
221 lines
9.8 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
# Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Tiny SPRL (<http://tiny.be>).
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from osv import fields, osv
import tools
('field', 'Field'),
('model', 'Object'),
('rml', 'RML (deprecated - use Report)'), # Pending deprecation - to be replaced by report!
('report', 'Report/Template'),
('selection', 'Selection'),
('view', 'View'),
('wizard_button', 'Wizard Button'),
('wizard_field', 'Wizard Field'),
('wizard_view', 'Wizard View'),
('xsl', 'XSL'),
('help', 'Help'),
('code', 'Code'),
('constraint', 'Constraint'),
('sql_constraint', 'SQL Constraint')
class ir_translation(osv.osv):
_name = "ir.translation"
_log_access = False
def _get_language(self, cr, uid, context):
lang_obj = self.pool.get('res.lang')
lang_ids = lang_obj.search(cr, uid, [('translatable', '=', True)],
langs = lang_obj.browse(cr, uid, lang_ids, context=context)
res = [(lang.code, lang.name) for lang in langs]
for lang_dict in tools.scan_languages():
if lang_dict not in res:
return res
_columns = {
'name': fields.char('Field Name', size=128, required=True),
'res_id': fields.integer('Resource ID', select=True),
'lang': fields.selection(_get_language, string='Language', size=16),
'type': fields.selection(TRANSLATION_TYPE, string='Type', size=16, select=True),
'src': fields.text('Source'),
'value': fields.text('Translation Value'),
_sql_constraints = [ ('lang_fkey_res_lang', 'FOREIGN KEY(lang) REFERENCES res_lang(code)',
'Language code of translation item must be among known languages' ), ]
def _auto_init(self, cr, context=None):
super(ir_translation, self)._auto_init(cr, context)
# FIXME: there is a size limit on btree indexed values so we can't index src column with normal btree.
cr.execute('SELECT indexname FROM pg_indexes WHERE indexname = %s', ('ir_translation_ltns',))
if cr.fetchone():
#temporarily removed: cr.execute('CREATE INDEX ir_translation_ltns ON ir_translation (name, lang, type, src)')
cr.execute('DROP INDEX ir_translation_ltns')
cr.execute('SELECT indexname FROM pg_indexes WHERE indexname = %s', ('ir_translation_lts',))
if cr.fetchone():
#temporarily removed: cr.execute('CREATE INDEX ir_translation_lts ON ir_translation (lang, type, src)')
cr.execute('DROP INDEX ir_translation_lts')
# add separate hash index on src (no size limit on values), as postgres 8.1+ is able to combine separate indexes
cr.execute('SELECT indexname FROM pg_indexes WHERE indexname = %s', ('ir_translation_src_hash_idx',))
if not cr.fetchone():
cr.execute('CREATE INDEX ir_translation_src_hash_idx ON ir_translation using hash (src)')
cr.execute('SELECT indexname FROM pg_indexes WHERE indexname = %s', ('ir_translation_ltn',))
if not cr.fetchone():
cr.execute('CREATE INDEX ir_translation_ltn ON ir_translation (name, lang, type)')
def _check_selection_field_value(self, cr, uid, field, value, context=None):
if field == 'lang':
return super(ir_translation, self)._check_selection_field_value(cr, uid, field, value, context=context)
@tools.cache(skiparg=3, multi='ids')
def _get_ids(self, cr, uid, name, tt, lang, ids):
translations = dict.fromkeys(ids, False)
if ids:
cr.execute('select res_id,value ' \
'from ir_translation ' \
'where lang=%s ' \
'and type=%s ' \
'and name=%s ' \
'and res_id IN %s',
for res_id, value in cr.fetchall():
translations[res_id] = value
return translations
def _set_ids(self, cr, uid, name, tt, lang, ids, value, src=None):
# clear the caches
tr = self._get_ids(cr, uid, name, tt, lang, ids)
for res_id in tr:
if tr[res_id]:
self._get_source.clear_cache(cr.dbname, uid, name, tt, lang, tr[res_id])
self._get_source.clear_cache(cr.dbname, uid, name, tt, lang)
self._get_ids.clear_cache(cr.dbname, uid, name, tt, lang, ids)
cr.execute('delete from ir_translation ' \
'where lang=%s ' \
'and type=%s ' \
'and name=%s ' \
'and res_id IN %s',
for id in ids:
self.create(cr, uid, {
return len(ids)
def _get_source(self, cr, uid, name, types, lang, source=None):
Returns the translation for the given combination of name, type, language
and source. All values passed to this method should be unicode (not byte strings),
especially ``source``.
:param name: identification of the term to translate, such as field name (optional if source is passed)
:param types: single string defining type of term to translate (see ``type`` field on ir.translation), or sequence of allowed types (strings)
:param lang: language code of the desired translation
:param source: optional source term to translate (should be unicode)
:rtype: unicode
:return: the request translation, or an empty unicode string if no translation was
found and `source` was not passed
# FIXME: should assert that `source` is unicode and fix all callers to always pass unicode
# so we can remove the string encoding/decoding.
if not lang:
return u''
if isinstance(types, basestring):
types = (types,)
if source:
query = """SELECT value
FROM ir_translation
WHERE lang=%s
AND type in %s
AND src=%s"""
params = (lang or '', types, tools.ustr(source))
if name:
query += " AND name=%s"
params += (tools.ustr(name),)
cr.execute(query, params)
cr.execute("""SELECT value
FROM ir_translation
WHERE lang=%s
AND type in %s
AND name=%s""",
(lang or '', types, tools.ustr(name)))
res = cr.fetchone()
trad = res and res[0] or u''
if source and not trad:
return tools.ustr(source)
return trad
def create(self, cursor, user, vals, context=None):
if not context:
context = {}
ids = super(ir_translation, self).create(cursor, user, vals, context=context)
for trans_obj in self.read(cursor, user, [ids], ['name','type','res_id','src','lang'], context=context):
self._get_source.clear_cache(cursor.dbname, user, trans_obj['name'], trans_obj['type'], trans_obj['lang'], source=trans_obj['src'])
self._get_ids.clear_cache(cursor.dbname, user, trans_obj['name'], trans_obj['type'], trans_obj['lang'], [trans_obj['res_id']])
return ids
def write(self, cursor, user, ids, vals, context=None):
if not context:
context = {}
if isinstance(ids, (int, long)):
ids = [ids]
result = super(ir_translation, self).write(cursor, user, ids, vals, context=context)
for trans_obj in self.read(cursor, user, ids, ['name','type','res_id','src','lang'], context=context):
self._get_source.clear_cache(cursor.dbname, user, trans_obj['name'], trans_obj['type'], trans_obj['lang'], source=trans_obj['src'])
self._get_ids.clear_cache(cursor.dbname, user, trans_obj['name'], trans_obj['type'], trans_obj['lang'], [trans_obj['res_id']])
return result
def unlink(self, cursor, user, ids, context=None):
if not context:
context = {}
if isinstance(ids, (int, long)):
ids = [ids]
for trans_obj in self.read(cursor, user, ids, ['name','type','res_id','src','lang'], context=context):
self._get_source.clear_cache(cursor.dbname, user, trans_obj['name'], trans_obj['type'], trans_obj['lang'], source=trans_obj['src'])
self._get_ids.clear_cache(cursor.dbname, user, trans_obj['name'], trans_obj['type'], trans_obj['lang'], [trans_obj['res_id']])
result = super(ir_translation, self).unlink(cursor, user, ids, context=context)
return result
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