module: account
#: view:account.analytic.account:0 view:account.analytic.journal:0
#: field:account.analytic.journal,type:0
#: field:account.bank.statement.line,type:0
#: field:account.financial.report,type:0 field:account.invoice,type:0
#: view:account.invoice.report:0 field:account.invoice.report,type:0
#: view:account.journal:0 field:account.journal,type:0
#: field:account.move.reconcile,type:0 xsl:account.transfer:0
#: field:report.invoice.created,type:0
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Jenis"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:833
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Taxes are missing!\n"
"Click on compute button."
msgstr "Pajak menghilang\nKlik pada tombol hitung"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_subscription_line
msgid "Account Subscription Line"
msgstr "Baris Akun Berlangganan"
#. module: account
#: help:account.invoice,reference:0
msgid "The partner reference of this invoice."
msgstr "Referensi Mitra untuk tagihan ini"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice.report:0
msgid "Supplier Invoices And Refunds"
msgstr "Faktur Pemasok dan Faktur Pengembalian Uang"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:859
#, python-format
msgid "Entry is already reconciled."
msgstr "Entri sudah didamaikan."
#. module: account
#: view:account.move.line.unreconcile.select:0
#: view:account.unreconcile.reconcile:0
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_move_line_unreconcile_select
msgid "Unreconciliation"
msgstr "Pembatalan rekonsiliasi"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_analytic_journal_report
msgid "Account Analytic Journal"
msgstr "Jurnal Analitik Akun"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice:0
msgid "Send by Email"
msgstr "Dikirim dengan Email"
#. module: account
#: help:account.central.journal,amount_currency:0
#: help:account.common.journal.report,amount_currency:0
#: help:account.general.journal,amount_currency:0
#: help:account.print.journal,amount_currency:0
msgid ""
"Print Report with the currency column if the currency differs from the "
"company currency."
msgstr "Ia menambahkan kolom mata uang pada laporan jika mata uang berbeda dari mata uang perusahaan."
#. module: account
#: report:account.analytic.account.quantity_cost_ledger:0
msgid "J.C./Move name"
msgstr "Nama J.C/Move"
#. module: account
#: view:account.account:0
msgid "Account Code and Name"
msgstr "Kode akun dan nama"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.entries.report,month:0
#: selection:account.invoice.report,month:0
#: selection:analytic.entries.report,month:0
#: selection:report.account.sales,month:0
#: selection:report.account_type.sales,month:0
msgid "September"
msgstr "September"
#. module: account
#. openerp-web
#: code:addons/account/static/src/xml/account_move_reconciliation.xml:24
#, python-format
msgid "Latest Manual Reconciliation Processed:"
msgstr "Terbaru Manual rekonsiliasi diproses:"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.subscription,period_type:0
msgid "days"
msgstr "hari"
#. module: account
#: help:account.account.template,nocreate:0
msgid ""
"If checked, the new chart of accounts will not contain this by default."
msgstr "Jika dicentang, bagan akun yang baru tidak akan menyertakannya secara standar."
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_manual_reconcile
msgid ""
" No journal items found.\n"
" </p>\n"
" "
msgstr "Jurnal tidak ditemukan"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:1650
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You cannot unreconcile journal items if they has been generated by the"
" opening/closing "
"fiscal year process."
msgstr "Anda tidak dapat unreconcile jurnal item jika mereka telah dihasilkan oleh proses pembukaan/penutupan tahun fiskal."
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_subscription_form_new
msgid "New Subscription"
msgstr "Berlangganan Baru"
#. module: account
#: view:account.payment.term:0 field:account.payment.term.line,value:0
msgid "Computation"
msgstr "Penghitungan"
#. module: account
#: field:account.journal.cashbox.line,pieces:0
msgid "Values"
msgstr "Nilai"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_tax_chart
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_tax_code_tree
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_tax_code_tree
msgid "Chart of Taxes"
msgstr "Bagan Pajak"
#. module: account
#: view:account.fiscalyear:0
msgid "Create 3 Months Periods"
msgstr "Membuat Periode dalam Triwulan"
#. module: account
#: report:account.overdue:0
msgid "Due"
msgstr "Jatuh Tempo"
#. module: account
#: field:account.config.settings,purchase_journal_id:0
msgid "Purchase journal"
msgstr "Membeli/menjual jurnal"
#. module: account
#: model:mail.message.subtype,description:account.mt_invoice_paid
msgid "Invoice paid"
msgstr "Faktur dibayar"
#. module: account
#: view:validate.account.move:0 view:validate.account.move.lines:0
msgid "Approve"
msgstr "Setuju"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice:0 view:account.move:0 view:report.invoice.created:0
msgid "Total Amount"
msgstr "Jumlah Keseluruhan"
#. module: account
#: help:account.invoice,supplier_invoice_number:0
msgid "The reference of this invoice as provided by the supplier."
msgstr "Rujukan ini faktur yang disediakan oleh pemasok."
#. module: account
#: selection:account.account,type:0 selection:account.account.template,type:0
#: selection:account.entries.report,type:0
msgid "Consolidation"
msgstr "Konsolidasi"
#. module: account
#: model:account.account.type,name:account.data_account_type_liability
#: model:account.financial.report,name:account.account_financial_report_liability0
#: model:account.financial.report,name:account.account_financial_report_liabilitysum0
msgid "Liability"
msgstr "Hutang"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:906
#, python-format
msgid "Please define sequence on the journal related to this invoice."
msgstr "Harap define urutan pada jurnal yang berhubungan dengan faktur ini."
#. module: account
#: view:account.entries.report:0
msgid "Extended Filters..."
msgstr "Penapis Tambahan"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_account_central_journal
msgid "Centralizing Journal"
msgstr "Pemusatan Jurnal"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.journal,type:0
msgid "Sale Refund"
msgstr "Pengembalian Penjualan"
#. module: account
#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_accountingstatemententries0
msgid "Bank statement"
msgstr "Rekening Koran"
#. module: account
#: field:account.analytic.line,move_id:0
msgid "Move Line"
msgstr "Baris Pindahan"
#. module: account
#: help:account.move.line,tax_amount:0
msgid ""
"If the Tax account is a tax code account, this field will contain the taxed "
"amount.If the tax account is base tax code, this field will contain the "
"basic amount(without tax)."
msgstr "Jika akun Pajak merupakan sebuah akun kode pajak, maka kolom ini akan berisi jumlah kena pajak. Jika akun pajak merupakan kode dasar pajak, maka kolom ini hanya akan berisi nilai dasarnya (tanpa pajak)"
#. module: account
#: view:account.analytic.line:0
msgid "Purchases"
msgstr "Pembelian"
#. module: account
#: field:account.model,lines_id:0
msgid "Model Entries"
msgstr "Catatan Model"
#. module: account
#: field:account.account,code:0 report:account.account.balance:0
#: field:account.account.template,code:0 field:account.account.type,code:0
#: report:account.analytic.account.balance:0
#: report:account.analytic.account.inverted.balance:0
#: report:account.analytic.account.journal:0
#: field:account.analytic.line,code:0 field:account.fiscalyear,code:0
#: report:account.general.journal:0 field:account.journal,code:0
#: report:account.partner.balance:0 field:account.period,code:0
msgid "Code"
msgstr "Kode"
#. module: account
#: view:account.config.settings:0
msgid "Features"
msgstr "Fitur"
#. module: account
#: report:account.partner.balance:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_partner_balance
#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_3rdparty_account_balance
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_account_partner_balance_report
msgid "Partner Balance"
msgstr "Saldo Mitra"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_gain_loss
msgid ""
"<p class=\"oe_view_nocontent_create\">\n"
" Click to add an account.\n"
" </p><p>\n"
" When doing multi-currency transactions, you may loose or gain\n"
" some amount due to changes of exchange rate. This menu gives\n"
" you a forecast of the Gain or Loss you'd realized if those\n"
" transactions were ended today. Only for accounts having a\n"
" secondary currency set.\n"
" </p>\n"
" "
msgstr "<p class=\"oe_view_nocontent_create\">\n Klik untuk menambah Akun\n </p><p>\n Ketika menggunakan transaksi multi-currency, Anda akan mendapatkan Untung atau Rugi\n dari perbedaan harga Kurs. Menu ini memberikan\n gambaran dari Untung atau Rugi Kurs jika transaksinya \n dilakukan hari ini. Jika pada Akun diset memiliki\n Mata uang sekunder.\n </p>\n "
#. module: account
#: field:account.bank.accounts.wizard,acc_name:0
msgid "Account Name."
msgstr "Nama Akun."
#. module: account
#: field:account.journal,with_last_closing_balance:0
msgid "Opening With Last Closing Balance"
msgstr "Terakhir menutup keseimbangan"
#. module: account
#: help:account.tax.code,notprintable:0
msgid ""
"Check this box if you don't want any tax related to this tax code to appear "
"on invoices"
msgstr "Centang kotak ini jika Anda tidak ingin pajak apapun yang berhubungan dengan kode pajak ini muncul pada faktur"
#. module: account
#: field:report.account.receivable,name:0
msgid "Week of Year"
msgstr "Minggu dalam setahun"
#. module: account
#: field:account.report.general.ledger,landscape:0
msgid "Landscape Mode"
msgstr "Modus Datar"
#. module: account
#: model:email.template,subject:account.email_template_edi_invoice
msgid "${object.company_id.name|safe} Invoice (Ref ${object.number or 'n/a'})"
msgstr "${object.company_id.name|safe} Invoice (Ref ${object.number or 'n/a'})"
#. module: account
#: help:account.fiscalyear.close,fy_id:0
msgid "Select a Fiscal year to close"
msgstr "Pilih Tahun Fiskal untuk menutup"
#. module: account
#: help:account.account.template,user_type:0
msgid ""
"These types are defined according to your country. The type contains more "
"information about the account and its specificities."
msgstr "Jenis ini ditetapkan menurut negara Anda. Jenis ini berisi informasi lebih lanjut tentang akun dan kekhususannya."
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice:0
msgid "Refund "
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: help:account.config.settings,company_footer:0
msgid "Bank accounts as printed in the footer of each printed document"
msgstr "Rekening bank seperti yang dicetak di footer dari setiap dokumen cetak"
#. module: account
#: view:account.tax:0
msgid "Applicability Options"
msgstr "Penerapan Pilihan"
#. module: account
#: report:account.partner.balance:0
msgid "In dispute"
msgstr "Dalam perselisihan"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1474
#, python-format
msgid "You must first select a partner!"
msgstr "Anda harus memilih rekanan terlebih dahulu"
#. module: account
#: view:account.journal:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_view_bank_statement_tree
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.journal_cash_move_lines
msgid "Cash Registers"
msgstr "Catatan Kas"
#. module: account
#: field:account.config.settings,sale_refund_journal_id:0
msgid "Sale refund journal"
msgstr "Dijual pengembalian jurnal"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_view_bank_statement_tree
msgid ""
"<p class=\"oe_view_nocontent_create\">\n"
" Click to create a new cash log.\n"
" </p><p>\n"
" A Cash Register allows you to manage cash entries in your cash\n"
" journals. This feature provides an easy way to follow up cash\n"
" payments on a daily basis. You can enter the coins that are in\n"
" your cash box, and then post entries when money comes in or\n"
" goes out of the cash box.\n"
" </p>\n"
" "
msgstr "<p class =\"oe_view_nocontent_create\">\n Klik untuk membuat log kas baru.\n </p><p>\n Sebuah Cash Register memungkinkan Anda untuk mengelola entri kas tunai Anda\n jurnal. Fitur ini menyediakan cara mudah untuk menindaklanjuti kas\n pembayaran setiap hari. Anda dapat memasukkan koin yang berada di\n kotak uang Anda, dan kemudian posting entri ketika uang datang dalam atau\n keluar dari kotak uang tunai.\n </p>\n "
#. module: account
#: model:account.account.type,name:account.data_account_type_bank
#: selection:account.bank.accounts.wizard,account_type:0
#: code:addons/account/account.py:3089
#, python-format
msgid "Bank"
msgstr "Bank"
#. module: account
#: field:account.period,date_start:0
msgid "Start of Period"
msgstr "Awal Periode"
#. module: account
#: view:account.tax:0
msgid "Refunds"
msgstr "Pengembalian"
#. module: account
#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_confirmstatementfromdraft0
msgid "Confirm statement"
msgstr "Konfirmasi pernyataan"
#. module: account
#: help:account.account,foreign_balance:0
msgid ""
"Total amount (in Secondary currency) for transactions held in secondary "
"currency for this account."
msgstr "Jumlah Total (pada mata uang sekunder) untuk transaksi pada mata uang sekunder untuk akun ini."
#. module: account
#: field:account.fiscal.position.tax,tax_dest_id:0
#: field:account.fiscal.position.tax.template,tax_dest_id:0
msgid "Replacement Tax"
msgstr "Penggantian Pajak"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.move.line,centralisation:0
msgid "Credit Centralisation"
msgstr "Pemusatan Kredit"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_tax_code_template_form
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_tax_code_template_form
msgid "Tax Code Templates"
msgstr "salinan kode pajak"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice.cancel:0
msgid "Cancel Invoices"
msgstr "Batalkan Tagihan"
#. module: account
#: help:account.journal,code:0
msgid "The code will be displayed on reports."
msgstr "Kode ini akan ditampilkan pada laporan"
#. module: account
#: view:account.tax.template:0
msgid "Taxes used in Purchases"
msgstr "Pajak yang digunakan dalam Pembelian"
#. module: account
#: field:account.invoice.tax,tax_code_id:0 field:account.tax,description:0
#: view:account.tax.code:0 field:account.tax.template,tax_code_id:0
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_tax_code
msgid "Tax Code"
msgstr "Kode Pajak"
#. module: account
#: field:account.account,currency_mode:0
msgid "Outgoing Currencies Rate"
msgstr "Nilai Mata Uang Keluaran"
#. module: account
#: view:account.analytic.account:0
#: field:account.config.settings,chart_template_id:0
msgid "Template"
msgstr "Cetakan"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.analytic.journal,type:0
msgid "Situation"
msgstr "Situasi"
#. module: account
#: help:account.move.line,move_id:0
msgid "The move of this entry line."
msgstr "Perpindahan dari baris catatan ini"
#. module: account
#: field:account.move.line.reconcile,trans_nbr:0
msgid "# of Transaction"
msgstr "# dari Transaksi"
#. module: account
#: report:account.general.ledger:0 report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0
#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
msgid "Entry Label"
msgstr "Judul Catatan"
#. module: account
#: help:account.invoice,origin:0 help:account.invoice.line,origin:0
msgid "Reference of the document that produced this invoice."
msgstr "Referensi berkas yang menghasilkan tagihan ini"
#. module: account
#: view:account.analytic.line:0 view:account.journal:0
msgid "Others"
msgstr "Lainnya"
#. module: account
#: view:account.subscription:0
msgid "Draft Subscription"
msgstr "Draft Berlangganan"
#. module: account
#: view:account.account:0 report:account.account.balance:0
#: field:account.automatic.reconcile,writeoff_acc_id:0
#: field:account.bank.statement.line,account_id:0
#: view:account.entries.report:0 field:account.entries.report,account_id:0
#: field:account.invoice,account_id:0 field:account.invoice.line,account_id:0
#: view:account.invoice.report:0 field:account.invoice.report,account_id:0
#: field:account.journal,account_control_ids:0
#: report:account.journal.period.print:0
#: report:account.journal.period.print.sale.purchase:0
#: field:account.model.line,account_id:0 view:account.move.line:0
#: field:account.move.line,account_id:0
#: field:account.move.line.reconcile.select,account_id:0
#: field:account.move.line.unreconcile.select,account_id:0
#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0 view:analytic.entries.report:0
#: field:analytic.entries.report,account_id:0
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_account
#: field:report.account.sales,account_id:0
msgid "Account"
msgstr "Akun"
#. module: account
#: field:account.tax,include_base_amount:0
msgid "Included in base amount"
msgstr "Sudah termasuk dalam jumlah dasar"
#. module: account
#: view:account.entries.report:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_entries_report_all
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_entries_report_all
msgid "Entries Analysis"
msgstr "Analisis Catatan"
#. module: account
#: field:account.account,level:0 field:account.financial.report,level:0
msgid "Level"
msgstr "Tingkat"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_change_currency.py:38
#, python-format
msgid "You can only change currency for Draft Invoice."
msgstr "Anda hanya dapat mengubah mata uang untuk rancangan faktur."
#. module: account
#: report:account.invoice:0 view:account.invoice:0
#: field:account.invoice.line,invoice_line_tax_id:0 view:account.move:0
#: view:account.move.line:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_tax_form
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.account_template_taxes
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_tax_form
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_tax_report
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.next_id_27
msgid "Taxes"
msgstr "Pajak-pajak"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_financial_report.py:71
#, python-format
msgid "Select a starting and an ending period"
msgstr "Pilih periode awal dan akhir"
#. module: account
#: model:account.financial.report,name:account.account_financial_report_profitandloss0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_report_pl
msgid "Profit and Loss"
msgstr "Laba/Rugi"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_account_template
msgid "Templates for Accounts"
msgstr "Lembar Contoh untuk Akun"
#. module: account
#: view:account.tax.code.template:0
msgid "Search tax template"
msgstr "Cari lembar contoh pajak"
#. module: account
#: view:account.move.reconcile:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_reconcile_select
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_view_account_move_line_reconcile
msgid "Reconcile Entries"
msgstr "Rekonsiliasi Catatan-catatan"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_overdue view:res.company:0
msgid "Overdue Payments"
msgstr "Pembayaran Jatuh tempo"
#. module: account
#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
msgid "Initial Balance"
msgstr "Saldo Awal"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice:0
msgid "Reset to Draft"
msgstr "Kembalikan ke Konsep"
#. module: account
#: view:account.aged.trial.balance:0 view:account.common.report:0
msgid "Report Options"
msgstr "Pilihan Laporan"
#. module: account
#: field:account.fiscalyear.close.state,fy_id:0
msgid "Fiscal Year to Close"
msgstr "Tahun fiskal untuk menutup"
#. module: account
#: field:account.config.settings,sale_sequence_prefix:0
msgid "Invoice sequence"
msgstr "Faktur Pembelian"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_entries_report
msgid "Journal Items Analysis"
msgstr "Analisis Butir-butir Jurnal"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.next_id_22
msgid "Partners"
msgstr "Para Mitra"
#. module: account
#: help:account.bank.statement,state:0
msgid ""
"When new statement is created the status will be 'Draft'.\n"
"And after getting confirmation from the bank it will be in 'Confirmed' status."
msgstr "Ketika pernyataan baru dibuat status akan 'Draft'.\nDan setelah mendapatkan konfirmasi dari bank akan 'Dikonfirmasi' status."
#. module: account
#: field:account.invoice.report,state:0
msgid "Invoice Status"
msgstr "Status Faktur"
#. module: account
#: view:account.open.closed.fiscalyear:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_open_closed_fiscalyear
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_wizard_account_open_closed_fiscalyear
msgid "Cancel Closing Entries"
msgstr "Membatalkan menutup entri"
#. module: account
#: view:account.bank.statement:0
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_bank_statement
#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_accountingstatemententries0
#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_bankstatement0
#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_supplierbankstatement0
msgid "Bank Statement"
msgstr "Rekening Koran"
#. module: account
#: field:res.partner,property_account_receivable:0
msgid "Account Receivable"
msgstr "Akun Piutang"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:621 code:addons/account/account.py:776
#: code:addons/account/account.py:777
#, python-format
msgid "%s (copy)"
msgstr "%s (copy)"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_validate_account_move.py:61
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Selected Entry Lines does not have any account move entries in draft state."
msgstr "Garis-garis entri yang dipilih tidak memiliki rekening bergerak entri dalam status draft."
#. module: account
#: report:account.account.balance:0
#: selection:account.balance.report,display_account:0
#: selection:account.common.account.report,display_account:0
#: report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0
#: selection:account.partner.balance,display_partner:0
#: selection:account.report.general.ledger,display_account:0
msgid "With balance is not equal to 0"
msgstr "Dengan saldo tidak sama dengan 0"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:1459
#, python-format
msgid ""
"There is no default debit account defined \n"
"on journal \"%s\"."
msgstr "Ada account debit default tidak didefinisikan pada jurnal \"%s\"."
#. module: account
#: view:account.tax:0
msgid "Search Taxes"
msgstr "Mencari Pajak"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_analytic_cost_ledger
msgid "Account Analytic Cost Ledger"
msgstr "Buku Besar Akun Beban Analitik"
#. module: account
#: view:account.model:0
msgid "Create entries"
msgstr "Membuat Catatan"
#. module: account
#: field:account.entries.report,nbr:0
msgid "# of Items"
msgstr "# Barang"
#. module: account
#: field:account.automatic.reconcile,max_amount:0
msgid "Maximum write-off amount"
msgstr "Jumlah penghapusan maksimum"
#. module: account
#. openerp-web
#: code:addons/account/static/src/xml/account_move_reconciliation.xml:10
#, python-format
msgid ""
"There is nothing to reconcile. All invoices and payments\n"
" have been reconciled, your partner balance is clean."
msgstr "Tidak ada untuk mendamaikan. Semua faktur dan pembayaran telah didamaikan, saldo mitra bersih."
#. module: account
#: field:account.chart.template,code_digits:0
#: field:account.config.settings,code_digits:0
#: field:wizard.multi.charts.accounts,code_digits:0
msgid "# of Digits"
msgstr "# Digit"
#. module: account
#: field:account.journal,entry_posted:0
msgid "Skip 'Draft' State for Manual Entries"
msgstr "Lewati Status 'Konsep' untuk Catatan-catatan Manual"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/report/common_report_header.py:92
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_report_common.py:169
#, python-format
msgid "Not implemented."
msgstr "Tidak dilaksanakan."
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice.refund:0
msgid "Credit Note"
msgstr "Catatan kredit"
#. module: account
#: view:account.config.settings:0
msgid "eInvoicing & Payments"
msgstr "eInvoicing & pembayaran"
#. module: account
#: view:account.analytic.cost.ledger.journal.report:0
msgid "Cost Ledger for Period"
msgstr "Biaya Ledger untuk periode"
#. module: account
#: view:account.entries.report:0
msgid "# of Entries "
msgstr "# entris "
#. module: account
#: help:account.fiscal.position,active:0
msgid ""
"By unchecking the active field, you may hide a fiscal position without "
"deleting it."
msgstr "Dengan me-unchek field Active, And a dapat menyembunyikan fiscal position tampa menghapusnya."
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_temp_range
msgid "A Temporary table used for Dashboard view"
msgstr "Tabel sementara yang digunakan untuk tampilan Dashboard"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_invoice_tree4
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_invoice_tree4
msgid "Supplier Refunds"
msgstr "Pengembalian Pemasok"
#. module: account
#: report:account.invoice:0 view:account.invoice:0
#: field:account.invoice,date_invoice:0
#: field:report.invoice.created,date_invoice:0
msgid "Invoice Date"
msgstr "Tanggal Invoice"
#. module: account
#: field:account.tax.code,code:0 field:account.tax.code.template,code:0
msgid "Case Code"
msgstr "Kode"
#. module: account
#: field:account.config.settings,company_footer:0
msgid "Bank accounts footer preview"
msgstr "Rekening bank footer Tinjauan"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.account,type:0 selection:account.account.template,type:0
#: selection:account.bank.statement,state:0
#: selection:account.entries.report,type:0 view:account.fiscalyear:0
#: selection:account.fiscalyear,state:0 selection:account.period,state:0
msgid "Closed"
msgstr "Ditutup"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_recurrent_entries
msgid "Recurring Entries"
msgstr "Operasional Entri"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_fiscal_position_template
msgid "Template for Fiscal Position"
msgstr "Template untuk Posisi Fiskal"
#. module: account
#: view:account.subscription:0
msgid "Recurring"
msgstr "Berulang"
#. module: account
#: report:account.invoice:0
msgid "TIN :"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: field:account.journal,groups_id:0
msgid "Groups"
msgstr "Kelompok"
#. module: account
#: field:report.invoice.created,amount_untaxed:0
msgid "Untaxed"
msgstr "Tidak kena pajak"
#. module: account
#: view:account.journal:0
msgid "Advanced Settings"
msgstr "Pengaturan lebih lanjut"
#. module: account
#: view:account.bank.statement:0
msgid "Search Bank Statements"
msgstr "Pencarian statement Bank"
#. module: account
#: view:account.move.line:0
msgid "Unposted Journal Items"
msgstr "Jurnal item belum di Post"
#. module: account
#: view:account.chart.template:0
#: field:account.chart.template,property_account_payable:0
msgid "Payable Account"
msgstr "Akun Hutang"
#. module: account
#: field:account.tax,account_paid_id:0
#: field:account.tax.template,account_paid_id:0
msgid "Refund Tax Account"
msgstr "Akun Pengembalian Pajak"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_ir_sequence
msgid "ir.sequence"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: view:account.bank.statement:0 field:account.bank.statement,line_ids:0
msgid "Statement lines"
msgstr "Baris Statemen"
#. module: account
#: report:account.analytic.account.cost_ledger:0
msgid "Date/Code"
msgstr "Tanggal / Kode"
#. module: account
#: field:account.analytic.line,general_account_id:0
#: view:analytic.entries.report:0
#: field:analytic.entries.report,general_account_id:0
msgid "General Account"
msgstr "Akun Umum"
#. module: account
#: field:res.partner,debit_limit:0
msgid "Payable Limit"
msgstr "Batas Hutang"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_type_form
msgid ""
"<p class=\"oe_view_nocontent_create\">\n"
" Click to define a new account type.\n"
" </p><p>\n"
" An account type is used to determine how an account is used in\n"
" each journal. The deferral method of an account type determines\n"
" the process for the annual closing. Reports such as the Balance\n"
" Sheet and the Profit and Loss report use the category\n"
" (profit/loss or balance sheet).\n"
" </p>\n"
" "
msgstr "<p class=\"oe_view_nocontent_create\">Klik untuk menentukan jenis account yang baru.</p><p>Jenis account yang digunakan untuk menentukan bagaimana account digunakan dalam jurnal masing-masing. Metode penundaan tipe akun menentukan proses penutupan tahunan. Laporan seperti neraca dan laporan laba rugi menggunakan kategori (laba rugi atau neraca).</p>"
#. module: account
#: report:account.invoice:0 view:account.invoice:0
#: view:account.invoice.report:0 field:account.move.line,invoice:0
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1164
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_invoice
#: model:res.request.link,name:account.req_link_invoice
#, python-format
msgid "Invoice"
msgstr "Tagihan"
#. module: account
#: field:account.move,balance:0
msgid "balance"
msgstr "Keseimbangan"
#. module: account
#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_analytic0
#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_analyticcost0
msgid "Analytic costs to invoice"
msgstr "Analitik biaya untuk invoice"
#. module: account
#: view:ir.sequence:0
msgid "Fiscal Year Sequence"
msgstr "Urutan Tahun Fiskal"
#. module: account
#: field:account.config.settings,group_analytic_accounting:0
msgid "Analytic accounting"
msgstr "Akuntansi Analitik"
#. module: account
#: report:account.overdue:0
msgid "Sub-Total :"
msgstr "Sub Total"
#. module: account
#: help:res.company,tax_calculation_rounding_method:0
msgid ""
"If you select 'Round per Line' : for each tax, the tax amount will first be "
"computed and rounded for each PO/SO/invoice line and then these rounded "
"amounts will be summed, leading to the total amount for that tax. If you "
"select 'Round Globally': for each tax, the tax amount will be computed for "
"each PO/SO/invoice line, then these amounts will be summed and eventually "
"this total tax amount will be rounded. If you sell with tax included, you "
"should choose 'Round per line' because you certainly want the sum of your "
"tax-included line subtotals to be equal to the total amount with taxes."
msgstr "Jika anda memilih 'Round per line' : untuk setiap pajak, nilai pajak awal akan dihitung dan dibulatkan untuk setiap baris PO/SO/Tagihan kemudian hasil pembulatan ini dijumlahkan, hasilnya adalah total pajak. Jika anda memilih 'Round globally': untuk setiap pajak, jumlah pajak akan dihitung untuk setiap baris PO/SO/tagihan, kemudian jumlahnya barulah di bulatkan. Jika anda menjual dengan pajak, anda harusnya memilih 'Round per line' karena tentunya anda menginginkan agar nilai pajak pada subtotal sama dengan jumlah total pajak setiap baris."
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_report_account_type_sales_tree_all
#: view:report.account_type.sales:0
msgid "Sales by Account Type"
msgstr "Sales Berdasarkan tipe akun"
#. module: account
#: model:account.payment.term,name:account.account_payment_term_15days
#: model:account.payment.term,note:account.account_payment_term_15days
msgid "15 Days"
msgstr "15 Hari"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.periodical_processing_invoicing
msgid "Invoicing"
msgstr "Penagihan"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/report/account_partner_balance.py:115
#, python-format
msgid "Unknown Partner"
msgstr "Partner Lain-lain"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_fiscalyear_close.py:103
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The journal must have centralized counterpart without the Skipping draft "
"state option checked."
msgstr "Jurnal harus memiliki mitra terpusat tanpa melewatkan rancangan negara pilihan diperiksa."
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:864
#, python-format
msgid "Some entries are already reconciled."
msgstr "Beberapa entri sudah didamaikan."
#. module: account
#: field:account.tax.code,sum:0
msgid "Year Sum"
msgstr "Jumlah Setahun"
#. module: account
#: view:account.change.currency:0
msgid "This wizard will change the currency of the invoice"
msgstr "Panduan ini akan mengubah mata uang invoice"
#. module: account
#: view:account.installer:0
msgid ""
"Select a configuration package to setup automatically your\n"
" taxes and chart of accounts."
msgstr "Pilih paket konfigurasi untuk men-setup otomatis pajak dan bagan akun Anda."
#. module: account
#: view:account.analytic.account:0
msgid "Pending Accounts"
msgstr "Akun Tunda"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:862
#, python-format
msgid "The account is not defined to be reconciled !"
msgstr "Akun ini tidak didefinisikan untuk direkonsiliasi!"
#. module: account
#: report:account.journal.period.print.sale.purchase:0
#: view:account.tax.template:0
msgid "Tax Declaration"
msgstr "Keterangan Pajak"
#. module: account
#: help:account.journal.period,active:0
msgid ""
"If the active field is set to False, it will allow you to hide the journal "
"period without removing it."
msgstr "Jika kolom aktif diatur ke False, itu akan memungkinkan Anda untuk menyembunyikan periode jurnal tanpa menghapusnya."
#. module: account
#: field:account.report.general.ledger,sortby:0
msgid "Sort by"
msgstr "Susun sebagai"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_account_partner_account_move_all
msgid "Receivables & Payables"
msgstr "Piutang dan Hutang"
#. module: account
#: field:account.config.settings,module_account_payment:0
msgid "Manage payment orders"
msgstr "Mengelola pembayaran pesanan"
#. module: account
#: view:account.period:0
msgid "Duration"
msgstr "Durasi"
#. module: account
#: view:account.bank.statement:0
#: field:account.bank.statement,last_closing_balance:0
msgid "Last Closing Balance"
msgstr "Terakhir menutup keseimbangan"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_common_journal_report
msgid "Account Common Journal Report"
msgstr "Laporan Rekening Jurnal Umum"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.partner.balance,display_partner:0
msgid "All Partners"
msgstr "Semua Partner"
#. module: account
#: view:account.analytic.chart:0
msgid "Analytic Account Charts"
msgstr "Grafik Akun Analitik"
#. module: account
#: report:account.overdue:0
msgid "Customer Ref:"
msgstr "Ref. Pelanggan:"
#. module: account
#: help:account.tax,base_code_id:0 help:account.tax,ref_base_code_id:0
#: help:account.tax,ref_tax_code_id:0 help:account.tax,tax_code_id:0
#: help:account.tax.template,base_code_id:0
#: help:account.tax.template,ref_base_code_id:0
#: help:account.tax.template,ref_tax_code_id:0
#: help:account.tax.template,tax_code_id:0
msgid "Use this code for the tax declaration."
msgstr "Gunakan kode ini untuk Deklarasi pajak."
#. module: account
#: help:account.period,special:0
msgid "These periods can overlap."
msgstr "Periode ini bisa overlap."
#. module: account
#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_draftstatement0
msgid "Draft statement"
msgstr "Draft pernyataan"
#. module: account
#: model:mail.message.subtype,description:account.mt_invoice_validated
msgid "Invoice validated"
msgstr "Faktur divalidasi"
#. module: account
#: field:account.config.settings,module_account_check_writing:0
msgid "Pay your suppliers by check"
msgstr "Membayar pemasok Anda dengan cek"
#. module: account
#: field:account.move.line.reconcile,credit:0
msgid "Credit amount"
msgstr "Jumlah Kredit"
#. module: account
#: field:account.bank.statement,message_ids:0
#: field:account.invoice,message_ids:0
msgid "Messages"
msgstr "Pesan"
#. module: account
#: view:account.vat.declaration:0
msgid ""
"This menu prints a tax declaration based on invoices or payments. Select one"
" or several periods of the fiscal year. The information required for a tax "
"declaration is automatically generated by OpenERP from invoices (or "
"payments, in some countries). This data is updated in real time. Thats very"
" useful because it enables you to preview at any time the tax that you owe "
"at the start and end of the month or quarter."
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:415 code:addons/account/account.py:420
#: code:addons/account/account.py:437 code:addons/account/account.py:643
#: code:addons/account/account.py:645 code:addons/account/account.py:934
#: code:addons/account/account.py:1026 code:addons/account/account.py:1065
#: code:addons/account/account.py:1067 code:addons/account/account.py:1110
#: code:addons/account/account.py:1290 code:addons/account/account.py:1304
#: code:addons/account/account.py:1327 code:addons/account/account.py:1334
#: code:addons/account/account.py:1558 code:addons/account/account.py:1562
#: code:addons/account/account.py:1650 code:addons/account/account.py:2333
#: code:addons/account/account.py:2653 code:addons/account/account.py:3470
#: code:addons/account/account_analytic_line.py:95
#: code:addons/account/account_analytic_line.py:104
#: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:368
#: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:381
#: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:419
#: code:addons/account/account_cash_statement.py:256
#: code:addons/account/account_cash_statement.py:300
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:906
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:940
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1131
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:585
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:834
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:859
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:864
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1116
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1130
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1132
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1167
#: code:addons/account/report/common_report_header.py:92
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_change_currency.py:38
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_change_currency.py:59
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_change_currency.py:64
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_change_currency.py:70
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_financial_report.py:71
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_invoice_refund.py:118
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_invoice_refund.py:120
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_move_bank_reconcile.py:49
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_open_closed_fiscalyear.py:39
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_report_common.py:163
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_report_common.py:169
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_use_model.py:44
#: code:addons/account/wizard/pos_box.py:31
#: code:addons/account/wizard/pos_box.py:35
#, python-format
msgid "Error!"
msgstr "Gagal!"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_invoice_tree2
msgid ""
"<p class=\"oe_view_nocontent_create\">\n"
" Click to record a new supplier invoice.\n"
" </p><p>\n"
" You can control the invoice from your supplier according to\n"
" what you purchased or received. OpenERP can also generate\n"
" draft invoices automatically from purchase orders or receipts.\n"
" </p>\n"
" "
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: sql_constraint:account.move.line:0
msgid "Wrong credit or debit value in accounting entry !"
msgstr "Nilai kredit atau debit salah dalam catatan akuntansi !"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice.report:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_invoice_report_all
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_invoice_report_all
msgid "Invoices Analysis"
msgstr "Analisa Invoice"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_mail_compose_message
msgid "Email composition wizard"
msgstr "Petunjuk komposisi email"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_period_close
msgid "period close"
msgstr "periode dekat"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:1052
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This journal already contains items for this period, therefore you cannot "
"modify its company field."
msgstr "Jurnal ini sudah berisi item untuk periode ini, oleh karena itu Anda tidak dapat mengubah bidang perusahaan."
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_project_account_analytic_line_form
msgid "Entries By Line"
msgstr "Entri berdasarkan baris"
#. module: account
#: field:account.vat.declaration,based_on:0
msgid "Based on"
msgstr "Berdasarkan"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_bank_statement_tree
msgid ""
"<p class=\"oe_view_nocontent_create\">\n"
" Click to register a bank statement.\n"
" </p><p>\n"
" A bank statement is a summary of all financial transactions\n"
" occurring over a given period of time on a bank account. You\n"
" should receive this periodicaly from your bank.\n"
" </p><p>\n"
" OpenERP allows you to reconcile a statement line directly with\n"
" the related sale or puchase invoices.\n"
" </p>\n"
" "
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: field:account.config.settings,currency_id:0
msgid "Default company currency"
msgstr "Mata uang perusahaan"
#. module: account
#: field:account.invoice,move_id:0 field:account.invoice,move_name:0
#: field:account.move.line,move_id:0
msgid "Journal Entry"
msgstr "Ayat Jurnal"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice:0
msgid "Unpaid"
msgstr "Belum Dibayar"
#. module: account
#: view:account.treasury.report:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_treasury_report_all
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_treasury_report
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_treasury_report_all
msgid "Treasury Analysis"
msgstr "Perbendaharaan Analisa"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_journal_sale_purchase
msgid "Sale/Purchase Journal"
msgstr "Membeli/menjual jurnal"
#. module: account
#: view:account.analytic.account:0
#: field:account.invoice.tax,account_analytic_id:0
msgid "Analytic account"
msgstr "Akun Analitik"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:406
#, python-format
msgid "Please verify that an account is defined in the journal."
msgstr "Harap memverifikasi bahwa account didefinisikan di dalam jurnal."
#. module: account
#: selection:account.entries.report,move_line_state:0
msgid "Valid"
msgstr "Berlaku"
#. module: account
#: field:account.bank.statement,message_follower_ids:0
#: field:account.invoice,message_follower_ids:0
msgid "Followers"
msgstr "Pengikut"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_print_journal
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_print_journal
msgid "Account Print Journal"
msgstr "Akun Cetak Jurnal"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_product_category
msgid "Product Category"
msgstr "Kategori Produk"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:665
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You cannot change the type of account to '%s' type as it contains journal "
msgstr "Anda tidak dapat mengubah jenis akun untuk '%s' jenis karena mengandung jurnal item!"
#. module: account
#: view:account.fiscalyear.close.state:0
msgid "Close Fiscal Year"
msgstr "Tutup Tahun Pembukuan"
#. module: account
#. openerp-web
#: code:addons/account/static/src/xml/account_move_line_quickadd.xml:14
#, python-format
msgid "Journal :"
msgstr "Jurnal"
#. module: account
#: sql_constraint:account.fiscal.position.tax:0
msgid "A tax fiscal position could be defined only once time on same taxes."
msgstr "Posisi fiskal pajak dapat didefinisikan hanya sekali waktu pajak yang sama."
#. module: account
#: view:account.tax:0 view:account.tax.template:0
msgid "Tax Definition"
msgstr "Pendifinisian Pajak"
#. module: account
#: view:account.config.settings:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_config
msgid "Configure Accounting"
msgstr "Mengkonfigurasi direktori"
#. module: account
#: field:account.invoice.report,uom_name:0
msgid "Reference Unit of Measure"
msgstr "Lebih besar dari Satuan referensi"
#. module: account
#: help:account.journal,allow_date:0
msgid ""
"If set to True then do not accept the entry if the entry date is not into "
"the period dates"
msgstr "Jika di pasang pada nilai 'True' maka jangan terima catatan jika tanggal pencatatan tidak termasuk dalam periode"
#. module: account
#. openerp-web
#: code:addons/account/static/src/xml/account_move_reconciliation.xml:8
#, python-format
msgid "Good job!"
msgstr "Bagus!"
#. module: account
#: field:account.config.settings,module_account_asset:0
msgid "Assets management"
msgstr "Manajemen aset"
#. module: account
#: view:account.account:0 view:account.account.template:0
#: selection:account.aged.trial.balance,result_selection:0
#: selection:account.common.partner.report,result_selection:0
#: selection:account.partner.balance,result_selection:0
#: selection:account.partner.ledger,result_selection:0
#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
#: code:addons/account/report/account_partner_balance.py:299
#: code:addons/account/report/account_partner_ledger.py:274
#, python-format
msgid "Payable Accounts"
msgstr "Dibayar account"
#. module: account
#: constraint:account.move.line:0
msgid ""
"The selected account of your Journal Entry forces to provide a secondary "
"currency. You should remove the secondary currency on the account or select "
"a multi-currency view on the journal."
msgstr "Account yang dipilih dari entri jurnal Anda memaksa memberikan mata uang sekunder. Anda harus menghapus mata sekunder pada account atau pilih tampilan multi-mata uang dalam hal jurnal."
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice:0 view:report.invoice.created:0
msgid "Untaxed Amount"
msgstr "Jumlah sebelum kena pajak"
#. module: account
#: help:account.tax,active:0
msgid ""
"If the active field is set to False, it will allow you to hide the tax "
"without removing it."
msgstr "Jika kolom aktif diset ke False, akan memungkinkan Anda untuk menyembunyikan pajak tanpa menghapusnya."
#. module: account
#: view:account.analytic.line:0
msgid "Analytic Journal Items related to a sale journal."
msgstr "Analitik jurnal item terkait dengan penjualan jurnal."
#. module: account
#: selection:account.financial.report,style_overwrite:0
msgid "Italic Text (smaller)"
msgstr "Teks miring (kecil)"
#. module: account
#: help:account.journal,cash_control:0
msgid ""
"If you want the journal should be control at opening/closing, check this "
msgstr "Jika Anda ingin jurnal harus kontrol di pembukaan/penutupan, cek pilihan ini"
#. module: account
#: view:account.bank.statement:0 view:account.invoice:0
#: selection:account.invoice,state:0 view:account.invoice.report:0
#: selection:account.invoice.report,state:0
#: selection:account.journal.period,state:0 view:account.subscription:0
#: selection:account.subscription,state:0
#: selection:report.invoice.created,state:0
msgid "Draft"
msgstr "Konsep"
#. module: account
#: field:account.move.reconcile,line_partial_ids:0
msgid "Partial Entry lines"
msgstr "Baris Sebagian Catatan"
#. module: account
#: view:account.fiscalyear:0 field:account.treasury.report,fiscalyear_id:0
msgid "Fiscalyear"
msgstr "Tahun Pembukuan"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_move_bank_reconcile.py:53
#, python-format
msgid "Standard Encoding"
msgstr "Encoding standar"
#. module: account
#: view:account.journal.select:0 view:project.account.analytic.line:0
msgid "Open Entries"
msgstr "Entri terbuka"
#. module: account
#: field:account.config.settings,purchase_refund_sequence_next:0
msgid "Next supplier credit note number"
msgstr "Nomor catatan kredit pemasok berikutnya"
#. module: account
#: field:account.automatic.reconcile,account_ids:0
msgid "Accounts to Reconcile"
msgstr "Akun untuk rekonsiliasi"
#. module: account
#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_filestatement0
msgid "Import of the statement in the system from an electronic file"
msgstr "Impor pernyataan dalam sistem dari file elektronik"
#. module: account
#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_importinvoice0
msgid "Import from invoice"
msgstr "Impor dari invoice"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.entries.report,month:0
#: selection:account.invoice.report,month:0
#: selection:analytic.entries.report,month:0
#: selection:report.account.sales,month:0
#: selection:report.account_type.sales,month:0
msgid "January"
msgstr "Januari"
#. module: account
#: view:account.entries.report:0
msgid "This F.Year"
msgstr "Fiskal tahun ini"
#. module: account
#: view:account.tax.chart:0
msgid "Account tax charts"
msgstr "Akun grafik pajak"
#. module: account
#: model:account.payment.term,name:account.account_payment_term_net
#: model:account.payment.term,note:account.account_payment_term_net
msgid "30 Net Days"
msgstr "30 Hari"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:424
#, python-format
msgid "You have to assign an analytic journal on the '%s' journal!"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: model:res.groups,name:account.group_supplier_inv_check_total
msgid "Check Total on supplier invoices"
msgstr "Pemasok faktur dan transaksi yang beredar"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.invoice,state:0 view:account.invoice.report:0
#: selection:account.invoice.report,state:0
#: selection:report.invoice.created,state:0
msgid "Pro-forma"
msgstr "Pro-forma"
#. module: account
#: help:account.account.template,type:0 help:account.entries.report,type:0
msgid ""
"This type is used to differentiate types with special effects in OpenERP: "
"view can not have entries, consolidation are accounts that can have children"
" accounts for multi-company consolidations, payable/receivable are for "
"partners accounts (for debit/credit computations), closed for depreciated "
msgstr "Tipe ini digunakan untuk membedakan jenis dengan efek khusus dalam ERP sistem: tampilan tidak dapat memiliki entri, konsolidasi rekening yang dapat memiliki rekening turunan untuk konsolidasi multi-perusahaan, hutang / piutang adalah piutang mitra (untuk debit / perhitungan kredit), akun tertutup untuk depresiasi."
#. module: account
#: view:account.chart.template:0
msgid "Search Chart of Account Templates"
msgstr "Cari template grafik akun"
#. module: account
#: report:account.invoice:0
msgid "Customer Code"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: view:account.account.type:0 field:account.account.type,note:0
#: report:account.invoice:0 field:account.invoice,name:0
#: field:account.invoice.line,name:0 report:account.overdue:0
#: field:account.payment.term,note:0 view:account.tax.code:0
#: field:account.tax.code,info:0 view:account.tax.code.template:0
#: field:account.tax.code.template,info:0 field:analytic.entries.report,name:0
#: field:report.invoice.created,name:0
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Keterangan"
#. module: account
#: field:account.tax,price_include:0
#: field:account.tax.template,price_include:0
msgid "Tax Included in Price"
msgstr "Hanya untuk pajak dikecualikan dari harga"
#. module: account
#: view:account.subscription:0 selection:account.subscription,state:0
msgid "Running"
msgstr "Berjalan"
#. module: account
#: view:account.chart.template:0
#: field:product.category,property_account_income_categ:0
#: field:product.template,property_account_income:0
msgid "Income Account"
msgstr "Akun pendapatan"
#. module: account
#: help:account.config.settings,default_sale_tax:0
msgid "This sale tax will be assigned by default on new products."
msgstr "Pajak penjualan ini akan ditetapkan secara default pada produk-produk baru."
#. module: account
#: report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0
#: report:account.journal.period.print:0
#: report:account.journal.period.print.sale.purchase:0
msgid "Entries Sorted By"
msgstr "Entri di sortir berdasarkan .."
#. module: account
#: field:account.change.currency,currency_id:0
msgid "Change to"
msgstr "Ubah ke .."
#. module: account
#: view:account.entries.report:0
msgid "# of Products Qty "
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_product_template
msgid "Product Template"
msgstr "Produk Template"
#. module: account
#: report:account.account.balance:0
#: field:account.aged.trial.balance,fiscalyear_id:0
#: field:account.balance.report,fiscalyear_id:0
#: report:account.central.journal:0
#: field:account.central.journal,fiscalyear_id:0
#: field:account.common.account.report,fiscalyear_id:0
#: field:account.common.journal.report,fiscalyear_id:0
#: field:account.common.partner.report,fiscalyear_id:0
#: field:account.common.report,fiscalyear_id:0 view:account.config.settings:0
#: view:account.entries.report:0 field:account.entries.report,fiscalyear_id:0
#: view:account.fiscalyear:0 field:account.fiscalyear,name:0
#: report:account.general.journal:0
#: field:account.general.journal,fiscalyear_id:0
#: report:account.general.ledger:0 report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0
#: field:account.journal.period,fiscalyear_id:0
#: report:account.journal.period.print:0
#: report:account.journal.period.print.sale.purchase:0
#: field:account.open.closed.fiscalyear,fyear_id:0
#: report:account.partner.balance:0
#: field:account.partner.balance,fiscalyear_id:0
#: field:account.partner.ledger,fiscalyear_id:0
#: field:account.period,fiscalyear_id:0
#: field:account.print.journal,fiscalyear_id:0
#: field:account.report.general.ledger,fiscalyear_id:0
#: field:account.sequence.fiscalyear,fiscalyear_id:0
#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0 report:account.vat.declaration:0
#: field:account.vat.declaration,fiscalyear_id:0
#: field:accounting.report,fiscalyear_id:0
#: field:accounting.report,fiscalyear_id_cmp:0
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_fiscalyear
msgid "Fiscal Year"
msgstr "Tahun Fiskal"
#. module: account
#: help:account.aged.trial.balance,fiscalyear_id:0
#: help:account.balance.report,fiscalyear_id:0
#: help:account.central.journal,fiscalyear_id:0
#: help:account.common.account.report,fiscalyear_id:0
#: help:account.common.journal.report,fiscalyear_id:0
#: help:account.common.partner.report,fiscalyear_id:0
#: help:account.common.report,fiscalyear_id:0
#: help:account.general.journal,fiscalyear_id:0
#: help:account.partner.balance,fiscalyear_id:0
#: help:account.partner.ledger,fiscalyear_id:0
#: help:account.print.journal,fiscalyear_id:0
#: help:account.report.general.ledger,fiscalyear_id:0
#: help:account.vat.declaration,fiscalyear_id:0
#: help:accounting.report,fiscalyear_id:0
#: help:accounting.report,fiscalyear_id_cmp:0
msgid "Keep empty for all open fiscal year"
msgstr "Tetap kosongkan untuk semua tahun fiskal yang terbuka"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:662
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You cannot change the type of account from 'Closed' to any other type as it "
"contains journal items!"
msgstr "Anda tidak dapat mengubah jenis akun dari 'Tertutup' untuk jenis lain karena mengandung jurnal item!"
#. module: account
#: field:account.invoice.report,account_line_id:0
msgid "Account Line"
msgstr "Baris Akun Berlangganan"
#. module: account
#: view:account.addtmpl.wizard:0
msgid "Create an Account Based on this Template"
msgstr "Account pajak kode Template"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:940
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Cannot create the invoice.\n"
"The related payment term is probably misconfigured as it gives a computed amount greater than the total invoiced amount. In order to avoid rounding issues, the latest line of your payment term must be of type 'balance'."
msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat faktur.\nIstilah terkait pembayaran mungkin misconfigured karena memberikan jumlah yang dihitung lebih besar dari jumlah tagihan. Untuk menghindari masalah pembulatan, garis terbaru istilah pembayaran Anda harus jenis 'keseimbangan'."
#. module: account
#: view:account.move:0 model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_move
msgid "Account Entry"
msgstr "Ayat Akun"
#. module: account
#: field:account.sequence.fiscalyear,sequence_main_id:0
msgid "Main Sequence"
msgstr "Urutan Utama"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:478
#, python-format
msgid ""
"In order to delete a bank statement, you must first cancel it to delete "
"related journal items."
msgstr "Untuk menghapus pernyataan bank, Anda pertama-tama harus membatalkan untuk menghapus item terkait jurnal."
#. module: account
#: field:account.invoice.report,payment_term:0 view:account.payment.term:0
#: field:account.payment.term,name:0 view:account.payment.term.line:0
#: field:account.payment.term.line,payment_id:0
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_payment_term
msgid "Payment Term"
msgstr "Termin Pembayaran"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_fiscal_position_form
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_fiscal_position_form
msgid "Fiscal Positions"
msgstr "Posisi Fiskal"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:585
#, python-format
msgid "You cannot create journal items on a closed account %s %s."
msgstr "Anda tidak dapat membuat jurnal item pada rekening tertutup %s %s."
#. module: account
#: field:account.period.close,sure:0
msgid "Check this box"
msgstr "Centang Box ini"
#. module: account
#: view:account.common.report:0
msgid "Filters"
msgstr "Filter"
#. module: account
#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_draftinvoices0
#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_supplierdraftinvoices0
msgid "Draft state of an invoice"
msgstr "Draft Status invoice"
#. module: account
#: view:product.category:0
msgid "Account Properties"
msgstr "Properti"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.invoice.refund,filter_refund:0
msgid "Create a draft refund"
msgstr "Membuat pengembalian rancangan"
#. module: account
#: view:account.partner.reconcile.process:0
msgid "Partner Reconciliation"
msgstr "Mitra Rekonsiliasi"
#. module: account
#: view:account.analytic.line:0
msgid "Fin. Account"
msgstr "Fin. Account"
#. module: account
#: field:account.tax,tax_code_id:0 view:account.tax.code:0
msgid "Account Tax Code"
msgstr "Kode Akun Pajak"
#. module: account
#: model:account.payment.term,name:account.account_payment_term_advance
#: model:account.payment.term,note:account.account_payment_term_advance
msgid "30% Advance End 30 Days"
msgstr "DP 30%, Sisa Akhir Bulan"
#. module: account
#: view:account.entries.report:0
msgid "Unreconciled entries"
msgstr "Transaksi belum direkonsolidasi"
#. module: account
#: field:account.invoice.tax,base_code_id:0
#: field:account.tax.template,base_code_id:0
msgid "Base Code"
msgstr "Kode Dasar"
#. module: account
#: help:account.invoice.tax,sequence:0
msgid "Gives the sequence order when displaying a list of invoice tax."
msgstr "Memberikan perintah berurutan ketika menampilkan daftar pajak invoice."
#. module: account
#: field:account.tax,base_sign:0 field:account.tax,ref_base_sign:0
#: field:account.tax.template,base_sign:0
#: field:account.tax.template,ref_base_sign:0
msgid "Base Code Sign"
msgstr "Berdasarkan Daftar Kode"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.move.line,centralisation:0
msgid "Debit Centralisation"
msgstr "Pengelompokan Debit"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice.confirm:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_invoice_confirm
msgid "Confirm Draft Invoices"
msgstr "Konfirmasi Draft Invoice"
#. module: account
#: field:account.entries.report,day:0 view:account.invoice.report:0
#: field:account.invoice.report,day:0 view:analytic.entries.report:0
#: field:analytic.entries.report,day:0
msgid "Day"
msgstr "Hari"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_account_renew_view
msgid "Accounts to Renew"
msgstr "Akun untuk di perbaharui"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_model_line
msgid "Account Model Entries"
msgstr "Catatan Contoh Akun"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:3210
#, python-format
msgid "EXJ"
msgstr "EXJ"
#. module: account
#: field:product.template,supplier_taxes_id:0
msgid "Supplier Taxes"
msgstr "Pajak Pemasok"
#. module: account
#: view:res.partner:0
msgid "Bank Details"
msgstr "Penjualan Detil"
#. module: account
#: view:account.bank.statement:0
msgid "Cancel CashBox"
msgstr "Membatalkan CashBox"
#. module: account
#: help:account.invoice,payment_term:0
msgid ""
"If you use payment terms, the due date will be computed automatically at the"
" generation of accounting entries. If you keep the payment term and the due "
"date empty, it means direct payment. The payment term may compute several "
"due dates, for example 50% now, 50% in one month."
msgstr "Jika Anda menggunakan persyaratan pembayaran, tanggal jatuh tempo akan dihitung secara otomatis pada generasi entri akuntansi. Jika Anda menjaga jangka waktu pembayaran dan tanggal jatuh tempo kosongkan, itu berarti pembayaran langsung. Jangka waktu pembayaran dapat menghitung beberapa tanggal jatuh tempo, misalnya 50% sekarang, 50% dalam satu bulan."
#. module: account
#: field:account.config.settings,purchase_sequence_next:0
msgid "Next supplier invoice number"
msgstr "Berikutnya pemasok faktur jumlah"
#. module: account
#: view:account.analytic.cost.ledger.journal.report:0
msgid "Select period"
msgstr "Pilih periode"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_account_pp_statements
msgid "Statements"
msgstr "Pernyataan"
#. module: account
#: report:account.analytic.account.journal:0
msgid "Move Name"
msgstr "Nama bergerak"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_move_line_reconcile_writeoff
msgid "Account move line reconcile (writeoff)"
msgstr "Pindahkan baris rekonsiliasi terpilih"
#. module: account
#: model:account.account.type,name:account.conf_account_type_tax
#: report:account.invoice:0 field:account.invoice,amount_tax:0
#: report:account.journal.period.print.sale.purchase:0
#: field:account.move.line,account_tax_id:0 view:account.tax:0
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_tax
msgid "Tax"
msgstr "Pajak"
#. module: account
#: view:account.analytic.account:0 view:account.analytic.line:0
#: field:account.bank.statement.line,analytic_account_id:0
#: field:account.entries.report,analytic_account_id:0
#: field:account.invoice.line,account_analytic_id:0
#: field:account.model.line,analytic_account_id:0
#: field:account.move.line,analytic_account_id:0
#: field:account.move.line.reconcile.writeoff,analytic_id:0
msgid "Analytic Account"
msgstr "Akun Analisis"
#. module: account
#: field:account.config.settings,default_purchase_tax:0
#: field:account.config.settings,purchase_tax:0
msgid "Default purchase tax"
msgstr "Default pembelian pajak"
#. module: account
#: view:account.account:0 field:account.financial.report,account_ids:0
#: selection:account.financial.report,type:0 view:account.journal:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_form
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.account_account_menu
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.account_template_accounts
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_form
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_analytic
msgid "Accounts"
msgstr "Akun"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:3546
#: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:405
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:510
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:616
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:631
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:639
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:664
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:538
#, python-format
msgid "Configuration Error!"
msgstr "Konfigurasi error !"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:434
#, python-format
msgid "Statement %s confirmed, journal items were created."
msgstr "Pernyataan %s menegaskan, jurnal item diciptakan."
#. module: account
#: field:account.invoice.report,price_average:0
#: field:account.invoice.report,user_currency_price_average:0
msgid "Average Price"
msgstr "Harga Rata-rata"
#. module: account
#: report:account.overdue:0
msgid "Date:"
msgstr "Tanggal:"
#. module: account
#: report:account.journal.period.print:0
#: report:account.journal.period.print.sale.purchase:0
msgid "Label"
msgstr "Label"
#. module: account
#: view:res.partner.bank:0
msgid "Accounting Information"
msgstr "Informasi Akuntansi"
#. module: account
#: view:account.tax:0 view:account.tax.template:0
msgid "Special Computation"
msgstr "Perhitungan khusus"
#. module: account
#: view:account.move.bank.reconcile:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_bank_reconcile_tree
msgid "Bank reconciliation"
msgstr "Rekonsiliasi Bank"
#. module: account
#: report:account.invoice:0
msgid "Disc.(%)"
msgstr "Potongan (%)"
#. module: account
#: report:account.general.ledger:0 report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0
#: report:account.overdue:0 report:account.third_party_ledger:0
#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
msgid "Ref"
msgstr "Ref"
#. module: account
#: view:wizard.multi.charts.accounts:0
msgid "Purchase Tax"
msgstr "Pajak pembelian"
#. module: account
#: help:account.move.line,tax_code_id:0
msgid "The Account can either be a base tax code or a tax code account."
msgstr "Rekening dapat menjadi basis kode pajak atau kode account pajak."
#. module: account
#: sql_constraint:account.model.line:0
msgid "Wrong credit or debit value in model, they must be positive!"
msgstr "Salah nilai kredit atau debit dalam model, mereka harus positif!"
#. module: account
#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_reconciliation0
#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_supplierreconciliation0
msgid "Comparison between accounting and payment entries"
msgstr "Perbandingan antara catatan akuntansi dan pembayaran"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_automatic_reconcile
msgid "Automatic Reconciliation"
msgstr "Rekonsiliasi Otomatis"
#. module: account
#: field:account.invoice,reconciled:0
msgid "Paid/Reconciled"
msgstr "Terbayar/ Terekonsiliasi"
#. module: account
#: field:account.tax,ref_base_code_id:0
#: field:account.tax.template,ref_base_code_id:0
msgid "Refund Base Code"
msgstr "Pengembalian dana beradasarkan kode"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_bank_statement_tree
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_bank_statement_tree
msgid "Bank Statements"
msgstr "Pernyataan Bank"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_fiscalyear
msgid ""
"<p class=\"oe_view_nocontent_create\">\n"
" Click to start a new fiscal year.\n"
" </p><p>\n"
" Define your company's financial year according to your needs. A\n"
" financial year is a period at the end of which a company's\n"
" accounts are made up (usually 12 months). The financial year is\n"
" usually referred to by the date in which it ends. For example,\n"
" if a company's financial year ends November 30, 2011, then\n"
" everything between December 1, 2010 and November 30, 2011\n"
" would be referred to as FY 2011.\n"
" </p>\n"
" "
msgstr "<p class = \"oe_view_nocontent_create\">\n                Klik untuk memulai tahun fiskal baru.\n              </ p> <p>\n                Tentukan tahun keuangan perusahaan Anda sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda. SEBUAH\n                tahun keuangan adalah periode di akhir yang perusahaan\n                account terdiri (biasanya 12 bulan). Tahun keuangan\n                biasanya disebut dengan tanggal di mana itu berakhir. Sebagai contoh,\n                jika tahun keuangan perusahaan berakhir November 30, 2011, kemudian\n                segala sesuatu antara 1 Desember 2010 dan November 30, 2011\n                akan disebut sebagai TA 2011.\n              </ p>\n "
#. module: account
#: view:account.common.report:0 view:account.move:0 view:account.move.line:0
#: view:accounting.report:0
msgid "Dates"
msgstr "Tanggal"
#. module: account
#: field:account.chart.template,parent_id:0
msgid "Parent Chart Template"
msgstr "Induk Chart Template"
#. module: account
#: field:account.tax,parent_id:0 field:account.tax.template,parent_id:0
msgid "Parent Tax Account"
msgstr "Induk Akun pajak"
#. module: account
#: view:account.aged.trial.balance:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_aged_balance_view
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_aged_trial_balance
msgid "Aged Partner Balance"
msgstr "Umur pasangan keseimbangan"
#. module: account
#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_entriesreconcile0
#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_supplierentriesreconcile0
msgid "Accounting entries"
msgstr "Entri Akunting"
#. module: account
#: constraint:account.move.line:0
msgid "Account and Period must belong to the same company."
msgstr "Jurnal dan periode dipilih harus milik perusahaan yang sama."
#. module: account
#: field:account.invoice.line,discount:0
msgid "Discount (%)"
msgstr "Potongan (%)"
#. module: account
#: help:account.journal,entry_posted:0
msgid ""
"Check this box if you don't want new journal entries to pass through the 'draft' state and instead goes directly to the 'posted state' without any manual validation. \n"
"Note that journal entries that are automatically created by the system are always skipping that state."
msgstr "Centang box ini jika Anda tidak ingin entri jurnal baru untuk melewati status 'draft' dan bukannya pergi langsung ke 'status yang sudah diposting' tanpa validasi manual.\nPerhatikan bahwa jurnal entri yang otomatis akan dibuat menurut sistem dimana status selalu dilewat."
#. module: account
#: field:account.move.line.reconcile,writeoff:0
msgid "Write-Off amount"
msgstr "Jumlah write-Off"
#. module: account
#: field:account.bank.statement,message_unread:0
#: field:account.invoice,message_unread:0
msgid "Unread Messages"
msgstr "Pesan Belum Dibaca"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_invoice_state.py:44
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Selected invoice(s) cannot be confirmed as they are not in 'Draft' or 'Pro-"
"Forma' state."
msgstr "Invoice(s) dipilih tidak dikonfirmasikan karena mereka tidak dalam keadaan 'Draft' atau 'Pro-Forma'."
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:1065
#, python-format
msgid "You should choose the periods that belong to the same company."
msgstr "Anda harus memilih periode milik perusahaan yang sama."
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_report_account_sales_tree_all
#: view:report.account.sales:0 view:report.account_type.sales:0
msgid "Sales by Account"
msgstr "Penjualan menurut Akun"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:1425
#, python-format
msgid "You cannot delete a posted journal entry \"%s\"."
msgstr "Anda tidak dapat menghapus entri jurnal posted \"%s\"."
#. module: account
#: help:account.tax,account_collected_id:0
msgid ""
"Set the account that will be set by default on invoice tax lines for "
"invoices. Leave empty to use the expense account."
msgstr "Menetapkan account yang akan ditetapkan secara default pada faktur pajak baris untuk faktur. Biarkan kosong untuk menggunakan rekening pengeluaran."
#. module: account
#: field:account.config.settings,sale_journal_id:0
msgid "Sale journal"
msgstr "Perusahaan penjualan jurnal ini berbeda dari salah satu titik penjualan"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:2321
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:782
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:195
#, python-format
msgid "You have to define an analytic journal on the '%s' journal!"
msgstr "Anda harus mendefinisikan jurnal analitik di jurnal '%s'!"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:790
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This journal already contains items, therefore you cannot modify its company"
" field."
msgstr "Jurnal ini sudah berisi item, oleh karena itu Anda tidak dapat mengubah bidang perusahaan."
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:415
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You need an Opening journal with centralisation checked to set the initial "
msgstr "Anda perlu sebuah jurnal pembukaan dengan sentralisasi diperiksa untuk mengatur keseimbangan awal."
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_tax_code_list
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_tax_code_list
msgid "Tax codes"
msgstr "Kode-kode pajak"
#. module: account
#: view:account.account:0
msgid "Unrealized Gains and losses"
msgstr "Belum direalisasi keuntungan dan kerugian"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_account_customer
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_receivables
msgid "Customers"
msgstr "Customer"
#. module: account
#: report:account.analytic.account.cost_ledger:0
#: report:account.analytic.account.journal:0
#: report:account.analytic.account.quantity_cost_ledger:0
msgid "Period to"
msgstr "Periode untuk"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.entries.report,month:0
#: selection:account.invoice.report,month:0
#: selection:analytic.entries.report,month:0
#: selection:report.account.sales,month:0
#: selection:report.account_type.sales,month:0
msgid "August"
msgstr "Agustus"
#. module: account
#: field:accounting.report,debit_credit:0
msgid "Display Debit/Credit Columns"
msgstr "Tampilan kolom Debit/Kredit"
#. module: account
#: report:account.journal.period.print:0
msgid "Reference Number"
msgstr "Nomor Referensi"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.entries.report,month:0
#: selection:account.invoice.report,month:0
#: selection:analytic.entries.report,month:0
#: selection:report.account.sales,month:0
#: selection:report.account_type.sales,month:0
msgid "October"
msgstr "Oktober"
#. module: account
#: help:account.move.line,quantity:0
msgid ""
"The optional quantity expressed by this line, eg: number of product sold. "
"The quantity is not a legal requirement but is very useful for some reports."
msgstr "Jumlah pilihan dinyatakan oleh baris ini, misalnya: jumlah produk yang dijual. Jumlah yang tidak merupakan persyaratan hukum, tetapi sangat berguna untuk beberapa laporan."
#. module: account
#: view:account.unreconcile:0 view:account.unreconcile.reconcile:0
msgid "Unreconcile Transactions"
msgstr "Unreconcile"
#. module: account
#: field:wizard.multi.charts.accounts,only_one_chart_template:0
msgid "Only One Chart Template Available"
msgstr "Template hanya satu tabel tersedia"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:929
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Please verify the price of the invoice!\n"
"The encoded total does not match the computed total."
msgstr "Harap verifikasi harga faktur!\nTotal dikodekan tidak cocok total dihitung."
#. module: account
#: view:account.chart.template:0
#: field:product.category,property_account_expense_categ:0
#: field:product.template,property_account_expense:0
msgid "Expense Account"
msgstr "Akun Biaya"
#. module: account
#: field:account.bank.statement,message_summary:0
#: field:account.invoice,message_summary:0
msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Ringkasan"
#. module: account
#: help:account.invoice,period_id:0
msgid "Keep empty to use the period of the validation(invoice) date."
msgstr "Tetap kosongkan untuk menggunakan periode tanggal validasi (invoice)."
#. module: account
#: help:account.bank.statement,account_id:0
msgid ""
"used in statement reconciliation domain, but shouldn't be used elswhere."
msgstr "digunakan dalam domain laporan rekonsiliasi, tetapi seharusnya tidak digunakan di tempat lain."
#. module: account
#: field:account.config.settings,date_stop:0
msgid "End date"
msgstr "Tanggal akhir"
#. module: account
#: field:account.invoice.tax,base_amount:0
msgid "Base Code Amount"
msgstr "Dasar pengenakan pajak"
#. module: account
#: field:wizard.multi.charts.accounts,sale_tax:0
msgid "Default Sale Tax"
msgstr "Pajak penjualan default"
#. module: account
#: help:account.model.line,date_maturity:0
msgid ""
"The maturity date of the generated entries for this model. You can choose "
"between the creation date or the creation date of the entries plus the "
"partner payment terms."
msgstr "Tanggal jatuh tempo entri yang dihasilkan untuk model ini. Anda dapat memilih antara tanggal penciptaan atau tanggal penciptaan entri ditambah syarat-syarat pembayaran mitra."
#. module: account
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_accounting
msgid "Financial Accounting"
msgstr "Akuntansi Keuangan"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_account_report_pl
msgid "Profit And Loss"
msgstr "Keuntungan dan kerugian"
#. module: account
#: view:account.fiscal.position:0 field:account.fiscal.position,name:0
#: field:account.fiscal.position.account,position_id:0
#: field:account.fiscal.position.tax,position_id:0
#: field:account.fiscal.position.tax.template,position_id:0
#: view:account.fiscal.position.template:0
#: field:account.invoice,fiscal_position:0
#: field:account.invoice.report,fiscal_position:0
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_fiscal_position
#: field:res.partner,property_account_position:0
msgid "Fiscal Position"
msgstr "Posisi Fiskal"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:830
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Tax base different!\n"
"Click on compute to update the tax base."
msgstr "Dasar pengenaan pajak berbeda!\nKlik pada menghitung untuk memperbarui dasar pengenaan pajak."
#. module: account
#: field:account.partner.ledger,page_split:0
msgid "One Partner Per Page"
msgstr "Salah satu pasangan Per halaman"
#. module: account
#: field:account.account,child_parent_ids:0
#: field:account.account.template,child_parent_ids:0
msgid "Children"
msgstr "Anak"
#. module: account
#: report:account.account.balance:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_balance_menu
#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_account_balance
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_general_Balance_report
msgid "Trial Balance"
msgstr "Neraca Percobaan"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:437
#, python-format
msgid "Unable to adapt the initial balance (negative value)."
msgstr "Mampu beradaptasi setoran awal (nilai negatif)."
#. module: account
#: selection:account.invoice,type:0 selection:account.invoice.report,type:0
#: model:process.process,name:account.process_process_invoiceprocess0
#: selection:report.invoice.created,type:0
msgid "Customer Invoice"
msgstr "Tagihan Pelanggan"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/installer.py:115
#, python-format
msgid "No unconfigured company!"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: view:account.config.settings:0 view:account.installer:0
msgid "Date Range"
msgstr "Rentang Tanggal"
#. module: account
#: view:account.period:0
msgid "Search Period"
msgstr "Periode"
#. module: account
#: view:account.change.currency:0
msgid "Invoice Currency"
msgstr "Faktur mata uang"
#. module: account
#: field:accounting.report,account_report_id:0
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_account_financial_reports_tree
msgid "Account Reports"
msgstr "Laporan menurut standar Belgia"
#. module: account
#: field:account.payment.term,line_ids:0
msgid "Terms"
msgstr "Persyaratan"
#. module: account
#: field:account.chart.template,tax_template_ids:0
msgid "Tax Template List"
msgstr "Cari lembar contoh pajak"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_account_print_sale_purchase_journal
msgid "Sale/Purchase Journals"
msgstr "Membeli/menjual jurnal"
#. module: account
#: help:account.account,currency_mode:0
msgid ""
"This will select how the current currency rate for outgoing transactions is "
"computed. In most countries the legal method is \"average\" but only a few "
"software systems are able to manage this. So if you import from another "
"software system you may have to use the rate at date. Incoming transactions "
"always use the rate at date."
msgstr "Ini akan memilih bagaimana tingkat mata uang saat ini untuk transaksi keluar dihitung. Di kebanyakan negara, metode hukum adalah \"rata-rata\" tetapi hanya beberapa sistem perangkat lunak mampu mengelola ini. Jadi jika Anda mengimpor dari sistem perangkat lunak lain Anda mungkin harus menggunakan tingkat pada tanggal. Transaksi masuk selalu menggunakan tingkat pada tanggal."
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:2653
#, python-format
msgid "There is no parent code for the template account."
msgstr "Ada tidak ada kode orangtua untuk template account."
#. module: account
#: help:account.chart.template,code_digits:0
#: help:wizard.multi.charts.accounts,code_digits:0
msgid "No. of Digits to use for account code"
msgstr "Tidak. digit untuk menggunakan kode akun"
#. module: account
#: field:res.partner,property_supplier_payment_term:0
msgid "Supplier Payment Term"
msgstr "Detail Termin Pembayaran"
#. module: account
#: view:account.fiscalyear:0
msgid "Search Fiscalyear"
msgstr "Tahun Pembukuan"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.tax,applicable_type:0
msgid "Always"
msgstr "Selalu"
#. module: account
#: field:account.config.settings,module_account_accountant:0
msgid ""
"Full accounting features: journals, legal statements, chart of accounts, "
msgstr "Penuh fitur akuntansi: jurnal, pernyataan hukum, bagan account, dll."
#. module: account
#: view:account.analytic.line:0
msgid "Total Quantity"
msgstr "Kuantitas"
#. module: account
#: field:account.move.line.reconcile.writeoff,writeoff_acc_id:0
msgid "Write-Off account"
msgstr "Akun penghapusan"
#. module: account
#: field:account.model.line,model_id:0 view:account.subscription:0
#: field:account.subscription,model_id:0
msgid "Model"
msgstr "Contoh"
#. module: account
#: help:account.invoice.tax,base_code_id:0
msgid "The account basis of the tax declaration."
msgstr "Dasar rekening Deklarasi pajak."
#. module: account
#: selection:account.account,type:0 selection:account.account.template,type:0
#: selection:account.entries.report,type:0
#: selection:account.financial.report,type:0
msgid "View"
msgstr "Tampilan"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:3465 code:addons/account/account_bank.py:94
#, python-format
msgid "BNK"
msgstr "BNK"
#. module: account
#: field:account.move.line,analytic_lines:0
msgid "Analytic lines"
msgstr "Baris-baris Analitik"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice:0
msgid "Proforma Invoices"
msgstr "LKM tersebut proforma faktur"
#. module: account
#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_electronicfile0
msgid "Electronic File"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: field:account.move.line,reconcile:0
msgid "Reconcile Ref"
msgstr "REF #"
#. module: account
#: field:account.config.settings,has_chart_of_accounts:0
msgid "Company has a chart of accounts"
msgstr "Perusahaan ini memiliki grafik sendiri account"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_tax_code_template
msgid "Tax Code Template"
msgstr "Kode Pajak"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_partner_ledger
msgid "Account Partner Ledger"
msgstr "Rekening mitra Ledger"
#. module: account
#: model:email.template,body_html:account.email_template_edi_invoice
msgid ""
"<div style=\"font-family: 'Lucica Grande', Ubuntu, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); background-color: #FFF; \">\n"
" <p>Hello ${object.partner_id.name},</p>\n"
" <p>A new invoice is available for you: </p>\n"
" \n"
" <p style=\"border-left: 1px solid #8e0000; margin-left: 30px;\">\n"
" &nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>REFERENCES</strong><br />\n"
" &nbsp;&nbsp;Invoice number: <strong>${object.number}</strong><br />\n"
" &nbsp;&nbsp;Invoice total: <strong>${object.amount_total} ${object.currency_id.name}</strong><br />\n"
" &nbsp;&nbsp;Invoice date: ${object.date_invoice}<br />\n"
" % if object.origin:\n"
" &nbsp;&nbsp;Order reference: ${object.origin}<br />\n"
" % endif\n"
" % if object.user_id:\n"
" &nbsp;&nbsp;Your contact: <a href=\"mailto:${object.user_id.email or ''}?subject=Invoice%20${object.number}\">${object.user_id.name}</a>\n"
" % endif\n"
" </p> \n"
" \n"
" % if object.paypal_url:\n"
" <br/>\n"
" <p>It is also possible to directly pay with Paypal:</p>\n"
" <a style=\"margin-left: 120px;\" href=\"${object.paypal_url}\">\n"
" <img class=\"oe_edi_paypal_button\" src=\"https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_paynowCC_LG.gif\"/>\n"
" </a>\n"
" % endif\n"
" \n"
" <br/>\n"
" <p>If you have any question, do not hesitate to contact us.</p>\n"
" <p>Thank you for choosing ${object.company_id.name or 'us'}!</p>\n"
" <br/>\n"
" <br/>\n"
" <div style=\"width: 375px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; background-color: #8E0000; border-top-left-radius: 5px 5px; border-top-right-radius: 5px 5px; background-repeat: repeat no-repeat;\">\n"
" <h3 style=\"margin: 0px; padding: 2px 14px; font-size: 12px; color: #DDD;\">\n"
" <strong style=\"text-transform:uppercase;\">${object.company_id.name}</strong></h3>\n"
" </div>\n"
" <div style=\"width: 347px; margin: 0px; padding: 5px 14px; line-height: 16px; background-color: #F2F2F2;\">\n"
" <span style=\"color: #222; margin-bottom: 5px; display: block; \">\n"
" % if object.company_id.street:\n"
" ${object.company_id.street}<br/>\n"
" % endif\n"
" % if object.company_id.street2:\n"
" ${object.company_id.street2}<br/>\n"
" % endif\n"
" % if object.company_id.city or object.company_id.zip:\n"
" ${object.company_id.zip} ${object.company_id.city}<br/>\n"
" % endif\n"
" % if object.company_id.country_id:\n"
" ${object.company_id.state_id and ('%s, ' % object.company_id.state_id.name) or ''} ${object.company_id.country_id.name or ''}<br/>\n"
" % endif\n"
" </span>\n"
" % if object.company_id.phone:\n"
" <div style=\"margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; \">\n"
" Phone:&nbsp; ${object.company_id.phone}\n"
" </div>\n"
" % endif\n"
" % if object.company_id.website:\n"
" <div>\n"
" Web :&nbsp;<a href=\"${object.company_id.website}\">${object.company_id.website}</a>\n"
" </div>\n"
" %endif\n"
" <p></p>\n"
" </div>\n"
" "
msgstr "\n<div style=\"font-family: 'Lucica Grande', Ubuntu, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); background-color: #FFF; \">\n\n <p>Hello ${object.partner_id.name},</p>\n\n <p>Invoice baru tersedia untuk Anda : </p>\n \n <p style=\"border-left: 1px solid #8e0000; margin-left: 30px;\">\n &nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>REFERENCES</strong><br />\n &nbsp;&nbsp;Invoice number: <strong>${object.number}</strong><br />\n &nbsp;&nbsp;Invoice total: <strong>${object.amount_total} ${object.currency_id.name}</strong><br />\n &nbsp;&nbsp;Invoice date: ${object.date_invoice}<br />\n % if object.origin:\n &nbsp;&nbsp;Order reference: ${object.origin}<br />\n % endif\n % if object.user_id:\n &nbsp;&nbsp;Your contact: <a href=\"mailto:${object.user_id.email or ''}?subject=Invoice%20${object.number}\">${object.user_id.name}</a>\n % endif\n </p> \n \n % if object.paypal_url:\n <br/>\n <p>It is also possible to directly pay with Paypal:</p>\n <a style=\"margin-left: 120px;\" href=\"${object.paypal_url}\">\n <img class=\"oe_edi_paypal_button\" src=\"https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_paynowCC_LG.gif\"/>\n </a>\n % endif\n \n <br/>\n <p>If you have any question, do not hesitate to contact us.</p>\n <p>Thank you for choosing ${object.company_id.name or 'us'}!</p>\n <br/>\n <br/>\n <div style=\"width: 375px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; background-color: #8E0000; border-top-left-radius: 5px 5px; border-top-right-radius: 5px 5px; background-repeat: repeat no-repeat;\">\n <h3 style=\"margin: 0px; padding: 2px 14px; font-size: 12px; color: #DDD;\">\n <strong style=\"text-transform:uppercase;\">${object.company_id.name}</strong></h3>\n </div>\n <div style=\"width: 347px; margin: 0px; padding: 5px 14px; line-height: 16px; background-color: #F2F2F2;\">\n <span style=\"color: #222; margin-bottom: 5px; display: block; \">\n % if object.company_id.street:\n ${object.company_id.street}<br/>\n % endif\n % if object.company_id.street2:\n ${object.company_id.street2}<br/>\n % endif\n % if object.company_id.city or object.company_id.zip:\n ${object.company_id.zip} ${object.company_id.city}<br/>\n % endif\n % if object.company_id.country_id:\n ${object.company_id.state_id and ('%s, ' % object.company_id.state_id.name) or ''} ${object.company_id.country_id.name or ''}<br/>\n % endif\n </span>\n % if object.company_id.phone:\n <div style=\"margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; \">\n Phone:&nbsp; ${object.company_id.phone}\n </div>\n % endif\n % if object.company_id.website:\n <div>\n Web :&nbsp;<a href=\"${object.company_id.website}\">${object.company_id.website}</a>\n </div>\n %endif\n <p></p>\n </div>\n</div>\n "
#. module: account
#: view:account.period:0
msgid "Account Period"
msgstr "Periode Akun"
#. module: account
#: help:account.account,currency_id:0
#: help:account.account.template,currency_id:0
#: help:account.bank.accounts.wizard,currency_id:0
msgid "Forces all moves for this account to have this secondary currency."
msgstr "Pasukan semua bergerak untuk account ini memiliki mata uang ini sekunder."
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_validate_account_move_line
msgid ""
"This wizard will validate all journal entries of a particular journal and "
"period. Once journal entries are validated, you can not update them anymore."
msgstr "Wizard ini akan memvalidasi semua entri jurnal jurnal khusus dan periode. Setelah entri jurnal divalidasi, Anda tidak dapat memperbarui mereka lagi."
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_chart_template_form
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_chart_template_form
msgid "Chart of Accounts Templates"
msgstr "Bagan akun template"
#. module: account
#: view:account.bank.statement:0
msgid "Transactions"
msgstr "Transaksi"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_unreconcile_reconcile
msgid "Account Unreconcile Reconcile"
msgstr "Akun Unreconcile mendamaikan"
#. module: account
#: help:account.account.type,close_method:0
msgid ""
"Set here the method that will be used to generate the end of year journal entries for all the accounts of this type.\n"
" 'None' means that nothing will be done.\n"
" 'Balance' will generally be used for cash accounts.\n"
" 'Detail' will copy each existing journal item of the previous year, even the reconciled ones.\n"
" 'Unreconciled' will copy only the journal items that were unreconciled on the first day of the new fiscal year."
msgstr "Tentukan disini metode yang akan digunakan untuk menghasilkan akhir tahun entri jurnal untuk semua rekening jenis ini.\n\n 'None' berarti bahwa tidak ada yang akan dilakukan.\n 'Keseimbangan' akan umumnya digunakan untuk rekening kas.\n 'Detail' akan menyalin setiap item jurnal yang sudah ada tahun sebelumnya, bahkan yang didamaikan.\n 'Unreconciled' akan menyalin hanya jurnal item yang telah unreconciled pada hari pertama tahun fiskal baru."
#. module: account
#: view:account.tax.template:0
msgid "Keep empty to use the expense account"
msgstr "Biarkan kosong untuk menggunakan rekening pengeluaran"
#. module: account
#: field:account.aged.trial.balance,journal_ids:0
#: field:account.analytic.cost.ledger.journal.report,journal:0
#: field:account.balance.report,journal_ids:0
#: field:account.central.journal,journal_ids:0
#: field:account.common.account.report,journal_ids:0
#: field:account.common.journal.report,journal_ids:0
#: field:account.common.partner.report,journal_ids:0
#: view:account.common.report:0 field:account.common.report,journal_ids:0
#: report:account.general.journal:0
#: field:account.general.journal,journal_ids:0 report:account.general.ledger:0
#: report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0 view:account.journal.period:0
#: report:account.partner.balance:0
#: field:account.partner.balance,journal_ids:0
#: field:account.partner.ledger,journal_ids:0 view:account.print.journal:0
#: field:account.print.journal,journal_ids:0
#: field:account.report.general.ledger,journal_ids:0
#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
#: field:account.vat.declaration,journal_ids:0
#: field:accounting.report,journal_ids:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_journal_form
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_journal_period_tree
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_account_print_journal
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_journal_form
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_journals
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_journals_report
msgid "Journals"
msgstr "Jurnal-jurnal"
#. module: account
#: field:account.partner.reconcile.process,to_reconcile:0
msgid "Remaining Partners"
msgstr "Sisa mitra"
#. module: account
#: view:account.subscription:0 field:account.subscription,lines_id:0
msgid "Subscription Lines"
msgstr "Berlangganan"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.analytic.journal,type:0 view:account.config.settings:0
#: view:account.journal:0 selection:account.journal,type:0
#: view:account.model:0 selection:account.tax,type_tax_use:0
#: view:account.tax.template:0 selection:account.tax.template,type_tax_use:0
msgid "Purchase"
msgstr "Pembelian"
#. module: account
#: view:account.installer:0 view:wizard.multi.charts.accounts:0
msgid "Accounting Application Configuration"
msgstr "Konfigurasi aplikasi akuntansi"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_vat_declaration
msgid "Account Tax Declaration"
msgstr "Rekening Deklarasi pajak"
#. module: account
#: help:account.bank.statement,name:0
msgid ""
"if you give the Name other then /, its created Accounting Entries Move will "
"be with same name as statement name. This allows the statement entries to "
"have the same references than the statement itself"
msgstr "jika Anda memberikan Nama yang lain maka /, Akuntansi Entries Move dibuat dengan nama sama dengan nama laporan. Hal ini memungkinkan entri pernyataan untuk memiliki referensi yang sama dari pernyataan itu sendiri"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1023
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You cannot create an invoice on a centralized journal. Uncheck the "
"centralized counterpart box in the related journal from the configuration "
msgstr "Anda tidak dapat membuat faktur pada jurnal terpusat. Hapus centang pada kotak terpusat mitra dalam jurnal terkait dari menu konfigurasi."
#. module: account
#: field:account.bank.statement,balance_start:0
#: field:account.treasury.report,starting_balance:0
msgid "Starting Balance"
msgstr "Saldo Awal"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_period_close
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_period_tree
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_period_close_tree
msgid "Close a Period"
msgstr "Tutup Periode"
#. module: account
#: view:account.bank.statement:0 field:account.cashbox.line,subtotal_opening:0
msgid "Opening Subtotal"
msgstr "Pembukaan Subtotal"
#. module: account
#: constraint:account.move.line:0
msgid ""
"You cannot create journal items with a secondary currency without recording "
"both 'currency' and 'amount currency' field."
msgstr "Anda tidak dapat membuat jurnal item dengan mata uang sekunder tanpa merekam bidang 'jumlah mata uang' dan 'mata uang'."
#. module: account
#: field:account.financial.report,display_detail:0
msgid "Display details"
msgstr "Menampilkan rincian"
#. module: account
#: report:account.overdue:0
msgid "VAT:"
msgstr "PPN :"
#. module: account
#: help:account.analytic.line,amount_currency:0
msgid ""
"The amount expressed in the related account currency if not equal to the "
"company one."
msgstr "Jumlah yang dinyatakan dalam mata uang terkait akun jika tidak sama dengan perusahaan satu."
#. module: account
#: help:account.config.settings,paypal_account:0
msgid ""
"Paypal account (email) for receiving online payments (credit card, etc.) If "
"you set a paypal account, the customer will be able to pay your invoices or"
" quotations with a button \"Pay with Paypal\" in automated emails or "
"through the OpenERP portal."
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:538
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Cannot find any account journal of %s type for this company.\n"
"You can create one in the menu: \n"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_unreconcile
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_unreconcile_reconcile
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_unreconcile_select
msgid "Unreconcile Entries"
msgstr "Unreconciled Entri"
#. module: account
#: field:account.tax.code,notprintable:0
#: field:account.tax.code.template,notprintable:0
msgid "Not Printable in Invoice"
msgstr "Tidak dicetak di faktur"
#. module: account
#: report:account.vat.declaration:0
#: field:account.vat.declaration,chart_tax_id:0
msgid "Chart of Tax"
msgstr "Bagan pajak"
#. module: account
#: view:account.journal:0
msgid "Search Account Journal"
msgstr "Cari Account jurnal"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_invoice_tree_pending_invoice
msgid "Pending Invoice"
msgstr "Faktur tertunda"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1034
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Opening Entries have already been generated. Please run \"Cancel Closing "
"Entries\" wizard to cancel those entries and then run this wizard."
msgstr "Membuka entri telah menghasilkan. Jalankan \"Membatalkan menutup Entries\" wizard untuk membatalkan entri tersebut dan kemudian menjalankan wizard ini."
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice.report:0 selection:account.subscription,period_type:0
msgid "year"
msgstr "tahun"
#. module: account
#: field:account.config.settings,date_start:0
msgid "Start date"
msgstr "Tanggal awal"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice.refund:0
msgid ""
"You will be able to edit and validate this\n"
" credit note directly or keep it draft,\n"
" waiting for the document to be issued by\n"
" your supplier/customer."
msgstr "Anda akan dapat mengedit dan memvalidasi catatan kredit ini langsung atau menyimpannya rancangan, menunggu untuk dokumen yang akan dikeluarkan oleh Anda pemasok/pelanggan."
#. module: account
#: view:validate.account.move.lines:0
msgid ""
"All selected journal entries will be validated and posted. It means you "
"won't be able to modify their accounting fields anymore."
msgstr "Semua entri jurnal dipilih akan divalidasi dan diposting. Itu berarti Anda tidak dapat mengubah bidang Akuntansi mereka lagi."
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:98
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You have not supplied enough arguments to compute the initial balance, "
"please select a period and a journal in the context."
msgstr "Anda tidak diberikan cukup argumen untuk menghitung saldo awal, silakan pilih jangka waktu dan jurnal dalam konteks."
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_transfers
msgid "Transfers"
msgstr "Transfer"
#. module: account
#: field:account.config.settings,expects_chart_of_accounts:0
msgid "This company has its own chart of accounts"
msgstr "Perusahaan ini memiliki grafik sendiri account"
#. module: account
#: view:account.chart:0
msgid "Account charts"
msgstr "Tabel Akun"
#. module: account
#: view:cash.box.out:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_cash_box_out
msgid "Take Money Out"
msgstr "Mengambil uang"
#. module: account
#: report:account.vat.declaration:0
msgid "Tax Amount"
msgstr "Jumlah pajak"
#. module: account
#: view:account.move:0
msgid "Search Move"
msgstr "memindahkan"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_invoice_tree1
msgid ""
"<p class=\"oe_view_nocontent_create\">\n"
" Click to create a customer invoice.\n"
" </p><p>\n"
" OpenERP's electronic invoicing allows to ease and fasten the\n"
" collection of customer payments. Your customer receives the\n"
" invoice by email and he can pay online and/or import it\n"
" in his own system.\n"
" </p><p>\n"
" The discussions with your customer are automatically displayed at\n"
" the bottom of each invoice.\n"
" </p>\n"
" "
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: field:account.tax.code,name:0 field:account.tax.code.template,name:0
msgid "Tax Case Name"
msgstr "Nama kasus pajak"
#. module: account
#: report:account.invoice:0 view:account.invoice:0
#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_draftinvoices0
msgid "Draft Invoice"
msgstr "Draf Faktur"
#. module: account
#: view:account.config.settings:0
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Pengaturan"
#. module: account
#: field:account.aged.trial.balance,period_length:0
msgid "Period Length (days)"
msgstr "Periode panjang (hari)"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:1334
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You cannot modify a posted entry of this journal.\n"
"First you should set the journal to allow cancelling entries."
msgstr "Anda tidak dapat mengubah sebuah catatan diposting oleh jurnal ini.\nPertama, Anda harus membuat jurnal agar membatalkan entri."
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_print_sale_purchase_journal
msgid "Print Sale/Purchase Journal"
msgstr "Print Sale/Purchase Journal"
#. module: account
#: view:account.installer:0
msgid "Continue"
msgstr "Lanjutkan"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice.report:0 field:account.invoice.report,categ_id:0
msgid "Category of Product"
msgstr "Produk Kategori"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:934
#, python-format
msgid ""
"There is no fiscal year defined for this date.\n"
"Please create one from the configuration of the accounting menu."
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: view:account.addtmpl.wizard:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_addtmpl_wizard_form
msgid "Create Account"
msgstr "Buat Akun"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_fiscalyear_close.py:62
#, python-format
msgid "The entries to reconcile should belong to the same company."
msgstr "Entri untuk mendamaikan harus milik perusahaan yang sama."
#. module: account
#: field:account.invoice.tax,tax_amount:0
msgid "Tax Code Amount"
msgstr "Jumlah Kode Pajak"
#. module: account
#: view:account.move.line:0
msgid "Unreconciled Journal Items"
msgstr "Unreconciled jurnal item"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.account.type,close_method:0
msgid "Detail"
msgstr "Rincian"
#. module: account
#: help:account.config.settings,default_purchase_tax:0
msgid "This purchase tax will be assigned by default on new products."
msgstr "Pajak pembelian ini akan ditetapkan secara default pada produk-produk baru."
#. module: account
#: report:account.account.balance:0 report:account.central.journal:0
#: view:account.config.settings:0 report:account.general.journal:0
#: report:account.general.ledger:0 report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0
#: report:account.journal.period.print:0 report:account.partner.balance:0
#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_chart
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_tree
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_tree2
msgid "Chart of Accounts"
msgstr "Bagan Akun"
#. module: account
#: view:account.tax.chart:0
msgid "(If you do not select period it will take all open periods)"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_journal_cashbox_line
msgid "account.journal.cashbox.line"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_partner_reconcile_process
msgid "Reconcilation Process partner by partner"
msgstr "Mitra terkait"
#. module: account
#: view:account.chart:0
msgid "(If you do not select Fiscal year it will take all open fiscal years)"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: selection:account.aged.trial.balance,filter:0
#: report:account.analytic.account.journal:0 view:account.analytic.line:0
#: selection:account.balance.report,filter:0
#: field:account.bank.statement,date:0
#: field:account.bank.statement.line,date:0
#: selection:account.central.journal,filter:0
#: selection:account.common.account.report,filter:0
#: selection:account.common.journal.report,filter:0
#: selection:account.common.partner.report,filter:0
#: selection:account.common.report,filter:0 view:account.entries.report:0
#: field:account.entries.report,date:0
#: selection:account.general.journal,filter:0 report:account.general.ledger:0
#: report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0
#: field:account.invoice.refund,date:0 field:account.invoice.report,date:0
#: report:account.journal.period.print:0
#: report:account.journal.period.print.sale.purchase:0 view:account.move:0
#: field:account.move,date:0
#: field:account.move.line.reconcile.writeoff,date_p:0
#: report:account.overdue:0 selection:account.partner.balance,filter:0
#: selection:account.partner.ledger,filter:0
#: selection:account.print.journal,filter:0
#: selection:account.print.journal,sort_selection:0
#: selection:account.report.general.ledger,filter:0
#: selection:account.report.general.ledger,sortby:0
#: field:account.subscription.line,date:0 report:account.third_party_ledger:0
#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0 xsl:account.transfer:0
#: selection:account.vat.declaration,filter:0
#: selection:accounting.report,filter:0
#: selection:accounting.report,filter_cmp:0
#: field:analytic.entries.report,date:0
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Tanggal"
#. module: account
#: view:account.move:0
msgid "Post"
msgstr "Kirim"
#. module: account
#: view:account.unreconcile:0 view:account.unreconcile.reconcile:0
msgid "Unreconcile"
msgstr "Unreconcile"
#. module: account
#: view:account.chart.template:0
msgid "Chart of Accounts Template"
msgstr "Bagan akun template"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:2333
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Maturity date of entry line generated by model line '%s' of model '%s' is based on partner payment term!\n"
"Please define partner on it!"
msgstr "Tanggal jatuh tempo dari baris ayat yang dihasilkan oleh baris contoh '%s' dari contoh '%s' didasarkan kepada persyaratan pembayaran mitra!\nMohon tetapkan mitra !"
#. module: account
#: view:account.tax:0
msgid "Account Tax"
msgstr "Akun Pajak"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_reporting_budgets
msgid "Budgets"
msgstr "Anggaran"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.aged.trial.balance,filter:0
#: selection:account.balance.report,filter:0
#: selection:account.central.journal,filter:0
#: selection:account.common.account.report,filter:0
#: selection:account.common.journal.report,filter:0
#: selection:account.common.partner.report,filter:0
#: selection:account.common.report,filter:0
#: selection:account.general.journal,filter:0
#: selection:account.partner.balance,filter:0
#: selection:account.partner.ledger,filter:0
#: selection:account.print.journal,filter:0
#: selection:account.report.general.ledger,filter:0
#: selection:account.vat.declaration,filter:0
#: selection:accounting.report,filter:0
#: selection:accounting.report,filter_cmp:0
msgid "No Filters"
msgstr "Tak ada penyaring"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice.report:0
#: model:res.groups,name:account.group_proforma_invoices
msgid "Pro-forma Invoices"
msgstr "Memungkinkan pro-forma faktur"
#. module: account
#: view:res.partner:0
msgid "History"
msgstr "Pesan dan riwayat komunikasi"
#. module: account
#: help:account.tax,applicable_type:0
#: help:account.tax.template,applicable_type:0
msgid ""
"If not applicable (computed through a Python code), the tax won't appear on "
"the invoice."
msgstr "Jika tidak berlaku (dihitung melalui kode Python), pajak tidak akan muncul pada faktur."
#. module: account
#: field:account.config.settings,group_check_supplier_invoice_total:0
msgid "Check the total of supplier invoices"
msgstr "Memeriksa jumlah tagihan pemasok"
#. module: account
#: view:account.tax:0 view:account.tax.template:0
msgid "Applicable Code (if type=code)"
msgstr "Kode Terapan (if type=code)"
#. module: account
#: help:account.period,state:0
msgid ""
"When monthly periods are created. The status is 'Draft'. At the end of "
"monthly period it is in 'Done' status."
msgstr "Ketika periode bulanan diciptakan. Status adalah 'Konsep'. Pada akhir periode bulanan adalah 'Dilakukan' status."
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice.report:0 field:account.invoice.report,product_qty:0
msgid "Qty"
msgstr "Qty"
#. module: account
#: help:account.tax.code,sign:0
msgid ""
"You can specify here the coefficient that will be used when consolidating "
"the amount of this case into its parent. For example, set 1/-1 if you want "
"to add/substract it."
msgstr "Anda dapat menentukan di sini koefisien yang akan digunakan ketika mengkonsolidasikan jumlah kasus ini ke induknya. Misalnya, mengatur 1 /-1 jika Anda ingin menambahkan kurangi itu."
#. module: account
#: view:account.analytic.line:0
msgid "Search Analytic Lines"
msgstr "Baris Analitik"
#. module: account
#: field:res.partner,property_account_payable:0
msgid "Account Payable"
msgstr "Akun Hutang"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_fiscalyear_close.py:88
#, python-format
msgid "The periods to generate opening entries cannot be found."
msgstr "Periode untuk menghasilkan pembukaan entri tidak dapat ditemukan."
#. module: account
#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_supplierpaymentorder0
msgid "Payment Order"
msgstr "Order Pembayaran"
#. module: account
#: help:account.account.template,reconcile:0
msgid ""
"Check this option if you want the user to reconcile entries in this account."
msgstr "Cek pilihan ini jika Anda menginginkan pengguna untuk mendamaikan entri dalam account ini."
#. module: account
#: report:account.invoice:0 field:account.invoice.line,price_unit:0
msgid "Unit Price"
msgstr "Harga Satuan"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_tree1
msgid "Analytic Items"
msgstr "# dari Barang"
#. module: account
#: field:analytic.entries.report,nbr:0
msgid "#Entries"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: view:account.state.open:0
msgid "Open Invoice"
msgstr "Buka Tagihan"
#. module: account
#: field:account.invoice.tax,factor_tax:0
msgid "Multipication factor Tax code"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: field:account.config.settings,complete_tax_set:0
msgid "Complete set of taxes"
msgstr "Set lengkap pajak"
#. module: account
#: field:res.partner,last_reconciliation_date:0
msgid "Latest Full Reconciliation Date"
msgstr "Tanggal rekonsiliasi penuh terbaru"
#. module: account
#: field:account.account,name:0 field:account.account.template,name:0
#: report:account.analytic.account.inverted.balance:0
#: field:account.chart.template,name:0 field:account.model.line,name:0
#: field:account.move.line,name:0 field:account.move.reconcile,name:0
#: field:account.subscription,name:0
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nama"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_aged_trial_balance
msgid "Account Aged Trial balance Report"
msgstr "Rekening berusia Trial balance laporan"
#. module: account
#: field:res.company,expects_chart_of_accounts:0
msgid "Expects a Chart of Accounts"
msgstr "Kode Akun"
#. module: account
#: field:account.move.line,date:0
msgid "Effective date"
msgstr "Tanggal efektif"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_fiscalyear_close.py:100
#, python-format
msgid "The journal must have default credit and debit account."
msgstr "Jurnal harus memiliki account default kredit dan debit."
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_bank_tree
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_bank_tree
msgid "Setup your Bank Accounts"
msgstr "Setup rekening Bank Anda"
#. module: account
#: xsl:account.transfer:0
msgid "Partner ID"
msgstr "Kolom ID Partner"
#. module: account
#: help:account.bank.statement,message_ids:0
#: help:account.invoice,message_ids:0
msgid "Messages and communication history"
msgstr "Pesan dan riwayat komunikasi"
#. module: account
#: help:account.journal,analytic_journal_id:0
msgid "Journal for analytic entries"
msgstr "Jurnal untuk entri analitik"
#. module: account
#: constraint:account.aged.trial.balance:0 constraint:account.balance.report:0
#: constraint:account.central.journal:0
#: constraint:account.common.account.report:0
#: constraint:account.common.journal.report:0
#: constraint:account.common.partner.report:0
#: constraint:account.common.report:0 constraint:account.general.journal:0
#: constraint:account.partner.balance:0 constraint:account.partner.ledger:0
#: constraint:account.print.journal:0
#: constraint:account.report.general.ledger:0
#: constraint:account.vat.declaration:0 constraint:accounting.report:0
msgid ""
"The fiscalyear, periods or chart of account chosen have to belong to the "
"same company."
msgstr "Fiscalyear, periode atau grafik account yang dipilih harus milik perusahaan yang sama."
#. module: account
#: help:account.tax.code.template,notprintable:0
msgid ""
"Check this box if you don't want any tax related to this tax Code to appear "
"on invoices."
msgstr "Centang kotak ini jika Anda tidak ingin pajak apapun yang berhubungan dengan pajak ini kode muncul pada tagihan."
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1069
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1154
#, python-format
msgid "You cannot use an inactive account."
msgstr "Anda tidak dapat menggunakan akun yang tidak aktif."
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.open_board_account
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_account_config
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_board_account
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_reporting
#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_accountingentries0
#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_supplieraccountingentries0
#: view:product.product:0 view:product.template:0 view:res.partner:0
msgid "Accounting"
msgstr "Akuntansi"
#. module: account
#: view:account.entries.report:0
msgid "Journal Entries with period in current year"
msgstr "Entri jurnal dengan periode tahun saat ini"
#. module: account
#: field:account.account,child_consol_ids:0
msgid "Consolidated Children"
msgstr "Anak-anak konsolidasi"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:580
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_invoice_refund.py:155
#, python-format
msgid "Insufficient Data!"
msgstr "Tak ada data yang tersedia"
#. module: account
#: help:account.account,unrealized_gain_loss:0
msgid ""
"Value of Loss or Gain due to changes in exchange rate when doing multi-"
"currency transactions."
msgstr "Nilai kehilangan atau mendapatkan perubahan di exchange rate ketika melakukan transaksi multi-mata uang."
#. module: account
#: view:account.analytic.line:0
msgid "General Accounting"
msgstr "General Accounting"
#. module: account
#: help:account.fiscalyear.close,journal_id:0
msgid ""
"The best practice here is to use a journal dedicated to contain the opening "
"entries of all fiscal years. Note that you should define it with default "
"debit/credit accounts, of type 'situation' and with a centralized "
msgstr "Praktek terbaik di sini adalah dengan menggunakan sebuah jurnal yang didedikasikan untuk berisi entri pembukaan semua tahun fiskal. Perhatikan bahwa Anda harus menetapkan account debit atau kredit default, jenis 'situasi' dan dengan seorang rekan yang terpusat."
#. module: account
#: view:account.installer:0
msgid "title"
msgstr "judul"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice:0 view:account.subscription:0
msgid "Set to Draft"
msgstr "Atur menjadi draft"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_subscription_form
msgid "Recurring Lines"
msgstr "Manual Jurnal Berulang"
#. module: account
#: field:account.partner.balance,display_partner:0
msgid "Display Partners"
msgstr "Mitra Display"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice:0
msgid "Validate"
msgstr "Validasi"
#. module: account
#: model:account.financial.report,name:account.account_financial_report_assets0
msgid "Assets"
msgstr "Aset"
#. module: account
#: view:account.config.settings:0
msgid "Accounting & Finance"
msgstr "Akuntansi & Keuangan"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice.confirm:0
msgid "Confirm Invoices"
msgstr "Mengkonfirmasi faktur"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.account,currency_mode:0
msgid "Average Rate"
msgstr "Tingkat rata-rata"
#. module: account
#: field:account.balance.report,display_account:0
#: field:account.common.account.report,display_account:0
#: field:account.report.general.ledger,display_account:0
msgid "Display Accounts"
msgstr "Tampilan akun"
#. module: account
#: view:account.state.open:0
msgid "(Invoice should be unreconciled if you want to open it)"
msgstr "(Invoice seharusnya belum direkonsoliasi jika ingin membukanya)"
#. module: account
#: field:account.tax,account_analytic_collected_id:0
msgid "Invoice Tax Analytic Account"
msgstr "Akun Analisis"
#. module: account
#: field:account.chart,period_from:0
msgid "Start period"
msgstr "Awal Periode"
#. module: account
#: field:account.tax,name:0 field:account.tax.template,name:0
#: report:account.vat.declaration:0
msgid "Tax Name"
msgstr "Nama Pajak"
#. module: account
#: view:account.config.settings:0
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_configuration
msgid "Configuration"
msgstr "Konfigurasi"
#. module: account
#: model:account.payment.term,name:account.account_payment_term
#: model:account.payment.term,note:account.account_payment_term
msgid "30 Days End of Month"
msgstr "Sampai Akhir Bulan"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_balance
#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_analytic_account_balance
msgid "Analytic Balance"
msgstr "Saldo Analitik"
#. module: account
#: help:res.partner,property_payment_term:0
msgid ""
"This payment term will be used instead of the default one for sale orders "
"and customer invoices"
msgstr "Istilah pembayaran ini akan digunakan sebagai pengganti default untuk order penjualan dan pelanggan faktur"
#. module: account
#: view:account.config.settings:0
msgid ""
"If you put \"%(year)s\" in the prefix, it will be replaced by the current "
msgstr "Jika Anda memasukkan \"% (tahun) s\" dalam awalan, akan digantikan oleh tahun sekarang."
#. module: account
#: help:account.account,active:0
msgid ""
"If the active field is set to False, it will allow you to hide the account "
"without removing it."
msgstr "Jika bidang aktif diatur ke False, itu akan memungkinkan Anda untuk menyembunyikan account tanpa menghapus itu."
#. module: account
#: view:account.move.line:0
msgid "Posted Journal Items"
msgstr "Posted jurnal item"
#. module: account
#: field:account.move.line,blocked:0
msgid "No Follow-up"
msgstr "Tidak ada tindak lanjut"
#. module: account
#: view:account.tax.template:0
msgid "Search Tax Templates"
msgstr "Cari pajak template"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.periodical_processing_journal_entries_validation
msgid "Draft Entries"
msgstr "Rancangan entri"
#. module: account
#: help:account.config.settings,decimal_precision:0
msgid ""
"As an example, a decimal precision of 2 will allow journal entries like: "
"9.99 EUR, whereas a decimal precision of 4 will allow journal entries like:"
" 0.0231 EUR."
msgstr "Sebagai contoh, presisi desimal 2 akan memungkinkan entri jurnal seperti: EUR 9,99, sedangkan presisi desimal 4 akan memungkinkan entri jurnal seperti: 0.0231 EUR."
#. module: account
#: field:account.account,shortcut:0 field:account.account.template,shortcut:0
msgid "Shortcut"
msgstr "Jalan Pintas"
#. module: account
#: view:account.account:0 field:account.account,user_type:0
#: view:account.account.template:0 field:account.account.template,user_type:0
#: view:account.account.type:0 field:account.account.type,name:0
#: field:account.bank.accounts.wizard,account_type:0
#: field:account.entries.report,user_type:0
#: selection:account.financial.report,type:0
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_account_type
#: field:report.account.receivable,type:0
#: field:report.account_type.sales,user_type:0
msgid "Account Type"
msgstr "Jenis Akun"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_bank_tree
msgid ""
"<p class=\"oe_view_nocontent_create\">\n"
" Click to setup a new bank account. \n"
" </p><p>\n"
" Configure your company's bank account and select those that must\n"
" appear on the report footer.\n"
" </p><p>\n"
" If you use the accounting application of OpenERP, journals and\n"
" accounts will be created automatically based on these data.\n"
" </p>\n"
" "
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_invoice_cancel
msgid "Cancel the Selected Invoices"
msgstr "Membatalkan tagihan dipilih"
#. module: account
#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_supplieranalyticcost0
msgid ""
"Analytic costs (timesheets, some purchased products, ...) come from analytic"
" accounts. These generate draft supplier invoices."
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: view:account.bank.statement:0
msgid "Close CashBox"
msgstr "Dekat CashBox"
#. module: account
#: constraint:account.tax.code.template:0
msgid ""
"You cannot create recursive Tax Codes."
msgstr "Kesalahan!\nAnda tidak dapat membuat kode pajak rekursif."
#. module: account
#: constraint:account.period:0
msgid ""
"The duration of the Period(s) is/are invalid."
msgstr "Kesalahan!\nDurasi Period(s) / valid."
#. module: account
#: field:account.entries.report,month:0 view:account.invoice.report:0
#: field:account.invoice.report,month:0 view:analytic.entries.report:0
#: field:analytic.entries.report,month:0 field:report.account.sales,month:0
#: field:report.account_type.sales,month:0
msgid "Month"
msgstr "Bulan"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:677
#, python-format
msgid "You cannot change the code of account which contains journal items!"
msgstr "Anda tidak dapat mengubah kode account yang berisi jurnal item!"
#. module: account
#: field:account.config.settings,purchase_sequence_prefix:0
msgid "Supplier invoice sequence"
msgstr "Faktur Pembelian"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:617
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:632
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Cannot find a chart of account, you should create one from "
"Settings\\Configuration\\Accounting menu."
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: field:account.entries.report,product_uom_id:0
#: view:analytic.entries.report:0
#: field:analytic.entries.report,product_uom_id:0
msgid "Product Unit of Measure"
msgstr "Ukuran unit produk"
#. module: account
#: field:res.company,paypal_account:0
msgid "Paypal Account"
msgstr "Paypal Account"
#. module: account
#: view:account.entries.report:0
msgid "Acc.Type"
msgstr "Acc.Type"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.journal,type:0
msgid "Bank and Checks"
msgstr "Bank dan cek"
#. module: account
#: field:account.account.template,note:0
msgid "Note"
msgstr "Catatan"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.financial.report,sign:0
msgid "Reverse balance sign"
msgstr "Masuk / keluar"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.account.type,report_type:0
#: code:addons/account/account.py:197
#, python-format
msgid "Balance Sheet (Liability account)"
msgstr "Neraca (kewajiban rekening)"
#. module: account
#: help:account.invoice,date_invoice:0
msgid "Keep empty to use the current date"
msgstr "Biarkan kosong untuk menggunakan tanggal sekarang"
#. module: account
#: view:account.bank.statement:0 field:account.cashbox.line,subtotal_closing:0
msgid "Closing Subtotal"
msgstr "Penutupan Subtotal"
#. module: account
#: field:account.tax,base_code_id:0
msgid "Account Base Code"
msgstr "No rekening basis kode dan kode pajak Account!"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:869
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You have to provide an account for the write off/exchange difference entry."
msgstr "Anda harus memberikan account untuk menulis off/exchange perbedaan entri."
#. module: account
#: help:res.company,paypal_account:0
msgid "Paypal username (usually email) for receiving online payments."
msgstr "Username Paypal (biasanya email) untuk menerima pembayaran online."
#. module: account
#: selection:account.aged.trial.balance,target_move:0
#: selection:account.balance.report,target_move:0
#: selection:account.central.journal,target_move:0
#: selection:account.chart,target_move:0
#: selection:account.common.account.report,target_move:0
#: selection:account.common.journal.report,target_move:0
#: selection:account.common.partner.report,target_move:0
#: selection:account.common.report,target_move:0
#: selection:account.general.journal,target_move:0
#: selection:account.partner.balance,target_move:0
#: selection:account.partner.ledger,target_move:0
#: selection:account.print.journal,target_move:0
#: selection:account.report.general.ledger,target_move:0
#: selection:account.tax.chart,target_move:0
#: selection:account.vat.declaration,target_move:0
#: selection:accounting.report,target_move:0
#: code:addons/account/report/common_report_header.py:68
#, python-format
msgid "All Posted Entries"
msgstr "Semua diposting entri"
#. module: account
#: field:report.aged.receivable,name:0
msgid "Month Range"
msgstr "Month Range"
#. module: account
#: help:account.analytic.balance,empty_acc:0
msgid "Check if you want to display Accounts with 0 balance too."
msgstr "Periksa jika Anda ingin menampilkan akun dengan saldo 0 terlalu."
#. module: account
#: field:account.move.reconcile,opening_reconciliation:0
msgid "Opening Entries Reconciliation"
msgstr "Menghasilkan pembukaan tahun fiskal entri"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_fiscalyear_close.py:41
#, python-format
msgid "End of Fiscal Year Entry"
msgstr "Ayat Akhir Tahun Fiskal"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.move.line,state:0
msgid "Balanced"
msgstr "Seimbang"
#. module: account
#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_importinvoice0
msgid "Statement from invoice or payment"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/installer.py:115
#, python-format
msgid ""
"There is currently no company without chart of account. The wizard will "
"therefore not be executed."
msgstr "Saat ini ada tidak ada perusahaan tanpa bagan akun. Wizard itu tidak akan dijalankan."
#. module: account
#: view:account.move:0 view:account.move.line:0
msgid "Add an internal note..."
msgstr "Tambahkan catatan internal..."
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_wizard_multi_chart
msgid "Set Your Accounting Options"
msgstr "Menetapkan pilihan akuntansi"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_chart
msgid "Account chart"
msgstr "Cetakan Bagan Akun"
#. module: account
#: field:account.invoice,reference_type:0
msgid "Payment Reference"
msgstr "Referensi pembayaran"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.financial.report,style_overwrite:0
msgid "Main Title 1 (bold, underlined)"
msgstr "1 judul utama (bold, digarisbawahi)"
#. module: account
#: report:account.analytic.account.balance:0 report:account.central.journal:0
msgid "Account Name"
msgstr "Nama Akun"
#. module: account
#: help:account.fiscalyear.close,report_name:0
msgid "Give name of the new entries"
msgstr "Beri nama pada entri baru"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_invoice_report
msgid "Invoices Statistics"
msgstr "Faktur Statistik"
#. module: account
#: field:account.account,exchange_rate:0
msgid "Exchange Rate"
msgstr "Nilai tukar"
#. module: account
#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_paymentorderreconcilation0
msgid "Bank statements are entered in the system."
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_reconcile.py:122
#, python-format
msgid "Reconcile Writeoff"
msgstr "Pindahkan baris rekonsiliasi terpilih"
#. module: account
#: view:account.account.template:0 view:account.chart.template:0
msgid "Account Template"
msgstr "Rekening Template"
#. module: account
#: view:account.bank.statement:0
msgid "Closing Balance"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: field:account.chart.template,visible:0
msgid "Can be Visible?"
msgstr "Dapat terlihat?"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_journal_select
msgid "Account Journal Select"
msgstr "Pilih akun jurnal"
#. module: account
#: view:account.tax.template:0
msgid "Credit Notes"
msgstr "Catatan kredit"
#. module: account
#: view:account.move.line:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_manual_reconcile
msgid "Journal Items to Reconcile"
msgstr "Jurnal item untuk mendamaikan"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_tax_template
msgid "Templates for Taxes"
msgstr "Cetakan Perpajakan"
#. module: account
#: sql_constraint:account.period:0
msgid "The name of the period must be unique per company!"
msgstr "Nama periode harus unik per perusahaan!"
#. module: account
#: help:wizard.multi.charts.accounts,currency_id:0
msgid "Currency as per company's country."
msgstr "Mata uang sesuai perusahaan negara."
#. module: account
#: view:account.tax:0
msgid "Tax Computation"
msgstr "Penghitungan"
#. module: account
#: view:wizard.multi.charts.accounts:0
msgid "res_config_contents"
msgstr "res_config_contents"
#. module: account
#: help:account.chart.template,visible:0
msgid ""
"Set this to False if you don't want this template to be used actively in the"
" wizard that generate Chart of Accounts from templates, this is useful when "
"you want to generate accounts of this template only when loading its child "
msgstr "Set ini ke False jika Anda tidak ingin template ini untuk digunakan secara aktif dalam wizard yang menghasilkan Chart of account dari template, hal ini berguna bila Anda ingin menghasilkan rekening template ini hanya ketika loading template anak Nya."
#. module: account
#: view:account.use.model:0
msgid "Create Entries From Models"
msgstr "Membuat entri dari model"
#. module: account
#: field:account.account,reconcile:0
#: field:account.account.template,reconcile:0
msgid "Allow Reconciliation"
msgstr "Memungkinkan rekonsiliasi"
#. module: account
#: constraint:account.account:0
msgid ""
"You cannot create an account which has parent account of different company."
msgstr "Kesalahan!\nAnda tidak dapat membuat account yang memiliki akun orang tua dari perusahaan yang berbeda."
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:665
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Cannot find any account journal of %s type for this company.\n"
"You can create one in the menu: \n"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: report:account.vat.declaration:0
msgid "Based On"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:3212
#, python-format
msgid "ECNJ"
msgstr "ECNJ"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_analytic_cost_ledger_journal_report
msgid "Account Analytic Cost Ledger For Journal Report"
msgstr "Buku Besar Akun Beban Analitik"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_model_form
msgid "Recurring Models"
msgstr "Model"
#. module: account
#: view:account.tax:0
msgid "Children/Sub Taxes"
msgstr "Anak-anak Sub pajak"
#. module: account
#: xsl:account.transfer:0
msgid "Change"
msgstr "Ubah"
#. module: account
#: field:account.journal,type_control_ids:0
msgid "Type Controls"
msgstr "Kendali Ayat"
#. module: account
#: help:account.journal,default_credit_account_id:0
msgid "It acts as a default account for credit amount"
msgstr "Bertindak sebagai default account untuk jumlah kredit"
#. module: account
#: view:account.move.line:0
msgid "Number (Move)"
msgstr "Nomor (Move)"
#. module: account
#: view:cash.box.out:0
msgid "Describe why you take money from the cash register:"
msgstr "Jelaskan mengapa Anda mengambil uang dari cash register:"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.invoice,state:0 selection:account.invoice.report,state:0
#: selection:report.invoice.created,state:0
msgid "Cancelled"
msgstr "Dibatalkan"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:1878
#, python-format
msgid " (Copy)"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: help:account.config.settings,group_proforma_invoices:0
msgid "Allows you to put invoices in pro-forma state."
msgstr "Memungkinkan Anda untuk menempatkan faktur dalam pro-forma bagian."
#. module: account
#: view:account.journal:0
msgid "Unit Of Currency Definition"
msgstr "Definisi"
#. module: account
#: help:account.partner.ledger,amount_currency:0
#: help:account.report.general.ledger,amount_currency:0
msgid ""
"It adds the currency column on report if the currency differs from the "
"company currency."
msgstr "Ia menambahkan kolom mata uang pada laporan jika mata uang berbeda dari mata uang perusahaan."
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:3397
#, python-format
msgid "Purchase Tax %.2f%%"
msgstr "%.2f%% pajak pembelian"
#. module: account
#: view:account.subscription.generate:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_subscription_generate
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_generate_subscription
msgid "Generate Entries"
msgstr "Menghasilkan entri"
#. module: account
#: help:account.vat.declaration,chart_tax_id:0
msgid "Select Charts of Taxes"
msgstr "Pilih grafik pajak"
#. module: account
#: view:account.fiscal.position:0 field:account.fiscal.position,account_ids:0
#: field:account.fiscal.position.template,account_ids:0
msgid "Account Mapping"
msgstr "Template Akun Pemetaan Fiskal"
#. module: account
#: view:account.bank.statement:0
msgid "Confirmed"
msgstr "Ditetapkan"
#. module: account
#: report:account.invoice:0
msgid "Cancelled Invoice"
msgstr "Pembatalan Faktur"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice:0
msgid "My Invoices"
msgstr "Faktur saya"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.bank.statement,state:0
msgid "New"
msgstr "Baru"
#. module: account
#: view:wizard.multi.charts.accounts:0
msgid "Sale Tax"
msgstr "Pajak penjualan"
#. module: account
#: view:account.move:0
msgid "Cancel Entry"
msgstr "Batal"
#. module: account
#: field:account.tax,ref_tax_code_id:0
#: field:account.tax.template,ref_tax_code_id:0
msgid "Refund Tax Code"
msgstr "Mengembalikan kode pajak"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice:0
msgid "Invoice "
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: field:account.chart.template,property_account_income:0
msgid "Income Account on Product Template"
msgstr "Rekening pendapatan pada produk Template"
#. module: account
#: help:account.journal.period,state:0
msgid ""
"When journal period is created. The status is 'Draft'. If a report is "
"printed it comes to 'Printed' status. When all transactions are done, it "
"comes in 'Done' status."
msgstr "Ketika periode jurnal dibuat. Status adalah 'Konsep'. Jika laporan dicetak datang ke status 'Cetak'. Ketika semua transaksi dilakukan, ia datang dalam status 'Dilakukan'."
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:3213
#, python-format
msgid "MISC"
msgstr "Lain-lain"
#. module: account
#: view:res.partner:0
msgid "Accounting-related settings are managed on"
msgstr "Pengaturan akuntansi dikelola pada"
#. module: account
#: field:account.fiscalyear.close,fy2_id:0
msgid "New Fiscal Year"
msgstr "Tahun fiskal baru"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice:0 view:account.tax:0 view:account.tax.template:0
#: selection:account.vat.declaration,based_on:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_res_partner_2_account_invoice_opened
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_invoice_tree
#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_invoices
#: view:report.invoice.created:0 field:res.partner,invoice_ids:0
msgid "Invoices"
msgstr "Invoices"
#. module: account
#: help:account.config.settings,expects_chart_of_accounts:0
msgid "Check this box if this company is a legal entity."
msgstr "Centang kotak ini jika perusahaan ini adalah badan hukum."
#. module: account
#: model:account.account.type,name:account.conf_account_type_chk
#: selection:account.bank.accounts.wizard,account_type:0
msgid "Check"
msgstr "Centang"
#. module: account
#: view:account.aged.trial.balance:0 view:account.analytic.balance:0
#: view:account.analytic.chart:0 view:account.analytic.cost.ledger:0
#: view:account.analytic.cost.ledger.journal.report:0
#: view:account.analytic.inverted.balance:0
#: view:account.analytic.journal.report:0 view:account.automatic.reconcile:0
#: view:account.change.currency:0 view:account.chart:0
#: view:account.common.report:0 view:account.config.settings:0
#: view:account.fiscalyear.close:0 view:account.fiscalyear.close.state:0
#: view:account.invoice.cancel:0 view:account.invoice.confirm:0
#: view:account.invoice.refund:0 view:account.journal.select:0
#: view:account.move.bank.reconcile:0 view:account.move.line.reconcile:0
#: view:account.move.line.reconcile.select:0
#: view:account.move.line.reconcile.writeoff:0
#: view:account.move.line.unreconcile.select:0
#: view:account.open.closed.fiscalyear:0 view:account.period.close:0
#: view:account.state.open:0 view:account.subscription.generate:0
#: view:account.tax.chart:0 view:account.unreconcile:0
#: view:account.use.model:0 view:account.vat.declaration:0 view:cash.box.in:0
#: view:cash.box.out:0 view:project.account.analytic.line:0
#: view:validate.account.move:0 view:validate.account.move.lines:0
msgid "or"
msgstr "atau"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice.report:0
msgid "Invoiced"
msgstr "Difakturkan"
#. module: account
#: view:account.move:0
msgid "Posted Journal Entries"
msgstr "Entri jurnal Posted"
#. module: account
#: view:account.use.model:0
msgid "Use Model"
msgstr "Menggunakan Model"
#. module: account
#: help:account.invoice,partner_bank_id:0
msgid ""
"Bank Account Number to which the invoice will be paid. A Company bank "
"account if this is a Customer Invoice or Supplier Refund, otherwise a "
"Partner bank account number."
msgstr "Nomor rekening bank yang faktur akan dibayar. Rekening bank perusahaan jika ini adalah pelanggan faktur atau mengembalikan pemasok, atau mitra bank nomor rekening."
#. module: account
#: field:account.partner.reconcile.process,today_reconciled:0
msgid "Partners Reconciled Today"
msgstr "Hari ini Para Mitra Telah Direkonsiliasi"
#. module: account
#: help:account.invoice.tax,tax_code_id:0
msgid "The tax basis of the tax declaration."
msgstr "Dasar pajak Deklarasi pajak."
#. module: account
#: view:account.addtmpl.wizard:0
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Tambahkan"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.invoice,state:0 report:account.overdue:0
#: model:mail.message.subtype,name:account.mt_invoice_paid
msgid "Paid"
msgstr "Terbayar"
#. module: account
#: field:account.invoice,tax_line:0
msgid "Tax Lines"
msgstr "Baris Pajak"
#. module: account
#: help:account.move.line,statement_id:0
msgid "The bank statement used for bank reconciliation"
msgstr "Pernyataan bank yang digunakan untuk rekonsiliasi bank"
#. module: account
#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_suppliercustomerinvoice0
msgid "Draft invoices are validated. "
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:894
#, python-format
msgid "Opening Period"
msgstr "Pembukaan periode"
#. module: account
#: view:account.move:0
msgid "Journal Entries to Review"
msgstr "Untuk meninjau"
#. module: account
#: selection:res.company,tax_calculation_rounding_method:0
msgid "Round Globally"
msgstr "Putaran secara global"
#. module: account
#: view:account.bank.statement:0 view:account.subscription:0
msgid "Compute"
msgstr "Hitung"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice:0
msgid "Additional notes..."
msgstr "Catatan tambahan"
#. module: account
#: field:account.tax,type_tax_use:0
msgid "Tax Application"
msgstr "Pajak aplikasi"
#. module: account
#: field:account.account,active:0 field:account.analytic.journal,active:0
#: field:account.fiscal.position,active:0
#: field:account.journal.period,active:0 field:account.payment.term,active:0
#: field:account.tax,active:0
msgid "Active"
msgstr "Aktif"
#. module: account
#: view:account.bank.statement:0 field:account.journal,cash_control:0
msgid "Cash Control"
msgstr "Pengendalian uang"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:857
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:862
#, python-format
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Gagal!"
#. module: account
#: field:account.analytic.balance,date2:0
#: field:account.analytic.cost.ledger,date2:0
#: field:account.analytic.cost.ledger.journal.report,date2:0
#: field:account.analytic.inverted.balance,date2:0
#: field:account.analytic.journal.report,date2:0
msgid "End of period"
msgstr "Akhir periode"
#. module: account
#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_supplierpaymentorder0
msgid "Payment of invoices"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: sql_constraint:account.invoice:0
msgid "Invoice Number must be unique per Company!"
msgstr "Pajak nama harus unik per perusahaan!"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_receivable_graph
msgid "Balance by Type of Account"
msgstr "Saldo berdasarkan Jenis Akun"
#. module: account
#: view:account.fiscalyear.close:0
msgid "Generate Fiscal Year Opening Entries"
msgstr "Menghasilkan pembukaan tahun fiskal entri"
#. module: account
#: model:res.groups,name:account.group_account_user
msgid "Accountant"
msgstr "Akuntan"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_treasury_report_all
msgid ""
"From this view, have an analysis of your treasury. It sums the balance of "
"every accounting entries made on liquidity accounts per period."
msgstr "Dari pandangan ini, memiliki analisis keuangan Anda. Ini merangkum keseimbangan setiap entri akuntansi yang dibuat pada likuiditas account per periode."
#. module: account
#: model:res.groups,name:account.group_account_manager
msgid "Financial Manager"
msgstr "Manager"
#. module: account
#: field:account.journal,group_invoice_lines:0
msgid "Group Invoice Lines"
msgstr "Kelompok faktur baris"
#. module: account
#: view:account.automatic.reconcile:0
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Tutup"
#. module: account
#: field:account.bank.statement.line,move_ids:0
msgid "Moves"
msgstr "Berpindah"
#. module: account
#: field:account.bank.statement,details_ids:0 view:account.journal:0
msgid "CashBox Lines"
msgstr "Cashbox Lines"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_vat_declaration
msgid "Account Vat Declaration"
msgstr "Rekening Deklarasi pajak"
#. module: account
#: view:account.bank.statement:0
msgid "Cancel Statement"
msgstr "Membatalkan pernyataan"
#. module: account
#: help:account.config.settings,module_account_accountant:0
msgid ""
"If you do not check this box, you will be able to do invoicing & payments, "
"but not accounting (Journal Items, Chart of Accounts, ...)"
msgstr "Jika Anda tidak mencentang kotak ini, Anda akan mampu melakukan faktur & pembayaran, tetapi tidak Akuntansi (jurnal item, Chart of account,...)"
#. module: account
#: view:account.period:0
msgid "To Close"
msgstr "Untuk menutup"
#. module: account
#: field:account.treasury.report,date:0
msgid "Beginning of Period Date"
msgstr "Awal periode tanggal"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.account_template_folder
msgid "Templates"
msgstr "Template"
#. module: account
#: field:account.invoice.tax,name:0
msgid "Tax Description"
msgstr "Keterangan Pajak"
#. module: account
#: field:account.tax,child_ids:0
msgid "Child Tax Accounts"
msgstr "Akun anak pajak"
#. module: account
#: help:account.tax,price_include:0 help:account.tax.template,price_include:0
msgid ""
"Check this if the price you use on the product and invoices includes this "
msgstr "Periksa ini jika Anda menggunakan produk dan faktur harga termasuk pajak ini."
#. module: account
#: help:account.tax.template,include_base_amount:0
msgid ""
"Set if the amount of tax must be included in the base amount before "
"computing the next taxes."
msgstr "Menetapkan jika jumlah pajak yang harus dimasukkan ke dalam jumlah dasar sebelum komputasi pajak berikutnya."
#. module: account
#: report:account.account.balance:0
#: field:account.aged.trial.balance,target_move:0
#: field:account.balance.report,target_move:0 report:account.central.journal:0
#: field:account.central.journal,target_move:0
#: field:account.chart,target_move:0
#: field:account.common.account.report,target_move:0
#: field:account.common.journal.report,target_move:0
#: field:account.common.partner.report,target_move:0
#: field:account.common.report,target_move:0 report:account.general.journal:0
#: field:account.general.journal,target_move:0 report:account.general.ledger:0
#: report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0
#: report:account.journal.period.print:0
#: report:account.journal.period.print.sale.purchase:0
#: report:account.partner.balance:0
#: field:account.partner.balance,target_move:0
#: field:account.partner.ledger,target_move:0
#: field:account.print.journal,target_move:0
#: field:account.report.general.ledger,target_move:0
#: field:account.tax.chart,target_move:0 report:account.third_party_ledger:0
#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
#: field:account.vat.declaration,target_move:0
#: field:accounting.report,target_move:0
msgid "Target Moves"
msgstr "Target bergerak"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:1430
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Move cannot be deleted if linked to an invoice. (Invoice: %s - Move ID:%s)"
msgstr "Bergerak tidak dapat dihapus jika dikaitkan dengan faktur. (Faktur: %s - bergerak ID:%s)"
#. module: account
#: view:account.bank.statement:0 help:account.cashbox.line,number_opening:0
msgid "Opening Unit Numbers"
msgstr "Pembukaan Unit angka"
#. module: account
#: field:account.subscription,period_type:0
msgid "Period Type"
msgstr "Periode jenis"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice:0 field:account.invoice,payment_ids:0
#: selection:account.vat.declaration,based_on:0
msgid "Payments"
msgstr "Pembayaran"
#. module: account
#: field:account.subscription.line,move_id:0
msgid "Entry"
msgstr "Ayat"
#. module: account
#: field:account.tax,python_compute_inv:0
#: field:account.tax.template,python_compute_inv:0
msgid "Python Code (reverse)"
msgstr "Diberikan oleh kode Python"
#. module: account
#: field:account.invoice,payment_term:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_payment_term_form
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_payment_term_form
msgid "Payment Terms"
msgstr "Syarat Pembayaran:"
#. module: account
#: help:account.chart.template,complete_tax_set:0
msgid ""
"This boolean helps you to choose if you want to propose to the user to "
"encode the sale and purchase rates or choose from list of taxes. This last "
"choice assumes that the set of tax defined on this template is complete"
msgstr "Boolean ini membantu Anda untuk memilih jika Anda ingin mengusulkan kepada pengguna untuk mengkodekan penjualan dan pembelian harga atau memilih dari daftar pajak. Pilihan terakhir ini mengasumsikan bahwa set pajak didefinisikan pada template ini sudah selesai"
#. module: account
#: view:account.financial.report:0
#: field:account.financial.report,children_ids:0
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_financial_report
msgid "Account Report"
msgstr "Laporan akun"
#. module: account
#: field:account.entries.report,year:0 view:account.invoice.report:0
#: field:account.invoice.report,year:0 view:analytic.entries.report:0
#: field:analytic.entries.report,year:0 view:report.account.sales:0
#: field:report.account.sales,name:0 view:report.account_type.sales:0
#: field:report.account_type.sales,name:0
msgid "Year"
msgstr "Tahun"
#. module: account
#: help:account.invoice,sent:0
msgid "It indicates that the invoice has been sent."
msgstr "Ini menunjukkan bahwa faktur telah dikirim."
#. module: account
#: field:account.tax.template,description:0
msgid "Internal Name"
msgstr "Nama Internal"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1196
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Cannot create an automatic sequence for this piece.\n"
"Put a sequence in the journal definition for automatic numbering or create a sequence manually for this piece."
msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat urutan otomatis untuk bagian ini.\nMenempatkan urutan dalam definisi Jurnal penomoran otomatis atau membuat urutan secara manual untuk bagian ini."
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice:0
msgid "Pro Forma Invoice "
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: selection:account.subscription,period_type:0
msgid "month"
msgstr "bulan"
#. module: account
#: view:account.move.line:0
#: field:account.partner.reconcile.process,next_partner_id:0
msgid "Next Partner to Reconcile"
msgstr "Berikutnya mitra untuk mendamaikan"
#. module: account
#: field:account.invoice.tax,account_id:0
#: field:account.move.line,tax_code_id:0
msgid "Tax Account"
msgstr "Akun Pajak"
#. module: account
#: model:account.financial.report,name:account.account_financial_report_balancesheet0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_report_bs
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_account_report_bs
msgid "Balance Sheet"
msgstr "Saldo"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.account.type,report_type:0
#: code:addons/account/account.py:194
#, python-format
msgid "Profit & Loss (Income account)"
msgstr "Keuntungan & kerugian (pendapatan rekening)"
#. module: account
#: field:account.journal,allow_date:0
msgid "Check Date in Period"
msgstr "Awal periode tanggal"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.final_accounting_reports
msgid "Accounting Reports"
msgstr "Laporan Akuntansi"
#. module: account
#: field:account.move,line_id:0 view:analytic.entries.report:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_move_line_form
msgid "Entries"
msgstr "Catatan"
#. module: account
#: view:account.entries.report:0
msgid "This Period"
msgstr "Periode Ini"
#. module: account
#: view:account.tax.template:0
msgid "Compute Code (if type=code)"
msgstr "Kode Program (if type=code)"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:511
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Cannot find a chart of accounts for this company, you should create one."
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: selection:account.analytic.journal,type:0 view:account.config.settings:0
#: view:account.journal:0 selection:account.journal,type:0
#: view:account.model:0 selection:account.tax,type_tax_use:0
#: view:account.tax.template:0 selection:account.tax.template,type_tax_use:0
msgid "Sale"
msgstr "Penjualan"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_automatic_reconcile
msgid "Automatic Reconcile"
msgstr "Rekonsiliasi Otomatis"
#. module: account
#: view:account.analytic.line:0 field:account.bank.statement.line,amount:0
#: report:account.invoice:0 field:account.invoice.line,price_subtotal:0
#: field:account.invoice.tax,amount:0 view:account.move:0
#: field:account.move,amount:0 view:account.move.line:0
#: field:account.tax,amount:0 field:account.tax.template,amount:0
#: xsl:account.transfer:0 view:analytic.entries.report:0
#: field:analytic.entries.report,amount:0 field:cash.box.in,amount:0
#: field:cash.box.out,amount:0
msgid "Amount"
msgstr "Jumlah"
#. module: account
#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_customerinvoice0
#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_paymentorderreconcilation0
#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_statemententries0
#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_suppliercustomerinvoice0
#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_suppliervalidentries0
#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_validentries0
msgid "Validation"
msgstr "Validasi"
#. module: account
#: help:account.bank.statement,message_summary:0
#: help:account.invoice,message_summary:0
msgid ""
"Holds the Chatter summary (number of messages, ...). This summary is "
"directly in html format in order to be inserted in kanban views."
msgstr "Gelar ringkasan menyimpang (jumlah pesan, ...). Ringkasan ini langsung dalam format html untuk dimasukkan dalam pandangan kanban."
#. module: account
#: field:account.tax,child_depend:0 field:account.tax.template,child_depend:0
msgid "Tax on Children"
msgstr "Anak"
#. module: account
#: field:account.journal,update_posted:0
msgid "Allow Cancelling Entries"
msgstr "Memungkinkan membatalkan entri"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_use_model.py:44
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Maturity date of entry line generated by model line '%s' is based on partner payment term!\n"
"Please define partner on it!"
msgstr "Jatuh tempo pada baris pencatatan yang dihasilkan oleh baris model '% s' didasarkan pada syarat pembayaran mitra!\nSilakan tentukan mitranya!"
#. module: account
#: field:account.tax.code,sign:0
msgid "Coefficent for parent"
msgstr "Coefficent untuk orang tua"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:2309
#, python-format
msgid "You have a wrong expression \"%(...)s\" in your model!"
msgstr "Anda memiliki ekspresi yang salah \"%(...)s\" dalam modelmu!"
#. module: account
#: report:account.partner.balance:0
msgid "(Account/Partner) Name"
msgstr "(Akun/Rekanan) Nama"
#. module: account
#: field:account.partner.reconcile.process,progress:0
msgid "Progress"
msgstr "Kemajuan"
#. module: account
#: field:wizard.multi.charts.accounts,bank_accounts_id:0
msgid "Cash and Banks"
msgstr "Tunai"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_installer
msgid "account.installer"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice:0
msgid "Recompute taxes and total"
msgstr "Jumlah Tanpa Pajak"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:1110
#, python-format
msgid "You cannot modify/delete a journal with entries for this period."
msgstr "Anda tidak dapat memodifikasi/menghapus sebuah jurnal dengan entri untuk periode ini."
#. module: account
#: field:account.tax.template,include_base_amount:0
msgid "Include in Base Amount"
msgstr "Termasuk dalam jumlah dasar"
#. module: account
#: field:account.invoice,supplier_invoice_number:0
msgid "Supplier Invoice Number"
msgstr "Nomor Tagihan"
#. module: account
#: help:account.payment.term.line,days:0
msgid ""
"Number of days to add before computation of the day of month.If Date=15/01, "
"Number of Days=22, Day of Month=-1, then the due date is 28/02."
msgstr "Jumlah hari untuk menambahkan sebelum perhitungan hari bulan. Jika tanggal = 15/01, jumlah hari = 22, hari bulan =-1, maka tanggal jatuh tempo adalah 28/02."
#. module: account
#: view:account.payment.term.line:0
msgid "Amount Computation"
msgstr "Perhitungan jumlah"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1116
#, python-format
msgid "You can not add/modify entries in a closed period %s of journal %s."
msgstr "Anda tidak dapat menambahkan/memodifikasi entri dalam periode tertutup %s jurnal %s."
#. module: account
#: view:account.journal:0
msgid "Entry Controls"
msgstr "Kendali Ayat"
#. module: account
#: view:account.analytic.chart:0 view:project.account.analytic.line:0
msgid "(Keep empty to open the current situation)"
msgstr "(Biarkan kosong jika statusnya ingin dibiarkan Open)"
#. module: account
#: field:account.analytic.balance,date1:0
#: field:account.analytic.cost.ledger,date1:0
#: field:account.analytic.cost.ledger.journal.report,date1:0
#: field:account.analytic.inverted.balance,date1:0
#: field:account.analytic.journal.report,date1:0
msgid "Start of period"
msgstr "Awal Periode"
#. module: account
#: model:account.account.type,name:account.account_type_asset_view1
msgid "Asset View"
msgstr "Lihat aset"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_common_account_report
msgid "Account Common Account Report"
msgstr "Laporan rekening umum akun"
#. module: account
#: view:account.analytic.account:0 view:account.bank.statement:0
#: selection:account.bank.statement,state:0 view:account.fiscalyear:0
#: selection:account.fiscalyear,state:0 selection:account.invoice,state:0
#: selection:account.invoice.report,state:0 selection:account.period,state:0
#: selection:report.invoice.created,state:0
msgid "Open"
msgstr "Buka"
#. module: account
#: view:account.config.settings:0
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_analytic_accounting
msgid "Analytic Accounting"
msgstr "Akuntansi Analitik"
#. module: account
#: help:account.payment.term.line,value:0
msgid ""
"Select here the kind of valuation related to this payment term line. Note "
"that you should have your last line with the type 'Balance' to ensure that "
"the whole amount will be treated."
msgstr "Pilih jenis penilaian yang berkaitan dengan baris ini istilah pembayaran. Perhatikan bahwa Anda harus memiliki baris terakhir Anda dengan tipe 'Keseimbangan' untuk memastikan bahwa jumlah akan diperlakukan."
#. module: account
#: field:account.partner.ledger,initial_balance:0
#: field:account.report.general.ledger,initial_balance:0
msgid "Include Initial Balances"
msgstr "Termasuk saldo awal"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice.tax:0
msgid "Tax Codes"
msgstr "Kode-kode pajak"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.invoice,type:0 selection:account.invoice.report,type:0
#: selection:report.invoice.created,type:0
msgid "Customer Refund"
msgstr "Pengembalian dana nasabah"
#. module: account
#: field:account.tax,ref_tax_sign:0 field:account.tax,tax_sign:0
#: field:account.tax.template,ref_tax_sign:0
#: field:account.tax.template,tax_sign:0
msgid "Tax Code Sign"
msgstr "Berdasarkan Daftar Kode"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_report_invoice_created
msgid "Report of Invoices Created within Last 15 days"
msgstr "Invoice/Tagihan yang Dibuat dalam 15 Hari Terakhir"
#. module: account
#: field:account.fiscalyear,end_journal_period_id:0
msgid "End of Year Entries Journal"
msgstr "Akhir tahun entri jurnal"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice:0
msgid "Draft Refund "
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: view:cash.box.in:0
msgid "Fill in this form if you put money in the cash register:"
msgstr "Mengisi formulir ini jika Anda menaruh uang di cash register:"
#. module: account
#: view:account.payment.term.line:0
#: field:account.payment.term.line,value_amount:0
msgid "Amount To Pay"
msgstr "Jumlah untuk membayar"
#. module: account
#: help:account.partner.reconcile.process,to_reconcile:0
msgid ""
"This is the remaining partners for who you should check if there is "
"something to reconcile or not. This figure already count the current partner"
" as reconciled."
msgstr "Ini adalah mitra yang tersisa untuk siapa Anda harus memeriksa apakah ada sesuatu untuk mendamaikan atau tidak. Angka ini sudah menghitung mitra saat ini sebagai didamaikan."
#. module: account
#: view:account.subscription.line:0
msgid "Subscription lines"
msgstr "Berlangganan"
#. module: account
#: field:account.entries.report,quantity:0
msgid "Products Quantity"
msgstr "Kuantitas produk"
#. module: account
#: view:account.entries.report:0 selection:account.entries.report,move_state:0
#: view:account.move:0 selection:account.move,state:0 view:account.move.line:0
msgid "Unposted"
msgstr "Unposted"
#. module: account
#: view:account.change.currency:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_change_currency
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_change_currency
msgid "Change Currency"
msgstr "Anda hanya dapat mengubah mata uang untuk rancangan faktur."
#. module: account
#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_accountingentries0
#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_supplieraccountingentries0
msgid "Accounting entries."
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice:0
msgid "Payment Date"
msgstr "Tanggal Pembayaran"
#. module: account
#: view:account.bank.statement:0
#: field:account.bank.statement,opening_details_ids:0
msgid "Opening Cashbox Lines"
msgstr "Garis pembukaan Cashbox"
#. module: account
#: view:account.analytic.account:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_account_form
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.account_analytic_def_account
msgid "Analytic Accounts"
msgstr "Anda harus membuat struktur account analitik tergantung pada kebutuhan Anda untuk menganalisis biaya dan pendapatan. Dalam Odoo, analitik account juga digunakan untuk melacak pelanggan kontrak."
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice.report:0
msgid "Customer Invoices And Refunds"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: field:account.analytic.line,amount_currency:0
#: field:account.entries.report,amount_currency:0
#: field:account.model.line,amount_currency:0
#: field:account.move.line,amount_currency:0
msgid "Amount Currency"
msgstr "Jumlah mata uang"
#. module: account
#: selection:res.company,tax_calculation_rounding_method:0
msgid "Round per Line"
msgstr "Putaran per baris"
#. module: account
#: report:account.analytic.account.balance:0
#: report:account.analytic.account.inverted.balance:0
#: report:account.analytic.account.quantity_cost_ledger:0
#: report:account.invoice:0 field:account.invoice.line,quantity:0
#: field:account.model.line,quantity:0 field:account.move.line,quantity:0
#: view:analytic.entries.report:0 field:analytic.entries.report,unit_amount:0
#: field:report.account.sales,quantity:0
#: field:report.account_type.sales,quantity:0
msgid "Quantity"
msgstr "Kuantitas"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_move_journal_line
msgid ""
"<p class=\"oe_view_nocontent_create\">\n"
" Click to create a journal entry.\n"
" </p><p>\n"
" A journal entry consists of several journal items, each of\n"
" which is either a debit or a credit transaction.\n"
" </p><p>\n"
" OpenERP automatically creates one journal entry per accounting\n"
" document: invoice, refund, supplier payment, bank statements,\n"
" etc. So, you should record journal entries manually only/mainly\n"
" for miscellaneous operations.\n"
" </p>\n"
" "
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: selection:account.financial.report,style_overwrite:0
msgid "Normal Text"
msgstr "Teks biasa"
#. module: account
#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_paymentreconcile0
msgid "Payment entries are the second input of the reconciliation."
msgstr "entri Pembayaran adalah input kedua dari rekonsiliasi"
#. module: account
#: help:res.partner,property_supplier_payment_term:0
msgid ""
"This payment term will be used instead of the default one for purchase "
"orders and supplier invoices"
msgstr "Istilah pembayaran ini akan digunakan sebagai pengganti default untuk pesanan pembelian dan faktur pemasok"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:477
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You cannot delete an invoice after it has been validated (and received a "
"number). You can set it back to \"Draft\" state and modify its content, "
"then re-confirm it."
msgstr "Anda tidak dapat menghapus faktur setelah ia telah divalidasi (dan menerima). Anda dapat mengatur kembali ke keadaan \"Draft\" dan memodifikasi isinya, kemudian kembali mengkonfirmasikannya."
#. module: account
#: help:account.automatic.reconcile,power:0
msgid ""
"Number of partial amounts that can be combined to find a balance point can "
"be chosen as the power of the automatic reconciliation"
msgstr "Jumlah parsial jumlah yang dapat dikombinasikan untuk menemukan titik keseimbangan dapat dipilih sebagai kuasa pendamaian otomatis"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_report_aged_partner_balance.py:56
#, python-format
msgid "You must set a period length greater than 0."
msgstr "Anda harus mengeset panjang periode lebih besar dari 0"
#. module: account
#: view:account.fiscal.position.template:0
#: field:account.fiscal.position.template,name:0
msgid "Fiscal Position Template"
msgstr "Posisi fiskal Template"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:2321
#: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:424
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:77
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:782
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:195
#, python-format
msgid "No Analytic Journal!"
msgstr "No Jurnal Analisis"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice:0
msgid "Draft Refund"
msgstr "Rancangan pengembalian"
#. module: account
#: view:account.analytic.chart:0 view:account.chart:0 view:account.tax.chart:0
msgid "Open Charts"
msgstr "Buka Grafik"
#. module: account
#: field:account.central.journal,amount_currency:0
#: field:account.common.journal.report,amount_currency:0
#: field:account.general.journal,amount_currency:0
#: field:account.partner.ledger,amount_currency:0
#: field:account.print.journal,amount_currency:0
#: field:account.report.general.ledger,amount_currency:0
msgid "With Currency"
msgstr "Dengan mata uang"
#. module: account
#: view:account.bank.statement:0
msgid "Open CashBox"
msgstr "Buka Cashbox"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.financial.report,style_overwrite:0
msgid "Automatic formatting"
msgstr "Otomatis format"
#. module: account
#: view:account.move.line.reconcile:0
msgid "Reconcile With Write-Off"
msgstr "Diperbolehkan untuk dihapus"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.payment.term.line,value:0 selection:account.tax,type:0
msgid "Fixed Amount"
msgstr "Jumlah Tetap"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1067
#, python-format
msgid "You cannot change the tax, you should remove and recreate lines."
msgstr "Anda tidak dapat mengubah pajak, Anda harus menghapus dan membuat ulang garis."
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_automatic_reconcile
msgid "Account Automatic Reconcile"
msgstr "Rekonsiliasi Otomatis"
#. module: account
#: view:account.move:0 view:account.move.line:0
msgid "Journal Item"
msgstr "Jurnal"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_fiscalyear_close
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_wizard_fy_close
msgid "Generate Opening Entries"
msgstr "Menghasilkan pembukaan entri"
#. module: account
#: help:account.tax,type:0
msgid "The computation method for the tax amount."
msgstr "Metode komputasi untuk jumlah pajak."
#. module: account
#: view:account.payment.term.line:0
msgid "Due Date Computation"
msgstr "Karena perhitungan tanggal"
#. module: account
#: field:report.invoice.created,create_date:0
msgid "Create Date"
msgstr "Tanggal dibuat"
#. module: account
#: view:account.analytic.journal:0
#: field:account.analytic.journal.report,analytic_account_journal_id:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_journal_form
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.account_def_analytic_journal
msgid "Analytic Journals"
msgstr "Jurnal-jurnal"
#. module: account
#: field:account.account,child_id:0
msgid "Child Accounts"
msgstr "Akun"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1128
#, python-format
msgid "Move name (id): %s (%s)"
msgstr "Memindahkan nama (id): %s (%s)"
#. module: account
#: view:account.move.line.reconcile:0
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:884
#, python-format
msgid "Write-Off"
msgstr "Menghapus"
#. module: account
#: view:account.entries.report:0
msgid "entries"
msgstr "Catatan"
#. module: account
#: field:res.partner,debit:0
msgid "Total Payable"
msgstr "Total Hutang"
#. module: account
#: model:account.account.type,name:account.data_account_type_income
#: model:account.financial.report,name:account.account_financial_report_income0
msgid "Income"
msgstr "Pendapatan"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.bank.statement.line,type:0 view:account.config.settings:0
#: view:account.invoice:0 view:account.invoice.report:0
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:393
#, python-format
msgid "Supplier"
msgstr "Pemasok"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.entries.report,month:0
#: selection:account.invoice.report,month:0
#: selection:analytic.entries.report,month:0
#: selection:report.account.sales,month:0
#: selection:report.account_type.sales,month:0
msgid "March"
msgstr "Maret"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:1033
#, python-format
msgid "You can not re-open a period which belongs to closed fiscal year"
msgstr "Anda tidak dapat kembali membuka sebuah periode yang milik ditutup tahun fiskal"
#. module: account
#: report:account.analytic.account.journal:0
msgid "Account n°"
msgstr "N/A"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:95
#, python-format
msgid "Free Reference"
msgstr "Bebas referensi"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.aged.trial.balance,result_selection:0
#: selection:account.common.partner.report,result_selection:0
#: selection:account.partner.balance,result_selection:0
#: selection:account.partner.ledger,result_selection:0
#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
#: code:addons/account/report/account_partner_balance.py:301
#: code:addons/account/report/account_partner_ledger.py:276
#, python-format
msgid "Receivable and Payable Accounts"
msgstr "Akun Piutang"
#. module: account
#: field:account.fiscal.position.account.template,position_id:0
msgid "Fiscal Mapping"
msgstr "Template Akun Pemetaan Fiskal"
#. module: account
#: view:account.config.settings:0
msgid "Select Company"
msgstr "Pilih Perusahaan"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_state_open
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_state_open
msgid "Account State Open"
msgstr "Status rekening terbuka"
#. module: account
#: report:account.analytic.account.quantity_cost_ledger:0
msgid "Max Qty:"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_invoice_refund
msgid "Refund Invoice"
msgstr "Tagihan Kembali"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_entries_report_all
msgid ""
"From this view, have an analysis of your different financial accounts. The "
"document shows your debit and credit taking in consideration some criteria "
"you can choose by using the search tool."
msgstr "Dari pandangan ini, memiliki analisis account keuangan yang berbeda. Dokumen menunjukkan debit dan kredit mengambil dalam pertimbangan beberapa kriteria yang Anda dapat memilih dengan menggunakan alat pencarian Anda."
#. module: account
#: help:account.partner.reconcile.process,progress:0
msgid ""
"Shows you the progress made today on the reconciliation process. Given by \n"
"Partners Reconciled Today \\ (Remaining Partners + Partners Reconciled Today)"
msgstr "Menunjukkan kemajuan yang dilakukan hari ini terhadap proses rekonsiliasi. Diberikan oleh mitra didamaikan hari \\ (sisa mitra + mitra didamaikan hari)"
#. module: account
#: field:account.invoice,period_id:0 field:account.invoice.report,period_id:0
#: field:report.account.sales,period_id:0
#: field:report.account_type.sales,period_id:0
msgid "Force Period"
msgstr "Periode Lainnya"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_form
msgid ""
"<p class=\"oe_view_nocontent_create\">\n"
" Click to add an account.\n"
" </p><p>\n"
" An account is part of a ledger allowing your company\n"
" to register all kinds of debit and credit transactions.\n"
" Companies present their annual accounts in two main parts: the\n"
" balance sheet and the income statement (profit and loss\n"
" account). The annual accounts of a company are required by law\n"
" to disclose a certain amount of information.\n"
" </p>\n"
" "
msgstr "<p class=\"oe_view_nocontent_create\">\n Klik untuk tambah Akun\n </p><p>\n Akun ialah bagian dari buku catatan yang memungkinkan perusahaan \n untuk mencatat transaksi Debit dan Kredit. Perusahaan akan melaporkan catatan akun tersebut dalam 2 laporan yaitu \n Laporan Neraca dan Laporan Laba Rugi. \n Laporan keuangan tahunan perusahaan berkekuatan hukum\n sebagai informasi keuangan.\n </p>\n "
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice.report:0 field:account.invoice.report,nbr:0
msgid "# of Lines"
msgstr "batas akhir daftar"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice:0
msgid "(update)"
msgstr "(perbaharui)"
#. module: account
#: field:account.aged.trial.balance,filter:0
#: field:account.balance.report,filter:0
#: field:account.central.journal,filter:0
#: field:account.common.account.report,filter:0
#: field:account.common.journal.report,filter:0
#: field:account.common.partner.report,filter:0
#: field:account.common.report,filter:0 field:account.general.journal,filter:0
#: field:account.partner.balance,filter:0
#: field:account.partner.ledger,filter:0 field:account.print.journal,filter:0
#: field:account.report.general.ledger,filter:0
#: field:account.vat.declaration,filter:0 field:accounting.report,filter:0
#: field:accounting.report,filter_cmp:0
msgid "Filter by"
msgstr "Filter menurut Kota"
#. module: account
#: view:account.tax.template:0
msgid "Compute Code for Taxes Included Prices"
msgstr "Menghitung kode untuk pajak termasuk harga"
#. module: account
#: help:account.bank.statement,balance_end:0
msgid "Balance as calculated based on Starting Balance and transaction lines"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: field:account.journal,loss_account_id:0
msgid "Loss Account"
msgstr "Rugi"
#. module: account
#: field:account.tax,account_collected_id:0
#: field:account.tax.template,account_collected_id:0
msgid "Invoice Tax Account"
msgstr "Akun Pajak"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_general_journal
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_general_journal
msgid "Account General Journal"
msgstr "Akun Umum"
#. module: account
#: help:account.move,state:0
msgid ""
"All manually created new journal entries are usually in the status "
"'Unposted', but you can set the option to skip that status on the related "
"journal. In that case, they will behave as journal entries automatically "
"created by the system on document validation (invoices, bank statements...) "
"and will be created in 'Posted' status."
msgstr "Semua secara manual membuat entri jurnal baru biasanya dalam status 'Unposted', tetapi Anda dapat mengatur pilihan untuk melewatkan bahwa status pada jurnal terkait. Dalam hal ini, mereka akan berperilaku sebagai entri jurnal yang otomatis dibuat oleh sistem pada dokumen validasi (faktur, laporan bank...) dan akan dibuat di 'Posted' status."
#. module: account
#: field:account.payment.term.line,days:0
msgid "Number of Days"
msgstr "Jumlah Hari"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:1328
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You cannot validate this journal entry because account \"%s\" does not "
"belong to chart of accounts \"%s\"."
msgstr "Anda tidak dapat memvalidasi entri jurnal ini karena account \"%s\" tidak termasuk kode akun \"%s\"."
#. module: account
#: view:account.financial.report:0
msgid "Report"
msgstr "Laporan"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_fiscal_position_tax_template
msgid "Template Tax Fiscal Position"
msgstr "Posisi fiskal pajak template"
#. module: account
#: help:account.tax,name:0
msgid "This name will be displayed on reports"
msgstr "Nama ini akan ditampilkan di laporan"
#. module: account
#: report:account.analytic.account.cost_ledger:0
#: report:account.analytic.account.quantity_cost_ledger:0
msgid "Printing date"
msgstr "Tanggal mencetak"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.account.type,close_method:0 selection:account.tax,type:0
#: selection:account.tax.template,type:0
msgid "None"
msgstr "Tidak ada"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_invoice_tree3
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_invoice_tree3
msgid "Customer Refunds"
msgstr "Pengembalian Pelanggan"
#. module: account
#: field:account.account,foreign_balance:0
msgid "Foreign Balance"
msgstr "Keseimbangan Asing"
#. module: account
#: field:account.journal.period,name:0
msgid "Journal-Period Name"
msgstr "Nama Periode Jurnal"
#. module: account
#: field:account.invoice.tax,factor_base:0
msgid "Multipication factor for Base code"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1196
#, python-format
msgid "No Piece Number!"
msgstr "Tidak ada nomor bagian!"
#. module: account
#: help:account.journal,company_id:0
msgid "Company related to this journal"
msgstr "Perusahaan terkait jurnal ini"
#. module: account
#: help:account.config.settings,group_multi_currency:0
msgid "Allows you multi currency environment"
msgstr "Memungkinkan Anda lingkungan multi mata uang"
#. module: account
#: view:account.subscription:0
msgid "Running Subscription"
msgstr "Berjalan"
#. module: account
#: report:account.invoice:0
msgid "Fiscal Position Remark :"
msgstr "Keterangan Posisi fiskal"
#. module: account
#: view:analytic.entries.report:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_analytic_entries_report
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_analytic_entries_report
msgid "Analytic Entries Analysis"
msgstr "Analisis Catatan"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.aged.trial.balance,direction_selection:0
msgid "Past"
msgstr "Masa lalu"
#. module: account
#: help:res.partner.bank,journal_id:0
msgid ""
"This journal will be created automatically for this bank account when you "
"save the record"
msgstr "Jurnal ini akan dibuat secara otomatis untuk account bank ini ketika Anda menyimpan catatan"
#. module: account
#: view:account.analytic.line:0
msgid "Analytic Entry"
msgstr "Pembukuan Analitik"
#. module: account
#: view:res.company:0 field:res.company,overdue_msg:0
msgid "Overdue Payments Message"
msgstr "Pembayaran terlambat pesan"
#. module: account
#: field:account.entries.report,date_created:0
msgid "Date Created"
msgstr "Tanggal Dibuat"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_account_line_extended_form
msgid "account.analytic.line.extended"
msgstr "account.Analytic.line.Extended"
#. module: account
#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_supplierreconcilepaid0
msgid ""
"As soon as the reconciliation is done, the invoice's state turns to “done” "
"(i.e. paid) in the system."
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: view:account.chart.template:0
#: field:account.chart.template,account_root_id:0
msgid "Root Account"
msgstr "Akun Induk"
#. module: account
#: view:account.analytic.line:0
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_analytic_line
msgid "Analytic Line"
msgstr "analitik entri berdasarkan baris"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_model_form
msgid "Models"
msgstr "Model"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1131
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You cannot cancel an invoice which is partially paid. You need to "
"unreconcile related payment entries first."
msgstr "Anda tidak dapat membatalkan faktur yang sebagian dibayar. Anda perlu unreconcile pembayaran terkait entri pertama."
#. module: account
#: field:product.template,taxes_id:0
msgid "Customer Taxes"
msgstr "Pelanggan"
#. module: account
#: help:account.model,name:0
msgid "This is a model for recurring accounting entries"
msgstr "Ini adalah model untuk berulang akuntansi entri"
#. module: account
#: field:wizard.multi.charts.accounts,sale_tax_rate:0
msgid "Sales Tax(%)"
msgstr "Penjualan PPN(%)"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1474
#, python-format
msgid "No Partner Defined!"
msgstr "Mitra tidak didefinisikan!"
#. module: account
#: view:account.tax.code:0
msgid "Reporting Configuration"
msgstr "Pelaporan konfigurasi"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_invoice_tree4
msgid ""
"<p class=\"oe_view_nocontent_create\">\n"
" Click to register a refund you received from a supplier.\n"
" </p><p>\n"
" Instead of creating the supplier refund manually, you can generate\n"
" refunds and reconcile them directly from the related supplier invoice.\n"
" </p>\n"
" "
msgstr "<p class=\"oe_view_nocontent_create\">Klik untuk mendaftar pengembalian dana Anda terima dari pemasok.</p><p>Agar tidak perlu membuat pengembalian pemasok secara manual, Anda bisa menghasilkan pengembalian dana dan mendamaikan mereka langsung dari faktur terkait pemasok.</p>"
#. module: account
#: field:account.tax,type:0 field:account.tax.template,type:0
msgid "Tax Type"
msgstr "Jenis Pajak"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_template_form
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_template_form
msgid "Account Templates"
msgstr "Cari Account template"
#. module: account
#: help:account.config.settings,complete_tax_set:0
#: help:wizard.multi.charts.accounts,complete_tax_set:0
msgid ""
"This boolean helps you to choose if you want to propose to the user to "
"encode the sales and purchase rates or use the usual m2o fields. This last "
"choice assumes that the set of tax defined for the chosen template is "
msgstr "Boolean ini membantu Anda untuk memilih jika Anda ingin mengusulkan kepada pengguna untuk mengkodekan penjualan dan pembelian harga atau menggunakan bidang m2o biasa. Pilihan terakhir ini menganggap bahwa set pajak ditetapkan untuk template pilihan lengkap"
#. module: account
#: report:account.vat.declaration:0
msgid "Tax Statement"
msgstr "Pernyataan pajak"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_res_company
msgid "Companies"
msgstr "Perusahaan"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice.report:0
msgid "Open and Paid Invoices"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: selection:account.financial.report,display_detail:0
msgid "Display children flat"
msgstr "Anak-anak layar datar"
#. module: account
#: view:account.config.settings:0
msgid "Bank & Cash"
msgstr "Bank & tunai"
#. module: account
#: help:account.fiscalyear.close.state,fy_id:0
msgid "Select a fiscal year to close"
msgstr "Pilih satu tahun fiskal untuk menutup"
#. module: account
#: help:account.chart.template,tax_template_ids:0
msgid "List of all the taxes that have to be installed by the wizard"
msgstr "Daftar semua pajak yang harus diinstal oleh wizard"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_intracom
msgid "IntraCom"
msgstr "IntraCom"
#. module: account
#: view:account.move.line.reconcile.writeoff:0
msgid "Information addendum"
msgstr "Keterangan"
#. module: account
#: field:account.chart,fiscalyear:0 view:account.fiscalyear:0
msgid "Fiscal year"
msgstr "Tahun Pembukuan"
#. module: account
#: view:account.move.reconcile:0
msgid "Partial Reconcile Entries"
msgstr "Parsial mendamaikan entri"
#. module: account
#: view:account.aged.trial.balance:0 view:account.analytic.balance:0
#: view:account.analytic.chart:0 view:account.analytic.cost.ledger:0
#: view:account.analytic.cost.ledger.journal.report:0
#: view:account.analytic.inverted.balance:0
#: view:account.analytic.journal.report:0 view:account.automatic.reconcile:0
#: view:account.change.currency:0 view:account.chart:0
#: view:account.common.report:0 view:account.config.settings:0
#: view:account.fiscalyear.close:0 view:account.fiscalyear.close.state:0
#: view:account.invoice.cancel:0 view:account.invoice.confirm:0
#: view:account.invoice.refund:0 view:account.journal.select:0
#: view:account.move.bank.reconcile:0 view:account.move.line.reconcile:0
#: view:account.move.line.reconcile.select:0
#: view:account.move.line.reconcile.writeoff:0
#: view:account.move.line.unreconcile.select:0 view:account.period.close:0
#: view:account.state.open:0 view:account.subscription.generate:0
#: view:account.tax.chart:0 view:account.unreconcile:0
#: view:account.use.model:0 view:account.vat.declaration:0 view:cash.box.in:0
#: view:cash.box.out:0 view:project.account.analytic.line:0
#: view:validate.account.move:0 view:validate.account.move.lines:0
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Batal"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.account,type:0 selection:account.account.template,type:0
#: model:account.account.type,name:account.data_account_type_receivable
#: selection:account.entries.report,type:0
msgid "Receivable"
msgstr "Piutang"
#. module: account
#: constraint:account.move.line:0
msgid "You cannot create journal items on closed account."
msgstr "Anda tidak dapat membuat jurnal item pada akun yang ditutup."
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:640
#, python-format
msgid "Invoice line account's company and invoice's company does not match."
msgstr "Faktur baris akun perusahaan dan perusahaan faktur yang tidak cocok."
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice:0
msgid "Other Info"
msgstr "Info Lain"
#. module: account
#: field:account.journal,default_credit_account_id:0
msgid "Default Credit Account"
msgstr "Akun Kredit Standar"
#. module: account
#: help:account.analytic.line,currency_id:0
msgid "The related account currency if not equal to the company one."
msgstr "Terkait akun mata uang kalau tidak setara dengan perusahaan satu."
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/installer.py:69
#, python-format
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "Kustom"
#. module: account
#: field:account.journal,cashbox_line_ids:0
msgid "CashBox"
msgstr "CashBox"
#. module: account
#: model:account.account.type,name:account.account_type_cash_equity
#: model:account.account.type,name:account.conf_account_type_equity
msgid "Equity"
msgstr "Modal"
#. module: account
#: field:account.journal,internal_account_id:0
msgid "Internal Transfers Account"
msgstr "Transfer internal Account"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/wizard/pos_box.py:32
#, python-format
msgid "Please check that the field 'Journal' is set on the Bank Statement"
msgstr "Harap periksa bahwa bidang 'Jurnal' diatur pada pernyataan Bank"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.tax,type:0
msgid "Percentage"
msgstr "Persentase"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.config.settings,tax_calculation_rounding_method:0
msgid "Round globally"
msgstr "Putaran secara global"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.report.general.ledger,sortby:0
msgid "Journal & Partner"
msgstr "Jurnal & mitra"
#. module: account
#: field:account.automatic.reconcile,power:0
msgid "Power"
msgstr "kemampuan"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:3470
#, python-format
msgid "Cannot generate an unused journal code."
msgstr "Tidak dapat menghasilkan kode tidak terpakai jurnal."
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice:0
msgid "force period"
msgstr "Periode Lainnya"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:3407 code:addons/account/res_config.py:279
#, python-format
msgid "Only administrators can change the settings"
msgstr "Hanya administrator yang dapat mengubah pengaturan"
#. module: account
#: view:project.account.analytic.line:0
msgid "View Account Analytic Lines"
msgstr "Lihat Account analitik baris"
#. module: account
#: field:account.invoice,internal_number:0
#: field:report.invoice.created,number:0
msgid "Invoice Number"
msgstr "Nomor Tagihan"
#. module: account
#: field:account.bank.statement,difference:0
msgid "Difference"
msgstr "Perbedaan"
#. module: account
#: help:account.tax,include_base_amount:0
msgid ""
"Indicates if the amount of tax must be included in the base amount for the "
"computation of the next taxes"
msgstr "Menetapkan jika jumlah pajak yang harus dimasukkan ke dalam jumlah dasar sebelum komputasi pajak berikutnya."
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_partner_reconcile
msgid "Reconciliation: Go to Next Partner"
msgstr "ke partner selanjutnya"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_invert_balance
#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_analytic_account_inverted_balance
msgid "Inverted Analytic Balance"
msgstr "Neraca analitis terbalik"
#. module: account
#: field:account.tax.template,applicable_type:0
msgid "Applicable Type"
msgstr "Kode Terapan (if type=code)"
#. module: account
#: help:account.invoice,date_due:0
msgid ""
"If you use payment terms, the due date will be computed automatically at the"
" generation of accounting entries. The payment term may compute several due "
"dates, for example 50% now and 50% in one month, but if you want to force a "
"due date, make sure that the payment term is not set on the invoice. If you "
"keep the payment term and the due date empty, it means direct payment."
msgstr "Jika Anda menggunakan pembayaran, tanggal jatuh tempo akan dihitung secara otomatis pada generasi akuntansi entri. Istilah pembayaran dapat menghitung beberapa tanggal jatuh tempo, misalnya sekarang 50% dan 50% dalam satu bulan, tetapi jika Anda ingin memaksa tempo, pastikan bahwa istilah pembayaran tidak diatur pada faktur. Jika Anda tetap istilah pembayaran dan tanggal jatuh tempo kosong, berarti pembayaran langsung."
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:420
#, python-format
msgid ""
"There is no opening/closing period defined, please create one to set the "
"initial balance."
msgstr "Tidak ada pembukaan/penutupan periode didefinisikan, silakan membuat satu untuk mengatur keseimbangan awal."
#. module: account
#: help:account.tax.template,sequence:0
msgid ""
"The sequence field is used to order the taxes lines from lower sequences to "
"higher ones. The order is important if you have a tax that has several tax "
"children. In this case, the evaluation order is important."
msgstr "Bidang urutan digunakan untuk memesan garis pajak dari urutan yang lebih rendah yang lebih tinggi. Urutan penting jika Anda memiliki pajak yang memiliki beberapa pajak anak. Dalam kasus ini, urutan evaluasi penting."
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:1424 code:addons/account/account.py:1429
#: code:addons/account/account.py:1458 code:addons/account/account.py:1465
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1022
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1010
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_automatic_reconcile.py:148
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_fiscalyear_close.py:88
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_fiscalyear_close.py:99
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_fiscalyear_close.py:102
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_report_aged_partner_balance.py:56
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_report_aged_partner_balance.py:58
#, python-format
msgid "User Error!"
msgstr "Pengguna"
#. module: account
#: view:account.open.closed.fiscalyear:0
msgid "Discard"
msgstr "Abaikan"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.account,type:0 selection:account.account.template,type:0
#: view:account.journal:0
msgid "Liquidity"
msgstr "Likuiditas"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_journal_open_form
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.account_analytic_journal_entries
msgid "Analytic Journal Items"
msgstr "Item Jurnal"
#. module: account
#: field:account.config.settings,has_default_company:0
msgid "Has default company"
msgstr "Memiliki standar perusahaan"
#. module: account
#: view:account.fiscalyear.close:0
msgid ""
"This wizard will generate the end of year journal entries of selected fiscal"
" year. Note that you can run this wizard many times for the same fiscal "
"year: it will simply replace the old opening entries with the new ones."
msgstr "Wizard ini akan menghasilkan akhir tahun entri jurnal dipilih tahun fiskal. Perhatikan bahwa Anda dapat menjalankan wizard ini berkali-kali untuk tahun fiskal sama: itu hanya akan mengganti entri pembukaan yang lama dengan yang baru."
#. module: account
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_bank_and_cash
msgid "Bank and Cash"
msgstr "Bank dan uang tunai"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_analytic_entries_report
msgid ""
"From this view, have an analysis of your different analytic entries "
"following the analytic account you defined matching your business need. Use "
"the tool search to analyse information about analytic entries generated in "
"the system."
msgstr "Dari pandangan ini, memiliki analisis entri analitik berbeda mengikuti analitik account yang Anda tetapkan sesuai kebutuhan bisnis Anda. Gunakan alat pencarian untuk menganalisis informasi tentang analitik entri yang dihasilkan dalam sistem."
#. module: account
#: sql_constraint:account.journal:0
msgid "The name of the journal must be unique per company !"
msgstr "Nama jurnal harus unik per perusahaan!"
#. module: account
#: field:account.account.template,nocreate:0
msgid "Optional create"
msgstr "Membuat"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:695
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You cannot change the owner company of an account that already contains "
"journal items."
msgstr "Anda tidak dapat mengubah perusahaan pemilik akun yang sudah berisi jurnal item."
#. module: account
#: report:account.invoice:0 selection:account.invoice,type:0
#: selection:account.invoice.report,type:0
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1167
#: selection:report.invoice.created,type:0
#, python-format
msgid "Supplier Refund"
msgstr "Retur Pembelian"
#. module: account
#: field:account.bank.statement,move_line_ids:0
msgid "Entry lines"
msgstr "Baris Catatan"
#. module: account
#: field:account.move.line,centralisation:0
msgid "Centralisation"
msgstr "Pemusatan"
#. module: account
#: view:account.account:0 view:account.account.template:0
#: view:account.analytic.account:0 view:account.analytic.journal:0
#: view:account.analytic.line:0 view:account.bank.statement:0
#: view:account.chart.template:0 view:account.entries.report:0
#: view:account.financial.report:0 view:account.fiscalyear:0
#: view:account.invoice:0 view:account.invoice.report:0 view:account.journal:0
#: view:account.model:0 view:account.move:0 view:account.move.line:0
#: view:account.subscription:0 view:account.tax.code.template:0
#: view:analytic.entries.report:0
msgid "Group By..."
msgstr "Dikelompokan berdasarkan ..."
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:1026
#, python-format
msgid ""
"There is no period defined for this date: %s.\n"
"Please create one."
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: field:account.analytic.line,product_uom_id:0
#: field:account.invoice.line,uos_id:0
#: field:account.move.line,product_uom_id:0
msgid "Unit of Measure"
msgstr "Satuan Ukuran"
#. module: account
#: help:account.journal,group_invoice_lines:0
msgid ""
"If this box is checked, the system will try to group the accounting lines "
"when generating them from invoices."
msgstr "Jika kotak ini dicentang, sistem akan mencoba untuk kelompok garis akuntansi ketika menghasilkan mereka dari faktur."
#. module: account
#: field:account.installer,has_default_company:0
msgid "Has Default Company"
msgstr "Memiliki Default perusahaan"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_sequence_fiscalyear
msgid "account.sequence.fiscalyear"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: report:account.analytic.account.journal:0 view:account.analytic.journal:0
#: field:account.analytic.line,journal_id:0
#: field:account.journal,analytic_journal_id:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_journal
#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.analytic_journal_print
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_analytic_journal
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.account_analytic_journal_print
msgid "Analytic Journal"
msgstr "Jurnal Analitik"
#. module: account
#: view:account.entries.report:0
msgid "Reconciled"
msgstr "Terbayar/ Terekonsiliasi"
#. module: account
#: constraint:account.payment.term.line:0
msgid ""
"Percentages for Payment Term Line must be between 0 and 1, Example: 0.02 for"
" 2%."
msgstr "Persentase untuk baris istilah pembayaran harus antara 0 dan 1, contoh: 0,02 2%."
#. module: account
#: report:account.invoice:0 field:account.invoice.tax,base:0
msgid "Base"
msgstr "Dasar"
#. module: account
#: field:account.model,name:0
msgid "Model Name"
msgstr "Nama Contoh"
#. module: account
#: field:account.chart.template,property_account_expense_categ:0
msgid "Expense Category Account"
msgstr "Akun Kategori Biaya"
#. module: account
#: sql_constraint:account.tax:0
msgid "Tax Name must be unique per company!"
msgstr "Pajak nama harus unik per perusahaan!"
#. module: account
#: view:account.bank.statement:0
msgid "Cash Transactions"
msgstr "+ Transaksi"
#. module: account
#: view:account.unreconcile:0
msgid ""
"If you unreconcile transactions, you must also verify all the actions that "
"are linked to those transactions because they will not be disabled"
msgstr "Jika Anda unreconcile transaksi, Anda juga harus memverifikasi semua tindakan yang terkait dengan transaksi tersebut karena mereka tidak dapat dinonaktifkan"
#. module: account
#: view:account.account.template:0 view:account.bank.statement:0
#: field:account.bank.statement.line,note:0 view:account.fiscal.position:0
#: field:account.fiscal.position,note:0
#: field:account.fiscal.position.template,note:0
msgid "Notes"
msgstr "Catatan"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_analytic_entries_report
msgid "Analytic Entries Statistics"
msgstr "analitik entri berdasarkan baris"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_analytic_line.py:148
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:960
#, python-format
msgid "Entries: "
msgstr "# Masukkan"
#. module: account
#: help:res.partner.bank,currency_id:0
msgid "Currency of the related account journal."
msgstr "Mata uang akun terkait jurnal."
#. module: account
#: constraint:account.move.line:0
msgid ""
"You cannot provide a secondary currency if it is the same than the company "
msgstr "Anda tidak dapat memberikan mata uang sekunder jika sama daripada perusahaan satu."
#. module: account
#: selection:account.tax.template,applicable_type:0
msgid "True"
msgstr "Benar"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.account.type,report_type:0
#: code:addons/account/account.py:196
#, python-format
msgid "Balance Sheet (Asset account)"
msgstr "Neraca (aset rekening)"
#. module: account
#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_draftstatement0
msgid "State is draft"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: view:account.move.line:0
msgid "Total debit"
msgstr "Total debit"
#. module: account
#: view:account.move.line:0
msgid "Next Partner Entries to reconcile"
msgstr "Entri mitra berikutnya untuk mendamaikan"
#. module: account
#: report:account.invoice:0
msgid "Fax :"
msgstr "Fax :"
#. module: account
#: help:res.partner,property_account_receivable:0
msgid ""
"This account will be used instead of the default one as the receivable "
"account for the current partner"
msgstr "Akun ini akan digunakan sebagai pengganti default sebagai piutang tersebut untuk mitra saat ini"
#. module: account
#: field:account.tax,python_applicable:0 field:account.tax,python_compute:0
#: selection:account.tax,type:0
#: selection:account.tax.template,applicable_type:0
#: field:account.tax.template,python_applicable:0
#: field:account.tax.template,python_compute:0
#: selection:account.tax.template,type:0
msgid "Python Code"
msgstr "Kode Python"
#. module: account
#: view:account.entries.report:0
msgid "Journal Entries with period in current period"
msgstr "Entri jurnal dengan periode dalam periode saat ini"
#. module: account
#: help:account.journal,update_posted:0
msgid ""
"Check this box if you want to allow the cancellation the entries related to "
"this journal or of the invoice related to this journal"
msgstr "Centang kotak ini jika Anda ingin memperbolehkan pembatalan entri yang berhubungan dengan jurnal ini atau faktur terkait dengan jurnal ini"
#. module: account
#: view:account.fiscalyear.close:0
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Membuat"
#. module: account
#: model:process.transition.action,name:account.process_transition_action_createentries0
msgid "Create entry"
msgstr "Buat Pembukuan"
#. module: account
#: view:account.open.closed.fiscalyear:0
msgid "Cancel Fiscal Year Closing Entries"
msgstr "Membatalkan tahun fiskal menutup entri"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.account.type,report_type:0
#: code:addons/account/account.py:195
#, python-format
msgid "Profit & Loss (Expense account)"
msgstr "Keuntungan & kerugian (rekening pengeluaran)"
#. module: account
#: field:account.bank.statement,total_entry_encoding:0
msgid "Total Transactions"
msgstr "Total Transaksi"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:645
#, python-format
msgid "You cannot remove an account that contains journal items."
msgstr "Anda tidak dapat menonaktifkan account yang berisi jurnal item."
#. module: account
#: field:account.financial.report,style_overwrite:0
msgid "Financial Report Style"
msgstr "Laporan Keuangan"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.financial.report,sign:0
msgid "Preserve balance sign"
msgstr "Masuk / keluar"
#. module: account
#: view:account.vat.declaration:0
#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_vat_declaration
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_account_vat_declaration
msgid "Taxes Report"
msgstr "Menentukan urutan tampilan dalam laporan 'Accounting \\ Reporting \\ Generic Reporting \\ Taxes \\ Taxes Report'"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.journal.period,state:0
msgid "Printed"
msgstr "Tercetak"
#. module: account
#: view:account.analytic.line:0
msgid "Project line"
msgstr "Baris Proyek"
#. module: account
#: field:account.invoice.tax,manual:0
msgid "Manual"
msgstr "Manual"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.invoice.refund,filter_refund:0
msgid "Cancel: create refund and reconcile"
msgstr "Batal: membuat pengembalian dan mendamaikan"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_report_aged_partner_balance.py:58
#, python-format
msgid "You must set a start date."
msgstr "Anda harus mengeset tanggal mulai"
#. module: account
#: view:account.automatic.reconcile:0
msgid ""
"For an invoice to be considered as paid, the invoice entries must be "
"reconciled with counterparts, usually payments. With the automatic "
"reconciliation functionality, OpenERP makes its own search for entries to "
"reconcile in a series of accounts. It finds entries for each partner where "
"the amounts correspond."
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: view:account.move:0 field:account.move,to_check:0
msgid "To Review"
msgstr "Untuk meninjau"
#. module: account
#: help:account.partner.ledger,initial_balance:0
#: help:account.report.general.ledger,initial_balance:0
msgid ""
"If you selected to filter by date or period, this field allow you to add a "
"row to display the amount of debit/credit/balance that precedes the filter "
"you've set."
msgstr "Jika Anda memilih untuk menyaring oleh tanggal atau waktu, bidang ini memungkinkan Anda untuk menambahkan satu baris untuk menampilkan jumlah debit/kredit/keseimbangan yang mendahului filter yang Anda tetapkan."
#. module: account
#: view:account.bank.statement:0 view:account.move:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_move_journal_line
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_move_journal_line_form
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_entries
msgid "Journal Entries"
msgstr "Entri jurnal"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_invoice_refund.py:156
#, python-format
msgid "No period found on the invoice."
msgstr "Periode tidak ditemukan pada faktur."
#. module: account
#: help:account.partner.ledger,page_split:0
msgid "Display Ledger Report with One partner per page"
msgstr "Menampilkan laporan buku besar dengan satu pasangan per halaman"
#. module: account
#: report:account.general.ledger:0 report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0
#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
msgid "JRNL"
msgstr "Jurnal"
#. module: account
#: view:account.state.open:0
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Ya"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.aged.trial.balance,target_move:0
#: selection:account.balance.report,target_move:0
#: selection:account.central.journal,target_move:0
#: selection:account.chart,target_move:0
#: selection:account.common.account.report,target_move:0
#: selection:account.common.journal.report,target_move:0
#: selection:account.common.partner.report,target_move:0
#: selection:account.common.report,target_move:0
#: selection:account.general.journal,target_move:0
#: selection:account.partner.balance,target_move:0
#: selection:account.partner.ledger,target_move:0
#: selection:account.print.journal,target_move:0
#: selection:account.report.general.ledger,target_move:0
#: selection:account.tax.chart,target_move:0
#: selection:account.vat.declaration,target_move:0
#: selection:accounting.report,target_move:0
#: code:addons/account/report/common_report_header.py:67
#, python-format
msgid "All Entries"
msgstr "Semua Catatan"
#. module: account
#: constraint:account.move.reconcile:0
msgid "You can only reconcile journal items with the same partner."
msgstr "Anda hanya dapat mendamaikan jurnal item dengan mitra yang sama."
#. module: account
#: view:account.journal.select:0
msgid "Journal Select"
msgstr "Pilih jurnal"
#. module: account
#: view:account.bank.statement:0 code:addons/account/account.py:428
#: code:addons/account/account.py:440
#, python-format
msgid "Opening Balance"
msgstr "Saldo Awal"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_move_reconcile
msgid "Account Reconciliation"
msgstr "Rekonsiliasi Akun"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_fiscal_position_tax
msgid "Taxes Fiscal Position"
msgstr "Posisi fiskal pajak"
#. module: account
#: report:account.general.ledger:0 report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_general_ledger_menu
#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_general_ledger
#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_general_ledger_landscape
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_general_ledger
msgid "General Ledger"
msgstr "Buku Besar Umum"
#. module: account
#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_paymentorderbank0
msgid "The payment order is sent to the bank."
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: help:account.move,to_check:0
msgid ""
"Check this box if you are unsure of that journal entry and if you want to "
"note it as 'to be reviewed' by an accounting expert."
msgstr "Centanng kotak ini apabila anda tidak yakin akan ayat jurnal tersebut dan jika anda ingin mencatatnya sebagai \"untuk ditinjau\" oleh ahli akuntansi."
#. module: account
#: field:account.chart.template,complete_tax_set:0
#: field:wizard.multi.charts.accounts,complete_tax_set:0
msgid "Complete Set of Taxes"
msgstr "Set lengkap pajak"
#. module: account
#: view:account.chart.template:0
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Properti"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_tax_chart
msgid "Account tax chart"
msgstr "Account Pajak Bagan"
#. module: account
#: report:account.analytic.account.cost_ledger:0
#: report:account.analytic.account.quantity_cost_ledger:0
#: report:account.central.journal:0 report:account.general.journal:0
#: report:account.invoice:0 report:account.journal.period.print:0
#: report:account.journal.period.print.sale.purchase:0
#: report:account.partner.balance:0
msgid "Total:"
msgstr "Total:"
#. module: account
#: constraint:account.journal:0
msgid ""
"Configuration error!\n"
"The currency chosen should be shared by the default accounts too."
msgstr "Kesalahan konfigurasi!\nMata uang yang dipilih harus dibagi oleh account default juga."
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:2279
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You can specify year, month and date in the name of the model using the following labels:\n"
"%(year)s: To Specify Year \n"
"%(month)s: To Specify Month \n"
"%(date)s: Current Date\n"
"e.g. My model on %(date)s"
msgstr "Anda dapat menentukan tahun, bulan dan tanggal dalam nama model menggunakan label berikut:\n\n%(year)s: Untuk tentukan tahun \n%(month)s: Untuk rtentukan bulan \n%(date)s: Tanggal sekarang\n\ne.g. My model on %(date)s"
#. module: account
#: field:account.invoice,paypal_url:0
msgid "Paypal Url"
msgstr "Paypal Url"
#. module: account
#: field:account.config.settings,module_account_voucher:0
msgid "Manage customer payments"
msgstr "Kelola pembayaran pelanggan"
#. module: account
#: help:report.invoice.created,origin:0
msgid "Reference of the document that generated this invoice report."
msgstr "Referensi berkas yang menghasilkan tagihan ini"
#. module: account
#: field:account.tax.code,child_ids:0
#: field:account.tax.code.template,child_ids:0
msgid "Child Codes"
msgstr "Kode-kode pajak"
#. module: account
#: constraint:account.fiscalyear:0
msgid ""
"The start date of a fiscal year must precede its end date."
msgstr "Kesalahan!\nTanggal mulai tahun fiskal harus mendahului tanggal akhir."
#. module: account
#: view:account.tax.template:0
msgid "Taxes used in Sales"
msgstr "Pajak yang digunakan dalam penjualan"
#. module: account
#: view:account.period:0
msgid "Re-Open Period"
msgstr "Anda tidak dapat kembali membuka sebuah periode yang milik ditutup tahun fiskal"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_invoice_tree1
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_invoice_tree1
msgid "Customer Invoices"
msgstr "Tagihan Pelanggan"
#. module: account
#: view:account.tax:0
msgid "Misc"
msgstr "Lain-lain"
#. module: account
#: view:account.analytic.line:0
msgid "Sales"
msgstr "Sales"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.invoice.report,state:0
#: selection:account.journal.period,state:0
#: selection:account.subscription,state:0
#: selection:report.invoice.created,state:0
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Selesai"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:1290
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You cannot validate a non-balanced entry.\n"
"Make sure you have configured payment terms properly.\n"
"The latest payment term line should be of the \"Balance\" type."
msgstr "Anda tidak dapat memvalidasi entri bebas-seimbang.\nPastikan Anda telah mengkonfigurasi pembayaran dengan benar.\nBaris istilah Pembayaran Pemesanan harus dari jenis \"Keseimbangan\"."
#. module: account
#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_invoicemanually0
msgid "A statement with manual entries becomes a draft statement."
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: view:account.aged.trial.balance:0
msgid ""
"Aged Partner Balance is a more detailed report of your receivables by "
"intervals. When opening that report, OpenERP asks for the name of the "
"company, the fiscal period and the size of the interval to be analyzed (in "
"days). OpenERP then calculates a table of credit balance by period. So if "
"you request an interval of 30 days OpenERP generates an analysis of "
"creditors for the past month, past two months, and so on. "
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: field:account.invoice,origin:0 field:account.invoice.line,origin:0
#: field:report.invoice.created,origin:0
msgid "Source Document"
msgstr "Sumber berkas"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_analytic_line.py:96
#, python-format
msgid "There is no expense account defined for this product: \"%s\" (id:%d)."
msgstr "Tidak ada neraca pendapatan didefinisikan untuk produk ini: \"%s\" (id:%d)."
#. module: account
#: view:account.account.template:0
msgid "Internal notes..."
msgstr "Catatan internal"
#. module: account
#: constraint:account.account:0
msgid ""
"Configuration Error!\n"
"You cannot define children to an account with internal type different of \"View\"."
msgstr "Kesalahan konfigurasi!\nAnda tidak dapat menentukan anak ke account dengan internal jenis berbeda \"View\"."
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_accounting_report
msgid "Accounting Report"
msgstr "Laporan Akuntansi"
#. module: account
#: field:account.analytic.line,currency_id:0
msgid "Account Currency"
msgstr "Akun Mata Uang"
#. module: account
#: report:account.invoice:0
msgid "Taxes:"
msgstr "Pajak-pajak :"
#. module: account
#: help:account.tax,amount:0
msgid "For taxes of type percentage, enter % ratio between 0-1."
msgstr "Untuk pajak jenis persentase, masukkan % rasio antara 0-1."
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_report_tree_hierarchy
msgid "Financial Reports Hierarchy"
msgstr "Anda dapat mengatur format yang ingin anda tampilkan. Jika anda menyerahkan pada format otomatis, Hal tersebut akan dihitung berdasarkan hirarki laporan keuangan"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_account_invoice_partner_relation
msgid "Monthly Turnover"
msgstr "Omzet perbulannya"
#. module: account
#: view:account.move:0 view:account.move.line:0
msgid "Analytic Lines"
msgstr "Baris Analitik"
#. module: account
#: field:account.analytic.journal,line_ids:0 field:account.tax.code,line_ids:0
msgid "Lines"
msgstr "Baris"
#. module: account
#: view:account.tax.template:0
msgid "Account Tax Template"
msgstr "Account pajak Template"
#. module: account
#: view:account.journal.select:0
msgid "Are you sure you want to open Journal Entries?"
msgstr "Apakah anda yakin untuk membuat catatan baru?"
#. module: account
#: view:account.state.open:0
msgid "Are you sure you want to open this invoice ?"
msgstr "Apakah anda yakin ingin membuka faktur ini ?"
#. module: account
#: field:account.chart.template,property_account_expense_opening:0
msgid "Opening Entries Expense Account"
msgstr "Pembukaan rekening pengeluaran entri"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice:0
msgid "Customer Reference"
msgstr "Referensi Klien"
#. module: account
#: field:account.account.template,parent_id:0
msgid "Parent Account Template"
msgstr "Induk Account Template"
#. module: account
#: report:account.invoice:0
msgid "Price"
msgstr "Harga"
#. module: account
#: view:account.bank.statement:0
#: field:account.bank.statement,closing_details_ids:0
msgid "Closing Cashbox Lines"
msgstr "Menutup garis Cashbox"
#. module: account
#: view:account.bank.statement:0
#: field:account.bank.statement.line,statement_id:0
#: field:account.move.line,statement_id:0
#: model:process.process,name:account.process_process_statementprocess0
msgid "Statement"
msgstr "Pernyataan"
#. module: account
#: help:account.journal,default_debit_account_id:0
msgid "It acts as a default account for debit amount"
msgstr "Bertindak sebagai default account untuk jumlah debit"
#. module: account
#: view:account.entries.report:0
msgid "Posted entries"
msgstr "Semua diposting entri"
#. module: account
#: help:account.payment.term.line,value_amount:0
msgid "For percent enter a ratio between 0-1."
msgstr "Persen masukkan rasio antara 0-1."
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice:0
msgid "Accounting Period"
msgstr "Periode akuntansi"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice.report:0
msgid "Group by year of Invoice Date"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: field:account.config.settings,purchase_tax_rate:0
msgid "Purchase tax (%)"
msgstr "Default pembelian pajak"
#. module: account
#: help:res.partner,credit:0
msgid "Total amount this customer owes you."
msgstr "Jumlah pelanggan ini berutang Anda."
#. module: account
#: view:account.move.line:0
msgid "Unbalanced Journal Items"
msgstr "jurnal item tidak balance"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.open_account_charts_modules
msgid "Chart Templates"
msgstr "Chart template"
#. module: account
#: field:account.journal.period,icon:0
msgid "Icon"
msgstr "Ikon"
#. module: account
#: view:account.use.model:0
msgid "Ok"
msgstr "Ok"
#. module: account
#: field:account.chart.template,tax_code_root_id:0
msgid "Root Tax Code"
msgstr "Root kode pajak"
#. module: account
#: help:account.journal,centralisation:0
msgid ""
"Check this box to determine that each entry of this journal won't create a "
"new counterpart but will share the same counterpart. This is used in fiscal "
"year closing."
msgstr "Tandai kotak ini untuk menetapkan bahwa setiap ayat dari jurnal tidak akan membuat salinan baru namun akan berbagi salinan yang sama. Hal ini digunakan pada saat penutupan tahun fiskal."
#. module: account
#: field:account.bank.statement,closing_date:0
msgid "Closed On"
msgstr "Ditutup"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_bank_statement_line
msgid "Bank Statement Line"
msgstr "Transaksi buku bank"
#. module: account
#: field:wizard.multi.charts.accounts,purchase_tax:0
msgid "Default Purchase Tax"
msgstr "Default pembelian pajak"
#. module: account
#: field:account.chart.template,property_account_income_opening:0
msgid "Opening Entries Income Account"
msgstr "Membuka entri pendapatan akun"
#. module: account
#: field:account.config.settings,group_proforma_invoices:0
msgid "Allow pro-forma invoices"
msgstr "Memungkinkan pro-forma faktur"
#. module: account
#: view:account.bank.statement:0
msgid "Confirm"
msgstr "Konfirmasi"
#. module: account
#: help:account.tax,domain:0 help:account.tax.template,domain:0
msgid ""
"This field is only used if you develop your own module allowing developers "
"to create specific taxes in a custom domain."
msgstr "Kolom ini hanya digunakan jika anda membuat perumusan tentang perhitungan pajak sendiri"
#. module: account
#: field:account.invoice,reference:0 field:account.invoice.line,invoice_id:0
msgid "Invoice Reference"
msgstr "Faktur Referensi"
#. module: account
#: field:account.fiscalyear.close,report_name:0
msgid "Name of new entries"
msgstr "Beri nama pada entri baru"
#. module: account
#: view:account.use.model:0
msgid "Create Entries"
msgstr "Membuat Catatan"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_cash_box_out
msgid "cash.box.out"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: help:account.config.settings,currency_id:0
msgid "Main currency of the company."
msgstr "Mata uang utama perusahaan."
#. module: account
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_reports
msgid "Reporting"
msgstr "Pelaporan"
#. module: account
#. openerp-web
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:786
#: code:addons/account/static/src/js/account_move_reconciliation.js:90
#, python-format
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Peringatan"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_analytic_open
msgid "Contracts/Analytic Accounts"
msgstr "Rekening kontrak analitik"
#. module: account
#: view:account.journal:0 field:res.partner.bank,journal_id:0
msgid "Account Journal"
msgstr "Akun Jurnal"
#. module: account
#: field:account.config.settings,tax_calculation_rounding_method:0
msgid "Tax calculation rounding method"
msgstr "Pembulatan metode perhitungan pajak"
#. module: account
#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_paidinvoice0
#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_supplierpaidinvoice0
msgid "Paid invoice"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice.refund:0
msgid ""
"Use this option if you want to cancel an invoice you should not\n"
" have issued. The credit note will be created, validated and reconciled\n"
" with the invoice. You will not be able to modify the credit note."
msgstr "Gunakan pilihan ini jika Anda ingin membatalkan faktur Anda tidak harus dikeluarkan. Catatan kredit akan dibuat, divalidasi dan didamaikan dengan faktur. Anda tidak akan dapat memodifikasi catatan kredit."
#. module: account
#: help:account.partner.reconcile.process,next_partner_id:0
msgid ""
"This field shows you the next partner that will be automatically chosen by "
"the system to go through the reconciliation process, based on the latest day"
" it have been reconciled."
msgstr "Bidang ini menunjukkan pasangan Anda yang selanjutnya yang akan secara otomatis dipilih oleh sistem untuk pergi melalui proses rekonsiliasi, berdasarkan Pemesanan hari itu telah didamaikan."
#. module: account
#: field:account.move.line.reconcile.writeoff,comment:0
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Komentar"
#. module: account
#: field:account.tax,domain:0 field:account.tax.template,domain:0
msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Filter"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_use_model
msgid "Use model"
msgstr "Menggunakan model"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:1466
#, python-format
msgid ""
"There is no default credit account defined \n"
"on journal \"%s\"."
msgstr "Ada account kredit default tidak didefinisikan pada jurnal \"%s\"."
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice.line:0 field:account.invoice.tax,invoice_id:0
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_invoice_line
msgid "Invoice Line"
msgstr "Baris Tagihan"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice.report:0
msgid "Customer And Supplier Refunds"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: field:account.financial.report,sign:0
msgid "Sign on Reports"
msgstr "Login"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_analytic_account_tree2
msgid ""
" Click to add a new analytic account.\n"
" </p><p>\n"
" The normal chart of accounts has a structure defined by the\n"
" legal requirement of the country. The analytic chart of\n"
" accounts structure should reflect your own business needs in\n"
" term of costs/revenues reporting.\n"
" </p><p>\n"
" They are usually structured by contracts, projects, products or\n"
" departements. Most of the OpenERP operations (invoices,\n"
" timesheets, expenses, etc) generate analytic entries on the\n"
" related account.\n"
" </p>\n"
" "
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: model:account.account.type,name:account.data_account_type_view
msgid "Root/View"
msgstr "Akar View"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:3214
#, python-format
msgid "OPEJ"
msgstr "OPEJ"
#. module: account
#: report:account.invoice:0 view:account.invoice:0
msgid "PRO-FORMA"
msgstr "Pro-forma"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.entries.report,move_line_state:0 view:account.move.line:0
#: selection:account.move.line,state:0
msgid "Unbalanced"
msgstr "Tidak seimbang"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.move.line,centralisation:0
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Normal"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_email_templates
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_email_templates
msgid "Email Templates"
msgstr "Contoh Email"
#. module: account
#: view:account.move.line:0
msgid "Optional Information"
msgstr "Keterangan"
#. module: account
#: view:account.analytic.line:0 field:account.bank.statement,user_id:0
#: view:account.journal:0 field:account.journal,user_id:0
#: view:analytic.entries.report:0 field:analytic.entries.report,user_id:0
msgid "User"
msgstr "Pengguna"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.account,currency_mode:0
msgid "At Date"
msgstr "Pada tanggal"
#. module: account
#: help:account.move.line,date_maturity:0
msgid ""
"This field is used for payable and receivable journal entries. You can put "
"the limit date for the payment of this line."
msgstr "Bidang ini digunakan untuk entri jurnal hutang dan piutang. Anda dapat meletakkan tanggal batas pembayaran baris ini."
#. module: account
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_multi_currency
msgid "Multi-Currencies"
msgstr "Izinkan mata uang jamak"
#. module: account
#: field:account.model.line,date_maturity:0
msgid "Maturity Date"
msgstr "Tanggal jatuh tempo dari baris ayat yang dihasilkan oleh baris contoh '%s' dari contoh '%s' didasarkan kepada persyaratan pembayaran mitra!\nMohon tetapkan mitra !"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:3201
#, python-format
msgid "Sales Journal"
msgstr "Jurnal Penjualan"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_invoice_tax
msgid "Invoice Tax"
msgstr "Set akun analitik yang akan digunakan sebagai default pada baris pajak tagihan dalam invoice. Biarkan kosong jika anda tidak ingin menggunakan akun analitik pada baris pajak tagihan sebagai default."
#. module: account
#: view:account.financial.report:0
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_account_report_tree_hierarchy
msgid "Account Reports Hierarchy"
msgstr "Hirarki laporan rekening"
#. module: account
#: help:account.account.template,chart_template_id:0
msgid ""
"This optional field allow you to link an account template to a specific "
"chart template that may differ from the one its root parent belongs to. This"
" allow you to define chart templates that extend another and complete it "
"with few new accounts (You don't need to define the whole structure that is "
"common to both several times)."
msgstr "Bidang ini opsional memungkinkan Anda tautkan Akun template template grafik tertentu yang mungkin berbeda dari satu induknya akar milik. Hal ini memungkinkan Anda untuk menentukan template grafik yang memperpanjang lain dan lengkap dengan beberapa account baru (Anda tidak perlu untuk menentukan keseluruhan struktur yang umum untuk kedua beberapa kali)."
#. module: account
#: view:account.move:0
msgid "Unposted Journal Entries"
msgstr "Entri jurnal unposted"
#. module: account
#: help:account.invoice.refund,date:0
msgid ""
"This date will be used as the invoice date for credit note and period will "
"be chosen accordingly!"
msgstr "Tanggal ini akan digunakan sebagai tanggal faktur untuk catatan kredit dan periode akan dipilih sesuai!"
#. module: account
#: view:product.template:0
msgid "Sales Properties"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:3546
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You have to set a code for the bank account defined on the selected chart of"
" accounts."
msgstr "Anda harus menetapkan kode untuk rekening bank yang didefinisikan di chart dipilih account."
#. module: account
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_manual_reconcile
msgid "Manual Reconciliation"
msgstr "Manual rekonsiliasi"
#. module: account
#: report:account.overdue:0
msgid "Total amount due:"
msgstr "Biaya Total:"
#. module: account
#: field:account.analytic.chart,to_date:0
#: field:project.account.analytic.line,to_date:0
msgid "To"
msgstr "Kepada"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.move.line,centralisation:0
#: code:addons/account/account.py:1517
#, python-format
msgid "Currency Adjustment"
msgstr "Penyesuaian mata uang"
#. module: account
#: field:account.fiscalyear.close,fy_id:0
msgid "Fiscal Year to close"
msgstr "Tahun fiskal untuk menutup"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice.cancel:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_invoice_cancel
msgid "Cancel Selected Invoices"
msgstr "Membatalkan dipilih faktur"
#. module: account
#: help:account.account.type,report_type:0
msgid ""
"This field is used to generate legal reports: profit and loss, balance "
msgstr "Bidang ini digunakan untuk menghasilkan laporan hukum: laba rugi, neraca."
#. module: account
#: selection:account.entries.report,month:0
#: selection:account.invoice.report,month:0
#: selection:analytic.entries.report,month:0
#: selection:report.account.sales,month:0
#: selection:report.account_type.sales,month:0
msgid "May"
msgstr "Mei"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:827
#, python-format
msgid "Global taxes defined, but they are not in invoice lines !"
msgstr "Pajak global didefinisikan, tetapi mereka tidak berada dalam garis faktur!"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_chart_template
msgid "Templates for Account Chart"
msgstr "Cetakan Bagan Akun"
#. module: account
#: help:account.model.line,sequence:0
msgid ""
"The sequence field is used to order the resources from lower sequences to "
"higher ones."
msgstr "Bidang urutan digunakan untuk memesan sumber daya dari urutan yang lebih rendah yang lebih tinggi."
#. module: account
#: field:account.move.line,amount_residual_currency:0
msgid "Residual Amount in Currency"
msgstr "Jumlah mata uang"
#. module: account
#: field:account.config.settings,sale_refund_sequence_prefix:0
msgid "Credit note sequence"
msgstr "Urutan catatan kredit"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_validate_account_move
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_validate_account_move_line
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_validate_account_moves
#: view:validate.account.move:0 view:validate.account.move.lines:0
msgid "Post Journal Entries"
msgstr "Posting entri jurnal"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.bank.statement.line,type:0 view:account.config.settings:0
#: view:account.invoice:0 view:account.invoice.report:0
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:391
#, python-format
msgid "Customer"
msgstr "Customer"
#. module: account
#: field:account.financial.report,name:0
msgid "Report Name"
msgstr "Laporan Nama"
#. module: account
#: model:account.account.type,name:account.data_account_type_cash
#: selection:account.analytic.journal,type:0
#: selection:account.bank.accounts.wizard,account_type:0
#: selection:account.entries.report,type:0 selection:account.journal,type:0
#: code:addons/account/account.py:3089
#, python-format
msgid "Cash"
msgstr "Tunai"
#. module: account
#: field:account.fiscal.position.account,account_dest_id:0
#: field:account.fiscal.position.account.template,account_dest_id:0
msgid "Account Destination"
msgstr "Akun"
#. module: account
#: help:account.invoice.refund,filter_refund:0
msgid ""
"Refund base on this type. You can not Modify and Cancel if the invoice is "
"already reconciled"
msgstr "Pengembalian dana berdasarkan jenis ini. Anda tidak dapat memodifikasi dan membatalkan jika faktur sudah didamaikan"
#. module: account
#: field:account.bank.statement.line,sequence:0
#: field:account.financial.report,sequence:0
#: field:account.invoice.line,sequence:0 field:account.invoice.tax,sequence:0
#: field:account.model.line,sequence:0
#: field:account.sequence.fiscalyear,sequence_id:0
#: field:account.tax,sequence:0 field:account.tax.code,sequence:0
#: field:account.tax.template,sequence:0
msgid "Sequence"
msgstr "Berurutan"
#. module: account
#: field:account.config.settings,paypal_account:0
msgid "Paypal account"
msgstr "PayPal account"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.print.journal,sort_selection:0
msgid "Journal Entry Number"
msgstr "Journal Entry Number"
#. module: account
#: view:account.financial.report:0
msgid "Parent Report"
msgstr "Laporan induk"
#. module: account
#: constraint:account.account:0 constraint:account.tax.code:0
msgid ""
"You cannot create recursive accounts."
msgstr "Kesalahan!\nAnda tidak dapat membuat account rekursif."
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_cash_box_in
msgid "cash.box.in"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: help:account.invoice,move_id:0
msgid "Link to the automatically generated Journal Items."
msgstr "Link ke item jurnal yang otomatis."
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_config_settings
msgid "account.config.settings"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: selection:account.config.settings,period:0
#: selection:account.installer,period:0
msgid "Monthly"
msgstr "Bulanan"
#. module: account
#: model:account.account.type,name:account.data_account_type_asset
msgid "Asset"
msgstr "Aktiva"
#. module: account
#: field:account.bank.statement,balance_end:0
msgid "Computed Balance"
msgstr "Keseimbangan dihitung"
#. module: account
#. openerp-web
#: code:addons/account/static/src/js/account_move_reconciliation.js:89
#, python-format
msgid "You must choose at least one record."
msgstr "Anda harus memilih setidaknya satu data"
#. module: account
#: field:account.account,parent_id:0
#: field:account.financial.report,parent_id:0
msgid "Parent"
msgstr "Induk"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_cash_statement.py:292
#, python-format
msgid "Profit"
msgstr "Laba"
#. module: account
#: help:account.payment.term.line,days2:0
msgid ""
"Day of the month, set -1 for the last day of the current month. If it's "
"positive, it gives the day of the next month. Set 0 for net days (otherwise "
"it's based on the beginning of the month)."
msgstr "Hari bulan, untuk mengatur -1 hari terakhir bulan ini. Jika itu positif, memberikan hari bulan. Mengatur 0 hari bersih (sebaliknya adalah berdasarkan pada permulaan bulan)."
#. module: account
#: view:account.move.line.reconcile:0
msgid "Reconciliation Transactions"
msgstr "Transaksi rekonsiliasi"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:475
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You cannot delete an invoice which is not draft or cancelled. You should "
"refund it instead."
msgstr "Anda tidak dapat menghapus faktur yang tidak draft atau dibatalkan. Anda harus mengembalikan itu sebagai gantinya."
#. module: account
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_legal_statement
msgid "Legal Reports"
msgstr "Tipe Akun berguna sebagai penyedia informasi, membuat report akunting yang spesifik tiap negara, dan menyusun aturan untuk tutup buku tahunan dan membuat saldo awal"
#. module: account
#: field:account.tax.code,sum_period:0
msgid "Period Sum"
msgstr "Total Periode"
#. module: account
#: help:account.tax,sequence:0
msgid ""
"The sequence field is used to order the tax lines from the lowest sequences "
"to the higher ones. The order is important if you have a tax with several "
"tax children. In this case, the evaluation order is important."
msgstr "Bidang urutan digunakan untuk memesan jalur pajak dari urutan terendah ke yang lebih tinggi. Urutan penting jika Anda memiliki pajak dengan beberapa pajak anak. Dalam kasus ini, urutan evaluasi penting."
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_cashbox_line
msgid "CashBox Line"
msgstr "Buka Cashbox"
#. module: account
#: field:account.installer,charts:0
msgid "Accounting Package"
msgstr "Akuntansi paket"
#. module: account
#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_partner_ledger
#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_3rdparty_ledger
#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_3rdparty_ledger_other
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_account_partner_ledger
msgid "Partner Ledger"
msgstr "Rekening mitra Ledger"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.tax.template,type:0
msgid "Fixed"
msgstr "Baku"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:677
#, python-format
msgid "Warning !"
msgstr "Peringatan !"
#. module: account
#: help:account.bank.statement,message_unread:0
#: help:account.invoice,message_unread:0
msgid "If checked new messages require your attention."
msgstr "Jika dicentang pesan baru membutuhkan perhatian Anda."
#. module: account
#: field:res.company,tax_calculation_rounding_method:0
msgid "Tax Calculation Rounding Method"
msgstr "Pembulatan metode perhitungan pajak"
#. module: account
#: field:account.entries.report,move_line_state:0
msgid "State of Move Line"
msgstr "Keadaan bergerak Line"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_move_line_reconcile
msgid "Account move line reconcile"
msgstr "Pindahkan baris rekonsiliasi terpilih"
#. module: account
#: view:account.subscription.generate:0
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_subscription_generate
msgid "Subscription Compute"
msgstr "Berlangganan menghitung"
#. module: account
#: view:account.move.line.unreconcile.select:0
msgid "Open for Unreconciliation"
msgstr "Pembatalan Rekonsiliasi dapat dilakukan"
#. module: account
#: field:account.bank.statement.line,partner_id:0
#: view:account.entries.report:0 field:account.entries.report,partner_id:0
#: report:account.general.ledger:0 report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0
#: view:account.invoice:0 field:account.invoice,partner_id:0
#: field:account.invoice.line,partner_id:0 view:account.invoice.report:0
#: field:account.invoice.report,partner_id:0
#: report:account.journal.period.print:0
#: report:account.journal.period.print.sale.purchase:0
#: field:account.model.line,partner_id:0 view:account.move:0
#: field:account.move,partner_id:0 view:account.move.line:0
#: field:account.move.line,partner_id:0 view:analytic.entries.report:0
#: field:analytic.entries.report,partner_id:0
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_res_partner
#: field:report.invoice.created,partner_id:0
msgid "Partner"
msgstr "Rekanan"
#. module: account
#: help:account.change.currency,currency_id:0
msgid "Select a currency to apply on the invoice"
msgstr "Pilih mata uang untuk menerapkan pada faktur"
#. module: account
#: view:account.financial.report:0
msgid "Report Type"
msgstr "Laporan Penjualan Menurut Tipe Akun"
#. module: account
#: help:account.open.closed.fiscalyear,fyear_id:0
msgid ""
"Select Fiscal Year which you want to remove entries for its End of year "
"entries journal"
msgstr "Pilih tahun fiskal yang Anda inginkan untuk menghapus entri untuk akhir tahun entri jurnal"
#. module: account
#: field:account.tax.template,type_tax_use:0
msgid "Tax Use In"
msgstr "Pajak"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:382
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The statement balance is incorrect !\n"
"The expected balance (%.2f) is different than the computed one. (%.2f)"
msgstr "Keseimbangan pernyataan yang tidak benar!\nKeseimbangan diharapkan (%.2f) berbeda daripada yang dihitung. (%.2f)"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:420
#, python-format
msgid "The account entries lines are not in valid state."
msgstr "Garis masukan akun yang tidak di negara yang berlaku."
#. module: account
#: field:account.account.type,close_method:0
msgid "Deferral Method"
msgstr "Penundaan metode"
#. module: account
#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_electronicfile0
msgid "Automatic entry"
msgstr "Catatan otomatis"
#. module: account
#: constraint:account.move.line:0
msgid ""
"You cannot create journal items on an account of type view or consolidation."
msgstr "Anda tidak dapat membuat jurnal item pada akun jenis tampilan atau konsolidasi."
#. module: account
#: help:account.account,reconcile:0
msgid "Check this box if this account allows reconciliation of journal items."
msgstr "Centang kotak ini jika account ini memungkinkan pendamaian jurnal item."
#. module: account
#: selection:account.model.line,date_maturity:0
msgid "Partner Payment Term"
msgstr "Jangka waktu pembayaran mitra"
#. module: account
#: help:account.move.reconcile,opening_reconciliation:0
msgid "Is this reconciliation produced by the opening of a new fiscal year ?."
msgstr "Pendamaian ini diproduksi oleh pembukaan tahun fiskal baru?."
#. module: account
#: view:account.analytic.line:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_line_form
msgid "Analytic Entries"
msgstr "analitik entri berdasarkan baris"
#. module: account
#: view:account.analytic.account:0
msgid "Associated Partner"
msgstr "Mitra terkait"
#. module: account
#: field:account.invoice,comment:0
msgid "Additional Information"
msgstr "Informasi Tambahan"
#. module: account
#: field:account.invoice.report,residual:0
#: field:account.invoice.report,user_currency_residual:0
msgid "Total Residual"
msgstr "Sisa"
#. module: account
#: view:account.bank.statement:0
msgid "Opening Cash Control"
msgstr "Pembukaan tunai kontrol"
#. module: account
#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_invoiceinvoice0
#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_supplierinvoiceinvoice0
msgid "Invoice's state is Open"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: view:account.analytic.account:0 view:account.bank.statement:0
#: field:account.bank.statement,state:0
#: field:account.entries.report,move_state:0 view:account.fiscalyear:0
#: field:account.fiscalyear,state:0 view:account.invoice:0
#: field:account.invoice,state:0 view:account.invoice.report:0
#: field:account.journal.period,state:0 field:account.move,state:0
#: view:account.move.line:0 field:account.move.line,state:0
#: field:account.period,state:0 view:account.subscription:0
#: field:account.subscription,state:0 field:report.invoice.created,state:0
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Status"
#. module: account
#: report:account.analytic.account.cost_ledger:0
#: report:account.analytic.account.quantity_cost_ledger:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_cost
#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_analytic_account_cost_ledger
msgid "Cost Ledger"
msgstr "Biaya Ledger"
#. module: account
#: view:account.config.settings:0
msgid "No Fiscal Year Defined for This Company"
msgstr "Tahun fiskal tidak didefinisikan untuk perusahaan ini"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice:0
msgid "Proforma"
msgstr "Pro-forma"
#. module: account
#: report:account.analytic.account.cost_ledger:0
msgid "J.C. /Move name"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_open_closed_fiscalyear
msgid "Choose Fiscal Year"
msgstr "Pilih Tahun Buku"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:3204
#, python-format
msgid "Purchase Refund Journal"
msgstr "Pembelian pengembalian jurnal"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:1304
#, python-format
msgid "Please define a sequence on the journal."
msgstr "Harap define urutan dalam hal jurnal."
#. module: account
#: help:account.tax.template,amount:0
msgid "For Tax Type percent enter % ratio between 0-1."
msgstr "Untuk jenis pajak persen masukkan % rasio antara 0-1."
#. module: account
#: view:account.analytic.account:0
msgid "Current Accounts"
msgstr "Rekening koran"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice.report:0
msgid "Group by Invoice Date"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: help:account.journal,user_id:0
msgid "The user responsible for this journal"
msgstr "Pengguna bertanggung jawab untuk jurnal ini"
#. module: account
#: help:account.config.settings,module_account_followup:0
msgid ""
"This allows to automate letters for unpaid invoices, with multi-level recalls.\n"
" This installs the module account_followup."
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: field:account.automatic.reconcile,period_id:0 view:account.bank.statement:0
#: field:account.bank.statement,period_id:0 view:account.entries.report:0
#: field:account.entries.report,period_id:0 view:account.fiscalyear:0
#: report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0 view:account.invoice:0
#: view:account.invoice.report:0 field:account.journal.period,period_id:0
#: report:account.journal.period.print:0
#: report:account.journal.period.print.sale.purchase:0 view:account.move:0
#: field:account.move,period_id:0 view:account.move.line:0
#: field:account.move.line,period_id:0 view:account.period:0
#: field:account.subscription,period_nbr:0 field:account.tax.chart,period_id:0
#: field:account.treasury.report,period_id:0
#: field:validate.account.move,period_id:0
msgid "Period"
msgstr "Periode"
#. module: account
#: help:account.account,adjusted_balance:0
msgid ""
"Total amount (in Company currency) for transactions held in secondary "
"currency for this account."
msgstr "Jumlah Total (pada mata uang sekunder) untuk transaksi pada mata uang sekunder untuk akun ini."
#. module: account
#: report:account.invoice:0
msgid "Net Total:"
msgstr "Total Bersih"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_report_common.py:163
#, python-format
msgid "Select a starting and an ending period."
msgstr "Pilih periode awal dan akhir"
#. module: account
#: field:account.config.settings,sale_sequence_next:0
msgid "Next invoice number"
msgstr "Berikutnya faktur jumlah"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_generic_reporting
msgid "Generic Reporting"
msgstr "Laporan Generik"
#. module: account
#: field:account.move.line.reconcile.writeoff,journal_id:0
msgid "Write-Off Journal"
msgstr "Menghapusbukukan jurnal"
#. module: account
#: field:account.chart.template,property_account_income_categ:0
msgid "Income Category Account"
msgstr "Pendapatan Kategori akun"
#. module: account
#: field:account.account,adjusted_balance:0
msgid "Adjusted Balance"
msgstr "Saldo"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_fiscal_position_template_form
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_fiscal_position_form_template
msgid "Fiscal Position Templates"
msgstr "Posisi fiskal:"
#. module: account
#: view:account.entries.report:0
msgid "Int.Type"
msgstr "Int.Type"
#. module: account
#: field:account.move.line,tax_amount:0
msgid "Tax/Base Amount"
msgstr "Jumlah Pajak/Dasar"
#. module: account
#: view:account.open.closed.fiscalyear:0
msgid ""
"This wizard will remove the end of year journal entries of selected fiscal "
"year. Note that you can run this wizard many times for the same fiscal year."
msgstr "Wizard ini akan menghapus akhir tahun entri jurnal dipilih tahun fiskal. Perhatikan bahwa Anda dapat menjalankan wizard ini berkali-kali untuk tahun fiskal yang sama."
#. module: account
#: report:account.invoice:0
msgid "Tel. :"
msgstr "telepon"
#. module: account
#: field:account.account,company_currency_id:0
msgid "Company Currency"
msgstr "Mata uang perusahaan"
#. module: account
#: field:account.aged.trial.balance,chart_account_id:0
#: field:account.balance.report,chart_account_id:0
#: field:account.central.journal,chart_account_id:0
#: field:account.common.account.report,chart_account_id:0
#: field:account.common.journal.report,chart_account_id:0
#: field:account.common.partner.report,chart_account_id:0
#: field:account.common.report,chart_account_id:0
#: view:account.config.settings:0
#: field:account.general.journal,chart_account_id:0
#: field:account.partner.balance,chart_account_id:0
#: field:account.partner.ledger,chart_account_id:0
#: field:account.print.journal,chart_account_id:0
#: field:account.report.general.ledger,chart_account_id:0
#: field:account.vat.declaration,chart_account_id:0
#: field:accounting.report,chart_account_id:0
msgid "Chart of Account"
msgstr "Bagan akun"
#. module: account
#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_paymententries0
#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_reconcilepaid0
msgid "Payment"
msgstr "Pembayaran"
#. module: account
#: view:account.automatic.reconcile:0
msgid "Reconciliation Result"
msgstr "Hasil rekonsiliasi"
#. module: account
#: field:account.bank.statement,balance_end_real:0
#: field:account.treasury.report,ending_balance:0
msgid "Ending Balance"
msgstr "Saldo Akhir"
#. module: account
#: field:account.journal,centralisation:0
msgid "Centralized Counterpart"
msgstr "Praktek terbaik di sini adalah dengan menggunakan sebuah jurnal yang didedikasikan untuk berisi entri pembukaan semua tahun fiskal. Perhatikan bahwa Anda harus menetapkan account debit atau kredit default, jenis 'situasi' dan dengan seorang rekan yang terpusat."
#. module: account
#: help:account.move.line,blocked:0
msgid ""
"You can check this box to mark this journal item as a litigation with the "
"associated partner"
msgstr "Anda dapat memeriksa kotak ini untuk menandai item jurnal ini sebagai litigasi dengan mitra terkait"
#. module: account
#: field:account.move.line,reconcile_partial_id:0
#: view:account.move.line.reconcile:0
msgid "Partial Reconcile"
msgstr "Rekonsiliasi sebagian"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_analytic_inverted_balance
msgid "Account Analytic Inverted Balance"
msgstr "Akun Analisis"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_common_report
msgid "Account Common Report"
msgstr "Laporan umum akun"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice.refund:0
msgid ""
"Use this option if you want to cancel an invoice and create a new\n"
" one. The credit note will be created, validated and reconciled\n"
" with the current invoice. A new, draft, invoice will be created \n"
" so that you can edit it."
msgstr "Gunakan pilihan ini jika Anda ingin membatalkan faktur dan membuat yang baru. Catatan kredit akan dibuat, divalidasi dan didamaikan dengan faktur saat ini. Konsep baru, faktur akan dibuat sehingga Anda dapat mengeditnya."
#. module: account
#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_filestatement0
msgid "Automatic import of the bank sta"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_move_bank_reconcile
msgid "Move bank reconcile"
msgstr "Pindah bank mendamaikan"
#. module: account
#: view:account.config.settings:0
msgid "Apply"
msgstr "Terapkan"
#. module: account
#: field:account.financial.report,account_type_ids:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_type_form
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_type_form
msgid "Account Types"
msgstr "Tipe Akun"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1221
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You cannot use this general account in this journal, check the tab 'Entry "
"Controls' on the related journal."
msgstr "Anda tidak dapat menggunakan account umum ini dalam jurnal ini, Periksa tab 'Entri kontrol' pada jurnal terkait."
#. module: account
#: field:account.account.type,report_type:0
msgid "P&L / BS Category"
msgstr "P & L / BS Kategori"
#. module: account
#: view:account.automatic.reconcile:0 view:account.move:0
#: view:account.move.line:0 view:account.move.line.reconcile:0
#: view:account.move.line.reconcile.select:0
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_move_line_reconcile_select.py:45
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.periodical_processing_reconciliation
#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_reconciliation0
#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_supplierreconciliation0
#, python-format
msgid "Reconciliation"
msgstr "Rekonsiliasi"
#. module: account
#: view:account.tax.template:0
msgid "Keep empty to use the income account"
msgstr "Biarkan kosong untuk menggunkan akun pendapatan"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice:0
msgid ""
"This button only appears when the state of the invoice is 'paid' (showing "
"that it has been fully reconciled) and auto-computed boolean 'reconciled' is"
" False (depicting that it's not the case anymore). In other words, the "
"invoice has been dereconciled and it does not fit anymore the 'paid' state. "
"You should press this button to re-open it and let it continue its normal "
"process after having resolved the eventual exceptions it may have created."
msgstr "Tombol ini hanya muncul ketika keadaan faktur adalah 'dibayar' (Menampilkan bahwa ia telah sepenuhnya didamaikan) dan dihitung auto boolean 'mendamaikan' palsu (menggambarkan bahwa hal ini tidak terjadi lagi). Dengan kata lain, faktur telah dereconciled dan tidak cocok lagi negara 'dibayar'. Anda harus menekan tombol ini untuk membuka kembali itu dan membiarkannya terus proses normal setelah memiliki diselesaikan akhirnya pengecualian mungkin telah menciptakan."
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_journal_form
msgid ""
"<p class=\"oe_view_nocontent_create\">\n"
" Click to add a journal.\n"
" </p><p>\n"
" A journal is used to record transactions of all accounting data\n"
" related to the day-to-day business.\n"
" </p><p>\n"
" A typical company may use one journal per payment method (cash,\n"
" bank accounts, checks), one purchase journal, one sale journal\n"
" and one for miscellaneous information.\n"
" </p>\n"
" "
msgstr "p class=\"oe_view_nocontent_create\">\n Klik untuk Pilih Jurnal\n </p><p>\n Journal digunakan untuk mencatat transaksi keuangan dalam kegiatan usaha sehari-hari\n </p><p>\n Perusahaan dapat menggunakan satu jurnal untuk pembayaran (cash, transfer bank, cek), satu jurnal pembelian, satu jurnal penjualan, dan satu jurnal lain-lain.\n </p>\n "
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_fiscalyear_close_state
msgid "Fiscalyear Close state"
msgstr "Tahun Pembukuan"
#. module: account
#: field:account.invoice.refund,journal_id:0
msgid "Refund Journal"
msgstr "Dijual pengembalian jurnal"
#. module: account
#: report:account.account.balance:0 report:account.central.journal:0
#: report:account.general.journal:0 report:account.general.ledger:0
#: report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0 report:account.partner.balance:0
msgid "Filter By"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_period_close.py:51
#, python-format
msgid ""
"In order to close a period, you must first post related journal entries."
msgstr "Untuk menutup periode, Anda harus pertama posting entri jurnal terkait."
#. module: account
#: view:account.entries.report:0 view:board.board:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_company_analysis_tree
msgid "Company Analysis"
msgstr "Analisis Perusahaan"
#. module: account
#: help:account.invoice,account_id:0
msgid "The partner account used for this invoice."
msgstr "Rekening mitra digunakan untuk faktur ini."
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:3394
#, python-format
msgid "Tax %.2f%%"
msgstr "Tax %.2f%%"
#. module: account
#: field:account.tax.code,parent_id:0 view:account.tax.code.template:0
#: field:account.tax.code.template,parent_id:0
msgid "Parent Code"
msgstr "Kode Induk"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_payment_term_line
msgid "Payment Term Line"
msgstr "Detail Termin Pembayaran"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:3202
#, python-format
msgid "Purchase Journal"
msgstr "Membeli/menjual jurnal"
#. module: account
#: field:account.invoice,amount_untaxed:0
msgid "Subtotal"
msgstr "Sub Total"
#. module: account
#: view:account.vat.declaration:0
msgid "Print Tax Statement"
msgstr "Print Pajak Statement"
#. module: account
#: view:account.model.line:0
msgid "Journal Entry Model Line"
msgstr "Baris Contoh Ayat Jurnal"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice:0 field:account.invoice,date_due:0
#: view:account.invoice.report:0 field:account.invoice.report,date_due:0
#: field:report.invoice.created,date_due:0
msgid "Due Date"
msgstr "Tanggal Jatuh Tempo"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_account_supplier
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_payables
msgid "Suppliers"
msgstr "Pemasok"
#. module: account
#: view:account.journal:0
msgid "Accounts Type Allowed (empty for no control)"
msgstr "Type Akun yang diijinkan(kosongkan jika bebas kontrol)"
#. module: account
#: view:account.payment.term:0
msgid "Payment term explanation for the customer..."
msgstr "Pembayaran penjelasan istilah untuk pelanggan..."
#. module: account
#: help:account.move.line,amount_residual:0
msgid ""
"The residual amount on a receivable or payable of a journal entry expressed "
"in the company currency."
msgstr "Jumlah sisa pada piutang atau hutang dari sebuah ayat jurnal disampaikan dalam mata uang perusahaan."
#. module: account
#: view:account.tax.code:0
msgid "Statistics"
msgstr "Statistik"
#. module: account
#: field:account.analytic.chart,from_date:0
#: field:project.account.analytic.line,from_date:0
msgid "From"
msgstr "Dari"
#. module: account
#: help:accounting.report,debit_credit:0
msgid ""
"This option allows you to get more details about the way your balances are "
"computed. Because it is space consuming, we do not allow to use it while "
"doing a comparison."
msgstr "Pilihan ini memungkinkan Anda untuk mendapatkan rincian lebih lanjut tentang cara saldo Anda dihitung. Karena ruang angkasa memakan, kami tidak mengizinkan untuk menggunakannya saat melakukan perbandingan."
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_fiscalyear_close
msgid "Fiscalyear Close"
msgstr "Tahun Pembukuan"
#. module: account
#: sql_constraint:account.account:0
msgid "The code of the account must be unique per company !"
msgstr "Kode akun harus unik per perusahaan!"
#. module: account
#: help:product.category,property_account_expense_categ:0
#: help:product.template,property_account_expense:0
msgid "This account will be used to value outgoing stock using cost price."
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_account_journal_2_account_invoice_opened
msgid "Unpaid Invoices"
msgstr "Tagihan yang belum dibayar"
#. module: account
#: field:account.move.line.reconcile,debit:0
msgid "Debit amount"
msgstr "Jumlah debit"
#. module: account
#: view:account.aged.trial.balance:0 view:account.analytic.balance:0
#: view:account.analytic.cost.ledger:0
#: view:account.analytic.cost.ledger.journal.report:0
#: view:account.analytic.inverted.balance:0
#: view:account.analytic.journal.report:0 view:account.common.report:0
#: view:account.invoice:0
msgid "Print"
msgstr "Cetak"
#. module: account
#: view:account.period.close:0
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Anda yakin?"
#. module: account
#: view:account.journal:0
msgid "Accounts Allowed (empty for no control)"
msgstr "Akun yang diijinkan(kosongkan jika tanpa kontrol)"
#. module: account
#: field:account.config.settings,sale_tax_rate:0
msgid "Sales tax (%)"
msgstr "Penjualan PPN(%)"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_account_tree2
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_chart
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_analytic_account_tree2
msgid "Chart of Analytic Accounts"
msgstr "Kode akun analitik"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_subscription_form
msgid ""
"<p class=\"oe_view_nocontent_create\">\n"
" Click to define a new recurring entry.\n"
" </p><p>\n"
" A recurring entry occurs on a recurrent basis from a specific\n"
" date, i.e. corresponding to the signature of a contract or an\n"
" agreement with a customer or a supplier. You can create such\n"
" entries to automate the postings in the system.\n"
" </p>\n"
" "
msgstr "<p class=\"oe_view_nocontent_create\">Klik untuk mendefinisikan berulang entri baru.</p><p>Sebuah catatan yang berulang terjadi secara berulang dari tanggal tertentu, yaitu sesuai dengan tanda tangan kontrak atau perjanjian dengan pelanggan, atau pemasok. Anda dapat membuat entri tersebut untuk mengotomatisasi posting dalam sistem.</p>"
#. module: account
#: view:account.journal:0
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_configuration_misc
msgid "Miscellaneous"
msgstr "Data Lain-lain"
#. module: account
#: help:res.partner,debit:0
msgid "Total amount you have to pay to this supplier."
msgstr "Jumlah total yang Anda harus membayar untuk pemasok ini."
#. module: account
#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_analytic0
#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_analyticcost0
msgid "Analytic Costs"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: field:account.analytic.journal,name:0 report:account.general.journal:0
#: field:account.journal,name:0
msgid "Journal Name"
msgstr "Nama jurnal"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:835
#, python-format
msgid "Entry \"%s\" is not valid !"
msgstr "Catatan \"%s\" tidak sah !"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.financial.report,style_overwrite:0
msgid "Smallest Text"
msgstr "Terkecil teks"
#. module: account
#: help:account.config.settings,module_account_check_writing:0
msgid ""
"This allows you to check writing and printing.\n"
" This installs the module account_check_writing."
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: model:res.groups,name:account.group_account_invoice
msgid "Invoicing & Payments"
msgstr "Faktur & pembayaran"
#. module: account
#: help:account.invoice,internal_number:0
msgid ""
"Unique number of the invoice, computed automatically when the invoice is "
msgstr "Nomor unik faktur, dihitung secara otomatis ketika faktur dibuat."
#. module: account
#: model:account.account.type,name:account.data_account_type_expense
#: model:account.financial.report,name:account.account_financial_report_expense0
msgid "Expense"
msgstr "Biaya"
#. module: account
#: help:account.chart,fiscalyear:0
msgid "Keep empty for all open fiscal years"
msgstr "Biarkan kosong untuk semua tahun fiskal terbuka"
#. module: account
#: help:account.move.line,amount_currency:0
msgid ""
"The amount expressed in an optional other currency if it is a multi-currency"
" entry."
msgstr "Jumlah yang dinyatakan dalam mata uang pilihan lainnya jika merupakan sebuah catatan dengan beberapa mata uang."
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1011
#, python-format
msgid "The account move (%s) for centralisation has been confirmed."
msgstr "Langkah rekening (%s) untuk sentralisasi telah dikonfirmasi."
#. module: account
#: report:account.analytic.account.journal:0
#: field:account.bank.statement,currency:0 report:account.central.journal:0
#: view:account.entries.report:0 field:account.entries.report,currency_id:0
#: report:account.general.journal:0 report:account.general.ledger:0
#: report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0
#: field:account.invoice,currency_id:0
#: field:account.invoice.report,currency_id:0 field:account.journal,currency:0
#: report:account.journal.period.print:0
#: report:account.journal.period.print.sale.purchase:0
#: field:account.model.line,currency_id:0 view:account.move:0
#: view:account.move.line:0 field:account.move.line,currency_id:0
#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
#: field:analytic.entries.report,currency_id:0
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_res_currency
#: field:report.account.sales,currency_id:0
#: field:report.account_type.sales,currency_id:0
#: field:report.invoice.created,currency_id:0
#: field:res.partner.bank,currency_id:0
#: field:wizard.multi.charts.accounts,currency_id:0
msgid "Currency"
msgstr "Mata Uang"
#. module: account
#: help:account.invoice.refund,journal_id:0
msgid ""
"You can select here the journal to use for the credit note that will be "
"created. If you leave that field empty, it will use the same journal as the "
"current invoice."
msgstr "Anda dapat memilih di sini jurnal digunakan untuk catatan kredit yang akan dibuat. Jika Anda meninggalkan bidang kosong, akan menggunakan jurnal sama sebagai faktur saat ini."
#. module: account
#: help:account.bank.statement.line,sequence:0
msgid ""
"Gives the sequence order when displaying a list of bank statement lines."
msgstr "Memberikan perintah urutan ketika menampilkan daftar garis pernyataan bank."
#. module: account
#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_validentries0
msgid "Accountant validates the accounting entries coming from the invoice."
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: view:account.entries.report:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_account_acount_move_line_reconcile_open
msgid "Reconciled entries"
msgstr "Beberapa entri sudah didamaikan."
#. module: account
#: view:account.tax.code.template:0 view:account.tax.template:0
msgid "Tax Template"
msgstr "Cari lembar contoh pajak"
#. module: account
#: field:account.invoice.refund,period:0
msgid "Force period"
msgstr "Periode Lainnya"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_partner_balance
msgid "Print Account Partner Balance"
msgstr "Mencetak mitra saldo"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1132
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You cannot do this modification on a reconciled entry. You can just change some non legal fields or you must unreconcile first.\n"
msgstr "Anda tidak dapat melakukan modifikasi ini pada entri didamaikan. Anda hanya dapat mengubah beberapa bidang hukum bebas atau Anda harus unreconcile terlebih dahulu.\n%s."
#. module: account
#: help:account.financial.report,sign:0
msgid ""
"For accounts that are typically more debited than credited and that you "
"would like to print as negative amounts in your reports, you should reverse "
"the sign of the balance; e.g.: Expense account. The same applies for "
"accounts that are typically more credited than debited and that you would "
"like to print as positive amounts in your reports; e.g.: Income account."
msgstr "Untuk account yang biasanya lebih didebet dari dikreditkan dan bahwa Anda ingin mencetak sebagai jumlah yang negatif dalam laporan Anda, Anda harus membalikkan tanda keseimbangan; misalnya: rekening pengeluaran. Hal yang sama berlaku untuk account yang biasanya lebih dikreditkan dari didebet dan bahwa Anda ingin mencetak sebagai jumlah yang positif dalam laporan; misalnya: pendapatan akun."
#. module: account
#: field:res.partner,contract_ids:0
msgid "Contracts"
msgstr "Kontrak"
#. module: account
#: field:account.cashbox.line,bank_statement_id:0
#: field:account.entries.report,reconcile_id:0
#: field:account.financial.report,balance:0
#: field:account.financial.report,credit:0
#: field:account.financial.report,debit:0
msgid "unknown"
msgstr "tidak diketahui"
#. module: account
#: field:account.fiscalyear.close,journal_id:0
#: code:addons/account/account.py:3206
#, python-format
msgid "Opening Entries Journal"
msgstr "Membuka entri jurnal"
#. module: account
#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_customerinvoice0
msgid "Draft invoices are checked, validated and printed."
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: field:account.bank.statement,message_is_follower:0
#: field:account.invoice,message_is_follower:0
msgid "Is a Follower"
msgstr "Ini Pengikut"
#. module: account
#: view:account.move:0 field:account.move,narration:0
#: field:account.move.line,narration:0
msgid "Internal Note"
msgstr "Tambahkan catatan internal..."
#. module: account
#: constraint:account.account:0
msgid ""
"Configuration Error!\n"
"You cannot select an account type with a deferral method different of \"Unreconciled\" for accounts with internal type \"Payable/Receivable\"."
msgstr "Kesalahan konfigurasi!\nAnda tidak dapat memilih jenis account dengan metode penundaan yang berbeda dari \"Unreconciled\" untuk account dengan internal tipe \"Hutang/piutang\"."
#. module: account
#: field:account.config.settings,has_fiscal_year:0
msgid "Company has a fiscal year"
msgstr "Perusahaan memiliki tahun fiskal"
#. module: account
#: help:account.tax,child_depend:0 help:account.tax.template,child_depend:0
msgid ""
"Set if the tax computation is based on the computation of child taxes rather"
" than on the total amount."
msgstr "Menetapkan jika perhitungan pajak didasarkan pada perhitungan pajak anak daripada jumlah total."
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:643
#, python-format
msgid "You cannot deactivate an account that contains journal items."
msgstr "Anda tidak dapat menonaktifkan account yang berisi jurnal item."
#. module: account
#: selection:account.tax,applicable_type:0
msgid "Given by Python Code"
msgstr "Diberikan oleh kode Python"
#. module: account
#: field:account.analytic.journal,code:0
msgid "Journal Code"
msgstr "Jurnal kode"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice:0 field:account.move.line,amount_residual:0
msgid "Residual Amount"
msgstr "Biaya<br />Residual"
#. module: account
#: field:account.invoice,move_lines:0 field:account.move.reconcile,line_id:0
msgid "Entry Lines"
msgstr "Baris Masukan"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_open_journal_button
msgid "Open Journal"
msgstr "Buka Jurnal"
#. module: account
#: report:account.analytic.account.journal:0
msgid "KI"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: report:account.analytic.account.cost_ledger:0
#: report:account.analytic.account.journal:0
#: report:account.analytic.account.quantity_cost_ledger:0
msgid "Period from"
msgstr "Dari periode"
#. module: account
#: field:account.cashbox.line,pieces:0
msgid "Unit of Currency"
msgstr "Mata Uang"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:3203
#, python-format
msgid "Sales Refund Journal"
msgstr "Penjualan pengembalian jurnal"
#. module: account
#: view:account.move:0 view:account.move.line:0
msgid "Information"
msgstr "Keterangan"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice.confirm:0
msgid ""
"Once draft invoices are confirmed, you will not be able\n"
" to modify them. The invoices will receive a unique\n"
" number and journal items will be created in your chart\n"
" of accounts."
msgstr "Setelah rancangan faktur dikonfirmasi, Anda tidak akan mampu memodifikasi mereka. Tagihan akan menerima nomor unik dan jurnal item akan dibuat di bagan Anda akun."
#. module: account
#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_bankstatement0
msgid "Registered payment"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: view:account.fiscalyear.close.state:0
msgid "Close states of Fiscal year and periods"
msgstr "Dekat Serikat tahun fiskal dan periode"
#. module: account
#: field:account.config.settings,purchase_refund_journal_id:0
msgid "Purchase refund journal"
msgstr "Pembelian pengembalian jurnal"
#. module: account
#: view:account.analytic.line:0
msgid "Product Information"
msgstr "Informasi produk"
#. module: account
#: report:account.analytic.account.journal:0 view:account.move:0
#: view:account.move.line:0 model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.next_id_40
msgid "Analytic"
msgstr "Analisis"
#. module: account
#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_invoiceinvoice0
#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_supplierinvoiceinvoice0
msgid "Create Invoice"
msgstr "Buat Faktur"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_configuration_installer
msgid "Configure Accounting Data"
msgstr "Mengkonfigurasi Data akuntansi"
#. module: account
#: field:wizard.multi.charts.accounts,purchase_tax_rate:0
msgid "Purchase Tax(%)"
msgstr "Default pembelian pajak"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:908
#, python-format
msgid "Please create some invoice lines."
msgstr "Harap membuat faktur beberapa baris."
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/wizard/pos_box.py:36
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Please check that the field 'Internal Transfers Account' is set on the "
"payment method '%s'."
msgstr "Harap periksa bahwa bidang 'Internal transfer akun' ditetapkan pada metode pembayaran '%s'."
#. module: account
#: field:account.vat.declaration,display_detail:0
msgid "Display Detail"
msgstr "Menampilkan Detail"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:3211
#, python-format
msgid "SCNJ"
msgstr "SCNJ"
#. module: account
#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_analyticinvoice0
msgid ""
"Analytic costs (timesheets, some purchased products, ...) come from analytic"
" accounts. These generate draft invoices."
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: view:account.analytic.line:0 view:analytic.entries.report:0
msgid "My Entries"
msgstr "Entri Saya"
#. module: account
#: help:account.invoice,state:0
msgid ""
" * The 'Draft' status is used when a user is encoding a new and unconfirmed Invoice. \n"
"* The 'Pro-forma' when invoice is in Pro-forma status,invoice does not have an invoice number. \n"
"* The 'Open' status is used when user create invoice,a invoice number is generated.Its in open status till user does not pay invoice. \n"
"* The 'Paid' status is set automatically when the invoice is paid. Its related journal entries may or may not be reconciled. \n"
"* The 'Cancelled' status is used when user cancel invoice."
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: field:account.period,date_stop:0
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_account_end_year_treatments
msgid "End of Period"
msgstr "Akhir periode"
#. module: account
#: field:account.account,financial_report_ids:0
#: field:account.account.template,financial_report_ids:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_financial_report_tree
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_report
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_account_reports
msgid "Financial Reports"
msgstr "Anda dapat mengatur format yang ingin anda tampilkan. Jika anda menyerahkan pada format otomatis, Hal tersebut akan dihitung berdasarkan hirarki laporan keuangan"
#. module: account
#: model:account.account.type,name:account.account_type_liability_view1
msgid "Liability View"
msgstr "Hutang"
#. module: account
#: report:account.account.balance:0
#: field:account.aged.trial.balance,period_from:0
#: field:account.balance.report,period_from:0 report:account.central.journal:0
#: field:account.central.journal,period_from:0
#: field:account.common.account.report,period_from:0
#: field:account.common.journal.report,period_from:0
#: field:account.common.partner.report,period_from:0
#: field:account.common.report,period_from:0 report:account.general.journal:0
#: field:account.general.journal,period_from:0 report:account.general.ledger:0
#: report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0 report:account.partner.balance:0
#: field:account.partner.balance,period_from:0
#: field:account.partner.ledger,period_from:0
#: field:account.print.journal,period_from:0
#: field:account.report.general.ledger,period_from:0
#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0 report:account.vat.declaration:0
#: field:account.vat.declaration,period_from:0
#: field:accounting.report,period_from:0
#: field:accounting.report,period_from_cmp:0
msgid "Start Period"
msgstr "Awal Periode"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_central_journal
msgid "Central Journal"
msgstr "Jurnal Pusat"
#. module: account
#: field:account.aged.trial.balance,direction_selection:0
msgid "Analysis Direction"
msgstr "Arah bahasa"
#. module: account
#: field:res.partner,ref_companies:0
msgid "Companies that refers to partner"
msgstr "Perusahaan yang merujuk kepada mitra"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice:0
msgid "Ask Refund"
msgstr "Meminta pengembalian dana"
#. module: account
#: view:account.move.line:0
msgid "Total credit"
msgstr "Total Kredit"
#. module: account
#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_suppliervalidentries0
msgid "Accountant validates the accounting entries coming from the invoice. "
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:2309
#, python-format
msgid "Wrong Model!"
msgstr "Contoh"
#. module: account
#: field:account.subscription,period_total:0
msgid "Number of Periods"
msgstr "Jumlah periode"
#. module: account
#: report:account.overdue:0
msgid "Document: Customer account statement"
msgstr "Dokumen: Pernyataan account pelanggan"
#. module: account
#: view:account.account.template:0
msgid "Receivale Accounts"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: field:account.config.settings,purchase_refund_sequence_prefix:0
msgid "Supplier credit note sequence"
msgstr "Nomor catatan kredit berikutnya"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_state_open.py:37
#, python-format
msgid "Invoice is already reconciled."
msgstr "Entri sudah didamaikan."
#. module: account
#: help:account.config.settings,module_account_payment:0
msgid ""
"This allows you to create and manage your payment orders, with purposes to\n"
" * serve as base for an easy plug-in of various automated payment mechanisms, and\n"
" * provide a more efficient way to manage invoice payments.\n"
" This installs the module account_payment."
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: xsl:account.transfer:0
msgid "Document"
msgstr "Dokumen"
#. module: account
#: view:account.chart.template:0
#: field:account.chart.template,property_account_receivable:0
msgid "Receivable Account"
msgstr "Akun Piutang"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:777
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:830
#, python-format
msgid "To reconcile the entries company should be the same for all entries."
msgstr "Untuk mendamaikan entri perusahaan harus sama untuk semua entri."
#. module: account
#: field:account.account,balance:0 report:account.account.balance:0
#: selection:account.account.type,close_method:0
#: report:account.analytic.account.balance:0
#: report:account.analytic.account.cost_ledger:0
#: report:account.analytic.account.inverted.balance:0
#: report:account.central.journal:0 field:account.entries.report,balance:0
#: report:account.general.journal:0 report:account.general.ledger:0
#: report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0 field:account.invoice,residual:0
#: field:account.move.line,balance:0 report:account.partner.balance:0
#: selection:account.payment.term.line,value:0 selection:account.tax,type:0
#: selection:account.tax.template,type:0 report:account.third_party_ledger:0
#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
#: field:account.treasury.report,balance:0
#: field:report.account.receivable,balance:0
#: field:report.aged.receivable,balance:0
msgid "Balance"
msgstr "Saldo"
#. module: account
#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_supplierbankstatement0
msgid "Manually or automatically entered in the system"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: report:account.account.balance:0 report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0
msgid "Display Account"
msgstr "iPad Retina Display"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.account,type:0 selection:account.account.template,type:0
#: model:account.account.type,name:account.data_account_type_payable
#: selection:account.entries.report,type:0
msgid "Payable"
msgstr "Hutang"
#. module: account
#: view:account.account:0
msgid "Account name"
msgstr "Name akun"
#. module: account
#: view:board.board:0
msgid "Account Board"
msgstr "Papan Akun"
#. module: account
#: view:account.model:0 field:account.model,legend:0
msgid "Legend"
msgstr "Legenda"
#. module: account
#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_entriesreconcile0
msgid "Accounting entries are the first input of the reconciliation."
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_cash_statement.py:301
#, python-format
msgid "There is no %s Account on the journal %s."
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
msgid "Filters By"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: field:account.cashbox.line,number_closing:0
#: field:account.cashbox.line,number_opening:0
msgid "Number of Units"
msgstr "Jumlah unit"
#. module: account
#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_manually0
#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_invoicemanually0
msgid "Manual entry"
msgstr "Catatan secara manual"
#. module: account
#: report:account.general.ledger:0 report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0
#: report:account.journal.period.print:0
#: report:account.journal.period.print.sale.purchase:0 view:account.move:0
#: view:account.move.line:0 field:analytic.entries.report,move_id:0
msgid "Move"
msgstr "memindahkan"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:478
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_period_close.py:51
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid Action!"
msgstr "Invalid Action!"
#. module: account
#: view:account.bank.statement:0
msgid "Date / Period"
msgstr "Tanggal / waktu"
#. module: account
#: report:account.central.journal:0
msgid "A/C No."
msgstr "A/C No."
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_account_journal_2_account_bank_statement
msgid "Bank statements"
msgstr "Pernyataan Bank"
#. module: account
#: constraint:account.period:0
msgid ""
"The period is invalid. Either some periods are overlapping or the period's dates are not matching the scope of the fiscal year."
msgstr "Kesalahan!\nPeriode tidak valid. Periode beberapa tumpang tindih atau tanggal periode yang tidak cocok dalam lingkup tahun fiskal."
#. module: account
#: report:account.overdue:0
msgid "There is nothing due with this customer."
msgstr "Pelanggan"
#. module: account
#: help:account.tax,account_paid_id:0
msgid ""
"Set the account that will be set by default on invoice tax lines for "
"refunds. Leave empty to use the expense account."
msgstr "Menetapkan account yang akan ditetapkan secara default pada faktur pajak baris untuk pengembalian uang. Biarkan kosong untuk menggunakan rekening pengeluaran."
#. module: account
#: help:account.addtmpl.wizard,cparent_id:0
msgid ""
"Creates an account with the selected template under this existing parent."
msgstr "Membuat account dengan template yang dipilih di bawah orang tua yang sudah ada."
#. module: account
#: report:account.invoice:0
msgid "Source"
msgstr "Sumber"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.model.line,date_maturity:0
msgid "Date of the day"
msgstr "Tanggal hari"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_move_bank_reconcile.py:49
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You have to define the bank account\n"
"in the journal definition for reconciliation."
msgstr "Anda harus menetapkan rekening bank di jurnal definisi untuk rekonsiliasi."
#. module: account
#: help:account.journal,sequence_id:0
msgid ""
"This field contains the information related to the numbering of the journal "
"entries of this journal."
msgstr "Bidang ini berisi informasi yang berhubungan dengan penomoran entri jurnal jurnal ini."
#. module: account
#: field:account.invoice,sent:0
msgid "Sent"
msgstr "Terkirim"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_common_menu
msgid "Common Report"
msgstr "Laporan umum"
#. module: account
#: field:account.config.settings,default_sale_tax:0
#: field:account.config.settings,sale_tax:0
msgid "Default sale tax"
msgstr "Pajak penjualan default"
#. module: account
#: report:account.overdue:0
msgid "Balance :"
msgstr "Keseimbangan"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:1558
#, python-format
msgid "Cannot create moves for different companies."
msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat gerakan dengan mata uang berbeda dari .."
#. module: account
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_periodical_processing
msgid "Periodic Processing"
msgstr "Periodik penilaian"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice.report:0
msgid "Customer And Supplier Invoices"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_paymententries0
#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_paymentorderbank0
#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_paymentreconcile0
msgid "Payment entries"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: selection:account.entries.report,month:0
#: selection:account.invoice.report,month:0
#: selection:analytic.entries.report,month:0
#: selection:report.account.sales,month:0
#: selection:report.account_type.sales,month:0
msgid "July"
msgstr "Juli"
#. module: account
#: view:account.account:0
msgid "Chart of accounts"
msgstr "Susunan akun-akun"
#. module: account
#: field:account.subscription.line,subscription_id:0
msgid "Subscription"
msgstr "Berlangganan"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_analytic_balance
msgid "Account Analytic Balance"
msgstr "Akun Analisis Neraca"
#. module: account
#: report:account.account.balance:0
#: field:account.aged.trial.balance,period_to:0
#: field:account.balance.report,period_to:0 report:account.central.journal:0
#: field:account.central.journal,period_to:0
#: field:account.common.account.report,period_to:0
#: field:account.common.journal.report,period_to:0
#: field:account.common.partner.report,period_to:0
#: field:account.common.report,period_to:0 report:account.general.journal:0
#: field:account.general.journal,period_to:0 report:account.general.ledger:0
#: report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0 report:account.partner.balance:0
#: field:account.partner.balance,period_to:0
#: field:account.partner.ledger,period_to:0
#: field:account.print.journal,period_to:0
#: field:account.report.general.ledger,period_to:0
#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0 report:account.vat.declaration:0
#: field:account.vat.declaration,period_to:0
#: field:accounting.report,period_to:0 field:accounting.report,period_to_cmp:0
msgid "End Period"
msgstr "Akhir periode"
#. module: account
#: model:account.account.type,name:account.account_type_expense_view1
msgid "Expense View"
msgstr "Biaya"
#. module: account
#: field:account.move.line,date_maturity:0
msgid "Due date"
msgstr "Tanggal Jatuh Tempo"
#. module: account
#: model:account.payment.term,name:account.account_payment_term_immediate
#: model:account.payment.term,note:account.account_payment_term_immediate
msgid "Immediate Payment"
msgstr "Pembayaran segera"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:1478
#, python-format
msgid " Centralisation"
msgstr " Terpusat"
#. module: account
#: help:account.journal,type:0
msgid ""
"Select 'Sale' for customer invoices journals. Select 'Purchase' for supplier"
" invoices journals. Select 'Cash' or 'Bank' for journals that are used in "
"customer or supplier payments. Select 'General' for miscellaneous operations"
" journals. Select 'Opening/Closing Situation' for entries generated for new "
"fiscal years."
msgstr "Pilih 'Dijual' untuk pelanggan faktur jurnal. Pilih 'Beli' untuk pemasok faktur jurnal. Pilih 'Uang' atau 'Bank' untuk jurnal yang digunakan dalam pembayaran pelanggan, atau pemasok. Pilih 'Umum' untuk operasi yang bermacam-macam jurnal. Pilih 'Situasi pembukaan/penutupan' untuk entri yang dihasilkan untuk tahun fiskal baru."
#. module: account
#: view:account.subscription:0
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_subscription
msgid "Account Subscription"
msgstr "Baris Akun Berlangganan"
#. module: account
#: report:account.overdue:0
msgid "Maturity date"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: view:account.subscription:0
msgid "Entry Subscription"
msgstr "Catatan Berlangganan"
#. module: account
#: report:account.account.balance:0
#: field:account.aged.trial.balance,date_from:0
#: field:account.balance.report,date_from:0 report:account.central.journal:0
#: field:account.central.journal,date_from:0
#: field:account.common.account.report,date_from:0
#: field:account.common.journal.report,date_from:0
#: field:account.common.partner.report,date_from:0
#: field:account.common.report,date_from:0
#: field:account.fiscalyear,date_start:0 report:account.general.journal:0
#: field:account.general.journal,date_from:0 report:account.general.ledger:0
#: report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0
#: field:account.installer,date_start:0 report:account.partner.balance:0
#: field:account.partner.balance,date_from:0
#: field:account.partner.ledger,date_from:0
#: field:account.print.journal,date_from:0
#: field:account.report.general.ledger,date_from:0
#: field:account.subscription,date_start:0 report:account.third_party_ledger:0
#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
#: field:account.vat.declaration,date_from:0
#: field:accounting.report,date_from:0 field:accounting.report,date_from_cmp:0
msgid "Start Date"
msgstr "Tanggal Mulai"
#. module: account
#: help:account.invoice,reconciled:0
msgid ""
"It indicates that the invoice has been paid and the journal entry of the "
"invoice has been reconciled with one or several journal entries of payment."
msgstr "Ini menunjukkan bahwa faktur telah dibayar dan entri jurnal faktur telah didamaikan dengan satu atau beberapa entri jurnal pembayaran."
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:786
#, python-format
msgid "Journal Item '%s' (id: %s), Move '%s' is already reconciled!"
msgstr "Jurnal Item '%s' (id: %s), bergerak '%s' sudah didamaikan!"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice:0 view:account.invoice.report:0
#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_supplierdraftinvoices0
msgid "Draft Invoices"
msgstr "Rancangan faktur"
#. module: account
#. openerp-web
#: code:addons/account/static/src/xml/account_move_reconciliation.xml:31
#, python-format
msgid "Nothing more to reconcile"
msgstr "Tidak lebih untuk mendamaikan"
#. module: account
#: view:cash.box.in:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_cash_box_in
msgid "Put Money In"
msgstr "Memasukkan uang ke dalam"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.account.type,close_method:0 view:account.entries.report:0
#: view:account.move.line:0
msgid "Unreconciled"
msgstr "Belum direkonsoliasi"
#. module: account
#: field:account.journal,sequence_id:0
msgid "Entry Sequence"
msgstr "Urutan Masukan"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_period_tree
msgid ""
"A period is a fiscal period of time during which accounting entries should "
"be recorded for accounting related activities. Monthly period is the norm "
"but depending on your countries or company needs, you could also have "
"quarterly periods. Closing a period will make it impossible to record new "
"accounting entries, all new entries should then be made on the following "
"open period. Close a period when you do not want to record new entries and "
"want to lock this period for tax related calculation."
msgstr "Periode adalah fiskal periode waktu di mana entri akuntansi harus dicatat untuk akuntansi aktivitas terkait. Jangka waktu bulanan adalah norma tetapi tergantung pada negara atau kebutuhan perusahaan Anda, Anda juga bisa memiliki periode triwulan. Penutupan periode akan membuat mustahil untuk catatan akuntansi entri baru, semua entri baru harus kemudian dibuat pada periode berikutnya terbuka. Dekat jangka waktu ketika Anda tidak ingin merekam entri baru dan ingin mengunci periode ini untuk pajak terkait perhitungan."
#. module: account
#: view:account.analytic.account:0
msgid "Pending"
msgstr "Ditunda"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_cost_ledger_journal
#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_analytic_account_quantity_cost_ledger
msgid "Cost Ledger (Only quantities)"
msgstr "Buku Besar Biaya (Hanya jumlah)"
#. module: account
#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_analyticinvoice0
#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_supplieranalyticcost0
msgid "From analytic accounts"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: view:account.installer:0
msgid "Configure your Fiscal Year"
msgstr "Mengkonfigurasi tahun fiskal Anda"
#. module: account
#: field:account.period,name:0
msgid "Period Name"
msgstr "Nama Periode"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_invoice_state.py:68
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Selected invoice(s) cannot be cancelled as they are already in 'Cancelled' "
"or 'Done' state."
msgstr "Invoice(s) dipilih tidak dapat dibatalkan karena mereka sudah di 'Dibatalkan' atau 'Selesai' negara."
#. module: account
#: report:account.analytic.account.quantity_cost_ledger:0
msgid "Code/Date"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: view:account.bank.statement:0 view:account.move:0 view:account.move.line:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_account_journal_2_account_move_line
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_account_move_to_account_move_line_open
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_account_partner_account_move
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_items
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_moves_all_a
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_move_line_select
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_tax_code_items
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_tax_code_line_open
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_move_line
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_moves_all
msgid "Journal Items"
msgstr "Item Jurnal"
#. module: account
#: view:accounting.report:0
msgid "Comparison"
msgstr "Perbandingan"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1130
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You cannot do this modification on a confirmed entry. You can just change some non legal fields or you must unconfirm the journal entry first.\n"
msgstr "Anda tidak dapat melakukan modifikasi ini pada entri dikonfirmasi. Anda hanya dapat mengubah beberapa bidang hukum bebas atau Anda harus unconfirm entri jurnal pertama.\n%s."
#. module: account
#: help:account.config.settings,module_account_budget:0
msgid ""
"This allows accountants to manage analytic and crossovered budgets.\n"
" Once the master budgets and the budgets are defined,\n"
" the project managers can set the planned amount on each analytic account.\n"
" This installs the module account_budget."
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: field:account.bank.statement.line,name:0
msgid "OBI"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: help:res.partner,property_account_payable:0
msgid ""
"This account will be used instead of the default one as the payable account "
"for the current partner"
msgstr "Akun ini akan digunakan sebagai pengganti default sebagai account dibayar untuk mitra saat ini"
#. module: account
#: field:account.period,special:0
msgid "Opening/Closing Period"
msgstr "Pembukaan/penutupan periode"
#. module: account
#: field:account.account,currency_id:0
#: field:account.account.template,currency_id:0
#: field:account.bank.accounts.wizard,currency_id:0
msgid "Secondary Currency"
msgstr "Mata uang kedua"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_validate_account_move
msgid "Validate Account Move"
msgstr "Memvalidasi Account bergerak"
#. module: account
#: field:account.account,credit:0 report:account.account.balance:0
#: report:account.analytic.account.balance:0
#: report:account.analytic.account.cost_ledger:0
#: report:account.analytic.account.inverted.balance:0
#: report:account.central.journal:0 field:account.entries.report,credit:0
#: report:account.general.journal:0 report:account.general.ledger:0
#: report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0
#: report:account.journal.period.print:0
#: report:account.journal.period.print.sale.purchase:0
#: field:account.model.line,credit:0 field:account.move.line,credit:0
#: report:account.partner.balance:0 report:account.third_party_ledger:0
#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
#: field:account.treasury.report,credit:0 report:account.vat.declaration:0
#: field:report.account.receivable,credit:0
msgid "Credit"
msgstr "Kredit"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice:0
msgid "Draft Invoice "
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_account_general_journal
msgid "General Journals"
msgstr "Jurnal umum"
#. module: account
#: view:account.model:0
msgid "Journal Entry Model"
msgstr "Contoh Ayat Jurnal"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:1067
#, python-format
msgid "Start period should precede then end period."
msgstr "Periode awal harus mendahului kemudian akhir periode."
#. module: account
#: field:account.invoice,number:0 field:account.move,name:0
msgid "Number"
msgstr "Nomor"
#. module: account
#: report:account.analytic.account.journal:0
#: selection:account.analytic.journal,type:0
#: selection:account.bank.statement.line,type:0
#: selection:account.journal,type:0
msgid "General"
msgstr "Umum"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice.report:0 field:account.invoice.report,price_total:0
#: field:account.invoice.report,user_currency_price_total:0
msgid "Total Without Tax"
msgstr "Jumlah Tanpa Pajak"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.aged.trial.balance,filter:0
#: selection:account.balance.report,filter:0
#: selection:account.central.journal,filter:0 view:account.chart:0
#: selection:account.common.account.report,filter:0
#: selection:account.common.journal.report,filter:0
#: selection:account.common.partner.report,filter:0
#: view:account.common.report:0 selection:account.common.report,filter:0
#: field:account.config.settings,period:0
#: field:account.fiscalyear,period_ids:0
#: selection:account.general.journal,filter:0 field:account.installer,period:0
#: selection:account.partner.balance,filter:0
#: selection:account.partner.ledger,filter:0 view:account.print.journal:0
#: selection:account.print.journal,filter:0
#: selection:account.report.general.ledger,filter:0
#: report:account.vat.declaration:0 view:account.vat.declaration:0
#: selection:account.vat.declaration,filter:0 view:accounting.report:0
#: selection:accounting.report,filter:0
#: selection:accounting.report,filter_cmp:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_period
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_period
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.next_id_23
msgid "Periods"
msgstr "Periode"
#. module: account
#: field:account.invoice.report,currency_rate:0
msgid "Currency Rate"
msgstr "Kurs mata uang"
#. module: account
#: view:account.config.settings:0
msgid "e.g. sales@openerp.com"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: field:account.account,tax_ids:0 view:account.account.template:0
#: field:account.account.template,tax_ids:0 view:account.chart.template:0
msgid "Default Taxes"
msgstr "Standar pajak"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.entries.report,month:0
#: selection:account.invoice.report,month:0
#: selection:analytic.entries.report,month:0
#: selection:report.account.sales,month:0
#: selection:report.account_type.sales,month:0
msgid "April"
msgstr "April"
#. module: account
#: model:account.financial.report,name:account.account_financial_report_profitloss_toreport0
msgid "Profit (Loss) to report"
msgstr "Laba (rugi) laporan"
#. module: account
#: view:account.move.line.reconcile.select:0
msgid "Open for Reconciliation"
msgstr "Terbuka untuk rekonsiliasi"
#. module: account
#: field:account.account,parent_left:0
msgid "Parent Left"
msgstr "induk kiri"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.financial.report,style_overwrite:0
msgid "Title 2 (bold)"
msgstr "Judul 2 (tebal)"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_invoice_tree2
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_invoice_tree2
msgid "Supplier Invoices"
msgstr "Invoice Pemasok"
#. module: account
#: view:account.analytic.line:0 field:account.analytic.line,product_id:0
#: view:account.entries.report:0 field:account.entries.report,product_id:0
#: field:account.invoice.line,product_id:0 view:account.invoice.report:0
#: field:account.invoice.report,product_id:0
#: field:account.move.line,product_id:0 view:analytic.entries.report:0
#: field:analytic.entries.report,product_id:0
#: field:report.account.sales,product_id:0
#: field:report.account_type.sales,product_id:0
msgid "Product"
msgstr "Produk"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_validate_account_move
msgid ""
"The validation of journal entries process is also called 'ledger posting' "
"and is the process of transferring debit and credit amounts from a journal "
"of original entry to a ledger book."
msgstr "Proses pengesahan ayat jurnal juga disebut 'pencatatan buku besar' dan merupakan proses pengalihan jumlah debet dan kredit dari catatan asli pada sebuah jurnal ke buku besar."
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_period
msgid "Account period"
msgstr "Periode Akun"
#. module: account
#: view:account.subscription:0
msgid "Remove Lines"
msgstr "Hapus Baris"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.account,type:0 selection:account.account.template,type:0
#: selection:account.entries.report,type:0
msgid "Regular"
msgstr "Normal"
#. module: account
#: view:account.account:0 field:account.account,type:0
#: view:account.account.template:0 field:account.account.template,type:0
#: field:account.entries.report,type:0
msgid "Internal Type"
msgstr "The 'jenis Internal' digunakan untuk fitur yang tersedia pada berbagai jenis account: Lihat tidak dapat memiliki jurnal item, konsolidasi account yang dapat memiliki account anak perusahaan konsolidasi, hutang/piutang yang untuk mitra account (untuk debit atau kredit perhitungan), ditutup untuk akun yang disusutkan."
#. module: account
#: field:account.subscription.generate,date:0
msgid "Generate Entries Before"
msgstr "Menghasilkan entri sebelumnya"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_subscription_form_running
msgid "Running Subscriptions"
msgstr "Menjalankan langganan"
#. module: account
#: view:account.analytic.balance:0 view:account.analytic.cost.ledger:0
#: view:account.analytic.inverted.balance:0
#: view:account.analytic.journal.report:0
msgid "Select Period"
msgstr "Pilihan Periode"
#. module: account
#: view:account.entries.report:0 selection:account.entries.report,move_state:0
#: view:account.move:0 selection:account.move,state:0 view:account.move.line:0
msgid "Posted"
msgstr "Posted"
#. module: account
#: report:account.account.balance:0 field:account.aged.trial.balance,date_to:0
#: field:account.balance.report,date_to:0 report:account.central.journal:0
#: field:account.central.journal,date_to:0
#: field:account.common.account.report,date_to:0
#: field:account.common.journal.report,date_to:0
#: field:account.common.partner.report,date_to:0
#: field:account.common.report,date_to:0 field:account.fiscalyear,date_stop:0
#: report:account.general.journal:0 field:account.general.journal,date_to:0
#: report:account.general.ledger:0 report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0
#: field:account.installer,date_stop:0 report:account.partner.balance:0
#: field:account.partner.balance,date_to:0
#: field:account.partner.ledger,date_to:0
#: field:account.print.journal,date_to:0
#: field:account.report.general.ledger,date_to:0
#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
#: field:account.vat.declaration,date_to:0 field:accounting.report,date_to:0
#: field:accounting.report,date_to_cmp:0
msgid "End Date"
msgstr "Tanggal berakhir"
#. module: account
#: field:account.payment.term.line,days2:0
msgid "Day of the Month"
msgstr "3"
#. module: account
#: field:account.fiscal.position.tax,tax_src_id:0
#: field:account.fiscal.position.tax.template,tax_src_id:0
msgid "Tax Source"
msgstr "Pajak sumber"
#. module: account
#: view:ir.sequence:0
msgid "Fiscal Year Sequences"
msgstr "Tahun fiskal urutan"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.financial.report,display_detail:0
msgid "No detail"
msgstr "Tidak ada detail"
#. module: account
#: field:account.account,unrealized_gain_loss:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_gain_loss
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_unrealized_gains_losses
msgid "Unrealized Gain or Loss"
msgstr "Belum direalisasi keuntungan atau kerugian"
#. module: account
#: view:account.move:0 view:account.move.line:0
msgid "States"
msgstr "Status"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:857
#, python-format
msgid "Entries are not of the same account or already reconciled ! "
msgstr "Entri tidak dari akun yang sama atau sudah didamaikan!"
#. module: account
#: help:product.category,property_account_income_categ:0
#: help:product.template,property_account_income:0
msgid "This account will be used to value outgoing stock using sale price."
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: field:account.invoice,check_total:0
msgid "Verification Total"
msgstr "Total"
#. module: account
#: report:account.analytic.account.balance:0
#: report:account.analytic.account.inverted.balance:0
#: report:account.analytic.account.quantity_cost_ledger:0
#: view:account.analytic.line:0 field:account.invoice,amount_total:0
#: field:report.account.sales,amount_total:0
#: field:report.account_type.sales,amount_total:0
#: field:report.invoice.created,amount_total:0
msgid "Total"
msgstr "Total"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_invoice_refund.py:118
#, python-format
msgid "Cannot %s draft/proforma/cancel invoice."
msgstr "Tidak %s rancangan/LKM tersebut proforma/membatalkan faktur."
#. module: account
#: field:account.tax,account_analytic_paid_id:0
msgid "Refund Tax Analytic Account"
msgstr "Pengembalian pajak analitik Account"
#. module: account
#: view:account.move.bank.reconcile:0
msgid "Open for Bank Reconciliation"
msgstr "Buka untuk rekonsiliasi bank"
#. module: account
#: field:account.account,company_id:0 report:account.account.balance:0
#: field:account.aged.trial.balance,company_id:0
#: field:account.analytic.journal,company_id:0
#: field:account.balance.report,company_id:0
#: field:account.bank.statement,company_id:0
#: field:account.bank.statement.line,company_id:0
#: field:account.central.journal,company_id:0
#: field:account.common.account.report,company_id:0
#: field:account.common.journal.report,company_id:0
#: field:account.common.partner.report,company_id:0
#: field:account.common.report,company_id:0
#: field:account.config.settings,company_id:0 view:account.entries.report:0
#: field:account.entries.report,company_id:0
#: field:account.fiscal.position,company_id:0
#: field:account.fiscalyear,company_id:0 report:account.general.journal:0
#: field:account.general.journal,company_id:0
#: report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0
#: field:account.installer,company_id:0 field:account.invoice,company_id:0
#: field:account.invoice.line,company_id:0 view:account.invoice.report:0
#: field:account.invoice.report,company_id:0
#: field:account.invoice.tax,company_id:0 field:account.journal,company_id:0
#: field:account.journal.period,company_id:0
#: report:account.journal.period.print:0 field:account.model,company_id:0
#: field:account.move,company_id:0 field:account.move.line,company_id:0
#: field:account.partner.balance,company_id:0
#: field:account.partner.ledger,company_id:0 field:account.period,company_id:0
#: field:account.print.journal,company_id:0
#: field:account.report.general.ledger,company_id:0
#: field:account.tax,company_id:0 field:account.tax.code,company_id:0
#: field:account.treasury.report,company_id:0
#: field:account.vat.declaration,company_id:0
#: field:accounting.report,company_id:0 view:analytic.entries.report:0
#: field:analytic.entries.report,company_id:0
#: field:wizard.multi.charts.accounts,company_id:0
msgid "Company"
msgstr "Perusahaan"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_subscription_form
msgid "Define Recurring Entries"
msgstr "Mendefinisikan berulang entri"
#. module: account
#: field:account.entries.report,date_maturity:0
msgid "Date Maturity"
msgstr "Tanggal jatuh tempo"
#. module: account
#: field:account.invoice.refund,description:0 field:cash.box.in,name:0
#: field:cash.box.out,name:0
msgid "Reason"
msgstr "Alasan"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.partner.ledger,filter:0
#: code:addons/account/report/account_partner_ledger.py:56
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_account_acount_move_line_open_unreconciled
#, python-format
msgid "Unreconciled Entries"
msgstr "Transaksi belum direkonsolidasi"
#. module: account
#: help:account.partner.reconcile.process,today_reconciled:0
msgid ""
"This figure depicts the total number of partners that have gone throught the"
" reconciliation process today. The current partner is counted as already "
msgstr "Ini menggambarkan jumlah mitra yang telah melalui proses rekonsiliasi hari ini. Pasangan saat ini dikira sebagai sudah diproses."
#. module: account
#: view:account.fiscalyear:0
msgid "Create Monthly Periods"
msgstr "Membuat Periode Bulanan"
#. module: account
#: field:account.tax.code.template,sign:0
msgid "Sign For Parent"
msgstr "Tanda untuk orang tua"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_balance_report
msgid "Trial Balance Report"
msgstr "Neraca Percobaan"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_bank_statement_draft_tree
msgid "Draft statements"
msgstr "Rancangan pernyataan"
#. module: account
#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_statemententries0
msgid ""
"Manual or automatic creation of payment entries according to the statements"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: report:account.analytic.account.balance:0
msgid "Analytic Balance -"
msgstr "Saldo Analitik"
#. module: account
#: field:account.analytic.balance,empty_acc:0
msgid "Empty Accounts ? "
msgstr "Account kosong?"
#. module: account
#: view:account.unreconcile.reconcile:0
msgid ""
"If you unreconcile transactions, you must also verify all the actions that "
"are linked to those transactions because they will not be disable"
msgstr "Jika Anda unreconcile transaksi, Anda juga harus memverifikasi semua tindakan yang terkait dengan transaksi tersebut karena mereka tidak akan menonaktifkan"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1067
#, python-format
msgid "Unable to change tax!"
msgstr "Mampu mengubah pajak!"
#. module: account
#: constraint:account.bank.statement:0
msgid "The journal and period chosen have to belong to the same company."
msgstr "Jurnal dan periode dipilih harus milik perusahaan yang sama."
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice:0
msgid "Invoice lines"
msgstr "Detail invoice"
#. module: account
#: field:account.chart,period_to:0
msgid "End period"
msgstr "Akhir periode"
#. module: account
#: sql_constraint:account.journal:0
msgid "The code of the journal must be unique per company !"
msgstr "Kode jurnal harus unik per perusahaan!"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_invoice_report_all
msgid ""
"From this report, you can have an overview of the amount invoiced to your "
"customer. The tool search can also be used to personalise your Invoices "
"reports and so, match this analysis to your needs."
msgstr "Dari laporan ini, Anda bisa memiliki gambaran tentang jumlah tagihan kepada pelanggan Anda. Alat pencarian juga dapat digunakan untuk personalisasi Laporan Faktur dan sebagainya, sesuai dengan analisis ini dengan kebutuhan Anda."
#. module: account
#: view:account.partner.reconcile.process:0
msgid "Go to Next Partner"
msgstr "ke partner selanjutnya"
#. module: account
#: view:account.automatic.reconcile:0
#: view:account.move.line.reconcile.writeoff:0
msgid "Write-Off Move"
msgstr "Penghapusan"
#. module: account
#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_paidinvoice0
msgid "Invoice's state is Done"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: field:account.config.settings,module_account_followup:0
msgid "Manage customer payment follow-ups"
msgstr "Mengelola pelanggan pembayaran tindak lanjut"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_report_account_sales
msgid "Report of the Sales by Account"
msgstr "Laporan Penjualan Menurut Tipe Akun"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_fiscal_position_account
msgid "Accounts Fiscal Position"
msgstr "Posisi fiskal account"
#. module: account
#: report:account.invoice:0 view:account.invoice:0
#: selection:account.invoice,type:0 selection:account.invoice.report,type:0
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1165
#: model:process.process,name:account.process_process_supplierinvoiceprocess0
#: selection:report.invoice.created,type:0
#, python-format
msgid "Supplier Invoice"
msgstr "Faktur Pembelian"
#. module: account
#: field:account.account,debit:0 report:account.account.balance:0
#: report:account.analytic.account.balance:0
#: report:account.analytic.account.cost_ledger:0
#: report:account.analytic.account.inverted.balance:0
#: report:account.central.journal:0 field:account.entries.report,debit:0
#: report:account.general.journal:0 report:account.general.ledger:0
#: report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0
#: report:account.journal.period.print:0
#: report:account.journal.period.print.sale.purchase:0
#: field:account.model.line,debit:0 field:account.move.line,debit:0
#: report:account.partner.balance:0 report:account.third_party_ledger:0
#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
#: field:account.treasury.report,debit:0 report:account.vat.declaration:0
#: field:report.account.receivable,debit:0
msgid "Debit"
msgstr "Debit"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.financial.report,style_overwrite:0
msgid "Title 3 (bold, smaller)"
msgstr "Judul 3 (tebal, lebih kecil)"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice:0 field:account.invoice,invoice_line:0
msgid "Invoice Lines"
msgstr "Detail Invoice"
#. module: account
#: help:account.model.line,quantity:0
msgid "The optional quantity on entries."
msgstr "Kuantitas opsional pada entri."
#. module: account
#: field:account.automatic.reconcile,reconciled:0
msgid "Reconciled transactions"
msgstr "Transaksi sudah direkonsoliasi"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:929
#, python-format
msgid "Bad Total!"
msgstr "Total buruk!"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_report_account_receivable
msgid "Receivable accounts"
msgstr "Akun Piutang"
#. module: account
#: report:account.analytic.account.inverted.balance:0
msgid "Inverted Analytic Balance -"
msgstr "Neraca analitis terbalik-"
#. module: account
#: field:temp.range,name:0
msgid "Range"
msgstr "jangkauan"
#. module: account
#: view:account.analytic.line:0
msgid "Analytic Journal Items related to a purchase journal."
msgstr "Analitik jurnal item terkait dengan pembelian sebuah jurnal."
#. module: account
#: help:account.account,type:0
msgid ""
"The 'Internal Type' is used for features available on different types of "
"accounts: view can not have journal items, consolidation are accounts that "
"can have children accounts for multi-company consolidations, "
"payable/receivable are for partners accounts (for debit/credit "
"computations), closed for depreciated accounts."
msgstr "The 'jenis Internal' digunakan untuk fitur yang tersedia pada berbagai jenis account: Lihat tidak dapat memiliki jurnal item, konsolidasi account yang dapat memiliki account anak perusahaan konsolidasi, hutang/piutang yang untuk mitra account (untuk debit atau kredit perhitungan), ditutup untuk akun yang disusutkan."
#. module: account
#: report:account.account.balance:0
#: selection:account.balance.report,display_account:0
#: selection:account.common.account.report,display_account:0
#: report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0
#: selection:account.report.general.ledger,display_account:0
msgid "With movements"
msgstr "Dengan gerakan"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_cash_statement.py:256
#, python-format
msgid "You do not have rights to open this %s journal!"
msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki hak untuk membuka jurnal %s ini!"
#. module: account
#: view:account.tax.code.template:0
msgid "Account Tax Code Template"
msgstr "Account pajak kode Template"
#. module: account
#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_manually0
msgid "Manually"
msgstr "Manual"
#. module: account
#: help:account.move,balance:0
msgid ""
"This is a field only used for internal purpose and shouldn't be displayed"
msgstr "Ini adalah bidang yang hanya digunakan untuk tujuan internal dan tidak boleh ditampilkan"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.entries.report,month:0
#: selection:account.invoice.report,month:0
#: selection:analytic.entries.report,month:0
#: selection:report.account.sales,month:0
#: selection:report.account_type.sales,month:0
msgid "December"
msgstr "Desember"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice.report:0
msgid "Group by month of Invoice Date"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_analytic_line.py:105
#, python-format
msgid "There is no income account defined for this product: \"%s\" (id:%d)."
msgstr "Tidak ada neraca pendapatan didefinisikan untuk produk ini: \"%s\" (id:%d)."
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_aged_receivable_graph
#: view:report.aged.receivable:0
msgid "Aged Receivable"
msgstr "Umur piutang"
#. module: account
#: field:account.tax,applicable_type:0
msgid "Applicability"
msgstr "Penerapan Pilihan"
#. module: account
#: help:account.move.line,currency_id:0
msgid "The optional other currency if it is a multi-currency entry."
msgstr "Mata uang lainnya merupakan pilihan jika hal itu merupakan pembukuan banyak-mata uang"
#. module: account
#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_invoiceimport0
msgid ""
"Import of the statement in the system from a supplier or customer invoice"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_periodical_processing_billing
msgid "Billing"
msgstr "Pembayaran"
#. module: account
#: view:account.account:0 view:account.analytic.account:0
msgid "Parent Account"
msgstr "Akun induk"
#. module: account
#: view:report.account.receivable:0
msgid "Accounts by Type"
msgstr "Akun berdasarkan tipe"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_analytic_chart
msgid "Account Analytic Chart"
msgstr "Cari template grafik akun"
#. module: account
#: help:account.invoice,residual:0
msgid "Remaining amount due."
msgstr "Sisa jumlah jatuh tempo."
#. module: account
#: field:account.print.journal,sort_selection:0
msgid "Entries Sorted by"
msgstr "Diurutkan berdasarkan:"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1555
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The selected unit of measure is not compatible with the unit of measure of "
"the product."
msgstr "Dipilih satuan ukuran tidak kompatibel dengan satuan ukuran produk."
#. module: account
#: view:account.fiscal.position:0 view:account.fiscal.position.template:0
msgid "Accounts Mapping"
msgstr "Account pemetaan"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_tax_code_list
msgid ""
"<p class=\"oe_view_nocontent_create\">\n"
" Click to define a new tax code.\n"
" </p><p>\n"
" Depending on the country, a tax code is usually a cell to fill\n"
" in your legal tax statement. OpenERP allows you to define the\n"
" tax structure and each tax computation will be registered in\n"
" one or several tax code.\n"
" </p>\n"
" "
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: selection:account.entries.report,month:0
#: selection:account.invoice.report,month:0
#: selection:analytic.entries.report,month:0
#: selection:report.account.sales,month:0
#: selection:report.account_type.sales,month:0
msgid "November"
msgstr "Nomor"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:908
#, python-format
msgid "No Invoice Lines!"
msgstr "Tak ada garis faktur"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_moves_all_a
msgid ""
"<p class=\"oe_view_nocontent_create\">\n"
" Select the period and the journal you want to fill.\n"
" </p><p>\n"
" This view can be used by accountants in order to quickly record\n"
" entries in OpenERP. If you want to record a supplier invoice,\n"
" start by recording the line of the expense account. OpenERP\n"
" will propose to you automatically the Tax related to this\n"
" account and the counterpart \"Account Payable\".\n"
" </p>\n"
" "
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: help:account.invoice.line,account_id:0
msgid "The income or expense account related to the selected product."
msgstr "Pendapatan atau rekening pengeluaran terkait dengan produk dipilih."
#. module: account
#: view:account.config.settings:0
msgid "Install more chart templates"
msgstr "Bagan akun template"
#. module: account
#: report:account.general.journal:0
#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_general_journal
msgid "General Journal"
msgstr "Jurnal umum"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice:0
msgid "Search Invoice"
msgstr "Cari voucher"
#. module: account
#: report:account.invoice:0 view:account.invoice:0
#: view:account.invoice.report:0 code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1166
#, python-format
msgid "Refund"
msgstr "Refund"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_res_partner_bank
msgid "Bank Accounts"
msgstr "Akun Bank"
#. module: account
#: field:res.partner,credit:0
msgid "Total Receivable"
msgstr "Piutang"
#. module: account
#: view:account.move.line:0
msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Informasi Umum"
#. module: account
#: view:account.move:0 view:account.move.line:0
msgid "Accounting Documents"
msgstr "Dokumen Akuntansi"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:650
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You cannot remove/deactivate an account which is set on a customer or "
msgstr "Anda tidak dapat menghapus/menonaktifkan account yang ditetapkan pada pelanggan, atau pemasok."
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_validate_account_move_lines
msgid "Validate Account Move Lines"
msgstr "Memvalidasi Account pindah baris"
#. module: account
#: help:res.partner,property_account_position:0
msgid ""
"The fiscal position will determine taxes and accounts used for the partner."
msgstr "Posisi fiskal akan menentukan pajak dan account yang digunakan untuk mitra."
#. module: account
#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_supplierpaidinvoice0
msgid "Invoice's state is Done."
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_reconcilepaid0
msgid "As soon as the reconciliation is done, the invoice can be paid."
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_change_currency.py:59
#, python-format
msgid "New currency is not configured properly."
msgstr "Mata uang baru tidak dikonfigurasi dengan benar."
#. module: account
#: view:account.account.template:0
msgid "Search Account Templates"
msgstr "Cari Account template"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice.tax:0
msgid "Manual Invoice Taxes"
msgstr "Manual faktur pajak"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:580
#, python-format
msgid "The payment term of supplier does not have a payment term line."
msgstr "Istilah pembayaran supplier tidak memiliki garis jangka pembayaran."
#. module: account
#: field:account.account,parent_right:0
msgid "Parent Right"
msgstr "induk kanan"
#. module: account
#. openerp-web
#: code:addons/account/static/src/js/account_move_reconciliation.js:74
#: code:addons/account/static/src/js/account_move_reconciliation.js:80
#, python-format
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Tidak pernah"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_addtmpl_wizard
msgid "account.addtmpl.wizard"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: field:account.aged.trial.balance,result_selection:0
#: field:account.common.partner.report,result_selection:0
#: report:account.partner.balance:0
#: field:account.partner.balance,result_selection:0
#: field:account.partner.ledger,result_selection:0
#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
msgid "Partner's"
msgstr "Rekanan"
#. module: account
#: field:account.account,note:0
msgid "Internal Notes"
msgstr "Catatan internal"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_fiscalyear
#: view:ir.sequence:0
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_fiscalyear
msgid "Fiscal Years"
msgstr "Tahun fiskal"
#. module: account
#: help:account.analytic.journal,active:0
msgid ""
"If the active field is set to False, it will allow you to hide the analytic "
"journal without removing it."
msgstr "Jika bidang aktif diatur ke False, itu akan memungkinkan Anda untuk menyembunyikan jurnal analitik tanpa menghapus itu."
#. module: account
#: field:account.analytic.line,ref:0
msgid "Ref."
msgstr "REF #"
#. module: account
#: field:account.use.model,model:0
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_model
msgid "Account Model"
msgstr "Catatan Contoh Akun"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_cash_statement.py:292
#, python-format
msgid "Loss"
msgstr "Kerugian"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.entries.report,month:0
#: selection:account.invoice.report,month:0
#: selection:analytic.entries.report,month:0
#: selection:report.account.sales,month:0
#: selection:report.account_type.sales,month:0
msgid "February"
msgstr "Februari"
#. module: account
#: view:account.bank.statement:0 help:account.cashbox.line,number_closing:0
msgid "Closing Unit Numbers"
msgstr "Penutupan Subtotal"
#. module: account
#: field:account.bank.accounts.wizard,bank_account_id:0
#: view:account.chart.template:0
#: field:account.chart.template,bank_account_view_id:0
#: field:account.invoice,partner_bank_id:0
#: field:account.invoice.report,partner_bank_id:0
msgid "Bank Account"
msgstr "Akun Bank"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_central_journal
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_central_journal
msgid "Account Central Journal"
msgstr "Jurnal Pusat"
#. module: account
#: report:account.overdue:0
msgid "Maturity"
msgstr "Jatuh tempo"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.aged.trial.balance,direction_selection:0
msgid "Future"
msgstr "Masa Depan"
#. module: account
#: view:account.move.line:0
msgid "Search Journal Items"
msgstr "Cari Jurnal Produk"
#. module: account
#: help:account.tax,base_sign:0 help:account.tax,ref_base_sign:0
#: help:account.tax,ref_tax_sign:0 help:account.tax,tax_sign:0
#: help:account.tax.template,base_sign:0
#: help:account.tax.template,ref_base_sign:0
#: help:account.tax.template,ref_tax_sign:0
#: help:account.tax.template,tax_sign:0
msgid "Usually 1 or -1."
msgstr "Biasanya 1 atau -1."
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_fiscal_position_account_template
msgid "Template Account Fiscal Mapping"
msgstr "Template Akun Pemetaan Fiskal"
#. module: account
#: field:account.chart.template,property_account_expense:0
msgid "Expense Account on Product Template"
msgstr "Beban Account pada Template Produk"
#. module: account
#: field:res.partner,property_payment_term:0
msgid "Customer Payment Term"
msgstr "Jangka waktu pembayaran pelanggan"
#. module: account
#: help:accounting.report,label_filter:0
msgid ""
"This label will be displayed on report to show the balance computed for the "
"given comparison filter."
msgstr "Label ini akan ditampilkan di laporan menunjukkan keseimbangan yang dihitung untuk filter diberikan perbandingan."
#. module: account
#: selection:account.config.settings,tax_calculation_rounding_method:0
msgid "Round per line"
msgstr "Putaran per baris"
#. module: account
#: help:account.move.line,amount_residual_currency:0
msgid ""
"The residual amount on a receivable or payable of a journal entry expressed "
"in its currency (maybe different of the company currency)."
msgstr "Jumlah residual pada piutang / hutang dari catatan jurnal dinyatakan dalam mata uang (mungkin berbeda dari mata uang perusahaan)."