
778 lines
39 KiB

openerp.mail = function(session) {
var _t = session.web._t,
_lt = session.web._lt;
var mail = session.mail = {};
* Add records to sorted_comments array
* @param {Array} records records from mail.message sorted by date desc
* @returns {Object} cs comments_structure: dict
* cs.model_to_root_ids = {model: [root_ids], }
* cs.new_root_ids = [new_root_ids]
* cs.root_ids = [root_ids]
* cs.msgs = {record.id: record,}
* cs.tree_struct = {record.id: {
* 'level': record_level in hierarchy, 0 is root,
* 'msg_nbr': number of childs,
* 'direct_childs': [msg_ids],
* 'all_childs': [msg_ids],
* 'for_thread_msgs': [records],
* 'ancestors': [msg_ids], } }
function tools_sort_comments(cs, records, parent_id) {
var cur_iter = 0; var max_iter = 10; var modif = true;
while ( modif && (cur_iter++) < max_iter) {
modif = false;
_(records).each(function (record) {
// root and not yet recorded
if ( (record.parent_id == false || record.parent_id[0] == parent_id) && ! cs['msgs'][record.id]) {
// add to model -> root_list ids
if (! cs['model_to_root_ids'][record.model]) cs['model_to_root_ids'][record.model] = [record.id];
else cs['model_to_root_ids'][record.model].push(record.id);
// add root data
// add record
cs['tree_struct'][record.id] = {'level': 0, 'direct_childs': [], 'all_childs': [], 'for_thread_msgs': [record], 'msg_nbr': -1, 'ancestors': []};
cs['msgs'][record.id] = record;
modif = true;
// not yet recorded, but parent is recorded
else if (! cs['msgs'][record.id] && cs['msgs'][record.parent_id[0]]) {
var parent_level = cs['tree_struct'][record.parent_id[0]]['level'];
// update parent structure
// update ancestors structure
for (ancestor_id in cs['tree_struct'][record.parent_id[0]]['ancestors']) {
// add record
cs['tree_struct'][record.id] = {'level': parent_level+1, 'direct_childs': [], 'all_childs': [], 'for_thread_msgs': [], 'msg_nbr': -1, 'ancestors': []};
cs['msgs'][record.id] = record;
modif = true;
return cs;
/* Add ThreadDisplay widget to registry */
session.web.form.widgets.add( 'Thread', 'openerp.mail.Thread');
// session.web.page.readonly.add( 'Thread', 'openerp.mail.Thread');
* ThreadDisplay widget: this widget handles the display of a thread of
* messages. The [thread_level] parameter sets the thread level number:
* - root message
* - - sub message (parent_id = root message)
* - - - sub sub message (parent id = sub message)
* - - sub message (parent_id = root message)
* This widget has 2 ways of initialization, either you give records to be rendered,
* either it will fetch [limit] messages related to [res_model]:[res_id].
mail.Thread = session.web.Widget.extend({
template: 'Thread',
* @param {Object} parent parent
* @param {Object} [params]
* @param {String} [params.res_model] res_model of mail.thread object
* @param {Number} [params.res_id] res_id of record
* @param {Number} [params.parent_id=false] parent_id of message
* @param {Number} [params.uid] user id
* @param {Number} [params.thread_level=0] number of levels in the thread (only 0 or 1 currently)
* @param {Number} [params.msg_more_limit=100] number of character to display before having a "show more" link;
* note that the text will not be truncated if it does not have 110% of
* the parameter (ex: 110 characters needed to be truncated and be displayed
* as a 100-characters message)
* @param {Number} [params.limit=10] maximum number of messages to fetch
* @param {Number} [params.offset=0] offset for fetching messages
* @param {Number} [params.records=null] records to show instead of fetching messages
init: function(parent, params) {
this.params = params;
this.params.parent_id = this.params.parent_id || false;
this.params.thread_level = this.params.thread_level || 0;
this.params.msg_more_limit = this.params.msg_more_limit || 100;
this.params.limit = this.params.limit || 100;
this.params.offset = this.params.offset || 0;
this.params.records = this.params.records || null;
// datasets and internal vars
this.ds = new session.web.DataSet(this, this.params.res_model);
this.ds_users = new session.web.DataSet(this, 'res.users');
this.ds_msg = new session.web.DataSet(this, 'mail.message');
this.sorted_comments = {'root_ids': [], 'root_id_msg_list': {}};
this.comments_structure = {'root_ids': [], 'new_root_ids': [], 'msgs': {}, 'tree_struct': {}, 'model_to_root_ids': {}};
// display customization vars
this.display = {};
this.display.show_post_comment = this.params.show_post_comment || false;
this.display.show_reply = (this.params.thread_level > 0);
this.display.show_delete = true;
this.display.show_hide = this.params.show_hide || false;
this.display.show_more = (this.params.thread_level == 0);
// not used currently
this.intlinks_mapping = {};
start: function() {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
// customize display
if (! this.display.show_post_comment) this.$element.find('div.oe_mail_thread_act').hide();
// add events
/* display user, fetch comments */
if (this.params.records) var display_done = this.display_comments_from_parameters(this.params.records);
else var display_done = this.init_comments();
return display_done
add_events: function() {
var self = this;
// event: click on 'more' at bottom of thread
this.$element.find('button.oe_mail_button_more').click(function () {
// event: writing in textarea
this.$element.find('textarea.oe_mail_action_textarea').keyup(function (event) {
var charCode = (event.which) ? event.which : window.event.keyCode;
if (event.shiftKey && charCode == 13) { this.value = this.value+"\n"; }
else if (charCode == 13) { return self.do_comment(); }
// event: click on 'reply' in msg
this.$element.find('div.oe_mail_thread_display').delegate('a.oe_mail_msg_reply', 'click', function (event) {
var act_dom = $(this).parents('div.oe_mail_thread_display').find('div.oe_mail_thread_act:first');
// event: click on 'delete' in msg
this.$element.find('div.oe_mail_thread_display').delegate('a.oe_mail_msg_delete', 'click', function (event) {
if (! confirm(_t("Do you really want to delete this message?"))) { return false; }
var msg_id = event.srcElement.dataset.id;
if (! msg_id) return false;
var call_defer = self.ds_msg.unlink([parseInt(msg_id)]);
if (self.params.thread_level > 0) {
return false;
// event: click on 'hide' in msg
this.$element.find('div.oe_mail_thread_display').delegate('a.oe_mail_msg_hide', 'click', function (event) {
if (! confirm(_t("Do you really want to hide this thread ?"))) { return false; }
var msg_id = event.srcElement.dataset.id;
if (! msg_id) return false;
var call_defer = self.ds.call('message_remove_pushed_notifications', [[self.params.res_id], [parseInt(msg_id)], true]);
if (self.params.thread_level > 0) {
return false;
// event: click on an internal link
this.$element.find('div.oe_mail_thread_display').delegate('a.intlink', 'click', function (event) {
// lazy implementation: fetch data and try to redirect
if (! event.srcElement.dataset.resModel) return false;
else var res_model = event.srcElement.dataset.resModel;
var res_login = event.srcElement.dataset.resLogin;
var res_id = event.srcElement.dataset.resId;
if ((! res_login) && (! res_id)) return false;
if (! res_id) {
var ds = new session.web.DataSet(self, res_model);
var defer = ds.call('search', [[['login', '=', res_login]]]).then(function (records) {
if (records[0]) {
self.do_action({ type: 'ir.actions.act_window', res_model: res_model, res_id: parseInt(records[0]), views: [[false, 'form']]});
else return false;
else self.do_action({ type: 'ir.actions.act_window', res_model: res_model, res_id: parseInt(res_id), views: [[false, 'form']]});
destroy: function () {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
init_comments: function() {
var self = this;
this.params.offset = 0;
this.sorted_comments = {'root_ids': [], 'root_id_msg_list': {}};
this.comments_structure = {'root_ids': [], 'new_root_ids': [], 'msgs': {}, 'tree_struct': {}, 'model_to_root_ids': {}};
domain = this.get_fetch_domain(this.sorted_comments);
return this.fetch_comments(this.params.limit, this.params.offset, domain).then();
fetch_comments: function (limit, offset, domain) {
var self = this;
var defer = this.ds.call('message_load', [[this.params.res_id], ( (limit+1)||(this.params.limit+1) ), (offset||this.params.offset), (domain||[]), (this.params.thread_level > 0), (this.sorted_comments['root_ids'])]);
$.when(defer).then(function (records) {
if (records.length <= self.params.limit) self.display.show_more = false;
else { self.display.show_more = true; records.pop(); }
if (self.display.show_more == true) self.$element.find('div.oe_mail_thread_more:last').show();
else self.$element.find('div.oe_mail_thread_more:last').hide();
return defer;
display_comments_from_parameters: function (records) {
if (records.length > 0 && records.length < (records[0].child_ids.length+1) ) this.display.show_more = true;
else this.display.show_more = false;
var defer = this.display_comments(records);
if (this.display.show_more == true) $('div.oe_mail_thread_more').eq(-2).show();
else $('div.oe_mail_thread_more').eq(-2).hide();
return defer;
display_comments: function (records) {
var self = this;
this.cs = this.sort_comments_tmp(records);
/* WIP: map matched regexp -> records to browse with name */
//_(records).each(function (record) {
_(records).each(function (record) {
var sub_msgs = [];
if ((record.parent_id == false || record.parent_id[0] == self.params.parent_id) && self.params.thread_level > 0 ) {
var sub_list = self.cs['tree_struct'][record.id]['direct_childs'];
_(records).each(function (record) {
//if (record.parent_id == false || record.parent_id[0] == self.params.parent_id) return;
if (_.indexOf(sub_list, record.id) != -1) {
self.thread = new mail.Thread(self, {'res_model': self.params.res_model, 'res_id': self.params.res_id, 'uid': self.params.uid,
'records': sub_msgs, 'thread_level': (self.params.thread_level-1), 'parent_id': record.id});
self.$element.find('li.oe_mail_thread_msg:last').append('<div class="oe_mail_thread_subthread"/>');
else if (self.params.thread_level == 0) {
// update offset for "More" buttons
if (this.params.thread_level == 0) this.params.offset += records.length;
* Display a record
display_comment: function (record) {
if (record.type == 'email') { record.mini_url = ('/mail/static/src/img/email_icon.png'); }
else { record.mini_url = this.thread_get_avatar('res.users', 'avatar', record.user_id[0]); }
// body text manipulation
record.body = this.do_clean_text(record.body);
record.tr_body = this.do_truncate_string(record.body, this.params.msg_more_limit);
record.body = this.do_replace_internal_links(record.body);
if (record.tr_body) record.tr_body = this.do_replace_internal_links(record.tr_body);
// render
$(session.web.qweb.render('ThreadMsg', {'record': record, 'thread': this, 'params': this.params, 'display': this.display})
// truncated: hide full-text, show summary, add buttons
if (record.tr_body) {
var node_body = this.$element.find('span.oe_mail_msg_body:last').append(' <a href="#" class="reduce">[ ... Show less]</a>');
var node_body_short = this.$element.find('span.oe_mail_msg_body_short:last').append(' <a href="#" class="expand">[ ... Show more]</a>');
node_body.find('a:last').click(function() { node_body.hide(); node_body_short.show(); return false; });
node_body_short.find('a:last').click(function() { node_body_short.hide(); node_body.show(); return false; });
* Add records to sorted_comments array
* @param {Array} records records from mail.message sorted by date desc
* @returns {Object} sc sorted_comments: dict {
* 'root_id_list': list or root_ids
* 'root_id_msg_list': {'record_id': [ancestor_ids]}, still sorted by date desc
* 'id_to_root': {'root_id': [records]}, still sorted by date desc
* }
sort_comments: function (records) {
var self = this;
sc = {'root_id_list': [], 'root_id_msg_list': {}, 'id_to_root': {}}
var cur_iter = 0; var max_iter = 10; var modif = true;
/* step1: get roots */
while ( modif && (cur_iter++) < max_iter) {
modif = false;
_(records).each(function (record) {
if ( (record.parent_id == false || record.parent_id[0] == self.params.parent_id) && (_.indexOf(sc['root_id_list'], record.id) == -1)) {
sc['root_id_msg_list'][record.id] = [];
modif = true;
else {
if (_.indexOf(sc['root_id_list'], record.parent_id[0]) != -1) {
sc['id_to_root'][record.id] = record.parent_id[0];
modif = true;
else if ( sc['id_to_root'][record.parent_id[0]] ) {
sc['id_to_root'][record.id] = sc['id_to_root'][record.parent_id[0]];
modif = true;
/* step2: add records */
_(records).each(function (record) {
var root_id = sc['id_to_root'][record.id];
if (! root_id) return;
return sc;
* Add records to comments_structure object: see function for details
sort_comments_tmp: function(records) {
return tools_sort_comments(this.comments_structure, records, this.params.parent_id);
display_current_user: function () {
return this.$element.find('img.oe_mail_msg_image').attr('src', this.thread_get_avatar('res.users', 'avatar', this.params.uid));
do_comment: function () {
var comment_node = this.$element.find('textarea');
var body_text = comment_node.val();
return this.ds.call('message_append_note', [[this.params.res_id], 'Reply', body_text, this.params.parent_id, 'comment', 'html']).then(
* Create a domain to fetch new comments according to
* comment already present in sorted_comments
* @param {Object} sorted_comments (see sort_comments)
* @returns {Array} fetch_domain (OpenERP domain style)
get_fetch_domain: function (sorted_comments) {
var domain = [];
var ids = sorted_comments.root_ids.slice();
var ids2 = [];
// must be child of current parent
if (this.params.parent_id) { domain.push(['id', 'child_of', this.params.parent_id]); }
_(sorted_comments.root_ids).each(function (id) { // each record
if (this.params.parent_id != false) {
// must not be children of already fetched messages
if (ids.length > 0) {
domain.push(['id', 'child_of', ids]);
if (ids2.length > 0) {
domain.push(['id', 'not in', ids2]);
return domain;
do_more: function () {
domain = this.get_fetch_domain(this.sorted_comments);
return this.fetch_comments(this.params.limit, this.params.offset, domain);
do_replace_internal_links: function (string) {
var self = this;
var icon_list = ['al', 'pinky']
/* shortcut to user: @login */
var regex_login = new RegExp(/(^|\s)@((\w|@|\.)*)/g);
var regex_res = regex_login.exec(string);
while (regex_res != null) {
var login = regex_res[2];
string = string.replace(regex_res[0], regex_res[1] + '<a href="#" class="intlink oe_mail_oe_intlink" data-res-model="res.users" data-res-login = ' + login + '>@' + login + '</a>');
regex_res = regex_login.exec(string);
/* special shortcut: :name, try to find an icon if in list */
var regex_login = new RegExp(/(^|\s):((\w)*)/g);
var regex_res = regex_login.exec(string);
while (regex_res != null) {
var icon_name = regex_res[2];
if (_.include(icon_list, icon_name))
string = string.replace(regex_res[0], regex_res[1] + '<img src="/mail/static/src/img/_' + icon_name + '.png" width="22px" height="22px" alt="' + icon_name + '"/>');
regex_res = regex_login.exec(string);
return string;
thread_get_avatar: function(model, field, id) {
return this.session.prefix + '/web/binary/image?session_id=' + this.session.session_id + '&model=' + model + '&field=' + field + '&id=' + (id || '');
do_truncate_string: function(string, max_length) {
if (string.length <= (max_length * 1.2)) return false;
else return string.slice(0, max_length);
do_clean_text: function (string) {
var html = $('<div/>').text(string.replace(/\s+/g, ' ')).html().replace(new RegExp('&lt;(/)?(b|em)\\s*&gt;', 'gi'), '<$1$2>');
return html;
* var regex_login = new RegExp(/(^|\s)@(\w*[a-zA-Z_.]+\w*\s)/g);
* var regex_login = new RegExp(/(^|\s)@((\w|@|\.)*)/g);
* var regex_intlink = new RegExp(/(^|\s)#(\w*[a-zA-Z_]+\w*)\.(\w+[a-zA-Z_]+\w*),(\w+)/g);
do_check_internal_links: function(string) {
/* shortcut to user: @login */
var regex_login = new RegExp(/(^|\s)@((\w|@|\.)*)/g);
var regex_res = regex_login.exec(string);
while (regex_res != null) {
var login = regex_res[2];
if (! ('res.users' in this.map_hash)) { this.map_hash['res.users']['name'] = []; }
regex_res = regex_login.exec(string);
/* internal links: #res.model,name */
var regex_intlink = new RegExp(/(^|\s)#(\w*[a-zA-Z_]+\w*)\.(\w+[a-zA-Z_]+\w*),(\w+)/g);
regex_res = regex_intlink.exec(string);
while (regex_res != null) {
var res_model = regex_res[2] + '.' + regex_res[3];
var res_name = regex_res[4];
if (! (res_model in this.map_hash)) { this.map_hash[res_model]['name'] = []; }
regex_res = regex_intlink.exec(string);
/** checks if tue current user is the message author */
_is_author: function (id) {
return (this.session.uid == id);
/* Add ThreadView widget to registry */
session.web.form.widgets.add( 'ThreadView', 'openerp.mail.RecordThread');
// session.web.page.readonly.add( 'ThreadView', 'openerp.mail.RecordThread');
/* ThreadView widget: thread of comments */
mail.RecordThread = session.web.form.AbstractField.extend({
// QWeb template to use when rendering the object
template: 'RecordThread',
init: function() {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
this.see_subscribers = true;
this.thread = null;
// datasets
this.ds = new session.web.DataSet(this, this.view.model);
this.ds_users = new session.web.DataSet(this, 'res.users');
start: function() {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
var self = this;
// bind buttons
this.$element.find('button.oe_mail_button_followers').click(function () { self.do_toggle_followers(); }).hide();
this.$element.find('button.oe_mail_button_follow').click(function () { self.do_follow(); })
.mouseover(function () { $(this).html('Follow').addClass('following'); })
.mouseleave(function () { $(this).html('Not following').removeClass('following'); });
this.$element.find('button.oe_mail_button_unfollow').click(function () { self.do_unfollow(); })
.mouseover(function () { $(this).html('Unfollow').removeClass('following').addClass('unfollow'); })
.mouseleave(function () { $(this).html('Following').removeClass('unfollow').addClass('following'); });
destroy: function () {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
reinit: function() {
this.see_subscribers = true;
this.$element.find('button.oe_mail_button_followers').html('Hide followers')
set_value: function() {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
var self = this;
if (! this.view.datarecord.id) { this.$element.find('ul.oe_mail_thread').hide(); return; }
// fetch followers
var fetch_sub_done = this.fetch_subscribers();
// create and render Thread widget
if (this.thread) this.thread.destroy();
// hack: for groups and users
if (this.view.model == 'mail.group') thread_level = 1;
if (this.view.model == 'res.users') thread_level = 1;
else thread_level = 0;
this.thread = new mail.Thread(this, {'res_model': this.view.model, 'res_id': this.view.datarecord.id, 'uid': this.session.uid,
'thread_level': thread_level, 'show_post_comment': true, 'limit': 15});
var thread_done = this.thread.appendTo(this.$element.find('div.oe_mail_recthread_left'));
return fetch_sub_done && thread_done;
fetch_subscribers: function () {
return this.ds.call('message_get_subscribers', [[this.view.datarecord.id]]).then(this.proxy('display_subscribers'));
display_subscribers: function (records) {
var self = this;
this.is_subscriber = false;
var sub_node = this.$element.find('div.oe_mail_recthread_followers')
$('<h4/>').html('Followers (' + records.length + ')').appendTo(sub_node);
_(records).each(function (record) {
if (record.id == self.session.uid) { self.is_subscriber = true; }
var mini_url = self.thread_get_avatar('res.users', 'avatar', record.id);
$('<img class="oe_mail_oe_left oe_mail_msg_image" src="' + mini_url + '" title="' + record.name + '" alt="' + record.name + '"/>').appendTo(sub_node);
if (self.is_subscriber) {
self.$element.find('button.oe_mail_button_unfollow').show(); }
else {
self.$element.find('button.oe_mail_button_unfollow').hide(); }
do_follow: function () {
return this.ds.call('message_subscribe', [[this.view.datarecord.id]]).pipe(this.proxy('fetch_subscribers'));
do_unfollow: function () {
var self = this;
return this.ds.call('message_unsubscribe', [[this.view.datarecord.id]]).then(function (record) {
if (record == false) self.do_notify("Impossible to unsubscribe", "You are automatically subscribed to this record. You cannot unsubscribe.");
do_toggle_followers: function () {
this.see_subscribers = ! this.see_subscribers;
if (this.see_subscribers) { this.$element.find('button.oe_mail_button_followers').html('Hide followers'); }
else { this.$element.find('button.oe_mail_button_followers').html('Display followers'); }
thread_get_avatar: function(model, field, id) {
return this.session.prefix + '/web/binary/image?session_id=' + this.session.session_id + '&model=' + model + '&field=' + field + '&id=' + (id || '');
/* Add WallView widget to registry */
session.web.client_actions.add('mail.all_feeds', 'session.mail.WallView');
/* WallView widget: a wall of messages */
mail.WallView = session.web.Widget.extend({
template: 'Wall',
* @param {Object} parent parent
* @param {Object} [params]
* @param {Number} [params.limit=20] number of messages to show and fetch
* @param {Number} [params.search_view_id=false] search view id for messages
* @var {Array} sorted_comments records sorted by res_model and res_id
* records.res_model = {res_ids}
* records.res_model.res_id = [records]
init: function (parent, params) {
this.params = {};
this.params.limit = params.limit || 25;
this.params.domain = params.domain || [];
this.params.context = params.context || {};
this.params.search_view_id = params.search_view_id || false;
this.params.thread_level = params.thread_level || 1;
this.comments_structure = {'root_ids': [], 'new_root_ids': [], 'msgs': {}, 'tree_struct': {}, 'model_to_root_ids': {}};
this.display_show_more = true;
this.thread_list = [];
this.search = {'domain': [], 'context': {}, 'groupby': {}}
this.search_results = {'domain': [], 'context': {}, 'groupby': {}}
// datasets
this.ds_msg = new session.web.DataSet(this, 'mail.message');
this.ds_thread = new session.web.DataSet(this, 'mail.thread');
this.ds_users = new session.web.DataSet(this, 'res.users');
start: function () {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
var self = this;
// add events
// load mail.message search view
var search_view_ready = this.load_search_view(this.params.search_view_id, {}, false);
// fetch first threads
var comments_ready = this.init_and_fetch_comments(this.params.limit, 0);
return (search_view_ready && comments_ready);
stop: function () {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
/** Add events */
add_event_handlers: function () {
var self = this;
// post a comment
this.$element.find('button.oe_mail_wall_button_comment').click(function () { return self.do_comment(); });
// display more threads
this.$element.find('button.oe_mail_wall_button_more').click(function () { return self.do_more(); });
* Loads the mail.message search view
* @param {Number} view_id id of the search view to load
* @param {Object} defaults ??
* @param {Boolean} hidden some kind of trick we do not care here
load_search_view: function (view_id, defaults, hidden) {
var self = this;
this.searchview = new session.web.SearchView(this, this.ds_msg, view_id || false, defaults || {}, hidden || false);
var search_view_loaded = this.searchview.appendTo(this.$element.find('.oe_view_manager_row'));
return $.when(search_view_loaded).then(function () {
* Aggregate the domains, contexts and groupbys in parameter
* with those from search form, and then calls fetch_comments
* to actually fetch comments
* @param {Array} domains
* @param {Array} contexts
* @param {Array} groupbys
do_searchview_search: function(domains, contexts, groupbys) {
var self = this;
this.rpc('/web/session/eval_domain_and_context', {
domains: domains || [],
contexts: contexts || [],
group_by_seq: groupbys || []
}, function (results) {
self.search_results['context'] = results.context;
self.search_results['domain'] = results.domain;
self.search_results['groupby'] = results.group_by;
return self.init_and_fetch_comments();
* Initializes the wall and calls fetch_comments
* @param {Number} limit: number of notifications to fetch
* @param {Number} offset: offset in notifications search
* @param {Array} domain
* @param {Array} context
init_and_fetch_comments: function() {
this.search['domain'] = _.union(this.params.domain, this.search_results.domain);
this.search['context'] = _.extend(this.params.context, this.search_results.context);
this.display_show_more = true;
this.comments_structure = {'root_ids': [], 'new_root_ids': [], 'msgs': {}, 'tree_struct': {}, 'model_to_root_ids': {}};
return this.fetch_comments(this.params.limit, 0);
* Fetches wall messages
* @param {Number} limit: number of notifications to fetch
* @param {Number} offset: offset in notifications search
* @param {Array} domain
* @param {Array} context
fetch_comments: function (limit, offset, additional_domain, additional_context) {
var self = this;
if (additional_domain) var fetch_domain = this.search['domain'].concat(additional_domain);
else var fetch_domain = this.search['domain'];
if (additional_context) var fetch_context = _.extend(this.search['context'], additional_context);
else var fetch_context = this.search['context'];
return this.ds_thread.call('get_pushed_messages',
[[this.session.uid], (limit || 0), (offset || 0), fetch_domain, true, [], fetch_context]).then(this.proxy('display_comments'));
* @param {Array} records records to show in threads
display_comments: function (records) {
var self = this;
this.do_update_show_more(records.length >= self.params.limit);
_(this.comments_structure['new_root_ids']).each(function (root_id) {
var records = self.comments_structure.tree_struct[root_id]['for_thread_msgs'];
var model_name = self.comments_structure.msgs[root_id]['model'];
var res_id = self.comments_structure.msgs[root_id]['res_id'];
var render_res = session.web.qweb.render('WallThreadContainer', {});
$('<div class="oe_mail_wall_thread">').html(render_res).appendTo(self.$element.find('div.oe_mail_wall_threads'));
var thread = new mail.Thread(self, {
'res_model': model_name, 'res_id': res_id, 'uid': self.session.uid, 'records': records,
'parent_id': false, 'thread_level': self.params.thread_level, 'show_hide': true}
return thread.appendTo(self.$element.find('div.oe_mail_wall_thread:last'));
// update TODO
this.comments_structure['root_ids'] = _.union(this.comments_structure['root_ids'], this.comments_structure['new_root_ids']);
this.comments_structure['new_root_ids'] = [];
* Add records to comments_structure object: see function for details
sort_comments: function(records) {
tools_sort_comments(this.comments_structure, records, false);
* Create a domain to fetch new comments according to
* comments already present in sorted_comments
* - for each model:
* -- should not be child of already displayed ids
* @param {Object} sorted_comments (see sort_comments)
* @returns {Array} fetch_domain (OpenERP domain style)
get_fetch_domain: function () {
var self = this;
var model_to_root = {};
var fetch_domain = [];
_(this.comments_structure['model_to_root_ids']).each(function (sc_model, model_name) {
fetch_domain.push('|', ['model', '!=', model_name], '!', ['id', 'child_of', sc_model]);
return fetch_domain;
/** Display update: show more button */
do_update_show_more: function (new_value) {
if (new_value != undefined) this.display_show_more = new_value;
if (this.display_show_more) this.$element.find('div.oe_mail_wall_more:last').show();
else this.$element.find('div.oe_mail_wall_more:last').hide();
/** Action: Shows more discussions */
do_more: function () {
var domain = this.get_fetch_domain();
return this.fetch_comments(this.params.limit, 0, domain);
/** Action: Posts a comment */
do_comment: function () {
var comment_node = this.$element.find('textarea.oe_mail_wall_action_textarea');
var body_text = comment_node.val();
var call_done = this.ds_users.call('message_append_note', [[this.session.uid], 'Tweet', body_text, false, 'comment', 'html']).then(this.proxy('init_and_fetch_comments'));
// vim:et fdc=0 fdl=0 foldnestmax=3 fdm=syntax: