Xavier Morel 739f719ad6 [UP] py.parse 0.2 to py.js 0.4 ~
should probably go through a testing phase (checking its result
against that of eval_domain_and_context) for a while, but apart from
that it's supposed to work.

'stdlib' stuff (datetime.date.today, datetime.timedelta,
time.localtime, time.time, time.strftime) still need to be
written. Isn't there also a dateutil.relativedeleta somewhere?

Anyway that needs to be done and the various evaluation contexts need
to be defined, but the valuator itself should mostly work.

bzr revid: xmo@openerp.com-20120227073721-nkgeiqacbzch8xev
2012-02-27 08:37:21 +01:00
lib [UP] py.parse 0.2 to py.js 0.4 ~ 2012-02-27 08:37:21 +01:00
test [UP] py.parse 0.2 to py.js 0.4 ~ 2012-02-27 08:37:21 +01:00
.hg_archival.txt [UP] py.parse 0.2 to py.js 0.4 ~ 2012-02-27 08:37:21 +01:00
README.rst [UP] py.parse 0.2 to py.js 0.4 ~ 2012-02-27 08:37:21 +01:00
TODO.rst [UP] py.parse 0.2 to py.js 0.4 ~ 2012-02-27 08:37:21 +01:00



``py.js`` is a parser and evaluator of Python expressions, written in
pure javascript.

``py.js`` is not intended to implement a full Python interpreter
(although it could be used for such an effort later on), its
specification document is the `Python 2.7 Expressions spec
<http://docs.python.org/reference/expressions.html>`_ (along with the
lexical analysis part).


Originally, to learn about Pratt parsers (which are very, very good at
parsing expressions with lots of infix or mixfix symbols). The
evaluator part came because "why not" and because I work on a product
with the "feature" of transmitting Python expressions (over the wire)
which the client is supposed to evaluate.


At this point, only three steps exist in ``py.js``: tokenizing,
parsing and evaluation. It is possible that a compilation step be
added later (for performance reasons).

To evaluate a Python expression, the caller merely needs to call
`py.eval`_. `py.eval`_ takes a mandatory Python
expression to evaluate (as a string) and an optional context, for the
substitution of the free variables in the expression::

    > py.eval("type in ('a', 'b', 'c') and foo", {type: 'c', foo: true});

This is great for one-shot evaluation of expressions. If the
expression will need to be repeatedly evaluated with the same
parameters, the various parsing and evaluation steps can be performed
separately: `py.eval`_ is really a shortcut for sequentially calling
`py.tokenize`_, `py.parse`_ and `py.evaluate`_.


.. _py.eval:

``py.eval(expr[, context])``
    "Do everything" function, to use for one-shot evaluation of a
    Python expression: it will internally handle the tokenizing,
    parsing and actual evaluation of the Python expression without
    having to perform these separately.

        Python expression to evaluate
        context dictionary holding the substitutions for the free
        variables in the expression

.. _py.tokenize:

        Python expression to tokenize

.. _py.parse:

    Parses a token stream and returns an abstract syntax tree of the
    expression (if the token stream represents a valid Python

    A parse tree is stateless and can be memoized and used multiple
    times in separate evaluations.

         stream of tokens returned by `py.tokenize`_

.. _py.evaluate:

``py.evaluate(ast[, context])``
        The output of `py.parse`_
        The evaluation context for the Python expression.