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In order to test the sale module in the Open-ERP, I need to configure details regarding product & customer.
I am going to sell my Mobile products to the customer with name Cleartrail
I create View Account Type.
!record {model: account.account.type, id: account_account_type_view0}:
close_method: none
code: View
name: View
sign: 1
I create Income Account Type.
!record {model: account.account.type, id: account_account_type_income0}:
close_method: unreconciled
code: Income
name: Income
sign: 1
I create Expense Account Type.
!record {model: account.account.type, id: account_account_type_expense0}:
close_method: unreconciled
code: Expense
name: Expense
sign: 1
I create Cash Account Type.
!record {model: account.account.type, id: account_account_type_cash0}:
close_method: balance
code: Cash
name: Cash
sign: 1
I create Minimal Chart Account.
!record {model: account.account, id: account_account_minimalchart0}:
code: '0'
company_id: base.main_company
currency_mode: current
name: Minimal Chart
parent_left: 1
parent_right: 12
type: view
user_type: account_account_type_view0
I create Payable Account.
!record {model: account.account, id: account_account_payable1}:
code: AP
company_id: base.main_company
currency_mode: current
name: Payable
parent_id: account_account_minimalchart0
parent_left: 2
parent_right: 3
reconcile: true
type: payable
user_type: account_account_type_expense0
I create Receivable Account.
!record {model: account.account, id: account_account_receivable0}:
code: AR
company_id: base.main_company
currency_mode: current
name: Receivable
parent_id: account_account_minimalchart0
parent_left: 4
parent_right: 5
reconcile: true
type: receivable
user_type: account_account_type_income0
I create Cash Account.
!record {model: account.account, id: account_account_cash0}:
code: C
company_id: base.main_company
currency_mode: current
name: Cash
parent_id: account_account_minimalchart0
parent_left: 6
parent_right: 7
type: other
user_type: account_account_type_cash0
I create Purchases Account.
!record {model: account.account, id: account_account_purchases0}:
code: P
company_id: base.main_company
currency_mode: current
name: Purchases
parent_id: account_account_minimalchart0
parent_left: 8
parent_right: 9
type: other
user_type: account_account_type_expense0
I create Sales Account.
!record {model: account.account, id: account_account_sales0}:
code: S
company_id: base.main_company
currency_mode: current
name: Sales
parent_id: account_account_minimalchart0
parent_left: 10
parent_right: 11
type: other
user_type: account_account_type_income0
I create Purchase Journal.
!record {model: account.journal, id: account_journal_purchasejournal0}:
code: PUJ
company_id: base.main_company
default_credit_account_id: account_account_purchases0
default_debit_account_id: account_account_purchases0
name: Purchase Journal
sequence_id: account.sequence_purchase_journal
type: purchase
view_id: account.account_journal_view
I create Sale Journal.
!record {model: account.journal, id: account_journal_salejournal0}:
code: SAJ
company_id: base.main_company
default_credit_account_id: account_account_sales0
default_debit_account_id: account_account_sales0
name: Sale Journal
sequence_id: account.sequence_sale_journal
type: sale
view_id: account.account_journal_view
I create Bank Journal.
!record {model: account.journal, id: account_journal_bankjournal0}:
code: BNK
company_id: base.main_company
default_credit_account_id: account_account_cash0
default_debit_account_id: account_account_cash0
name: Bank Journal
sequence_id: account.sequence_journal
type: cash
view_id: account.account_journal_bank_view
I create ir.property for account payable.
!record {model: ir.property, id: ir_property_propertyaccountexpensecateg0}:
company_id: base.main_company
fields_id: account.field_res_partner_property_account_payable
name: property_account_expense_categ
value_reference: account.account,5
I create ir.property for account receivable.
!record {model: ir.property, id: ir_property_propertyaccountincomecateg0}:
company_id: base.main_company
fields_id: account.field_res_partner_property_account_receivable
name: property_account_income_categ
value_reference: account.account,6
I create Partner category Customers.
!record {model: res.partner.category, id: res_partner_category_customers0}:
name: Customers
I create Cleartrail Customer.
!record {model: res.partner, id: res_partner_cleartrail0}:
- res_partner_category_customers0
name: Cleartrail
I create contact address for Cleartrail.
!record {model: res.partner.address, id: res_partner_address_1}:
partner_id: res_partner_cleartrail0
street: onam plaza, 14 B palasia A B Road
type: contact
I create invoice address for Cleartrail.
!record {model: res.partner.address, id: res_partner_address_2}:
partner_id: res_partner_cleartrail0
street: sarda house 24 B palasia, A B Road
type: invoice
I create delivery address for Cleartrail.
!record {model: res.partner.address, id: res_partner_address_3}:
partner_id: res_partner_cleartrail0
street: sangam house 15 B palasia, A B Road
type: delivery
Customer Cleartrail has specific instrument requirement regarding the stockable products.
I define product category Mobile Products Sellable.
!record {model: product.category, id: product_category_allproductssellable0}:
name: Mobile Products Sellable
I define product category Mobile Services.
!record {model: product.category, id: product_category_services0}:
name: Mobile Services
I define LG Viewty Smart product template.
!record {model: product.template, id: product_template_lgviewtysmart0}:
categ_id: product_category_allproductssellable0
cost_method: standard
list_price: 170.0
mes_type: fixed
name: LG Viewty Smart
procure_method: make_to_order
standard_price: 160.0
supply_method: produce
type: product
uom_id: product.product_uom_unit
uom_po_id: product.product_uom_unit
I define LG Viewty Smart product.
!record {model: product.product, id: product_product_lgviewtysmart0}:
categ_id: product_category_allproductssellable0
cost_method: standard
list_price: 170.0
mes_type: fixed
name: LG Viewty Smart
pricelist_purchase: 'Default Purchase Pricelist (0.00) : 160.00\n'
pricelist_sale: 'Public Pricelist (0.00) : 170.00\n'
procure_method: make_to_order
property_account_expense: sale.account_account_payable1
property_account_income: sale.account_account_receivable0
seller_delay: '1'
standard_price: 160.0
supply_method: produce
type: product
uom_id: product.product_uom_unit
uom_po_id: product.product_uom_unit
I create a Sale Order for LG Viewty Smart for qty 500 having order_policy prepaid.
!record {model: sale.order, id: sale_order_so1}:
date_order: '2010-05-03'
invoice_quantity: order
name: Test_SO001
- name: LG Viewty Smart
price_unit: 170.0
product_uom: product.product_uom_unit
product_uom_qty: 500.0
state: draft
delay: 7.0
product_id: sale.product_product_lgviewtysmart0
product_uos_qty: 500.0
th_weight: 0.0
type: make_to_order
order_policy: prepaid
partner_id: sale.res_partner_cleartrail0
partner_invoice_id: sale.res_partner_address_2
partner_order_id: sale.res_partner_address_1
partner_shipping_id: sale.res_partner_address_3
picking_policy: direct
pricelist_id: product.list0
shop_id: sale.shop
I confirm the sale order.
!workflow {model: sale.order, action: order_confirm, ref: sale_order_so1}
I will verify whether the invoice has been generated for SO since Shipping policy is 'Payment Before Delivery'
!python {model: sale.order}: |
so = self.browse(cr, uid, ref("sale_order_so1"))
assert so.invoice_ids, "Invoices has not been generated for sale_order_so1"
I open the Invoice for the SO.
!python {model: account.invoice}: |
sale_order_obj = self.pool.get('sale.order')
so = sale_order_obj.browse(cr, uid, ref("sale_order_so1"))
import netsvc
wf_service = netsvc.LocalService("workflow")
invoice_ids = so.invoice_ids
for invoice in invoice_ids:
wf_service.trg_validate(uid, 'account.invoice',invoice.id,'invoice_open', cr)
Creating a account invoice pay entry.
!record {model: account.invoice.pay, id: account_invoice_pay_tst1}:
amount: 85000.0
date: '2010-05-10'
journal_id: sale.account_journal_bankjournal0
name: tst
period_id: account.period_5
I pay the invoice.
!python {model: account.invoice.pay}: |
sale_order_obj = self.pool.get('sale.order')
so = sale_order_obj.browse(cr, uid, ref("sale_order_so1"))
self.wo_check(cr, uid, [ref("account_invoice_pay_tst1")], {"lang": "en_US", "tz":
False, "active_model": 'account.invoice', "active_ids": [so.invoice_ids[0].id], "type":
"out_invoice", "active_id": so.invoice_ids[0].id, })
Creating an account invoice pay writeoff entry.
!record {model: account.invoice.pay.writeoff, id: account_invoice_pay_writeoff_0}:
analytic_id: account.analytic_customers
comment: Write-Off
writeoff_acc_id: account.a_sale
writeoff_journal_id: sale.account_journal_bankjournal0
Pay and Reconcile the Invoice.
!python {model: account.invoice.pay.writeoff}: |
sale_order_obj = self.pool.get('sale.order')
so = sale_order_obj.browse(cr, uid, ref("sale_order_so1"))
self.pay_and_reconcile_writeoff(cr, uid, [ref("account_invoice_pay_writeoff_0")],
{"lang": 'en_US', "tz": False, "active_model": 'account.invoice', "active_ids":
[so.invoice_ids[0].id], "type": "out_invoice", "active_id": so.invoice_ids[0].id })
I will verify the picking associated with the sale order sale_order_so1
!python {model: sale.order}: |
so = self.browse(cr, uid, ref("sale_order_so1"))
assert so.picking_ids,"Picking has not been generated for sale_order_so1"
Products are delivered to the Cleartrail Customer.
!python {model: stock.picking }: |
import time
sale_order_obj = self.pool.get('sale.order')
so = sale_order_obj.browse(cr, uid, ref("sale_order_so1"))
picking_id = self.search(cr, uid, [('origin','=',so.name),('type','=','out')])
if picking_id:
pick.force_assign(cr, uid)
partial_datas = {
'address_id': pick.address_id.id,
'delivery_date' : time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
move = pick.move_lines[0]
partial_datas['move%s'%(move.id)]= {
'product_id': move.product_id.id,
'product_qty': move.product_qty,
'product_uom': move.product_uom.id,
self.do_partial(cr, uid, [pick.id],partial_datas)
I verify that picking order is in done state.
!python {model: stock.picking }: |
sale_order_obj = self.pool.get('sale.order')
so = sale_order_obj.browse(cr, uid, ref("sale_order_so1"))
picking_id = self.search(cr, uid, [('origin','=',so.name),('type','=','out')])
if picking_id:
pick = self.browse(cr,uid,picking_id[0])
assert (pick.state) =='done', "Picking for SO is not in done state."