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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright P. Christeas <p_christ@hol.gr> 2008,2009
# Copyright OpenERP SA. (http://www.openerp.com) 2010
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
""" A trivial HTTP/WebDAV client, used for testing the server
# code taken from the 'http-client.py' script:
# http://git.hellug.gr/?p=xrg/openerp;a=history;f=tests/http-client.py;hb=refs/heads/xrg-60
import gzip
import logging
import xml.dom.minidom
import httplib
from openerp.tools import config
from xmlrpclib import Transport, ProtocolError
import StringIO
import base64
from openerp import SUPERUSER_ID
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class HTTP11(httplib.HTTP):
_http_vsn = 11
_http_vsn_str = 'HTTP/1.1'
class PersistentTransport(Transport):
"""Handles an HTTP transaction to an XML-RPC server, persistently."""
def __init__(self, use_datetime=0):
self._use_datetime = use_datetime
self._http = {}
log.debug("Using persistent transport")
def make_connection(self, host):
# create a HTTP connection object from a host descriptor
if not self._http.has_key(host):
host, extra_headers, x509 = self.get_host_info(host)
self._http[host] = HTTP11(host)
_logger.debug("New connection to %s", host)
return self._http[host]
def get_host_info(self, host):
host, extra_headers, x509 = Transport.get_host_info(self,host)
if extra_headers == None:
extra_headers = []
extra_headers.append( ( 'Connection', 'keep-alive' ))
return host, extra_headers, x509
def _parse_response(self, file, sock, response):
""" read response from input file/socket, and parse it
We are persistent, so it is important to only parse
the right amount of input
p, u = self.getparser()
if response.msg.get('content-encoding') == 'gzip':
gzdata = StringIO.StringIO()
while not response.isclosed():
rdata = response.read(1024)
if not rdata:
rbuffer = gzip.GzipFile(mode='rb', fileobj=gzdata)
while True:
respdata = rbuffer.read()
if not respdata:
while not response.isclosed():
rdata = response.read(1024)
if not rdata:
if len(rdata)<1024:
return u.close()
def request(self, host, handler, request_body, verbose=0):
# issue XML-RPC request
h = self.make_connection(host)
if verbose:
self.send_request(h, handler, request_body)
self.send_host(h, host)
self.send_content(h, request_body)
resp = h._conn.getresponse()
# TODO: except BadStatusLine, e:
errcode, errmsg, headers = resp.status, resp.reason, resp.msg
if errcode != 200:
raise ProtocolError(
host + handler,
errcode, errmsg,
self.verbose = verbose
sock = h._conn.sock
except AttributeError:
sock = None
return self._parse_response(h.getfile(), sock, resp)
class CompressedTransport(PersistentTransport):
def send_content(self, connection, request_body):
connection.putheader("Content-Type", "text/xml")
if len(request_body) > 512 or True:
buffer = StringIO.StringIO()
output = gzip.GzipFile(mode='wb', fileobj=buffer)
request_body = buffer.getvalue()
connection.putheader('Content-Encoding', 'gzip')
connection.putheader("Content-Length", str(len(request_body)))
if request_body:
def send_request(self, connection, handler, request_body):
connection.putrequest("POST", handler, skip_accept_encoding=1)
class SafePersistentTransport(PersistentTransport):
def make_connection(self, host):
# create a HTTP connection object from a host descriptor
if not self._http.has_key(host):
host, extra_headers, x509 = self.get_host_info(host)
self._http[host] = httplib.HTTPS(host, None, **(x509 or {}))
_logger.debug("New connection to %s", host)
return self._http[host]
class AuthClient(object):
def getAuth(self, atype, realm):
raise NotImplementedError("Cannot authenticate for %s" % atype)
def resolveFailedRealm(self, realm):
""" Called when, using a known auth type, the realm is not in cache
raise NotImplementedError("Cannot authenticate for realm %s" % realm)
class BasicAuthClient(AuthClient):
def __init__(self):
self._realm_dict = {}
def getAuth(self, atype, realm):
if atype != 'Basic' :
return super(BasicAuthClient,self).getAuth(atype, realm)
if not self._realm_dict.has_key(realm):
_logger.debug("realm dict: %r", self._realm_dict)
_logger.debug("missing key: \"%s\"" % realm)
return 'Basic '+ self._realm_dict[realm]
def addLogin(self, realm, username, passwd):
""" Add some known username/password for a specific login.
This function should be called once, for each realm
that we want to authenticate against
assert realm
auths = base64.encodestring(username + ':' + passwd)
if auths[-1] == "\n":
auths = auths[:-1]
self._realm_dict[realm] = auths
class addAuthTransport:
""" Intermediate class that authentication algorithm to http transport
def setAuthClient(self, authobj):
""" Set the authentication client object.
This method must be called before any request is issued, that
would require http authentication
assert isinstance(authobj, AuthClient)
self._auth_client = authobj
def request(self, host, handler, request_body, verbose=0):
# issue XML-RPC request
h = self.make_connection(host)
if verbose:
tries = 0
atype = None
realm = None
while(tries < 3):
self.send_request(h, handler, request_body)
self.send_host(h, host)
if atype:
# This line will bork if self.setAuthClient has not
# been issued. That is a programming error, fix your code!
auths = self._auth_client.getAuth(atype, realm)
_logger.debug("sending authorization: %s", auths)
h.putheader('Authorization', auths)
self.send_content(h, request_body)
resp = h._conn.getresponse()
# except BadStatusLine, e:
tries += 1
if resp.status == 401:
if 'www-authenticate' in resp.msg:
(atype,realm) = resp.msg.getheader('www-authenticate').split(' ',1)
data1 = resp.read()
if data1:
log.warning("Why have data on a 401 auth. message?")
if realm.startswith('realm="') and realm.endswith('"'):
realm = realm[7:-1]
_logger.debug("Resp: %r %r", resp.version,resp.isclosed(), resp.will_close)
_logger.debug("Want to do auth %s for realm %s", atype, realm)
if atype != 'Basic':
raise ProtocolError(host+handler, 403,
"Unknown authentication method: %s" % atype, resp.msg)
continue # with the outer while loop
raise ProtocolError(host+handler, 403,
'Server-incomplete authentication', resp.msg)
if resp.status != 200:
raise ProtocolError( host + handler,
resp.status, resp.reason, resp.msg )
self.verbose = verbose
sock = h._conn.sock
except AttributeError:
sock = None
return self._parse_response(h.getfile(), sock, resp)
raise ProtocolError(host+handler, 403, "No authentication.",'')
class PersistentAuthTransport(addAuthTransport,PersistentTransport):
class PersistentAuthCTransport(addAuthTransport,CompressedTransport):
class HTTPSConnection(httplib.HTTPSConnection):
certs_file = None
def connect(self):
"Connect to a host on a given (SSL) port. check the certificate"
import socket, ssl
if HTTPSConnection.certs_file:
ca_certs = HTTPSConnection.certs_file
cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
ca_certs = None
cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_NONE
sock = socket.create_connection((self.host, self.port), self.timeout)
self.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock, self.key_file, self.cert_file,
def getpeercert(self):
import ssl
cert = None
if self.sock:
cert = self.sock.getpeercert()
cert = ssl.get_server_certificate((self.host,self.port),
ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23 )
lf = (len(ssl.PEM_FOOTER)+1)
if cert[0-lf] != '\n':
cert = cert[:0-lf]+'\n'+cert[0-lf:]
_logger.debug("len-footer: %s cert: %r", lf, cert[0-lf])
return cert
class DAVClient(object):
"""An instance of a WebDAV client, connected to the OpenERP server
def __init__(self, user=None, passwd=None, dbg=0, use_ssl=False, useragent=False, timeout=None):
if use_ssl:
self.host = config.get_misc('httpsd', 'interface', False)
self.port = config.get_misc('httpsd', 'port', 8071)
if not self.host:
self.host = config.get('xmlrpcs_interface')
self.port = config.get('xmlrpcs_port')
self.host = config.get_misc('httpd', 'interface')
self.port = config.get_misc('httpd', 'port', 8069)
if not self.host:
self.host = config.get('xmlrpc_interface')
self.port = config.get('xmlrpc_port') or self.port
if self.host == '' or not self.host:
self.host = ''
self.port = int(self.port)
if not config.get_misc('webdav','enable',True):
raise Exception("WebDAV is disabled, cannot continue")
self.davpath = '/' + config.get_misc('webdav','vdir','webdav')
self.user = user
self.passwd = passwd
self.dbg = dbg
self.timeout = timeout or 5.0 # seconds, tests need to respond pretty fast!
self.hdrs = {}
if useragent:
def get_creds(self, obj, cr, uid):
"""Read back the user credentials from cr, uid
@param obj is any orm object, in order to use its pool
@param uid is the numeric id, which we will try to reverse resolve
note: this is a hackish way to get the credentials. It is expected
to break if "base_crypt" is used.
ruob = obj.pool.get('res.users')
res = ruob.read(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, [uid,], ['login', 'password'])
assert res, "uid %s not found" % uid
self.user = res[0]['login']
self.passwd = res[0]['password']
if self.passwd.startswith('$1$'):
# md5 by base crypt. We cannot decode, wild guess
# that passwd = login
self.passwd = self.user
return True
def set_useragent(self, uastr):
""" Set the user-agent header to something meaningful.
Some shorthand names will be replaced by stock strings.
if uastr in ('KDE4', 'Korganizer'):
self.hdrs['User-Agent'] = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/4.4; Linux) KHTML/4.4.3 (like Gecko)"
elif uastr == 'iPhone3':
self.hdrs['User-Agent'] = "DAVKit/5.0 (765); iCalendar/5.0 (79); iPhone/4.1 8B117"
elif uastr == "MacOS":
self.hdrs['User-Agent'] = "WebDAVFS/1.8 (01808000) Darwin/9.8.0 (i386)"
self.hdrs['User-Agent'] = uastr
def _http_request(self, path, method='GET', hdrs=None, body=None):
if not hdrs:
hdrs = {}
import base64
dbg = self.dbg
_logger.debug("Getting %s http://%s:%d/%s", method, self.host, self.port, path)
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(self.host, port=self.port, timeout=self.timeout)
if not path:
path = "/index.html"
if not hdrs.has_key('Connection'):
hdrs['Connection']= 'keep-alive'
conn.request(method, path, body, hdrs )
r1 = conn.getresponse()
except httplib.BadStatusLine, bsl:
log.warning("Bad status line: %s", bsl.line)
raise Exception('Bad status line.')
if r1.status == 401: # and r1.headers:
if 'www-authenticate' in r1.msg:
(atype,realm) = r1.msg.getheader('www-authenticate').split(' ',1)
data1 = r1.read()
if not self.user:
raise Exception('Must auth, have no user/pass!')
_logger.debug("Ver: %s, closed: %s, will close: %s", r1.version,r1.isclosed(), r1.will_close)
_logger.debug("Want to do auth %s for realm %s", atype, realm)
if atype == 'Basic' :
auths = base64.encodestring(self.user + ':' + self.passwd)
if auths[-1] == "\n":
auths = auths[:-1]
hdrs['Authorization']= 'Basic '+ auths
conn.request(method, path, body, hdrs )
r1 = conn.getresponse()
raise Exception("Unknown auth type %s" %atype)
_logger.warning("Got 401, cannot auth")
raise Exception('No auth')
_logger.debug("Reponse: %s %s",r1.status, r1.reason)
data1 = r1.read()
if method != 'GET':
_logger.debug("Body:\n%s\nEnd of body", data1)
ctype = r1.msg.getheader('content-type')
if ctype and ';' in ctype:
ctype, encoding = ctype.split(';',1)
if ctype == 'text/xml':
doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(data1)
_logger.debug("XML Body:\n %s", doc.toprettyxml(indent="\t"))
except Exception:
_logger.warning("Cannot print XML.", exc_info=True)
return r1.status, r1.msg, data1
def _assert_headers(self, expect, msg):
""" Assert that the headers in msg contain the expect values
for k, v in expect.items():
hval = msg.getheader(k)
if not hval:
raise AssertionError("Header %s not defined in http response" % k)
if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)):
delim = ','
hits = map(str.strip, hval.split(delim))
mvits= []
for vit in v:
if vit not in hits:
if mvits:
raise AssertionError("HTTP header \"%s\" is missing: %s" %(k, ', '.join(mvits)))
if hval.strip() != v.strip():
raise AssertionError("HTTP header \"%s: %s\"" % (k, hval))
def gd_options(self, path='*', expect=None):
""" Test the http options functionality
If a dictionary is defined in expect, those options are
if path != '*':
path = self.davpath + path
hdrs = { 'Content-Length': 0
s, m, d = self._http_request(path, method='OPTIONS', hdrs=hdrs)
assert s == 200, "Status: %r" % s
assert 'OPTIONS' in m.getheader('Allow')
_logger.debug('Options: %r', m.getheader('Allow'))
if expect:
self._assert_headers(expect, m)
def _parse_prop_response(self, data):
""" Parse a propfind/propname response
def getText(node):
rc = []
for node in node.childNodes:
if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE:
return ''.join(rc)
def getElements(node, namespaces=None, strict=False):
for cnod in node.childNodes:
if cnod.nodeType != node.ELEMENT_NODE:
if strict:
_logger.debug("Found %r inside <%s>", cnod, node.tagName)
if namespaces and (cnod.namespaceURI not in namespaces):
_logger.debug("Ignoring <%s> in <%s>", cnod.tagName, node.localName)
yield cnod
nod = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(data)
nod_r = nod.documentElement
res = {}
assert nod_r.localName == 'multistatus', nod_r.tagName
for resp in nod_r.getElementsByTagNameNS('DAV:', 'response'):
href = None
status = 200
res_nss = {}
for cno in getElements(resp, namespaces=['DAV:',]):
if cno.localName == 'href':
assert href is None, "Second href in same response"
href = getText(cno)
elif cno.localName == 'propstat':
for pno in getElements(cno, namespaces=['DAV:',]):
rstatus = None
if pno.localName == 'prop':
for prop in getElements(pno):
key = prop.localName
tval = getText(prop).strip()
val = tval or (True, rstatus or status)
if prop.namespaceURI == 'DAV:' and prop.localName == 'resourcetype':
val = 'plain'
for rte in getElements(prop, namespaces=['DAV:',]):
# Note: we only look at DAV:... elements, we
# actually expect only one DAV:collection child
val = rte.localName
res_nss.setdefault(prop.namespaceURI,{})[key] = val
elif pno.localName == 'status':
rstr = getText(pno)
htver, sta, msg = rstr.split(' ', 3)
assert htver == 'HTTP/1.1'
rstatus = int(sta)
_logger.debug("What is <%s> inside a <propstat>?", pno.tagName)
_logger.debug("Unknown node: %s", cno.tagName)
res.setdefault(href,[]).append((status, res_nss))
return res
def gd_propfind(self, path, props=None, depth=0):
if not props:
propstr = '<allprop/>'
propstr = '<prop>'
nscount = 0
for p in props:
ns = None
if isinstance(p, tuple):
p, ns = p
if ns is None or ns == 'DAV:':
propstr += '<%s/>' % p
propstr += '<ns%d:%s xmlns:ns%d="%s" />' %(nscount, p, nscount, ns)
nscount += 1
propstr += '</prop>'
body="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<propfind xmlns="DAV:">%s</propfind>""" % propstr
hdrs = { 'Content-Type': 'text/xml; charset=utf-8',
'Accept': 'text/xml',
'Depth': depth,
s, m, d = self._http_request(self.davpath + path, method='PROPFIND',
hdrs=hdrs, body=body)
assert s == 207, "Bad status: %s" % s
ctype = m.getheader('Content-Type').split(';',1)[0]
assert ctype == 'text/xml', m.getheader('Content-Type')
res = self._parse_prop_response(d)
if depth == 0:
assert len(res) == 1
res = res.values()[0]
assert len(res) >= 1
return res
def gd_propname(self, path, depth=0):
body="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<propfind xmlns="DAV:"><propname/></propfind>"""
hdrs = { 'Content-Type': 'text/xml; charset=utf-8',
'Accept': 'text/xml',
'Depth': depth
s, m, d = self._http_request(self.davpath + path, method='PROPFIND',
hdrs=hdrs, body=body)
assert s == 207, "Bad status: %s" % s
ctype = m.getheader('Content-Type').split(';',1)[0]
assert ctype == 'text/xml', m.getheader('Content-Type')
res = self._parse_prop_response(d)
if depth == 0:
assert len(res) == 1
res = res.values()[0]
assert len(res) >= 1
return res
def gd_getetag(self, path, depth=0):
return self.gd_propfind(path, props=['getetag',], depth=depth)
def gd_lsl(self, path):
""" Return a list of 'ls -l' kind of data for a folder
This is based on propfind.
lspairs = [ ('name', 'displayname', 'n/a'), ('size', 'getcontentlength', '0'),
('type', 'resourcetype', '----------'), ('uid', 'owner', 'nobody'),
('gid', 'group', 'nogroup'), ('mtime', 'getlastmodified', 'n/a'),
('mime', 'getcontenttype', 'application/data'), ]
propnames = [ l[1] for l in lspairs]
propres = self.gd_propfind(path, props=propnames, depth=1)
res = []
for href, pr in propres.items():
lsline = {}
for st, nsdic in pr:
davprops = nsdic['DAV:']
if st == 200:
for lsp in lspairs:
if lsp[1] in davprops:
if lsp[1] == 'resourcetype':
if davprops[lsp[1]] == 'collection':
lsline[lsp[0]] = 'dr-xr-x---'
lsline[lsp[0]] = '-r-xr-x---'
lsline[lsp[0]] = davprops[lsp[1]]
elif st in (404, 403):
for lsp in lspairs:
if lsp[1] in davprops:
lsline[lsp[0]] = lsp[2]
_logger.debug("Strange status: %s", st)
return res
def gd_get(self, path, crange=None, mime=None, compare=None):
""" HTTP GET for path, supporting Partial ranges
hdrs = { 'Accept': mime or '*/*', }
if crange:
if isinstance(crange, tuple):
crange = [crange,]
if not isinstance(crange, list):
raise TypeError("Range must be a tuple or list of tuples.")
rs = []
for r in crange:
rs.append('%d-%d' % r)
hdrs['Range'] = 'bytes='+ (','.join(rs))
s, m, d = self._http_request(self.davpath + path, method='GET', hdrs=hdrs)
assert s in (200, 206), "Bad status: %s" % s
ctype = m.getheader('Content-Type')
if ctype and ';' in ctype:
ctype = ctype.split(';',1)[0]
if mime:
assert ctype == mime, m.getheader('Content-Type')
rrange = None
rrh = m.getheader('Content-Range')
if rrh:
assert rrh.startswith('bytes '), rrh
rrange = map(int, rrh.split('-',1))
if compare:
# we need to compare the returned data with that of compare
fd = open(compare, 'rb')
d2 = fd.read()
if crange:
if len(crange) > 1:
raise NotImplementedError
r = crange[0]
d2 = d2[r[0]:r[1]+1]
assert d2 == d, "Data does not match"
return ctype, rrange, d
def gd_put(self, path, body=None, srcpath=None, mime=None, noclobber=False):
@param noclobber will prevent overwritting a resource (If-None-Match)
@param mime will set the content-type
hdrs = { }
if not (body or srcpath):
raise ValueError("PUT must have something to send.")
if (not body) and srcpath:
fd = open(srcpath, 'rb')
body = fd.read()
if mime:
hdrs['Content-Type'] = mime
if noclobber:
hdrs['If-None-Match'] = '*'
s, m, d = self._http_request(self.davpath + path, method='PUT',
hdrs=hdrs, body=body)
assert s == (201), "Bad status: %s" % s
etag = m.getheader('ETag')
return etag or True
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